Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 09, 1865, Image 3

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OOTTON SEED!!! COTTON SEED, IN large or small quantities. Will be purchased at Fair Rates by the under signed* . £ ISLAND" PREFERRED, Parties desiring to eel!, will state quantity for and price per bushel desired, and where located. Address, T. E. SICKLES, 7 ts Box 14, Hilton Head, S. C. wT~campbell, VETERINARY sur- K« GFON. having reopened his office and rird. on William street, is now prepared to treat v. c principles.) all diseases incident to Horses that .are susceptible of remedy. Charges moderate. Cures warranted. Term? cash. feblti ts TT S. 7-30 LOAN. By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, tbc undersigned has assumed the General Sub scription Agency for the sale of United States Treasury Notes, bearing seven and three-tenths no- rent interest, per annum, known as the p SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. These Notes are issued under date of August v, t sc 5 1804, and are payable three years from that time, in currency, or are convertible at the option of the holder into UNITED STATES 5-20 SIX PER CENT. GOT.D-liRARING GONGS. These bonds are now worth a premium of nine percent., including gold interest from Nov., >\h:ch makes the actual profit on the 7-30 loan, at mrrent'ra'ee, including interest, about ten per cent, per annum, besides exemption fr&m State Mid municipal taxation, xrid-.h adds from one to three per cent, more, according to the rate levied on ether property. The interest is payable semi initially by coupons attached to each note, which may be cut oft’and sold to any bank or tau Ker. The interest amounts to One cent, per day on a SSO note. Two cents “ “ SU'O “ Ten “ “ “ SSOO “ 20 “ “ “ SIOOO “ ,fl “ “ “ SSOOO 11 Notes of all denominations named will be promptly furnished upon receipt of subscriptions. This is ‘ j THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now offered by the Government, and it is confi dently expected that its superior advantages will make it the f GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE. Less than $2,000,000 remain unsold, which will probably be disposed of within the next 00 or 9.f clays, when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as has uniformly been the case on closing the subscription to other Loans. In order that citizens o?every town and sec tion of the country may be afforded facilities for taking tne loan, the National Banks, State Ranks, and Private Bankers throughout the country have generally agreed to receive sub scriptions at par. Subscribers wi.ll select their own agents, in whom they have confidence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the Notes for which they receive orders. JAY COOKE, ffi ar 2 —ts Subscription Agent, Philadelphia. jyjNBARS & FRANZk NO. 10 MERCHANTS’ ROW, Hilton Head, S. C. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SUTLERS’ GOODS Os all Descriptions t.f. NOTICE. All persons having in their possession BOOKS, belonging To THE GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, will confer a favor by returning them to the Library Rooms, between 9 and 2 o’clock to-day, or as soon thereafter as possible, without fail, as the Library is now' being arrang <d and the books catalogued. - J. F. CANN, Librarian. JTOME INSURANCE COMPANY, ~~ SAVANNAH, GA., CAPITAL, S2,SOO,OOO—ALL SUBSCRIBED. lUEXCTons: Andrew Low, .Jno M. Cooper, L.o. r. Wilder, W. H. Stark, Henry Brigham. Jno. Lamar, bctavr.B Cchen, Joseph Li ppm an, »oa W. Anderson, Henry Lathrop, J- H. Baldwin, Aaron Wilbur, AARON WILBUR. President. M. A. COHEN, Secretary. The Company are prepared to take a line upon good RISKS at FAIR RATES. As the risks ® the city are well known to the Company, they l\ re filing to take a fair share of them at about the usual rates All !esses will be PROMPTLY ADJUSTED paid. • s Apply at the office of this Company, 89 Bay M. A. COHEN, Secretary. "Dooms to let at hilton head, s. c., VP v ttie Palmetto Herald Building, corner } pants’ Row and Palmetto Avenue," suitable purposes or lodgings. Apply to J. L on the premieos, or H, T. RIVERS, Custom House. . ts mar 4 GOODS. LATHROP, LUDINGTON & CO., NOB. 326, 328 and 330 bboadway, n. t., Have now on hand an Extensive Stock of DRESS GOODS, CLOTHS, WOOLEN GOODS, SHAWLS, PRINTS, SHEETINGS, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, WHITE GOODS, AND GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, & c., &c. Which they offer by the riFCrc op. package, AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES. mar 4 —lm LARGE STOCK OF SPRING CLOTHING. A large stock of BOOTS AND SHOES. A large stock of FINE GROCERIES, 1000 cases GOLDEN ALE, 500 cases CHAMPAGNE CIDER, 250 cases BROWN STOUT, pints, 50 half barrels PRIME BEEF, 100 M. SUGARS, A large stock of • . * TOEACCO In every variety. A let of GARDEN SEEDS. A lot of SHOE BLACKING. TURNIPS, BEETS. CARROTS, PARSNIPS, ONIONS, SUTLERS’ GOODS, NOTIONS, In great variety. • This large stock of GENERAL MERCHANDIZE, Will be sold at WHOLESALE Only at 170 BROUGHTON STREET, NEXT DOOR TO SHERLOCK’B. CUNNINGHAM & SKEHAN. mar 1 ts. CW. DENNIS & CO., « No. 5 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C., Wholesale and retail dealers in BUTTER. CHEESE, CIGARS, CAKES, CRACK ERS POTATOES, FLOUR, CANNED FRUIT AND MEATS, STATIONARY, HARDWARE, Ac., &c., &c. jan 10 ts PLANTATION FOR LEASE. The OTTER HOLE PLANTATION, 900 acres, on Ililton Head Island, S. C.,for lease on reason able terms. Apply to • J. G. THOMPSON. mar 3—2 w Beaufort, S. C. CSAVILLK A CO., • Wholesale ant> Retail Stationers, Palmetto Herald Store, B , . Hilton Head, S. C. ty* A Liberal' Discount to Purchasers at Wholesalt Cash Orders oy mail or express promptly filled. TXTANTED —AN APOTHECARY. v t A young man who thoroughly under stands the Drug Business can hear of a situation by applying at this office. ts leblO p BROWN & CO., (LateHornes, Brown & Cos„) MILITARY AND NAVAL BANKERS AND COLLECTORS, 2 PARK PLACE, BROADWAY BANK BCTLDING, NEW YORK. Correspondents in Washington—J. W. Fisher & Cos., 47S Fourteenth Street. ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1562. We have complete facilities for transacting business speedily and correctly in all the Depart ments at Washington. Remittances prompt, and terms reasonable. We give especial attention to obtaining Cer tificates for Non-Indebtedness for Ordnance and Quartermasters’ Returns for Officers, and settling their accounts. i We collect the following classes of Claims, and ; make advances if desired: Bounties for the heirs of deceased, wounded Soldiers, and snch as have served two years. Pensions for Invalids, Widows, Mothers, and Orphan Children. Arrears of pay for the heirs of deceased, dis charged Officers, Soldiers and Sailors, and pay for the Wife or Widowed Mother of Prisoners of War. Prize Money for the U. S. Navy, together with all other just Claims. Information freely fur nished. We purchase and sell all Government Securi ties, Quartermasters’ Certificates and Checks, on the best of terms. References given to leading Bankers and busi ness firms in yew York. feb!s ts Great chance to make money and RECEIVE A WATCH FREE—By sellin our “Great Novelty a'nd National PRIZ PACKET^. »’ Each package contains over a dollar’s worth of valuable Stationery and Jewel ry. besides one Certificate in the great sale of . $650,000 of WATCHES, DIAMONDS AND JEW ELRY—retail price, 30 cents. Thousands of these Packets can be sold in every \ ill age and camp. We want an Agent in every town and camp, thus making a profitable business for one smart man in each place, Splendid Goi.n_ ant Silver* Watch r.s given to our Agents. sl7 wi? obtain \OO Packets and a fine Silver Watch. 0 invested in the SPLENDID STEEL ENGRA VINGS which we publish, will vielcl the enormous profit of SSO. Circulars, with full particulars, mailed free. Sample Packet, and Certificate sent on receipt of 50 cents. G. S. HASKINS & CO., feolO lm No. 36 Beekman street, X. Y. CUPECIAL NOTICE. 0 Savannah Ga., Feb. 4, 1806 All persons in Savannah having Cotton in their possessson, or stored in their houses, or bouses occupied by them, will register the same at my office without delay, and all persons are prohibited from moving Cotton within the mil itary lines of the city, without they have written authority from the nndersigned- H. C. RANSOM, Lt. Col. & Q. M. in charge of Cotton. fob C—ts S. CHRISTIAN COMMISSION. ' • Rooms 147 Bay street. A large lot of Reading Matter, Writing Paper, Envelopes, Ac., just received and ready for dis tribution. Facilities for writing Letters for all wishing to avail themselves of them, febll DWIGHT SPENCER, Agent. Bakery & confectionery estab lishment AT BEAUFORT. We respectfully-call the attention of the public to our Bakery & Confectionery Establishment in Sam. A. Cooley’s Building at Beaufort, at which we are prepared promptly to till any orders which may be forwarded to us. Special attention is paid to the manufacture of Ornamental Pieces, Fancy Confectionery, and Elegant Pastry, for holiday or festival tables. Feb. 3-ts AIcMANUS & MURRAY -\]X)TICE. a. <« pßovotT Marshal’s Office, Savannah, Ga.. Fee. 9, 1865. All citizens, now residents of this city, are re quested to call at this office and register them selves as such Heads of families will report the persons com posing ih 'ir Household. By order of Bvt. Maj. Gen. C. Grover. ROBT. P. YORK, feblb Lt. Col, and Provost Marshal. jpNVELOFES, NOTE PAP.tfR, JOB LOTS AT LOW PRICES. Samples sent by mail. We are headquarters for all kinds of Stationery, and can supply the trade at low prices. G. S. HASKINS & CO.,* fcblG lm _ 36 Peek man street. N. Y. POST QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, C’kntkaj. Ra.iu.oad Bank, Savannah. Ga., March, Ist, ISGS. In pursuance of orders, received at this office, all citizens occupying buildings, whose owners are absent within the Rebel lines, or buildings, or other property belonging to disloyal persons, will, unless such buildings have been previously assigned—rent free—settle the rents for the same, due the United States, at this office on or before the 10th of March. A failure to comply with the above ,will cause a'forfeiture of all claims to further occupation. S. S. STARR, Capt. and A. Q. M., in charge of buildings. gAVANNAH THEATRE! sweatnam ahd SCOTT Lessees. W. P. Sweatnam Stage Director. M. Ainsley Scott Business Director. Prof. G. Wiegand Director of Music. James B. Cohen Treasurer. THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 9,1865. • The celebrated sweatnam & SCOTT’B COMBINATION AND VARIETIES TROUPE f W ill have the honor of making their fourth ap pearance in this city on THURSDAY , EV ENING, March 9, on which occasion they will give another of THEIR FINISHED, CHASTE AND AMUSING ENTERTAINMENTS. programme: LOAN OF A LOVER. Peter Spvke Mr. Add. Ryman. Capt. Amerforst M. Ainsley Scott. Swyzel G. R. Salisbury. Delve W. P. Sweataara. Gertrude, (with songs) Lottie Howland. Ernestine La Belle Louise. Overture Orchestra. Patriotic Song—- * Flag of our Union.’’ M. Ainsley Scott,. Banjo Obligato W. P. Sweatnam. Song La Belle Louise.. Dance Lottie Howland. HANDY ANDY. Handy Andy, Troubles in the House W. P. Sweatnamt Doctor Fowler M. Ainsley Scott. Champion Jig Master Clark. Favorite Song, “ Pretty Foot.” Lottie Howland. Tambour Major, Jig La Belle Louise.. The whole to conclude with the Laughable- Farce of BLACK STATUE, or kino or ctuns. Jake, a mischievous nigger .. W. P. Sweatnam. Pete, the Statue, in love with Rose M. Ainsley SootU. Dr. Pilgnrlic M. J, Howard.. Old Squintcm, lover of fine arts J» Clark. Mrs. Squintem, a troublesome old woman LottsiQ-Kowlandi. Rose Squintem, fond of Statuary.La Belle Louisa- Gentlemanly Ushers will always be in at tendance to assign seats to ladies and gentle men. Strict Order will be enforced. CARDS OF ADMISSION: Parquette, Orchestra Chairs $1 M Second Tier and Balcony 75 Amphitheatre Private Boxes SS, $lO and sl2 Doors open at G 1-2 o’clock. Cui at 7 1-2 o’ch ck. Box Office ' Miea t>3Da^6 *: Tn *; t ' sil 4 p ' ra ' mar 9—l ■JJ S. SANITARY COMMISSIO-T 1 Corner of Congress and Whitaker Street?, Savannah'. Ga. At the place mentioned we have opened store rooms and Relief office, where we will be glad to render any service in our power to the soldiers and sailors of the Army and Navy. Sergeons in charge of Hospitals will please send in their re quisitions for stores. J. C. HOBLIT, jan 21—ts Agent U. S. S. C. RIDDELL & MURDOCK, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DFALKES IN SUTLERS’ AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS. BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Gentlemen’s Ft uni suing Goods, <Sro,. No. 5 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C. W. O. RIDDELL, fjtinlO—tf) U. J. MURDOCK STEELE & BURBANK. 11 Merchants' Row-, Ililton Head, S. C. Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur chasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLQTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, aid Plated Ware. Swords, hashes, Belts, Embroderies, Boots, Cape, Field Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves, &c„ <fcc„ &c. QUANO. GEO. E. WHITE & CO., 55 Clift mm, New Yore, offer PERUVIAN AND SWAN ISLAND GUANO, at wholesale. They have facilities for filling orders superior to any other house at present in the trade. GEO. fi. WHITE <fc CO. are the sole agents for the sale ol the BRUCE CONCENTRATED MANURE, made by the Bruce Fertilizer Com pany at Staten Island. This Fertilizer contains 7 per cent, ammonia and over 40 per cent of soluble bone phosphate. Though this analysis would hardly ictd ns to such conclusion, yet its practical applications for the two years past has shown its immediate re sults to be as great 1 as where Peruvian Guano ia used, and that the soil is left in better conditic a for the succeeding year’s crops. Price, SSO for 2,000 lbs., with discount to thfc trade. 2mo jan2T