Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, April 06, 1865, Image 1

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SAYAMAH DAILY HERALD. VOL. 1-NO. 67. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING} IS FCBLIBQED BY ts. TV. MASON & CO., At 111 Bay Street, Savannah, Georgia, terms: Per Copy Five Cents. Per Hundred $3 50. Per Year $lO 00, advertising: Two Dollars per Square of Ten Lines for first iu sertiou; One Dollar for earh subsequent one. Ad vertisements inserted in the morning, will, if desired, appear in the evening without extra charge. JOB PRINTING every style, neatly and promptly done. LETTER FROM NEW YORK. New York, Saturday, March 25. PEACE TALK is again circulating, though exactly upon what basis it is founded it would be some what difficult to state. The impression, how ever, has been gaining ground that General Giant- has received certain overtures from Lee, tiie nature of which no oue as yet has the hardihood to pretend to know, but that these overtures have been discussed by letters be tween the two Generals, aud that, finally General Grant has sent for President Lin coln to pay him a visit at City Point, and give bis sanction or disapproval to certain proposals made by the rebel Geueral. This, gains great oredeuee, from the fact that Presi dent, Lincoln left Washington yesterday on a special steamer for Fortress Monroe, and there are many who really have faith in the story. FROM SHERMAN the last accounts we have had were of an un official character, to the effect that his ad vance had been compelled to retire before a Miperior force ol rebels at Bentonville for three miles, losing three gun3, when, reach ing the main body, Sherman took the offen sive, the result of which the rebels carefully abstain from mentioning. No one here seems to feel the least alarm lor Sherman and hi 9 invincibles, but patientiy await the next re liable accounts from that quarter. The rebel papers in Richmond made the most of this affair to revive their drooping spirits, but their cheerfulness reminds one of the laugh of a mau about to be hung. THE VICTORY IN PRICES of merchandise, groceries, and essentials of life i3 enthusiastically received by our people, who hail the fall in gold from 200 to 146.and 150 as they would the fall o{ Richmond. The masses see that the day of speculation is about ended, and rheir delight and apprecia tion of the fact is hearty and sincere. A barrel of flour is now looked upon by the poorly salaried clerk and hard-working me chabic without fear and trembling, as one of the things within the range of bis pocket, and he really now plucks up courage to sug gest to his wife that cotton goods can be bought for less than two shillings a yard, in order that his patched shirts may be replac ed by whole ones. Everything has tumbled gloriously, and a great many speculations have gone by the board—men, who a week ago were known as wealthy, are now count ed out of the ring of responsible merchants. Verdict of the people—served ’em right. There is no sympathy for them, qor should there be. Just think of cotton selling yes terday for forty cents per pound, a decline of over one [dollar in less than two mouths! Stand from under, ye speculators ? • THE DRAFT here stopped on the 17th, and has not been resumed, under the impression that volun teers could be raised fast euough to keep the Provost Marshal busy. Such, however, does not prove to be the case, aud, unless recruit ing receives anew impulse the wheels will again revolve in a few days. Over in Brook lyn efforts are being made to recruit the sCth Militia Regiment to the maximum, but the prospects are not very brilliant- which fact may seem rather queer to many Brooklyn boys in your region, as the regiment is an ex cellent organization, well officered, and, Col- Adams has been furnished all requisite au thority by the War Department. There is not much doubt but the draft will be resum ed on both sides in a few days. SIMEON DRAPER is expected here daily, and will probably ar rive to-day or to-morrow. Nearly all the cotton from Savannah has arrived aud been stored on Staten Island, and upon his arrival its disposition will probably be announced. A large number of manufacturers stand ready to pay the market price for it to im mediately put into the rooms of their mills. .ANOTHER PIRATE ‘and midnight incendiary and assassin is to be hupg to-day. His name is Kennedy, a desperado of the most revolting character. He set fire to the Museum and one or two hotels here, and will be hung like a dog as he is. Others will soon share the same mis erable fate. FOREIGN INTERFERENCE lS again talked of—this time the interfering geut being the fellow who once occupied a fell in our tombs as a drunken midnight brawler, but now the Emperor of France. He has appointed M. Montholn as French minister to Washington, who is known to have been, when French consul at this port j SAVANNAH, GA., THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1865. a sympathizer with the abettor of rebels. It is argued that this obnoxious personage is thus sent to this country to pave the way for an imbroglio, the upshot of which shall be the claiming of Texas as part of the old French domain on this continent, fortified by the specious pica that the cession of Louisiana did not cany Texas with it, the latter having been originally colonized by Frenchmen. As at present planned, the pro gramme is that Magruder shall declare Texas an independent republic, and, asking, shall receive the protection of France! Mauy profess to see in this a well-concocted plan to carry out the favorite idea of European mouarchs to divide this great Union into little principalities, and thus break the strength of that unity in which lies our pow er. It is very pretty in the abstract them--but they will find Uncle Sam will have objections! A RELIGIOUS BOW " Is being kicked up here between the devo tees of the High Church and Low Church Episcopalians. It is stated that that at Old Trinity Church, a few days since, the “Greek Service” was performed in great state and solemnity. The Low Church and New School Presbyterians attack this service as being nothing more than a Roman Catholic “Mass” under another name-—probably viewing it in the same light as an unmusical chap once did the Sabbath performance of “Old Dan Tucker” on a church orgau, only the words were taken from one of Dr. Watt’s hymn 9. It was “Dan Tucker’’ anyhow, if they didn’t sing the fact of his having “come to town,” and so the Low Church fellows argue that the ‘ Greek service’’ is nothing more than a Popish “mass” even if performed m Old Trinity under another title. They are having a right merry fight over it. “good bye, parson!” Said a browD, thin-faced*soldier, yesterday, to your correspondent, as we stood in the hall of the New England Rooms. He ex tended his hand, which we shook, and he de parted, saying “I’m going home to see my little t ones—haven’t seeu 'em for two years— got a furlough of a mouth—my wife’ll be a happy woman to-morrow." Turpiug to Airs. Russell, the matron, he 3aid “God bless you—you don’t know how much I want to thank you for the kindness you have shown me.” He took his overcoat on his arm, and hurried off to catch the boat for New London and ere this is happy with his family in Mas saeliusetts. Our matron explained that he was a returned prisouer, had been at the Rooms a few days very sick, but was now convalescent and able to go home. If ever happiness shone on a man’s face it did on his and he seemed like a child wanting every one to know how truly great was his happiness in getting once more alive from the hell of a rebel prison to the arms of his loved ones.—' How the glad fellow happened to know your correspondent was a ‘ ‘parson”, is a mystery to the latter; but our sedate Treasurer, Air. Low,contends that there is as much true relig ion behind our spectacles as obtains'under the wigs of some doctors of divinity. It’s anew sensation to be called a “Parson, ” however, and is gratefully appreciated when coming from such a source. TERPSICHORE has been devoutly worshipped this week, not withstanding the weather has been a little waim. The Lelainds gave a grand hall at the Metropolitan last Tuesday even ing, which was attended by hundreds of their friends who do not reside at their hotel. Os course there was a jam, but everything went off as jolly as even Warren Lelana could wish. THE MANIPULATORS OF LIGHTNING held their first ball in this city last Wed nesday evening, and it was made the occa sion of a general turn-out of all the members of the profession. Notwithstanding the fa cility with which these gentlemen direct the spark of electricity as it flies from one part of the country to the other, they did not seem to be by any manner of means averse to studying the “current" which seemed to flow from the “sparks” emitted from the bright eyes of the fair ones present in overwhelm ing numbers and beauty. Lady operators were present in the throng who would not have made a “break” in the “circuit” of en joyment on any account, in fact they would rather have “repeated," even were it neces sary to have their “batteries” replenished' Some of the veterans gave ample evidence that electricity was not a depleting physical profession, and the “night corps” seemed more wide-awake than ever. It was one of the most pleasant re-unions ever held in this city, aud was attended by large numbers of members of the press, delegates from Boston, Springfield, Portland, Lowell, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, St. Petersburg (Rus sia,) San Francisco, Buffalo and Sitka. The belle of the ball-room was a Boston girl, now the lady superintendent of the female telegraphing department of the Amer ican Telegraph Company—an acknowledged i fact of which considerable pride - is evinced by eastern telegraphers. THE SENSATION of the week among the fair ones of this lo- cality was “Opening Day” of the spring fashions in the millinery line The several thousand millinery shops in this city were crowded by ladies inspecting the new styles, which are smaller than last autumn’s, thus giving a chance for pretty faces to be ad mired. A singular fact is that, in proportion as bonnets (or hats, the more fashionable term,) decrease in size they increase in price. Not much of an article in this line of femaie adornment can be procured within the sum of thirty dollars, and thence upward to the new Petrofia chef d'auvre hat of five huudied dollars 1 OLD BOREAS has been on a regular blow-out this week, and his pranks with window-shades, awn ings, and dry goods attached to temales show that he has no regard whatever for the feel ings of the latter who may have objections to improper exposures of dimity made by such rude fellows “right before folks !” The ladies generally keep closely veiled this month, as the wind is supposed to induce freckles, and many a lady with north-ere appearances on her countenance ra'lier eagerly exclaims against the unbeautifying of the March winds! The news boys are, getting rich in selling old hats picked up in various parts of the city with out the owiers being attached thereto Ahe term copperhead# is now certain to go into history and occupy the same odious position which was accord ed to the similarly significant, but perhaps more euphonious one of the Revolution, viz “Cow-boy.” The other day, in a “war of words" between one of our pbonograpliers— a very fine fellow, by the way, and as loyal as the sun—knd a lawyer, the phonographer, impelled by ibrtain sentiments he had heard his antagonist express in times past, denoun ced him as a “Copperhead” and “traitor.” The lawyer considering the term odious, broughf a suit for slander, and lecovered a verdict for S2O. Thus we sec how jealous are, not only our people, but our court ■>, of a good, loyal, patriotic name in these days of war against treason. MR. SINGER’S DIVORCE SCIT is again before the Courts, brought there by Mrs. Singer in an application to set the de cree of divorce aside, on the ground that it was procured by collusion. Affidavits to sustain the application were presented, which show this ntate of farts. While the applica tion for the divorce was pendiug, Couusel for the defendant, (Airs. Singer,) came to her re presenting that inasmuch as her husband was in failing circumstances, she had better agree to the divorce, aud take $ 10,000 ; which she did, that at the advice of the same Counsel, (Mr. Limbers.) Airs. Kent (the party with whom the adultery of Airs. S. was charged) went before the Referee and swore Airs. S. had committed the adultery with him ; that Air. Singer called on his son, informed him his mother was about to commence suit him, but that he would beat her as he had money and energy, and she had not, that he had married again, was married about a month, and that his wife was «bout to be come ajmother; and that he wautedjhim (his j son) to mske an affidavit, promising him a ' furnished house The son replied that ha j could not perjure himself, upon which his father flew in a passion and had him dis- : charged from his employment in the Sewing i Alachine Manufactory. On the other side, j an affidavit by Air. I,ambers, deflid collu- j sion, saying Mrs. Singer agreed not to defend : her case of her own accord, and that he did I not cross-examine Kent, because he under- j stood Airs. Singer to admit the criminal in tercourse. Other parties swore Airs. Singer lived with Kent in 1855, as man and wife. The arguments were to be heard on Friday. The Washington correspondent of the Springfield Republican has the following icrispy statement about the tobacco and cot ton speculators: It is rumored that Mr. Stanton,and General Grant have been giving a hard slap at the President lately in his tobacco business. As the story goes, the President anthorized the notorious copperhead Gen. Singleton, of Illi nois, to go to Richmond to trade for tobacco; the trade was adjusted, and the tobacco was on its way to Fredericksburg, when Grant pounced upon the whole lot, and destroyed or captured it. Now how true this story is, I can’t say, but Ido happen to know that Gen. Grant is opposed to the whole business of trading with rebels. Gen. Sherman is sup posed to agree with him. One may easily gather Mr. Lincoln’s opinion by bis refusal to sign the bill putting an end to the trade. The committee appointed to investigate the subject reported that it was full of villainous frauds, and having conversed with prominent members of the committee, I know' their opinion. They say tjyit it is a most iniqui tous trade, aud the worst feature of it is, not that the agents frequently give the rebels articles contraband of war, but the system is one of favoritism. The man who gets a trade permit .has a fortune. By what sort of right are a few men selected to make large fortunes out of trade with the rebels, when the mass of traders are shut out ? We shall soon get into troubles with foreign powers, if this is continued, unless the war soon ends. JjThe substitute damp neqr Portland, Maine, is lighted at night by about forty kerosene lamps, which are placed on fences surround ing the qnarters. The cost of placing these lamps, it is declared, was not the cost of one deserter, and by their use all attempts at desertion are easily frustrated. THE CHEAT BATTLE AT PETERS BURG It. CLEAR RESUME OF THE DAY'S OPERATIONS. It appears that at midnight of Friday, the whole of Gen. Anderson’s corps, consisting of Heth's, Gordon’s and Bushrod Johnson’s divisions, were suddenly roused from sleep aud ordered uuder arms. The men were toil.’ that they were going to meet Sherman, and that the command would take the cars in Petersbnrgh. This corps had for some time been lying in position along our left, on Hatcher's Run. Moving speedily down from their right to the City of Petersburg!), they were suddenly brought up in the darK to their fiont line, and the charge that took place on Fort Steadman was then arranged. Unfortunate ly for the rebels the divistous of Gens. Heth and Johnson were behind time, and the at tack \vas delayed to aVvoit their arrival. Daylight making its appearance, the enemy became desperate, aud the charge was made by Gordon's division alone. lee’s plans. It was exported that Gordon would be able to seize Fort Steadman and the two flanking forts to the right and left, Haskell and Ale- Elvery. Gaining these, Gordon would be able, it was thought, to hold Ihc line until he received the assistance of the two tardy divisions; and when the entire corps had reached the interior of our lines they would sweep up the reverse of our works, and by that means open a path for the rest of Lee’s army. • It is easy to see what would have been the subsequent tactics of Gen. Lee had he sue reeded in this extraordinary and, I must say, t foolhardy programme. Cutting the main [bulk oi the Army of the Potomac from all communication with its base, and beyond all hope ofttid from the Army of the James, Gen. Lee would undoubtedly have' opened a vigorous flank attack and aimed at i forcing our troops info the tangled woods on Hatcher’s Ruu, aud by that means endeavor to crush the army >iml render it of no possi ble use to its sister organization actoss the river. This was a very bold scheme, and had it proved successful the result would have been most disastrous. Once gaining a decisive hold upon the important position covered by Forts Steadman, Haskell and JVlcllvery, there is no telling how far the daring of the rebel general ortae desperate courage of the soldiers would have carried the main bulk of the eaemv. Fortunately the attack, though at first paitiaily successful, proved to be of too weak a character, and at ti o laie an hour, lor any thing like, positive or permanent success Gordon’s division did not even succeed in the task laid down for them. After gaming Foit Steadman and such of the garrison who were still asleep, the rebels did not do anything iiko what was cut out for them. The brave resistance of the garrison of Fort Haskell assisted by those of the men camped outside who succeeded in gaining an en trance before the bridge was destroyed, pre vented them from making any concerted at tack or charge upou that most important work. The terrible and galling musketry fire, kept up >n their ranks from the fort, at L ogin compelled them to fall back to an old liue of breastworks of ours to re form. Here was a predicament. Isolated from their main command, and cut of en tirely from any safe or practical retreat, the division found themselves compelled’ to fight it out on the “last-ditch ’ principle. It is gratifying to know that the conduct of our troops was so meritorious, that the corps holding that portion of our lines were able to wrest the captured position from the enemy, and inflict so severe a loss upon them. While the engagement on the right (at Fort Steadman) was in hot and bloody pro gress, the entire army was ordered out under arms, and the action shoit'y became geneivl along the whole extent of the Hues. Os the energetic operations of tlic day the following are THE RESULTS. Viewing the whole field of operations in the retrospect, the battle or advance of our army on Hatcher’s Ruu resolves itself into a complete and signal success, inasmuch as we have caused the enemy a very heavy loss in killed, wounded aud missing. We have also secured a most advantageous position for our outer lines, and have planted our pickets almost within easy musket range of the main line of the rebel works. On the left of the Second Corps the pickets of that corps extend almost to the Boydtown plank-road, and the entire new line is one of great natural strength and availability. Yankees.— The Southern people have al ways called Northerners Yankees,but North ; eruer9 have never accepted.the name. All ■ the people of the Middle States spurned it, i and referred the seeker ior Yankees to the regions of down East, commencing with Connecticut. Connecticut sent him on to Massachusetts, Vermont, or Rhode Island; they to New Hampshire, and New Hamp shire to Maine. But the war changed all *that. We are all Yankees now, and accept the name, and it is a very good one. Will this pass into onr history a9 the special des ignation of the people of .the United States, in place of the very general designation of American that we now share with all the other peoples of the continent ? If it does ; it will merely have the career of all other i nicknames before it, which, bestowed first in a sneering, jeering sense, eventually became I the accepted names of peoples or suets. Even the term Christian was at first merely a sneer. The extra session of the Vermont legisla ture to ratify the anti-slavery amendment, cost the State $6,306. Cheap enough for such a day 's work. Three democratic mem bers, who answered to their names so as tp get their pay, dodged the vote. The rest of the democrats voted for the amendment, 1 r —• The following purports to be a letter from a young fady“Der Knzzen: We is well, and mother s got the his Terrix; brother Tom is got the Hupin Kaugh, and sister Ann has got a baby,-and hope these few lines will find you the same. Y our afphectionate kuz zen.” . ■! . V: „. .• . ■ 1 . PRICE, 5 CENTS ST. PATRICK’S BIRTHDAY. BY BAMPKI. LOVER. Ou the eighth day of Marrh it \vn«, norm- people 9a)*, Mt. Pihrii'k at midnight he firct saw the dm ■ Whilst others dedarp ‘.was the ninth he was Ijorn, Aud ’twas all a mistake between midnight and morn: For mistakes will occur in a hurry and shock, Whilst some blunted the baby and some blamed he clock. Till with all their cross-questions sure no one could know If the child was too fast or the clock was too slow Now the first faction fight in Ould Ireland, they say. Was all on account! f St. Patrick's birihiav; EH Some longht for the eighth, tor the ninth some woukl die, And who wouldn’t see right, sure they blackened his eye. Till Father Maloney, who tol l them their sins, Said, “No oife has two birthdays, save ft ho twill*.” Says he. ‘•Don’t l»e fighting for eight or for nine, Don't be always dividing, but sometimes combine; ‘•Combine eight with nine— svienteen is the mark— Let that !>e his birthday !” ■•Ament” says me clerk, bo they all got blind drunk, which completed their Miss; And they keep up the custom from that day tc thU. DA ISY’S SCHOOL. nv fitz nunn l.rnr o* “Little Girl, where go to school, And when do yon go, little girl V Over the grass, from dawn till dark, Your feet me In a whirl-; • You and thq cat jump here atid there, You and the robin sing— But what do you know in the spelling-book t Have you ever learned any thing •” Thus ihe little girl answered, Only stopping to cling To iny finger a minute, Asa qird on the wing Catches a twig of sumach, And stops to twitter and swing ••When the daisies eyes area-twinkle With happy {ears of dew, When swa lows waken In the eves, And the lamb bleats to the ewe - When the lawns are golden-barred, And the kiss of the wind is cool— When Morning’s breath blows out the stars, Theft do I go to school I My school root in the dappled sky; Aud the bells that ring for me there Are all the voices of Morning Alioat in the dewy air. Kind Nature is the Madame, And the book whereont I spell Is dog's-eared by the brooks and glens Where I know the lesson well " Thus the Little Girl niDwereth, In her musical, outdoor tone, Bhe was up to my pocket, I was a man full grown ; But the next time that she goes to school She will not go alone ! SOUTH CAROLINA. HCS, Behold her now, with restless. Hashing eyes, Crunching, a thing forlorn, beside the way I Behold her ruined altars heaped to day With ashes of her costly sacrifice ! How changed the once prond State that led the strife! And flung the war-cry first throughout the land ! See helpless now the parricidal hand Which aimed TWe ttfst blow ntThe nation's life ' * The grass is growing ill the city’s street. Where stand the ic itteredspires, the hr ken walls ; And through the solemn noonday silence falls The sentry’s footstep as he treads his beat. Behold once more the old flag proudly wave" Above the ruined fortress by the sea I No longer shall that glorious banner be The ensign of a land where dwells the slave Hark '. on the air what swelling anthems rise— A ransomed people, by the sword set free, Are chanting now a song of liberty ; Hear how their voices echo to the sjiies ! O righteous retribution, great and iust! 8.-Uold the palm-tree (alien to the earth, Whem-Freedom, rising from a second birth, No more shall trail her garments in the dust I Harper'* Weekly. ’lhe Spring Floods at the North.— The Spring freshets, which are now subsiding, have hardly a parallel in extent or destruc tiveness within the memory of the present generation. The breaking up of Winter—the spring rains and the melting of snow in the mountains, from whence the tributaries of (jur great rivets flow —always produce high water, and frequently causes the destruction of valuable property*. At long intervals these floods assume unusual magnitude, the water rising high above the usual line, and it is then that the ordinarily placid streanf he confes a frightful engine* of destiuction, -over flowing its hanks and sweeping away every thing perishable that it reaches. It is one of these extraordinary floods that has just oc curred in the rivers of New York and Penn . ylvanii, and also, but in a milder- form, in tue riv»-rs of the Eastern States. Houses, barns, fences, bridges, canals, railroads, and almost every species of property, have suf fered greatly. The Susquehanna, the Gene see, and the Alleghany seem to have been most destructive, although a vast amount of property has been lost along the line of the Hudson, the Mohawk, the Dc aware. the Connecticut, the Alleghany, and other rivers. The greatest devastation, apparently, has occurred ou the Susquehanna, which has been higher than at any previous pried since the early s -ttlenicn s n 1810, we be lieve, the great “Pumpkiu Flood’ occurred on this river, sweeping away fann-i ernes, obliterating fences, destroying live stock by the wholesale, carrying away bridges, and doing incalculable damage. The next extra ordinary floed, witich reached about the same magnitude, occurred in 1847, again sweeping everything before It. Trie details of the damage done by the flood, which lias just occurred, have not yet fully appeared, but the destruction of property will proba bly be unprecedented, for the river has been, at flarrisburgh, three and a half feet higher than on the occasion of the great flood in 1847. The railroads alhng (he river have been submerged, in some places to thrf depth of ten or twelve feet; bridges, houses, in. short, every variety of property has beeu swept away by the current and the damage must be immense. The greatest freshets in the Susquehanna usually occur with the breaking up of the ice, which of. course adds to the volume of the flood ; but in this in stance the ice-flood came first, aud had sub sided before ft>e greater rises occurred. The railroads ’in this State have also been mate rially damaged by the high water. Bridges have in many instances beeu destroyed, and sections of railroad have been immersed and washed away. —-V. Y. Paper. A neglected MiFE,speakiug of her husband, said, “his favorite dog is dead, and lie's hav- * ing it stuffed. It would be long before he would do as much for me."