Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 12, 1865, Image 4

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OwMiiG the Uokn. —The death ot Joshua Bates, the great London banker, an American by birth and feeling, recalls to an exchange an anecdote quaintly il lustrating the unfailing and zealous love of his native land. Mr. Bates was much esteemed by the nobility of England, with many leading members of which he was on terms of intimate friendship. It happened that he was present, in the year 1847, at a dinner in London, in company with Lord Russell, Lord Mor peth, and others. The conversation turned upon the Irish famine, and Indian coni was commended. Lord Russell Biid to Mr. Bates, that some of the cobs ha<L twelve or fourteen rows of grain. The biinker coolly replied: “Yes, my lord, I have seen twenty to twenty-four rows on a cob.” This the company laughed at, but Bates “getting his back up; ' offered a wager of a dinner tor all present, that he could produce such an ear, which was at once accepted. Then came the rub. Bates was conscious that he bad patriotically bragged, and began to fear that his bet was lost. But he cast himself upon his native land, and she proved equal to the trust. He sent home by a friend,, who, equally iealous of American honor, wrote to Indiana, and with perfect success. In just six months from the time the wager was laid, Mr. Bates received from the friend six ears of corn from Lafayette. Indiana, two of which had twenty-nine rows, two thirty-one, and two thirty-two. Lord •John handsomely “acknowledged the corn.” paid his wager, and the"'largest ear is now in the British Museum' a \ nnkee trophy, suggesting that “some things can he (.lone as well as others.” Fnt: Mysteries of Washington, or, yux Government Clerk.—Almost a l RAGKIiY. — /iramatis Personal — (Justarns, a j‘ trsi- H'Xiss (Jlerh — Maria, his Wis e. (Seate. —Home of Gustavus; Room 0 by 10, third story back. Time—4 1-2 p. mon the loth of the month.) Enter Gus, Uus—By al? the gods, the month is rushing to its close, and I must rush with mine to the Pawnbrokers. Maria, bring forth my black coat. Maria.—Forgive me, husband, but I pawned your coat yesterday. Gns—For what, huzzy? Maria—For bread, 'husband. Alas! "bread now no longer. Gus— lis false as hell—prepare for death 2 Maria.—Stay, Gus; did'st think of the funeral expenses? —’Tistrue! I’ll spare thee till Ibc “first.” (Weeps.) Small Pox.— The Palmer Journal, in speaking of the small pox and a cure for it, says: “About sixty cases of small pox have been treated at tiie State Alms house during the past three months,with Tut a single fatal result, and that was in the case of a man who was taken there in the last stages of the disease from a neighboring town. The remedy used in all these cases was a tea made from a plant known in medicine as Sarracenia Purj/urea , familiarly” called Ladies’ Saddle or Water Cup, the root of which is the remedial part. This remedy is anew discovery in medical science, and has been used with excellent effect else where. The effect oi the remedy is to allay the fever aud irritation caused by the formation of pustules, the latter dry ing away rapidly, leaving slight, if any. traces of the disease.” i lmiwii r —mrr r~inirr n rr rn \ wwi TpLANTATION FOR LEASE. The OTTER HOLE PLANTATION, 000 sere?, on Hilton Head Island, S. C.,for lease on reason able terms. Apply to <T. G. THOMPSON, mar .I—2w Beaufort. X. C. 'OTEELE & lie It BAN K. O 11 Merchants* Row, Hilton I lead, S. C. Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur chasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING AND FURNISHING goods, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, aid lhateil Ware,Swords, Sashes, Belts, Einbioderies, Bools. Gaps, Field Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves. «fcc., Ac., Ac. -piDDELL & M URDOCK, ~ -IY WHOLKSALK AND KKTAII. DKAT.TTB IV SUTLERS’ AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CATS, Gentlemen’a Fckn Goons, Ac.. Np. 5 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C. w " RIDDELL, uall 10 —tij li. J. MURDOCK. Notice. Omes or Street Coxmtfptohfr. No. VIC, South Broad Street, Savannah, Ga., Febrnary 22d, 1865. In accordance with authority conferred upon me, by General Order No. 10, from Headquarters U. S. Forces Savannah, Ga., dated Feb. 21st, this city is hereby divided into three Dis tricts, for the purpose of removing garbage there from. The First District comprises all that portion of the city lying North of President and Harrison streets. Carts will remove the garbage from this District on Monday and Thursday of each week. The Second District comprises all that portion of thiVfity lying between the First District, and Harris street. C->rts will remove the garbage fr m this District on Tuesday and Friday of each week. The Third District, comprises all that portion of the city lying South of Harris street. Carts will remove the garbage from this District on Wednesday and Saturday oteach week. Hereafter all rubbish and garbage which may accumulate must bJ j>nt into convenient vessels and previous to S o’clock in the morning of eaeh day, as above designated for the respective Dis tricts; such vessels mnst be placed upon the sidewalks of the streets or alleys, and permitted to remain there until emptied by my employees, after which they w ill be removed by their owners. All other persons are forbidden to destroy or in any way interfere with the vessels go placed upon the sidewalks, and they mast not be exposed to the public view, except as above specified. Keepers of Animals must not permit manure to be thrown into the Streets or Alleys, neither mast the accumulation thereof in, or near any stalvle or yard be permitted to exceed one cart load before being removed. ALBERT STEARNS, Capt. and Street Commissioner. (Official.) Hr. a no’ns, Dfiaktmrnt or tue Sochi, Hilton Head, S. C.. Feb. 16, ISoS. Gen Kit AT, o.'DISKS. ) No. 21. 1 The following order is hereby re-published for the information of all concerned : War Department, Adintant General’s Office. Washington. Feb. 6,1863. General OnnEBS.) No. 10. \ I. The issue of a ration of fish, viz : fourteen ounces of dried fish, or eighteen ounces of pick led fish, will be made to the troops once a week, in lieu of the ration of fresh beef. IT. Authority is hereby given to officers, ac tually in the field, who are wi'hout the means of paying for subsistence stores purchased from the Commissary, ancl have over, one month’s pav due, to draw for themselves and their authorized private servants present in the field with them, one regular army ration each prr day. on ordi nary ration returns; which returns will be en tered by the Issuing Commissary on separate abstracts ofissnes to officers. The officer ‘draw ing the rations will deduct from his pav accounts for each month the number of rations drawn in kind during the month, and the amount of such deduction will be transfi rred to the Subsistence Department from the Pay Department. Commissaries who issue rations in kind to offi cers for their own use, will furnish the proper Paymaster each month with the names of officers to whom such issues have been made, and the number of rations to be deducted. By order of the Secretary of War. E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. By command of Major Gen. Q. A. GILI/MORE. W. L. M. Burger, ApsL Ad’tGen. marl— 6 HeaPQVAHTKSS DeI’AETAJ ENT OF TIIE HoFTU, Hilton Head, S. C., Feb. 7, 1565. General Orders, > No. 14. / The Major General Commanding being com pelled by wounds to relinquish, for the present, the command of tiie Department, takes this on portunitv to express to tiie officers and men of the < 'oast Division, under Brigadier John P. Hatch, his approbation of their good con’net during the operations on the line of the Charles ton ,Savannah Railroad, since November last. At the Battle of Honey Hill, on November 3"th. although unsuccessful in tiie attempts to drive the enemy from his forts, the Division still maintained the fight with unwavering steadiness during the day, and retired from the ’’ field after night lull in good order and unpnrsnecl. Their losses attest their courage and discipline At Deveaux’s Neck, near the Coosawhatehie turnpike, on December 6th, the advance, in number much. interior to the opposing force, met the rebels in an open field, and drove them irom the ground, captured one flay, forced them to seek safety in flight, leaving their dead anil wounded in our hands, and thus occupied a po sition from whi’h tae Railroad was under the easy fire of oar guns. On December yth the skirmish line forced its w'ay to within a few yar ts of the Railroad and the ,orts which guarded it, remained there un der a most galling fire until an opening had been cut through the woods between our batter ies and tiie road, aud thus perfected the work so gallantly begun upon the (sth. • J he Division has obeyed all orders promptly «ind cheerfully, unci fciuce its co-operative move* ments with Gem rtl .Sh rman’s Army, has vig'- lantiv watched the enemy at its front 5 has promptly seized each fortified positi n upon the first indicttion of a proposed withdrawal on the part of the rebels, and has thus insnired the Commanding General with the belief that it will continue to do so laithfully and well the work ai lotteil to it in the gteat campaign which is bein<«' prosecuted m South Carolina. To Brigadier Generals Hatch and Potter, who have commanded this foice, and to all the* val iant officers and men and i* them, the Major- General Commanding tenders his thanks for the .iiiu aiß euriioßt wishes ff»r their success. J. (i. FOSTER, tr Major General Commanding. »V, ij. M. Bunout, Ass’t Adj’t Gen. marl—3 ICE ! ICE 1 ICE * The subscribers have received from Boston per Schooner E. S. Oonant, a cargo ox Ice and Lnmber. wjiicn will be disposed of at the Ice House formerly occupied by them, on Bryan street opposite the market. Retail boxes will be established at other places as the demand increases. A constant supply will be kept up during the year. 'IIAYWOOD GAGE <fc CO. feb27 1m CBAVILLE & CO., • Wholesale and Retail Station rax. Palmetto Herald Xtor-?, Hilton Ileail, 8. C. 837* A Liberal Discount to Purchasers at Wholesale Cash Orders oy mail or express promptly filled. [Official.) Heat»q'bß Di- vAUT o.t th’b Sotrm. Hilton Head, 8. C,, January *£. lStfC, General Orsmxia,\ No. 12. ) All permits, by whomsoever granted, to per sons in this Department to purchase provisions of any of the Issuing Commissaries, are hereby revoked, to take effect at each post in fifteen days after the receipt of this order, except at the Postrof Hilton Head, where it sir all go into ef fect on its receipt. Until further orders, no sales to-civilians will be mada unless authorized from these Head quarters, on written application forwarded through the Chief Commissary, Department of the South. The prices will be regulated by the Chief Com missary of the Department The rap's for the present will be as follows: To Officers, Ordnance Sergeants. Bands of Separate Brigades, to' Heads of Quartermasters, Medical, Engineers, and Ordnance Departments, at cost, not including freight. To Civilians in the employ of government, Co*. lector of Customs ancl his'employee*. Paymas ters aud clerks of regularly established Post Offices, Tax Commissioners and tln-ir clerks, Government Transports. Commanders of Rev enue and Coast Survey vessels and their messes, at forty per cent, on cost, fur Transportation, Arc.- except Fresh Beef, v\ hicii shall be sold at one hundred per cent, advance. To ail civilians not in the employ of the gov ernment at eighty per cent, advance on first cost of all articles except Fresh Beef, which will be sold at two hundred per cent, advance. Articles intended exclusively for Hospitals a»>J sales to Officers, such as Hams, Mutton, White Sugar. Java or Mocha Coffee, Whiskey, Pota toes Onions, &c , will not be sold tq civilians. Ly command of Major General J. G. FOSTER, W. L. >T. Evuoek, Assistant Adj’t Gen. mar 7—6 (Official.) lIEAoq’KS, Dktartment ov the South, Hilton Head S. C\, Feb. 14, General Orders, > *.o. VO. f Brevet Major Genera! R. Saxton, U. S. Vols., is hereby announced as Superintendent of the Volunteer RecrsUing Service for the Department of the South, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly. Brevet Brig. Gen. M. S.Littlefield, Tb S. Vols.. will continue in the discharge ol' his duties a* Mustering and Disbursing Officer, for the Depart ment, under the regulations established by the War Department, reporting to Brevet Major General K. Saxton. By Command of .Major General Q. A. GILLMORE. W. L. M. Btrxfctfia. A. A. G. mar 8 J) (Official.) llf-aequaktevsv Department op 7iih SOxnn. Hilton Head, S. C., Feb. 10, 1865. General Ocmms, No. 18, Acting Ensign C. C. Ned, T 7. S. Navy, is here by announced n*> Superintendent of Armed Transports, and .john H. Mars, Esq., as Chief Marine Engineer of this Department. They v?ilf be obeyed and respected accordingly. By command of Major General Q„ A. GILLMORE. W. I* M. Boataoß. Asst. Adj’t Gen. rnaiS—s [Official.] I!kat!QCartivßß U. s. Forofp, . Savannah, March Dth, 1865. General Order,.) No. 21. ) All persons are hereby forbidden to take or in any manner connive at the taking of letters, new. 1 -papers, or any written communications whatever, outside the lines. The writers as well as the carriers of written communications will he held as violating this order, whenever such com munications 2&uy be found upon the persons or in the baggage of those permitted to pass. By command oi , Brevet Major Gen. GROVER. Edward CL Dm a, A. A. A. Gen. marl!) [Official.] Headquarters u. 8. forces. District of Savannah. Ga., Savannah, February 22, 1835. General Order.) No. 2. j Surgeon W. Y. Provost Acting Medical Direc tor. 2d Div. lfitii A. C., is hereby appointed Meu ical I director of the District of Savannah. By command of Brevet Major Gen. GROVER. Edward G. Dies, A. A. A, G. feb&J [Official.] HEADQUARTERS U. S. FrciO.’ S. fcaivannah, March 2th, 1355. Gentts al, No. 20. Surgeon Morgan haring been relieved from duty as Health Officer of this Post, Surgeon Provost will assume the duties of the Health Officer in addition to his duties as Medical Di rector. By Command of , Brevet Maj. Genera! GROVER, Edwaiu) G. Dixk, xV A. A. G. mar D—ts (Official.) HFAI>q??AirTOI3 DrSTRJOTOFSAVAWNAU, G\ o,„ ra . No. 3. ; 1. I-t, Col Neafie, U6th N. Y Vok r. Gommfiwnoner of SAvanimh, it, hereby ed Supervisor of Trade, the duties ofJSr office he win perform in addition to those of ito hes ConamisHoner. 1 2. Capt John P. Baker, Ist. IT. g Acting Inspector Gmenl 2d Divirion, 19th w hereby relieved from his duties aa « lc + appointed Acting Inspector General of ihe’nif tnct and Post. JJl£ ' By command of v „ Brevet Maj. Gen, OBOY2R t-ww G. Dig>; A. A. A G, m r q_^ (Official.) Headquarters u. s. forces. Savannah, February 25th. RV* Geufual Ohwh,> . No. IS. r Riding or driving through the PubHc Soaaw. or other gronuds not intended for use as rona ways is prohibited. “ By ccmmand of Brevet Major Gen. GROVER Edw aro G. Dine, A. A. A. G, (Official.) Heati’oesU. S. Fosoks, Die'? c? RaVAVNAU. Q■i Savannah, March Gth, IW. ' Gkn-krai. Oiir.m, i No.. 4. f Ist Lieutenant Eben Parsons, Jr., 58th Masyn chnsetts Volunteers, Judge Advocate. 2d* Divio icn. lffth Army Corps, is herebv relieved from* dsty as such, and aunomiced as Judge Advocate and Provost Judge of tko District and Post of Savannah. » By command of Brevet Major Gen. GROVER. Edward G Diku. A. A. A. G. marG -if [Official.] 1 1 U. 8. FORCES, IA Savannah, Ga., Feb. 21,1565. Gknfeal Order,) No. and». r I. The occupants of buildings will be helcfr-v sporsible tor the cleanliness of the same, as as their cellars and outhouses, and sidewalks in front of. and alleje adjacent to them. All rub bish and garbage which accumulates will, each day, be put ia boxes in a ccim nient [ lace for re moval. 11. Keepers of animals will cause the manure which accumulates in their rtables or yards where their annuals are kept to he either remor ed outside the picket lines, or to be distributed upon such gardens within the fines as are ly under cultivation, inch distribution being at the consent of the cultivator 111. The Street Commissioner will establish such regulations with regard to the removal of accumulations fr»m the city as lie sees fit. He » a Iso charged with the duty of causing frequent and careful inspection to be made of the police of rhe city, and he will report to the Provoat Judge any failnre to comply with the forgoing para irraphs of this order, who will take such action in the case as the circumstances require. By command of Brevet Major Gen. GROVER, Edward G. Dikii. A. A. A. G. leb’l [Official.] Hr.ATXii'VKTiaa U. S. Foucra, Distesct or Savannah, Ga., Savannah Feb. iI.ISJS, G TNKKAI. OItDEK. \ No. 1. ( I. Lieut. Col. R. P. York. 73th N. Y. Vols, Provost Marshal of Savannah, is hereby sppoirt ed Provost-Marshal of the District of Savannah, the duties of which office he wall asinine in addi tion to bis present duties. 11. Capt. E Geisy, A. Q/M., will receive and take charge of the civil fund of the IJiririct of Sa vannah, and will be responsible tor the proper disbursement of the same. By command of Brevet Major Gen. GROVER. Edward G. Dike, A. A. A. G. feb2t [Official.] Headquarters u. p. forces, District of Savannah, Ga. Feb. 12, 1S». General Order,) No. IS. f All officers of the Army rot legitimately J® duty, or awaiting orders at this Post, and v;io have not registered their names at these Head quarters, are hereby required to do so. on or be fore Wednodav next, the 22d inst. Any failing to comply with the requirements oftb lß order will be arrested and lieid lor trial for neglect of duty. By command of Brevt. Maj. Gen. GROVER. Edward G. Dike, A. A. A. G. iebM> Headquarters u. p. forces. Savannah, Ga., Feb. ISth, G n'ttial Order, ) No. 14. f AH living within the limits of thy ■ of Savannah and having Fire Arms, in their P', session, and not having special written rion to retain the same, w ill at once in to the Provost Marshal, who will takc pfi’P ineasure for their safe keeping, with a vleV returning them when it shall be proper to - ■ By command of livt, Major Gen. Edward G. Dikk, A. A. A. G. (Official.) 7 TEADQUARTERS U. S. FORCES, Li Savannah, Ga., Feb. 13,19®- GKM JEM. OtUsEH ) • N °- I;i ‘ > . . f f'.is Rost All officers of tiie Army arriving at taw will, as soon ;.s practicable after their arn''** ■ . port at these Jleadquaiters and register names, the duty they are on, the length <»» L . they expect to stay, if temporarily here, residences. l>y command of Brvt Major Gen. GROVjg Edward G. Dike, A. A. A, G.