Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 13, 1865, Image 3
theatre : and Business Manager g. j. tagg.*--, of Amusements a. h. daykspoet. l~*ge Manager T - *• tonwixw. T . ja respectfuliy announced that the above Es- ; aiSaocnt wW be opened for a j& REGULAR season . or tRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS! 0:4 TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH U 1565, With an Excellent Company, and with a Choice and Sparkling Bill of Attraction. Tbe following Ladies and. Gentlemen have been engaged, viz: jjisg FLORENCE LAFOND, MRS, M. E. BERRILL, MISS MAUD ST. LEON, MISS FANNIE PRESTIGE, MISS ELSIE ST. LEON, MISS HATTIE LEE, MR A- H. DAVENPORT, MR. T. J. IIERNDON, MR. J. W. GARNER, MR. THOMAS WEIR, MR. WM. SIMPSON, And others, ixd will appear in the following Excellent ~. Pieces : The beautiful Fetite Comedy, entitled N AVAL ENGAGEMENTS. SINGING AND DANCING. Abd the Laughable Two Abt Comedietta, fcj titled THE PET OF THE PETTICOATS. Doors'open at T o’clock; Curtain rises at 11-?. djt PRICES AS USUAL. „y£3 All tills must be presented weekly, marl 3 2 QARPET WANTED. A good pattern and quality, new or nearly so, .“ufficiert to cover a room twelve feet square. Apply at the counting room of the Savannah Daily Herald, 111 Bay street. marl3 p N. BELLOWS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SUTLERS’ AND NAVAL STORES, DRY dOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HaTS AND CAPS, &c., &c„ &c. no. S MjawaiASTs’ row, HILTON HEAD, S. C. < N. UKtLOWS. A. C TTLKE. .1. W. TATLO’.i. inarll ..»• wood. Oak. $lO per Cord. Pine, $0 per Cork For sale bv FUEL SUPPLY COMMITTEE, na;irlO 4 $4 p; a y gtreet. NOTICE. , , , Sav vnnah. Ga.. March. 8. 1805. Arter thie (bite the Provost Court will be held ; ti the l 8. Court House, up stairs, corner of wu and Bay streets EBEN PARSONS. Jn., - aiar * Lieut. and Provost Judge. Plantation for lease - The OTTER HOLE PLANTATION, POO acres, Hilton Head Island, 8. C».for leaseon reason terms. Apply to 3. G. THOMPSON. mar 3—yw Beaufort. S. C. JJILTON HEAD HOUSE, ~ ( -, or naYAU ST. ANT) JORXWIK SQOAHSS. ,YbrS rSSk;^ LES » WINES - CIDER. CIGARS, IOBACCO, «fcc., always on hand. *he Proprietors will be happy ti> meet the ‘ M ** )rLa ?e oi their friends and the public. WAKEFIELD & WILLIAMS, ,u ts Proprietors. , QLOTIHNG ! CLOTHING 11 ALMOST GIYKN AWAY, AT i.yw rESOKS. HIRT u • ether useful articles for GENTLEMEN! EA T 8, COATS AND PANTS, HfiLUN n OFV TO CT.OBZ OaKSIOMTKNT !■ ! 'mer of Whitaker and Congress streets. a * ur 6 —eodlw U s. 7-30 LOAN. By authority of she Secretary of the Tre&eurv, the undersigned ha? assumed the General Sub scription Agency for the sale of United States Treasury Notes, bearing seven and three-tenths per cent, interest, per annum, known as the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. These Notes are issued under date of August lnth, UAH. bud arc payable three years from that time, in currency, or are convertible at the option of the holder into UNITED STATES S-20 SIX PER CENT. * GOLD- HEARING BONDS. These bonds are now worth a premium of nine per cent., including gold interest from Nov., which makes the actual profit on the*-30 loan, at current raies, including interest, about ten per cent, per annum, besides exemption from State aud tnviHerpal taxation, tehieh adds from one to three per cerd. more, according to the rate levied on other property. The interest is payable semi annually by coupons attacked to each ncte, which may be cut off and sold to any bank or banker. The interest amounts to One cent, per day on a ssb note. Two cents “ “ SIOO “ Ten * “ “ SSOO “ 20 “ “ “ SIOOO “ $1 “ “ “ SSOOO »• Notes of all denominations named will be promptly furnished upon receipt of subscriptions. This is THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now offered by the Government, and it is eonfi- Gently expected that its superior advantages will make it the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE. Less than $2,000,000 remain unsold, which jwill probably bo disposed of withiu the next 00 or 0.) clays, when the not as will undoubtedly command a premium, as has uniformly been the case on dosing the subscription to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town and sec tion of the country may be afforded facilities for taking the loan, the National Barks, State banks, and Private Bankers throughout the country have generally agreed to receive sub scriptions at par. Subscribers will select their own agents, in whom they have confidence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the Notes for which they receive orders. JAY COOKE, mar 2—ts Subscription Agent, Philadelphia. RW. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY BUR • GEON, having reopened his ollice find yard, on William street, is now prepared to treat (on scientific principles.) all diseases incident to Horses that are susceptible of remedy. Charges moderate. Cures warranted. Terms cash. JeblG ts ! QOTTON SEED 1!! COTTON SEED, LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES. Will be purchased at Fair Rates by the under signed, '•SEA ISLAND” PREFERRED. Parties desiring to sell, will state quantity for disposal, and price per bushel desired, anti where j located. Address, 7. E. SICKLES, mar 7—ts Box 14, H;ltor, Head. S C. j TTAMS HAMS i! THE BEST HAMS, j And other PROVISIONS, ; Selling out AT COST ! TO C LOSE consignment! Comer of Bay and Barnard streets, mar G—eodlw j U p OOD LIVING.” vT At reasonable price.s. can be had at the : EAGLE OYSTER and REFRESHMENT SA LOON, in the rear of the New Post Office, Hkurn i Head, S. C. I have the very best facilities for furnishing OYSTERS, CLAMS, MEATS, POUL TRY. VEGETABLES. &c., from the North and other places in this vicinity. Cooked to ordei from 6 A. M. to 8 P. M. PETER FITZGERALD, Proprietor. P. S.—One trial is respectfully solicited JJOME INSURANCE COMPANY, SAVANNAH, GA., 'CAPITAL, S2,SOO,OOO—ALL SUBSCRIBED. I>IRUOTORB : Andrew Low, Jno M. Cooper, Jno. K. Wilder, W. H. Stark, Henry Brigham. Jno. Lamar. ' Octavus C". heti, Joseph Lippmau, John W. Anderson, Henry Latnrop, D. 11. Baldwin, Aaron Wilbur, AARON WILBUR, President. M. A. COHEN, Secretary. The Company are prepared to take a line upon all good RISKS at FAIR RATES. Aa the risks of ine city are well known to the Company, they are willing to take a fair share of them at about the usual rates. * All losses will be PROMPTLY ADJUSTED and P AID. Apply at the office of this Company, S3 Bay Street. M. A. COHEN, Secretary. GOODS. LATHROP, LUDINGTON & CO., >OS. 3*26, 3-2S anb 38© keoauwav, :s. t., Have now on hand an Extensive Stock of DRESS GOODS, CLOTHS. WOOLEN GOODS, SHAWLS, PRINTS, SHEETINGS, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, WHITE GOODS, AND GENT'S’ FURNISHING GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, & c. , &c . Which they offer by the PIPCP 1 OR rAOKASR, AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICKS. mar 4 —l net Y LARGE STOCK C-F SPRING CLOTHING. A large stock of BOOTS AND SHOES. A large stock of j FINE GROCERIES, 1000 cases GOLDEN ALE, m 0 cases CHAMPAGNE CIDER, cases BROWN STOUT, pints, yo half barrels PRIME BF.EF. 100 M. SEGARS, A large stock of TOBA C C O In every variety. j A lot oi GARDEN SEEDS. j A lot of SHOE BLACKING, | TURNIPS, BEETS, CARROT'S, PARSNIPS, ONIONS, SUTLERS’ GOODS, NOTIONS, In great variety. j This large stock of | - GENERAL MERCHANDIZE, Will be sold at WHOLESALE Only at +■ 170 BROUGHTON STREET, NXYT noon TO HIKKLOCK’S. CONYNGHAM <fc SKEEAN. mar 1 if. T> OOMS TO LET AT HILTON HEAD, 8. C., V In the Palmetto Herald Building, corner Merchants’ Row and Palmetto Avenue, suitable for business purposes or lodgings. Apply to J. T. RIVERS, on the premises, or H T. RIVERS, at the Custom House. ts mar 4 Pr.ovof'T MakriiaiAs Ofticp, Savannah, Ga.. Fee. 9, 1803. All citizens, now residents of this <*ity, are re quested to call at this office and register them ed ves as st; oh. Heads of families will report the persons com posing their household. By order of Bvf. Maj. Gen. C. Gbcykr. EOBT. P. YORK, fehlO Lt Col. and Provost Marshal. US. CHRISTIAN COMMISSION. • Rooms 147 Bay eareet. A large lot of Reading M atter, Writing Paper, Envelopes, &c., just received and ready for dis tribution. Facilities for writing Letters for 41 wishing to avail themselves of them, fehl 4 DWIGHT SPENCER, Agent, j Q.RAND COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT TO MISS LOTTIE HOWLAND AND LA BELLE LOUISE, THIS (MONDAY; EVENING, MARCH IS, lA*. / * When the Great Melo-Drama of JACK SHEPPARD ; or, THE LONDON HOI SK BREAKER Will be presented. After width the renal Singing nvd P r The whole to cot elude with ihe Laughable Farce of O U R GAL. i.k* securr vt'UR -ifArs early. m atl3 i pOST QUARTERMASTER’S OFFICE, • JL t'KNTiur, Railroad Bank. Savannah. Ga., March, let. In'*.. ! In pursuance of order?, received at this offi<v y | all citizens occupying i»utidings, whose mvnevtJ . are absent w ithin the Rebel lines, or bnildirgs. | or other property bplonging to di-doyal u 'fjiis ! will, unles« such build)!'' ► have '•<*«-j. previously j assigned—-rent free-—settle the rents for the ! same, (fuc the United states, :.t this office <. ; n j before the K*rh of March. A failure to comply with the above aIP cun**, i a forfeiture of all eiaima 10 Inrihtr rc'-ppation. s. s. .vtaPR. Capt. i.r.d A. (,*. M., hi cf ?g.- o' hnihlicgs. | jrjUNBARS & FRAN 7, NO. 10 NiKiP 11 A I.OW. Hilton I!, ad, C. WHOLESALE AN!. RETAIL DEALERS. i N SUTLERS' fJo I/S Os a'J Deoer'utio!.--' ts. / 1 UA.NO. VT GEO. K. WIIITK S: (0., *:, Rhk Nrw York, offer Pr.LU'.IAN AND SWAN ISLAND GUANO. - . f v.R. b-Ka>. They hav« facilities tor filling < >;u> '.or any other house at present •?: the GEO. F. Wfi’TK ,v i **. .re the sole ag-enfs for the sale of t-n* BRIT HI < ONUENTRATSD MANURE, mule by the ! race fertilizer Com pany at Staten Kcfo!. This Fertilizer er r.taii-.s 7 pr r cent, ammonia andover 40 period, of -uluhle bone phosphate. Though thi* ana ‘y-'- would hardly ,eed us to such conclusion, yet its pr>«etieal appliciau is for the two years oast has shown its immediate re sults to be as great as where Peruvian Guano is used, and that rho ; a Ic-tt lietter condition for the suecfeiitng \ er's crops. Price, for p Vi'ti His., w ith discount to the trade. 2 mo itto27 CW. DENNIS 2c » 0.. a No. 5 Merchant*’ Row, Hilton lfra;l, S. C., Wholesale and teuul dealers in BUTTER. CHKKBE, CIGARB. CAR PS.gßai'K ERS POTATOES, FIJ I R, CANNEI FRUIT AND ii EATS, STATION A BY. 11A KDWA HK, <fee., Jte. jan 10 ts — gPECIAL NOTICE. All persons having in their possession BOOKS, belonging to THE GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, will confer a favor by returning them to the Library Rooms, between 9 and 2 o’clock to-day, or as soon thereafter as possible, without fail, as the Dbrary is now being arrang ed and the bocks catalogued, mar C—C J. F. CANN, Librarian.