Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, April 07, 1865, Image 4

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, Savannah Daily Herald. FRIDAY. APRIL. V, 1865. fbo.h oi:b evesl\g edition OF YESTERDAY. Acgubta Personals.-We learn from friends mming through the lines that the latest sub terfuge adopted by the fire-eating secession ists of Augusta, to shield themselves from the array, is the “Detective Corps.” The entrance fee to this nice little Mutual Preser vation Society is fifty thousand dollars.— Such ardent and self-sacrificing patriots as Jesse Ansley, Wm. and Thomas Roberts, Porter Fleming and others of that stamp, who. regardless of the general want and misery around them, have fattened upon speculation in rice, flour, bacon and other necessaries of life, avail themselves of the protection of this inquisitorial committco; and, while they hunt the h usbands and sons into the rebel army, abuse the unprotected families left behind. Mims, the former blood thirsty enrolling officer, whose name is yet a terror iu the hcrthes of Augusta, has been removed, but has succeeded in escaping the service by gettiug a position in the Quarter master’s Department. The most popular branch of the service in Augusta among the chivalrous young gentlemen who have flocked to that inland place of safety, from Charleston, Savannah, and else.vhere, is the Navy! The “Naval Brigade ” iB now full iu numbers, and com posed of the flower of the South. They are becoming most proficient in their duties, which, iudeed, are only loafing, gallanting the ladies, and drinking the vilest whiskey. There are serious grounds for apprehension, it is said, that the youug gentlemen here are going to the bad at a fearful rate, and the young ladies with them. The Presentation to Col. C. A. Rice.— A few days since, our correspondent at Hil ton Head, gave an account of the presenta tion of a splendid horse and equipments to Lt. Col. C- A. Rice, Chief of Military Police, and Assessor of the District of Hilton Head. The Colonel has made in a letter to the donors, in which, after expressing his gratitude for the magnificent gift, he gives utterance to the following manly declara tion of his soutiments and future course of action, which every public officer would do well to consider, when placed in a similar situation: I have before declined testimonials, both because I deemed myself unworthy of them, and in that I think the reception of them, by an officer charged with executive duties, from those whom might come within the Bcope of his official capacity, was manifestly improper, by either influencing his action in an involuntary way,or giving rise to injurious suspicious of sucli an effect. I should have refused this generous gitt, had I known of it in advance, or had I not felt sure that it was a sincere expression of esteem, dictated by no improper motive, with the full kuowledge that the impartiality of my official conduct could in no way be affected by any private consideration. I hope this explanation will not be deemed a modification of my expression of sincere thankfulness for so flattering and so accept able gifts, from tfiose. iu whom I take so much interest; but I deem it proper to make it, in justice to myself, as well, also, as to those who have so complimented me. If the circumstance has any influence on my course as an officer connected with the civil govern ment of a post, it will be, I can promise, to make me more scrupulously just anu impai tial in what I do; more zealously devoted to the thorough performance of all my duties; and more cautious that every official act shall meet the approval of all reasonable peo ple. I am, very respectfully. Your obedient servant, C. A. Rice, Lieut. Col. 144th N. Y.. & Chief Mil. Police. Passengers per Steamer L t .S. Grant for Hilton Head.— Mr. Rush, Henry R. Ryder, Wm. Phillips, A. M. Wait and witty A. Bin baun, D. B. Sohnson, John H. Planter, Mrs. C. Can and two children, Tanias Drew, Lieuts. Logan, Kellp, Martin, and Townsend, Major Poly Lawrence, Ser geant Major; CIV* Byrington and two chil dren, Hughes, (», T. stiller, Pnvata AheisicK,' I4tli Me. Vols,; PriAate Simon W. Morse, Dr. J. C. Provost, Mr, ,T. Cox, Mr. Wright, Mrs. Laßoclic, Hill, Gowdv, Lieut. Smith, Charles W. -Mclntire. W. Melntire, Lieut. Easton, 32d V. S. C. TANARUS., Lieut Braui gan, C'ol. Ransom and 2 clerks, Mr. Peppier, John E. Hayes. Mrs. Sarah Delauch, Mrs. Isabella Hamilton', Miss Mary Hamilton, Capt. Murphy, Capt. Hall and five men, Pe ter Renan, Mr. lleisy, Wm. S. Roseback, Dr. Bennett, John Bennnett, Gilbert Budy, Dr. T. F. Waring. The Shenandoah.— The latest intelli gence from Melbourne, Australia, brings in formation that the Shenandoah, the rebel cruiser, was still at that port awaiting per mission from the Govornor to coal and make -repairs. The Captain promised to observe strict neutrality, and get to sea again as soon .as possible. The Shenandoah was thought to be too late to do much mischief, as there was scarcely an American vessel trading there. The stories of her depredations have been much exaggerated. First Provost Cocrt. —Judge Parsons granted to several citizens permission to take \ oath of allegiance. GLORIOUS NEWS Northern Dates to the Ist. THE GREAT MOVEMENT BEGUN GEJ. GRIST TABES THE FIELD LT PERSOY The Enemy Enable to Resist the Advance. SEVERE FIGHT BY THE FIFTH CORPS. Junction or Thomas and Gillem In East Tennessee. Sheridan Turning the Enemy’s Right. gold dowx to lai j.a. [special dispatch BY V. 8. MIUT.VEY TELE GRAPH. j Hiltoh Head, g. Q , April 6,-1865. The Naval supply steamer arrived here to day with Philadelphia dates to the Ist I am indebted to Capt. Jesse Merrill, Chief Signal Officer, for the following synopsis of latest news as signalled from the flag-ship. Some of the news is latter than that contain ed in the papers. The grand movement has begun; all our armies are in motion, and the severesj fight ing of the war is expected. The news from the Army of the Potomac is important. The 24th Corps hold Hatcher’s apd Gravelly Runs. Gen. Sherman ie at Dinwiddie Court House; he is flanking the Rebels on the right. Gen. Grant has taken the field in per son, and his headquarters are at Gravelly Run. Enemy ara unable to check our ad vance; the sth corps ha* had a sharp fight, they suffered terribly aud were obliged to retreat. Gen. Thomas has formed a junc tion with Geo. Gillem, in East Tennessee; his army Is moving towards Lynchburg. VI. S. W. SECOND DHBPATCH. Gold closed in New York on the evening of the 31st at 151 1-2. Iu my first despatch, instead of saying the sth Corps retreated, should have said that they lost only three hundred, (300) men, and that they drove the enemy a mile with severe Confederate loss. -It is Sheridan and not Sherman, that is at Dinwiddie Court House. Gold closed at New York at 151 1-2. m. S. W. We are in expectation of despatches which may arrive at any moment; should they come after our Evening Edition has gone to press, and should their importance warrant it, the news will be immediately issued in an “extra.”— Ed. Hiltok Head, April 6. Tho following are despatches from the New York papers of the Ist; Headq’rb Army of the Potomac, ) March 29. 1865. > The route taken by a portion of this army is the same over which it lias travelled sev eral times heretofore, viz; the Vaughan and Halifax roads, running southwest across Hatcher’s Run; the column started at 3a. m. this morning. A large cavalry force un der Gen. Sheridan took the Halifax road to wards Dinwiddie Court House. The infantry column crossed Hatcher’s Run on the Vaughan Road, but met with no opposition until they arrived within a short distance of the Boydtown Plank Road, where the enemy’s pickets were found, and were driven back. Griffin’s Division was sent up the Quaker Road, and about 3 o’clock in the P. M., a division of the enemy made its appearance, and not knowing the strength of our force, formed in line and charged, but the rebels were repulsed with heavy* loss. A number of prisoners were taken and brought in; they said it had been a complete surprise to them, as they had expected an attack in the vicinity of Fort Steadman, and that these troops had been marched there to meet it. It is believed that the Rebels were hnrry ; ingmen toward the Southside Railroad, in the j afternoon in the hope of being able to prevent ! its destruction, but great confidence was felt that Sheridan would be a little ahead, and that by the next night w’e would have news of its destruction at some point near Burkos ville. If this should be accomplished, it is claimed that the evacuation of Petersburg and Richmond must follow. W. D. McG. The following incident is told as occurring at the recent New Jersey railroad accident.— Moses Goddard, a Vermont soldier, who was dying ot Lis hurts, remarked to a lady who held him in her -arms and endeavored to .^ B ,^ aßt agonies by bathing his face: * ** B riglit, do so, Fanuie, I have served my three years, and come home to die,” no doubt thinking he was addressing his wife. FURTHER MpciLARS OF Enemy Deceijßnd Surprised* Probable Desyglttm of the South sidjjtroad. rao Joans. [Bpecial the N. Y. Times.] WaMdn, March 31. 1865. The latest from the Army of the Potomac is jWnoon of yesterday, at which time no flB engagement had been fought. A larijP’ce is thrown to the west side of Hatcheifln as a support to Sheri dan’s powerfulwun which will strike for the south sidrtß Danville railroad. It is represented tMus movement may precipi tate an attar. Jrorri he enemy who, in order to interrap^perulu's operations, must come out of timake the attack. On WMcsday ight the Rebels opened with thw artiller on the line in front of Fort Hodman coveying the impresssion tbit ttyff were elfiir expecting an attack or w»e *bout to maa one. I lasted two \ three hours, but aside frol a few wound!, there was no other re sult This is all lit there is from the front of [trustworthy caracter. Washi>ton, Friday, March 31. lifcrmation frocthe advauco of the Ar my if the Potoma dated “Hatcher’s Run,” Tbuiday morninf shows the locality of the Jrmy under Gn. Grant, at that time to be in a line pa!lei with the East end of the Boydtown Fink Road and west of Hateher’s Run. Tbe«e Importantbsitious have been gain ed with but little rljstanco from the enemy. The Fifth Corps Aid a sharp encounter with the Rebels oi the Quaker Road, on Wednesday, but lit in the affair less than three hundred (30fmen, and drove the Re bels nearly a mile ,’ith severe loss to them, and our men also captured a number of prisoners. Wshdcgion, March 31st. It ia reported,but Dt-authenticated,that the Rebels during Wedfesday night, made sev eral attempts to through our lines in the neighborhood of Tort Steadman, but our forts and artjlery opened on them a terrible fire, which dfove themback in confusion uu til they abai£oned the contest. Richmond papers of Wednesday report that General Sheridan passed Dinwiddie Court Houje on Wednesday A. M., and they think his destination is the sodth side R. R. Information from City Pojht dated at 2 o’clock Thursday P. M.,say/ that very heavy cannonading cctnmenced qrf 10:30 o’clock on that morning, afid was very furious until 1:30 in the afternoo , in diiection of the Peters burgh front; a advance was probably in progress, but ni particulars were known at City Point at thafitae the mail boat left. Baltimore, Friday, March 31. The flag-of-trud boat Manhattan arrived at Annapolis this P. M. with 750 released Union prisoners. The Manhattan brings a rumor that Petersiurgli had been evacuated. St. Louis, March 30. A despatch frond Mobile Point, dated the 22d inst., says Col Moore’s brigade landed near Navy Cove today and drove a ppriion of Gen. Gardner's tommand lour mi*?®, when the rebels being rehforced from Mobile, and the object of the having been accomplished, Oof. Mock* fell back with out loss. preparation was made for heavy fighthg on the 21st inst,, and the sound of artilley came dow r n the bay all day yesterday *ad was distinctly board at Fort Gaines. Eigh winds are operating to j day, and the s»undof artillery appeals to l have coased, and tie results remain yet to be ! learned j Second Pkovos- Court. — A limited docket j was on hand this morning to be disposed of I by Judge Walton. The following is a tran j script: la the ciue of Margaret O’Byrne vs. Mar garet T. Coran, before the court on the 3rd Inst., (barged with stealing a chicken. De feudanriieing put on otth stating that she did : commit the often ca, the penalty formerly imposed was rescinded. Mrs. Margaret Condon was granted per mission to collect the tents on her property. Street Conmiissione’ vs. Ferguson (col ored). Making fraudulent representations in : regard to cleaning prides. • Street Commissionervs. John C. Cury, vio lation of General OrdelNo. 16, fined $5. T. D. Stanberg vs. jtiebard Bill (colored') theft of mules* Orderel that defendant be placed in confinement ivo weeks. John McDermott vs Mrs. Catherine Don elly, claim for recover} of rent. Ordered that defendant pay to plaimlffthe sum of sLx iol lars in liquidation of said rent, within six days. Permission was granted Laurence Dunn, to collect all legal rents due him on his pro perty on East Broad and Bryan streets, Gen. Kilpatrick, iu the brush with Hamp ton's Cavalry, fought almost in puris natural ists, having nothing on but his drawers. HOTEL ARRIVALS. PORT ROYAL HOTEL, HILTON HEAD, APRIL 4. J B Norris, Manchester, N H. D McPherson, Charleston G A Gardner; Capt and ADC. G P.Chase, Andover, Mass. D H Rice, Rochester, N Y. J McLaughlin, Hilton Head. Z S Sports, Northviile, Ga. G Hill, Hilton Head. D B Carey, Hilton Head. L T Wilms, Lt and A A Q M H Dietz®], s2d 111 Vols. A M Forbs, Beaufort S C. Capt J J P Milton, 58th N Y Vols LtMDawnie, “ “ “ Lt D Wheat, “ “ “ Lt Champiu, “ “ “ Lt Raas, “ “ “ EL Otis, “ “ “ J H Hills, Boston, Mass. W L Buck and family, Charleston. Mrs Buck, . “ JM Holden, “ # Mrs Jarvis, “ Capt M R Woodin, “ Col T S Smith, “ • Capt G Bridgeford, *• W H Sands, Boston, Mass, A 8 Bigelow, New Bedford, Mass. T M Denham, “ “ “ G Brooks, Hilton Head O.Webstev, “ “ E Stewart Beaufort S C. W II Stanford, New York. Capt. J Gates, 33d Ohio Vols. J Mercer, New York. L J Turner. Charleston. W S Bailey, U 8 N. A C Fish, Charleston. G Fisk, Me. G A Manny, Charleston^ H P Rugg, Savannah. H Dillon, Charleston. W E Wording, Beaufort S C. JH Howland, “ “ J F Slattery, Charleston. F E Salmas, Wilmington, N C. J D Higgins, Conn. J G Foster, Mich. Lt T II Ferrell, 20th Ohio Vols ColE’Y Carman, Charleston. Hon W McGilvary, Me. H H Wright and family, Charleston. L D Etickney and femily, Fla. F, A. M. MASONIC HALL, .V. E. earner of B~'M and Broughton Streets , Lodge Room on Third Story , Entrance on Broughton St. SOLOMON’S LODGE, No. 1, meets on the Ist and 3d Thursdays in each month. R. T. Turner, W. M.: John Nicholson, 8. W.; John Foley. J. W.; H. C. Freeman. Treasurer: James M. Jones, Secretary; J. Holbrook Estill, 8. D.; H. L. Schreiner, J. D. jJ. Cavanaugh, Tyler. ZERUBABEL LODGE, No. 15, meets on the 2d and 4th Thursdays in each month. Wm. Greene, W. M.; David Thomson, 8. W. ; Thomas Ballentine, J. W.- Alfred Haywood. Treas.; M. Loewenthal, Sect.; Milton Humphreys, S. jj.; wm. w. Metzger, J. and.; M. Bolev, Tyler. CLINTON LODGE, No. 54, meets on tho Ist and 3d Mondays in each month. Simon E. Byck, W. M.: Jno. Rutherford, & W.; W. Gibbons, J. W.; Wm. M. Da vidson, Treas.; D. H. Galloway. Sect.; P D. Hllzheim, S. D.; W. A. Stern, J. D.: J. Cavanaugh, Tyler. ANCIENT LANDMARK LODGE, No. 231. meets on 2d and 4th Tuesdays iu each month. E. C. Hough, W. M,; W. F. Holland, S. W.; S. L. Butler, J. W.j A. Wilbur, Treas.; James M. Prentiss, Sect.; W. Linder, S. D.; E L. Hackett, J. D.; Sami. Jones aud S. P. Be!i. Stewards ; J. Cavanaugh, Tyler. GEORGIA CHAPTER, No 3, meets on the 2d and 4th Wednesdays in each month. R. T. Turner, H. P,; W. Greene, K.; A. S. Ciark, S.; D. H. Galloway, O H.; J. Holbrook Estill, ?. S.; Thomas B llentine, R. A. C.; A. B. Luce, Treas.; Jas. M. Jones, Sect.; Jno. Foley. M. Ist V.; W. F. Holland, M. 2d V.; M. Retch, M. Ist V.; Rev. S. Landrum, Chap.; J. Oavanangh. Sentinel. GEORGXA COUNCIL, No. X, mec* Ist Wednesday in each month. James M. Prentiss, T. I. G. M.; T. H. Marshall, H. TANARUS.; A. S. Clark, H. A.; F. W. Cornwall, Treas.; V. H. Gallowav, Recorder; R- T. Turner, C. G.: T. W. Shea, Steward;A Cavanaugh, Sentinel, I, O. O. F. OGLETHORPE -LODGE, No. 1, meets every Tues day evening. (I/dge Room on Bay street, over Geoa N. Nichols’ Prating Office.} A. F. Torlay, N. G.; W Krenson, V. James Clemence, Treas.; C. Gross, Sect LIVE OAK LODGE, No. 3, meets every Friday evenhu- ’Lodge Room S. W. cor. Bu)l and Brough ton 6*-> 4th story, entrance on Lronghton street.} J. HoVirook Estill, N. G.; R. M. Barthelmess, V. G.; D. Thompson, Treas.; D. H. Galloway, Sect. MAGNOLIA ENCAMPMENT, No. 1, meets Ist and 3d Wednesday in each month in Live Oak Lodge Room. John T. Thomas. C. P.,- John Harrison, H. P.; John Dexter, S. W.; R. Groves, J. W.; C. Gross, Scribe ; James L. Haupt. Treasurer. pOST OFFICE NOTICE. Post Office, Savannah, Ga., > April Ist, 1805 j All Key and Open Boxes must be ro assigned and paid for, one-quarter in advance, by April Ist, 18(55, or mall matter for the same will be placed In the General Delivery. Persons who paid for a full quarter during the months of February and March, and did not use their boxes previously, will be allowed a deduction for this Quarter equal to the time the boxes were not used during the last quarter. Persons having boxes will please furnish this office with lists of members of their families, or others, whose mail matter should be placed In their boxes ; and would greatlv facilitate distribution if they would request their correspondents to place the nnmber of their box in the address of letters. Persons having Key Boxes, who do not wish to re tain the saute, will please return the Keys at once. A. L. HARRIS, aprC 6 Special Agent P. O. Dept. PERSONAL. Mm. Flora B. Wallace, from Cobb county, Ga , Is in Savannah. 3 ap4 PROVOST MARSHAL’S OFFICE, Savannah, Ga., March 14,1805. Circular. Commanding Officers of Brigades and detached Companies, noton dnty in the city, will require all enlisted taea to bavc passes approved at their respec tive Headquarters. Whenever they are allowed to come to the city, such passes will oniv be given to 05) five per cent, of those present for duty, except on oc casious of public exhibitions, when the nnmber mav be increased to (10} ten per cent. Those enlisted men on duty m the city must have certificates from their re spective commanders that they are so on dutv. The certificates will also state the Regiment to which tliev belong, and what dnty they are on. Any enlisted man not having a pass as before directed, and bavins? no proper certificate of identity, after the lfith inst wib be arrested by the Provost Marshal By command of v t. Brevet Major General GROVER. Edward G. Dike, A. A. A. G. officwl : ROBT. P. YORK, Lt. Col. 75th N. Y. V. V. and marlO Provost Marshal l)ist. of Savannah, Ga. UN BARS & FRANZ, NO. 10 MERCHANTS’ ROW, Hilton Head, S. C. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Or on n , .SILERS’ GOODS u ‘ all Descrip ion*. [Official.] Hkalxjc aster* Depart* ext or the Bona Hilton Head, 8. C., March 11. irks General Orders.) No. 35. / Ist Lieut. E. N. K. Talcott, Ist Regt. N. Y. Vol flneers, is hereby announced as Aide-de-Camn on ~th* taffof the Major General Commanding, and will h.. obeyed and respected accordingly. De Bv command of Major General Q. A. GILLMORK W. L. M. Burgee, A. A. Gen. Wfc p OOD LIVING," vJ At reasonable prices, can be had at EAGLE OYSTER and REFRESHMENT SALOON in the rear of the New Post Office, Hiooa Head a p I have the very best facilities for furnishim? ova TERS, CLAMS, MEATB, POULTRY, VEGETABLE*! •Sc., from the North and other places in this vii in lty. Cooked to order from 6A.M.t08 P. M. PETER FITZGERALD, Proprietor P. S.—One trial is respectfully solicited. _ ’ . Provost Marshal's Office, Savannah. Ga , Fee. 9, 1865 All citizens, now residents of this city, are requested to call at this office and register themselves as such Heads of families will report the persons com nosing their honsehold. 6 By order of Bvt. Maj. Gen. C. Grover. ROBT. P. YORK fehlO Lt. Col, and Provost Marshal BAKERY' & CONFECTIONERY ESTABLISH MENT AT BEAUFORT. , We respectfully call the attention of the public to our Bakery & Confectionery Establishment in Sain A. Cooley's Building at Beaufort, at whieh we are prepared promptly to till any orders which may lie for. warded to us. Special attention is paid to the man ufactnre of Ornamental Pieces, Fancy Confectioner' and Elegant Pastry, for holiday or lestival tables " ’ Feb. 3-ts McManus & Murray! (Official.! TTEADQUaRTERS V. S. FORCES, XX Savannah, March 23th, 1365. General Order, \ • No. 26. f The City Market*will be governed by the regulations: * 1. Sales may be made by authorized persons every day in the week. Sundays excepted, of butchers' meat poultry, fruit, fish, vegetables and all other kind 0 f provisions, subject to a settle of prices which shall be fixed and posted in a conspicuous place iu the mar! ket. 2. From the first day of April until the first day of November, the market shall be open, Sundays’ ex cepted, until 9 o’clock in the morning, and will close at the ringing of-the market bell. 3. Every person killing an ox or cow or grown meat cattle, and exposing the same for sale within the city, shall take the hide and head of said animal slaughter", ed, attached to each other and not severed, so the clerk of the market, who shall record any marks about the same, and the day of the month it was brought to the market, and the book shall be subject to the inspection of any person during market hours. Any violations of the foregoing or m glect on the part of the clerk in not keeping the proper records, will be punished by fine. 4. The Cierk'of the market will be responsible for the correctness of weights and measures used in the market, and will from time to time examine the same and destroy false weights and measures when lound. 5. Any person exposing for 6aie iu the market any articles of marketing at a higher price thau that es tablished for the same in the schedule of prices, will be subject to a fine and the forfeiture of all right to make further sales iu the market. The clerk of the market will report promptly to the supervisors of trade any violation of this paragraph. 0. The clerk of the market wfll act under the orders of the supervisor of trade. He will cause the market and adjacent grounds to be thoroughly policed each day, and the wood work of the market will be white washed once a week. By command of Brevet Major Gen. GROVER. Edward G. Dike, A. A. A. G. marts (Official.] TTEADQUARTERS U. S. FORCES, XX Savannah, Ga., March 28, 1866. Oa and after this date articles in the public market of this city will be sold at prices as specified below.- Persons violating this rule will be reported to this of flee and dealt with as the military law directs. All persons not having received permiesion to sell arti cles in the market will at once make application to Lieut. Col. Neafle, Supervisor of Trade. Ily cvmmaud of Brvt. Major Gen. GROVER. ALFnKD NEAFIE, Lieut. Col. and Supervisor of Trade. Turkeys, each.. ijs2 50<»$3 00 Fowls, per pair 1 Co<£ 269 Ducks, per pair 2 50 Geese, per pair 400 5 Beef, fresh, best cut, per lb 40 Beef, fresh, second cut, per 1b.... 25 Pork, fresh, per lb 25@ 30 Eggs, per dozhn : CO Shad, each, large size 1 00 Shad, each, small size 60@ 75 Mullets, per bunch 40 Sturgeon, per pound 7 Trout (salt water] per bunch of 3. 50 Trout (fresh water] per pound 3o Bass, large size, per lb 15 Bass, small size, per lb i Mullets, per bunch (large size) 60 Mullets, per bunch (small size)... 30 Whiting, per bunch of 6 £0 Brim perbunchofs 60 Perch, per bunch of 5 (large size). 60 Suckers, per bunch of 5 50 Cat Fish, ner bunch 60 Crabs, each 4 Prawns, per quart... 60 Sweet Potatoes, per bushel Horey, per lb 25 Bacon, peril) 25@ 30 Irish Potatoes,per bushel Jerked. Beef, per lb 25 Tomatoes, per quart Beans, snap, per quart - Mutton, per lb • 30 Veal, pS* lb so- Sausages (fresh Pork), per 1b... 50 Sausages (fresh Beet), per lb 26 Butter, per lb Shrimp,~perziuart 30 Clams, per bushel 2 00 Oysters, per quart 40 Q N. BELLOWS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SUTLERS’ AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, *o., NO. 8 MERCHANTS' BOW, HILTON HEAD, », C . C. N. BELLOWS. M. 0. TYLER. j T .-, 02 marll ts * Art - 02 Booms to let at hilton head, h c in The Palmetto Ileraid Building, corner of Mer chants’ Row and Palmetto Avenue, suitable for busi ness purposes or lodgings. Apply to J. T. RIVERS, on the premises, or H T. RIVERS, at the Custom House ts mar-* Headquarters, Department of tiie South, Hilton Head, S. C., February ‘24,1565. General Orders,4 No. 27. / I. Lient.-Col. Stewart L. Woodford, 127th New York v ois , is hereby relieved from the duties ot Provost, Marshal General of the Department, and is announced as Chief of Stall' to the Majoi-General Commanding, t L' om P orH assigned to the command of the Post of the City of Charleston, 8. C., which Post will con sist of the City proper, and Castle Pinckney. 11. In compliance with Paragraph VII, Special Field Orders No. 13, from Headquarters, Military Division of the Mississippi, the mth Regiment N. Y. Vols., is hereby designated as the permanent garrison of tlio I ost ot Charleston, nnd Culouel Wm. fturnev, of that- Regiment, as the permanent Post Commander. Upon his return to the Department, from which he is now absent on account of wounds, he will relieve Lieut.-Cob W oodford of the command of that Post HI. Major Benjamin W. Thompson 32d U. 8 C. T.. is hereby announced as Provost Marshal Goneral of the Department, and will immediately relieve Lient.-Col. , °°dford, receipting to him for all money and proper ty pertaining to the office. J * 1 T>£T,k D .H e » Ut- Qeise ' 32d U. S. C. TANARUS., Asaistaui Pio\ost Marshal General of the Department, in addi tion to his duties as such, will act as Collector of the Department Military Tax, prescribed by General Orders No. 6, current series, from these Headquarters, until of , Lieut -Col. James H. Strong, Ist N. C. Colle-toi- " heretofore announced as Military Tax n- Ije 4 U . t '_ J Geis< ‘ wln Immediately relieve Lient.-Col. Vt oodford as Acting Military Tax Collector, receipting offlee* 11 *° r a lUOUI T au d property pertaining to the By command of w r « „ Major-General Q. A. GILLMORE. w. L. M Bdeoer, Assistant Adj’t General.