Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, April 05, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald. 8. W. MASON AND 00. SAVANNAH, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, ISCS. A Word to the Georgians. —The authen tic and most emphatic intelligence brought by the latest steamers, which conclusively proves the Union Armies victorious, and the strategy of their leaders, a complete success—which shows r that Jeff- Davis is des perate, that even Gen. Lee is dismayed, and that both unite with the other chiefs of the Rebellion in asking now for Peace,should de monstrate to every devotee of the Confed erate heresy, the utter folly of further op position to its inevitable fate. To slightly paraphrase “ Macbeth ,” Rebellion “j» in hie grave; Alter li.e's fiuui lever, lie sleeps * * Treason ha* done his worst: nor steel, nor poison, Malice domestic, foreign levy, nothin*, Can touch him further!" The Confederate cause is dead and the funeral ceremonies are rapidly preparing.— It can no more be resurrected into active life again. Aside from the undeniable signs of Its pending decease which have for months been most obtrusively evident to us here iu Amer ica, the most notorious evidence of foreign appreciation of the demise of the rebel cause, is the utter extinction of that most curiou* financial iufatuation known as the “Confed erate Loan." Up to the arrival of the last steamer at Liverpool from New York, the so-called “se curities” of the South have commanded some sort of a price—for some time, it is true, that price has been very insignificant, but still the Confederate Bonds have been recognized in dealings on “’Change, " and have had a regular standing, such as it was, in financial transactions. The latest advices from Eng land, however, show that the Confederatt Loan has been entirely dropped from stock quotations—that it is, in fact, recognized on ly as one among the many futile specula tions of the past; the phlegmatic Briton* have all made up their minds to charge the whole transaction to “Profit and Loss,” and bear the “Loss” as philosophically as they may. Thus floats away, the last, the very last plank to which the Confederate leaders have cIUDg. Months ago they gave up all thought of success by military strength, and have •ince rested their only hope of national sal vation on Foreign recognition—and now that chance is gone, all is gone. And now a few words to those cf Confede rate predilection who remain at their homes in this or other Btates. Take one careful glance, by the aid of common sense, and in the light of the latest developed military facts at the present condition of the cause iu which the South so rashly embarked, and then do not stultify yourselves by going deliberately to the bottom with a sinking ship. There is never any disgrace iu surrender ing when all hops of success is gone—no true soldier refuses to lay down his arms when he is surrounded and has no other chance for life —and none but a maniac, or a suicide will continue to resist when out-generalled and hopelessly outhum bered. To admit the defeat of the Confederate cause is simply to admit a truth as demon strable as that tho world is round, and it will be better, far better, infinitely better, to gracefully acknowledge a fact which is in controvertible, aud then to" claim tlie clem ency of tbe Government which has so grandly vindicated its strength and its right eousness, than to-still make a feeble pretence of holding out against a power which must inevitably crush all and everything which strives to stand before it. Georgians! far be it from us to counsel you to any act inconsistent with manliness, with fairness to the cause you once mistakenly espoused, or with the" truest patriotism to your country. But, an early aud quiet rec ognition of an authority which must and will be eventually acknowledged as supreme iu the land, may do much to save, houses and land 9 to the proper owners, and to re-unite long-separated families under tlie venerated roof-trees of many a loved old homestead. Nov would we urge thin as the most power ful plea—we would act forth as the most po tent instigating power, your own convictions for we believe there are few of you who are bo prejudiced as not to be now, at last, con vinced in your inmost souls, of tho folly and wickedness of those men who led you and yours iuto all these troubles, and who have brought th : s great sorrow ou so lovely a country, and to the weeping hearts which own so many beaut'ful homes. And, Ltdies of the South! You, we know have been and still are, most potent in keep ing alive the feeling which has coat us all so dearly. It needs only your voices to give us Peace at once. But if you still persist in urging on these soldiers who will ever be most ready to go where your inspiring words shall point, and to do deeds, the sweet reward of which shall be your smiles, who can say when we shall have pervading Peace ? But Ladies, believe us, it is now time to thank your Cavaliers, who have truly made a most noble fight in the eyes of all the world to release them now from their knight ly vows, and to join your efforts with theirs and ours in restoring once more the ineffable blessings and joys of Peace over all our broad land from the East to the West, and from th* hitbeat North throughout all the South. Col. Jcxian Allan —This gentleman, well known to the people of Savannah as the agent through whose exertions the necessi ties of the city at and after the time of its occupation by the U#ted States forces, were made known at the North and by whose hands the offerings of New York and Boston and other generous cities, were dispensed from their bounteous stores to our straitened inhabitants, is about to leave Savannah for New York, sailing from Hilton Head in the steamer Fulton, on her next voyage. Col. Julian Allen is of Polish birth, and feeling the bond of sympathy with the Sa vannahans in this veneration for his great compatriot Count Pulaski, gladly seized an early opportunity to do them service. Arriv ing iu Savannah in December last, Colonel Allen immediately aet on foot measures for the alleviation of the want and distress which prevailed among many classes of the community. With the deli cacy. tact, and kindly frankness which mark the true gentleman, he made his Inves tigations, and became conversant with the nature and extent of the destitution and suf fering among the people of the surrendered city. At the request of Gen. Sherman him self Col. Allen then returned to the North upon his mission. Ho applied to the lead ing merchants of the great cities, and enlist ed in his cause the writers and eloquent speakers of the day, among whom was Edw. Everett, whose last public effort, it will be remembered, was an appoal in Fauuell Hall for the poor of Savannah. Contributions flowed in from all quarters. Col. Allen had struck a responsive cord in the hearts of the Northern people. It was one of opportuni ties for which all had waited to testify their still warm attachment to their Southern countrymen, and the free gifts were many in number aud noble in amount. Arrangements were likewise made to barter the Ric3 of Sa vannah and vicinity in exchange for the necessaries of lifa. The whole plan workod successfully. Ths goods were brought to Savannah with the least possible delay, and the City Stores were established. These places were establishments from which goods of various kinds requisite for the sus tenance and comfort of all classes wore dis pensed at charges which were literally re duced to tbo cost price of the articles iu New York. Os course, the free distribution of gratuitous food was entirely distinct from these stores. Col. Alleu gave freely his time and labor, refusing to accept a salary or a commission. He goes heuco, having fairly won the re spect, esteem and love of the citizens, who take great pleasure in commending him to the courtesies of their Northern friends. First Provost Court. —The U. 8. Court Room iu the Custom House Building, was visited by a large number of persons to listen to the case of the United States vs. Johu Ryan, charged with treasonable prac tices iu sending nogroes into the rebel lines and there hiring them out to the so-called con federacy. A large number of witnesses were examined for prosecution and defence. Mr. Ryan made an able defence. Judge Parsons, in consequence of the offence being of a most serious nature, referred it to a special military commission. The next case in order was that of Wm. J. Hunt, by his attorney David R. Dillon, vi. John Ryan, charged with having wrongful possession of a piece of personal property belonging to plaintiff. The amount of the (•lftlm was laid at SIBOO, and allowed. Judge Parsons appointed Messrs. Isaac D. Laßocho and George W. Wylly a Board of Appraisers to determine the value of the fixtures of a barber-shop, belonging to Wm. J. Hunt on Brvau street. A few orders passed and granted was the balance of business trans acted. Contributions for tub Chicago Sanitary Commission Fair.— ln tho “Ancient City of Oglethorpe” are many valuable relics of the strangers of the first revolution, by which on many gory battle-fields our fathers won their National Independence and Instituted this great and good government. There are also many relics of the wars of 1812, tho Semihole wav and tho Mexican war. In tho war for our independence we captured many guns at Yorktown, one of which was pre sented to the Chatham Artillery of Savannah, aud we bfclieve that should proper steps be laken, this piece of ordnance cau bo found. It would b» a valuable acquisition to the Fair. The guns, its carriage, etc., can easily Ire placed in good order to be forwarded All contributions that are of a light portable character will be received by the Rev. B. F. Rogers, at the Scriven House Hospital. The articles will Improperly labeled and prompt ly forwarded. The Quiet c y Bat Street Disturbed Last night the quiet of Bay street was dis turbed by two discharges of the revolver of the night watch. Our reporter was prompt ly on the spot for an item, and found the Watchman had in charge a gallant tar, who had come ashore on leave. Jack’s skin was well filled with "blue rum,” and he was taken to quarters where he could enjoy the benefit for ihe night of a soft plank instead of his hammock. At the late attack on Fort Steadman and duiing the subsequent battle, President Lincoln, Gen. Giant, and Gen. Lee were on the field in person.. FLORIDA ITEMS. Some dozen of the lßt Florida (Union) cavalry were captured while on a raid last week. One of them named Dean was iden tified as a deserter from the rebels, and was to be shot on Sunday at Baldwin. Several torpedoes have been picked up in the Bt. Johns river, near where the Harriet Weed was sunk. A boat’s crew from the Norwich picked up four one night last week. On the morning of the 18th, a force under Col. Marple, 84th U. S. C. TANARUS., proceeded by land to McGirt's Creek, about 7 mile* up the St. Johns river, to protect the working party engaged in raising the steamer St. Mary, sunk by the rebels some two years ago. The force consisted of the 34th U. 8. C. TANARUS., only lately returned from South Carolina, where it formed part of Gen. Hatch's divis ion. One company of the 35th .U. 8. C. TANARUS., company H, of the 3d U. S. followed the above mentioned troops on the steamer Hattie Brook with throe field pieces, which, as the whole regiment is drilled as artillery, they will be sure to handle pretty smartiy, if need should be. As it was to be feared that the rebels had got wind of the intention to raise the steamer, the night before the ex pedition left, two negro soldiers belonging to the 3d, and one of them a native of Florida, were sent out to ascertain whether Dicken son, the guerilla chief, had occupied the place. But they found nobody there, so that the work could begin without trouble. If we should succeed to raise her, sha probably will prove a valuable acquisition, being known as one of the best steamers iu these parts. She is of the “Savannah” pattern, tin clad, but has no walking beam. In three or four days,l understand, Capt. Bennett ex pects to have her afloat again. The enemy’s cavalry showed themselves on the morning of the 21st, at McGirts Creek, but left very soon and very quick af tor the exchange of a few shots, numbering some few men less than when they came. Some 13 or 15 men of the Florida Cavalry were aont out tbo other day to hunt up horses, but only half of thorn came back, aud it is not known whether the rest deserted or were captured. General Scammon has made some changes in his staff. Capt, Moore, Chief Quartermas ter having been ordered to report to Major Thomas, Chief Quartermaster of the Depart ment of tue South. Capt. Hart, 3d U. 8. C. TANARUS., has been appointed Quartermaster of the District, and Ist Lieut. Jas. Stover, Depot Quartermaster. Ist Lieut. T. R. Hatfield is Chief Signal Officer,, instead of Lieut. T. C. Vidal, who accompanied General Hatch, as Chief Signal Officer, aud holds this position now in the Northern District. Col. B. C. Felghman, 3d U. 8. C. TANARUS., has, by orders from the Hoadquarters of the Department, assumed command of tbo Post of Jackson ville, aud Major Henry Alleu, 17th Conn., of the Post of St. Augustine. Second Provost Court. —There was but a limited amount of business offered yesterday for the consideration ot Judge Walton. Ann Gordon vs. Henry Tow, recovery of rent. The defendant is allowed two weeks to vacate the premises. Mrs. Mary Marshall, vs. G. W. Craft, or dered that G. W. Craft pay S2O per month for the store, corner of Broughton and Bar- V. R. Wilkor, vs. E. H. Smith, Company D, 137th New York Volunteers. Recovery of a colt. Case postponed until further notice. F. Ruckhert,petitioner. Permission is here by granted to, aud authority given to peti tioner, to charge $45 per year, payable monthly, for rent of a lot situated in Jones street, the property of plaintiff. Alexander Carley, vs. Ben. Malette, keeping a disorderly house and harbor ing women of bad character therein. Ordered,that the defendant live with his law ful wife, and turn all or any other woman from his house. This man is about 35 years old, and seems to have adopted the principles of Brigham Young, and to go in for a plu rality of wives. Nichols Smart vs. Peter Laurens, unlawful occupation of a house. Ordered the case bo postponed until orders can be received from General Grover to the effect that Mrs. Ander son have authority to collect rents on Im properly. Permission was granted to John Debcnger (colored) to sell a houso on East Boundary street, and lot No. 15 Carpenters Row, 22 1-1 feot in length, 13 feet in width, and an 8 feet shed, with tho oonsent of John L. Ilanght, on whose property the house stands. Eloby Green vs. John R. Barnwell—claim to recover her child (Gabriel) from defen dant Ordered, That the defendant shall act as trustee for the child, and that the child shall remain with defendant until such time, if ever, as Gabriel shall declare himself willing to live with bis mother Kleby Green. Upon such declaration, Mr. Baruweil will at ouce permit the child to leave his custody. This trusteeship to be with the understand ing that defendant shall educate and teach the child a trade. Eleby Green, tho mother, will be permitted free access to the child. Thelh'iou officers in the Richmond prisons have regaled themselves during the pas winter upon roasted rats, caught in their cells, and toasted before the stove. “ Roast rat ” was said to be a not unsavory addition to the prison ration. To Carpenters.— See the advertisement ot Mr. James C. Blance, who can give immedi ate employment. LORD JOHN ACSIBLL. OK T*tE PRIK ■ CIPLE OF INTERVENTION. The British Secretary for Foreign Affairs having published anew edition of his “Es say on the History of the English Govern ment and Constitution,” has taken occasion to clear up the obscurity which he observes rests on the doctrine of Intervention. Much of this obscurity, he observes, arises from the double sense in which the term is used. The usual and more proper meaning of the term intervention is interference in the in ternal affairs of other nations. The new and less accurate application oi the term is to all interference in the disputes of independent nations. The tormer is the sense in which intervention took place by Austria, Prussia and Russia in the internal affairs of Pied mont and of Naples in the year 1821, and by France and the Northern Powers, in the in ternal affairs of Spain, in the year 1823. The incorrect use of the term is, when it is applied to the interference prompted by Mr- Canning hi the year 1826, when England interposed, as she was bound by treaty to do, in the defence of the independence of Portu gal. It is obvious that great confusion would arise from using the same term, and applying the same argument to the two kinds ol inter ference. All public writers have declared that a nation has ‘the right to settle its own form of government, provided it does not injure other nations iu its doing so: just as every householder may regulate his own house, provided he does not cause a nuisance to the neighborhood. * * * But the case would "be quite different if when a great power attacks a small independent State with a view’ to conquest, other powers were as a rale to remain quiescent. Iu that case, we may be sure that two con sequences would follow : First, that there would soon remain none but great powers; and secondly, that all those great powers would have a despotic form of government, no other beiug endurable iu the eyes of mighty sovereigns in the command of nu merous and formidable armies. Such was, iu fact, the danger which threatened Europe both before aud after the great catastrophe of 1814. Against such dangers all free and independent nations are bound to make pro vision. Such provision in favor of the weak er Slates is, in fact, the system called the balance of power, which all European na tions conceive themselves bound to regard in their treaties and acquisitions. It does not follow, however, that in every case of in vasion with a view to interference in the internal con coins of a State, neutral powers are bound to resist the invader. * * * Two causes have of late years excited to a veiy bigh degree the public sympathy; nor cau it be denied that public sympathy was rightly bestowed. The cause of Poland, so cruelly conquered and so treacherously used in the first partition, must alwaj’s commend itself to thy heart of a generous nation. Lord Johu Russell in the above remark states that the system called the Balance of Power all European nations conceive them selves bound to regard in tbeir treaties and acquisitions. Now apply this principle to the conduct of the great Powers, and how will they stand the test. On a very recent occa sion Savoy was annexed to Franco, a part of whoso territorial possession it had been for upwards of three centuries.— On no better plea than that France claims tho Rhine as part of the “natural fron tier” of France has Savoy been annexed to the French empire. Why was this annexa tion permitted by the other Great Powers ? Lord Johu Russell formed part of the admin istration by which it was permitted. Was not Savoy as much entitled to the protection of tho Great Powers, as Belgium which is on the other side of the Rhine ? Would it lie any more just to incorporate Belgium with tlie French territory on the principle that the Rhine forms a natural fionticr, than the annexation of Savoy, between which and France there is neither river nor mountain ? yet England permitted the annexation, if not without remonstrance, at least without the attempt, effectually to interpose. Lord John Russell in avowing hi3 distinc tion between the two,kinds of Intervention, alluded to the first partition of Poland, when France and England could have prevented the most disgraceful dismemberment of ter ritory that ever took place in Europe; but he keeps carefully out of view the violation in the case of Poland of the treaty of Vienna, by which Warsaw was erected into an independent republic, while lie brings prominently forward the last desperate effort of Poland to recover its independencies. In fact, this whole doctrine of the balance of power lias been devised for the benefit of the Great Powers. When they find it con venient to interpose, they raise a cry that the equilibrium of Europe is endangered, and that the feeble Btates must be defended against the most powerful; but when a pro tracted and expensive contest is likely to follow intervention, the principle is held in abeyance, to bo brought into operation at the dictate of policy or interest. * * * AMUSEMENTS. Savannah Theatre.— A pleasing bill of three farces attracted a good house at the Theatre last evening. The versatile powers of Mr. Davenport and Miss Florence La fond and the holiest efforts of the excellent stock company, kept the house in a continued state of hilarity. Au attractive bill is offer ed again this eveniug. ISweatnam's Varieties.—' The opening of Mr.Sweatnam’snew Theatre is now positive ly announced for Thursday evening. The unavoidable postponement of the opening night of the "Varieties,” though a disap pointment to the public, and a source of much regret to Mr. Sweatnam, has only given a keener zest to the anticipations with which the inauguration of this new series of entertainments is awaited. Notice to Travellers.— The steamer U. S. Grant, Captain Dobbs, for Hilton Head, will leave at ten o'clock this morning. A Word to the Wise.—lt would seem that no one could fail to see the importance of taking every precaution against the spread of sickness at this time. The community U at present byuo means free from that dread ed disease Small Pox, and it behooves every one who has uot • been vaccinated, to call at. once upon the officer in charge of vaccination. P. W. Bigney, Assistant Sur geon, 18th Ind. Vols., office west side Mont gomery street, one door north of Jones. No j charge is made. Personal.— A very intelligent colored man, holding the position of Major, arrived per the United States steam transport Ful ton on her last trip from New York. Maximilian has not dismissed our consul at Matamoras as reported Onr consul there resigned last year, and the business has since been done by commercial agents. HOTEL ARRIVALS. PULASKI HOU£K, APRIL 4,1905. Geo McClure, New York. Geo C Hall, New York. Samuel Brackett, New York. A Bessie, New York. • C Woodworth, New York. Charles Parsons, New York. Chas A Fairchild. New York. G H Williams, Washington, DO. Frank Geise, Hiltou Head. C H Fernalil, U S N. A R Ostheira, Hilton Head. Charles Center, Hilton Head. John West, lUlton Head. Edward Symons, Hilton Head, PORT ROYAL HOTEL, HILTON HEAD APRIL 2. G Hawn, Hilton Head. L B Morehouse, Savannah. E H Kirlin, Savannah M R Flint, Savannah. T F Washburn, Savannah J Gettins, Savannah. E H Clapp, Savannah. W B Turtle, Savannah. D Griswold, New York. H M Puffer, Hilton Head, S C. Mrs Col Ringoid, Hilton Head, S C. J F Lewis, Hiltou Head, S C. A Blanchard. Hilton Head, 8 C. S F Slatteiy, Charleston, S C. J T Garwood. Gen Prince’s Staff. J J Mooney, Blair’s Landing. H Moore, Blair’s Landing. J Johnson, St. Helena, S C. Lt A S Fitch, Blair's Landing. C L Sullivan, New York. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF BAYANNAH, APRIL 4 Arrived—steamer U 8 Grant, Dobbs, Hilton Heal. Cleared—steamer Edwin Lewis, Savage, Fort Pu laski. SAVANNAH THEATRE! Lessee and Business Manager mkakt taooakt. Director of Amusements a. h. uavkkpout. Stage Manager t. j. bibsmk. TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 6, 1885. Will be presented the first time THE GOLDEN FARMER. The Golden Fanner Mr. Thos Weir Jemmy Twitchcr Mr. T. J. Herndon Harry Hammer Mr. J. W. earner Old Mobb Mr. Sirouscu William Harvey Miss Mande St. Leon Officer Mr. Rodgers Elizabeth Miss Florence Lafond Louise Miss Hattie Lee After which Mr. Carner in a Comic Song. To conclude with T-iIE TOODLES, Timothy Toodles Mr. T. J. Herndon George Acorn Mr. T. Weir Charles Fenton Miss Mande St Leon Farmer Acorn Mr. Simpson Farmer Fenton Mr. Rodgers Mrs. Toodles Mrs. Berrell Mary Acorn Miss Elsie St. Leon To morrow Evening, IRELAND AS IT 18! And a Favorite Farce. Mr. T. WEIR will commence on Wednesday la * series of favorite characters. Notice.— ln future the doors will open at T and the curtain rise at 8 o'clock precisely. Box office open from 10 until 2 o'clock. S3?-PRICES OF ADMISSION AS USUAL. All bills musSbr presented weekly. apr‘2 Notice. All persons having any claims for Fixtures against the Billiard Rooms over Adams Express Ol flee, must present the game on or before the fifth (sth) dav of April. aps JL O'MEARA & CO. QEORGIA COUNCIL NO. 2. A regular communlcaUon of this Council will he held at their Hall This Evening at IX o’clock. Companions in good standing are respectfully in vited to attend. Bv order. aps 1 D. H. GALLOWAY, Sec' y. "yy ANTED. A bilding containing rooms for a small family with store attached—must tie in a business portion of the city. Apply at the Herald office. 1 apr4 HAY, CORN AND OATS, , Just received anu now landing fromisthooncr R P. King. For sale by aprS 3 S- N, GRAGG, yt LOSING OUT. The largo Stock of COOTS AND SHOES, SPRING CLOTHING, GROCERIES, BOTTLED ALE, PORTER and CHAMPAGNE CIDER, SEGARS and TOBACCOS, In great variety, BEE AND PORK, in half-hbla., SUTLERS’ GOODS, i TEAS COFFEES and BPICES, The entire Stock will he sold, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT NEW YORK PRICES. The public will find this the best opportunity to pur chase yet offered in this market, 176 BROUGHTON STREET, mar2l ts Next door to Sherlock's. Riddell & murdock, WHOLESALE AND bA'aIL DEALERS IN SUTLERS' AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Gentlemen's Goods, Ac., No. 6 Merchants' Row, Hilton Head, S. C. , w. a RIDDELL, [janio— tq a.*»ook.