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> T o. 3*>» '
\V. MASON & CO.,
Bay Street, Savannah, Georgia,
t k r m s:
„ Five Cents.
» Krnited number of Advertise meets will be re
r , V eciat the rate of Twenty Cents per Line tor
«rs» Insertion, and Fifteen Cents per Line tor each
tr A,non* insertion : invariably in advance. Ad
vertiSmcnts should be handed ia before noon of
each daj'.
ln eV cry style, neatly and promptly done. _
The Charleston Courier, published by
our friends WhUtemore and Johnson, has
been enlarged and is printed on good
Jvhite paper. We make the following
extracts from a late number : f
Adventures of a Conscript.— We had
the pleasure Saturday of meeting Mr. N.
l) Parker, an undeviation loyalist, who
has iust arrived within the Lnion lines
f rom rebeldom. Mr. Parker s narrative
q? bis adventures is highly interesting.
\Vthe commencement of the rebellion,
y r . Parker was connected with the
Charleston Hotel, and for some time
avoided the rebel enrolling officers. He,
however, openly avowed nis Union senti
ments, and expressed a determination
under no circumstances to serve in the
rebel ranks. As the demands of the ser
vice became more and more imperative,
and his detectives proportionately in
creased. He was compelled to conceal
himself, and by the aid of friends suc
ceeded in escaping detection about six
months longer, being all that time con
fined to the house.
By some unfortunate occurrence cor
respondence between another Union
man and Mr. Parker was discovered,
which led to his arrest. He was thrown
into jail, where he remained till within a
few days of the evacuation of Charleston
During the two last months of his im
prisonment he was ordered to be kept in
solitary confinement, which order was
strictly carried out. Before the evacua
tion an order came for his removal ©
Columbia to the camp of instruction.-
With the order was a note from Captain
R. 0. Gilchrist, A. A. G, cautioning the
rebel commandant of conscripts to keep
a strict watch upon Parker's movements,
with a statement of his disloyal senti
ments and openly expressed determina
tion not to serve and to escape on the
first opportunity.
On his arrival at Columbia he was al
lowed the privilege of selecting the arm
of service or regiment to which he wou and
be assigned. He again promptly de
clined and refused to shoulder a musket
or even perform light duty for the rebel
cause. Finding neither threats nor per
suasion of any avail, he was sent, with
about thirty other conscripts, in advance
of Beauregard’s evacuation and retreat,
from Columbia. They stopped at various
towns and villages on the route, includ
ing Spartanburg, York, Chester, Cam
den, S. CL, and Shelby, N. C. Before
reaching the latter place all but one or
two of the conscripts sank from exhaus
tion, and were lelt on the road.
At length the guard who were thor
oughly worn out from their long loot
marches and fatigue, became less and
less watchful, when Parker resolved to
make the attempt to escape. Watching
a favorable moment he seized his blan
ket and slipped off, and succeeded in
eluding pursuit.
Since his escape, Mr. Parker, in order
to reach Charleston, has traveled day
and night a distance of nearly four hun
dred miles, mostly on foot. He passed
through a great portion of Fairfield*
Kershaw, Greenville and Orangeburg
Districts, stopping one day at Columbia,
S. C. In Fairfield District the inhabi
tants, and particularly the large plant
ers, have suffered dreadfully from the
passage through both Union and rebel
troops. The town of Camden was
Mr. Parker left Columbia last Tuesday.
He represents the whole "bf Main street
destroyed, the State House up to what is
known as Cotton town, only a small
shanty having escaped. The squares on
each side of Main street are also des
troyed. The public buildi lgs, depots
autt all public property, with the excep
tion of the new State House, were all
burned by General Sherman’s orders. A
majt r.ty of citizens were t r .wing a daily
ration, consisting of a pound ol "beef and
a quart of com meal, from the commis
sary stores left by Gen. Sherman. Not
a horse, mule or wagon was left behind
by the Union troops. Mr. P. states that
there is not a rebel soldier between
Charleston and Columbia.
While in Chester Mr. P. learned, that
General R. S. Ripley had been tendered
and accepted the appointment of Chief
of Artillery in General Jos. E. Johnston s
army. He also saw General N. G. Evans,
who was in citizen’s dress, apparently
without any command. Both of these
officers stopped at the Charleston Hotel
at intervals during the first and second
years of the war, and were well acquaint
ed with Mr. F, but refused to grant him
any aid or relief whatever. Gherman's
army, be learned, had turned off six
miles from Charlotte, N. C.
The rolling stock of the South Carolina
Railroad, as also that of the Charleston
and Savannah Railroad, it vva3 reported,
had been safely removed to Sumter, S. C.
Tiie Adams Express Company. —This
popular Company have recently estab
lished a branch office in the building on
Broad-street formerly occupied by Shing
ler Brothers, Brokers. Tne entire busi
ness of the Company in thfi Department
of the South is conducted under the man
agement of Mr. A. A. Rice, a gentleman
whose industry and active enterprise has
won for him a world-wide reputation.
The immediate charge of the office in
Charleston devolves on Mr. William W.
Elmendorf, who is looked upon as an in
dispensable man about the establishment.
In connection with the Adams’ Express
Company’s coming among us we are in
formed that the flag-staff which is run
out of their building was the first one on
which was hoisted the rebel flag in this
city. The staff shows marks where it
has been struck in two places- The
Company are now ready to receive and
deliver goods. /
Another Range of Offices Destroy
ed.—-Last evening, between seven and
eight o’clock, fire broke out in another
range of unoccupied offices on Central
Wharf, between Fraser’s and Accom
modation Wharves. The offices were
formerly occupied by G. A. Hopley &
Cos., Hall & Cos., J. B. Latitte & Cos.,
Thomas Howard and others. Tim en
tire range, together an adjoining
warehouse, were consumed. The pro
perty belonged to the house of John
Fraser & Cos. The fire occurring so soon
after the destruction of the range of offi
ces on Fraser's Wharf, places it beyond
a doubt that both fires have been toe
work of a rebel incendiary. It was re
ported last evening that an incendiary
nad been arrested, but we could not
verify the truth of the report. We trust
our military authorities will be able .to
ferret out the rascals or villains
fire, and make of them such an example
as will deter others, doubtless bribed by
absent rebel property holders to turn ana
destroy all their real estate in the city.
The Union Commission at New lork
will send an agent to Charleston to re
lieve the necessities of the people there.
Klopemania.— This is the name Wor
cester gives to “an irresistible propensi
ty to steal.” The local editor of the
Chicago Times has an article upon the
subject, but changes the orthography of
the word, ou some authority unknown
to us. \We extract the following ••
A few days ago the newly married wife
of one of our wealthiest citizens, resid
ing in a handsome villa on the v&st side,
entered a store on Lake street. She is
herself the daughter of wealthy parents,
and was previous to her marriage one of
the gayest and most fashionable ladies in
Chicago. She inspected the stock of
silks, but was exceedingly fastidious in
her choice. Piece after piece' was turned
down and submitted to her. She could
not be pleased, and at last she took her
departure,, without purchasing. When
she was gone a piece was missing. A
boy was immediately despatched after
her with the account, to whom she
haughtily handed the missing silk, tell
ing him it had been left at her house by
mistake. Had the lady happened to be
poor, and to have stolen the silk from
necessity, she would have been appre
hended as a thief, and been accommo
dated with lodgings in Bridewell. As
she was wealthy enough to have bought
the whole stock in the store she must be
considered an unfortunate kleptomaniac,
and be pitied accordingly.
There are scores ot "women holding
fiist-class positions, and Having wealthy
husbands, who are so afflicted with this
disease that they cannot abstain from
appropriating whatever they can touch.
sey*go to a jeweler s they will steal
Brooches or lings. If to a drygoods
store, siiks, laces or ribbons. At tne
poulterer's they will, surreptitiously slip
a goose or turkey beneath their shawls.
They will pilfer potatoes or turnips, it
they can get at nothing else, and they
would find it almost impossible to puss
through a coal yard without endeavor
ing to slip into their pockets a lump of
coal. Many of these are known through
out the principal stores, and are strictly
watched. One portly lady receives the
attention of three or four clerks in every
store she enters. If she is noticed steal
ing anything, the account is promptly
forwarded to her on her reti rn home,
and-upon all occasions is as promptly
paid. She has pretty daughters, so that
it is earnestly to be hoped the disease is
not hereditary. Common humanity
might make any one wish that her sons
and husband are ignorant of her weak
It makes one shudder to think of the
risk that one has to run in venturing
upon matrimony, when he is made
aware of his additional frailty of woman.
It takes some courage under auy circum
stances, but few would calculate on run
ning the risk of such a staggerer as late
ly met a young gentleman who had but
a few weeks before returned from bis
wedding tour. His wile went out shop
ping, and, among other places, visited a
grocery store, where she gave an order for
some provisions. While the grocer was
writing down the order, she managed to
slip a pound of butter into her pocket.
Her husband then took her to visit a
friend. The day was cold, and there
was a blazing fije in the stove. Near to
this in r loving !ord, as well ai their
friends, insisted on her sitting. She for
got all all about the butter, and was only
reminded of it when a thick o I7 stream
was to her horror seen to flow gently
down her silk dress, and a deep pool of
the same substance was noticed beneath
her on the carpet!
The book stores frequented by elderly
gentlemen who stand and read a half
page of a volume here and there, as they
examine the stock, suffer a good deal
from kleptomaniacs. These gentlemen
are distinguished generally by looks ot
more than ordinary benevolence, and
speak in tones of exceeding softness. The
disease prevails, in short, to an alarming
extent, reaching even, iu some instances,
io the pulpit itself. One cannot help
pitying auy fine lady or venerable-look-
II \?. whom he knows to be
afflicted with the complaint, but some
times it will suggest itself that many of
the poor people who are brought up at
tle Jail or and spatched to Bridewell,
might in reality not be thieves, but, like
the wealthy pilferers, only kleptomaniacs.
Shrewdness in Old Times.—A Wash
ington letter writer indulges in some
reminiscences of the olden times, in re
gard to the President’s Message:
1 ime was when a sharp and enter
prising newspaper man could, by a little
strategy familiar to the craft, get ahead
ol all cotemporaries, aud publish the
message, or its contents, before it was
read in Congress. But all the tricks of
the trade have been exhausted, and.they
are of such a character that they can
not be successfully repeated. I* heard
some old newspaper men, the other day,
tell a laughable story of how one of
the New York papers managed to
get this interesting document in
advance. The message was printed
in the Globe office at the time.—
Strict orders had been issued to the
printers against communicating informa
tion to the Bohemian enemy, and every
compositor was searched before leaving
the type-room, to see that he did not
conceal any “proof-sheets” about his
person. Journalistic iugenuity whs put
to the test, but it proved equal to the
occasion. A Washington correspondent
bribed one of the typos to wear a pair
of white overalls, to watch his chauce,
aud ho got a favorable opportunity
to ink the type, and then scat himself
upon it. This done, he left the office
for a few moments, and appeared in an
alley near by, where a faithful scribe
was in readiness to copy the words print
ed on the rear of the white breeches, and
sent them instantly to New York by
A squad «f deserters who came over to
ojr lines a few nights ago were fired upon
furiously, but strange to tell, not a man
of them was injured. After they reached
a place of safety, some of our meu in
quired how it was that they all escaped.
“Oh*” said the spokesman of the party,
“them fellers fired too high to hit us!”-
“Yes, yes,” returned the picket officer,
but why did they fire so high ?” “Oh l
why, don’t you know ?” answered the
rebel; “well, it's because they are com
ing over themselves to-morrow night! ’
Disgusted with State Rights —The
Richmond Enquirer, tor fif.y years the
advocate of State rights, as expounded
by South Carolina, has at last had
enough of them. Thh thing of States’
rights, it now declared, is “ the weak
ness of our cause.” The theory is beau
tiful, “ but in practice it is utterly defec
tive.”* Governor Brown, of Georgia, has
been giving those Richmond philosophers
a dose of State rights which has taken
the conceit entirely out of them. They
are disgusted with State lights.—A”. Y
Herald, 10 tli.
We have despatches from Key West,
Florida, dated to the* 2d inst. A .force
under command of General Newton let*
there on the L ; 4th ult. with the design of
c ipturing St. Marks. Information trom
it had not been received. Two addition
al captured English rebel blockade run
ners had been brought into Key West -
Three or four vessels were reported
wrecked on the coast in that vicinity.—
N. I’. IJvrald , 10/A.
Hereafter no ladie3 will be permit
ted to visit the Army of the Potomac
without special perm t from headquar
ters. All ladies who are now in the
army will be required to ieave within,
forty-eight hours. ,
\FTve CBnts.