Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 11, 1865, Image 3

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ERAXIATIC. 'Vr^raE.—At the Theatre last even- ! ' there was the best yp\ lse of the sea \U £D{ 3 the performance gave entire have attempted anything v :Ue way of a seriotis play, and the , selo-dr&ma of the “Denouncer" receiv _, ; us tice at their hands. The com x"*element in these entertainments is so markedly prominent, as really to require teething t)f a graver nature to keep a kroner balance in the programme, and satisfy those of the audience who E[iVe a taste for a performance rather substantial than mere farce, miscellaneous comicalities. The laanagcmeut have shown good jndge icent in the arrangement of their enter tainments heretofore, to which fact they <we in part the continued success with tfhich they have met. Last night s bill s to be reported this evening. 'y E w Theatrical Company.—Yester day v steamer brought us an addition to o3 J gociety which will be most welcome, Id tie shape of a full theatrical company from the North. They are under ea sement to Col. G. I. Taggart, and the list sums as follows: M. 5 Taggart, A. H. Davenport, Wdj Knox, Thomas Weir, J. W Carver, Win. Simpson, T. J. Herndon, Mrs. 3fl. A. Pamell, Miss Florence La Fond, Miss Hattie Lee. Miss Fanny Pressagc, Miss }jaad St. Leon, Miss Elsie St. Leon and others. ‘ * Host of these are strangers to our city, trat Hr. A. H. Davenport is universally known as one of the most versatile, agreeable and talented actors of the ac- It must have required the offer ot some Underfill inducement by Col. Taggart n tempt the New Yorkers to give up their favorite “Dolly” at this time of year. Success to them. « otmj —aw—mmmm Q N. BELLOWS & CO., Wholesale ate Retail Dealers in SUTLERS.’ AND NAVAL STORES, DRI GOODS. BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, &z.. <l*e., &j. T-:0. S ittISCUANTfc’ SOW, HILTON HEAD, P. C. C. K. K530.0H6. M. C. VJ-LKS. <T. V* . TATSOE. 1 ts lyoop." Oak, s!<}per Cord. line, >6 per Cor A. For sale by . FUEL SUPPLY COMMITTEE, friar 10 4 Si B;.y street. Hilton head house, OOR. OF IfXYAS bT. AST) JOHNSON FQL’AUR#. OYSTERS, ALES, WINES, CIDER, CIGARS, TOBACCO, always on hand. Toe Proprietors wifi be happy to meet the patronage ot their friend* and the publieX WAKEFIELD & WILLIAMS, mart ts Proprietor?. t :!E ” "KITED STATES SERVICE MAGAZINE. The February Number of this Magazine is now lor sale at the News-Rooms Also Die bound volumes far 2802. > a ascriptions received by the asreut. mart 3 LEWIS I. BUCK. V OTICE. Savantsak. Ga.. March. S, ISA". After this date the Provost Court will be held m the U. S. Court House, up stairs, comer of Lull and Bay streets EBEN PARSONS. Je., mar f'—tf* Lieut, and Provost Judge. WANTED-AN APOTHECARY. H A young man who thoroughly under tf!ands Die Drue Bupiness c.-oi hear of a situation 1 7 applying at this office. ts feblG RW CAMPBELL VETERINARY SUR » GEON, having reopened his office and yard, on William street, is now prepared to treat Y*n scientific princq le?.; all diseases incident to Horses that are snscrptible of remedy. Charge* moderate. Cares warranted. Terms cash. JfeblG ts jjUNBARS & FRANZ, NO. 10 MERCHANTS’ ROW. • Hilton Head, S. C. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS SUTLERS’ GOODS Os all Description*' ts ■OT s. *-50 LOAN. By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the undersigned ha? assumed the General Sub scription Agency for the sale of United States Treaer.ry Notes, bearing seven and throe-baths' per cenL Interest. T>er annum, known as the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. These Notes are issued under d:t,e of August IMh, IS-4, and are payable three years from that Time, in currency, or are convertible at the option of the holder into UNITED STATES 5-20 SIX PER CENT. GCLD-BEJUtlxa EOXDB. These bonds are now worth a premium of nine per cent., including gold Intercet firm Nor., * hich makes the actual profit on the *-G0 loan, at cujrent ra-es, including interest, about ten per cent, per annum, besides exemption from Met* arui mvniri'tcl taxation, which aids from one to Vires per cent, more, according to the rate levied on ether property. The interest is payable semi annually by coupons attached to each note, which may be cut off and sold to any back or banker. The interest amounts to One cent, per day on a sf,c note. Two cents “ * sl<H> “ Ten “ “ “ smk> “ 20 i% “ “ SIOOO “ *1 “ “ “ SSOOO Notes of ail denominations earned will be promptly furnished epou receipt of subscriptions. This is THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET but offered by the Government and it is cenfi ci&ntly expected that its superior advantages will it the GREAT TOrULAR LOAN OF THK PEOPLE. Less than $2,000,000 remain nnsold. which will probably bo disposed of within the next 00 or JM days, when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, ns has uniformly been the case on closing the subscription to other Loan?. In order that cit izens of every town and sec tion of the country may be afforded facilities for taking the loan, the National Banks. State banks, and Private Bankers throughout the country have generally agreed to receive sub scriptions at par. Subscribers will select their own agents, in whom they have confidence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery ot' the Notes for which they receive orders. JAY COOKE, mar s— if Subscription Ageut Philadelphia. ANTED, ~ Four or five FURNISHED ROOMS, suitable or a small family for house keeping. Address Box Sls, Savannah. , mar 7—ts QOTTON SEED ! ! ’ COTTON SEED. Is LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES. WJI be purchased at Fair Rates by the uudor signed, “SEA ISLAND’’ PREFERRED. Parties desiring to soli, will state quantity for ! disposal, and price per bushel desired, and where 1 loca: cd. Ad drc»:-8, T. E. SICKLES. mar 7—ts Box 14, Hilton Head, S qn B BYNNEfft • 175 mzA/.dw at, WK*r you*;. WATCHES AND JEWELRY Os every description. WATCHES Particularly adapted to ARMY PURPOSES, In Extra made Oas' H. GOLD AND SILVER AMERICAN. ' ‘ SWISS, find E>: : T Til '• I deal in nothing bnt TIME PI •;<;>. tvid i Wawhea from SBO to u; Sliver trom _*! t 1 For particulars Kcnu for my price: ’c (- ! tablished 20 years, and coufiden-s * ; »- •respectable Mercantile House in the e;ty; >. > ■ the Editor.-5 of this paoer. TANARUS, B. BYANKR, 175 Broad v. uy, N i . P. S.—Dewar ; of the aboard utc l • ie: ?;><» :ui- VCTtbemept* hi toe Weekly*. over i .eod-.’m | JTOME INSURANCE COM lAM, hAVAAKAII, *ia.. CAPITAL. S2,SOO,OOO—ALL SUBS''RIBitD. orkKrroa* • Andrew Low*. fine M C<u.pcr. Jno. R. Wilder, vv H. Mtr.r>. Henry Brigham. Jno. Lamar, Octavn* r’ hen. Joseph Lippmr.n, John VV. Anderson, Henry I/»thr-.;, I>. H. B aid win, Anror. Wilhnr. AARON WILBUR. ]';rodent M. A. CO HEN. Secret The Company are prepared '»> taki a line upon ail good RISKS at FAIR RATE*. As the riVke of the city are well known to the Company, th<-y are willing to take a fair share of them at about the usual irate*. Ail loweg will be PROMPTLY ADJUSTED and PAID. Apply at the office of thi* Company, W Bay SDt>et. M. A. OOHEN, Swretery. Disinfectant. Small quantities of the Per Manganate of Uota?h will be lurrr.shed, at the request of any Phyaic'ac. by tie PleaHb Officer feblO JQRY GOODS. LATHROr, LUDINGTCN & CO., >os. 526, 2£B ax© SSO nwoAtwAY, >. v., Have row on Land ar. Extensive Stock of DRESS GOODS, CLOTHS. WOOLEN GOODS. SHAWLS, PRINTS, SHEETINGS, POSIERY AND GLOVES. : WHITE GOODS. AND # . GENTS’ Fl T RN IS SIN G GOODa YANKEE NOTIONS, 4c., Ac. Which they offer by the ruses ob rAOKAia. AT THE TO WEST MARKET PRICKS. mar 4—lni _ LARGE STOCK OF STRING CLOTHING. A large *U\k of \ BOOTS and shoes. A large etuck of FIN li < iKOi’BKIES, P no earn*GOLDEN Al*K* ■oo CHAMPAGNE CIDER, 250 tones BROWN M’OPT, plnta, CO half barrel* PRIMP LPJwF, 100 M. SUGARS. A large stock of TOBA C C O \ In every vari*. ty. A lot of • GARDEN SEKDS. A lot of SHOE BLACKING, : TURNIPS, BEETS, CARROTS. PARSNIPS. ONIONS, I SUTLERS’ GOODS, NOTIONS, i ' In i' cul variety. j * | | large rtock of i. KN KRAL MERCK A NT'.LIE. i Will be ?old at tV II O L K S A L E I „ : (Hily nt 17J BROUGHTON STREET, i NHT T>OOo TO fUKKlOdli'e.. CONYNGIIAM A BKEHAN. mar 1 ts. I>()0MS TO LET AT HILTON IIEAIX S. C., IV Tti the Palmetto Herald Building, corner Merchant** Row and Palmetto Avenue, suitable ■ for business purposes or lodgings. Apply to J. < T. RIVERP. on the pvemisos, or H T. Hi VERS, at. the Custom 1 loose. ts mar 4 SPECIAL NOTICE, i IT . i All persons having in their possession BOOKS, b cmging to TIIK GEORGIA HISTORICAL SO' lETY, will confer a favor by returning j them to the Library between ft and 2 j o’clock trv-day, or as soon thereafter as possible, wit»• ont fad, as the Library is new being arrang ; eel jriid the bocks catalogued. d—6 J. F. CANN, Librarian. wV n OOD LTVINGU’ j vi At reasonable prices, can be had at the : EAGLE OYSTER and REFRESHMENT SA ; LOON, in the rear of the New Post Office, Huu>n ' Ilvi'i S. C, I have the very best facilities for ; furnishing OYSTERS, CLAMS, MEATS, POUL TRY, VEGETABLES, &c., from the North and other places in this vicinity. Cooked to order from G A. M. to 8 P. M. PETER FITZGERALD, Proprietor. P. S.—One trial is respectfully «o2icinad. . thsatrs • pwkatsaw a XT' soott. ... Lormorji:. W. P. Sweatnam stage Director, Prv n* \A* Scott ) Bnaincws Director. 2™- Director of Mu.<ic • araes B. Cohen Treaswcr SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH U, ISRS. . The Programme will be as follows : Overture .Orehortw After which the thrilling Military Drama, In tm* acts, entitled, LEONORA; or, TIIK GUERTLLA AND R)K DAUGHTER \ La Grange-a Guerrilla Chief. Mr. Add. Hyman. Colonel Delaney. M. J, Howard Captain Belmont M Ainsley Scott Jeremiah Plunkel W. P. Sweatnam Leonora—the Guerrilla’s Daughter) .Miss Tx>ttie Howland. Betsy Bundle La Belle Loafee Soldiers. Citizens Attendants Ac Overture—Selections Orchestra Champion Jig. by the inimitable Master Clarke RassSong 'Selected) M. Ainsley Scott. Grand Fancy La Belle I*o«ise Pilgrim Father* Rj*m.m and Sweatnam, Song Ijottie Howland Pathetic Ballad—Johnny's Gone to the Ware W. P. Sweatnam Overture Oreheet a* By particul r request of many patront* who were nnab'o to at end on Its nret p-esen tation. will he repented the l’onular and amusing Farce entitle^ L O A N OF A LOVER. Peter Spyke Mr. Add Rymnn. Captain Amersfbit M. Ainsley Scott Swyael G. B. Salleburr Dolye *T. Qninaiv Gertrude, with songs .. . Miss I/dtie Howland. Ernestine La Belle Louise CU~ Gentlemanly Ushers will always be In at tendance to assign scats to ladies and gentle men. Sir* Strict Order will be enforced. CARDS OF ADMISSION r Farqnette, Orchestra Chair* $1 o< Sec, u i Tic and Balcony tr* Amptiithcatre K*' Private Boxes $lO and Doors open ai f. 1-2 o’clock. Curta n rises at ? P 2 o’clock. Box Office oi'Vn from 10 a. m. till 4 p. u.> mar _ POST QUARTERMASTER’S ffHIVCUJ , JL (Aimn Itvi>»umw>BUhw*. Savannah. Ga. Jarch; As it IB6R. In pursuance of orders, received at this oflSce,. all eltirens oeenpv’ug Imildlnes, whose owth';.- me absent within the Rebel lines, or buildfny». or other property beloungug to disloyal pets net. w ill, unless snob hiiißli>t^ f, hhA ebeen previously assigned rent free .-yUte the -*nts for the same, due the United Mates, at thi Udlicc oi before the 1 otb of March A failure to corn pi v with the sVvc a forfeiture ot all « !a ms to further ore* Jftr.'h S. S.STARE, Capt. and A. Q. M.. in ehn>gy qf buildings. \roTICK. MAnstrA.’s Otmeu, SijVHtm.ih, Ga.. F»*c. U, 18fir, Ail citizens, now residents of thN citj*, are re quested to call at this office ami register them ‘-•elves ns such Heads of families w ill report the persons->’Ofo posing the'r household. Bv order of Pvt. Maj. Gen. C. Orovrjr. ROBT. P. YORK. febiO Lt. Ctd. ind Provost Marslial / ' LA NO. VT GKO. K. WHITE J < 0., i‘> Ci.irr mrri Nkw York, offer PERUVIAN AND SWAN ISLAND GUANO, at win,locate. They haw facilities V filing o;tiers superior to any ottie* house at present in the GKO. F. WHITE <Y, GO. are the «o]o agent for trtesalc of the I’-RUCK CONCENTRATED* MANURE, mide bv the Bruce Fertilizer Com pany at Staten ls’ah.i. This Fertilizer contain# 7 percept. a* n mnnia, and over 40 percent, of soluble bone ph©#-»h ite 'Hiongh th’s analysis would hardly ead n# hr* such coriclnsion. yet its practical applicja.ior# f«v the two year# past has show n its immediate i< suit-* to be as great as where Peruvian Guano is used, and that the soil is left in better conditio** for the succeeding year’s crops. Price, SSO Tor 2 W(f»0 lb?/, w ith discount to tb<* trad*. 7mo janiT Cl W . DENNIS A u No. 5 Merchant#'Row*, Hilton Head S. C., Wholesale and retail dealers in BUTTER, CHEESE, CIGARS, CAKES, CRACK FRS POTATOES, FLOUR. CANNED FRUIT ; AND MEATS, STATIONARY, HARDWARE* . &c„ Ac., Ac. jan I<> V TT S. CHRISTIAN COMMISSION. Rooms 147 Bay street. A large lot of Reading Matter, Writing Pipe*; Envelopes, <fce., just received and ready fc» dis tribution. Facilities for writing Letters for 41 willing avail themselves of them. feb!4 DWIGHT SPENCER, Agent.