Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, April 08, 1865, Image 1

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SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. VOL. 1-NO. 69. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING) PPIiLWHED BV 9. W. MASON «fc CO., AT 111 Bat Street, Savann.ih, Georgia, teems: Per Copy !. I Five Cents. Per Hundred $3 50. Per Year $lO 00. advertising: Two Dollars per Square of Ten Line* for first In sertion : One Dollar for each subsequent one. Ad vertisements inserted in the morning, will, if desired, appear in the evening without extra charge. JOB PRINTING every style, neatly and promptly done. AUGUSTA DATES TO THE litU JIJfST. Besides the startling news of tbe fall of Richmond published in our extra last even ing, we dip the follow ing items of interest from the kite Augusta papers received by the Nelly Baker : From Savannah.— A gentleman from be low gives us the annexed news. Our scouts have become very strict. But little, if any cotton or tobacco can be run into Savannah. The country people are allowed by the scouts of both sides to' go into the city to trade and get supplies. They are not allow ed to bring out things by the wholesale— onl} 7 enough for family use. Gen. Grover still continues to command at Savannah. It is said he w ill soon be reliev ed by Gen. Webster. The free negroes of Savannah had a par ade on St. Patrick's Day—winding up with a ball and supper at St. Ahdrews Hall. It is stated that a large number of Yankee officers were present. A large quantity oFgoods are being shipp ed from the city North, on account of no market. v Confederate money is selling in Savannah twenty-five dollais for one! It is said to be quite scarce even at .these rates. Our scouts have become very*troublesome to the Yankees, and their picket lines do not now extend more than three miles from ike city. Several of the Yankee pickets have been killed. Our pickets are about twenty miles from Savnnab. Our scouts are said to be very active. Tbe ground between the two picket lines is occupied by stray scouts of both sides— watching for someone to send on “their long Journey, t om whence no traveller returns.” Large numbers of runaway negroes are either captured or killed by our scouts daily. There is but little if any chance for them now to get into Savannah. The Yankee force in the city is said te be about twenty-five hundred—two-thirds ne * groes. There are no guards now in the streets ex cept around buildings in which are commis sary stores. ■fixe u.Uous arc uaw required to carry passes in the itreet3. It is stated that tbe Federal# took from Mr. Lamar his Confederate money and securities, and then paid him for the cottou they took from him with the same. Tbe property of Hiram Roberts, President of the Bank of Commerce, and George W. Anderson, President of the Planters’ Bauk, have been confiscated on account of Northern liabilities. There is a fatal epidemic prevailing among the negroes in the city. Some days as many as thirty are buried. Capt. H. W. C. Mills, an old citizen of Sa vannah, formerly a citizen of this place died a few days since. The Yankee commander has had thß city thoroughly cleaned. movements or THE PENSACOLA RAIDERS. The annexed despatches taken from the Montgomery papers, show the movements of the Federals before they took Selma. Evergreen. March SO. Col. S. G. Jones : Tom Campbell left Pol lard yesterday, Ihe 29th, and reports that the Yankees left that place at 2 o’clock, Monday morning- The railroad is all right to Pollard. Five hundred yards of the tract, between Pollard and Escambia have been turned over. The car at Brewton is 9afe. Evergreen, March 30. Col. S. G. Jones ; I have just arrived from Brewton. The road is iu good order to pol lard. There is no enemy there. The turn table at Pollard has been burned, and the track torn up from the turn table. The de- ; pot at Bruton is all safe. E. T. Brewton. Evening, March 31. To Col. S. G. Jones : I have just returned from a trip to Pollard. I have been into Pol lard with an engine and two cars. Tne ene my have gone in the direction of Blakely. Our road is all right, with exception of a turn-table that is burnt, and ail the Govern ment building» The Mobile and Great Northern ro .ci is torn up as far as the Junc tion of the Fioric’e road. Also, the depot at Sparta was burnt. We hove lost three cars, besides the train at Gravel Hill. Whitehead, Cynductor. Mr. McCulloch on tub Depreciation of the Ccurenct. —Iu a recent trial in Washington, Mr. McCulloch, being asked the •main causes of pur depreciated currency, answered as follows : “There have been various influences oper ating upon what is called the gold market. The necessity which the Government has been under k of issuing a large amouut of paper money has undoubtedly had an effect in that direction; and the uncertainty that has existed in the minds of many persons in regard to the ability of the Government to suppress the rebellion, has, unquestionably, had an influence in that and ruction; aid th.n everybody understands there is a great in fluence all over the country in favor of a de preciated currency. The use that has been made by persons who are not in actual sym pathy with tne Government, of our reverses in the field, has hud a very decided efl'ect upon the gold market- The effort that has been made to distrust the ability of the Gov ernment to maintain its integrity, and conse quently to maintain the payment of its obli gation'*, is also a cause. In fact various causes have conspired.” SAVANNAH, GA., SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1865. CHARLESTON ITEMS. A STREET RAILROAD IN CHARLESTON. It is stated that parties have applied for a permit to lay a track for a street railroad in Charleston. The route laid down for the proposed railway is through Broad to Meet ing street, thence up to Magnolia Cemetery, and down King street. It is thought that the railroad can be put in running order with iu a few months. The Courier thinks that the horse cars will be a decided convenience to the inhabitants, and is confident that the enterprise will go forward. EXPRESSION OF THE UNION SENTIMENT. The question is being agitated among the loyal citizens of Charleston as to the propri ety of holding a public meeting and embody ing an expression of the Union sentiment in a set of resolutions, as was done in Savan nah and Wilmington. It is true that consid erable time has now elapsed since the taking of the city, but it can never be too late for the many loyal men there to set themselves clearly on the side of the Union before the country. The Charleston Theatre.— The Compa ny of Artists engaged by Messrs. Strahan & Parks, to appear at the Charleston Theatre, arrived at Hilton Head on the bark “Lamp lighter,” on Monday last, and at this city on the steamer “General Hooker,” yesterday. They have taken accommodation at the Charleston Hotel. The company consists of the following ladies and gentlemen of acknowledged abili ty: Mr. James Duff, Mr. George L. Aiken, Air. H. Daily, Air. J. L. Feudell, Air. T. C. Howard, Air., G. Clair, Mr. GeorgeS. Parke 9, Air. C. G. Strahan, Aladame Anna Tille, Miss Laura Desmond, Aliss Carmelyte, Alias Geor gianr.a May, Aliss Lottie May, Aliss Lizzie Holmes; Reader of Orchestra, Otto Meyer. THE WASHINGTON PARTY. The United States steamer Santiago de Cuba, Captain O. S- Glisson, arrived at this port yesterday. She left Baltimore on Tues day, the 28th ult., and was signalled off' the bar Thursday evening. She brings the As sistant Secretary ot the Navy, G. Y. Fox and ladv, Mr. John C. Nicolay, Private Secretary of President Lincoln, Mr. James L. Forbes and daughter, Miss Woodbury, Mr. Welles, son of Secretary Welles, Mr. Green, ot China, Mr. Chas. C. Fulton, of the Baltimore Ameri can, and others. Arrangements had been made by Admiral Dahlgren for the reception of the Hon. Gideon Welles, who was expected to arrive here on Wednesday, the 29th ult. The gunboats Pawnee, Tuscarora, Geor gia, Cimarron, aid Sonoma, were stationed in readiness to receive him and fire a salute. All the vessels in the harbor were decorated with flags and their yards manned. A salute of seventeen guns was sued by the Pawnee, followed by all the other steamers as tbe Santiago de Cuba came into the harbor. Secretary Welles has not arrived as was expected, and the Baltimore American of tho 27th announces that he will not be present at the hoisting of the flag over Fort Sumter on the 13th of April, as has been published. Secretary Fox is on a visit to the South on official business. The party that arrived yes terday were accompanied" by Admiral Dahl gren on a visit to Forts Sumter, Moultrie and the other fortifications during the day. Another distinguished party is said to be forming to visit the Southern ports which have recently fallen into the possession of the Union armies and navy. It is slated that the Santiago de Cuba will, after leaving this port, visit Savannah and Havana. — Courier, Ist. The Savannah Exiles.— Tho following ladies and children, exiles from Savannah by the brutal order of the Yankee military au thorities arrived in our city yesterday. These unfortunates have been pleasantly domiciled at the various hotels and iu several private houses. —Augtsla Constitutional! st, April 5. We suspect that the ladies themselves con sider, as their friends do here, that the most “brutal” feature of the proceeding was their being foiced to make a three days’ journey of sixty-seven miles, over horrible roads, in comfortless army wagons. By the Flag of Truce Boat “Nelly Baker’ which reached this port last evening at 7 o’clock, we have received Rebel papers to the sth inst. inclusive. From the Augusta “ Constitutionalist ” of last Wednesday we extract the following paragraph. Coming from a Rebel paper, it has special aud conclusive weight: “Evacuation of Richmond. —A rumor has prevailed upon the streets the past few days, that our forces had successfully evacuated Richmond. No official information of this sort has been received, but w r e believe that it is generally understood that the Confederate Capital is in the hands of the enemy.' The Yankees took ] tosses sion on Monday afternoon , General Tee falling hark towards Burksville Junction." Masonic Testimonial. —Dr. Mackay is well known to all Masons as one of the Pa triarchs of this noble craft, aud ail will be glad to hfcar that his necessities are to be re lieved. The Masons in New York have taken the preliminary step for a testimonial to Dr. A. G. Mackay. The example will no doubt be universally followed by all the Grand 1-iodges In loyaldom. As it is determined, says the New "i ork “Courier,” that Dr. Mackey is to visit New York, we would suggest the propriety of his affiliating with a Lodge here, and thus enable the Grand Lodge to express their admiration of him as a man of first rate ability, a Mason of unequaled acquirements, : and a patriot without stain, by electin' 7, him Grand Secretary. What a position °New York would hold were such an event to hap pen. It is not however, impossible. Letters deposited in the post-office unpaid are hereafter to go to the dead letter office at Washington. THE LAST CARDS OF THU CONFED ERACY. All the Rebels in Richmond, not much given to agreement, agree now that some thing must be done; yet as to what that some thing shall be, they are are as far from unan imity as possible. We have read with care those newspapers printed in the doomed city which have fallen in our way, and the sum total of their advice is that something must be done. None of them have a plan ; all of them shrink from the positive and definite, and keep within the safe limits of the low est generation, crying out that there must lx* “action," though we sdspect that an action just now is precisely waat they have the best reason tor avoiding- While there was a “Congress,” that body was expected to per form wonders. Some bewildered gentlemen cry out : “We must be j ronipt. ’ Certainly, but prompt to what ? This is exactly what they forgot to state. Others go for unanim ity and “the restraint of senseless quarrels.” Others are for “exhibiting energy.” Some howl to the army, to be “in good spirits. '— Tbe Dispatch records with a distant aprox imation to cheerlulness that two negroes have been taken out jail and turned into soldiers. It is thus that the ready writers of the Rebel capital sit moodily in 'their sanc tums keeping up the ’sree of resistance yet a little longer, and beimyiug in every sen tence the hopelessness of their souls. When a man is dying all his neighbors hasten to prescribe for him, and all of them to prescribe infallibly. So it is with the Confederacy. It has been given over by the regular doctors, and is the dew of death is upon its brow it should strive to emulate the immortal Ctesar and die with decency. But this is just w hat its nurses will not permit. They howl by the bedside, and call Heaveu to witness the virtues of their pills and pow ders, their potions and plasteia. They make an incredible noise about this remedy and the other—they even try the efficacy of swearing, and are about as sensible ig their incantations as a medicine-man in the go rilla country; but the tact remains that the patient is eveiy moment getting short of wind, that forts are gone, that ii arbors are gone, that territory is gone, that the army is gone, that the money is gone, that the navy is gone, that hope has gone, and that Rich mond is—going! Under such circumstances smiles must be sickly and laughs distressing ly hysterical. Why talk of “dying in the last ditch” when the Confederacy will soon have no last ditch left to die in ? < Davis may strive to throw the responsibili ty of prolonging for a little time this hope less contest uponipe epauletted shoulders of Lee, and that Genera! may shift it over to a quaking and demoralized Congress, but the world and history will lay the blame not upon individuals, but upon the States which, after engaging in an unholy enterprise, wast ed the life of society, its wealth and its peace in a passionate and hateful attempt to accom plish the impossible. The rebels have under taken a work which nothing but the amplest success coukl justify ;.r dignify ; and having arrived at point at winch further efforts must be considered by the world, whatever its prejudices, as criminal and inhuman, noth ing just or dignified remains but sumnder. This last grace of warriors, a manly acqui escence in defeat—this yielding of which tbe •bravest soldiers have not been ashamed—tbe Richmond papers affect to regard as hope lessly dishonorable, and not for for a moment to be considered. It is the mistake of minds not superaboundine;, but even deficient iu true notions of chivalry. Great Generals, when conquered, do not cut their throats. Great admirals, when defeated, do not blow up their ships. Those who accept the ordeal should have fortitude enough •to encounter adversity of result.—iV. Y. Tribune ‘ A Disaster in Hatti. —The young repub lic of Hayti has juat met with a serious dis aster, in the accidental burning of the main business portion of its principal city. The fire, which occurred on the 23th of last month, and proved an unfortunate end to the canival season, broke out iu the theatre while the employees were engaged in lighting it up. Four hundred houses were completely de destroyed, and property to the value of nearly fifty millions of dollars in the Haytiim cur rency was lost. The ravages of the fire were principally in the street Boune-foi, Front Forts, in the Place Vallicre. iu the Rue dcs Cesars, and that of the Abreuvoir, localities which those familiar with Port au Prince will remember as devoted to industrial pursuits and retail trade. Many poor families are thus deprived of home and work. FROM HAVANA. Ha tllus of a Pirate Steamer followed by a V. S. Guuboat— Report# Circulated by a Rebel General In Havana. Nfov York, March 27.—The stoamer Ha vana from Havaua, 22c1, has arrived. The pirate steamer Owl, which Cleared for Mata moras, sailed on tho 21st, preceded by half an hour by tne gunboat Cherokee andlollow ed by a Spanish man-of-war. Before coming to Havana from Nassau the Owl lauded at Little river, N. C., an Irish member of the British Parliament. The rebel General Pres ton was brought to Havana by.the Owl, who is said to have been sent to circulate a report that Maximilian is to recognizo the Confed eracy and open Tampico as a port to adjudi cate the maritime captures, and that a grand simultaneous sortie by a swarm of pirates is to be made, &c. The Owl is under Mafllt, and she is known to have cannon and ammunition in her hold nnd will probably fit out as a pirate. Several of her crew deserve! at Havana and went to Nassau,* probably intending a visit to New York. Advices from the United States had de pressed sugar and molasses at Havana, Ma tanzas and Cardenas, aucl a decline would be necessary to effect sales. At a recent at the New York Academy of Music two richly dressed ladies quarreled about a seat, add indulged in a fierce scrimmage, in which one of the ter magants had her skirt wholly torn off A i gentleman therein interposed nnd stopped the disgraceful exhibition by placing one of the women in his own seat Hundn ds of, “ladies’* carry luncheons to these mutinees, ■ and eat them openly. I the EXECUTION OF “SUE JU'JfDY.’' [From the Louisville Press, March IG.] Jeroifie Clark, alias Sue Alundy, expiated the mauy crimes of which he was notorious ly guilty, on the gallows yesterday after noon. The execution took place on the open space on Broadway, between Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets. His trial and exe cution followed swiftly upon his capture. It was not till about noon yesterday that it be came generally known that the execution was to take place, and it did not become generally known -at all, we believe, throughout the city. Rumors were rife yes day that Alundy was to be hanged, but it was not till about noon that Colonel Dill received tho older for liis execution from headquar ters of the Department of Kentucky Capt. Swope, Provo, t Marshall, was charged by Colonel Dill with the duty of carrying out the order for the execution. the crowu. Notwithstanding tho fact that it was not generally known that the execution was cer tainly to take place, there was a large, mot ley crowd of people at the military prison by two o’clock, eager to catch a glimpse at the doomed man as he passed from the prison. From alxmt one o’clock the crowd began to gather on the open lot, in the centre of which the gallows had been erected. Streams of people from the several streets issuing upon the grounds added constantly to the bulk of the crowd, and when the appointed hour approached for the execution to take place, there was a vast concourse of people iu which was no inconsiderable, sprinkling of women, assembled to witness tbe solemn spectacle. A hollow 7 square, enclosing about an acre, had been formed around the gallows, by soldiers on detached service here. Tbe 3oth Wisconsin Infantry, on provost duty at this post, escorted the unhappy victim of bis ow n crime to the place of execution. At fl.- teen minutes before the appointed hour, the sound of drums and fifes announced the ap proach of the cortege. APPEARANCE OF THE PRISONER. The culprit rode in a hack, accompanied by the Rev Mr. Talbott (Episcopalian) his spiritual adviser, and another gentleman whose name we dll not laarn. As the carriage halted at the foot of the gallows, an eager crowd pressed up to see one of the most wanton, active, cruel and remorseless highwaymen that ever afflicted paaceiul communities. He sat leaning sightly forward, his face bent downward, and Jiis lips in rapid, silent motion. His eye-lids were red and a little swollen ; tears were running, and he had frequent occasion tcdfcise his handkerchief. We learned that he baa been in this softened, shrinking mood during the whole day. Whether it was really a penitent or only a craven spirit we are unable to say. Suffice it to say that the nerve and coolness, the nonchalance with which he was wont to shoot down unarmed and helpless men completely forsook him when the King of Terrors stared him in the face. He approached his doom neither as a martyr, nor a bravado, nor yet we hear as a contrite sinner. But we will not judge him. It was an impressive sight to see such a reckless and malignant murder er so utterly cowed and broken when the doom he had courted came upon him. A delay of some ten minutes occurred be fore tho party alighted from the carriage, during which the culprit continued in the attitude and occupation alluded to. He took no notice of the crowd gazing at him or of the persons sitting with him. He was dressed in dark check pants of uniform color, a dark blue roundabout fastened with a single row of brass buttons, black velvet cap, fitting close to bis head, and a pair of bronzed and tattered boots. His-personal appearanoe was singularly youthful, aud the first impressiou he makes is that of a person below the average stature. Tliisjs illustratory, however. He was not less than five feet six inches in height, and possessed a powerfully muscular frame. But there was no waste” material on it; uot on ounce of superfluous far. Hi 9 head was small, and also tho featur a Oi'h.s face. These facts added to his clean-shaven youthful ap pearance, doubtless occasioned the impres sion of his being under age. He had loDg, slightly curling dark brown hair, small eyes near together, eyebrows touching a straight nose, pointed, and tending the least grain upwards at the end, a broad mouth, drawn down at the comers, and an eyo singularly expressive of vindictive passion. His face wore the marks.of evil and malicious rather than animal passions. There was something i feline, sinister, almost serpentine in his look j It was a sort of Malay-pirate expression. He was an illiterate man, and evidently wanting in mental calibre. He was cunning in a small way, but he could never have been a leader except in the peculiar species of war i fare which he waged. The devil of cruelty ’ was his inspiration, and the source of such ■ success as he had a9 a leader. He loved am bush, and enjoyed the terror he evoked; nnd j herein lay whatever strength he’had. It is not a little remarkable that a person of such indifferent mental endowment should acquire j so much notoriety. 1 The phrenologists will be glad to know that he had a bulging swell in the region of j destructiveness. TIJH GALI.OWB. The gallows had been erected hastily. The trap door was held in its place by an upright crop, to which there was a rope attached r inning a.o g the ground some distance from the gallows. The traj) was let down by a sudden jerkfof this rope. The doomed man gob out of the carriage and ascended the gal lows accompanied by his spiritual adviaer, Capt. Swope, Provost Marshal, and C'apt. Carter, Assistant Provost Marshal. His legs were manacled but there was play enough in the chain to allow him to walk with case ; his arni9 were free. He didn’t betray any strong emotions, but he seemed to realize fully the awful doom that awaited him, aDd bis lips were constantly in motion as if aulently praying. He|was placed upon the trap-door, and the manacles were taken from his feet. His arms were pinioned and his legs securely hound with ropes. A fer vent prayer was made by Rev. Mr. Talbott Capt. Swope then read the finding and sen tence of the military commEsign, condemn ing Jerome Clark to be hung by the meek, till dead, aud asked the doomed man if he had anything to say. After a little hesitation he PRICE. 5 CENTS said he bad lieen a Confederate soldier : nearly four years. He was under Bocknu at Fort Donelson, and had been in other bat tles. He said be had taken a great many prison ers and had always treated them as men, and that he could prove that he was a regular Confederate soldiei. The noose was then adjusted ground his neck, and the white cap drawn down over his face, and the next mo ment the drop fell and Jerome Clark was launched into eternity. The fall evidently did not break hie neck; he struggled very violently for about five minutes. After twen ty minutes had elapsed he was pronounced dead and cut down. Tiie lirafEL Negro boLDitKs.—The move ment for arming the slaves to fight for their own slave! y, which has occasioned so much discussion in Rebel cities, has at last baen decided on by them as the very last resort of a despairing and despotic people. We deem it right to place on record the origiual documents issued by tbe Confederate agents by whom this movement was first put in operation. Accordingly we give tbe follow ing extracts from the Richmond Sentinel : THE FIRST PRACTICAL STEP TOWARDS ARMING THE SLAVES. [Advertisement.from the KHimond Sentinel, Mvh IS.] Confederate States or America, ) War Department, i Adjutant and Inspector General Office, f Richmond, March 15, 1885. J Sirs —You are hereby authorized to raise a company or companies of Begro soldiers, under the provisions of the Act of Congress, approved March 5, 1886. When the requisite number shall have been recruited they will be mustered Into service for the war and muster rolls fonvard to this office- The companies when organized will be subject to the rulea and regulations govern ing the Provisional Army of the Confeder ate States. By command of the Secretary of War, JOHN W. RILEY, Assistant Adjutant General. Major J. W. Pegram, Alajor T. P. Turner, through General Ewell. AN APPEAL TO THE PEOPLE OF VIRGINIA. It will be seen by the order of tbe Adju tant and Inspector General, published above, that the undersigned have teen authorized to proceed at once with the organization of companies to be composed of persons of color, free and slaves, who are willing to volunteer under the recent acts of Congress and Legislature of Virginia. It is well known to ttie country that Gen. Lee has evinced the deepest interest in thia subject, and that he regards prompt action in this matter as vitally important to the country. In a letter addressed by him to Lieutenant-General Ewell, dated March* 10, he says: “I hope it will be found practica ble to raise a considerable force in Rich mond. I attach great importance to the result of the first experiment, and nothing should be left undone to make it successful. The sooner this can be accomplished the better." The undersigned have established a ren dezvous on Twenty-first street, between Main and Cary streets, at the building known as Smith’s fectory, and every arrangement has been made to secure the comfort of the new recruits and to prepare them for service. It is recommended that each recruit be lur niahed, when practicable, with a gray jacket and pants, cap and blanket, and with a good serviceable pair of shoes, but no delay should take place iu forwarding the recruits, in order to obtain these articles. The government, Confederate and State, having settled the policy of employing this element of strength, and this class of out population having given repeated evidence of their willingness to take Up arum u; de fence of their homes, it is believed that i* m only necessary to put the matter befo/c th.-r in a proper light to cause th mto rally v.: u o.itnusiasm lor the preaervati *u of tho Lome a in whicli they have been born and raised, and in which they have found contentment and happiness, and to save themselves aud their race from the barbarous cruelty invaria bly practiced upon them by a perfidious enemv claiming to lie their friends. Will not the people of Virginia, in this hour of peril and danger, promptly respond to the call of their loved General-in-Chief and the demand of the Confederate and State Governments? Will those who have freely given their sobs and brothers, their money and their property to the achieve ment of the liberties of their country, now hold back from the cause their servants, who can well be spared, and who will gladly aid in bringing this fearful war to a speedy aucl glorious termination ? Let every man in the State consider himself as a recruiting offi cer, and enter at once upon the duty of aid ing in the organization of this force by send ing forward recruits to our rendezvous.— Every consideration of patriotism, indepen dent of our country, the sa!ety of homes, the happiness of our families and the sanctity of our firesides, all prompt to immediate and energetic action for the defence of the coun try. Let the people be lint true to them selves and to the claim of duty, and our in dependence will be speedily secured, and peace be restored within our borders. J. W. Pegra-.l Major, &c. P. A. C. S. Tho-. P. Turn!r, Major, &c., P. A. C. S. [f rom the Richmond Dispatch, Match 23.] We understand that to Major J. W. Pcgram and Major T. P. Turner, has been assigned the duty of organizing and training the negro soldiers, preparatory to putting them in the field. They are both young officers of the highest promise, distinguished alike tor gallantry in the Held and for skill in the dis charge of this peculiar duty. They speak in the most encouraging terms of this enter prise, both expressing the belief that the negro under proper officers, will make an ex cellent soldier. It is a great pity this had not been done before. But we may yet de rive enormous benefit from the experiment. Success to these young officer?. General Grant’s Opinion. —A distinguish ed Senator who arrived from City Pomt to day says it is General Grant’s opinion that Richmond will be evacuated within the new ten days.