Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, April 01, 1865, Image 1
SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. VOL. 1-NO. 62. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVRNINQj ia puiilisßed jjt g. W. MASON «fc CO., At 111 Bat Strejt, Sayankah, Gkoroia. tkbsib: Per Copy Five Cents. Per Hundred $3 50. Per Year $lO 00. AI>VKRTISINO: 'v Two Dollars per Square of Ten Lines for first in sertion; Oi e Dollar for oath subsequent one, Ad v’.Ttisements inserted in the morning, will, if desired, : ppear in the evening without extra charge. JT O « PRINTING every style, neatly and promptly done. [Fro ;; 0 ir Lx'.ra of yesterday afternoon.'] LATENT NEWS FROM FLORIDA. Loss of U. S. Transport Steamer Geo. €• Collins. CASCO SAVED W A DATIACED COSDITIOY. BRILLIANT SUCCESS OF A COL ORED RAIDING PARTY. ZBS7 WEXP SSSRS2I TISsSEB Turn mrazEßH. S? Slcbcls liii'od tiEisl <1 Captured* Our I.o*s only 1 Killed and 2 Wounded. ('FECIAL DESPATCH TO TEE SAVANNA U BAltt UEEAI.T).} Hilton Head, S. C., 1 Fiiclay Moruiug, March 31. | The steamer Petrel, from Fernandina, Fla., arrived here last evening. This is the first arrival from Florida for over a fortnight. /The Wyoming left Jacksonville on Sunday morning, with a large number of passengers, luit a few miles out of the St. Johns River, broke her crank-pin, and was obliged to lie there in a damaged condition, till a schooner which she had in tow, could be sent to Fer nandiua for aid. The private steamer Petrel came up and towed the Wyoming to Fernan hiaa. She then brought her passengers here. Among her passengers are Capt. Jno. H. Moore, late Chief Quartermaster of Florida, 11 dtl now ordered to Charleston, Capt. Geo. R. Hurlburt, of the 4th Mass, cavalry, and Capt. Davis, 21st U. S. C T. Tne U. S. transport steamer George C. Collins, which left here about a fortnight ago, with commissary stores, for Jackson vdic arul St. Augqsline, after visiting the former place, and while attempting to enter St. Augustine harbor, got ashore on the bar. It wa3 found necessary to throw nearly her whole cargo overboard, and it was saved in a damaged state. The steamer will prove nearly a total loss. She is a wall-known steamer in the Department, having been here some years. She was being piloted in by signals. No blame is attached to the eaptain, who is a good seaman. Tin 1 most successful raiding party which has ever been outlu Florida has recently ac complished some brilliant exploits. Tt was composed of detachments of the 35th and 2d L . S. Colored Troops, under command of a Sergeant. They left Jacksonville, and marched 300 miles through the country, com ing out &t St. Augustine. They had a fight with three times their own number of Con federates, and gave them a most decisive defeat. The rebels had a loss of twenty-seven known to be killed, and four who were brought iu as prisoners. Our loss was only one killed and two wounded. The steamer which was sunk in Cedar Creek, has been raised by Capt. Bennett. The Sumter, sunk by tbe Confederates, to escape capture, on the St. Johns River, has been raised, repaired, uud is running on the liver. A Beautiful Gardes.— Strangers visiting cav.rnnah will find oafcbe northwest corner oi West Broad and William streets, the beautiful garden attached to the residence of -drs. Alary M. Marshall. In the garden are to be seen a fountain and statuary, and in the tiouncls and hot house are many rare aud beautiful plants. Mr. Richard Thomas is the florist in charge, and visitors will find him a very civil and obliging gentleman. , ( evicted.—We learn that Hale,the bogus ueuteuaut tried a few weeks since by Court -Untial, has been convicted and is sentenced m ten years imprisonment at bard labor. It \»i' be remembered that he was accused of personating an officer and, taking ad - • miage of his assumed position, criminally Possessing himself of goods, and on his trial was full and perfect, and he was sen ■-’i-edas above stated. The execution of j K pumll y { ° go into operation immediate* , ’ ,RST OF April—All Fools’ Day—We nV V* k' : nc T r k'cthig our duty as a jour ,;*j'"' mid a. guardian of the public welfare, -jo wc not intimate that to-day is April Fool • a - aad to caution our readers against :' Can ? U P va luable prizes from the side nfa, uS la tiic sli ape of nicely done up bundles oricks, hats full of stones, etc. etc., and „ ' . eU f rd woll tbeir skirts gainst unorn “Qiental placards and dish-clouts. SAVANNAH, GA., SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1865. LETTER PROM HILTON HEAD, S. C. [Special Correspondence of the Savannah Herald.] Pour Royal House, Hilton Head, S. C.,> Thursday Eveuing, March 30. > The regular correspondents of the Herald here, have kept its readers very well inform ed in pqgard to Hilton Head news, but being on a fifing visit, I will improve it with a brief letter of a desultory character. By an accident this morning, the Herald omitted to inform its readers of a fishing party which went down the river from Sav anuali yesterday. The yacht U. S. Grant was fortunately procured for the party, which was composed of some prominent civilians from Savannah, including, a few gentlemen from Hilton Head, and of several officers who could take a brief respite ! irom their duties. The fishing ground se lected was near Fort Pulaski, and some six pleasant hours were passed there. Colonel Peter Dunbar, of Hilton Head, took the first | prize of SSO, for the finest shad. Captain j j Gadsden, of the Arago. received the second j prize for the best fly-fishing. Mr. Murdock, , | erf .Hilton Head, got the third prize, and Mr. j 1 Edix T. Swift, of Charlestown, Massaehu- i ! setts, formerly City Marshal, received a gra- i | tuity, a proposition to visit Hilton Head was - favorably considered, but or some of the ofli i cers on board objected to being longer ab sent from their posts of duty, the party re returued, early in the evening, partaking of a fine collation on the way up, Capt. Dobbs presiding. Great improvements are being made here under the dieection of Lieut. Col. C. A. Rice, Chief of Staff to Gen. Littlefield, and Chief of Military Police. Hilton Head is always comparatively healthy, and I ven ture to say, the coming senson w T ill not be an unhealthy one. Private premises are re quired to be thoroughly policed, swampy places are being filled up, filthy spots are be- S ing made clean, and every sanitary means adopted. Those occupying territory re quiring extensive improvements are obliged to furnish a quota of laborers, and other ex penses are met from a post tax. Capt. Win. C. Manning,'vrf the 35th U. S. C. TANARUS., for a long-time A. A. A. G., on Gen. Potter’s Staff, has been promoted to be Major of the 103d U. S. C. TANARUS., Lieut. Col. Wood ford, commanding, now at Savannah. I had an opportunity, in fJ-en. Potter’s admifiistra tion of affairs here, last summer, as DistrD t Commandant, in the exciting battle offiocey Hill, at -Deveaux’Neck, and elsewhere, to personally observe Major Manning’s good business qualities, his bravery, his coolness, his gallantry and his general efficiency dis played. Although a young officer, his prot raction is warranted by his past- record. He will join his regiment in a day or two. Lieut. Wilber Earle has just received his promotion commission iu the 33d U. S. C. TANARUS., commanded by Col. W. T. Bennett. Lieut. Eaile was for a long time chief clerk in the office of Capt. W. L. M. Burger, As sistant Adjutant General of the Department, iu w hich capacity his efficiency was appar ent to every one doing business there. Capt. John Hays, A. Q. M., w T ho has been in the Department over two years, and is esteemed by everybody, as a faithful officer, and a kind, gonial gentleman, has been re lieved from the position of Quartermaster in charge of Land Transportation and Forage. His successor is Capt. Rockwell, A. Q. M. Battery Hunter, between the Port Royal House and the beach, is, I understand, to be demolished, being no longer of special use. The steamship Arago, Capt. Gadsden, sailed to-day for New York, at 1 o'clock. Among the passengers were Lieut. Webber, Signal Corps, Assistant Surgeon Bryce, of Saratoga Springs, Col. W. B. French, of ’ Saratoga, Mr. Geo. Hiltofi and Mr. Mark- | ham, ot the Sea Island Cotton Company, j were among the passengers. Our Extra.— We received news printed in our “extra’'yesterday in time to publish the mere heads of it iu our regular evening edi tion, but we preferred to issue that sheet with all the latest Charleston intelligence, in full, and to reserve the later news published until we could give it to our readers entire iu an “ extra,” that they might know all the particula sos the news without waiting for the morning paper. Hospital Boat. The fine steamboat “Cosmopolitan,” which was formerly used as a Hospital Boat, but which lately has been made useful in n different direction, has again been turned over to tbe Medical au thorities by order of the Washington Powers. This boat i3 large, commodious, and is ad mirably adapted to the purposes of the Medical Director, under whose charge she is henceforth to be. Savannah Theatre.— An excellent bill was presented last evening, including three pleasing farces and comic acts by Alessrs. Scott and Rymau. A fair house was pres ent and the efforts of AlisgJLafond and Air. Davenport in two characters, Air. Herndon as Toodles, Airs. Berrell ifs Airs. Toodles, and Mr. Tlios. Weir as George Acorn were well appreciated and rewarded with hearty and frequent applause. To-night Messrs. Scott and Ryman take a benefit and offer a capital bill. DAVID MATSON. BTJOHN G. WnhriKH. Who of my young friends have read the sorrowful story of “Enoch Arden,” so sweet ly and simply told by the great England poet? It is the story of a man who went to sea, leavifrg behind a sweet young wile and little daughter. He was cast a wav on a de sert island, where he remained several years, when Ire was discovered and taken oft by a passing vessel. Coming back to his native town he found his wife married to an old : playmate,—a good man. rich, honored, and with whom she was living happily. The poor man, unwilling to cause her pain and perplexity, resolved not to make himself known to her, and ilv- and and died alone. The poem has reminded me of a very similar st >ry of my own New England neighborhood, which I have often heard, and which I will try to tell, not in poet if Alfred Tenny son’s, but in my own poor prose. I can as sure my readers that in its main particulars it is a true tale. One bright siLSlwr u>fA r( , more than three-score years ago, David Matson, with his young wife and his two healthy, bare footed stood on the bank of the river near their dwelling. They were waiting there for Pelatiah Curtis to come round the Point with his wherry, and Jake the husband and father to the Port, a few miles below. The Lively Turtle was about to sail on a voyage to Spain, and David wap to go in her a ; mate. They stood there in the level morning sun shiue talking cheerfully ; but had you been near enough, you coulci have seen tears in Anna Matron’s blue eyes, for the loved her husband, and knew there was danger on the sea. Aud David’s bluff, cherry voice trem bled a little now and then, tor the honest sailor loved his snug home on the Merrimac, with the dear wife ahd her pretty boys. # Eut presently the wherry came alongside, and David was just stepping into it, when he turned back tokisahi ; wife and children once more. “In with yon, man,” said Pelatiah Curtis. “There’s no time for kissing and such fool eries when the tide serves.” < Aud so they parted. Anua and the boys went back to their Lome, and David to the Port, whence he sailed off in the Lively Tur tle. And months passed, autumn followed the summer, and winter the autumn, and then spring came, and anon it was summer ! ou the river-side, and he did not come back * And another year passed, and then the old sailors and fishermen shook their heads sol emnly, and said that the Lively Turtle was a lost ship, and would never come back to port. And poor Anna had her bombazine gown dyed black, tr.-d her straw' bonnet iiimmea in mourning ribbons, and th. nce lorth she was known as the widow Matson. Aud how was it au this time with David himself? Now you intist’kftow That the Mahomme ! dan people ot Algiers and Tripoli, and Mo-, guiori; and Sallee'’<?a the Barb try co -st, had for a long time been in the habit of fitting out galleys aud armed boats to seize upon the merchant vessels of Christian nations, and make slaves of their crews and passen gers, just as men calling themselves Chris tians in America weie sending vessels to Africa to catch black slave. 9 for their planta tions. The Lively Turtle fell into the bands of one of these - roving sea-robbers, and the crew were taken to Algiers, and sold in the market-place as slaves, poor David Matson among the rest. When a boy he had learned the trade of a ship carpenter with his father on the Merii mac; and now he was set to work in the dockyards. His master, who w 7 as naturally a kind man, did not overwork him. He had daily his three loaves of bread, and when his clothing was worn out, its place was supplied by the coarse cloth of wool and camel’s hair woven by the Berber woman. Three hours before sunset he was released from work, and Friday, which is the Mohammedan Sabbath, was a day of entire rest. Once a year, at the season calied Ramadan, he was left at leisure for a whole week. So time went on —clays, weeks, months and years. His dark hair became gray. He still * dreamed of his old home on the Alerrimac, and, of his good Anna and the boys. He wondered whether they yet lived, what they thought of him,and what they were doing. The hope of ever seeing them again grew fainter and fainter, and at last nearly died out; aud he resigned , himself to bis late as a slave for life. But one day a hanasorae middle aged gen- j tlemun, in the dress of one of his own conn-: trymen,attended bv a great dfiicer of the Dey, entered the ship-yard, and called up beiore him the American captives. The stranger was none other than Joel Barlow, Commis sioner of the United States to procure the liberation of slaves belongiug to tnat govern ment. He took the men by the baud as they came up, ancl told them they were free. As you might expect,the poor fellows were very grateful; some laughed, some wept for joy, some phouted aud sang, and threw up their caps, while others,witn David Alatson among them, knelt down on the chips, aud thanked God for the great deliverance. Ik “This is a very affecting scene,” said the Commissioner, wiping his eyes; “1 must keep the impression of it for my Columbi ad and drawing out his tablet, he proceed ed to write on the spof an apostrophe of Freedom, which afterwards found a place in his great epic. David Alatson had saved a little money du ring his captivity by odd jobs ancl work on holidays, lie got* a passage to Malaga, where he bought a nice shawl for his wife and a tor each of bis boys. He then went to tbe quay, where an American ship was lying just ready to sail for Bos ton. Almost the first man he saw on board was Pelatiah Curtis, who had rowed him clown to the port several years before. He found that his old neighbor did not know him, so changed was he with his long beard and Moorish dress, whereupon, without telling his name, he began to put questions about bis old home, and finally asked him if he knew a Airs. Alatson. “I rather think I do,” said Pelatiah; she’s my wife ” “Your wife!” cried the other. “Site is mine before God and niau. I am David i Alatson, aud she is the mother of my chil- j dren,” "And mine too !"• said«Pelatiah, I “left h r with a baby in her artqs, If you aic David Matson, your right to her ia outlawed : at any rate she is mine, and 1 am not the man io give her up.” “God is great!” said poor David Matson, unconsciously repeating the familiar words of Moslems. “His will be done. I loved her, but I shall never see her again. Give these, with my tnt* good woman, and the boys.” and he handed over, with a sigh, the little bundle containing the gifts for his wife and rhiidren. He sko -k nands with his rival. “Pelatiah," he said, 1- okiug back as he left the ship, “be j kind to Anna and my boys ” “Ay, ay, sir!” responded the sa’lor in a careless tone. He watched the old man passing slowly up the narrow street until out ot sight. “It’s a hard case for old David,” he said, helping himself to a fresh cud of tobacco, “but I’m glad I’ve seen the last of him.” s When Pelatiah .Curtis reached home he told Anna the story of her husband, .and laid his gilts in her lap. She did not shriek nor faint, for she was a healthy woman with strong nerves: but she stole away by her self and wept bitterly. She lived many years after, but could never be persuaded to wear the pretty shawl which the husband of her youth had sent her as his farewell gift,. \ There is, however, a tradition that,in accord l anee with her dying wish, it was wrapped I about her poor old shoulders iu the coffin, and buried with her. The little old bull’s eye watch, which is still iu the possession of one of her grand children, is now all that remains to tell of David Matson—the lost man.— Our Youna Folks. Ocr Aristocracies. — We learn that hand some bronze ornamental stands, contrived for cigars or watches, or. for ink, have lately been made in the exact shape of a petroleum well with apparatus on the ground above ; and this information suggests the idea that all people of wealth might perpetuate the history of the origin ot their fortunes by adorning their family mansions with such or naments. In feudal days the nobility fre quently perpetuated the history of the found er of the family in their armorial bearings. Such things are of very little account in this countiy. A good many prominent citizens could not trace back their pedigree for half | a dozen generations without running into a i pillory or a gallows. Our own crest is au j apple-tree in full bearing, but we fear it has | borne a good deal of wormy fruit, and so we : disregard it. But there is some danger that the people who makes sudden fortuues will i iorget Low they did it even in a single ggn> - j ration, unless they keep some , heirlooms in j the lamily to quick n the memory. We can ! fancy that wffose ancestors ob tained fabulous wealth out of gold mines and oil wells will uot be very much pleased when they trace their fortune to a hole in the grourqj. That would be “running the t ing into the ground," you know. There are ai.verai ufotiu: t Ui:-es of aristocracy in this country which ought to be labeled. First jn order we must con less, is theP. F. Y r . va riety ot the Old Dominion,based upon money borrowed in Euglend, by spendthrifts and va rious grades of scape-graces, and .never .re turned. Next iu order is the cod-fish aris tocracy which rides upon a fish ns beauty rides upon a lion. The emblem of the first of these should be a pocket, turned wrong side out, with the motto, “I. O. U.” That of the second should be a spread cod-fish, with a “gurry-butt” m the back-ground. Then there are the Knickerbockers, easily traced back to bow-legged Dutchmen, with conical caps aud long pipes, who flourished by sell-' ing fire-water to the Indians, and investing the proceeds in real estate. The emblem of this order should be a bottle of schnapps, with the haudle all on one side. Another order of our aristocracy owes its origin to the slave trade. The emblem of that trade might be in the form of a negro inverted, with a white man rampant, bearing a green hide. This Would make an elegant orna ment for the centre-table. The cotton lords come next iu order, and the peculiar charac ter of that order might be expressed by a cotton-gin and a barrel of whiskey, with the bung out. Next we place the gold aristoc racy, of the peculiar California stripe. They might find a suitable emblem in a bowie kuife resting on a huge nugget, aud a pick axe in a smiting attitude. ' The shoddy aris tocracy is very fresh’, and has scarcely got through buying jewelry.. It might be repre sented, with the sect of his pantaloons much ! frayed out, neatly balanced by a skufi and crossboi.cs. T. . o itiok umaristoereay,tlioufA last in order, has neon pr n, eu lor already* it seems; but we would suggest au improve ment by adding an oily stream issuant from a barn-yard. That is all. Wholesome Advice.— Hear, and learn to be silent. Be silent, ancl learn to understand. Understand, ancl learn to remember. Remember, and learn to act accordingly. A,l that you See, judge not. All tint you hear, believe not. All that you know, tell not. All that you can do, clo not—(except what is good.) By praying, you lose not. By givmg alms, you impoverish not. By being unjust, you enrich not. By lying, you profit not. By profane swearing, you get disgiace. Wealth lost, some lost. Health lost, much lost. Virtue ldst, more lost. Soul lost, ail lost. Whenever you speak, think well, ancl look narrowly what you speak; where you speak; when you speak ; ancl to whom you speak, lest you bring yourself into trouble. Passing Round the Hat. —A rather slow evangelist once preached to a slim Western audience a sermon which, if it bad not dealt with the most momentous possible theme, might have been pronounced dull. At the close, he sent round his lint, hoping to secure thereby some ailment for bis carnal nature iu requital for the spiritual manna he had been dispensing, but was disappointed by its return to hini absolutely empty. Looking intently into the “aching void,” be turned it upside down, shook it vigorously, and find ing the result to be still notlvng, he ex claimed : “Thank God that I have got my hat back from this congregation j” PRICE. 5 CENTS Letter from John G. Whittier upon Edward Everest. —At the late special meet ing of the Massachusetts Historical Society, commemorative of Edward Everett, the ReV. R. C. Waterston read the following commu nication from Mr. Whittier, who, only a fi-w w eks previous, lmd Leen associated as col league with Mr. Everett in the Elector; Col lege of this State Mr. Waterston inf; duc od the letter with the words of Dr ( h-q ntiig, who said ot Mr Whittier inoro-’tl a-a. quarter ot a century ago: “His p try tairsts from the soul with the fire and ■ n rgy of an ancient prophet, and his noble simplic ity of character is the delight of all who know him." • Amfsbury, 27th, Ist month, 1835. “My Dear Friend :—I acknowledge through thee, the invitation of the standing committee of the Massachusetts Historical Society, to be present at a special meeting of the Society for the purpose of paying a tribute to the memory of our illustrious asso ciate, Edward Everett. “It is a matter-of deep regret to me that the stato of my health will not permit me to be with you on an occasion of so much in terest.” “It is most fitting that the members of the Historical Society of Massachusetts should add their tribute to those which have been already offered by all sects, parties and asso ciations to the uame and fame of their late dissociate. He was liimselt a maker of his tory, and part and parcel of all the noble charities and humanizing influences of his State and time. “When the grave closed over him who ad ded new lustre to the old and honored name of Quincy, all eyes instinctively turned to Edward Everett as the last of that venerated class of patriotic civilians who, outliving all dissent aud jealousy and party prejudice, held their reputation by the secure tenure of the universal appreciation of its wortli as a common treasure of the republic. It is not for me to pronounce his eulogy. Others, better qualified by their intimate acquaint ance with him, have done and will do jus tice to his learning, his eloquence, varied culture, and social virtues. My secluded country life has afforded me few opportuni ties of personal intercourse with him, while my pronounced radicalism, on the great question which has divided popular feeling, rendered our political paths widely diver gent. Both of us early saw the danger which threatened the country. In the lan guage ot the prophet, we ‘saw the sword coming upon the land,’ but while he believed iu the possibility of avorting it by concession and compromise, I, on the contrary,as firmly believed that such a course could only strengthen and confirm what I regarded as a gigantic con-piracy against the rights and liberties, the union and the life, of the nation. ‘Recent events have certainly not tended to change this belief on my part; but in looking over the past, while I see little or nothing to retract in the matter ofopiuiou, I am saddeneirby the reflection, that* through the tery intensity of my convictions I may have done injustice to the motives of those with whom I differed. As respects Edward Everett, it seems to me that only within the last four years I have truly known him. In that brief period, crowded as it is with a whore life-work of consecration to the union, freedom and glory of his country, he not only commanded respect and reverence but concentrated upon himself in a most je markable degree the love .of all loyal and generous hearts. We have seen in these years of trial very great sacrifices offered upon the altar of patriotism—wealth, ease, home-love, life itself. But Edward Everett, did more than this: he laid on that altar only his time, talents and culture, but his pride of opinion, his long cherished views of policy, his personal and political predilec tions and prejudices, his constitutional fas tidiousness ot conservatism, and the careful ly elaborated symmetry of his public reputa tion. YY ith a rare and noble magnanimity he met, without hesitation, the demand of the great occasion. Breaking away from all the besetrnents of custom and association he -forgot the things that are behind, and with an eye single to present duty, pressed forward towards the mark of.the high calling ot Divine Providence in the events of our time. All honor to him ! If we mourn that lie js now beyond the reach of our poor hu man praise, let us reverently trust that he has received that higher plaudit: “Well done thou good and faithful servant l" “When I last met him. as my code; -u n the Electoral College of Mass'cLusett is look ot h< alt I* a 1 and vigor s r < n,<-d to jitGiiiis us many years of tug wiscfom ad ■as uin< ss On greeting him I felt impell, dto xpress n.y admiral ion and grateful appreciation of his patriotic labors, and I shall never forget how I readily and gracefully he turned attention irom himself to the great cause in which we had a common interest and expressed his | thankfulness that ho had still a country to ! serve. "To keep green the memory of such a man is at once a privilege and a duty. That stain less life of seventy years is a priceless legacy. . His hands were pure. The shadow of sus picion never fell on him. If he erred in his opinions (and that he did so, he had tlio j Christian grace and courage to own,) uo sel fish interest weighed in the scale of his judg i ment against truth. “As our thoughts follow' him to his last resting place, we are sadly reminded of his j own touching lines, written many years aeo !at Florence. The name he has left'behincfis none the less ‘pure,’ that instead of bein"- ‘humble,’ as he then anticipated, it is on the lips of grateful millions, ancl written inefia i ceably ou the record of his country’s trial and triumph: for me when I shall fall asleep hhall Santa Croce’s lamps their vigils keep. Heyonai the main, in Auburn's quiet shade, W itn those I loved aud love my couch be made • Spring’s pendent branches o’er the hillock ware! •nowung’a dew-drop glisten on my grave, N hiTe Heaven’s green arch shall rise above my bed Whifti Santa Croce crumbles on her dead— L nknown to erring or to erfiering fame, So I may leave a pure though humble name.” “Congratulating the society on the pros pect ol the speedy consummation of the great objects of our associate’s labors, the peace and permanent Union of our country, “I am very truly thy friend, “John G. Wiiittier, “Robert Q. Waters!on, Boston, 1 '