Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, April 13, 1865, Image 2
The Savannah Daily Herald. BY 8. W. MASON AND CO. SAVANNAH. THURSDAY, APRIL 13, ISCS. out DISTINGUISHED VISITORS. The steamers Delaware and Nemaha yes terday brought to our city another crowd of distinguished guests, being the second party who have taken Savannah in their way while going the rounds of the captured cities of the South, within a few weeks. We ap pend in another column a full list of the pas sengers by the Aragn, most of whom were our invited guests who called at Savannnh for a few hours yesterday. It was a matter of much regret to very litany that the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher was not of the part}' who came on the steamer yesterday to see this, the loveliest city of the South. But the fatigue of his recent work, the excitement of*the voyage, and the absolute necessity of pre paring for Lis oratorical effort of Friday next, were three most potent reasons which de trained him to remain quiet at Port Royal lbr the day. Though we have lost something in not see ing him here, in our city, the whole country, and we of course with it, have unquestiona bly gained much more in the increased vigor ot his to-morrow’s discourse, which, on so grauckan occasion, we would not see enerva ted or weakened iu the slightest degree by any extraneous unnecessary exertion. Neither did the Secretary of War make liis appearance. He is jast at this time pro bably too much occupied with his little ar rangement for the taking, capturing, bag ging, captivating, comprehending, securing, smashing, or otherwise disposing effectually of Lee’s Army to have leisure for aught else. Those who did come, having but a short time, at once took carriages and pro ceeded, under the guardianship of certain of our citizens, to visit such points of interest in the city as offer special attractions to strangers. The ladies of the party were, many of them, present .'dwith beautiful bouquets culled from the finest gvrdensof the city,and they express el themselves t most delighted at seeing Orange blossoms,C ameiias, Roses. Jessamine, Labernum, Myrtle. Star of Bethlehem, Pride of ndia,Flowering (honey,) Locust, Violets, Fleur de Lis, Verbenas, etc, now in foil bloom in the open air. while in the bleaker North from which ihe_» have juss cctse. t&e vtry, earliest flowers have but jmss ~ --q peep above the frozen ground. Many of the most beaatr'n ±mi varied bouquets came h orn :he fine garden of Mrs. Marshall, corner South Broad and West Broad streets, whose gardener, Mr. Richard Thomas, adds to the actual experience of thirty years, as a practical worker, that scientific knowledge of ali technicalities of his business, and that generous courtesy which are almost always to be found com bined in the thorough floriculturist. Our distinguished guests, several of whom honored the Herald office with a visit, ex pressed themselves delighted with their short stay in Savannah, while the greatest regret of our citizens and our humble selves was that they did not stay long enough to let us show what we really can do, iu the way of hospitality. Perhaps not the least noticeable feature of the affair was the fact that the celebrated old England abolitionist, George Thompson, and the no less celebrated New England aboli tionist, .V illiam Lloyd Garrison, were both of the party. The distinguished guests were greeted by the stirring strains of the National airs from the fine band of the Ninth Connecticut Red meut. The band of the 12th Maine Regi ment also lent their grateful musical aid to give a welcome to our visitors. On their de parture, they were again complimented with music, while the guns of the war-steamer pealed forth their thunderous salute to bid the welcome visitors “God Speed" upon their way. Every heart beat in earnest sympa thy with the errand they have to do. to raise again in triumph the striped and starry fla<* oyer the spot, where, for the first, time in iis history, it was desecrated, insulted and trail ed to the earth. The Northern Press was represented by the following named gentlemen : Mr. Oscar G Sawyer, New York Herald; Mr. H. J. Wiri ser, New York Times ; Mr. Theodore Til ton, New York Independent; T. J. Ellin wojd. New York Independent; Mr. F. W. Ballard, Boston Traveller; 11. W. Smith New York Commercial Advertiser, and others whose names, in the hurry of meet ing old friends, we have forgotten. How toe Folks Fooled Themselves The general interest to see the Lev Henry Ward Beecher yesterday, was so great, that a rather sanctimonious looking correspondent of a Northern paper, who came with the other distinguished gentlemen on the steam boat, was perpetually, wherever he went during the few hours he staid here, mistaken for Mr. Beecher. As it so chanced thiU the Rev. gentleman did not come at ali our pious-visaged friend took “all the honors ” * IC will be breaking no confidence if we state that the initals of his name are Henry J.Winscr, and that his city abode is In the New York Times 'office. We leave him and Mr. Beecher to decide w hich is either, has been insulted. Go in Beecher— Hooray for Winser. We bet on both AJfIfISMKNTB. Savannah TBtAT«i:.~The bill of last eve ning comprised “The Drunkard,’” and “Na ture and Philosophy.” Mr. Weir’s persona tion of “Edward Middleton” was thrilling and powerful, and made a deep impression. This talented actor takes a benefit on Friday evening, and the lovers of good acting will not fail to turn out in full numbers. The farce ot “The Youth who never saw a Woman,” concluded the bill, and the genius of the accomplished actresses Miss La Fond and Mrs. Berrell, sufficed to make the piece pass off agreeably, despite the great disad vantages under which they evidently labored. To-night the “Six Degrees of Crime,” iu which Mr. A. H. Davenpoit repeats his great personation of “Julio Dormilly,’ s and the glorious farce of the “Rendezvons.” Sweatnam’s Varieties.— Last evening the entertainment at this house was of a rather unusual character, for the reason that a lead ing male character was personated by one ot the ladies of the Company; who, by way of displaying her unquestioned versatility, appeared afterward in a Fancy Dance, and it! a song; which song, by the way, was more of a dramatic inteilude than a mere song, as it is sung in full characteristic dress, and is accompanied with appropriate pan tomimic action. The lady we refer to is “La Belle Louise,” who, iu the ‘‘Seven Clerks,” enacted the part of the young lover “Adolph de Briancourt, ’’ and who after captivating her audience by iter graceful excellence in a fancy dance, once again came forth as “The Dashing AN bite Sergeant,” a pautomimico-dramatieo ntusico sort of semi-song-henri recitation, and wholly funny performance, which we can characterize in no more appropriate manner, but which was entirely enjoyable. Ihe other performers w r ere as excellent as we have learned to see them, and all their efforts were received by the audience with much laughter, and with applause. U. S. Transport Araoc, Henry A. Gads den commanding, from New York at 12 m. Saturday, April Bth, via Fortress Monroe, A'a., at!» p. m. April 9th, arrived at Hilton Head at 2p. m. April llth. The following is a list of her passengers. Per steamship Arago, Gen. Robt. Anderson and family, Gen. Jcftn A.-Dix, Miss Dix, Gen. Town send and 2 sons, Maj. Gen. Abner Double day, Gen. Delafleld, Gen. Fry, Gen. Holt, Commodore 8. C. Rowan, Rev. Henry AYard Beecher, wife and two sons, AVilliam Lloyd Garrison, Hon. Wm. Strong, Hon. Jas. Thompson, Rev. Samuel Scoviile] Hon. W. D. Kelly, Hon. Henry Wilson, Hon. J. M. Brodwead and wife, Hon. Thomas N. Stillwell, Hon. Geo. Thompson, Hon. L. W. Hall, Hon. John H. Shoenberger, Hon. Judge Davis, Hon. Clias. Anderson, Hon. AY. F. Kellogg, Mr. Hooper, Gov. Clifford, Colonel Breck, Mr. Harris, Mr. Potts, Mr. N. B. Hogg and wife, Col. R Jordan and wife, Dr. Storrs, Miss Mary Storrs, Mr. A. Aug. Low' Mr. A. A. Low' and wife, Miss E. A. Low ’ « Howanl - Tucker Howard, Mrs. Moses G. Beach and son, Mr. F. AY. Ballard, E. D. Morgan, Jr., Dr. R W Hooker Dan’l Dovigheriy.Courtlandt Parker] Theo. Tilton, T. I. Ellinwood, Justice Swayne, G. K. Shoenberger, W. Watts, Mr. McCulloch, Joseph Hoxie, Capt. N. J. Hall H. AY. Smith, Prof. D. H. Mahan, Prof. Chasl Davies, Mr. Oscar G. Sawyer, Mr. H. J AVinser, AY. Welsh, P. Snydant, A. Bene dict Jas. Freeland, Sergt. Peter Hart, H AY B. Howard, Clias. Bead), Capt. Gilles Our Thanks.— We desire again to place on record the fact that wo are under obliga tions to Capt. Spicer, the efficient Harbcr Master of this port, tor his kindness in fur nishing information, in sending us papers, and iu his efforts in other ways, to facilitate our early receipt of the most important intel ligence. We are thankful to him, and he knows it, fft, if he doesn’t, he ought to. A Quick Trip and Notice to Jr-w-leerr; The steamer Emijie with passengers for Hil ton Head started yesterday morning at ten and a half o’clock, and returned last eve ning and will again return to Hilton Head at te§ o’clock this morning. . [From the New York Herald. April 9.1 MATTERS IN RICHMOND. Another interesting despatch from our cor respondent in Richmond appears in this morning’s Herald- Two lately prominent rebels Judge Campbell and* Mr. Myers have been admitted to audiences by Presi dent Lincoln for the purpose, as supposed °t, laying before him propositions tor the submission ot the rebel chiefs; bqt the re public inferences cannot yet be made The President’s second visit to Richmond was received with wild enthusiasm both by the white and black population. It is stated that the evacuation of the city by the rebels regarding which the citizens were Winded bv |l» being died merely a “remoS," ,'lj betas gome on for a month previous in "iVe tmal abandonment. The specie ol' the Rich mond banks, as well as that of the Louisiana banks, which was also stored there, was not removed till last Sunday mornining, when it was hurriedly sent off on the Danville rai’. All immense number of rebel liond* regis tered anu signed, were thrown into the streets after the grand scramble of the conspirators on Sunday afternoon to escape Irom the wrath to come” and were left lying there for any one to pick no who thought them worth the trouble. The Rich mondites are bewildered by the astonished good fortune which has befallen them in plentiful supplies of provisions and marvel ously low pricc-s from Union occupation. As Xi'r*’ buUer ur,d which, under the aiinnnrt were scarce at twenty-five dollars twenty-five dollars a dozen, D-imd irn y n ar , e now a,mo9t at fifty cents a mi daiwloM y ccnts a dozen Richmond via FoSS tl °° W,t ' l Nor,b THE Dtriv or THE NORTH. HENRY WARD BEECHER PLEADS PARDOV FOR THE REBELS AYD JEFF DAVIS. He Is Opposed to Expatriation, Disfranchise* ment and the Sonr Apple Tree. THE HUSSION TO FT. SUMTER. The Rev. Henry Ward Beecher’s valedic tory to his congregation at Plymouth church ou Wednesday evening, prior' to his depart ure for Fort Sumter, w'as a remarkable ad dress, and must have been received with astonishment by some of his fiock. He commenced his discourse by stating that in the Book of Judges there was a most interesting and instructive narrativeAu old Levite, w’hile travelling, found on rising in the morning that his wife had been beaten to death. Taking her bleeding corpse to his dwelling, he cut it into twelve pieces, and sent one to every tribe in Israel. Asking the meaning of this insult, the Israelites were told that iu the tribe of Benjamin dwelt the murderers. The tribe w r as asked to give up the culprits, -but impudently refused. Then the other tribes, ordered by the Lord, fell upon them and destroyed them almost entire ly, save only a thousand, who fled and hid in the caves. The point to which I wish to call attention is to the situation presented by the tribe of Beujam when cut off by the vengeance of their breth ren. They were so "despoiled and impoverish ed. and so pitiable in their distress, as to ex cite the compassion of their destroyers. The people then went up to the house of the Lord and asked why it w’as that one tribe yet was wanting to the house of Israel; then went they to the men who had fled, and gave them wives, that they might raise up seed to the restored tribe. The offence was as great a one as could have been committed, and was punished in after expatriation. The tribes of Israel obeyed the Lord and destroy ed the tribe of Benjamin, all but one thou sand men ; and then grief overtook them aud they prayed as above. They, felt that the tribal allotment was a holy one, and they felt that without Benjamin, Israel was not as it was of old. AVe have come together in circumstances like it in our time. AVc lament and moan before God that a tribe should be so near extinguishment. So long as it was necessai y, our leaders had this one paramount duty before them—to maintain the supremacy of the government* But from the moment ot victory anew feeling came upon them and they yearned for their brethren. It is some time since I have felt troubled concerning the government, For over a year—ever since Grant, and Sherman took command—it has seemed but a question of time. There have been days and weeks of doubt, but they were exceptions. No one i9 now so faint-hearted as to doubt that the end is near. The fall of ‘Petersburg and Richmond, the position of Grant, -and the flight of Lee settle the ques tion beyond a doubt. The day of bulletins is passed. The cruel,- broad, dreadful war ■which has populated the dark region beyond with the murdered and the slain is now end ing. It is the agony of death now, and we rejoice in it. Our work has just begun. We have urged the people of the North to stiffen theii backbone and to keep up their moral tone, and we have done our duty. That such a man should be elected as has reassumed the Presidential chair is a magnificent result. But now we have the country, and the whole country, in our hands. We have fought for it, and we are responsible for it. I have taught you to be lieve that the whole Union was indispensa ble to the honor of the country. We did not care to see the North prosperous and great and wealthy, and the Soutli feeble aud impoverished and weakened by excesses We are bondsmen for the welfare and pros perity of the countiy—not of New England or any other section. The exigencies of our country requires us to do a thousand fold more than ever before; and first let us take care that we do not fall into the east' sin of vengeance under the plea of justice. Few men can afford to be just until they first learn how to love. I hear many men say this war ought not to be ended until the principal traitors are hung, and that a sour apple tree should take the place of Hainan’s gallows upon which should swing the arch traitor Jeff. Davis. If Mr. Davis was fiiy lawful prey to-night I would do by him as‘l did with another wasp yesterday. * I saw the fellow on my door in the country, an l was just about to smash him, when I said “AVhat s the use ? it’s on)y a wasp, and it’s not at all probable that he and I will meet again, so I’ll let him go.” Tjiat’s what I’d do with Jeff. Davis. Let him go away where he’ll be i>y himself, powerless to injure us and of no particular account to anybody else. Aud if I had my way after the close of fighting I would not let one drop of blood be spilled, and then I could say to the world that this great civil war has been ended as none other ever was. Ought there not to be an exhibition of law and justice?—ought there not tq be a terrible spectacle of retribution ? say some Iu mercy’s name lias there not been suffering enough? Is not the penalty already paid? God’s vengeance patent enough ? We don’t want any more vengeance. 1 would not ex patriate any leaders on the ground of ven geance, for as they have once misled the people they might do sp again. I W ould not expatriate and. disfranchise them. I don’t know as you will go with me or endorse me in this view. I urn, however, consistent, having never urged* the slightest shedding of blood save when it was necessary to establish the supremacy of the government. Aud more: we wish now to show' the South their total misapprehension of our former senti ments. Their cunning politicians haye made believe that we hate them; but wo don’t- Tell me why a man living jn South Carolina or Georgia should be more antago nistic .than one in the AVest. It was tned during the late election to stir up a feelin -of distrust and jealousy; but it couldn’t be done. Tkere are no antagonistic interests between the North and the South. Religion, blood business are the same; and if there are no social or political reasons sos hatred, why Should we not bp the bust of blends? But next, we must qot undertake to re-establish the South just as she was. A hundred years will not put Virginia w'l;p*e she was. You can repair property, but if you sweep off a generation ol men you canqot replace that in a generation. Westchester county has not got pver the result of the Revolutionary war U> this day, and it is even worse at the South. Emigration cannot doit. I supposj there are whole regions in the South where the en tire male population is entirely cut off. Along the seaboard we caa give essential relief, but all along the route .of Sherman's -army the description given by the nro phet is eminently applicable: “Be* f .re him was the garden of Eden, and behind him w;as the desert. ’ f We can send our sons and daughters—our wealth, our prayers, and sympathies must go forth in the missionary work of teaching and resusci titing. We have a great field in our own ueloved land, greater than any in Africa, and we should enter in and begin to labor, and as the church has had its proper share in inspiring the times, the success, and the army, so God calls us to go on with the other part, so much more graceful to the Christian. I trust it is in this spirit that you send me away. I would go in no other. I would be no man’s servant to be the man to go down among them, aud when they are burying their dead to taunt them ; and when that shining old flag is again thrown forth, God forbid that I should call their attention to it as the standard of those who have con quered them. It is the flag of their fathers ; its glories are theirs and memories theiis, and not henceforth the banner of their ene mies. In that crumbling pulpit of Charles ton harbor I am your minister, to say to them there is nothing now between us and you ; we are brethren and Christian breth ren ; we love you, and desire your regard to return ; on such a mission as that I will go forth most cheerfully. The day on which the old flag is to be raised is Good Friday, on which occurred the resurrection of the Saviour; and, as Christ was raised to bring life and liberty into the world, so will that flag cany renewed life and true liberty to the South. And as Plymouth church has been known as an anti-slavery church, let your record be hereafter national fraternity and national benevolence; and I know it will be. Iu your future days you will go all aiound the world in your Christian work, as m your earlier days you devoted your time aud efforts to the one special med of the day and the country. Arrival of Major W. M. Fleming.—The numerous friends of this gentlemrn, who was for several years a resident of this city, and whose genial, happy countenance was well known to all in the year 18C1, returned yes terday afternoon to Savannah. His home for many month's will be in our “Forrest City” Major Fleming was formerly connected witli the 20th Army Corps, District of the Cumberland. The arrival in Savannah of this gentleman, who is assigned as Paymas ter of this District, and ivho brings funds to pay off the troops will be hailed with joy by our troops, and all others will feel tbe benefits of an increased circulation of greenbacks. The rooms of Major Fleming are on Con gress street, third door east of Whitaker. MILITARY ORDER FOR THE GOV ERNMENT OF RICHMOND. Gen. G. F. Shepley, Military Governor of Richmond, has just issued (April sth) an important order in regulation ot the govern ment of the late Rebel Capital. The fol lowing is a digest of the order : Headquarters U. S. Fooces,) Richmond, Va., April 5, 1865. j By command Major Gen. Godfrey Weitzel the following rules, regulations and orders are established for the government of the city of Richmond, and the preservation of public and order .- I. Lieut. Col. John Coughlin, 10th N H Vols. is appointed Provost Marshal General of the Department of Va., headquarters at Custom House building. He will have entire supervision of all per mits and licenses for trade, and for admission into Richmond of the supplies for the army and for destitute families. 11. Loyal persons, until further orders, will be allowed to bring to Richmond, under such regulations as he may establish, provi sions of all kinds necessary for the above uses. 111. Appoints Lieut. Col. Fred. L. Man ning, ÜBth New Y ork Regiment,. Provost Marshal Gen. of the Army of the James, in charge of all provost-duty pertaining to the troops in aud about Richmond. XT JV. Brev. Brig. Gen. Edward H. Ripley, New York \ols.. is placed in command of all troops doing guard or provost duty in Richmond. Y . Arrangements have been made to se cure a continued supply of water and gas as soon as the public works can be repaired and put in operation. VI. The organization of the Fire Depart ment will be immediately perfected. Y 11. A commission is hereby constituted for the relief of destitute families in Rich mond. yin- AI J loyal persons may keep open public hotels and restaurants, under licenses granted, and restrictions imposed. IX. A military commission is established forthe trial ot aggravated offences. X. “The progress of the conflagration, which, before the advent of the Federal troops, threatened and was intended to in volve the whole city in destruction, having been arrested, aud tbe restoration of peace and good order having succeeded tbe reign of anarchy which then prevailed, the efforts ot ali well-disposed citizens of Richmond are respectfully invoked in aid of the exertions of the militaty authorities to restore as far as possible to the city of Richmond its pristine peace and prosperity.” HOTEL ARRIVALS. PULASKI HOUSE, APRIL 12, 1865. Gilbert P Rugg, Hilton Head. Jno R Russell, «« E 0 Meyer, *• S M Williamson, B J Such, •> Cot Kimball, 12th Me. Major Hastings, 12th Me. Quartermaster Goodwin, I2th Me. Adjutant Kendall, 12th Me. R A Beans, Asst Surg, USA A A Lane, Charleston. » PORT ROYAL HOTEL, HILTON HEAD, APRIL 11 h 8 Ery, 9th 111. Capt A M Watso, 62d 111. « » J 8 Tull. 2Cth U S C T. C Kennedy, Dunkirk, N Y W II Otis, T A Ford, New York. JlVodges, USA. Capt S L McHenry, U S V Lt E W Denny. Capt D J Marton, 143d Pa. T E Bryant, Mase. J 0 Foster, Mich. V Wolff; Savannah. D H Httrjr, Neman din*, Fla. ‘ Lt Col A R Baton, 14th Me Vols. Col J R Lalng, *» Lt S P Chapman, “ R W Gilman, Q M, “ Lt E L Clark, “ Surgeon Sweet, •« Maj J W Wiswell, “ R F Stoddard, Savannah. R F Smith, “ N Folger, U S N. Col Kimball, 12th Me. Major G A Hastings, 12th Me. Col D Fraser, 104th U 8 C T. C Petting, Beaufort, S C G Allen, New York. J W Doughty, 12th Me. H O Willey, 14th Me. Capt H S Clubb, Mich. Capt J C Winslow, N Y V. A Dublin, Beaufort. E S Nixon, Savannah. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF SAVANNAH, APRIL 12 Arrived-Steamer W W Colt, Parker, HilHm Head. D S revenue steamer Nemaha. McGowan nm Head; steamer Delaware, HlTton Head; steamer Us Grant, Dobbs, Hilton Head, m «IT S Cleared-Steamer Emily, Bender, Hilton Heart ateamer Nellie Baker, Morris., Hilton Head • ship Blackstone, Berry, Hilton Head; steam* wl Colt, Parker,Charleston; US Revenue ateamern! hama, Hilton Head; steamer Delaware] Tilton Charleston; steamer U S Grant, Dobbs, Hilton Heart' tug Hilton Head. * . miniature almanac—this day ~ —577 StmSETB High Water, nTs M ERUBBABEL LODGE, NO. 15, F. A. M. A regular meeting will be >ld This Evening at 71-2 o'clock, at Masonic Hall, Bull street, corner of Broughton. Member, of the fraternity are resDert fttlly invited to attend. a P rl3 WM. GREENE, W. M. gAVANNAH THEATRE! feisssr 0 . o rLr“»- ■THURSDAY, EVENING, APRIL 13, ises. The performance will commence with the great-Sen sational Drama entitled THE 81k DEGREES OF CRIME; 08, WINS, WOMEN, SAMBLIKO, THEFT, HUSOES AN!) THE SCAFFOLD, O In which Mr. Thomas Weir, Mr, Davenport, Mr. Herndon, Mr. earner, Mr. Simpson, A Rogers, Mr. Harkins, Mr. Sumpter, Miss Florence Lafond, Mrs. Berrell, Sflks Maude St. Leon, Mis. Prestige, Miss E. St. Leon and Miss Hattie Lee will appear. Comic Pas de Deux, ala Chlnoise, by Misa Maude St. Leon and Mr. J. W. Career. To conclude with the roaring Farce of the ROBBERS OF THE HEATH, By Messrs. Herndon, Simpson, Rogers, Misses Lafond, St. Leon, Prestige and others. TO-MORROW EVENING BENEFIT OF MR THOMAS WEIR. On which occasion Shakespeare’s Sublime Tragedy OTHELLO Will be produced, with Mr. Thomas Weir as Othello. lago by Mr. M. J. Howard, who has kindly volunteered. Notiok —ln future the doors will open at 7 and the curtain rise at 8 o'clock precisely. Box office open from 10 until 2 o’clock ADMISSION AS USUAL. . All bills must be presented weekly apr9 YY t ar department, ~ ’ _ Adjutant Oenebai.’s Office, n Washington, D. C., March 27,18«. General Orders, 1 No. 60. f ,Ji That at the hour of noon on the 14th day of April 1805, Brevet Major General Anderson will raise and plant upon the ruins of Fort Sumter, in Charleston harbor, The same United States flag which floated over the battlements of that fort during the rebel assault, and which was saluted by him and the small force of his command when the worics were evacnated on the llth day of April, 1861. • II- That the flag when raised, be sainted by one one hundred guns from Fort Sdmter, and by a nation al salute from every fort and rebel battery that fired upon Fort Sumter. 111. That suitable ceremonies be had upon the oc csaion. under the direction of Major General William 1. Sherman, whose military opera lons compelled the rebels to evacuate Charleston, or, in his absence, un der the charge of Major-General Q. A. Gilltnore, com raandiDg the Department. Among the ceremonies will be the delivery of a public address by the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. IV. That the naval forces at Charleston, and their commander on that statian, Be invited to participate in the ceremonies of the occasion. By order of the President or the United States. EDWIN M. STANTON. _ Secretary of War. Official • fSlgnedj B. D. TOWNSEND, aprl3—4 Assistant Adjutant General. Ask any newsdealer OR BOOKSELLER - For a copy of DAWLEY’a NEW WAR NOVELS If he has not got them he will get them for you. No. 1-MOSBY, THE GUERRILLA. No. 2— PAULINE, THE FEMALE SPY. No. 3—SEMMES, THE PIRATE. No. 4—KILDARE. THE BLACK SCOUT. No. S—OSGOOD, THE DEMON REFUGEE. Illustrated Illuminated Cover. Price 26 cents- Trade sl2 50 for 100; or by the 1,000. assorted, 11 T. B. DAWLEY, Publisher, • - apr —— 13 and 16 Park Row, N Y JJKW MUSIC. JUST RECEIVEED BT aprl3—2 jno. C. SCHREINER & SON. gHERMAN HOUSE. - (In rear of Post Office.} HILTON HEAD} S.o. Lodgings, 60 cents. Meals at all hours of the day. OCREVEN HOUSE HOSPITAL, Th. K , of P“ Uen ts in this Hospital kind-hearted P douorsmav rest will S 1 ? 1 * are not unappreciated, and ofShMm”^ r Arm} PUedtot,M!rellef of toe » nfferin * aprl2— 9t JOS in S' Agst Snrg., U. 8. A. apritt— at In ch, rge Screven House Hospital,