Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 27, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald. BT 8. W. MASON AND CO. hAVANNAH. MONDAY. MARCH 2t, WB. The “Wht” of it.— We must beg our read ers to exruse the lack of editorial matter in this morning's editiou. We waited until the latest possible moment for particulars of the news by the Arago; for some, as yet, unex plained reason this intelligence had not. up to a very’late hour last night, been trans mitted over the wjjea. What is the cause of the delay we have, up to the present writing, not the slightest idea. The only meagre items of the Arago’s news which had been, up to 2 a. m.. this morning, telegraphed to Savannah, we give in another article. We hope, however, to receive the full de tails of news, and to be able to lay them be fore our readers, with, we trust, copious ex tracts from our northern files, in a morning’s Extra, or certainly in our Evening Edition. In our Bulletin of yesterday, we promised our patrons an “Extra,” last eveniug; this promise was based on hopes which unluckily were not fulfilled. The Union Feeling Piuor to the Evac uation of Savannah. —lt was known thro’ the whole Northern States, from the firing of the first gun on Fort Sumter, where An derson and his few brave men lay isolated from the help of his government, that in those Suites where slavery existed were men proud iu heart, honorable in principle, that were separated from their government; these men, many of them born in the Southern States, did not dare to raise their voices against those who were committing the crimes of treason and rebellion. The per sons win stood willing to uphold the gov ernment of the United States were power less. There was yet another class of citi zens, who had emigrated to this country ; mauy of these having families and property in the so called Confederate States were dragged forth to serve in the Rebel armies; mauy of these persecuted men are at the present time iu Savannah. In this, our own city, was at one time erected a stockade, or pen, for the confine ment of Union soldiers captured in battlo. Proud are we to state it, that every effort was made by our noble men and women iu this city to reiievc the sick and distressed United States volunteers. Many a time relief was effected by the generous aid of a ser geant, corporal, or private, in the uniform of grey. By the fortunes of war, in the early part of June, 1804, the U. S. Steamer Water Witch, lying iu the Ossabaw Sound, was boarded and captured, after a severe loss in killed and wouuded on both sides. The fol lowing wounded olliceis from the Water Witch were brought to Oglethorpe Barracks for surgical treatment and imprisonment Chas. Wesley Buck, Acting Master, U. S. N.; L. G. Billings, A. A. Paymaster, U. S. N.; A. D Stavcr, Acting Ensign, U. S. N.— While these officers were incarcerated here, Archibald Watson, Sergeant-major, Port of Savannah, a foreigner by birth, rendered them much service fin ministering to their wants to as great an extent bs the rigor of the suspicious authorities would allow him to do. His noble deeds of humanity und patriotism have been brought to the notice of General Grover. Amalgamation and the Consequence ß . — On Saturday evening last the police arrested two young men, clerks in this city, for the heinous offence of amalgamation. It is shameful to state that the two young white men hired a house iu this city and placed therein two colored females as their mistress es. It was thought and believed that such a thing would not occur in Savannah again as it had previously, to the sorrow of these two young men belongs an attempt at the con tinuance of this disgrace. The Chief of Poljce, after their arrest, turned them over to the safe keeping ol Capt. McFarlane who promptly gave them quarters in a lock-up lorraeriy used as a uegro trailers’ office and jail. This morning the Provost Court will take this matter under consideration. First Provost Court.— Several important cases are to come up for trial before Judge Parsons this morning ; among which is the exceedingly interesting one of a suit against Mr. Wm. Remshart, brought by a colored woman, formerly his slave, to recover a house alleged by her to have been built with money loaned to Mr. Remshart by herself years ago, Second Provost Court.— A. case of throw ing brick-bats, by two white females, and using profane language, will be up this moiru ?nc for the kind consideration of Judge Wal ton. Passengers per Sylph, for Hilton Head ; Col. French, ayd Mr. Lester, of Saratoga Springs, Capt. Thompson, Lieutenant Smith, Lieut. Harper, L. L. Jones, Captain F. C. Butzc. High Tide. — There was a very high tide yesterday in the river. The depth of water on the wrecks below the city was 16 1-2 feet. * , For Hilton Head. —Tho steamboat U. S. Grant leaves for Hilton Head this morning at half past ten o’clock Bob Toombs has been making a speech at Augusta, Ga., ill which he pitched into the rebel government with great fury. But lie s full of tight as ever, a regular “never-say die” man. Bob says that Southern men are almost as much outraged where our troop* have not been as where they have been. THE NEWS. Victories at Goldsboro* Confirmed GOLD AT 153. VOHK DATES TO THE 91st. Exciting News Looked For.’ From the meagreness of the dispatches received yesterday, we are unable to lay be fore our readers very much of importance in addition to what has already been published in our Extra of Saturday evening. The substance of the news received yes terday, is that the Arago with New York dates of the 21st, brings full confirmation of the glorious successes of tho united Federal armies at Goldsboro, with reports of an on ward march of the invincible forces of Sher man; also that gold has suffered an almost incredible fall to 153. These two facts alone are enough to warrant the most sanguine an ticipations of very important and exhilerat ing news from the North. BOOK NOTICE. Tick Soldiers Casket, published by C. W. Alexander, Philadelphia. Wo have re ceived the number, No. 2, Vol. 1, of this new' magazine. In turning over its pages we have been surprised and delighted at the originality of its plan, and much pleas ed with the freshness and valuableness of its contents. It is emphatically a soldiers’ maga zine, its articles being w r ritten by soldiers, and upon topics nearest the soldiers heart. Through its friendly pages, open to all con tributors, the brave boys of our armies will delight to recount to each other the “battles, seiges, fortunes,” they have passed; ‘•0» movine accidents, by flood and field ; Os hair-breadth teapes i’ the imminent deadly breach; Os being taken by the insolent foe.” The “Soldier’s Casket” will form an inter esting portion of our war literature, and can not fail to be a most valuable contribution to the materials of the future historians of this stirring epoch. Its table t»f contents includes a pleasing variety of sketches of heroic exploits, thril ling adventures, and touching talcs of suffer ing and noble endurance. It is finely illus trated with engravings on wood, and a col ored frontispiece. Every soldier should get it. Price 25 cents. The Panama Railroad—lmprovjcmext on the Route to the Pacific.—The following is an extract from a letter received in this city from Pensacola: For the last few days I have been in As pinwall, which, by tho way, should have re tained its appropriate and cherished name of * Colon.” for the name of Columbus ehould be held sacred throughout the American con tinent. The Aspinwall depot, with a large iron building for the freight which is constantly pouring into it from every quarter, is admi rably constructed, aud specially adapted to the climate in durability, safety aud conven ience. The work shops of the company are well arranged, and they turn out a vast deal ot work without confusion or delay. Indeed, under the able and excellent man -of the present agents, Win. Parker, Esq., of Aspinwall, and Wm. Nelson, Esq., commercial agent at Panama, everything connected with this important road is con ducted in the most improved and most eco nomical manner, consistent with the interest ot the compuuy, and the convenience of the multitude of passengers, who receive from them, wit hoot stint, everything that reason able persons could desire. The beautiiul stone church at Aspinwall, while :t will forever stand as a monument of the Company’s regard for the cause of reli gion, presents to all Christians a glorious banner of that hope which is inculcated with in its ample walls. To one who like myself, Ims in former times been a week boating it up thaChagres river, in the rainy season, exposed to all the dis comforts of that dilatory and expensive route to California, it is indoed delicious to cross the Isthmus in three hours, through a pictu resque avenue bordered by entangled forests, and besprinkled with wild flowers and cheer ful villages; and instead of the former wretched resting places along the river, to find at every stopping place the neat and comfortable cottage ol the company’s agent, with its pretty flower garden in front, assur ing passengers that they were in a land of civilization, with it» accompanying tastes. How few realize tho wondeful and salutary change which these vast improvemehts have produced in the transit of mankimd from the Atlantic to the Pacific; It was a gigantic undertaking. A sickly country was to be traversed through almost impenetrable forests ; swamps wene to be filled and hills aud rocks leveled ; abutments were to be erected upon unstable soil, and rivers to be bridged. AU this in a land adverse to any thing like progress. The ability, the energy, 1 tbe untiring industry, tho hardihood essen tial for the great work, were to be imported, and then tried, and then often, very often, found wtating. Still Col. Totten and his small but hereic band were indomitable in their efforts to complete the work; never daunted when death thinned their ranks and stared them in the face, thoy pushed on, and we now behold their beautiful creation in the full tide of successful operation. Atur the discovery of the gold mines in California this railroad was the important and only link heeded in the chain of com munication between Ban Francisco and the East. This link supplied, and the two great oceans were but three hours apart. The harbor of Aspinwall is readily seen at night by means of a neat and durable iron light house, erectcdby the company. The moment a steamer is discovered approach ing, a touch of the company s telegraphic .wire calls out its iron horse, and the passen gers are soon hauled to Panama, rejoicing in the prospect of changing the cramped ac commodations of the New York steamers for the suberb and airy saloons of the steamers of the Pacific Steamship Ci nap; ny, which nothing upon any ocean equals. We hope soon to see the Atlantic steamers on this route in the hands of t. n's liberal minded company. In the meantime we con gratulate the passengers of both companies, on the happy selection of D. M. Corwine, Esq., as their agent in Panama and Aspii.- wall, well assured that und- r his able and judicious auspices they will receive every at tention they can desire. A gentlanwn of bis integrity and ability has long been needed here for the multifarious duties devolving upon him. — Cor. Boston Traveller GEN. C RANT’S TREASURY ORDER. ll’d-Qcarters of the U. 8. A. I Crrr Point, Ya„ March IC, ’Oft.)' Special Ordebs, > No. 13. ) First. Tbe operations on all treasury trade permits and all other trade permits, and li censes to trade by whomsoever granted within the State of Virginia, except that portion known as the Eastern shore, and the States of North Carolina and South Caro lina, and that portion of Georgia immedi ately _ bordering on the Atlantic, including the city of Savannah, are hereby suspended until further orders. All contracts and agreements made under or by virtue of any parts of states during the existence of the war, will be deemed void, and be subject to the military authorities for the benefit of the Government, whether the same is, at the time of such contracts or agreements, within their reach, or at any time hereafter comes within their reach, either by the operations of Avar or the act of the contracting parties or their agents. The delivery of all goods contracted lor and not delivered before the publication ot this Order, is prohibited. Supplies of all kinds are prohibited from passing into any of the States or parts of States, except sueii as are absolutely necessary fertile wants of those living within the lines of actual Military oc cupation, and under no circumstane. s will Military Commanders allow them to pass be yond the lines they actually hold. By Command of _ _ Lr. Gen. Grant. P. S. Bower*, A. A. Gen’l. [Official.] F. S. Parker, A. A. A. Gen’l. War Depart ent. > Washington,- March 16, 1865. > A telegram from Gen. Grant s Headquar ters, reports that the Daily Desnatch is the only paper issued to-day in Richmond. It says“ The Despatch is published this morning on half a sheet only, because of the fact that all tbe employees, printers, report ers aud clerks, are members of military or ganizations, and were called out yesterday morning by the Governor to perform special service lor a short time. But for the kind ness of a few triends who are exempt from service, and only volunteered their aid, the half ioaf presented them would of necessity have been withheld. In a few days at farthest our forces will return to tbeir post, Avbeu Ave hope to re sume and continue uninterruptedly our full sized sheet.” There is no other uoavs of importance from any other quarter. (Signed) C. A. Dana, Asst. Sec’y of War. New York, March 17. Gold, which was steady yesterday morn ing, gave way again late" in the. afternoon, and closed down Unvn at 166. Stocks- were firm in the morning, but closed weak. Goy ernment securities sold heavy at the evening board. Gold closed at 167 3-4. ’ sSTjik U. 8. Steamer Bibb Struck by a Tor pedo.—On the afternoon of Friday last, Avhiie the U. S. Survey steamei “Bibb,” Captain C. O. Boutelle, commanding, was sounding the channel off Battery Bee, on Sullivan’s Island, she struck a torpedo, Avhich exploded under her port bow, but fortunately Avithout caus ing any material damage. The force of tiie concussion Avas such as to throw the bow of the vessel completely out of Avnter. The “Bibb” is a strongly built craft, ~ aud could probably withstand the shock of several tor pedoes Avithout sustaining much darnage.- Noue of the officers or ciew Avere injured in the least. One of the Engines was slightly Injured. Great praise in due to Captain Boutelle and his Executive Officer, C. W. Buck, for their coolness on the occasion, anti the prompt measures they took to meet any emergency which might arise. Masters of vessels, in passing iu or out of the harbor, bad better keep well iu forward the shore Avben going to Battery Bee. The torpedo which exploded under the “Bibb,” was, doubtless, one of the sixteen laid down by the rebels a feAV days before the evacua tion. A number have been taken up and the search for others is still progressing. We take it upon ourselves to offer tbe above suggestion (which is not original with us) to sailing masters, although in so doing we do not wish to anticipate the sailing in structions which Capt. Boutelle is preparing in reference to Charleston harbor. Captain Boutelle has been intimately acquainted rvith the harbor for a number of years, and we are assured that any information from him concerning the matter of its navigation may be put clown as reliable. The work of sounding the channels and fixing the lights is progressing as rapidly, as possible.- Charleston Courier , 20 th. • The New Rehkl— -The new Con federate flag, adopted by the Senate on Sat urday is as follows : The width two thirds of its length, with the union now used as a bat tle flag, to be in width three-fifths of the width of the flag, and so proportioned as to leave the length of thefield on the side of the union twice tho width below it, to have a ground of red aud broad bine saltier thereon, bordered with white aud emblazoned with mullets or five pointed stars, correspond ing in number to that of the Confederate States ; the Held to be white, except the outer half from the union, which shall be a red bar extending tho width of the flag.— Richmond Sentinel,\Fcb. 6 Music.—The following are some curious facts about music ; Musical sound,rythmical or not.agitates the whole physical frame, quickens the pulse, incites perspiration, aud produces a pleasant momentary irritation ot the nervous system, communicates to the body shocks which agi tate the members to their base. In churches the flame of candle oscillates to tho quake ol the organ. A powerful orchestra near a sheet of water ruffles its surface, A learned traveller speaks ot au iron ring which swiugs to and fro to the sound of the Tivoli Falls. According to the Mobile News, there is a perlcct exodus through Texas into Mexico ot “the gallant youth whb are the reserve guard of the Sunny South, and will do the fightmg after their brave lathers aud elder brothers have fallen.” The editor of an Ohio paper publishes Iho names his subscribers who pay up promptly under tho head, “Legion of Honor,” A Desperate Struggle —Four miles out from Alexandria, Yirginia, there is a promi nent land-mark called by the inhabitants of that region Shuter b Hill. On seA'eral occas ions during tbe war, this place has been the scene of hotly contested combats. It was here, on the 30th day of June, 1861, that a picket guard of three men oi Compa ny Fourth Pennsylvania Regiment, was attacked by a party ot fourteen rebel scouts. So well did the enemy conceal his ap proach, that a complete surprise avus effect ed, and the three Union volunteers were in ;he very dutches of their foeinen before au alarm could be given. The object of the rebels AA-as to seize each of the pickets in rime to prevent a discharge of the latter’s pieces, and they succeeded in accomplishing it. One of the captives, however, Lewis Roo mer, Cos. E, 4th Penn. Yols., a sturdy farm er’s lad from Montgomery count}’, even while several of his captors had their SAVords close-to his breast, wrenched himself from tbe two who held him, and rescuing his mus ket. from a third, attempted to discharge it. Unfortunately, however, tbe cap in tbe me lee had been tlirown from the nipple, and bis effort proved futile. An instant rush was made upon our hero who, however, being a master of the bayonet exercise, found no difficulty in keeping off bis enemies- x But one ot the latter, a cool, calculating man, instantly drew a heavy bowie knife from his belt, and, watching his opportunity, hurled it at Roomer Avith such true aim, that the cold and deadly blade buried itself deeply in tbe victim’s breast, inflicting a terrible, but, providentially, not a mortal Avound. “That’ll settle you, you d—d Yankee !” exclaimed the villain, as he observed the re sult of his piurderous effort. . “Not by a good deal, Mr. Johnny !” shout ed our lmro. “Bat that’ll turn your furrow !” he added, as, Avith a lightning-like spring, he bounded forward, and, ore his victim could escape him, plunged his own terrible bayonet fairly in his heart. The next moment, hoAvever, tbe noble fel loav received sev’oral more deadly wounds from the weapons that surrounded him, and lie began to feel sick. But still stout of heart, he clubbed his musket, aud delivered several heavy blows among liis desperate foemcn, when suddenly a film came over bis eyes, and be sank down incapable of further resis tance. Aet at the very instant of despair, he thought he heard the cheering shouts of friends, aud as he finally sunk forward, he thought he saw. the dim forms of prancing horses about him, —thought he saw Union sabres gieam through the mist around him,— thought he saintly heard, as in a dream, voices shouting : “Down Avith the traitors! down with them ! down Avitii them !” Then all was darkness. )V ben Roeiner re-aAi’oke, lie found himself iu tbe care of his rescuers,who informed him first, that though he was badly hurt, yet he would recover ; and second, that out of the fourteen rebels five only had escaped, and two oi these terribly wounded. Pennsylvania neeu never fear to put the keeping of her honor in such hands as those of the heroic Roeiner. Mr, Sr. -ward in a Neav Character.— Mr. William H Seward demands our admiration. His “God bless you, Hunter,” and “Remem ber me to my old friends in the South” are exquisite. We had supposed that Mr. Ches ter, in Burnaby Rudge, was a cariacature, but \ye must acquit Mr. Dickens ot ail exaggera tion. His polished masterpiece of courteous craft and malignity must hide its diminished head by the side of W. H. Seivard. It were worth years of ordinary sight-see ing to have witnessed that interview. We should like to see Mr. Hunter alter the bene diction. We’should consider it a privilege to look upon the head honored by Seward's blessing. We fancy that a halo surrounds it; that a luminous shadow attends it; that troops of good angels surround the beatified man. “God bless you Hunter.” (I am iu hopes of banging you some day, old gentle man, but, in the meantime, receive my apos tolical benediction.) “Remember me to my old friends in the South.’, Let the “old friends” call upon Mr. Hunter and receive the affectionate souvenir. Mr. Seward could hardly suppose that his friends here could ever forget him. There are monuments to his genius iu a hundred thousand mounds scattered everywhere over the surface of this broad land. The flames of burning houses aud cities arc nightly illuminating the skies in his honor. Every breeze is laden Avith plaintive music, called forth by his master band. The sheeted dead start from their bloody shrouds and wander through their old loved homes, whispering the name of SeAvard. Not even Lincoln has such claims upon Confederate admiration. He has neither the heart nor the face of Seward. Born upon Southern tod, he cannot altogether eradicate all impulses ot humanity from his soul, and all traces of honesty from his visage. Mr. Hunter has our sympathies. We would rath er be cursed by any other man than blessed by Seward.— Richmond \Vuty, Feb. 8. HOTEL A RIUVALS. PULASKI HOUSE, MARCH 2G, 18C5. George L. Warren, Capt. and A. A. 0., Ft. Pulaski. James A. Betts, Hilton Head. B. E. Dowd, •’ “ - David Barnett, “ “ A. Jansen, “ «« C. Kelly, «• *• A. E. Potter, “ . “ H. J. Murdock, E. T. Swift, Boston, Mass. A. W. Straub, Milton, Penn. D. P. Heath, U. S. N. Dennis Long, Macon, Ga. John B. Coles, Savannah. G. W. Green, “ . Jacob Claws, Kfcbard S. Higgins, Signal Corps, V. S. A. FORT ROYAL HOUSE (HILTON HEAD, MAR. 25. G. L. Warren, Capt. and A. Q. SI., Fort Pulaski. Lieut. L. S. StcCarty, 90ih 111 Yols. L. L. Dunham, Boston, Mass. G. F. Wright, O- C. Gibbs, C. L. Snilbaum, “ « T. Drew, « - .. H. P. Rngg, Savannah. G. Howes, Port Royal, S. C. 11. Parsons, Biairs Landing. S. C. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. Arrived steamer W. W. Coitt, Parker, Charleston, via Hilton Head ; steamer U. S. Grant, Dobbs, Hilton Head; steamer Enoch Dean, Hallett, St. Simons Sound; schooner Daniel Brown, Pickens, Hilton Head. Cleared—ship Bazaar, Stinson, New York; steamer Sylph. French, Hilton Head. The antiquarians Avho obtained permission to dig for the vast treisure supposed to be buried in the Coliseum have given up the job. They firnud, however, a skeleton of a horse. Avhich has been tonight by au English man for one hundred and twenty pounds, as a t lassie horse. V F. A. M. MASONIC HALL, X. E. corner qf Bull and Broughton Streets , Lodae Room <m Third Story, Entrance on Brpughtolt St. J SOLOMON’S LODGE, No. 1, meets on the Ist and 3d Thursdays in each month. E. T. Turner, AA’ M John Nicholson, S. W.; John Foley. J. AV • H ’ o' Freeman. Treasurer: James M. Jones, Secretary'. V Holbrook Estill, S. D.; H. L. Schreiner, J Di T Cavanaugh, Tyler. ' " • • ZERUBABEL LODGE, No. 15, meets on the 2A and 4th Thursdays in each month. AVm Greene, AV M.; David Thomson, S. W. ; Thomas Ilallentine, j' : Alfred Haywood, Tress.: M. Loewenthal, Sect "• Milton Humphreys, S. D.; Wm. W. Metzger J T)-' M. Bolev, Tyler. ’ ' ” CLINTON LODGE, No. 54, meets on the Ist and 3d Mondays in each month. Simon E. Byck, W M • Til.. Rutherford, S. W. : AV. Gibbons, J. AV.: Wm. M Da' vidson, Treas.; L. H. Galloway. Sect.; P D Hilziieim S. IX; W. A. Stern, J. D.: J. Cavanaugh, Tyler ’ ANCIENT LANDMARK LODGE, No. 231*. meets on 2d and 4th Tuesdays iu each month. E. C. Hono-h W. M,; W. F. Holland, S. W.; S. L. Butler, J AV-i Wilbur. Treas.; James M. Prentiss, Sect.: W Linder S. I).; E L. Hsckett, J. D.: Sami. Jones aud S p’ Bcli. Stewards: J. Cavanaugh, Tyler. GEORGIA CHAPTER, No 3, meets on the 2d and 4th Wednesdays in each month. It. T. Turner, H. P • W\ Greene, K.- A. S. Clark, S.: TANARUS). H. Galloway, C.n"! J. Holbrook Estill, ?. S.; Thomas B llentine, R. a’ C.: A. B. Luce. Treas.; Jas. M. Jones, Sect.- Jno Foley, AI. Ist V.; W. F. lli 11 ind. M. 2d V.; M. Retch" M. Ist V.; Rev. S. Landrum, Chap.; J. Cavananeb’ Sentinel. ** ’ GEORGIA COUNCIL. No. 1, meets Ist W'ednesdav in each mouth. James M. Prentiss, T. I G M• T Is Marshall, H. TANARUS.; A. S. Clark, 11. A.; F. W. Cornwall" Treas.; D. H. Galloway, Recorder; R. T. Turner, c! G.; T. W. Shea, SteAvarcl; J. Cavanaugh, Sentinel,' I. O. O. F, OGLETHORPE LODGE, No. 1, meets every Tues day evening. (Lodge Room on Bnv street, over Geo N. Nichols’ Printing Office.) A. F. Torlay, N. G.- F Krenson, V’. G.; James Clemence, Treas.; C. Gross Sect ’ LIVE OAK LODGE, No 3, meets every Friday evening. (Lodge Room S. W. cor. Bull and Brough ton ets., 4th story, entrance on Lroughton street.) °.T Holbrook Estill, N. G.; R. M. Rarthelmess, A'. G • D Thompson, Treas.; D. H. Gailowav, Sect, MAGNOLIA ENCAMPMENT, No. 1, meets Ist and 3d W ednesday in each mouth in Live Oak Lodo e Room John T. Thomas. C. P.; John Harrison, H P.; John Dexter, S. W.; R. Groves, J. W.; C. Gross’ Scribe ; Janus L. Hanpt. Treasurer. [Official.]’ HEADQUAKTEBn U. 8. FORCES, Savannah, March 20,1805. General Order,] / No. 24. / Cattle, horses and mules found running at large in the streets or public squares after the Ist of April, will be impounded. After the same date the keeping of hogs, the slaugh tering of animals, and the committing or harboring of anything offensive or to the prejudice of the health of the community, with n the city limits is forbidden By command of Brevet Maj. Gen. GROVFR. Edward G. Dike, A. A. A. Gen. mh27 HOUSE TO~LET\ Tbe three story House No. 73, Congress street, with Stable attached, is for rent on reasonable terms. The house has gas, oath room and all modern con veniences, and is completely furnished throughout. Apply on the premises. ts mh24 Jyj'EW YORK HERALD CORRESPONDENT. The office of the New York Herald Correspondent is at 111 BAY STREET, TO STAIRS. mar 22 ts QLOSING OUT! , The large Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, SPRING CLOTHING, GROCERIES, BOTTLED ALE, PORTER and CHAMPAGNE CIDER, SEGA RS and TOBACCOS, in great variety, BEEF AND PORK, in half-hbls., SUTLERS’ GOODS, TEAS COFFEES and - SPICES. The entire Stock will be sold, wholesale and retail, AT NEW YORK PRICES. The public will find this the beet opportunity to pur chase yet offered in this market, 170 BROUGHTON STREET. mar2t ts Next door to Sherlock’s. J3ROVOST COURT NOTICE. On and after this date, the First Provost Court, let Lieut. Elicit Parsons, Jr., Judge, will be held at the V. S. Court House, corner of Bull and Bay streets. The Second Provost Court, Capt. James M. Walton, Judge, will be held in the room over Adams’ Express Co.’s office, corner Bay and Dra3'ton streets. The respective jurisdictions are fixed by General Order No. 0,, aud all parties having business before said Courts will govern themselves accordingly. By order, PROVOST JUDGES. mar2o jj gAVILLE & LEACH, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, Merchants’ Row, HILTON HEAD, 3. C„ Comer Bryan street and Market square, mar2l SAVANNAH, GA. codjf r P B. BYNNER, ~ A * , 176 IIKOADWAY, NEW VOHK. WATCHES AND JEWELRY Os every description. „ WATCHES Particularly adapted to ARMY PURPOSES, In Extra made Cases, GOLD AND SILVER, AMERICAN, SWISS, and . , ~ ... , ENGLISH. I deal in nothing but TIME PIECES. Gold Watches from SBO to $300; Silver, from 20 to S9O For paiticu lars send for my prices lists. Established 20 years, and confidently refer to any respectable Mercantile House in the city; ulso the Editors of this paper T. B. BYNNER; ITo Broadway, N. Y. P. S.—Beware of the absurd and deceptive advertise ruents In the Weeklys, mar 4—eod2m (Official.) Ht.MKjCAitTt.Rs U. 8. Forcfs; _ • - . Savannah, March cist, 1805. General Guher.) No. 23. f Surgeon A. P. Dalrymple, U. S, Vols., having re ported to these Headquarters for duty iu pursuance of special Order No. 09, Par 2, Headquarters Depart ment of the South, is hereby assigned to duty as Health Oflicer of the Post of Savannah, relieving Sur geon W. \ Provost in the duties ol that office. By commas of „ „ „ Brevet Major General GROVER. Edward Q. Dike, A. A. A. Gen. nmr23