Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, April 05, 1865, Image 1

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SAVAMAH DAILY HERALD. VOL. I—NO. 66. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING) IB PCULISUED BY 43. W. MASON <fc CO., At 111 Bay Street, Savannah, Gkobsla. TERMS: Per Copy Five Cents. rVr Hundred $3 50. Per Year..-. $lO 00. an vErtisi no: Two Dollars per Square of Ten Lines for first in sertion: One Dollar for each subsequent one. Ad vertisements inserted in the morning, will, if desired, appear in the evening without extra charge, JOB PRINTING every style, neatly and promptly done. RETRIBUTION I SOUTH CAROLINA DOINGS OF SHERMAN'S ARMY. Obs ontological Table of .Advances and Attacks. rKET.XNG OF THE TltOOl*gt Deatruotlon of Columbia. Wc extract from an admirably written ac count ill the “New York Herald” the follow ing statement of the way the- campaign was conducted in South Carolina, “the hot-bed ol Secession,” the original “nest of Treason.” The'account is dated at Fayetteville March j 3th. CiiItONOLOOY or THE CAROLINA CAMPAIGN. JANUARY. lCth. Right wing (Fifteenth find Seven teentii corps) transferred from Savannah to Beaufort. 20th. Left wing left Savannah, inarching on either side of the Savannah river towards Augusta. 23d. General Shennan transferred head quarters from Savann ah to Beaufort. Ibith. Left wing delayed by rains in camp, seven miles from Savannah.' 26th. Left wing at Springfield. 27th. Advance of the ielt wing reached Sisters’ Ferry. 29th. Right wing moved from Pocotallgo towards the Combahce river. Left wing in camp at Sister’s Ferry, delayed bv rain and high water. 30th. Right wing moved along the Savan nah and Charleston Rail Road, and between the rail road and McPhersonvllle, encoun tering small parties of the rebel cavalry. Left wing still at Sister’s Ferry. 31st. Right wing at McPnersonville. Left wing at Sister’s Ferry. FEBRUARY Ist. Right wing moved from McPherson ville towards Hickory Hill. Left wing still water and mud bound at Sisters Ferry? 3d. Right wing moved to Brighton’s Bridge, over tue Saltkatcbe, when enemy made resistance to the passage of the stream and burned the bridge ftli. Right wing effected passage of the Saltketche. Left wing moved across to Sa vannah. fith Right wing crossed Whipp Swamp. Left wing moved to B: ighton, which had been burned by tho rebel cavalry. 6th. Advance of the .right wing fought Wheeler at Orange Church on the Little- Sait ketcher. 7tb. R : ght wing at Bamburg and Midway on Charleston ana Augusta Railroad. Left wing moved to Lawton ville, which was burn ed by the Twentieth Corps. 3th. Right wing crossed the South Edisto river. Left wing in camp at Lawtonvilie. Olh. Right wing at Grahamville. Left wing reached Allendale. loth. Right wing crossed North Edisto river. Left wing reached Fiddle Pond, near Barnwell. 14th. Right wing captured Orangeburg. ! Left wing marched through Barnwell, which j was left in ashes, and encamped three miles : from White Pond station. 12th. Right wring made a rapid march j from Orangeburg towards Congaree and j Columbia. The left wing tore up ten miles | of the Charleston and Augusta Railroad. 13th. Left wring crossed tlie South Edisto river. 25th. Right wing effected the passage of the Congaree, and began shelling Columbia.— General Carlin, in the advance of the left wing, skirmished with the rebels near Lex ington, capturing and burning the town. 16th. The right wing confronting Colum bia. Left wing marched to Harper’s Ferry, ou the Saluda River, and crossed. 17th. Right wing occupied Columbia. Same night Columbia was burned. Left wing reached the Broad river. IStb. Right wing in-camp at Columbia, and left wing in camp on Broad river. 19th. tLel't wing crossed the Broad and des troyed Greenville and Columbia Railroad, ramping near Alston. b\.th. Right wing left Columbia, destroy ing railroad to \Vinngboro’. Left wing moved to and crossed Little River. - Ist. The whole army was concentrated at WiunsboroVthus leading Johnson to sup pose that it was Sherman's intention to push upon Charlotte. 22d. Right wing engaged in passage of the Wateree*river at Pay’s iFerry. Left wing n>re up the railroad above Wiunsboro’ and moved to Youngsviile. 33d. Right wing on Lynch’s creek. Lett wing reached Rocky Mount, Catawba river. 24th. Part of the left wing crossed the Catawba (or Wateree) river. 2, r >th. Right wing captured Camden..— Leit wing passing Catawba river. 27th. Left wing still engaged in difficult passage of the Catawba. Gen. Carlin had a light with Wheeler's cavalry. 23th. Right wing moved from Camden towards Cberaw, encamping on Lynch’s creek and baiting for three days, waiting for the left wing, delayed at the Catawba river, to get up. MARCfI. }**•■ Lcfft wing moved to Hangiug Rock. 2 ( l- Left wing marched to Horton s Ferry or Lynch’s creek. savannah; ga., Wednesday, april 5, 1865. 3d. The left wing being up, the whole army crossed Lynch’s creek. Am. Right wing captured Cheraw. Left tying crossed Thompson’s creek. 6th. Right wing and part orthe left cr<?ss ed the Great Pedee river. Davis’ corps of the left wing moved up to Sneedsboro’. 6th. Davis crossed the great Pedee, and the whole army was massed to move on Fayetteville. 7th. Left wing moved to near Downing river. Sth.. Right wing at Laurel Hill. 9th. The whole army marched ou the several roads converging at Fayetteville to within twenty miles of the place* 10th. Marched to within ten miles of Fayettville in line of battle, anticipating an engagement with Hardee. Kilpatrick’s cav alry struck the rear ot Hardee's retreating forces near Fayettville. and engaged Hamp ton in one of the finest cavalry battles of the' war. 11 th. The whole army entered Fayettville having in the campaign for fif ty-four days, and having marched four huu clred and forty-three miies. THE FEELING OF THE TROOPS. There can be no denial of tho assertion that tho feeling among the troops wa3 one extreme bitterness towards the people of the State of South Carolina. It was freely ex pressed as the column hurried over thebridge at Sisters Ft-ary, eager to commence the punishment ot “original secessionists.”— Threatening words were heard from soldiers who prided themselves on “conservatism in house-burning'’ while in Georgia, aud officers openTy confessed their fears that the coming campaign would be a wicked one. Just or unjust as this feeling was towarus the coun try people of South Carolina, it was univer sal. I first saw its fruits at Rarysburg, where two or three piles of blackened brick and an acre or so of dying embers marked the sight of an old revolutionary town. And this be fore the column had fa*irly got its .“hand in.” GENERAL SHERMAN’S VISIT TO W OODLANDS. At Woodlands, about one mile south of Midway, is the residence of the great novel ist, Mr. Simms. It is an old-fashioned brick building, with massive, ungainly porticos. It is a strange castellated appearing affair, with something of a weird look about it. Our skirmishers and foragers paid a hasty visit to Mr. Simms, and as he was not at home they thought they would do the honors of the house themselves, and fell to helping themselves liberally. On hearing this Major-General Frank Blair placed a guard over the place to ptotect the house, furni ture and fine library. Mr. Simms is a thor ough, rabid secessionist, full of Southern prejudices, and a fierce calumniator of Northern character and institutions. Mr. Simm’s plantation is a good type of the lowland plantations of South Carolina. Since we left Savannah the country w T as one vast lowland plain. In front of Mr. Simms’ house are tome venerable trees, beneath which the vine and cypress have formed fantastic bowers, with their delicate foliage aud garlands of hanging moss. Not tar from the residence is a dark, solemn swamp, formed by the expansion of the Edisto over the lowlands. This is full of fallen trees, gothic arches of cypress and vines interlac ing their branches in strange shapes, while the overspreading moss w T aves its funereal looking pall over the miasmatic, poisonous air of swamp lands. Here revel in secure enjoyment wild fowl, serpents and alligators. Such dismal swamps are frequent in Car olina, but chiefly abound along the sea coast from Savannah to Chaileston. ORANGEBURG. Orangeburg is on the Columbia branch of the South Carolina Railroad, ninety-sevtn miles from Charleston and forty-seven from Columbia. It had been a pretty place before the rvar, and had a population close on two thousand. When I reached the city it was in flames - Our men say' that they found several houses, in which cotton was stored, on .fire when they' entered it. Be this as it may', the whole town w r as soon in flames, and by' the follow ing morning one heap of ashes. The tasteful churches, with their tall stee ples, and about fifty private houses alone escaped. A large amount of cotton was also consumed. COLUMBIA. The capital of South Caroliua is one hun dred and twenty-eight miles from Charleston by railway. It has been a beautiful city, situated just at the conflux of the Saluda and Broad Rivers, which form the Congaree. It was fumed for its fine public buildings, its magnificent private residences, with their lovely flower gardens, which savored of Oriental ease and luxury. It is hard to con ceive a citv more beautifully situated or more gorgeously embellished, with splendidly shaded walks and drives, with flowers, shrubberies and plantations. Birds gos bril iant plumage sang and sported in its gar dens, under the delicious influences of the sunny skies. The city was laid out in 1787, and had rapidly increased in beauty and popula ion, the latter amounting to about ten thousand previous to the war. Most of its stores and public buildings were of brick, while most, of the private residences were framed, neatly paiuted, with piazzas hanging with plants and creepers. Its, churches, insane asylums, colleges and other public buildings were very line. The new Capitol, built of granite, would be a magnificent building if complet ed. Columbia College, the A/mu Mater of the Tazewells, the Barnwells, the Rhetts, the Hamptons, and other distinguished men, is a splendid educational establishment. The park is a lovely promenade, while the private residences are unsurpassed in the elegance of their finish, the beauty of their grounds, and the luxury of their fittings. A spell of ease and voluptuous luxury seemed to pervade the place. Flowers, pictures, statuary, select libraries, all that the arts and sciences’ could contribute, adorned its halls and private resi dences. In the house of General John C. Preston, formerly United States Minister and Senator, where General Logan had his head quarters, are works both in literature, paint ing and statuary that would enchant a savant. In the basement, is a Venuß of Italian marble and finest workmanship, worth at least from tm to fifteen thousand dollars. General j Logan gave orders not to'have the house! burned.||Woodlands, the residence of General Wade Hampton, was a magnificent place, but has been burned down by our soldiers He is married to Preston's sister. It is no wonder that Eve was discontented in Para dise when a people with so much to gratify the most epicurean tastes rebelled. CAPTCRK OF COLUMBIA. The rebels lost forty-five pieces of artil lery', fifteen locomotives, immense Govern ment stores of all kinds, 'besides a large amount of cannon. Piles of cotton were burning along the streets when our troops entered, but a great deal was yet untouched. There were nqfjpwer than nine Generals aud one Governor m Columbia just a few hours betore our occupation. These included Johnston, Beauregard, Ilatnpttm, Wheeler aud Butler. They were expecting up to the last moment to be reinforced by Lee’s troops from Branchyille, and Dick Taylor s from Augusta". Besides, hearing of Sherman’s army'threatening Augusta and Branchville, they thought there was nothing but a small raiding party threatening Columbia. They little knew limv they' werfe out-manoeuvred. NIGHT IN COLUMBIA. Coming on night, crowds of our escaped prisoners, soldiers and negroes, intoxicated with their new born liberty, which they looked upon as license to do as they pleased, were parading the streets in groups. As soon as night set in there ensued a sad scene indeed. The suburbs were first set on fire, some assert by the burning cotton which the rebels had piled along the streets. Pil laging gaDgs soon fired the heart ot the town, then entered the houses, in many in stances carrying off articles ot value. 'The flames soon burst out in all parts of the city, aud the streets were quickK crowded with helpless women and children—some in their night clothes. Agonized mothers, seeking their children, all affrighted and terrified, were rushing on all sides from the raging flames aud i lliug houses. Invalids ha?l to be dragged from tneir beds, and lay' exposed to the flames aud smoke that swept the streets, or to the cold of the open air in back yards. GENERAL HAZEN COSES TO THE RESCUE, ' Towards morning, General Hazen. who lay encamped outside of the town, hearing of the sad state of affairs, ordered Col. Dinner and his brigade to clear out the city and re store order at the point ot tue bayonet. This they did, takiug a couple of hundred prison ers, bayoneting some, and killing one. Seve ral officers ventured their lives in this charit able attempt to restore order. Colonel York, of General Logan’s staff, was fired on • while thus engaged. It is to be regretted that the burning of the city was accompanied by many riotous scenes. Sherman and Ira gene rals are very much hurt about it, as it was quite against their orders. WHO IS TO BLAME ? The negroes and escaped prisoners were infuriated, and easily incited the inebriated soldiers to joiu them in their work, of van dalism. Governor Magrath and Gen. Wade Hnmpion are partly aecovurtWile for the de struction ol their city. General Beauregard, the Mayor, Mr. Goodwin, and many others, vvauted to send a delegation as far as Orange burg to surrender the city, and when evacu ating destroy all the liquors. In both of these wise views they were overruled by' the Governor and Wade Hampton—the latter stating that he would defend the town from house to house. COLUMBIA NEXT DAY. The 18th of February dawned upon a city of ruins. All the business portion—the main streets, the old capito!, the churches, and several public aud private buildings, were one pile of rubbish and bricks. Nothing re mained but the tall specti©-looking chimneys The noble looking trees that snaded Die streets, the flower gardens that graced them, were blasted aud withered by fire. The s'reets were full of rubbish, broken furniture and groups of crouching, desponding, weep ing women and children- SUNDAY was a day of quiet in the city. The Sabbath bells tolled from the few Churches remain - ing, but there was something solemn and melancholy in their chime, and sorrmviug hearts knelt to the Lord for hope and com fort. DEPARTMENT OP THE ©OT.F. Havana, March 26, 1805. Yesterday morning, very early, the fa mous English 'Steamer Denbigh arrived from Galveston. She brought papers from Hous ton to the 18th. Gen. T. I. Chalmers is dead. A letter from Galveston states that that city will be defended to the last. The gar rison is composed of veteran troops under the command of Gen. Harms. A treaty is about being arranged with the “wild tribes" of Indians. The Grand Coun cil is to meet May 15 (?) On the 3d instant there was a large meet ing held at San Antonio of the inhabitants of Arizona, New 7 Mexico, and the County of El Paso, to decide upon the capture or occu pation of the Western Territory and the opening of a way to California. 'The meet ing was presided over by Gen. Magoffin. It was stated that 10,000 recruits could be easi ly procured from California for the Confed erate army. A commission was appointed to confer with the General commanding the Trans- Mississippi Department, composed of Gen. Magoffin, Major Coopwood, Colonels Shoal water aud Kennedy, Doctor Omiugs and Major Jackson. In Houston, a soldier who had mutinied was put in a barrel with his head and feet out, and then rolled up and down Main si.,— .the soldier exclaiming, “This is the way to make good soldiers.’’ There was quite an uprising in the garri son at Galveston on the night of the 26th ult., resulting in several being killed and wounded. Sydney Smith, on one occasion, went to Brighton, to use the baths, hop ing thereby to reduce his corpulency.— After a while an acquaintance met him and said, “You are certainty thinner than when I saw you last." “Yes," was the reply, “I have only been ten days here, but they have scraped enough off me already to make a curate." FROM THE CONFEDERACY. Official Revelations of its Secrets. ITS MILITAKY BTKEIVGTH [From tho New York Tribune.] Washington, March 34, 1865. Information has been placed in my hands touching several points of great importance in regard to the Rebellion, its military strength, its condition, the opinion and hopes of its political and military leaders, and the judgment of one of its most prominent men upon the possibilities, and terms of peace. Without comment of mine, I submit them to you, with the single* remark that for every tact lam about to state there is unimpeach able authority', and that these statements bear in themselves evidence of their authenti city and credibility. First as to the military strength of the Con federacy'. The ligures whieh I give do not date later than February 4,18 CT., at which date they were not merely accurate, but were compiled from the official records of the Confederate War Department. On the 4th of February, 1865, the entire available force of the Confederacy was 162,- 000 men. They were distributed as follows : Lee’s army ' ...64,000 Bragg, including Hoke’s division 9,000 Beauregard and Hardee 22,000 Dick Taylor, D. H. Hill, and Howell Cobb... T.OOo West of Mississippi 60,000 Total. 152,000 The 22,000 under Beauregard and Hardee includes the late army of Hood, aud all the forces which evacuated .Savannah and Charleston. The 9,000 of Bragg include all the garrison of Wilmington. These 31,000 men conntitute the bulk of the army now under Johnston in North Carolina, with such additions as have lately been made. The 7,000 under Taylor, Hill, and Cobb, are or were scattered through Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, part of them constituting the present garrison of Mobile. Os Hood's army, the following is a correct numerical calculation: Entered Tennessee .47,000 Came out 17.M10 ■ Nett loss of the campaign 29,000 In East Tennessee and West Virginia there were in February but 4,500 men altogether, and the greater part of them were transfer red March 1, and thereabout to Lynchburg. OEM. LEE’S TESTIMONY. A Committee of tho Rebel Senate was en gaged early in the present year in an inquiry into the condition of the Confederacy. Among the witnesses summoned betore them was Gen. Lee, and the following are extracts from his testimony, on the 24 th January. 1865: Question by Senator Hunter — What is your opinion as to evacuating Richmond, and withdrawing the army to North Carolina? Answer —la my opinion it would be a bad movement. The Virginia troops would not go to North Carolina: they wouid go home. Question—Do you think we have troops enough for the next campaign ? Answer—l do not. We cannot last till midsummer. Qstestion— What do you think of the policy of arming 200,000 negroes? Answer —ls we are to carry on the War, that is the least of evils; but in such an event the negroes must have their liberty. Question— l)o you think we could succeed by putting the negroes into the field ? Answer —That would depend on circum stances. We could at least carry on the war for another year. Question by Senator HU/—W hat is the sen timent of the army in relation to peace ? Answer—lt is almost unanimous for peace. — The men wijl fight longer if necessary, but they believe we caunot continue the war through another campaign. Question by Senator Graham — What is your individual opinion on the subject ot peace? Answer — l think the best policy is to make peace on the plan proposed by Mr. Stephens. The people and the country ought to be saved further sacrifices. Question by Senator Walker —ls peace be not made before Spring, will you consent to take command of ad the armies of the confedera cy, with unlimited poweis? Answer—l will take any position to which my country assigns me and do the best I can, but I do not think I can save the came now. No human power can save it. Had I been as signed such a place one year ago, I think I could have made our condition better than it now 7 is. Question by Senator Orr— You think, then, General, that the best solution of our diffi culties is to make peace on the Stephens plan ? Answer —Yes, that is the best policy now. I think the army and the people ought to be ; saved if all else is lost. THE PASSPORT SYSTEM. Department of the East, ) Headquarters, Maj Gen. Peck, > No. 37 Bleecker st, N. Y., March 28.) Circular. —l. The undersigned has been directed by Major General Dix, commanding the Department of the East, to execute the i orders of the President prohibiting travellers I from entering the United States from foreign countries by sea without passports. 11. The attention of all is called to said orders, aud to General Orders. No. 7, ot Janu ary 28, 1865, from Headquarters of the De partment of the East. 111. In accordance with instructions from the State and War Departments, the masters and owners of steamers and passenger ves sels are notified that no vessel will he allow ed to discharge, hereafter, bringing pas sengers wit liout passports duly vised. This does not apply to ordinary emigrants. The masters of such steamers and passen ger vessels must themselves see that all their passengers embarking at a foreign port for this country are furnished with passports duly vise don penalty of detention both of passengers and cargo on arrival, John J. Peck, Major General. Official: Jas- J. MeVay, Lieut, and A. D. C. A caviler tried to put down his opponr nt wit n the question, “if Noah did send out a dove that never returned,where did that bird go to ?’i ‘•Why,’’ retorted his antagonist, “I suppose somebody shot it.” PRICE. 5 CENTS LITTLE FOOLS AND GREAT ORES. BY CBARUB MACEAY. When at the social board you sit. And pass around the vnue. Remember, though abuse is vile, That use may be divine: That Heaven, in kindness, gave the grape To cheer both great and small That litt'e fools will drink too mark. But great ones not at all. And when, in youth's too fleeting hours, You roam the earth alone, And have not sought some loving heart That yon may make your own: Remember Woman’s priceless worth. And think, when pleasures pall,— That little fools will love too much. But great ones not at all.. And if a friend deceive you Mice, Absolve poor human kind, Nor rail against your fellow-man With malice in your mind ; Bat in your daily intercourse. Remember lest you fall,— That little fools confide too much, But great ones not at all. In weal or woe, be truthful still; And in the deepest care Be bold and resolute, and shua The coward fool despair. Let Hope and Work go hand to hand j * And know whate'er befall,— That little fools may hope too much, But great ones not at all. In work or pleasure, love or drink, Yonr rule be still the same. Your work pot toil, your pleasure fun, Your love a steady flame. Your drink not maddening, but to cheer, So shall yonr joy not pall; For little fools enjoy 100 much, But great ones not at all. ODDS AND ENDS, OF NEWS AND IN CIDENTS. Our city ofSavannah is in about the same fix only more so. The French Emperor has shaved off his imperial aud now only wears, in the hirsute line, his heavy moustache. Mrs. Charles R. Thorne, (formerly Mias Emily Mestayer) has finally retired from the stage. Within a short time three bona fide Ger man one Irish Baronet, tw6 Greeks of high degree and one Turk, have been en listed iu New York. Ex-Seoator Hale of New Hampshire, has been confirmed Minister to Spain. The hi dalgos will find him a “hale fellow well met,’’ though he don’t speak their lingo. The St. Paul. Minn., gas company bare been obliged to suspend operations for want of coal. They tried to use tamarack wood instead, but it made poor gas. Dr. Van Dyck, of the Syrian Mission, has jiist completed a translation of the Scripture* into Arabic. The work has occupied sixteen years. 34,000 copies, it is stated, of the Npw Testament have already been printed. ’ In a recent letter of General Banks, ad dressed to the Liberator, in defense of his labor system in New Orleans, he says : “I have been silent because I have been strong. Had I been as infamous as some men, I might have been as noisy.” Hon. C. L. Vallarjdigham having been mentioned in connection with the office of Governor, the Dayton (Ohio) Empire an nounces that under no circumstances, will he consent to be a candidate. Hon Richard Frothingham, the able his- • torial of Charlestown, and of the early Rev olution, after 13 years’ service, has left the editorial staff of the Boston Post. It is un derstood he will give his time to literary pur suits. A Mr. Russell of Great Falls, N. H., has recently died from taking a quack doctor’s prescription,—the doctor ordering a tea spoonful three times a day when ten drops were sufficient. A widow is left with six children. %• Baron Liebig, the German scientific gen tleman, has discovered a substitute sos hu man (or mother’s) milk. Some of the Baron’s rivals are now trying to get ahead of him by inventing a substitute for mothers them selves. Every infant is to be its own mother. The value of the cotton exported from Alexandria, in Egypt, last year, is estimated at one hundred and twenty millions. The farmers paid so njuch atten ion to the culti vation of cotton ihat there is now a great scarcity of provisions. A laborer in the treasury department, named Davis, while engaged in sweeping tho build ing on Saturday evening, found a package containing one hundred and seventy thousand dollars, which, with rave honesty for these degenerated times, he returned to Secretary I McCulloch. To Mr. Jonathan Hastings, of Cambridge, ia ascribed the origin of the the term Yankee, so offensive to Southern ears in 1713. He used it to express excellence—as, a “Yankee good horse,,’ or “Yankee good cider.” The stu dents of Harvard soon caught it and used it as a term of reproach. The Tribune says The Hon. Chas. W. Bradly, formerly Sec retary of State of Connecticut and United States consul at China, under President Pierce, died on Wednesday last. He was considered the best versed in Chinesehiatory, language, and manners of Jiving Ame rica us. Jerrold was seriously disappointed with a book written by one of his friends. This friend heard that Jerrold had expressed his disappointment. Friend (to Jerrold)—.l hear you said wa9 the worst book I ever wrote. Jerrold—No, I didn’t. I said it was the worst book anybody ever w rote. Sheridan was one day much annoyed by a fellow-member of the House of Commons,* who kept crying out every few minutes, “Hear! hear!’’ During the debate he ,took occasion to describe a political contemporary that wished to play rogue, but wbo only had eense enough to act fool. “Where, ” exclaim sd he, with great emphasis—“where shall we find a more foolish knave or a more knavish fool than he!” “Hear! hear!" was shouted front the troublesome member. Sheridan turned round, and thanking him tor the prompt information, sat down amid a general roar of laughter.