Newspaper Page Text
The Savannah Daily Herald.
Retl'rn ok Tin: Flag of Trite Boat
Hudson.— The steamer Hudson which left
here on the 3d Inst., to convey wives and
families of confederate officers across the
lines, returned to the city yesterday after
noon. The Hudson proceeded up the river
as far as Puresburg, S. C., reaching that point
at about six o’clock in the evening, where
she dropped anchor and remained until five
o’clock the next morning. Sisters Ferry was
reached about noon on Friday, where the
boat was hailed bv the confederate pickets.
It proved to be a detachment under command
of Col. E- C. Anderson, formerly of Savan
nah, and for a long period in command of the
River Batteries below the city. Capt. John
P Baker, under whose command the boat
was, immediately landed, and was met in a
most friendly manner by the confederate of
ficers Capt. Baker was informed by them
that it would be impossble to proceed fur
ther with the steamer, as at a short distance
above the point which he had dow reached,
the river was obstructed with torpedoes. A
part of the passengers were accordingly put
ashore at this place the same evening, and
the remainder were safely disembarked yes
terday morning.
Only those ladies who were not accom
panied by children disembarked in the'evs
mng, as there were no conveyances at hand,
and it was necessary to walk a distance of a
mile and a half to the nearest house. Wag
ons were procured for the remainder of the
passengers and their baggage the next morn
ing. The ladies on leaving the boat spoke
in the highest terms of the kindness and at
tentiveness Rebecca Wilson, the
stewardess of the Hudson.
It appears that Col. Anderson had left
Augusta with his detachment at but fifteen
minutes notice, and had been only twelve
hours in coming from Augusta to Sisters
Ferry, though obliged to ford swollen streams
and travel roads in the worst possible
condition. Great credit is due to him for his
humane exertions- in behalf of the innocent
women and children, whose lives were im
perilled and might possibly have been sacri
ficed, had he reached Sister’s Ferry an hour
too latter.
The interview was conducted with great
courtesy on both sides, and was exceedingly
pleasant, the officers parting with many ex
pressions of friendly feeling.
Capt. Baker was informed that, the ob-
Sisters Ferry will opened in
season for the next flag of truce, by order of.
General Young, now in command of Augusta.
A Runaway llohse—Narrow Escape of
Three Children.— Mr. Henry Rocherstcim
yesterday afternoon with a horse and cov
ered spring wagon, drove up to the store of
Mr. Kuch, corner of Perry and Drayton
streets, leaving in the wagon three little
children, a boy and a girl, his own children,
find a little girl, daughter of Mr. Kuch, and
also a • pet dog of the children’s. Mr.
Rochersteim had only left the vehicle about
half a minute when the horse started and
ran down Drayton street at a fearful rate,
towards Bay street. Every effort to
stop the animal was of no avail.—
Upon entering Bay street, the maddened
horse darted to its north side and down
the street, when one of the hind wheels of
the vehicle happily coming in contact with a
tree, stopped its further progress. The wagon
at this time was within twenty feet of the
wall of Abercom street Bluff, and by some
unforeseen interposition were the children
saved from injury. One of them was much
frightened, but by the efforts of a kind gen
tleman who cared for the children, was she
soon quieted. Little doggy was soon himself
again, wagging liis narrative, having staid
with the childien, who are londiy attached
to him, through it all.
Second Provost Court —Afternoon Ses
sion.—The court yesterday afternoon had
under consideration the case of Clias. K. Os
good & Cos., vs. Josh Williams (colored) |
charged with theft. From the testimony, it
appears that Williams was in the employ-
ment of Osgood & Cos., Grocery Merchants
under Masonic Hall. Suspicion was excited
that Williams was nos dealiug fairly, and he
was detected abstracting from ’the till fG.
Judge Walton made the following decision :
That the defendant Josh Williams pay $6,
amouut of theft, his wages due for three
weeks be attached by Osgood & Cos., and
that the defendant be imprisoned seven days
First Provost Court, Judge Parsons, pre
siding. The business offered yesterday morn
ing, was very limited; the following is a traus
eript of the docket. Wm. 11. May, Marma
duktfjHamillon, Eugene F. Touckelet, Geo.
P. Middleton, allowed to take the oath of al
1-giance. ' Dr. J. F. Waring was authorized
to collect all rents due or becoming due on all
his property in this city.
James McGloir, Isaac D. Laßoche, Mr .
Mary Scanlau, and Mrs. Mary Phillips, were
granted authority to collect their rents.
Beni. H. Hardee vs. G B. Lamar, claim
for $45", balance of a due bill given by De
fendant to Plaintiff, Feb. 2, 18G5. Defendant
claims there is a failure of consideration, and
desired to have the case postponed unt 1
Tuesday next ft procure witnesses, which
request was granted.
Additional Particulars of the Late Raid.
Rebel Account of the Battle at
Natural Bridge.
From the Florida Union, Jacksonville, Fla.
A party consisting of a detachment of the
! 3rd aud 34th IAS. C. T. left Jacksonville on
Thursday the 7th inst,, on an expedition into
Rebeldorn. They landed on the morning of
the Bth at Orange Mills. The party here
divided, a portion going by boats and a por
tion by land to opposite Pilatka. Here they
again united and proceeded up the river to
Fort Gates where they landed and struck out
into the interior.
Th§y soon reached the plantation of Mr.
Masom Here they found two rebel soldiers
planting whom they made prisoners. They
also secured five stand of arms. They next
visited the plantation of Mr. Marsh. Here
they captured two more soldiers, one horse,
one mule, and six stand of arms. At the
plantation of Mr. Williams they captured two
contrabands and one horse. They then
struck the bridge over the Ocklawalia river
where they encountered two pickets belong
ing to Capt. House's company, who fled to
Col. Marshes’ plantation where they were
overtaken and shot.
At this place they made a haul of 21 horses
and mules, with their equipments, and 75
contrabands, and burned 75 hogsheads of
sugar, 350 barrels of syrup, 400 baarels of
whiskey, and the still and sugar works. This
was accomplished by three men. The rest, of
the party had been left to guaid the bridge.
The expedition then set out. on its return. At
Lake Church Hill they were overtaken by
Captain House's cavalry, numbering some
32. A fight took place which lasted about
two hours.
The rebels were defeated with 26 killed and
2 wounded. The loss on our side was 1 killed
and 2 wounded. The casualty on our side
was occasioned by the treachery of a rebel
who had surrendered, and afterward fired
upon Ills captors, killing one and wounding
another. The party succeeded in crossing the
St. Johns river, and reaching St. Augustine
on Sunday the 1211 k, with all their booty ex
cept five mules and two prisoners, who were
lost in the fight, having marched over 300
miles. No official report has been received
at headquarters as yet, of the affair. When
the official report is received, more particu
lars will probably be learned.
[From the'Floridian and Journal.]
Battle of the Natural Bridge.— Our
city has been in a considerable state of ex
citement for the past few days. At nine
o’clock on Saturday night last, news was
received in Tallahassee that the. Yankees,
1400 strong, had landed from their fleet at
the St. Marks Light House, and were march
ing in the direction of Newport, that the
Confederate forces in that neighborhood, un
der the command of Col. G. VY. Scott, were
gallantly opposing them and checking their
advance, and that their object was probably
to make a forced march upon Tallahasse and
burn and destroy the place, or turn the bat
teries at 6t. Marks and take permanent pos
session and establish themselves there.
The alarm was given and the note of pre
paration sounded throughout the whole city
and county, and was extended to the other
counties. The militia were ordered out and
an unanimous and invincible response was
made to the call. Every man and boy capa
ble of bearing arms -was at his post. Never,
since the first commencement of the war,
have the people exhibited a greater spirit.
One company of cavalry marched nearly
sixty miles in twenty-four hours. Others
marched on foot thirty and forty miles to
overtake their companies who had gone
ahead, aud in a very short time a sufficient
force was on the way to the scene of action
to meet any force the enemy had there.
Col. Scott was hardly pressed by the ene
my and retired to Newport and burned the
bridge there. The enemy finding it impossi
ble to force a passage of the river at that
place, marched in the direction of the Na
tural Bridge.
Reinforcements haying arrived, at day
light on Monday morning our forces encoun
tered the enemy at the Natural Bridge, about
seven or eight miles above Newport, on the
St. Marks river. The action lasted for sev
eral hours, when the enemy were completely
repulsed, aud driven back to their gunboats,
with a loss of 400 killed, wounded and pris
In the action we lost three killed and
twenty-two wounded. Among the killed,
we are sorry to mention Capt. 11. K. Sim
mons, ot the 2d Fla. Cavalry, a brave and
skillful officer.
Gen. Sami. Jones was early upon the field
and has proven himself an able officer. —
That brave veteran Gen. Wm. Miller,iu com
mand of the Reserves, took a prominent
part in the action and contributed materially
to the victory.
We would like to mention the services of
several other officers and the various forces
that took part in the affair, but we are ad
monished that it might give useful informa
tion to the enemy. Suffice it to say, that we
have ample forces to meet any such attaek of
the enemy ; that the men behaved with un
flinching and enthusiastic courage ; that no
distinction could be gained by any one for
gallantry, so perfect was the courage and
zeal of all.
We have beaten the enemy again in Flori
da and driven them from our soil, and with
the help of God, if it is in the power of man
to keep them from ravaging our homes, our
men will not permit them to do it.
At the time of our writing the Yankees
have re-embarked on their transports a few
of which remain in the bay opposite the
Light House.
The enemy were commanded by General
Two deserters were shot, after trial by
court martial, who were captured In Yankee
uniforms. One of them was recognized as
the man who shot the Adjutant of the 2d
Florida Cavalry at the time of his desertion.
Col. J. J. Daniel had a .leg and arm in
jured by a fall from his horse.
The number of the enemy were variously
estimated at from 1400 to 2000, four hundred
of whom were whites, among them about
one hundred deserters.
The Kilcrease Artillery, Captain Patrick
Houston, and Dunham’s Battery, Capt. Dun
ham, acted in the most gallant style, dealiug
death and destruction to the invaders, and
contributing largely to the result of the bat
tle. The Cadets from the Florida State Semi
nary were in fight, and behaved in ti:e
m )St gallant manner. Their praise is on tLe
ups of all who took part in the fight.
Twenty-four prisoners were brought to this
city last Wednesday evening. Two whites
and the balance negroes. One of the whites
is a Lieutenant.
Savannah Theatre. —The benefit of Messrs.
Scott & Ryman, last evening, was largely at
tended, and it is to be hoped was as profita
ble to those meritorious actors as it was
entertaining to the audience.
Sweatnam’S Varieties. —As will be seen
by the notice in another column, the opening
night of this ntw place of amusement is
postponed until Tuesday evening,. Mr.
Sweatnam has found it impossible to perlect
all the necessary preparations for a success
ful opening on to-morrow evening, aud with
a becoming respect for the theatre-going
public, and an honorable pride in the repu
tation of his new temple of art, is deter
mined to defer the initiatory performance
until all should be completed that would
insure a creditable and triumphant opening.
On Dit.— We have learned from New York
advices that the celebrated Irish Comedian,
Mr. Frank Drew, brother of the late lament
ed John Drew, and the only true delineator
of Irish characters, will shortly arrive and
play a star engagement at the Savannah
Theatre, also, Mr. Harry Seymour, the dis
tinguished Tragedian, who is engaged and
will follow Mr. Drew in a series ofhisShaks
pearian characters. We sincerely trust that
this rumor may prove true.
First Provost Court—Afternoon Session.
The following is an abstract of the proceed
ings of yesterday afternoon. Mrs. S. M.
Treanor, Andrew Low, R. T. Peoples, J. F.
Cann, Thomas A. Moore, and Wm. S. Bo
gart, allowed to take the oath of allegiance.
J. F. Cann was granted permission to collect
his house rents.
Marine Transportation.— Parties going
to Hilton Head or the North will apply for
transportation at the office of Capt. Starr,
next door to the Custom House, in the Cen
tral Railroad Bank Building.
Notice to Travellers. —The steamer
Hudson, Capt, Vanpelt, will leave this morn
ing, at 10 o’clock, for Hilton Head.
On Thursday last it was discovered that an
attempt had been made to burn the'Aucila
trestle on the Pensacola and Georgia Rail
road. The damage wa9 slight, not enough
to stop the trains. The telegraph wire was
also cut at the trestle. This is supposed to
be the work of deserters, and may have been
a part of the programme of the enemy to pre
vent troops from being brought up from the
east to take a hand in the late fight.
The following is a list of casualties among
the Yankee officers. Every officer engaged
in the fight at Natural Bridge was either
killed, wounded or taken prisoner.
Killed—Lieut. Col. Pearsall: Major Lin
coln ; Adjutant in Command; Captains Tra
cy and Carpenter- Lieuts. Murpliy and
Wounded—Brig. General John Newton,
arm and thigh : Col. Townsend, mortally.
We learn that a few days ago all the negro
men from the plantation of Hon. Phillip Dell,
about thirteen miles west of Waldo, stam
peded on mules to the enemy at Jackson
Officers of the army of Tennessee are or
dered to report to Gen. Joseph E. Johnston,
in command of the armies of that depart
ment. Intense satisfaction prevails in every
quarter. Soldiers are anxious to be forward
The roads from Chester to Charlotte are
in a frightful condition, and would seriously
impede any movement.
The Bureau of Conscription, according to
advices from Richmond, is to be abolished.
Gen. Lee is said to have recommended it.
Thf. late papers say that the French mis
sion has been tendered to James Gordon
Bennett of the Herald, and declined, “mainly
on the ground that he could be of more ser
vice ia extricating our country from present
difficulties at home than abroad.” We be
lieve Bennett would make as good a minister
to France as could be selected. He has an in
timate acquaintance with European politics,
is personally acquainted with the J French
Empetor, and talks quite as good French as
he does English. Moreover, the eminent
services of the Herald in taking the loyal side
at once at the outbreak of the war, and
sticking to it, deserve special recognition.
We may laugh as much as we please' at the
editorials of the Herald, but it exercises an
immense influence on the minds of the mass
es of the people, and its steadfast loyalty and
hearty support of the Government in sup
pressing the rebellion have had an incalcu
lable effect.
Troubled with Silver. —The Canadians
have been greatly troubled recently on ac
count of the abundance of American silver
that has found its way across the lines. A
discount of 4 per cent, was made awhile ago
upon American half and quarter dollars, and
the result of it has been to drive those coins
out of circulation. But the smaller coins
have all along been taken at par, and are
now so numerous that the merchants are
tired of them. The banks will not receive
them except at a large discount, and so the
people talk of placing a discount of 20 or 25
per cent, upon the dimes and half dimes,
with the hope that that will be sufficient to
retire them from circulation. If the Cana
dians would be willing to exchange their
superfluous silver coins for our greenbacks
upon equal terms, the glut in their small
change market would soon be relieved.
Old Fashioned Oaths. —Everybody has
noticed in Sbakspeare and other old writers
such odd expressions as ’* Hood ’ 's death l
These are the oaths of former generations
and are abreviations of “God’s blood” and
“God’S death.” Zounds, which is used even
now, signifies “God’s wounds,” or “By God's
wounds.” ud Zooks , another similar ex
pression, means “God’s Looks,” as we would
say in these modern days, “the countenance
o God.”
John D. Fox, father of the “Fox girls,’
lately died in Wayne Countv, New York.
Mr. Fox was never a spirit-rapper, but lived
and died a devoted Methodist.
From Jacksonville, Florida.
Loss of tlie George C. Collins.
Flag of Truce. —A flag of truce came from
the other side on Trusday last, bringing some
fifty persons, women and children. Courte
sies in the way of exchange of papers and
other civilties were exchanged.
The Death of Lieut. Col. Albert H. Wil
coxson, Seventeenth Connecticut Volunteers,
is announced.
U. S. Marshal’s Sales.— There are to be
extensive sales of confiscated property in
Jacksonville and Fernandina in the course of
a few weeks.
Loss of the Collins.— Tlie steamer George
C. Collins, while attempting to run into St.
Augustine on Tuesday last, struck on the
bar. She commenced filling very rapidly and
in spite of every effort to get her off by light
ening her it was finally found necessary to
abandon her. The passengers and crew suc
ceeded in getting off with a portion of their
effects. The entire cargo was thrown over
board. The sand had at last accounts form
ed completely around her. It is said she will
prove a total loss. She had recently returned
from New York where she had been thorough
ly overhauled and repaired. We understand
she survived the # storm in which the Melville
was lost.
Sufferings of our Prisoners in Columbia.
The following account of the sufferings and
privations of our prisoners has been chiefly
taken from the statement of First Lieutenant
E. Meyer, Twelfth Pennsylvania cavalry,
who has been a prisoner for twenty months,
and had managed to escape to our army on
their entrance into Columbia :
Lieutenant Meyer was captured at Point
of Rocks, Md., on June 17, 1863, two days
after the battle of Winchester. From this
he and several othei officers and privates
were marched back to Winchester by way
of Staunton, thence to Richmond, and were
consigned to Libby prison, where he was de
tained for eleven months. It is needless to
detail the elegancies of Libby life, of which
he fully partook. On the 4th of May, 1864,
he, in company of about a thousand others,
were transferred to Danville, Va., where
tbey remained but four days. Thence they
went to Macon, where they arrived after nine
days traveling on filthy cattle cars on the
18th. Here tbey. were confined to the stock
ade on the usual allowance of short rations,
dirt and neglect. At this time there were
about 14 hundred officers, and the following
five Generals, prisoners there: Brigadier
Generals Hickman, Tkeilon, Wessel, Scam
muu and Seymour, all of whom have since
been exchanged. On the 20tli July they
were sent to Charleston, where they arrived
next day. Here they were assigned to the
city jail, with convicts aud women of loose
character. Here they were detaiued fifteen
days, and transferred to Roper Hospital,
where the treatment was pretty good. The
Sisters of Charity attended them here,
bringing the sick delicacies, such as fruits,
fowls and the like. Here they could see the
flashes of the guns from James Island, and
two shells struck the building.
On the 4th of October, about twelve hun
dred were transferred to Columbia, and plac
ed iu a camp near Saluda Factory, two miles
from Columbia. Here they wore placed
right down in the woods, without a hut or
teat of any kind. After two weeks they
were supplied with some tools, with which
they made huts of logs with their sides cov
ered with earth. While here, several died
from want and exposure, and three were
killed wfliile trying to make their escape, one
of whom was Lieutenant Eikwas, Second
New Jersey. While here, a rebel officer kept
six bloodhounds at the headquarters. These
w T ere regularly drilled every morning, in pre
sence of the men, and often exercised in
hunting down and capturing escaped pr 9 n
er3. (Xne morning tae dogs came down to
the well where tne men got their water.
Here they seized them and cut their throats,
and threw them into a deep hole. When
they were discovered the officer remarked,
“Yankees will suffer for this.” After this
our officers were shot.
While at Charleston and Columbia, two
Shyloek brothers, named Quinby and Potter,
took bills of -exchange, by power of attor
ney. For gold, five for one; for greenbacks,
two for one. We were glad to enter into the
swindle in order to save life. Their bill of
fare here was: Five pints of corn-meal,
two spoonfuls of rice, two spoonfuls of salt,
and oue point of wretched sorghum molasses.
This was the rations issued for five days.
They did not get soap enough to wash their
hands, not to speak of their clothes. So
many had effected their escape from this
place, we were transferred to the Lunatic
Asylum enclosure, which was a large yard
with a high brick and stockade fence, sixteen
feet high. Here we built twelve houses,
each house containing thirty-six men. They
then stopped supplying us with lumber, so
the remainder of the officers had to mauage
as best they could, some lying under houses
and some beside the walls. Here they re
mained till the night of the 14th Februaty.
when on the approach of Sherman’s army
half were placed bn the train for Charlotte.
Many of these escaped by making holes in
the night through the cars with saw knives
which they concealed on their persons. The
night was dark and rainy, and favored their
escape. I have not got the names of many
of these. On the 12th the balance of the
officers were sent off. Some sixty of them
managed to escape in the following man
In the yard were two hospitals. These
were temporarily built with some space un
der the floors, and also between the ceiling
boards and roof. Into these the men manag
ed to creep and conceal themselves, where
they lay for forty-eight hours without any
thing to eat or drink. Here they lay concealed
until they heard the firing in front of the city.
They tkeu got out and were concealed by the
citizens until our army restored them to
liberty, 1 might say to life.
A tumulus ha3 been opened in Russia sup
posed to have been erected over a chief of
the Huns. A massive gold diadem, gold
bmielets and cuffs, a richly chased gold
collar and a well executed cameo were found
in it.
Arrived—steamer Nelly Baker, Norris, Efillon Heac;
U S Flag of Truce steamer Hudson, Vanpelt, Sister's
Cleared—9teamer U. 9. Grant, Dobbs,Hilton Head;
•chr Darnel Brown, Pickens, Hilton Head-
Paul Crippen, New York.
Wm. L. Pary, U. S. N.
A. F. Newman, New York.
Burnet Forbes, New York.
Maj. O. L. Hatch, Hilton Head
Maj. O. S. Sanford. Hilton Head,
Lt..W. H. Watrath.
. B. H. L. Jewett, Hilton Head.
Alex. C. Girard, A. A S. U. S. A.
H. P. Shattrick, A. A. S. U. S. A.
Col C. E. Fuller, Boston. «
H. W. Rosebrooks, Hilton Head.
Frank Geise, Lt. and A. P. M. Gen. Dept, of the
South, Hilton Head.
I. O. O. F.
OGLETHORPE LODGE, No. 1, meets every Tues
day evening. (lodge Room on Bav street, over Geo
N. Nichols' Printing Office.) A. F.’Torlay, N G • F
Krenson, V. G.; James Clemence, Treas.; C. Gross,
LIVE OAK LODGE, No. 3, meets every Fridav
evening. (Lodge Room 8. W. cor. Bull and Brough
ton ats., 4th story, enrrance on Lronghton street 1 “j
Holbrook Espl], N. G.; R. M. Bartheimess, V G • D
Thompson. Treas.; D. H. Galloway, Bect ' ‘
3d Wednesday in each month in Live Oak Lodee
Room. John T. Thomas. C. P.; John Harrison H
P.; John Dexter, S. W.; R. Groves, J. W.; C. Grose!
Scribe ; James L. Haupt. Treasurer.
Lessee and Business Manager grant taouabt
Director of Amusements a. h. davenport
Stage Manager T . j. hkrndon!
Will be played the beautiful Play of
Also, the laughable Farce (first time) of
The cast of THE STRANGER will comprise the follow
ing brilliant array of talent:
Miss Florence Lafond as Mrs. Halier
Mr. A. H. Davenport as The stranger
Mr. T. J. Herndon as Peter
Miss Maude St. Leon as Francis
Mr. J. W. earner as Baron Steinfeldt
Mr. Simpson as Mr. Solomon
Mr. Rodgers as Count Winterstein
Mrs. Berrellas Countess Winterstein
Miss Prestige (with song) as. Charlotte
Miss Hattie Lee as Anuc-tt*
To conclude with
Pillicoddy Mr. T. J. Herndoh
Capt O'Scuttle Mr. Simpson
Mrs. Pillicoddy Miss Maude St. Leon
Mrs. O'Scuttle Mrs Berrell
Sarah Blount Miss Fanny Prestige
THE TICKET OF LEAVE MAN will shortly be
Notice.—ln future the doors will open at 7 and the
curtain rise at S o'clock precisely.
Box office open from 10 until 2 o’clock.
All bills must be presented weekly.
Consisting of
30 Tierces Hams,
300 barrels Flout,
100 barrels Sugar,
150 cases Boots and Sho^s,
50 boxes Coffee,
1000 easel Ale,
600 boxes Raisins,
150 barrels Ale,
150 barrels Walnuts, Filberts and Brazil Nuts,-
1000 cases Peaches, Tomatoes, Chickens, Tur
keys, &c,
800 barrels Cakes and Crackers,
50 barrels Molasses, *
150 cases Tobacco,
200 dozen Shirts,
400,0000 Cigar*.
A large and extensive stock of Yankee Notions,
Stationery, Hosery, and many other goods too num
erous to mention.
Sutlers and Merchants, call and examine before
sending your orders to New York.
No. 4 Merchant’s Row, nilton Head, S. C.
nprl tt
On and after this date, the First Provost Court, Ist
Lieut. Eben Parsons, Jr., Judge, will be held at the
U. S. Court House, corner of Bull and Bay streets.
The Second Provost Court, Capt. James M. Walton,
Judge, will be held in the room over Adams' Express
Co.'s office, corner Bay and Drayton streets.
The rci-pectA'e jurisdictions are fixed by General
Order No. 6., and all parties having business before
said Courts will govern themselves flccordingly.
iuar2o ts
Rooms to let at hilton head, s o
The Palmetto Herald Building, corner of Mer
chants’ Row and Palmetto Avenue, suitable for husi'
ness purposes or lodgings. Apply to J. T. RIVERS,
on the premises, or H. T. RIVERS, at the Custom
House ts mar 4
The large Stock of
TOBACCOS, in great variety,
BEEF AND PORK, in half-bbis.,
The entire Stock will be sold,
The public will And this the best opportunity to pur
chase yet offered in this market,
mar2l ts Next door to Sherlock’s.
To families by the quart or pallor, at
mh24 over Atlam8 ’ Ex P‘ Ksa wmws, Huy street