Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 09, 1865, Image 1

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pe fsbannalj
& KY
-\V. 3IASON & 00.9
111 Bay Street, Savantau, Georgia.
Per copy.... rive S°so
? r v«; :.:::: :::::::::sioco:
A limited number of Advertisements will be re
. ,f V ed at the rate of Twenty Cents per Line lor
fintlnsertion,and Fifteen Cents per Line ior each
ff.tiaHent insertion; invariably m advance. Ad
vertisements should be handed m beiore noon of
each doj.
Iu every style, neatly and promptly done.
CURIOUS articles op com
Few of our readers are aware of the
millv strange, and to most of them, un
heard-of things which enter into the list
of exports from some of those countries
tve set down as barbarous, or semi-Civ
iiized. We have a tolerable idea of
what we have to sell to our neighbors,
the other nations of the earth, but most
of us have slight conception of queer
commodities some of them offer us.. We
are all of us more or less acquainted
with our own Con>, Cotton, Sugar, Rice
and Tobacco, and also with our many
fabrics, and our multitudinous manufac
tures. We know too that we get from
England, Hardware, and manufactured
goods of many sorts —for Great Britain
raises no crop but labor, for exporta
tion-all she can do is to take raw ma
terials from other and more prolific
lands, and, having increased their value
by the ingenious application of the la
bor of her thousands of operatives, send
them back whence they came. From
China we get Teas and Silks. The West
Indies offer us Cigars, together with Or
anges, Lemons and other fruits.. The
‘Brazils,” as the immense now
known as South America, wa3 for
merly called by the adventurous Span
iards, give as Logwood, Mahogany and
other valuable woods, together with
many indispensable medicines, chief
among which is Quinine, or it was orig
iaallycalled “Jesuits’Bark,” Rhubarb,etc.
The Pacific Islands yield Guano. The
frigid Northern regions send us Furs of
all kinds, Tallow, and Ship Timber. The
‘‘Norway Pine” is one of the most val
uable trees in the world, for from it are
made the very best of the heavy spars
for our merchant and war ships. Aus
tralia remits whole cargoes of gold, in
even greater abundance than is supplied
by our own California.
Os these afore-mentioned things all of
us have heard time again and often, but
v-ho of us could, off-hand, without refer
ring to anybody's cyclopedia, give us au
ilea of what Siam has to offer to the
world in the way of trade. Few of us
we fancy would know anything at all
about it, and even these few would
scarcely run up such a list as we lately
found in an old number of a well known
commercial journal. Beginning with
Ivory and Gamboge, both of which arti
cles we know well, we go 011 a little
further and we come to Rhinoceros’
Horns, Dried Muscles, Pelieaus’ Quills,
Betel Nut, Sharks’ Fins. Now what on
ear & does anybody want of a Rhiu
oceros’ Horn, or what can he do with
Sharks' Fins, or Pelicans’ Quills, unless
he was going to construct anew sub
marine-aud-supra-terrene patent-double
acting, swimming and flying machine all
in one?
Then, a little further on we have Lukk
raban Seed, whatever that may be, Pung
tari Seed, to say nothing of Beyche Seed,
better known perhaps as nux vomica, or
dog-button. Then we also are informed
that the Siamese respectfully re
quest our attention to a fine as
sortment of Buffalo and Cow Bones,
Peacocks’ Tails, Deer Sinews, Elephants’
Hides, Tiger Skins, and Tigers’ Bones.
There's a chance to /suit yourself—you
pays your money and your takes your
The gentle Siamese also beg to offer a
fine lot of Turtle Shells, Armadillo Skins,
Dried Fish, Birds’ Nests, Mangrove
Bark, Kingfishers’ Feathers, Ray Skins,
(what, in the name of commerce, is a
“Ray?”) Hide Cuttipgs, Old Deers' Horns,
and, of all things in the world, Fish
Maws. The Siamese bill of commercial
fare winds up with a few articles, some
of which we know, and the utility of all
of which we can at least guess at, such
as Agilla Wood, Sapau Wood, Krachi
Wood, Rosewood and Ebony.
There is, however, still one item which
bothers us—it is Catch, which occupies a
rather prominent place in the list. Now
we are free to confess that we don't
know what “ Catch” is—we own up to
our profound ignorance on the subject oi
“ Cutch” —we are in the blindest, black
est state of darkness on the “ Cutch”
question—we don't know whether
“Cutch” is fish, flesh or fowl, animal,
vegetable or mineral, a natural growth or
a manufactured article—will somebody
please enlighten this benighted editorial
establishment as to that mysterious arti
cle “Cutch,” and to him will we never
cease to render huge and hearty thanks.
We think we comprehend the '' hole
Siamese list but “ Cutch,” but we own
up “Cutch” carries too many gnus for
[From the Republican.]
Mr. Editor: —ln the Herald of yester
day afternoon, I notice an article in
which a broad inference is made that
“Savannalians” arc objectionable as
clerks. TKe case cited by the writer of
the article certainly • deserves censure,
in unmeasurable terms, and the three
clerks alluded to are certainly bereft of
what should constitute efficient and gen
tlemanly bearing in the departments
they fill. If they arc as uncivil and im
polite as charged upon them, they have
no business in mercantile positions—and
to them the trite adage would properly
apply that it is as “impossible to make a
silken purse out of a sow’s ear” as t.o
cultivate their manners so as to approxi
mate those of gentlemen. They may be
“Savannalians” or they may not be ; it
matters not where they hail from. I
know that the business houses of Savan
nah have been attended to by as polish
ed young men as those of any other
town, and that we have among us a
class of as well educated and refined
clerks as may be desired. A reflection,
even by inference, at this time, may vis
it upon the innocent an undue suspi
cion, and keep from employment many
who are much in need of it, and who
are every way worthy of confidence and
' encouragement.
I will here state an incident that oc
curred during the present week, as an
offset to the infeience alluded to, and in
ke ping with the accused “Savannahau”
dents : A lady entering a dry goods es
tablishment, enquired of one of the clerks
if he had any black silk. He threw a
piece on the counter, saying it was four
dollars a yard. She felt it, and remark
ed it was very thin. To which he very
abruptly replied, “You don’t expect to
get it as thick as gingham with an ex
pressive scowl upon his countenance, as
though be did not look upon his custo
mer as one deserving of so much atten
tion, because plainly clad, as it she were
decked in flashy silks and satins. This
clerk was not a “Savannahau,” while
the lady was.
I agree with the writer that none but
gentlemanly, polite clerks should be em
ployed, at least in places where ladies
frequent. Politeness costs but little, and
where it is so cheap it should be freely
used, but not carried to extremes.
By publishing the above, you will
oblige Maxy Clrkks.
Latiirop, Ludington & Co-, among
the most substantial and enterprising of
the New York wholesale dry goods mer
chants, advertise in our paper a large
stock of goods in great variety. They
offer them at the lowest prices, and we
can recommend them, from personal
knowledge, as a good firm to do business
with. They were among the first of the
New York merchants to contribute lib
erally for the relief of the suffering of
Savannah, as has already appeared in
oi*r reports of that movement. The
merchants of Savannah will find few
better opportunities to replenish their
stocks than with them.
[From the Richmond Seutinel, Feb. 25.]
The Confederate States Senate, as has
been stated, defeated a proposition pro
viding for the employment of colored
troops by one majority. The vote stood
eleven to ten.
Those who voted against the measure
were the two Senators from Virginia
(Messrs. Hunter and Caperton), one
Senator from North Carolina (Mr. Gra
ham), the two Senators from South Caro
lina (Messrs. Barnwell and Orr), one
from Georgia (Mr. Johnson), the two
from Florida (Messrs. Maxwell and
Baker), one from Texas (Mr. Wigfall),
one from Arkansas (Mr. Carl and), and
one from Missouri (Mr. Johnson).
Those who favored the measure were
Mr. Walker, of Ala. ; Messrs. Brown and
Watson, of Miss.; Mr. Semmes, of La.;
Mr. Oldham, of Texas ; Messrs. Henry
and Haynes, of Tenn.; Messrs. Burnett
and Simms, of Ky. : and Mr. Vest, of
The five remaining Senators were ab
sent from the city.
It will be seen that the Atlantic States
votes were all against the measure, the
Gulf States all for it, Texas aud Missouri
equally divided, Arkansas against it and
Tennessee and Kentucky for it.
The bill passed by the House of Re
presentatives is still* before the Senate. Its
fate and that of the whole policy is de
pendent on the action of the Virginia
Legislature in instructing its Seniors. —
It is understood that resolutions for the
purpose are pending, and will pass, but
preefous hours are being consumed in
A beautiful lady having asked a plain elder
ly gentleman to dance with her, he, believing
that she was in love with him, in a very pressing
manner desired to know whv she had selected
him from the rest of the company. “Because,
sir, my husband commanded me to dance only
with such a oartaer as should give him ao cause
f >r Jealousy."
FROM charleston.
Vie have received a copy of the Char**
ieston Courier, ably edited by our friends,
Mr, Geo. Whittemore and Mr. Geo. W.
Johnson, of March 7, from which wb
make the following extracts :
The City.— The pressure upon our
columus in the present size of the paper,
has prevented us from noticing more ful
ly in detail the many gratifying improve
ments already made or in progress, along
with the very general resumption of busi
ness. t ?
The office of the Provost Marshal in
Meeting street, for administering the
oath, continues daily besieged by hun
dseds of citizens,male and female, anxious
to renew their allegiance. Many are ob
liged to go away, unable to gain, admit
tance. The majority of those already
registered, we are happy to say, includes
most of the older merchants, professional
men, aud mechanics generally. A pub
lic meeting for the expression of the loyal
sentiment of the community, has been
very generally discussed, and probably
will be held in a few days. We have no
doubt there still remain some with the
old leaven about them who will endeavor
to frown down such a movement, but
their days are numbered. The times are
changed, and with that change the af
fections of the people for the old flag,
with all its grand and glorious associa
tions and memories of olden times have
revived and returned with redoubled
The people of Charleston are a law
abiding people. The true history of this
rebellion ha3 yet to be written. Whdi
that is done it will be found that the
people, the quiet, orderly people of
Charleston, have been grossly misrepre
sented and villified. The Union senti
ment that has already been exhibited,
has surprised even those previously
of its existence. 111 the free and secure
developement of this loyal feeling, the
citizens are largely indebted to the wise
measure adopted by Colonel Woodford,
Commandant of the Post, and General
Hatch, in command ot the district. No
good citizen need now fear the inquisi
tor or the vigilance committee. Let the
Union people come out manfully, and
boldly assert that position to which they
are now entitled under the Constitutiou
and laws of their country.
Pavilion Hotel. — We have the plea
sure to announce that Mr. J. P. M. Stet
son, of the Astor House, New York, will
shortly arrive in Chaile3ton for the pur
pose of openiug the Pavilion Hotel. The
reputation of Mr. Stetson and his con
nection with the Astor House are all that
is necessary to assure our citizens and
jhe public generally of the speedv estab
lishment of a first class hotel in Charles
The Alarm of Fire.— The alarm of
fire last evening was caused by the fire
in I lay no-street, reported in our last,
breaking out afresh. It was extinguished
without further damage.
City of Charleston, S. C., L
March I, 186"). \
General Orders, No.’ 7.
Until further orders Gold and Silver
wiil be received by ail persons doing
business in the city of Charleston, and for
the payment of ali debts, at the follow
ing : ates :
Gold at seventy-five per cent, premium.
Silver at fifty per cent, premium.
By order of Lieut. Col. Stewart L.
Woodford, 127th N. Y. V., Commanding
Post. Henry H. Jknks,
Capt. 52d P. V. aud A. A. A. Gen.
Official; 11. A. Batterson, Second
Lieut. 127th N- Y. V., and Acting Assis
tant Adjutant General. March 7.
i I*rtICLE
(Five Cents.