Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 10, 1865, Image 1

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SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. pfo. 50. ) |fae |wb;tmiab pttklisiikd gyEUY EVENING, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED, KY 4-3. W» MASON & CO., At 111 Bay Stkeet, Savannah, Georgia. teems: per Year « 10 00 * AI>VERTIBAIi<S : a limited number of Advertisemeets will be re ,,,'ived at the rate of Twenty Cents per Line for first insertion,and Fifteen Cents per Line lor each snbfleauen ‘ insertion : invariably in advance. Ad vertisements should be handed in before noon of each day. JOB PRINTING in every style, neatly and promptly done. WHAT A RAIN-STORM DOES FOR SOME FOLKS. There are few better exemplifications* of the truth of the old saying, “what is one man’s meat is another man’s pois on,” than a consideration of the differ ent way in which the immediate finan cial condition of various people is af fected by so simple a thing as a sliower of rain. To some people at certain times, the rain-storm is a God-sencl—a blessing as direct from Heaven as if an Angel had visibly appeared and an nounced that he was specially deputis ed to step down and confer the same. To others, on the contrary,every drop of the pattering rain is money out of pock et, aud their complainings are as loud and as long-continued as are the grate ful rejoicings of the others. To the one each pearly drop is a contribution to his future wealth, and to the other it may be the harbinger of approaching if not immediate pecuniary disaster. Os those who profit by seasonable showers, first, of course, we must set down the Farmer and those engaged in farming operations, as theMarket-Garden er,the Floriculturist etc., to these the rain is a welcome treasure; its approach gladdens their souls, and their hearts re joice as they see each immature fruit ripening ; each gay blossom drinking eagerly in the grateful drops and grow ing more beautiful as each one falls; every bud expanding, and eageriy -striv ing to complete its growth, and speedily attain that perfection of beauty which is its ultimate destiny —3ee each homely but useful vegetable in the kitchea-gar den rapidly ripening and maturing and becoming fit for the nourishment of man and for the pecuniary profit of the gard ner. Then there are others in different, and some in humbler spheres who also re joice to see the black clouds which pro mise to them, but to others, threaten rain. The Milliner rejoices hugely, for she beholds in the sudden summer show er goodly promise of a fine and profitable crop of spoiled bonnets, which her deft art must soon replace. She sees not so much the giaceful and lovely arch of the many-hued Rainbow, but she be holds in the future, a long vista of gay silks, and satins and other expensive fabrics; of particolored ribbons by the mile, and of laces and other mysterious feminine gimcracks by the cord, which her customers will speedily demand from her, greatly to her profit. The Umbrella Man, and the Individual who deals in Gum Shoes, in India Rub- SAVANNAH, GA., FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 10, 1865. ba Overcoats, and similar waterproof articles hugs to his inmost heart the joyous certainty of many and profitable orders, with speedy and sure pay. The Uackdriver buttons his great coat about him, and drags his Oil-skin close about his ears complacently, satisfied to abide the pitiless pelting of the storm himself, so he can be certain of filling his carriage with some daintier persons, who prefer to pay Jehu liis double price, to getting drenched, and having to pay Mr. Tailor-man for anew suit, of clothes. This latter gentleman also has a heart full of rejoicing, for he knows that for all men there are not cabs and carriages, that some of luckless mankind are born to be always in the wet, and that his day of profit is sure tmd certain. In the cities, the peripatetic venders of umbrellas suddenly start into action at the first sign of a shower, as quickly and as mysteriously as if they had rained down with the first few drops, or had slidden down on a rainbow from some above-cloud depot of cheap cot- ton umbrellas. The crossing-sweepers too, now, reap a harvest, not so much during the immediate prevalence of the shower as in cleaning the street cross ings from the inevitable mud the rain leaves after it—for, however clean and pure the drops be in the air, no sooner do they touch the earth than they be come foul, filthy, degenerate and bad. Keepers of Hilliard Saloons, Bowling. Alleys, and Shooting Galleries take their part iu the rejoicing—for the same rain which keeps the ladies from their cus tomary amusement of shopping, liber ates for a few hours certain ones of the Dry Goods Cierks, who steal quietly out to enjoy a furtive cigar, and indulge in the in-business-hours-forbidden pastime of Billiards. Then does the little Bar keeper take off his coat and roll up his sleeves, for customers are many, drinks in quick demand, the money cometh in rapidly, and the many-colored and all too flimsy shekels of our Uncle Sam uel accumulate in huge heaps. On the other hand, the shower has its persistent haters, who would, if they were not ranked by the clerk of the w’eather, who does pretty much as he has a mind to, pass a city Ordinance forbidding all rain within the city ; limits save on Sun days, and for half an hour at midnight on certain week days. First and foremost of these perhaps comes the whole list of the Directors and Proprietors of places of public amuse ment. How many and many a time has an inopportune shower coming on just as people were about dressing to go to the Theatre, Opera or Concert, kept hun dreds of persons at home who would otherwise have gone, and thereby left the Treasuries nearly empty, and the mind of the Manager full of wrath. Then, oil a smaller scale, the side walk Merchants have to suffer—Old “Aunty” with her scanty stock of petti coat-polished apples, and “Old Jimraey,” with his half-peck of groundnuts, and his dozen sticky sticks of stickier stick candy, must vamose the out-door ranche, must vacate the sidewalk, depart for their hovels and wait for better times. All workmen whose business some times requires them to labor out of doors, as Masons, House Painters, Carpenters, Engineers, Day Laborers, etc., must “ quit work and call it half a day,” and thereby many a time a poor man who would only too gladly toil till nightfall, is compelled by the inexorable rain to go to his family with but half a day's wages instead of full pay. There might be much more said on both sides but space is limited, and we must stop. One comforting reflection is that the weather changes often—if its foul to-day it must soon be fair— at any rate, however sharp the storm, however thick the cloud, we know it soon will break and the glad sun shine joyously out once more. So brothers all take this truth to heart—we all get, at one time, or other, our full proportion of fair weather—if its dark to-day it will be bright to-morrow. So keep up your pluck ; never say die; don’t repine; look hopefully forward to the inevitable “ Good Time Coming.” Thank God and take courage. THE FINAL ISSUES. It is just as well to keep prominently before the people the true and few points which stand betweeu us and Peace. People who prate of peace without bitter, dead ly war as an inevitable preliminary— who say that there is a peace possible, that is not won at the point of the bay onet, or the edge of the sword, had bet ter read and ponder the following docu ments. The Ultimatum of President Lin coln.—l have constantly been, am now, and shall continue ready to receive any agent whom he, (Jefferson Davis,) or any other influential person now resist ing the national authority, may inform ally send to me noth the vie wof securing peace to the people of our one common country. A. Lincoln. Three things are indispensable, to-wit: 1. The restoration of the national au thority throughout all the States. 2. No receding by the Executive of the United States, on the slavery question , from the position assumed thereon in the late annual message to Congress, and in pre ceding documents. 8. No cessation of hostilities short of an end of the war, and the disbanding of all forces hostile to the Government. All propositions not inconsistent with the above, will be considered and passed upon in a spirit of sincere liberality. Abraham Lincoln. [Extracts of letters froy the President to F. P. Blair , Sr., and Secretary Seward.'] The Ultimatum of Jeff. Davis.— ln the note which passed between Mr. Lin coln and myself in the matter of the un official peace conference there was one marked difference. I spoke always of two countries ! MR. LINCOLN SPOKE OF “OUR ONE COMMON COUN TRY.” I can have no “common coun try” with the Yankees. My life is bound up in the Confederacy ; and, ii' any man supposes that, under any circumstances , I can be an agent of reconstruction of the Uni6n he has mistaken every element oj my nature !' Jefferson Davis. [Extract of speech delivered by him, February Gth, 1865. The Constitutional Amendment.— The rejection of the constitutional amend ment abolishing slavery throughout the United States by the Legislature ot New Jersey, on Wednesday, defeats that measure for the present. So far eigh teen States have ratined the action of Congress, while only three have rejected it. The question Will now come before the people of the three States which have rejected the amendment, and will probably haye a direct bearing upon the fatureT ° f members of thelr next Legis- The Legislatures of the following Mates have ratified the amendment: , Missouri, Feb. 7. Rhode Island, Feb. 2. Ohio, Feb 8 Michigan Feb. 2. Minnesota Feb. 8. New \ ork, Feb. 3. Kansas, Feb. 8 Pennsylvania, Feb. 3. Virginia, Feb. 0. Maryland, Feb. 3. Indiana, Feb. 13. Massachusetts, Feb. 3. Nevada, Feb 16 West Virginia, Feb. 3. Louisiana, Feb. 17. Mame, Feb. 7. * Wisconsin, Feb. 24 J he Legislatures of the following States have rejected the amendment: Delaware, Feb. 8. New Jersey, March 1. Kentucky, Feb, 23. The Legislatures ol the following loyal States have yet to vote upon the amend ment : Aavne of State, Politics. - Legislature Meets. Arkansas Republican ... Now in session. Connecticut Republican May 3, 1865. California Republican Dec. 4, 1865. B )wa TT Republican Jan. 7, 1866. New Hampshire Republican....June7, 1860. £ re S 011 Republican.... Sept, 10, 18J6, Tennesseo Republican... .April 3, 1865. Vermont Republican Oct. 12, 1863. RECAPITULATION* Total number of States 36 Necessary to ratify amendment (three-fourths) 27 States which have ratitled 18 Rejected 3 LV. Y. Hcraid,'2d. General Order No. 18.—In the Pfo vost Court yesterday, two wagon dri vers, colored boys, were arraigned for violation of General Order No. 18, by driving under the row of trees iu South Broad street. Judge Parsons fined each $5 and they were discharged on the pay ment of the fines. The above parties are the first who have been arrested for violation of this order. We hope the Police will have a watch on the square in front of Trinity Church, where there are frequent violations of the order. This forenoon another offender of the Order No. 18, was brought before the court. Judge Parsons fined liiin $5. Fo the second offence the fine will be $lO. To Keepers of Animals.—We call at tention to the paragraph in the notice of Capt. Stearns, Street Commissioner, di rected to keepers of animals. Benjamin’s Unpopularity.—The Rich mond Enquirer says“ One great cause of Mr. Benjamin's unpopularity lias been the fact that in no proclamation signed by him, as Secretary of State, has ever the existence of a "triune God been ad mitted. He has confined his State pa pers to Deistical belief and stamped upon the religious faith of the country a prac tical denial of the Trinitarian Jehovah.— This was his faith, but not the faith of the wide spread religious sentiment that pre vails throught this country. The people do not like to be made to choose between Jesus Christ and Judah P. Benjamin, and to take the latter ia preference. Twice the Congress has endeavored to change this, and has adopted resolutions design ed to preclude the exclusion of our Sa vior from the prayers of a people asking the interposition of God in their behalf, but each time the express resolution has been disregarded.” It is related of a certain New England divine who flourished not many years ago, and whose matrimonial relations are said not to have been of the most agree able kind, that one Sunday morning while reading to his congregation the parable of the supper, in which occurs this passage ; “And another said, I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I go to prove them; prav have me excused.— Aud another said, I have married a wife and cannot come”—he suddenly paused at his verse, took oft' his spectacles, and looking round at his hearers, said with emphasis, “The fact is*my brethren, one woman can draw a man further from the kingdom of heaven than five yoke of oxen. ” | PRICE (Five Cents.