Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 10, 1865, Image 2

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Savannah §»i\s Retail BY S. W. MASON AND CO. SAVANNAH, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1805. ENLARGEMENT OP THE BAVAN NAH DAILY HERALD. We feel it our duty to apologize to our patrons for so long delaying the improvements in our paper which we promised at its start. Its inferior size is as distasteful to us as it can be to the public, and the defect will be remedied just as soon as circumstances will admit. We have now on the way from New York all the materials for an enlargement to a suitable size for an enterprising daily paper, and for many desirable improvements in its appearance. We shall make several important changes in the style of publication, and believe we shall fully meet the requirements of the public as soon as we can effect them. Until then, we rely on the appreciation by a generous public of the difficulties we have en countered, and promise to do all that energy, in dustry and perseverance can accomplish, to re ward their kindness. The large circulation of the Hbrald, the extent of its advertising patronage, and the encouragement we have everywhere and at all times received,vindicates the favor with which onr little paper is regarded, and gives promise of the greatest success when it becomes what it should be. We know our facilities for obtaining news to be of the very best, and with the scarcity of the article, the irregularity of communication with different points, and the necessity, incident to military operations, of confining our enterprise n this department within narrow limits, we feel that an intelligent public will scarcely require an apology in this respect. With the enlargement of our paper we shall have important additions to our editorial and reportorial force, and an increase of correspon dents and contributors. Daring Highway Robbery. evening as Mr. C. T. Kelly, formerly of the Quartermaster’s Department, was passing along Whitaker street, he was suddenly assailed by two men from be hind, and knocked down by a violent blow on the head. One of his assailants held him by the throat, while the other “ went through” him, with great skill and rapidity. The robbers succeeded in obtaining S3OO in greenbacks, a pocket book and a watch. They then disap peared with marvellous celerity. The men were in the garb of Union soldiers, but were evidently expert in the high way robbery business. The case has been reported to the Chief of Police and Lt. Col. York, Provost Marshal, and their skill will doubtless bring the offend ers to justice. We know that every Federal soldier, with any pride for the reputation of the army, will use every exertion for the de tection of the perpetrators of this act, and we have no doubt that any parties convicted of such offenses will be dealt with to the full extent of military law. It is not strange thgt thieves and robbers, and roughs of all kinds, should occasion ally be found represented in our army, but the summary treatment of one or two offenders will put them under whole somej restraint; and if one should hap pen, on some occasion, to pick up a de termined man entitled to carry fire-arms, and get “plugged,” we thipk the treat ment would have a very beneficial ef fect. First Thunder Shower of the Sea son.—Last evening occurred the ’first thunder-shower of the season, with heavy peals of thunder and vivid flashes oflightning. A violent rain storm fol lowed, lasting through the night, flood ing the streets, and drenching all who were exposed. “The Bee.”— Mr. Geo. nTnlcliols announces in another column the issue, to-morrow morning, of his advertising sheet, “The Bee,”,in an enlarged form. 2,000 copies will be carefully distributed, gratuitously, for the benefit of adver tisers. ARRIVAL OF THE ARAGO. 3Tew York Dates to the 6th. The Capture of Gen. Early by Gen. Sheridan! 800 XMCEBT TAKEN. GOLD 198 1-2. The following important dispatch has just been received in this city by the U. S. Military Telegraph— Hilton Head, S. C., Friday a. m.. March 10. The steamer Arago, Capt. Henry A. Gadsden, commander, arrived here this forenoon, from New York. She brought files of papers to March Gth. They contain the important intelligence that Gen. Sheridan has captured the rebel General Early, near Charlotteviile, Va., with eight hundred of his men. Gold closed at 199 1-2 on the Gth. There is no other important news. , The Arago brings no additional infor mation in regard to Gen. Sherman’s movements, and no account of any great fight. 'Rice.— The recent very stringent or ders from the Treasury Department which provided that no goods whatever shall be permitted either to come into or go out of Savannah, save for the army, stopped the shipments North of the rice which belongs to the city, and which was being shipped to New York to be sold on account of the city authorities. This arose from a misapprehension of the facts, as Col. Julian Allen has per mission from Gen. Sherman, whose au thority is recognized by the Government at Washington, to ship this rice for the purpose abave named. A copy of the Colonel’s credentials had been trans mitted to the Custom House at Hilton Head, where the shipments were stopp ed, but had been mislaid. The Colonel however, had a personal interview with the Custom House Officials and succeed ed iu a few minutes in arranging the whole matter to their mutual satisfac tion. The shipments of the city rice will therefore continue as before, under the supervision of Col. Julian Allen, the only authorized Government and city agent. Hilton Head House.— Messrs. Wake field and Williams have opened the well known restauia it at the corner of Bry an street and Johnson square, near the Pulaski House. They propose to run it in good style. Mr. Wakefield has an honorable discharge from the army after three years’ faitliful service in the 14th Brooklyn, on the Potomac. Mr. Wil liams was honorably discharged from the 7th Connecticut Regiment on ac count of disability occasioned by severe wounds, received while carrying the col ors of his regiment in the assault on Wagner. Both are good men, enter prising and deserving. Theatre.— Our readers wilfnotice that Messrs. Sweatnam and Scott promise- an entire change of programme this even ing. The new comedian Mr. Add Ry man will appear in anew part. He has made an excellent impression, and will doubtless soon become a great favorite. The other performers improve ia the esti mation of their patrons at every fresh entertainment, La Belle Louise and Miss Lottie Howland with Mr. Sweatnam and Mr. Scott, are already fully established in the good opinion of the public. Hon. Simeon Draper has been con firmed as Collector oi the Port of New York. Dogs.— One of the greatest nuisances in this or any other city is" the supera bundance of worthless dogs, of the four legged kind—of two-legged dogs there are always too many in every place. It is a curious fact too that it is always the good-for-nothing dogs that do the mid night howling. Decent dogs never howl at night. Watchdogs and valuable ani mals of any sort never obtrude their sor rows upon us in midnight wailings. It is dogs that nobody cares for; that' nobody owns any interest in; that everybody swears at; everybody kicks and every body wishes dead, that are up to this sweet trick. In the immediate vicinity of our mag nificent editorial mansion there is a va cant lot wherein the entire canine broth erhood of the neighborhood nightly con gregate. We are disposed to think that there is some sort of grand political movement going on among the dog population—we judge so by the number and frequency of the mass-meetings, and by the vigor and length of the after-dark orations. Last night we expended an armful of wood, and seven aozen (empty) bottles in a futile effort to disperse about a cord of dogs who had come together in their usual place for their nightly discus sion—we also did our nightly cussing but all to no purpose, we had to make a journey down stairs and make a personal request which we managed to make ef fectual. There were all sorts of dogs— the invitations to that dog party had evidently been unlimited—there were big dogs, and little dogs, white dogs, red dogs, old dogs, young dogs, bow legged dogs, bob-tail dogs, shaggy tail dogs, every possible variety of dogs in short except valuable dogs. There wasn’t a dog in the entire congregation that was worth the powder to blow him out of the county with. Now, these delectable ani mals are, at this time of year, only a nuisance, but in the hot weather they will become positively dangerous. There certainly can be no sane man who is willing to incur the risk of hydrophobia for the sake of keeping about his premis es a dog that is of no earthly use what ever, for your true cur is generally too cross even for children to play with. We respectfully beg the co-operation of the military authorities in the good work ot exterminating the entire breed of quadruped dogs which make night hideous with their howls, and we beg further to state to our druggists that donations of dog-buttons will be thank fully received at this office and faithfully applied to the purpose for which a bene ficient Providence evidently intended them. Cheap Fuel.— By the timely action taken by Col. Julian Allen and approved by Gen. Grover, the people of Savannah are being furnished with cheap fuel. Soft wood of the proper length and full measure is sold and delivered at $G per cord, and hard wood at SB. The wood speculators were charging sls for soft and $lB for hard' wood. The fact that the people are being furnished at less than half the rates of extortioners has compelled them to relinquish their business. The Committee have now about 650 cords of wood on hand in advance of or ders, so there is little probability that they will run short again. Several charitable institutions have been gratuitously furnished with wood. The people of Savannah who desire to be furnished with cheap fuel are request ed to aid Col. Allen in his enterprise, for should they purchase from the specula tors and compel the city authorities to cease operations, then the speculator will have the field to himself and enormous price for his wood length and scant measure. An has been sent to New York for a car * of stove coal of 300 tons, which has b4n already shipped, and will doubtless soon be here, and in a condition to be deliv ered to purchasers at the lowest possi ble paying prices. This same committee have also taken in hand the matter of supplying families with servants. A short time since many contrabands were drawing rations from the Relief Committees, and as long as they could live free of cost, they would not work. This state of things has been rectified, and families can now, upon application to Col. Neafie in the Ex change Building, be supplied with ser vants to their likeing. Many of the able-bodied negroes here are employed in chopping wood for the Relief Committee, in the outskirts nf the town.. Vaccination.—lt is for the interest of all persons liable to take small pox, to call on the properly authorized Surgeons and render themselves safe by vaccina tion. The officer for the District West of Bull street is at 142 State street, be tween Barnard and Jefferson streets.— The office hours are from one o’clock to four o’clock, P. M. shippingTntelligence . Cleared—ship L. L. Stnrgis, Williams, New York; schooner Electric Spark, Dehart, Hilton Head. Wanted] ’ A Gentleman would like Board in a pri vate family, where he can enjoy the comforts of a home. Apply at the Herald Office., f marlO Oak, $lO per Cord. Pine, per Cord. For sale by FUEL SUPPLY COMMITTEE, marlO 4 S4 Bay street. LOST—. On Bay street, a Gutta Percha 19th Corps Badge, with a small gold star iu .the centre. FIVE DOLLARS will be paid the finder, if left at 2d Brigade Headquarters. E. L. MOLINEUX, marlO 1 Brevet Brig. Gen. LARGEMENT TIIE ORDER OF THE DAY. THE BEE, WITH A GRATUITOUS CIRCULATION OF 2,000 COPIES, WILL AITIIAIi AGAIN, ON SATURDAY MORNING MARCH 11, In an enlarged form. Advertisers desiring to avail themselves of the use of its columns will please hand in their favors by Friday noon, as it goes to press that night. Send to the office, on Bay street, or direct through the Post Office, Box 388, 2 mar 9 Hilton head house, COS. OF HEY AN ST. END JOHNSON SQUABRS, OYSTERS, ALES, WINES, CIDER, CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c., always on hand. The Proprietors will be happy to meet the patronage of their friends and the public. WAKEFIELD & WILLIAMS, marG ts Proprietors. 'J'HE UNITED STATES SERVICE MAGAZINE. The February Number of this Magazine is now for sale at the News-Rooms, Also the bound volumes for 1803. Subscriptions received by the agent. mar 9 3 LEWIS I. BUCK. J^OTICE. Savannah, Ga., March, 8,1865. After this date the Provost Court will be held in the U. S. Court House, up stairs, coiner oi Bull and Bay streets EBEN PARSONS, Jr., mar 9—ts Lieut, and Provost Judge. _ ANTED, Four or five FURNISHED ROOMS, suitable or a small family for house keeping. Address Box 816, Savannah. mar 7—ts NO. 10 MERCHANTS’ ROW, Hilton Head, S. C. __ _ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SUTLERS’ GOODS Os all Descriptions.