Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, April 07, 1865, Image 1

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SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. VOL. 1-NO. 68. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING} IS PC»LISHEI> BY G. W. 3IASOX * CO., At 111 Bay Street, Savannah, Georgia, terms: Ppt Copy Five Cents. Per Hundred ijtf so. Per Year $lO 00. ADVERTISING: Two Dollars per Square of Ten Lines for first in sertion : One Dollar for each Subsequent one. Ad vertisements inserted in the morning, will. If desired, appear in the evening without extra charge. JOB PRINTING every style, neatly and promptly done. FROM MOBILE, The New Orleans correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial, writing March 0, savs : •By the arrival yesterday within our lines of two somewhat noted rebel personages, 1 have fur' her particulars of the condition and strength of the defences of Mobile, which are of importance. These persons are Capt. George W. Maher, formerly a lieutenant in the Tenth Louisiana, a position he resigned to accept that of assistant enriueer, with the rank of captain, and —> — LeKov, formerly a lieutenant lnthe Twenty-fir.-d Alabama, who also resigned, and was appointed assistant superintendent of the coast defences of Mobile. Mabcr was educated at West. Point, and resigned a position in the regular army to enter the rebel service, and both are men of good understanding and great practical knowledge, and I deem their statements of much importance. THE REBEL TROOPS. ‘ Though these men do not pretend to state what number of troops are now in Mo bile, since they left it three weeks ago, yet they are confident that the garrison has not been largely increased, for they did not know where the the troops were to come from. When they deserted, the force com\ sistecl of six regiments of infantry, one of cavalry anti two batteries of light artillery,, The Fourth and Thirteenth Louisiana went w ith Hooa to Nashville with six hundred men, and were so greatly reduced that he left them at Mobile when lie went to South Carolina to recruit. When they crossed the Tennessee river, coming back, their rolls showed exactly one hundred aud fourteen men—increased since two hundred and fifty, perhaps ‘Recruits are very scarce now,’ waa the honest remark of one of these men. The twenty-second Louisiana, Colonel Pat ton, numbered about four hundred ; the twenty-first Alabama, Lieutenant Colonel Williams, about turee hundred. All .of these are veterans. Tlic-n there are the second and third Alabama Reserves (militia,) old men and' boys, numbering, perhaps, seven hundred and fifty each. The Fifteenth Con federate cavalry, commanded by Colonel Mabry, a nephew of Gen. Maury, about five hundred men, and is employed on the outskirts of the city, aud on nm various roads appioaehing it, as pickets. The Mis souri batteries, have each four guns of ordi nary field artillery. “This constitutes the garrison of Mobile, such as it was three weeks ago. . These men assure us that we will encounter a weak force there, whenever we choose to seek it, but they warn us to expect formidable EATHWORKS. “These are of the most scientific and ela borate character. The main or middle line, and the one on which they depend chiefly for the defence of the city, was constructed by Lieutenant-Colonel S. Sheilha, a Prussian engineer, and is not inferior to any in the Confederacy with which my informants were acquainted. It is eight iniie3 in length, dot ted with forty-two small redoubts, averaging three guns each. They were intended to mount four, but some have as. many as six, while others have only two. The gunners are well protected by traverses, and iu many cases by bomb-proofs. A ditch extends the whole length, varying from twelve to eigh teen feet in width and ten feet deep, filled a great part of the distance with water. In front of this ia-a stout fence, constructed of telegraph wire. The rebels have no guns of greater calibre than ten inches, though they had one of thirteen inches, which they brought from Richmond, but it. burst its wrought iron bands at the first trial, and since then they have not dared to repeat the ex periment. VESSELS. ‘'The few that the rebels have in the bay are represented to be suihciently formidable in an encounter on perfectly etiU water; but two of tuem are useless when the sea is at all rough, Tile rebels loatbal them so heaviiy with iron-plating that tnc port-holes are just above the water anckmust be closed to keep out the waves -when tba vesse 1 rocks even slightly. OBSTRUCTIONS. “The rebels have omitted no precaution to insure themselves against the dreaded gun boats of Admiral Farragut. Around two of their batteries which stand in the bay oppo site the city, and on the points of some low islands they have driven a double, row of piling, thirty feet in length, and filled in the interval with logs, making it impregnable against the shock of the most powerful ranw. Below these batteries a short distance is the first system of obstructions, reaching across the bay. It consists of seven distinct rows of pillars, of the same length as those above spokan of, projecting above ihe water fix feet, and out of this still there is another line across the bay, in like manner formed by driving two rows'of piling at a sufficient dis tance apart to allow old steamboats, barges and other vessels to be sunk between them, thus comp etely blockading all approach against ordinary vessels. “On the eastern side of the bay, however, between the shore and a small island, runs another channel, which might be used to pass around these obstructions, but this is disputed by a strong shore battery, and it has been literally sowed with torpedoes. So thick are they that a small boat containing the surgeon and a petty officer from the fuscaloO'E, who were rowing over them, hunting ducks, by accident exploded one of them, and was blown to atoms. Tuis hap pened but a few days before my informants deserted, “The troops at Mobile have small hopes, those who are intelligent and thoughtful, of holding the place. There are not enough of them, and when they stretch out their line in the attempt to man the whole extent of woiks ; they are dismayed at the great gaps they see. They stand too far apart; our men could rush m between. They know this, and understand perfectly that if our arm}- attacks along any considerable portion of the line simultaneously, they will come in. They understand that it is, so far as Mobile is concerned, entirely a foregone conclusion, and that when our columus appear before its walls iu full strength, the hopes of Mobile are departed. So these engineers had long thought, and embraced the first opportunity to swim away from the sinking ship.” General Joiixston.— The restoration of Joe Johnston to command is a reflection upon the management of Beauregard, which that haughty Gascon ought to resent.. But he cannot well help himself—nor, tor that mat ter, can Jeff Davis, tor the appointment of Johnston lias been forced upon him by the people of ihe central Southern States. Davis is cursed by every one with the utmost bit terness. To him they attribute all their mis fortune. Johnston s removal, and the in sults heaped upon that general, was the work of Davis. From that act followed a train of most dire results: if Johnston had remained in command, Sherman would never have come to Savanuah, and, of course would not have been able to march through Souih Carolina. For our part, we think we should have gone to Savannah all the same, but might have been longer about it-. The only difference in the situation to our minds is, that while policy has scattered and broken up the south western rebel anny, Johnston would have kept it nearly intact;, and might have to-day reinforced Lee with twenty-five thousand men. The rebels hope that Johnston will be able to recall and reorganize that army, but no man living has that power. He might as well try to reclothe the naked limbs of those oak trees yonder on the hillside with last year’s foliage of green. Or a task more im possible yet, restore to the southern gentle men their lost reputation for chivalry, hon or, and manhood. A pleasant thing to View. —Trie subjoin ed semi-sarcastic paragraphs, would seem to have a special interest just now. GREAT DISCOVERIES MADE TOO LATE. They tell ua of a gold, a silver, an iron, a brazen aud a dark age. The present is the age of discovery. Let us enumerate a lit tle. 1. Greely discovered that the South was a bill of expense to the rest of the Union—the sooner it left the better. 2. The abolitionists generally, that the South was a poor-house and supported by the North. 3. That the generality of the Southerners could neither read, write, work or fight. A. That we could neither kick the South iuto a fight or ou_ of the Union. 5. That nobody but Keitt or at most South Carolina, would insurrect. C. That the paupers would sooner secede from the town farm than the South attempt to leave the Union. 7. That we could quell the South “by driving an old black cow down there.” 8. That the slaves would do it iu three months. 9. That one Massachusetts regiment would do it. 10. That three Massachusetts regiments could do it. 11. That 75,000 three months men would do it. 12. That 400,000 would do it. 13. That 700,000 men were more than enough to do it, so we must slop volunteer ing. (See Henry Wilson.) 14. That 300.000 more three years’ men would finish it. 15. That 200,000 nine months’ men would finish it. 10. That the Maine. New York, New .Ter se}', and Ohio militia would do it. 17. That 300,000 drafted men would do it. 18. That the whole North from 20 to 45 shall do it. 10. That “A. Lincoln” is the sole and final judge whether the country is invaded or in insurrection or not. 20. That when he says that is the fact, he has the power to hang, roast, broil, banish or stew every. person in the United States. (See Lincoln to Corning and Others.) - . 21. That if Strues, Governors aud Legis lators don’t suit him the provefet marshal will keep them in order. (See N. Y. Times.) 22. That by touching a “bell” Lincoln has more power than any one, aside from the | Almighty, has ever attempted to exercise on earth, and that all his pimps have just as much. (See Seward to Lyons and Burnside | to the judge.) 23. That it is the duty of while men to marry sooty wenches. * (See Elder Tilton.) 24. That all men ought to have niggers marry their daughters. (See Bishop Jud kins.) 25. That love for the male blacks consists in putting them where David put Uriah.— (See Port Hudson and Morris Island.) I* 26. That Hannibal was a nigger. '"See j Solicitor Whiting ) The corollary would seem to be that when we die we shoutd go to a lamp-black Heaven. Chime in Richmond. —lt would seem that in Richmond, crime is by no means extinct, though the Rebel papers claim that “all the abie-bodied men have gone to the war." It would seem however that some of the “able bodied men” must have got home and re sumed their old occupation, as is seen by the following slip from a Richmond paper : Robbing a Minister on the Highway. —Rev. Mr. Grimsley, a Baptist minister, while rid iug along the Valley, near Millwood, a few days since, was seized by some lootpade, dragged from Ids horse and robbed of his watch, surplus clothing and money. The robbers even carried of his horse, and left him miles Away from the place of his ap pointment, to trudge the distance on foot. Mr. Grimsley is well known to the Baptist denomination in Richmond as a faithful and laborious minister of the gospel. SAVANNAH, GA., FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1865. Newspaper Prices in the Confederacy. It is not unusual for certain subscribers to newspapers to find fault with their papei and its contents, and to think they are paying a great price for a journal which only charges them eight dollars a year for a daily paper, or two dollars and a half for a weekly. To such complaining people we recommend the perusal of the scale'of prices in the “Char lotte (N. C.) Bulletin.’’ Daily Bulletin, 6 months, S2O “ “ -3 “ 10 Tri-Weekly Bulletin, C “ 15 “ “ 3 “ 3 Cathwha Journal, (weekly;) 1 year, 15 “ “ “ 6 months, 8 Our advertising rates are $3.00 per square, of ten lines or less, for each insertion. Or,should they be inclined to prosecute their inquiries still further, let them examine this model list of prices which stands at the head of the editorial columns of the Richmond Whig: Terms. Daily, one year, $100; six months, SSO; three months, $25 ; for a less period, $lO per month. riemi-Weekly, one .year, $75 ; six months, S4O; three mouths, S2O. No subscription received for a less period. News dealers furnished at S3O per hun dred copies. Single copies 59 cents. Advertisements inserted in Daily and Semi- Weekly at $ 1 per square of eight lines or less. Remittances at risk of subscribers. All advertisements from the country must either be accompanied by the money or an order on some business house in the city to insure its insertion. Or, should not this be satisfactory, let them carefully peruse this interesting extract from the Richmond Examiner: TERMS: The Daily Richmond Examiner is mailed at One Hundred Dollars per year; Fifty Dol lars for six months ; Twenty-five Dollars for three months, and Ten Dollars for one month. The Semi-Weekly Examiner issued every Tuesday and Friday, and sent by mail at Soventy-five Dollars per year ; Forty Dollars for six months, and Twenty Dollars for three months. The Weekly Examiner is issued every Fri day, and mailed to subscribers at Thirty Dollars per year, and Twenty Dollars for six months. The Examiner is published ou the cash system, and will not depart from it under any circumstances. Persons who desire to get the paper will please accompany their orders with the cash. Carriers and News Dealers will be furnish ed at the rate of Thirty Dollars per hundred. Advertisements will be inserted iu the Daily, Semi-Weekly and Weekly at Four Dollars per square of eight lines or less for every insertion. Persons sending subscriptions must do it at their own risk One more short extract from the Winns boro (N. 0.) Daily News, concludes our ex tracts for to-day. That prosperous journal informs its patrons that the following are its TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : ' The Daily News will be supplied for three months at sl2 ; any less time, per month $5. Single copies, fitty cents. The Tri-Weekly News (a full sheet), can be had for three months at $lO. No sub scription taken for less time than three months. The Fail-field Courier, a weekly paper, will be furnished six months for $lO. ADVERTISEMENTS Will be inserted in any of the above papers at $4 a square, a square consisting of ten lines or less. Our terms are strictly cash, and in no case will it be deviated from. It will be observed that this paper mod estly declines to state what are its terms for a whole year, but contents itself with giving its rates for three months only, fearing doubt less that the mention of a whole year’s sub scription on such a scale would affright them from the office. So regard these prices carefully, look steadfastly,,- and pCHaST t*‘oUguuQ)lj r . vou of newspaper subscribers who sometimes think you pay too much for your journalistic privi leges. The Authorship of “Emily Chester ” At last the authorship of “Emily Chester” is settled—thank fortune that this tea-pot tem pest is over. One day the newspapers have positively announced the said authoress to be Miss Soandso, hailing from “away down east," and the next, some dissatisfied sheet would correct, the statement by asserting, equally as positively,that Miss Penandink, of Philadelphia, had the honor of producing that miracle of social philosophy. “Behold what a great fire,” etc. A few days ago the correspondent of the Springfield Repub lican shouted ‘Eureka! ’ fixing the imputation upon Miss Osgood, of this city, formerly of Fryeburg, Me., a sister of Mr. J. R Osgood, of the publishing house ot Ticknor & Fields. Then all the newspapers assented. The statement, however, drew out a letter from Mr. Osgood, in behalf of bis sister, denying the charge, and at last letting the secret out by assuring the public from an authoritative standpoint-that of her publisher-that the real authoress of “Emily Chester” is Miss Anne Crane,- of Baltimore. The Defenses of Mobile. —Rebel officers and privates who have lately deserted and arrived at New Orleans, represent the forti fications of Mobile as very formidable, but there are not soldiers enough to man them efficiently, and an easy victory to our forces is apprehended. A Baltimorean in the Turkish Navt.— It is stated that Captain John H. Bell, of Baltimore, a Presbyterian, has been promot ed by the Sultan to the distinguished office of Lord Admiral in Chief of the Turkish J Navy, without sacrificing his religious prin-: ciples. I . The Forte of Journalists.— Each journal claims for itself the title of “first class paper,” Each has some department in v, bieh it takes special pride, and most of them h vve one department in which they excel. D. s " agreeable as it vam seem to American pride, it is neverthelessYrue that we have no real first-class journal in our country. A recent article on the “Trans-Atlantic Press,” which appeared in the St. James Magazine for Fe bruary, divides American newspapers iuto the sensational and prosaic, and takes the New York Herald as a type of the first, and the Tribune as an exponent of the second. The article, though written by an American, is entirely 100 caustic to be true, too would be-Impart!tfl to be unbiassed. The general rivalry which exists between our newspapers prevents each from seeing the good qualities in its rival; and hence, in order to form a correct judgment of the real merits of any publication, we must look elsewhere than to individual opinion. A true criterion we can find in the despatches sent by the Associated Press to the various papers in the country. The substance of news thus telegraphed is. as a general rule,credited to the paper which has received the intelligence from its special correspondents. We have for several weeks past paid particular alfc-ntion to the nature of the various articles taken from certain jour nals, as we can thus form a correct estimate of the forte of those papers. Let us first glance at the New' York pub lications. The New Y r oik Herald is the great nws-puper of the country. It has at tached to its staff a corps of Mercuries, who fly ou wings of speed from all quarters of the world, and bear to its editorial rooms the latest intelligence. It is characterized by its energy, and its liberality for the earliest in - formation, anti although not as reliable as some of its coteinporaries, it possesses the merits of containing all information —the true as well as the false. Consequently we find the statement that “the New York Her ald of this morning contains the following important intelligence,” has become almost proverbial. The New York Tribune has a different special department. Politics is em phatically its §trong point. It is the most correct of all our American journals. Its articles seldom touch upon the war except in its political bearing, and iu the field of po litical journalism it rules supreme, • The latest election despatches, the statistical con dition of the various States, aud conjectures of coming events iu the “ring” can always be found in its columus. The Times has also an able political editor, but it lacks stability of principle. What once appears in the Tribune can be considered as its sentiments. What lS published in the Times is tempor ary; and while it has ability it lacks deter mination. Its financial articles are most generally copied, and all over the country we find the money editor of the Times looked upon as the Solon of Wall street. So much in regard to the general features •of the New York journals. In connection with the editorial department proper, we find the reverse of the news column. The Herald’s editorials are never copied, while in every Western publication we find articles taken Tribune and Times. The editorial influence exerted by the two latter journals is enormous, beyoud calculation, and we may safely say that the fifty thousand copies their presses actually print is but a tenth part of the editions through which their editorial articles go. The field of American newspapers is yet comparatively uncultivated ; but during the last few years comparatively gigantic im provements have been wrought. We had occasion recently to look over a file of papers for back years, with a vie’"' to procure an ac count of the past inaugurations, and soon found the contrast which existed between the press eight years ago and now. Even the New York Herald, in 1860, had no re cord from which a just account of the cere mony could be procured, while to-day a dozen journals had each a full and graphic desdripiion. If, therefore,such improvements have been made in one decade, may not still greater advancement be achieved through that decade which terminates in 1876 ?—and the anniversary of the century which was opened with the grand declaration, may close on a people powerful and a press matured in in age and intellect.— Phil. Eve. Telegraph. From Fayf,ttkville to counected story of Sherman's progress from Fayetteville to Goldsboro* which we publish to-day, reduces to an intelligible form the disjointed reports of the fighting which at tended his advance. Two battles proper, and only WSre th « march.- Hardee's Charleston ami Savannah troops made a stand at Moore’s Cross Reacts, about half way between Fayetteville and Bentonsville.. The resistance oflered here was of such a nature that for part of two sue* cesshre days (the 16th and 17th), the cavalry under Kilpatrick and a portion of the Twen tieth Corps were engaged in dislodging the rebels from a position of considerable strength. But unless we misjudge.the situ ation, this apparently heavy task was ren dered heavier by something much resembling a blunder in the execution of a cavalry flanking movement—which was turned into a temporary repulse of our troops. The fight which ensued two days later, at Ben tonsville, has already been sufficiently de scribed. As soon as Johnston discovered that Sherman’s real objective point was Goldsboro, he hurried forward the army of observation which he hud posted half way between that place and Raleigh, to Bentons ville. The temporary repulse ot the advance division of the Fourteenth—followed by the advance of the entire corps,, and the precipi tate retreat of Johnston’s braves, were all the results reached by that General’s strategy and the road was thenceforth flear to Golds boro. The correspondent of the Ltmdon Star writes from Rome, under date of March 10 : “I wrote yon last week that Gen. McClellan had arrived here ; he had not come then, though invitations had been given out for a party for Sunday a week ago to meet him. He arrived last Sunday. An American wag says that the reason of his delay was, that he could not make up his mind w-hether to come to Rome or to go to Sorrento first, and that finally decided to come this way when the coachman asked him at Naples which station he should drive to. PRICE. 5 CENTS ODDS AND ENDS, OF NEWS AND IN CIDENTS. Mr. Tennyson is reported to be at work on the libretto of an opera, for which an emi nent composer is to compose the music. In the gallery ol the Convent of Jesuits, at Lisbon there is a fine picture of Adam in , ’anulise, dressed in blue breeches, with silver kv ickles, aud Eve with a striped petticoat! 1 ‘Father,” said little Teddy, “how can the ruu when hs all tide?” “It sits still, sea , “H oW can it sit when it has no bot chilu. Teddy was led out of doom by the e Lead, ian ° correspondent of the Augs- Tbo Rom options that iu the Holy City bug Gazette n. . annually in masses, while 800,000f. are spe. Nc instruction amounts to the budget of pub, only 214,000f. , , * ‘ug popular on the Horse flesh is becoim ; t is publicly sold, continent. In Denmark, . ' special butche and'at Vienna there are seven ' were retail ries, where, in 1862, 1864, horse, eel at an average price of 62f. - n The boys are tapping the shade map *«>' New Haven, some trees as many as th. s times. The Journal calls ou the police to pro tect the trees, as they will want the shade when warm weather comes. Children love powerful faces. «A man with a strong and genial face is at once the favor ite ot children and dogs, only be can never act with the little jumping troop on the child ish play ground when grown spectators are in the box. “Gold is coming down,” shouted a citizen on the street the other day, in the ear of a deaf man. “What did you say?” was the inquiry of the deaf maa! “Gold, gold, gold is coming down!” “Well,” was tire calm reply, “it hasn't reached me yet.”' Parisian society lias been saddened at the death of a young lady of rank and fashion. On a post mortem examination it was found that her decease waa to be ascribed to light lacing. Her stays had forced three of her ribs iuto her liver. The Opinion Nationale, in a curious article on the bad marksmanship of the infantry, mentions that 15,000,000 carriages were used at Sollerino, to shoot down 10,000 Austrians on the outside, which shows that it toot 1500 bullets to kill a wounded man, and rep resents a weight of 200 pounds. The Chicago Post says the great projected cavalry expedition (if any such expedition was ever projected) from Tennessee river to Mobile, has been abandoned, and a powerful army is concent rat life under General Thomas, within the State of Tennessee, to guard the back door of rebel escape. Au extraordinary instance of determined endurance has just occurred in the prison of Alcala, in Spaiu. A man named Puebla, condemned to death for murder, in his dread of the garotte, determined to Starve to death. Ho resolutely refused ail lgaaqaad on the 12th day expired from exhaus tion. - A singular dramatic company, consisting of hunchbacks of both sexes, a‘re, it is as serted by the Entr' Acte, performing at the Tea’ro d’Angeunes at Turin ; their line is tragedy and ballets, but the tragedy is very burlesque, and the ballets prolouudly sad. They are said, however, to be successful. Wallingford has got the oil fever, formed a company with Moses Y. Beach for president, and is going to bore in Reed’s Gap, Durham, where corn was discovered about 12 yeare ago, but Professor Billiman pronounced it “not pure coal, but an oily substance.” Connecticut will be full of oil holes pretty soon if the people don’t look out. The United States owns upwards of 1,000,- 000,000 acres of land susceptible of cultiva tion. They own at least 2,000,000 acres of gold and silver bearing lands. The arrable lands are worth at least $1,200,000,000, and the mineral lands are worth at least $8,000,- 000,000, making together a total of $9,200,- 000,000. “Why don’t you enlist, Ginger ?” asked a white patriot of a lately escaped contraband. “Wal, mas’r,” replied the contraband, “did yever see two dogs fightin’ for a bone?" “Certainly, Ginger.” “Wal, did yever see de bone fight?" “Not I.” “Wal, nias’r, yous both a fightin', and Ginger’s de bone, an’ he’s not gwyne to fight in this byar diffi culmty," k Sanitary reform sermons, in aid of a pro ject to provide neat small houses for the poor were preached in New York on Sunday. The"‘'He Ealc * Ba y ß '• This is a very proper movement? ia a &l . accompaniment of the action of the in incorporating a “Railway Literal Umon t . for thepnrpose of supplying religion* reading tor travellers on our railroads, in view oi ‘W? awaits them before they reach tfiP ot their journey, Among the papers found in Early’s hag gage was a letter from Jest. Davis, addressed to Early, in reply to a petition of the sol diers to have the war brought to a close, as they had tought four years and accomplish ed nothing. Davis’ reply is characteristic. He incloses a copy of the petition to Early, and simply expresses a hope that it does not represent the feelings of a majority of his men. _____ Blockade Runner Burned. —Admiral Stilbling, comanding the East Gulf Blockade Squadron, reports to the Navy Department the capture, on the 2nd iustant, of the schooner Rob Roy, of Belize, by the United States schooner Fox, near Salkahatchio river. She was set on fire by her crew, after being run ashore, and burned to the water’s edge, though a considerable portion ms her cargo was saved in a damaged condition. The Result of Rebel Cruelty.—The startling fact has bqpn derived from rebel of ficial sources by a correspondent with the Army of the James that during the past two years sixty-four thousand national soldiers have died in rebel poisons. Os these thirty thousand w ere buried at Andersonville, Ga., twelve thousand at Danville, Va., and ten thousand at Richmond. ♦