Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, April 10, 1865, Image 1

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SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. VOL. 1-NO. 71. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING) IB PUBLISHED BV a W. MASON «Sc CO., At 111 Bat Street, Savannah, Georgia, terms: Per Copy Five Cents. Per Hundred...... $3 80. Per Year $lO 00, advertising: Two Dollars per Square of Ten Lines for first in sertion : One Dollar for each subsequent one. Ad vertisements inserted in the morning, will, If desired, appear in the evening without extra charge. JOB PRINTING every style, neatly aud promptly done. TIIE SATIRSiALI* OF FREEDOM WHAT THE FUTURE WILT. THINK OF THE CONFEDERATE COMMAND ERS. “When,'’ asked the courtiers of the Great Alexander, as they gathered around his death-bed, “shallwe wOrahip your memory?” “When you are happy,” replied the world’s conqueror. When, asks the present genera tion, shall we remember those men who have inflamed the civil conflict ? We an swer with the dying monarch, “When we are happy.” When we' are again a great na tion ; when plenty and peace are. our house-, hold gods; when we are all free; when all ate happy. It is impossible for contempor aries to form a coirect estimate of a man’s character. It is only when the strong winds of time shall have dissipated the clouds of malice and prejudice that a coirect judgmeut can be procured. We have already seen the impossibility of ascertaining a man's merit until after some time be past. Sherman was superseded as a lunatic, and Sheridan for years remained a captain of cavalry ; Grant for several years wa3 a colonel, and Thomas, in 1861, held a command of but forty men. While genius was thus slighted, McClellan was ranked as a demi-god, and Halleek was considered a military oracle; -Pope was the modem Murat, and Hooker our Hannibal. But to-day each man has found his level; the able are rewarded, and the incompetent— are allowedgto go to Europe. Let us attempt to divest ourselves of the surroundings of passiou and prejudice, and transferring ourselves into the future, calmly view the opinions which will then be formed of the Confederate commanders. Any one who imagines that they will be viewed ns ignorant villains, as rash, yet unsuccessful traitors, knows but little of the decision of posterity. If Davis and his coadjutors had succeeded in their attempts to dissolve the American Union, they would have been viewed by European eyes as founders of a new dynast y, and Jeff, would have been a Washington, and and Hunter a Franklin and Hancock. But with their fail ure comes the opprobious epithet of Rebel traitor. r Wh,en a revolution is achieved, its leaders become patriots; when a revolution is only a rebellion, its instigators are denomi nated traitors, and hung. Such are the re sults of success, and such of failure. When posterity comes to view' the Confederate leaders, they will he seen not only as defeat ed men—they will be termed rebels, and cease to be viewed as “chivalry.” Or Davis the world already kuows suffi cient to form an opinion. He is a brilliant writer, few Americans being able to round more finished periods. Asa lawyer, he is didactic, and advances sophistry with a dis guise which passes the forged coin for the true gold. Asa debater, he is rather abrupt, but exceedingly acute, his remarks being ready and to the point. Asa politician, lie is the most unscrupulous of the unscrupu lous, and his defense of the repudiation policy in Mississippi might have forewarned the na tion of his total want of principle. Th sum up, he is a man of genius, a man of brains, but one totally devoid of moral rectitude.- He will not be considered rash—his plans were deeply and seemingly securely, laid.— For thirty years had they been maturing, and such a length of preparation, where every seeming contingency was provided for, and every want anticipated, appeared infallible. But the syllogism was based in a soph ism. He underrated the courage of the North, he deemed them cowards, and found that insttacl-of a lamb he had aroused a lion. His schemes have failed, and the Cicero who would be Cato has proved a Cataliue. If there is a man in the Rebellion we ad mire for his genius, both as a citizen and a soldier, that man is Robert E. Lee. Drawn against his will into the revolt, impelled by domestic persuasions to take a step in oppo sition to the dictates of both his head and heart, he has thrown himself with'his whole soul into the cause he has espoused, and be come its mainstay, its chief and only sup port. His appointment as General-in-Chief testifies the terrible need the Southern peo ple felt of a mau like Lee. Posterity will view him rather as a misguided yet brilliant mau, a sort of American “Roderick Dhu,” tlie soul of his cause, aud himself the most during and wise of his associates. How he will he viewed ill future, depends rather upon his future actions than on the past. The attitude he holds can be changed, if, when be sees tbe falsity of his cause, he cor rects the error of his ways. We can, there fore, only view him as the best of the Rebels, as the misguided rather than the intentionally false. There tv ill be a time in which most of the loathing with which the Southern leaders are viewed to day will have passed away. It will be to them that posterity will ascribe the abolition of slavery. Hud. it not been for the mad course adopted by them, the curse of human bondage would not for many decades have been tenioved from amongst us. It was their own mud folly, their desire to extend or defend the institution against which was directed all the’engines of civili zationnnd intelligence, and in their efforts to defend they have destroyed their idol. It is they to whom we owe the regeneration.— And when in the future the people of America celebrating the carnival of liberty, the saturnalia of freedom, when, over the whole of our land is heard the song of rejoicing, the Confederate commanders will be thought of rather as the instrument in the hands of the All Powerful to work out. theirdestiny and His will, than as advocates of a doctrine so op f>osod to Christian feeling and popular en ightemr.ent as the bygone institution of hu man slavery.— Phil, Eve. Tel. New Army Roster.— The Act of Congress which we print below cannot fail to be of in terest to all soldiers who are or have been in the army during this war, and to all their friends: LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES, Passed at the Second Session of the Thirty eighth Congress. ['Pcbhc Resolution, No. 21.] Joint Resolution to provide for the publica tion of a full army register. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Amer ica m Congress assembled. That the Secretary ot War cause to be printed and published a lull roster or roll of all geneial, field, line and staff officers of volunteers who have been in the army ot the United States at any time since the beginning of the present rebellion, including all informal organizations which have been recognized or accepted and paid by the United States, showing whether they are ytet in the service; or have been discharg ed therefrom, and giving casualties aud other explanations proper for such register. And, to defray in whole or in part the expenses of this publication, an edition of twenty-five thousand copies of such enlarged register shall be published and may be"sold to of ficers, soldiers or citizens, at a price which shall not more thau cover the actual cost of paper, printing and binding, and shall not in any case exceed one dollar per volume. Approved March 2, 1865. Guano — lts History.— Guano, as most people understand, is imported from the isl ands of the Pacific, mostly of the Chinclia group, off the coast of Peru, and under the dominion of that government. Its sale is- made a monopoly, and the avails, to a great extent, go to pay the Brit ish holders of Peruvian government bonds, giving them, to all intents and purposes, lien upon the profits of a treasure intrinsically more valuable than the gold mines of -Cali fornia. There are deposits of this unsurpass ed fertilizer in some places to the depth of sixty or seventy feet, and over large extents of surface. The guano fields are generally conceded to be the excrement of aquatic fowls, which live aud nestle in great numbers around the islands. They seem designated by nature to rescue, at least in part, that un told amount of fertilizing material which every river and brooklet is rolling into the sea. The wash of alluvial soils, the .floating refuse of the field and forest, and, above alt, the wasted materials of greafeities are con stantly being carried by the" tidal currents out to the sea. These, to a certain extent, at least, go to nourish, directly or indirectly, sub-marine vegetable and animal life, which in turn goes to feed the birds, whose excre ments at our day are brought away by the shipload from the Chincha Islands. The bird is a beautifully arrauged chemi cal laboratory, fitted up to perform a single operation, viz : to take the fish as food, burn out the carbon by means of its respiratory functions, and deposit tbe remainder in the shape of au incomparable fertilizer. But how many ages have these depositions of seventy feet in thickness been accumulating! There are at the present day countless numbers of the birds resting upon tbe islands at night; but, according to Baron Humboldt, the excrements of the birds for the space of three centuries would not form a stratum over one-third of an inch in thickness. By an easy mathematical calculation, it will be seen that at this rate of deposition, it would take seven thousand five hundred and sixty centuries, or seven hundred and fifty-six thousand years to form the deepest guano bed! Such a calculation carries us back well on towards a former geological period, and proves one, and perhaps both, of two things—first, that in past ages an infinitely greater number of these birds hovered over the islands; and, secondly, that the material world existed at a period long anterior to its fitness as the abode of man. The length of mans existence is infinitesimal, compared with such a cycle of years ; and the facts re corded on every leaf of the material universe ought, if it does not, to teach us humility.— That a little bird whose individual existence is as nothing, should, in its united action, produce the means of bringing back • an active fertility whole provinces of waste and barren lands, is one of a thousand facts to show how apparently insignificaut agencies in the economy of nature produce moment ous results.— London Farmers' Magazine. The Climate of Arkansas.—' The Valley of the Nile cannot boast a greater fertility than that of the Mississippi, and grander and more diversified scenes seldom meet the eye of the traveller in any land than those which are seen in the mountain regions of Arkan sas. Further South the fig and orange are found, but there the fruits of the North are found in higher perfection than in any of the older States. The rigor of winter is unknown; in February the peach-trees are in full bloom and March there has often the beauty of May. A more salubrious climate would be difficult to find, aud hundreds of the sol diers of the Army of the Potomac w 4 ere sur prised and delighted at the difference be twen the climate in Arkansas and that of the various Stales from which they came ; and it was not uncommon to hear them say that when the war was over, they would, make it their hornedlpdecd, the advantages of the South were never tully appreciated before, undone of the results of the war will be that thousands who have gone there in arms, will at no distant day, throng thither to cultivate the arts of peace— Pea Ridtje and Prairie Grove. A Touching Epitaph. The following obituary notice appears in the Winsted Her ald. The subject was once a mechanic in the village, and well to do in the world. But* sickness and misfortune used up his little property, and he at last came to the poor house. But through all his misfortunes he maintained a spotless character and a cheer ful spirit; and what cannot be said of many a more distinguished man, his obituary is just: “Exchanged his poverty for eternal riches, and his rags for a crown that fadeth not awav, at Winchester poorhouse, Nov. 6, 1864, James C. Smith, aged 67. The pall bearers were few on this side—not so many, perhaps, as they that waited on the ‘shining shore,’ and went up with the old mjin to his ‘Father’s house.’” SAVANNAH, Gi., MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1865. THE “MORALE” OF THE REBELS. THEIR ANCIENT STIRIT AND DETERMINATION GONE.' - \ W ashington, March 28. Officer* Vounded in the fight on Saturday, ! in front of Petersburg, say that the affair, though partaking of the nature of a general battle, was h feality nothing more than an extended skirmish, owiug to the dispirited condition aril unwillingness of the Rebels to fight. A year or more ago the same amount of musketry would kave cost us thousands of lives, but in this affair the Rebels’ first lice of battle fired at random. Most of their vol leys went high oTer the heads of our men. Tiie only damage our troops sustained was from the second Rebel battle line,which was posted behind brtast works. In front of tbe Second Corps, during the heat of the engagement, two brigades were only prevented fjoni coining iuto our lines by the fire or on* of our batteries, which was placed to rake aiy advance on the part of the Rebels. ’ They made unmistakable signs of surren der, and, in the opinion of an officer who commanded a brigade in their front, could have been tanked and- captured by half a regiment, bat our flanking fire prevented them from coming in. They were urged on frantically by their officers; but to no pur pose. They laid down on their bellies, and refused to advance. In two volleys fired by them at our troops, only three men were slightly wounded. Ac cording to the statements of prisoners cap tured on that part of the line, many of them fired blank cartridges. Our boys gave them minies in return. Their officers insist that the morale oi tjje Rebels to a great extent is gone, and adtrfhat our troops begin to see it and to be inspirited accordingly, •< WAR BETWEEN ENGLAND AND AMERICA. The papers by the Asia show that the sub ject of a possible war between England and America is still a paramount question, aud the flatness* in the funds is attributable al most entirely, to the agitation upon the sub ject. The Standard calls for an immediate over hauling of the navy, declarrng that, in the event of war, it scarcely' knows of a single vessel on which England could rely lor the defence of shores, or the protection of its commerce. In view' of the pretensions of England to be “mistress of the seas,” the above is certainly a most remarkable con fession. The Telegraph say's England has been sub jected to a shower of abuse, from the United States, but “her Cabinet has religiously re solved not to provoke war. It has equally resolved, should it be forced into war, to make that war a long and terrible one, a fierce fight land and sea, carried on wherever oijr enemy can bo reached. The foe who strikes at Canada provokes England as fully as it he landed in Kent.” The Times is not behind the other jour nals in inculcating the idea that war with America " is among the pregnant possibili ties of tbe immediate future. The Index in an article upon the same subject, says, the sentiment of the North is, “subdue tbe South and then fight England.” The determination to fight England, says the same paper, ‘*s unalterably fixed, and that the first statesman of the country (Palmers ton) appreciates this truth, there can be no question.”— Phil. Ledger, Apr. lsf. Yulee and Gwin, as Described by Gen. Sam Houston. —The following dialogue shows the estimate put some years ago by General Sam Houston, of Texas, upon Yulee (then a Senator from California,) both of whom are now rebels, aud the latter of whom has been fngaged quite recently in an unsuccessful ofitical intrigue in Mexico. It is given as obtained directly from one of the parlies. It seems that when Senator Hunter, of Virginia, got weary of the ordi nary debates aud routine business of the Sen ate, he would sometimes stroll around to General Sam Houston’s desk and sit by him, in order to have the benefit of his racy com ments upon the men .and matters at hand in the way of a quiet chat. On such an occa sion the following conversation occurred: Senator Hunter. —Good morning, General, You seem to be whittling and thinking away, as usual. May I trouble you to tell me what you are thinking about ? Gen. Houston —Well, to be frank, I was just thinking that this little gipsy Jew, Yulee, is the greatest thief in the Senate.* Senator Hunter (laughing)—What makes you think so, General ? Gen. Houston — Why, don’t you see he has just got himself elected Chairman of the Post Office Committee, aud everybody knows that there is better stealage afforded by that position than by any other in the gift of the Senate. (Here Senator Hunter laughed again, and Gen. Houston, after a pause and a pro found sigh, continued.) But there is ope great safeguard to the Treasury. Senator Hunter —What is that, General ? Gen. Houston —Why, he has got Gwin on the committee with him, and he wou’t suffes. him to steal anything, unless it is big enough to divide. (Here Senator Hunter was so con vulsed with laughter that he wa3 compelled to get up aud return to his own desk, where it took him sometime to recover his wonted composure.) Reader! do you not feel impressed with the sagacity of the old hero of San Jacinto ? Did he. not find out Yslee and Dr. Gwin early ? French Railroad Clocks. —Time is tele graphed along the railway lines of France, to each station, from the Paris Observatory. A plan has lately been adopted of having two minute hands on each station ciock— one red and one black. The black one shows the railroad time, the red the local time, dif fering from a minute to half an hour. Thus, at Paris, the two hands are identical. A hundred and fifty miles cast, the red hand is ten minutes in advance of the black one. A hundred and fifty miles west, the red hand is ten minutes behind the black one. By this simple plan common mistakes and confusion are pi evented. • So great has been the desire of the citizens of Charleston to take the oath of allegiance, that the authorities have been compelled to , open six offices for the purpose of adminis-' terhag it. The Last Surviving Aborigines of Tas mania.—Tlie last Australian mail brought us from Hobait Town, the capital of Tasmania, or, as it used to be called, Van Diemen's Land, an interesting communication, the subject of which is shown in our engraving, from a photograph by Mi. H. A. Frith, of that town. We refer to the portraits of tour unhappy people, the last survivors of their race, who now alone represent the Abo rigines of that large and fertile island (about equal to Ireland) which h%s been a British colony for the last sixty years. The follow ing observations, quoted from the Hobart Town Mercury of the 22nd of October, will throw some light upon the subject: “At the last ball at Government House, Hobart Town, there appeared the last male aboriginal inhabitant of Tasmania. He was accompanied by three aboriginal women, the sole living representatives ot the race beside himself, but nßt of such an age as to justify the expectation of any future addition to their number. We may, therefore, look upon this individual not only as the last mau of his race in esse, but also in posse. The number of tbe aborigines in the first decade of the present century has been variously estimated—by some at 7000, by others at 4000 to 5000 only. At first the aboriginal inhabitants of Tasmania are said to have been harmless, but this did not protect them lrom maltreatment by tbe whites. So early as 1810, Governor Collins had to complain of this, and issued an order to the effect that any person detected in firing wantonly on the natives, or murdering them in cold blood, should suffer the extreme penalties of the law. And yet lesser offences against them were very leniently dealt with during Governor Col lins’s time. One man, lor instance, was merely flogged for exposing the ears of a boy • lie had mutilated, and another lor cutting off the little finger of a native and using it as a tobacco-stopper. Colonel Davey and Colo nel Sorell, Governor Collins’s successors, af ter a brief interval—tbe former from 1813 to 1817, tbe later from 1817 to 1824—seem‘to have had the same grouud of complaint against the whites for the maltreatment of the natives ; and during their governorships we meet with many a sad and mournful tale. In Governor Davey’s time the practice of firing on the natives was common, and in Governor Sorell’s, the children of the natives were stolen with impunity and their wo men treated most shamefully. One ruffian boasted of having captured a native woman, whose husband be had killed ; of having strung the bleeding heart to her neck, and driven her before him as his prize. On Col. Arthur’s assumption of the office ot Gov ernor, in 18*24, things Were not much better. He, therefore, conceived the design, of making war upon the natives. All the set tlers were required to to turn out on Oct. 1, 1830, and every part of tha island was in vested. The force on our side consisted of nearly 5000 men, well armed, and that of the natives of not more than 1500 to 2000, in cluding their women and childreu, with no other arms than their spears and waddies.— Tlie natives were, if possible; to base been driven into Tasman’s Peninsula en masse. But the thing tflrned out a complete failure. Hundreds of recruits crawled away home before the campaign was half over. It had to he given up, with two natives captured and one sojdier wounded as its only results. Nothing dismayed, however, it was now de termined to effect by strategy what could not be done in the open field, and a very fitting agent was found in the person of Mr. Robin son, who was afterwards appointed to the office of Protector of the Aborigines. Ho was appointed in 1829 to take charge of some natives in Bruni Island, then captured and from them he acquired a partial knowl-. edge of tbe native language. His business, after the “black war,” was over, was to take them by guile—to capture them, as he ex pressed it, by the withdrawal of intimidation and the employment of persuasion only; and he succeeded to admiration. At this work he continued for a number of years, and the last batch of natives were captured, after he had left the colony, at Circular Head, and were conveyed to Flinders’ Island, the place that had been determined upon in the interim for the reception of the rest, and where they were already provided for by the Govern ment. As to the policy of their being cooped up in a small island, serious doubts were en tertained from the first, and it was confident ly asserted by many, as the event has proved that that island would shortly be their grave. The Tasmanian natives, as a race, are now virtually extinct. There is only one man left. As savages they were found, as sava ges they lived, aud as savages they perished.” —lllustrated London Neu's. Death of John Grat James,— This some what eccentric individual died in Doylestown on Friday night last, aged over eighty years. He had amassed quite a fortune by saving his earnings and some speculation, but was as penurious and close as a man could well be. He denied himself every comfort, con venience, and even- necessary of life, and liv ed almost at the starvation point. For several years lie inhabited cellars,or other equally un comfortable quarters. At one time he went to the Alms House as a matter of economy, but we have been told he left it as soon as lie discovered that he would haye to pay his board. He has been known to take the garbage from the swill barrels. He familiar ly called himself the “House Pig,” and he certainly was not above this animal in un cleanness. His wealth was principally in* real estate and ground rents. He refused to give up his property for taxation, and at one time was assessed for $70,000. Some years ago lie made a large bequest to the blind asvluin of Philadelphia. We do not know what disposition he made of the property he died possessed of His'will was drawn by George Hart, Esq., who will have the set tlement of his estate. Two or three days before his death he made a codicil to his will, leaving the house in which he died to Mrs! Walker, who lived In it, and has nurs ed him in bis last illness. He is said to have repented before his death, and deplored the miserable life he led.— Doylestown Dern. Laura Keene has bought a farm and orchard on the Acushnet river, Mass. For fashions' in earings, souvenirs of the chase, hunting horns, stirrups, spurs and small horse heads are popular. PRICE. 5 CENTS ODDS AND ENDS, OF NEWS AND IN CIDENTS. The Empress Eugenie wore seventy-eight lace skirts all at once, recently. Vaccination is to be made compulsory by the New York Legislature. Put no faith in anew promise based on the breach of an old one. If you tax will you diminish the consumption ? Handkerchiefs with lilac, green, and Sol ferino Centres are “coming in.” A negro in Richmond, who recently mar ried a white woman, has been ordered to receive > 117 lashes, well laid on. The wtrt man’s punishment is not stated. Admiral Paulding will resign the com mand of the Brooklyn Navy Yard on the Ist of May, and will he succeeded by Com modore Charles H. Bell. The Gordian knot which the Davenport Brothers and their attendant spirits could not untie is simply an ordinary bow tied in the eentreof the rope, into the loops of which the hands are inserted, the loops then drawn tightfy around the wrists. The knot is then “reefed” by tying two or three ordinary knots on each side of the central knot of the bow, and is untyable. m A near-sighted old gentleman in Philadel- Ehia has put a pair of spectacles upon an old orse, because he stumbled, conceiving him to be laboring under the effect of years. The result is perfectly satisfactory;* the horse never stumbles and his venerable appear ance attracts considerable attention. Some laugh at him, but he never looses hisequi nimity. A Scotch minister, in visiting some mem bers of his flock, caine to the door of a house where his gentle tapping could not be heard, for the noise of contention Within. After waiting a little he opened the door and walked in. saying in an authoritative voice, “I t should like to know who is the bead of this house?” “Weel, sir,”said the %usband and father, “if ye sit doon a wee we may be able to tell ye, for we’re just trying to settle that point.” * Gen. Sherman and the Neoroes. — A cor respondent |of the New York Evening Post tells the following little story: I happened to be present this afternoon at one of those interviews which so often occur between General Sherman and’ the negroes. The conversation was piquant and interest ing, not only as being characteristic of both parties, but it was the more significant be cause, on the part of the General, I believe it a fair expression of his feelings on the .slave ry question. A party of ten or fifteen negroes bad just found their way through the lines from Che raw. Their owners had carried them from the vicinity of Columbia to the other side of the Pedee, with their mules and horses, which they were running away from our army. The negroes had escaped, and were on their way back to find their families. A more ragged set of human being3 would rat have been found out of the slave perhaps Italy. These negroes were of all ages, and hadjtopped in front of the Gene ral’s tent, which was pitched a few feet back from the sidewalk of the main street. Several officers of tbe army, among them General Slocum, were gathered round, in terested in the scene. The General asked them: “Well, men, what can I do for you—where are you from ?” “Wese jus come from Cheraw. Massa took us with him to carry mules and horses awav from youins.” “You thought we would get them. Did you wish ys to get the mules ?” “Oh yes, massa, dat’s what I wanted. We knowed youins cumin, and I wanted you to hev dem mules; but no use, dey heard dat youins cn de road, and nuthin would stop dem> JVhy, as we cum along, de cavalry run awayirom de Yanks as if dey flight to deth, Dey . jumped into de river, ana some ' of detn lost dere hosses. Dey frightened at de very name ob Sherman." Someone at "this point said: “That is General Sherman who is talking to you*” “God bress me, is you Mr. Sherman ?” . “Yes, I am Mr. Sherman.” “Date him, su’ nuff,” said one. “Is dat de great Mr. Sherman dat w’es heard ob so long,” said another. “Why, dey so frightened at your berry name dat dey run right away,” shouted a third. “It is not me that they are afraid of,” said th» General; “the name of- another man would have the same effect with them if ho had this army. It is these soldiers that they run away from.” “Oh, no," they all exclaimed, “It's de name ob Sherman, *su’; and we bab wanted to see you so long while you trabbel all roun jis wher you like to go. Dey said dat dey wanted to git you all a little furder on and den dey whip all your soldiers; but God bress me, you keep cumin’ and a cumin’ and dey alters git out.” “Dey mighty fraid ob you, sar; dey say you kill de colored men, too,* said an old' man, who had not heretofore taken part in the conversation. With muchearnestness, General Sherman replied: ‘ “Okfinap, and all of you, understand me. I desire that bad men should fear me, and tiie enemies of the government which we are all fighting for. Now we are your friends;' you are now free (‘ Tank you, Massa Sher man,’ was ejaculated by the group.) You can go where you please; you can come with us or go home to your children. Wherever you go, you are no longer slaves. You ought to be able to take care of yourselves. (‘Weis; we will.’) You must earn your freedom; then you will be entitled to it sure. You have a right to be all that you can be, but you must be industrious and earn the right to be men. If you go back to your, families, and I tell you again you can go with tts if you wish, you must do the best you can. When you get a chance, go to Beaufort or Charleston, where you will have a little (arm to work for yourselves.” The poor negroes were filled with gratitude and hope by these kind words, uttered in the kindest manner, and they went away with thanks and blessings on their lips,