Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 30, 1865, Image 3

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I. O. O. F. OGLETHORPE LODGE, No. 1. meets every Tues day evening, (Lodge Room on Bay street, over Geo. K 'Nichols’ Printing Office.) A. P. Torlay, N. G.; F. Krenson, V. G.; James Clemence, Treas.; C. Gross, Sect LIVE OAK LODGE, No 3, meets every Friday evening. (Lodge Room S. W. cor. Bull and Brough ton sts., 4th story, entrance on Lroughton street.) J. Holbrook Estiil, N. G.; R. M. Barthelmess, V. G.; D. Thompson, Treas.: D. H. Galloway, Sect. MAGNOLIA ENCAMPMENT, No. 1, meets Ist and Sd Wednesday in each month in Live Oak Lodge Room. John T. Thomas. C. P.; John Harrison, ft. p. : John Dexter, S. W.; R. Groves. J. W. ; C. Gross, Scribe ; James L. Haupt. Treasurer. ' F. A. M. MASONIC HALL, y. E. corner of Bull and Broughton Streets, Lodge Room on Third Story, Entrance on Broughton St. SOLOMON’S LODGE, No. 1, meets on the Ist and 3d Thursdays in each month. R. T. Turner, VV. M.: John Nicholson, S. W.; John Foley. J. W.; H C Freeman. Treasurer: James M. Jones, Secretary; j! Holbrook Estiil, S. D. ; H. L. Schreiner, J. I). ; J. Cavanaugh, Tyler. ZEKt BABEL LODGE, No. 15, meets on the 2d and 4th Thursdays in each month. Win. Greene, W 31.; David Thomson, S. W.; Thomas Ballentine, j’ W.; Alfred Haywood, Treas.: M. Loewenthal, Sect • .Milton Humphreys, S. I).; Wm. W. Metzger, J D•’ 31. Bolev, Tyler. ( LI NTON LODGE, No. 54, meets on the Ist and 3d Mondays in each month. Simon E. Byck, W. M.; Jno. Rutherford, S. W.; VV. Gibbons, J. VV.; Win. 3L Da vidson, Treas.; L. H. Galloway. Sect.; P D. Hilzheim, S. D.; VV. A. Stern, J. D.; J. Cavanaugh, Tyler. ANCIENT LANDMARK LODGE. No. 231. meets on 2d and 4th Tuesdays in each mouth. E. C. Hough, VV. 31,: VV. F. Holland, S. VV.; S. L. Butler, J. VV' - A Wilbur, Treas.; James 31. Prentiss, Sect.; W. Linder! S. D.: E L. Hnckett. J. D.; Sami. Jones and S. P Bell, Stewards ; J. Cavanaugh, Tyler. GEORGIA CHAPTER, No 3, meets on the 2d and 4th Wednesdays in each month. R. T. Turner, H P,- VV. Greene, K.; A. S. Clark, S.; D. H. Galloway, C. II • J. Holbrook Estiil, P. S.; Thomas B.llentihe, R A C.; A. B. Luce, Treas.; Jas. M. Jones, Sect.; Jno! Foley, M. Ist V.; VV. F. Holland, M. 2d V.; 31. Retch, 31. Ist V. ; Rev. S. Landrum, Chap.; J. Cavanaugh, Sentinel. GEORGIA COUNCIL, No. 1, meets Ist Wednesday in each month. James M. Prentiss, T. I. G. 31.- T. B‘ Atarshall, H. TANARUS.; A. S. Clark, 11. A. ; F. W. Cornwall! Treas.; D. H. G alio way, Recorder; R. T. Turner, C. G.; T. VV. Shea, Steward; J. Cavanaugh, Sentinel, OAVANNAH THEATRE! Lessee and Business Manager urant taggart. Director of Amusements a. ii. davenport. Stage Manager t. j. iikrndon. THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH SO, 18(55. The Great Play of CAMILLE Again by special desire. Miss Florence Lafond as Camille. Mr. Davenport as Arrnand 3lrs. Berrell as „. Madame Prudence FOPBTII NIGHT OF TUN RYMAN AND SOOTT (’OMIUNATION. This Evening will be presented the great sensa tional Play of CAMILLE, In which Miss Lafond, Mrs. Berrell, Miss Prestige, 3fisses 31. and E. St. Leon, Messrs. Davenport, Herndon, Simpson, earner, Rogers, &e., will appear in principal characters 3larseillaise Hymn, by Mr. Ainsley Scott. To conclude with SHAIiSPERIAN READINGS; or, A LACK OF SUPPORT. Tragedian 3lr, Ainsley Scott Heavy 31an Mr. Add Ryman Alanager Mr. M. H. Howard Due notice will be given of the production of The Stranger, Tieket-of-Leave Man and The Six Degrees of Crime. Notice.—ln future the doors will open at 7 and the curtain rise at 8 o’clock precisely. Box office open from 10 until 2 o’clock. I7i?- PRICES OF ADMISSION AS USUAL. All bills must be presented weekly. mar2B , I BURNISHED HOUSE TO LET. r The three story House No. 73, Congress street, with Stable attached, is for rent on reasonable terms. The house has gas, oath room and all modern con veniences, and is completely furnished throughout Apply on the premises. Ts mh24 YV ANTED. Three or four furnished Roqpis. Address ‘ ‘Watson,*’ Herald Office. 4 mar2B jyTANIIATTAN PURCHASING AGENCY. BRYANT'S MINSTRELS, 472 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. D . .C . WINANS & CO., Publishers and Dealers in SHEET MUSIC, CARD PHOTOGRAPHS AND PUB LICATIONS OF ALL KINDS. NEW SHEET MUSIC! JUST PUBLISHED : My Angel Boy, 30c.; Voices That Are Gone. 30c.; When the War Is Over, Mary, 35c.; Why Did-You Die, 30c.; Oh! Let Him Rest, 40c.; Song of the Sea Shell, 30c.; Beautiful Dreamer, ffor Guitar,) 28c.; Blow, Bugle Blow, 50c.; Blue Eyed Kitty May, 25c. 100,000 CARD PHONOGRAPHS Os distinguished personages of the Army and Navy, Actors, Actresses, Statesmen, &c. 25 CENTS EACH, On FIVE FOB ONE UOI.LAK. Generals Grant, Sherman, Burnside, Sheridan, Ac., Admirals Farragut, Dupont, Ac., Edwin Forrest, Edwin Booth, Edwin Adams, Mrs. John Wood, Laura Keen, Maggie Mitchell, Ada "I. Menken, Kate Bate man, Fanny Brown, Ac. SEND FOR ANY THING YOU WANT. CATALOGUES SENT FREE OF POSTAGE. - All orders will be promptly attended to. Address D. C. WINANS A CO., Bryant's Minstrels, 472 Broadway, N. Y. niarSS 0 OWEET CIDER FOR SALE, To families by the quart or gallon, at O'MEARA A CO’S, over Adams' Express Office, Bay street. mh24 ROOMS TO LET AT HILTON HEAD, S. C\,in The Palmetto Herald Building, corner of Mer chants' Row and Palmetto Avenue, suitable for busi ness purposes or lodgings. Apply to J. T. RIVERS, «m the premises, or H.T. RIVERS, at the Custom House ts mar 4 YEW YORK HERALD CORRESPONDENT. The office of the New York Herald Correspondent is at 111 BAY STREET, - ' UP STAIRS. _mar22 *tf OUT. The large Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES,' SPRING CLOTHING, GROCERIES, BOTTLED AI.E, PORTER and CHAMPAGNE CIDER, SEGARS and TOBACCOS, in great variety, BEEF AND PORK, in half-bbls., SUTLERS' GOODS, TEAS COFFEES and SPICES. The entire Stock will be sold, ftnOT.KSAI.E AND RETAIL, AT NEW YORK PRICES. The public will And this the best opportunity to pnr tlmse yet offered in this market, 170 BROUGHTON STREET, mar2l ts Next door to Sherlock’s. JJILTON HEAD HOUSE, COR. OF BRYAN ST. AND JOHNSON SQUARES, TOBACCO, Ac., always on hand, i he Proprietors will be happy to meet the pat lOaage of their friends and the public. , WAKEFIELD A WILLIAMo mar;) ts - Propriet re. JNTEREST ING PUBLICATIONS FOB THE SOLDIER OR THE CITIZEN. THE NOVELLETTE, Published monthly, contains, in each number, from threo to eight short stories, with Illustrations. Terms: one copy, 1 year, $2, post-paid ; six copies, subscribers paying their own postage, $9; 12 do., sls. THE FLAG OF OUR UNION. Devoted to Tales, Sketches, Adventures, Pooms, News, Novellettes, &c. $2 per year. THE DOLLAR MONTHLY MAGAZINE. The cheapest magazine iu the world. Six copies for five dollars. Nearly one hundred pages of reading matter and illustrations. Postage only 12 tents per year. TEN CENT NOVELLETTES. 128 pages in each book; one-third larger than any other Dime Novel. All of the above publications will be forwarded regu larly by mail, on receipt of price, by ELLIOTT, THOMES * TALBOT, Publishers, 118 Washington street, Boston, Mass. Samples ean be seeu, or copies purchased, by ap plying at * THE SAVANNAH HERALD STORE, 111 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. marl 9 ts [Official.] Headquarters U. S. Forces, Savannah, March 2C, 1865. General Order,) No. 24. / Cattle, horses and mules found running at large in the streets or public squares after the Ist of April, will be impounded. After the same date the keeping of hogs, the slaugh tering of animals, and the committing or harboring of anything offensive or to the prejudice of the health of the community, witii'n the city limits is forbidden. By command of Brevet Maj. Gen. GROVER. Edward G. Dike, A. A. A. Gen. mh27 gITUATION WANTED. t TO QUARTERMASTERS, COMMISSARIES, &o. A situation is desired as Book-keeper or Clerk, by a young man, who is an excellent writer, a rapid pen man and a good accountant. Address Box 687 P, 0., Savannah, Ga. 2 mar2B CW. DENNIS*CO., • No. 5 Merchants' Row, Hilton Head, 8. C., Wholesale and retail dealers in BUTTER. CHEESE, CIGARS. CAKES, CRACKERS, POTATOES, FLOUR, CANNED FRUIT AND MEATS, STATIONARY, HARDWARE, &c„ Ac., &c. jan 10 ts rj3 B. BYNNER, 175 BROADWAY, NEW YORE. WATCHES AND JEWELRY Os every description. WATCHES Particularly adapted to ARMY PURPOSES, In Extra made Cases, GOLD AND SILVER, AMERICAN, SWISS, and ENGLISH. I deal in nothing but TIME PIECES. Gold Watches from SBO to $300; Silver, from 20 to S9O For particu lars send for my prices lists. Established 20 years, and confidently refer to any respectable Mercantile House in the city; also the Editors of this paper. T. B. BYNNER, 175 Broadway, N. Y. P. S.—Beware of the absurd and deceptive advertise ments in the Weeklys. mar 4—eod2ra QLD NEWSPAPERS, FOR WRAPPING PAPER, For sale at the SAVANNAH HERALD OFFICE, NO. 11l BAY STREET, mar 22 ts N. BELLOWS A CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SUTLERS’ AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Ac., NO. 8 MERCHANTS' ROW, HILTON HEAD, S. C. O. N. BELLOWS. M. C. TYLER. J. W. TAYI.OR. marll ts QOTTON SEED!!! COTTON SEED, IN LARGE OR QUANTITIES. Will be purchased at Fair Rates by the undersigned, “SEA ISLAND" PREFERRED. Parties desiring to sell, will state quantity for dis posal, and price per bushel desired, and where located. Address, T. E. SICKLES, mar 7—ts Box 14, Hilton Head, 8. C. QOLDEN ALE, Written when times were dull, and Golden Ale want ed a market—many years ago. What's the workl to a man without children and wife, He may toll, lae may strive, the whole length of his life. Let him drink Golden Ale, and his spirits 'twill cheer, Till the glow on his cheek draws some kind creature near. Let him drink Golden Ale, and soon wedded he'll be; | How his heart will expand when a babe's on his knee; Let him never imbibe till his spouse have a share, And blessings, and peace will for ever be there. The old maiden, too, had loug thought to herself, When no kind hand was near, she must get on the shelf; But she tried Golden Ale, and its magical train Brought beauty and youth to her cheek once again. And 'overs in scores to her cottage repair, Youth blooms on her cheeks and raven’s her hair, Onoe again in her teens she’s the Belle of the Vale, And is doattngly fond of the famed Golden Ale. The old and the young to be hearty and hale, Should each day imbibe of this bright Golden Ale, And their cellars well store for the cold winter’s night As ’tis health to the sick, to thg blind it is light. bottled and for sal* by PIERCE BKEHAN, 02 and 63 Liberty street, New York, And 176 Broughton street, Savannab, Ga. marl! I •JJ S. 7-30 LOAN. By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the undersigned has assumed the General Subscription Agency for the sale of United States Treasury No tes, bearing seven and three-tenths per cent, interest per annum, known as the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. These Notes are issued under date of August 15th, 1564, and are payable three years from that time, in currency, or are convertible at the option of the holder into UNITED STATES 6-20 SIX PER CENT. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. These bonds are now worth a premium of nine per cent., including gold interest from Nov., which makes the actual profit on the 7-30 loan, at current raies, including interest, about ten per cent, per an. Bum, besides exemption from state and municipal taxation, irhich addß from one to threeper rent, more, according to the rate levied on other property. The interest, is payable semi-annually by coupons attached to each note, which may be cut off aud sold to any bank or banker. ( The interest amounts to One cent, per day on a SSO note. Two cents “ " sino “ Ten “ “ “ S6OO “ 20 “ “ “ SIOOO “ $1 “ “ “ SSOOO “ Notes of all denominations named will be prompt ly furnished upon receipt of subscriptions. This is THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now offered by the Government, and it is confidently expected that its superior advantages wiH make it the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF TIIE PEOPLE. Less than $2,000,000 remain unsold, which will pro bably be disposed of within the next 60 or 90 days, when the notes will undoubtedly command a pre mium, as has uniformly been the case on closing the subscription to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town and section of the country may be afforded facilities for taking the loan, the National Banks, State Banks, and Pri vate Bankers throughout the country have gener ally agreed to receive subscriptions at par. Sub scribers will select their own agents, in whom thev have confidence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery ofthe Notes tor which thev receive or ders. JAY COOKE, mar 2—ts Subscription Agent, Philadelphia. I BROWN & CO., (Late Somes, Brown & Cos„) MILITARY' AND NAVAL BANKERS AND COLLECTORS, 2 PARK PI-ACE, BROADWAY BANK BUILDING, NEW YORK. Correspondents in Washington—J. W. Fisher* Cos., 478 Fourteenth Street. ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1362. We have complete facilities for transacting business speedily and correctly in all the Departments at Washington. Remittances prompt, and terms rea sonable. We give especial attention to obtaining Certificates for Non-Indebtedness for Ordnance and Quartermas ters’ Returns for Officers, and settling their accounts. We collect the following classes of Claims, and make advances if desired : Bounties for the heirs of deceased, wounded Sol diers, and such as have served two years. Pensions for Invalids, Widows, Mothers, and Or phan Children. Arrears of pay for the heirs of deceased, discharg ed Officers, Soldiers and Sailors, and pay for the Wife or Widowed Mother cf Prisoners of War. Prize 31oney for the U. S. Navy, together with all other just Claims. Information freely furnished. We purchase and sell all Government Securities, Quartermasters’ Certificates and Checks, on the best of terms. References givenj|to leading Bankers and business firms in New York. febl-5 ts jpROVOST COURT NOTICE. On and after this date, the First Provost Court, let Lieut. Eben Parsons, Jr., Judge, will be held at the U. 8. Court House, comer of Bull and Bay streets. The Second Provost Court, Capt. James M. Waltoß, Judge, will be held in the room over Adams’ Express Co.’s office, corner Bay and Drayton streets. The respective jurisdictions are fixed by General Order No. 6,, and all parties having business before said Courts will govern themselves accordingly. By order, PROVOST JUDGES. mar2o , ts U S. SANITARY COMMISSION, . Comer of Congress and Whitaker Streets, Savan nah, Ga. At the place mentioned we have opened store-rooms and Relief office, where we will be glad to render any service in our power to the soldiers and sailors of the Army and Navy. Sergeons in charge of Hospitals will please send in their requisition for stores. J C. HOBLIT, jan 21—ts Agent U. S. S. C. ICE ! ICE ! ICE ! The subscribers have received from Boston per Schooner E. S, Conant, a cargo of Ice and Lumber, which will lie disposed of at the Ice House for merly occupied by them, on Bryan street opposite the market. Retail boxes will be established at other places as the demand increases. A constant supply will be kept up during the year. HAYWOOD, GAGE & CO. fefr27 lm j^OTICB, Provoet Marshal’s Office, Savannah, Ga., Fee. 9, 1865. All citizens, now residents of this city, are requested to call at this office and register themselves as such. Heads of families will report the persons composing their household. By order of Bvt. Mas. Gen. C. Grover. ROBT. P. YORK, feblO Lt. Col. and Provost Marshal. STEELE & BURBANK, 11 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Ilead.’S. C. Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail purchasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated Ware, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Embroderies, Boots, Caps Field Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves, &c., &c., &c. rpHE NEW SKIRT FOR 1866. Awonderful Invention for Ladies. Unquestionably superior to all others. Don’t fail to read the advertisement in the Savannah Herald, containing full particulars, every Monday morning. edexM3mo' mar2l JI^OTICE. Custom House Building, Savannah, Ga., March 18th, 1865. All persons desiring to make statements to the Treasury Department at Washington, in regard to the Cotton captured in the city of Savannah, are request ed to present the same to Mr. B. W. Burnett, at this office, who is authorized to receive them. S. DRAPER, mar2o Special Agent Treasnry Dept, (Official.) District of Savannab, Ga., Savannah. March 17th, 1865. General Order, \ No. 5. f Captain James M. Walton, 54th Mass Vols., is here by detailed from his Regiment, and is detached as Provost Judge, and will take charge of the 2d branch of the Provost Court of the District. By command of Brevet Major General GROVER. Edward G. Dikf, A. A. A. Gen. ntarl7. tfc F's OOD LIVING,” VJ At reasonable prices, can be had at the EAGLE OYSTER and REFRESHMENT SALOON, in the rear of the New Post Office, Huron Head, S. C. I have the very best facilities for furnishing OYS TERS, CLAMS, MEAT’S, POULTRY, VEGETABLES, &0., from the North and other places in this vicin ity. Cooked to ordet from 6A.M.t08 P. M. PETER FITZGERALD, Proprietor. P. B.—One trial la respectfully solicited, JQUNBARS & FRANZ, NO. 10 MERCHANTS’ ROW, Hilton Head, 8. C. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SUTLERS’ GOODS Os all Descrip ions, XL (Official.) Headq’rs, Dixartmknt of the South, Hilton Head, 8. C., March 1, 7865. General Orders, \ a.o. 23. ) ~ 1. Before a General Conrt convened at Hilton Head, 8. C„ pursuant to Special Orders, No 7, dated Headquarters, Department ol' the Sontli, Hilton Head. S. C„ January Bth. 1865. and of which Major Frank Place, 167th New Y'nrk Volunteers, is President, were aiTtiigned and tried; Ist. Private John Miller. Cos I, 52d U. 8. C. T. Ckaroe:— “Desertion in the face ofthe enemy.” Specification First —‘ In this, that he. Private John Miller, Cos. 1 32d U. 8. C. TANARUS., did desert his com mand in the face of the enemy, did leave the same without the permission of his command ing officer, aud without intention to return. All this at Deveaux’s Neck, 8. C., on or about the 3d of December, 1864.” Specification Second. —“ln this, that he. Private John Miller. Cos. I, 32d U. S. C. T , did desert Ills command in the face of the enemy and at tempt to make his escape Nortlt, by secreting himself on the U. 8. Mall steamer Arago, as she was about to sail. All this at Hilton Head, 8. ► C., on or anont December 25th, 1881.” To which charge and specifications the accused pleaded “Not Guilty." Finding. The Court, having maturely considered the evidence adduced, find the accused, Private John Miller, Cos. I, 32d U. 8. C. TANARUS., as follows: Ot the first specification, “Guilty." Ofthe second specification, “Gnilty.” Ofthe charge, ’Guilty." Sentence And the Court do therefore sentence him, Private John Atiller, Cos. 1. 32d U. 8. C. TANARUS„ “ To be confined at hard labor at Fort Marion, St. Angustine, Fla., one year, with loss of all pay, that may become dne him during that period. 2d. Corporal W. Harrison Smith, Cos. D, I44th New York Vole. Charge : “ Disobedience of orders." Specification—“ln this, that he, the said Corporal W. Harrison Smith, of Company D, 141 th N. V. Vols., did refuse, when ordered by the officer of the Guard to.take charge of a colored relief of guard, he being regularly detailed as corporal «f the Guard. All this at the Provost Guard House at Hilton Head, 8. C„ about the 15th day of January, 1865," Towvhlch charge and specification the accused plead ed, “Gnilty." Finding. The Conrt, having maturely considered the evidence adduced, confirm the plea of the accused. Ssxtenob. And the Court do therefore sentence him, W. Har rison Smith, Corporal Cos. D, 132 th Vols., “To be reduced to the ranks as a private soldier, and to forfeit to the United States ten dollars ($10; per month from his monthly pay, for eight mouths. 3d. Corporal James Dazell, Cos. D, 144th New Y'ork Volunteers. Charge— “ Disobedience of orders," Specification— “Iu this, that he, the said Corporal James Dazell, Cos. D, 144th N. Y r . Vols, did re fuse, when ordered by the officer of the Guard, to take charge of a colored relief of the guard,— All this at tne Provost Guard-house at Hilton Head. S. C., on or about the 15th day of Janua ry, 1865." To which charge and specifications the accused pleaded “Guilty." Finding : The Conrt having maturely considered the evidence adduced, confirm the plea of the accused. Sentence: And they do therefore, sentence him, Corporal James Dazell, Cos. D, 144th N. Y. Vols. , to be re duced to the ranks as a private toldier, and to forfeit to the United States ten dollars (10; per month from his monthly pay, for the period of eight months. 4th. Corporal Wilber Bradly, Company D, 144th N. Y. Vols. Charge :—"Disobedience of orders." Specification.— “ln this, that the said Corporal WH ber Bradly, of Cos. D, 144th N. \ r . Vols., did re fuse. when ordered by the officer of the Guard, to take charge of a eolored relief of guard, at beiu; regularly detalfed as Corporal of the Guard. All this at the Provost Guard-house at Hilton Head, S. C., on or about the 15th day of January, 1805." To which charge and specification the accused pleaded “Guilty." Finding : The Court having maturely considered the evidence adduced, confirm the plea of the accused. Skntencb; And they do therefore sentence him, Corporal Wil ber Bradly, Cos. 5, 144th New Y'ork Vols,, to be re duced to the ranks as a private soldier, and to forfeit to the United States ten dollars (10) per month from his monthly pay for the period of eight months. 6th. Private Leonard Hamm. Cos. I, 144th New Y'ork Vols. Charge : — “Sleeping oh Post." Specification. —“lu this, that the said Leonard Hamm private of Cos. I, I44th New Y'ork Vols., did, af ter being regularly posted ns a sentinel on post No. 15, town guard over the forage buildings, quit his post and go into the building, place his blankets over him and go to sleep, and was thus found soundly asleep by the officer of the guard, at 4 1-2 o’clock a. m„ of Jan. Kith, 1565. All this at Hilton Head, 8. C„ on or about Jan uary lGtfi, 1505," To which charge and specifications the accused pleaded “Not Guilty," . '. Funding : The Conrt, haying maturely considered the evidence adduced, find the accused, Private Leonard Ilamm, Cos. I, 144th N. Y. Vols. : Os the specification,. “Gnilty," except the words “after being regularly posted, ’’ and “quit his post " Ofthe charge, “Gtiilry." Sentence: And the Court do therefore sentence him, Private Leonard Hamm, Cos. 1,144 th N. Y. Vols., to be con fined in regimental camp lor thirty days, and to for feit to the United States two month’s pay, 6th. 2d Lient. J. H. Harold. Ist New York Vol. En gineers. ’ Charge First’:— “Disobedience of orders." Specification • ’ln this, that 2d Lieut. J. 11. Harold, Cos. L Ist N. Y. Vol. Engineers, being order and by Brig Gen. John P. Hatch, commanding Di vision, through a stall' officer to take charge of a party of engineers and mask a posuioujduririg the night, upon which a battery was to oc con structed tne following day, did fail to comply with the order, but did instruct a non-commis sioned officer to do the work, and said non commissioned officer failing to execute theor . der, the said work was not done as directed This at or near Deveanx’ Neck, 8, C„ on or about the 13th day of December, 1863." Charge Second:— “Conduct prejudicial to good or der and military discipline." Specification.— “ln this, that 2d Lient. J. H. Harold Ist N. Y. Vol. Engineers, when censured by a staff officer for the dilatory and unsatisfactory manner of conducting his working party, did reply that there was ho damned head oi tail to anything connected with the expedition, or words to that effect. This at or near De .eaux’ Neck, on or about the 13th day of December 1864." To which charges and specifications the accused pleaded (‘Not Guilty." Finding : The Court, having maturely considered the evidence adduced, find the accused, 2d Lieut. James H. Har old, Ist N. Y. Vol. Engineers, as follows: Os the specification to first charge. •‘Guilty." bnt at tach no criminality thereto. Os the first charge, “Not Gnilty." Os the specification to second charge, “Gnilty." Os the second charge, “Gnilty." Sentence: And the Court do therefore sentence him, 2d Lient. J. H. Harold, Ist N. Y. Vol. Engineers, to be repri manded in General Orders by the Commanding Gen eral of the Department. IT. The proceedings, findings and sentences in the cases of Corporals Dazeil, Bradly, Smith, and Private Hamm, all of tne 144th N, Y. Vols., are approved and confirmed, and the sentences will be earned into ef fect. The record in the case of Private Hamm dis closes a negligence in the instruction and posting of sentinels in the highest degree disgraceful, and which deserves and meets the severest gensure of the Com manding General. The Commander of the District will holdall commissioned and non-commissioned of ficers of guards strictly accountable that a duty so vi tally essential to the safety of this post is properly and exactly performed. The proceedings and findings in the case of Private Miller,- 32d U. S. C. TANARUS., are approved. The sentence is confirmed, though the Commanding General con siders the punishment too light for the offence charged and proved. The Provost Marshal General is charged with the execution of this order. The proceedings, findings and sentence in the case of Lieut. Harold, Ist N. V. Vol. Engineers, are ap proved. Lieutenant Harold is hereby reprimanded for his petulant language, so ill-according with the ex - ample of subordination and self-restraint, that a com missioned officer should se to the men of his com mand. He Is .released from arrest and restored to duty. , By Command of Major General Q. A. GILLMORE. W. L. M. Buboku, A. A. Q. mar3o DISINFECTANT. Small quantities of the Per Manganate ot Potash will be furnished, at the request of any Physician, by i the Health Officer. ' febio Notici. Office of Street Commissioner, ' No. 126 Sonth Broad Street, Savannah, Ga., March 29. 1868. In accordance with authority conferred upon me, by General Order No. 16, from Headquarters U. 8. Forces. Srwnmiah, Ga., dated Feb. 21st, 1865. this city la here by divided into three Districts, for the purpose of re moving garbage therefrom. The First District comprises all that portion of the city lying North of President and Harris.m streets. Carts "will remove the garbage from this District on and Thursday of each week. The Second District comprises all that portion of the city iving between the First District aud Harris street. Carts' will remove the garbage from this District on Tuesdav and Friday of each week. The I'hird District comprises all that portion of the city lying South of Harris street. Carts will remove, the garbage from this District on Wednesday and Sat urday ot each week. Hereafter all rubbish and garbage which may accu mulate must be put into convenient vessels, nnd pre vious to s o’clock in the morning of eaeh day, as above designated for the respective Districts; snch vessels mast be placed upon the sidewalks of the streets ot alleys, and permitted to remain there until emptied by my employees, after which they will bo removed by their owners. All other persons are forbidden to destroy or in any way interfere with the vessels so placed upon the side walks, and they must not be exposed to the public view, except as aliove specified. Keepers of Animals must not permit manure to be thrown into the Streets or Alleys, neither must the accumulation thereof in, or near any stable or yard be. permitted to exceed one cart load before being re moved. All Privies, Dry Wells or Sinks within the limits'of the city of -avannah which may require cleaning out will be disposed of in the following manner, viz: Applv a disinfectant for thirty-six hours. A cavity will then be excavated in the ground of the lot upon whicn the vault is located, or the adjacent alley, of sufficient size and depth to receive all its contents, the . transfer of which will then be made, but it must be in the night time only, and so conducted that no nui sance will exist therefrom on the following morning. ALBERT STEARNS, Capt. and Street Commissioner. Riddell & murdock, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SUTLERS’ AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, Ac., No. 5 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, 8. C. , W. O. RIDDELL, CJanlO — tf] H. J. MURDOCH. A^OTICK. Savannah, Ga., March, 8, 1866. After this date the Provost. Court will be held in the U. S. Court House, up stairs, coiner of Bull and Bay * treetS EBEN PARSONS, Jr., mar 9—ts Ltent. and Provost Judge. Headquarters, Department of the South, Hilton Head, S. €., February 24, 1665. General Orders,) No. 27. f I. Lieut.-Col. Stewart L. Woodford, 127th New York Vols., is hereby relieved from the duties of Provost 31arshal General of the Department, and is announced as Chief of Staff to the Major-General Commanding, and temporally assigned to the command of the Post of the City of Charleston, S. C., which Post will con sist of the City proper, aud Castle Pinckney. 11. In compliance with Paragraph VII, Special Field Orders No. 13, from Headquarters, Military Division of the Mississippi, the 127th Regiment N. Y. Vols., is hereby designated as the permanent garrison of the Post of Charleston, and Colonel Wm. Gurney, of- that Regiment, as the permanent Post Commander. Upon his return to the Department, from which he is now absent on account of wounds, he will relieve Lieut.-Col. Woodford of the command of that Post. 111. Major Benjamin W. Thompson 32d U. S. C. TANARUS., is hereby announced as Provost Marshal General of the Department, and will immediately relieve Lieut.-Col. Woodford, receipting to him for all money and proper ty pertaining to the office. IV. Lieut. Frank Geise, 32d U. S. C. TANARUS„ Assistant Provost Marshal General of the Department, in addi tion to his duties as such, will act bh Collector of the Department Military 'Pax, prescribed by General Orders No. 5, current series, from these Headquarters, until the arrival of Lieut.-Col. Jainoa 11. Strong, Ist N. C. Union Vols., heretofore announced as Military Tax Collector. Lieut. Geise will immediately relieve Lieut.-Col. Woodfbrd as Acting Military Tax Collector, receipting to him for all money and property pertaining to the office. By command of Major-General Q. A. GILLMORE. W. L. M. Burger, Assistant Adj’t General. POST QUARTERMASTER’S OFFICE, Central Railroad Bane, Savannah, Ga., March, Ist, 1866. In pursuance of orders, received at this office, all citizeus occupying buildings, whose owners are ab sent within the Rebel lines, or buildings, or other property belonging to disloyal persons, will, unless such buildings have been previously assigned—rent free—settle the rents for the same, due the Uni ted States, at this office on or before the 10th of March. A failure to comply with the above will cause a forfeiture of all claims to further occupation. 8. S. STARR, Capt. and A. Q. M., in charge of bniidings. RW. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON • having reopened his office and yard, on Wil liam street, is now prepared to treat (on scientific principles,) all diseases incident to Horses that are susceptible of remedy. Charges moderate. Cures warranted. Terms cash. febl6 ts Bakery & confectionery establish MENT AT BEAUFORT. We respectfully call the attention of the pnbii to our Bakery & Confectionery Establishment In f-iru A. Cooley's Building at Beaufort, at which v, prepared promptly to fill any orders which lou; b. for warded to ns. Special attention is paid to the man ufacture of Ornamental Pieces, Fancy Confectionery, and Elegant Pastry, for holiday or festival tables. Feb. 3-ts McMANUS & MURRAY. PROVOST MARSHAL’S OFFICE, Savannah, Ga., March 14, 1866. Circular. Commanding Officers of Brigades and detached Companies, not on duty in the city, will require all enlisted men to have passes approved at their respec tive Headquarters, whenever they are allowed to come to the city, snch passes will only be given to (6) five i>er cent, of those present for duty, except on oc casions of public exhibitions, when the number may be increased to (10) ten per cent. Those enlisted men on duty in the city must have certificates from their re spective commanders that they are so on duty. The certificates will also state the Regiment to which they belong, and what duty they are on. Any enlisted man not having a pass as before directed, and having no proper certificate of identity, after the 16th inst., will be arrCStad by the Provost Marshal. By command of Brevet Major General GROVER. Edward G. Dike, A. A. A. G. Official; ROBT. P. YORK, Lt. Col. 75th N. Y. V. V. and marl 6 Provost Marshal Dist of Savannah, Ga. [Official.] TTEADQUARTERS U. S. FORCES, XX Savannah, Ga., Feb. 21, 1865. General Order,) No. 16. f I. The occupants of buildings will be held respon sible tor the cleanliness of the same, as well as their cellars and outhouses, and sidewalks in front of, and alleys adjacent to them. All rubbish and garbage which accumulates will, each day, be put in boxes In a convenient place for removal. 11. Keepers of auintals will cause the manure which accumulates in their stables or yards where their animals are kept to be either removed outside the picket lines, or lo be distributed upon such gardens within the Dues as are actually under cultivation, such distribution being at the consent of the cultivator 111. The Street Commissioner will establish such regulations with regard to the removal of accumula tions from the city as he sees fit. He is also charged with the duty of causing frequent and careful inspec tion to be made of the police of the city, and he will report to the Provost Jndge,auy failure to comply with . the for, going paragraphs of this order, who will take such action in the case as the circumstances require. By command of Brevet Major Gen. GROVER. Edward G. Dike, A. A. A. G. feb2l TTEADQUARTERS U. S. FORCES. XX Savannah, Ga., Feb. 13th, 1865; General Order, ) No. 14. / All citizens living within the limits of the City of Savannah and having Fire Arms in their possession, and not having special written permission to retain the same, will at once turn them in to the Provost Marshal, who will take proper measure for their safe keeping, with a view to returning ’hem when it shall be proper to do so. By command of „ Bvt Major Gen, GROVER. Edward G. Dike, A A. A. G. f«b!4