Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, April 08, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald. BT 8. W. MASON AND CO. SAVANNAH, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, lt«6. GLORIOUS NEWS RICHMONDJS OURSI The Greatest Uhs of the War. Lee on Full Retreat Before Grant, She r, Sheridan &. Cos. THE REBEL CAPITAL GIVES I P WITHOUT A FIGIIT. The Next Battle Probably at or near Lynchburg. REfEPTUKV OF THE JEWS IV BAVAV.VAH. XV, Tt- ibt if ever the city of Savannah ex perienced a more profound sensation than it underwent last evening, when its attention was called to the “Extra” of the Herald, an nouncing the fall of Richmond. Though the occupation of this city by the federals, has for months, been a “foregone conclusion,’' the positive announcement of its fall gave to the hearts of every one, however well pre pared by the late intelligence from our arm ies, a shock—agreeable to some, distasteful to others, but startling to all. Some “thanked God and took courage,”— some did otherwise; all, however, acknowl edged a great under-current of thankfulness that tho war was palpably nearer its close, and that “sweet-visageu Peace” was almost wdtliin view. Although, as we have stated, the fall of Richmond had long been foreshadowed by these coming events which always “ cast their shadows before”—although it has so weeks been as certain that the Rebel capitoi must sink before the combined efforts of Bherman, Grant and Sheridan, as that the thunder follows the flash, still there have been some few unbelievers in the “ inevitable logic of events ” who have still cheiished a belief In the impregnability of Richmond, And bolieved that this Rebel stronghold would never yield. The intelligence which we received came by the Flag of Truce boat Nellie Baker, and was the reluctant admission (in his own col umns,) of a Rebel editor. This fact, aidea by certain contortive circumstances, iuduced us to give to the news the perfect and un hesitating credit which we then, and do still, accord it. Though it was dark—after business hours —and hours later than the time which at which we have ever before issued a paper, We could not retain within our own individual Belves the “glad tidings of great joy”—we ac cordingly issued an “Extra" at once, and took such measures for its speedy distribu tion that we flatter ourselves that there never was a town more thoroughly electrified than was the city of Savannah last evening. In the joy of our heart we made the pub lic sharers in our hilarity—so we gave our little sheet gratuitous—and we have the satisfaction of knowing that our modest gift to the public was received in a right Royal, and, what was even better, a loyal manner. People received the news with universal acclamation. A party of sailors from one of the guuboats, on reading the gratifying news, instantly took off their huge round caps flung them thrice higher than the lamp posts uider which tiey Hood, and gave “three i.ueers and a ’liger—then one cheer more” and theu went on their way rejoicing. In the Theatres aud in the new establish ment, Mr. Sweatuam s “Varieties,” an Ex tra was read from the stage by the respective managers, to applauding, cheering and ju bilant audiences The regular performances were interrupted by the continuous cheering, and the Orchestra Band were called upou to play National Airs, which they did, with a Will, and which were accordingly cheered ba the hearers. In tact, all through the city there wa3 re joicing—there was of course an occasional expression of an adverse opinion, but they ■were few. We believe we ean say that the city of Sa vannab, as a city, rejoiced exceedingly in the good tidings, and t'ue only dash of shadow in so much sunlight, is the fear that after all ‘ it too good to be true.” The very strict censorship / to which the Rebel journals are compelled to submit, rea ders a statement advise to their interests, when ouce permitted to%ee the light in their columns, of lour fold force and intlnenco. So we have little •doubt, that the foregoing statement in the Augusta “Constitutionalist” is not only correct in itself, but is merely a slight shadowing f.,rth ofjthe whole truth, which we must soon inevitably recognise. Accepting the intelligence then as truthful, it remains to estimate its value and analyze its probable consequences. Burkeville, toward which place it is as serted Lee with his army lias retreated, is a mere watering station on the Danville and Richmond Railroad. It is at the junction of the Danville and Soutliside Railroads. It Is r>4 miles from Richmond, and 27 from Amelia Court House or Appomatox Bridge. This bridge is an iimportant iron structure, about 300 ieet long, across the Appomatox river at tha point. IBurkeville was never more than a mere hamlet of half a dozen houses and a coun try Store and a blacksmith’s shop. In July a raiding party burned up what few houses there were. It is a position not susceptible of hurried fortification, and will doubtless be only held by Lee until events shall determine for him whether it will be better to continue his re treat to Lynchburg or to Danville. It is not likely that Grant will allow the flying enemy to move quietly away to a position of security, but will attempt by means of Sheridan’s swift and legions ta overtake and harass his rear if not to double on and cut off his flank. Wc shall probably therefore hear of sharp fighting,’fol lowing Lee's retirement from Richmond. The question of the greatest interest, however, is in what position the rebeGl eneral is about to plant his army, and the future bivouac of the Confederacy. This further Intelligence only cansolve. Second Provost Court. —Yesterday morn ing the following cases were disposed of by Judge Walton: Special Police vs. John Wolver, comer West Broad and Harrison streets—charged with selling ale to enlisted men, and having iiquor in his bar. Fined $lO. Special Police vs. James Dobson, private 14th New Hampshire Regiment—charged with forcibly taking away a horse and wagon, the property of a nogro. Ordered, That he be placed in confinement five days Special Police vs. Joseph Watson, private 18th lud. Regiment—charge drunkenness and breaking a skitlet in a saloon on Bull st. Ordered, That be pay for the skillet and be placed in confinement six days. Charles King vs. James L. Haupt—charged with attempting to run off from the Central Railroad track a train filled with Union pris oners. James King sworn. In the month of Au gust last a car load of Union prisoners were about to be sent from Savannah to Anderson ville, or Millen, the defendant in this case enquired of the engineer, Middleton, to know- if he could not blow up the engine and kill the d—d Yankees, but to have the engine blown up in such a manner and so arranged as to save the lives of the rebel guard who were guarding the said Union prisoners. There were from six to eight hundred prisoners. I believe they were pri vates. The conversation took place in the Central Rail Road previous to the starting of the train, and convenient to the engine. Gilbert Butler, Esq., sworn: Defendant has been in my employ for twelve years, know him to be Agent for Confederate States Government in the transportation of lumber on the Central Rail Road. Capt. John W. Anderson, sworn: Know Defendant to be an honest man. I have commanded a Volun teer Company for twenty five years, and know defendant to be an orderly citizen, etc. David Middleton sworn: I am an engi neer—was in the employ of tho Central Railroad for sometime; have known Mr. Haupt for twelve months; I recollect going out on two trains with Yankee prisoners, the engine was blowing off hard; I recollect Haupt stating that he asked me if I could blow up the engine and kill those prisoners, and hurt no one else. James L. Haupt, defendant, sworn: It was not through the idea of securing my property that I took the oath of allegiance. I have done it voluntarily, as I considered it my duty to the Government, and to restoie peace aud the national authority. Mr. John Hunter sworn: I know Mr. King not do be a truthful man and he cannot be re lied upon. He was in the emploj- of the Central Railroad for eight years. I know his-general reputation to be that of a dishon est man. King is known to be a mean man ; know a good many thiugs which he said were done while on the railroad that copld be proven to be untrue. His character is such as not to admit of placing any confi dence in him at all. Judge Waltou discharged the defendant, he having taken the oath of allegiance in ac cordance with the General Amnesty Act of Dec. Bth, 1803, also the subsequent General Order No. 41, from the War Department. Cyrus White vs. Tlios. Manning, claim for recovery of a house in possession oi defen dant. Ordered that, defendant give posses sion to plaintiff within one week of said house. 11. W. Campbell vs. Mis* Anne Armstrong, charge with theft of a gold watch. Ordered that defendant turn over the watch to plaintiff on payment of SSO to defendant. Mrs. Rose, in Smith vs. J. R. Burch, claim or a horse, the property of defendant, and in possession of plaintiff. Casa continued until this morning 10 o’clock. Extortion in Dkayagk. —A drayman yes terday afternon charged the keeper of a pub lic house seventy-five cents for hauling three barrels of Ale, the distance of-one block, his demand was not complied with. He received sixty cents, twenty cents drayage on each barrel. White Washing. — Now is the time for all to have this sanitary work performed; and for the health of the city, wc hope that all the honses of the people will be placed in good order by the free use of white wash. Ihk TfKBS on Bcli, Street. —The trunks ot the trees in this street are receiving a coat of whitewash. It is not alone healthful to the recipient but the people, and moreover or namental. AMUSEMENTS. Savannah Theatre.— The splendid bill announced for last evening attracted a goodly assemblage at the Savannah The atre. We could have wished to see the house crowded, as the performance was one which has rarely been excelled on the Savannah stage. The entire strength of tho company was called into requisition, and the many friends of Mrs. Florence LaFond, who were pained to learn of her sudden ill ness a few days siuce greeted her reap pearance with unfeigned delight. The piece “Ireland as it is,” was finely put upon the stage, and the effects of this beautiful drama were brought out in a telling manner by Messrs. X\i eu, Davenport and Herndcn, and Misses La Fond, St. Leon, Prestige and Mrs. Berrell. A stirring episode occurred between the second and third acts. Mr. Davenport ap peared before the curtain and read to the au dience the Herald extra, just issued, an nouncing the news ol the evacuation of Rich mond. The audience had no sooner caught the import of the despatch than the theatre rang with the wildest cheers aud other de monstrations of joy, which continued for some minutes. When Mr. Davenport finish ed, the orchestra burst forth with (he “Star Spangled Banner” aud “Yankee Doodle,” while the renewed cheers of the house pro longed the jubilation. It was exceedingly apropos that the farce concluding the bill of the evening happened to be “A Trip to Rich mond.” Sweatnam's Varieties. The crowded house of the opening night was seen again last night aud, as the.,bills say, “will be *e peated every night during the week.” and we hope for many weeks to come. The varied programme last evening was received with continuous peals of laughtei and applause, “Post Office Sam” proving an especial hit. The Herald's great Richmond news was also announced at the “Varieties” and was received with tremendous and long continued cheering and applause. Arrival of the Flao of Truce Boat Nellie Baker. —The fine steamer Nellie Baker, Capt. B. S. Norris, arrived at the wharf in this city last evening, from Sister’s Ferry. The Nellie Baker arrived at Sister s Ferry yesterday morning at nine o'clock, and Capt. John P. Baker, Inspector General on the staff of General Gkover, in charge of the truce, met Col. Edw®dC. Anderson, the Confederate commissioner of the truce. The passengers immediately disembarked, and a large train of wagons were ready to convey them to Augusta. The passengers on the previous flag-of-truce steamer Hudson ar rived at Augusta on Tuesday last, after a fatiguing journey in wagons a distance of sixty-seven miles. At Sisters Ferry, to meet .the ladies who went up, were a large number of officers. The steamer Nellie Baker left Sister's Ferry at 12 o’clock yes terday. On the way down she made two landings, and reached the wharf at seven o’clock. Wc arc indebted to Capt. Baker, and Capt. Norris of the Nellie Baker, for kind favors. The passengers up parted company with Capt. Baker, Capt. Norris aud the other officers of.the Nellie Baker, with many thanks for the pains taken to make them comfortable. Lieut. A. VV. Coe.— This gallant officer was killed on the Oik of December last, liav ving just placed jn position a section of his battery, aud opoued fire on the enemy. The second shell from the enemy’s works hit this gallant young officer, and he expired in a few minutes. The remains were interred with military, Masonic and Odd Fellows honors on the plantation of Dr. William 11. Cuyler, in Effingham County, 14 miles west of Savannah. Lieut. Coq is a native of Ley den, Louis county, State of New' York. Fcr everal years he has resided at Napierville, Illiuols, where he leaves a wife to mourn his loss. The remains wil be taken to Leyden for interment in the family burial ground. A Street Fioiit — Black vs. White. — An aged colored man passing through South Broad street yesterday attemoon, having a bag containing his rations and a tin bucket, laid the articles down on the sidewalk. Three white men coining by, one of them picked up the property of the colored man. Several colored men being in a, store near the corner of Reynolds street, proceeded to the assistance of their aged colored friend. The white men refusing to deliver up the property, a fight ensued, resulting in the de feat and rout of the whites, the blacks retain ing the field, and the re-captured commissary stores. Children’s Fair— A charitable fair for the benefit of certain worthy children, will be inaugurated at the Hall corner of Jones street, three doors from Drayton Street, com mencing on Saturday, April Sth, and hold ing open from 4 till 10 p. m. The Habeas Corpus Suspended. —The Rebel Congress has passed an act suspend ing the writ of habeas corpus, the Senate having reconsidered its previous action, by which the bill was defeated. Thus, nearly all of Jeff. Davis’ requirements, as set forth in his last message, have been complied with. SHIPPING 1-VJ'ELI.IGKXCE. PORT OF SAVANNAH, APRIL 7. Arrived—U S Flag of Truce steamer Nellie Baker, Norrie, Sister’s Ferry, Ga; steamer W W Colt, Crom wel, Hilton Head; steamer Wyoming. Snow, Fenian din*; steamer U S Debbe, Hilton He*d. hotel arrivals. PULASKI HOUSE. ARRIL TANARUS, 1865. Major O 8 Sanford, Hilton Head. Capt J H F Milton, New York. E B Fenton, *• ~ « J V Dunlap, “ “ E L Otis, 44 *• Col C Littlefield, “ « D S Coddington; “ “ Cbas L Stettainer, “ “ T B Marsh, “ •» 6 W Young, Hilton Head. H G Ely, G E Morril, “ “ J D Well, Col H P Rugg, Savannah. D H Henry, Fernandina. J M Howe, Boston. M H Lunt, “ J W Brinckerhoff, St Augustine. M Jack and lady. Penn. J A De Forrest, Fernandina. W B Chamberlin, Jacksonville, Fla. J R Snyder and wife, Baltimore. Col L B Thompson, Hartford, Me. G A Gardner, Capt and ADC. J 8 Dobbey, Beaufort, S C. W Metcalf; PORT ROYAL HOTEL, HILTON HEAD, APRIL 5. Hon L M C’oss, Washington. L P Full agar, Beaufort, S C. Miss S B Hall, Augusta, Ga. Mrs Thomas, “ “ E A Hammond, N Y. F A Gilbert, Jacksonville, Fla. N Murray, A A Q M. B W Burnet, N Y. Dr J B Zearing, Blair’s Landing, S C. E L Kelly, B C Hnndrick, « “ • 44 Dr J S Smith, USA. L B Thompson, Hilton Head. J Gewans, Beaufort, S C. Mr Porter and wife, Savannah. Mrs Boardman, “ Mrs Alnsley, « Mr Drury, 44 GP Rugg, <• J B Holst, < ‘ J Allen, “ T F Washburn, “ M Urgent, “ W H Matherson, “ C H Ferrold, “ M H A Evans, “ gAVANNAII THEATRE! Lessee and Business ManSger urant t ago act. Director of Amusements a. n. davenport. Stage Manager t. j. heundon. GREATEST BILL OF THE SEASON. SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 1, 1865. Two Magnificent Pieces 1 GOLDEN FARMER and NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS. Comic Chin'’B6 Dance, by Miss St. Leon and Mr. Carner Misss Florence Lafond. Mr. A. H. Davenport, Mr. Thos. Weir and Mrs. Berrell, in both pieces. The performance will commence with tho charming Comedy, in two acts, entitled NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS. Admiral Kingston. Mr. Simpson Lieut. Simpson. Mr. Davenport Dennis . Mr. Garner Mary Mortimer .Miss Florence Lafond Mrs. Pontifex m, Mrs. Berrell After which, Comic Chinese Dance, In costume, by Miss Maude St. Leon and Mr. Carner. To conclude with the Domestic Drama of THE GOLDEN FARMER. Golden Farmer Mr. Thos. Weir Old Mobb Mr. Simpson Jemmy Twitcher Mr Herndon Harry Hammer Mr. Carner William Harvey Miss Maude St Leon Elizabeth Mrs Berrell Louisa r Miss Hattie Lee Mrs. Hammer. Miss Elsie St. Leon On Monday Evening, Grand Complimentary Benefit to Col. Grant Taggart, which has been proffered him by his numerous friends, on which occasion the most startling and attractive programme will be presented. Seats may be secured in advance. Notice.— ln future the doors will open at 7 and the curtain rise at 8 o’clock precisely. Box office open from 10 until 2 o’clock. X3T PRICES OF ADMISSION AS USUAL, gn All bills must be presented weekly. aprS TjMJNERAL INVITATION. The funeral of Mr. DAVID E. ADAMS will take place This Morning at 11 o’clock from his late resi dence, corner of Tattnall and Harris streets. apS " JjMTNERAL INVITATION. The friends and acquaintance of Mrs. Jane Elkins and family, and of Mrs. SUSAN BASTMEAD and family, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services of the latter, from the residence of the former, on State street, This Morning, at 11 o’clock. apß •yy ANTED. A furnished Dwelling House, for a gentleman and wife. Enquire at this office or addres Box 451, Savan nah P. O. 3 ap3 (Official.) Headquarters TJ. S. Forces; Savannah, March 21st, 1805. General Order,) No. 2(i. j Hereafter the purchase of Quartermaster’s Vouchers, at a greater discount than five per cent, is forbidden within the limits 01 this command. By command of Breve Major General GROVER. Edward G. Dike, A. A. A. Gen. aprS gWEATNAM’S VARIETIES. fFormerly St. Andrew’s Hall.) w. r„ swe.vtnam Sole Lesse?. OPEN EVERY NIGHT. SINGING, DANCING, BURLESQUE, PANTOMIME, DRAMA, MINSTRELSY, and FARCE. CHANGE OF PROGRAMME NIGHTLY. FOE PARTICULARS SEE SMALL HILLS. aprC ts , WANTED. A bilding containing rooms for a small familv, with store attached—must be in a business portionof the City. Apply at the Herald office. . apr4 OUT. " The large Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, SPRING CLOTHING, GROCERIES, BOTTLED ALE, PORTER and CHAMPAGNE CIDER, SEQARB and TOBACCOS, In great variety, BEE? AND PORK# in half-bbls., SUTLERS’ GOODS, TEAS , . COFFEES and SPICES. The entire Stock will be sold, WHOLESALE AND RET AIT,, AT NEW YORK PRICES. The public will find this tho best opportunfty to pm. chase yet offered in this market. 170 BROUGHTON STREET, mar3l Next door to Sherlock’s. jpOST QUARTERMASTER’S OFFICE, Central Railroad Bank, Savannah, Ga., March, Ist, ISGS. In pursuance of orders, received at this office, nil citizens occupying buildings, whose owners are ah sent within the Rebel Hues, or buildings, or other property belonging to disloyal persons, will, unless such buildings have been previously assigned— rent, free—settle the rents for the same, due the Uni ted States, at this office op or before the 10th of April. A failure to comply with the above will cause a forfeiture of all claims to further occupation. 8. S. STARR, aprl Capt. aud A. Q. M„ In charge of buildings. STEELE & BURBANK, 11 Merchants’ Row, „ „ , Hilton Head, 8. C. Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail purchasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, aud Plated Ware,Swords, Sashes, Belts, Embroderiee, Boots, Caps Field Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves, &c„ &c„ &c. JELLING OFF AT COSTM IMMENSE STOCK 1 $150,000 WORTH OF MERCHANDISE TO BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY! Consisting of 30 Tierces Hams, 300 barrels Flour, 100 barrels Sugar, 150 cases Boots and Shoes, 50 boxes Coffee, 1000 cases Ale, 500 boxes Raisins, 160 barrels Ale, 150 barrels Walnuts, Filberts and Brazil Nnts,- 1000 cases Peaches, Tomatoes, Chickens, Tur keys. Ac 800 barrels Cakes and Crackers, 50 barrels Molasses, 150 cases Tobacco, 200 dozen Shirts, ' 400,0000 Cigars. ALSO, A large and extensive stock of Yankee Notions, Stationery, Hosery, and many other goods too num erous to mention. Sutlers and Merchants, call and examine before sending your orders to New York. C. W. DENNIS & CO., No. 4 Merchant’s Row, Hilton Head, S. C. aprl tt ____ r JMIE NEW SKIRT FOR 1866. Awonderfnl invention for Ladies. Unquestionably superior to all others. Don’t fail to read the advertisement in the Savannah Herald, containing full particulars, every Monday morning. edexM3mo mar2l j^OTICE. Savannah, Ga., March, 8, 1865. > After this date the Provost Court will he held iu the U. 8. Court House, up stairs, coiner of Bull and Bay EBEN PARSON& Jr., mar 9—ts Lieut, and Provost Judge. QOTTON SEED!! 1 COTTON SEED, IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES, Will be purchased at Fair Rates by the undersigned, “SEA ISLAND’’ PREFERRED. Parties desiring to sell, will state quantity for dis posal, and price per bushel desired, and where located. Address, T. E. SICKLES, I—ts Box 14, Hilton Head, S. C. JpROVOST COURT NOTICE. On and after this date, the First Provost Court, Ist fyent. f-ben Parsons, Jr., Judge, will be held at the l . S. Court House, corner of Bull and Bay streets. I he Second Provost Court, Capt. James M. Walton, Judge, will be held iu the room over Adams’ Expires Co.’s office, corner Bay and Drayton streets. The respective jurisdictions are fixed by General Order No. 6., and all parties having business before, said Courts will govern themselves accoidingly. By order, PROVOST JUDGES. mar2o Riddell & murdock, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SUTLERS’ AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Gentlemen’s Goods, Ac.. No. 5 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C. , W. ,1. RIDDELL [ianlo— ttj u. »„ bdook. QIRCULAR. Office Provost Marshal, Dist.ict of Savannah, Ga., April 6, 1865. Attention having been called to the fact that the Cemeteries ot this City have been desecrated by visi tors plucking flowers without authority, and injuring the trees pud shrubbery in varioue| wavs, notice is hereby given, that any person hereafter found guilty 01 any such act, will be punished for the same. lhe sticking up of handbill's or posters in the streets of this city is fiereby prohibited, except upon Bulletin boards prepared for tiiat purpose. By command of Brevet Major General C. GROVER, „ Commanding. Robert P. Yore, Lt. Col. 76th N. Y. V. V., , and Prov. Mar. Diet, of Savannah, Ga. apr7