Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, April 21, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald. BY S. NY. MASON AND CO. SAVANNAH. FRIDAY, APRIL 21, !«»• AYOTiiEii .UlsS flEEmt. A grand Mass Meeting of the loyal citi zens of the United States in Savannah, to take fitting notice of the late appalling ca lamity which ha* befallen the nation in the death of its beloved head, Abraham Lin coln, wilifbe held in Johnson Square at 4 1-2 o'clock on Saturday afternoon, and will be addressed by several flue speakers who are here at this time. MASS MEETING OF COLORED CITIZENS. The Committee of Arrangements appoint ed to prepare for a Mass Meeting lor the re ception of the distinguished friends of Liber ty and Equality expected soon to visit this city, be requested to meet this morning in the Bryan School House, at 9 o’clock a. B. A. Harris, Chairman. THE CITIZENS’ MEETING YES TERDAY. Official Report of the Proceed ings. Pursuant to the call of His Honor Mayor Arnold, a large assemblage of the citizens of Savaunah met at the Exchange to-day, Thursday, April 20th, to give expression to their seutimeuts in relation to the assassina tion of President Lincoln, and the attempt upon the life of Secretary of State Seward, and upon the lives of members of his family. The room beiug incapable of holding the vast assemblage, the meeting was adjourned to Johuson Square, where upon motion of the Hon. YV B. Hodgson, the Mayor was chosen to preside, and on motion of H. Brig ham, Esq, Henry C. Freeman was request ed to act as Secretary. Upon taking the chair, the Mayor address ed the meeting in the following remarks: Fellow Citizens : —We have assembled to day under circumstances unparalelled, not only in the annals of the history of this coun- try, but in that of the whole civilized world. The unanimous request of every citizen whom I met yesterday, according with my own judgement and feelings, was that a meet ing ofeitizeus should be called to give authen tic record to their feelings and sentiments in relation to the most atrocious assassination of President Lincoln aud the probably fatal attempt at that of Secretary Seward and his family. Twice before has this nation been called up onto mourn the death of 'the occupant of the White House, the residence of the rulers of a great Republic, Presidents Harrison and Taylor. But they had been stricken down I- r i- . >^nvriucu»^.,—, >o »uw Ypommon inheritors of “all the ills that fle9b .is heir to-” They yielded their lives in ac jHU’danee with the great laws ol our creator. <lb/%ut to-day we are called upon to chroni cle Ma event of a very different kind ; a deed committed, repugnant to every feel ing pfJflUke aud humanity, a scene which Jrtte iiw iIHAlii it by every book of law the •UglttH of th«%kest crime and the penalty due auclr ft prime. I refrain from fur- ha bftuse I cannot trust my- FTOJTtreßpasyi’Y; on your patieue*. •eff frttlsife' ase 4 «3demM»gc is a sufficient Your iron, t yon comprehend the awful guftfffi|ie,e i socially, morally and po ness of Hi® elite| yott wisk to set upon it liticaUv, and eon lemnation. the seal of IHP* err?6y«ien>ei a public JntlieuusuapecltogC: o * u , ¥i f 4and entertainmeot, PJ *»-, M „|' n p «*- “W at tile Theatre, pretmtta a pis 3l at tbe ’ >ack of his head, ana discharging it - & a “«ieut inflicts a fatal tvouuf *-Mci- iato eternity. —e*Qti ? en, - , :i „ , 4 TJ^LI an xc * such ... fe „ " V aval ; Aiii. -H- aßr' >i'. er... t .X^” e ?i Wd,,r ,v3! |»* r » >l ' i»Keih%! wulawed up 4n a ineM interests and iecl -country, and I ■would net prauue im* sanctity of domestic grief bv nucglfng it with ottr present meeting. -ireumstances had so ordered it that in mj opinion uoiife in the whole country wai more important than that of Pres; w T • «»^ to i:~ nru,?torß*c me ot the other, are event® „ .. . grounding circumstances, I teS^ZZ evil in the annals of time. It i 3 j£3-“ f r«ce ty oft'“ a fr UP °“ "»* vie*. £££££“, * rpMrate4 '“ d * m.j flow from” COOS «1"™“* which STJ 10 d n r, a f> C0Inmittee ° f thirteen Wfi9 a P‘ , ; Jonted to draft suitable resolutions, expres gre of the sense ol the meeting C JT ttee C ° ffipriSed the following Jed gentlemen: Thos. Holcombe, Wm Andrew Low, N. A. Hardee, Chas. tip F ' Sorrelj Edward Padelford, Robert Habersham, W. H. Stark, W. B. Hodgson, YV. Thorne Williams, Win. P. Hunter, and Aaron Champion, who retired and, after de liberation, reported the following preamble and resolutions: Whereas, Authentic information has reach ed the city of Savannah that President Lin coln has been murdered by an assassin, and that un attempt has been made upon the life of Secretary Seward, and, on tbe lives of sev eral members of his family, therefore— Resolved, By tKe citizens of Savannah, in public meeting assembled, iu obedience to a call from His Honor, the Mayor: Ist. That we regard, with deepest pain and sonow, as a calamity to the whole country, the assassination of the President, and the attempt on the life of the Secretary of State and on the lives of members of his family. 2d. That while we should have been pained to hear of these events, even if they had oc curred in the Providence of God, without human agency, we are especially and pro foundly grieved at the manner of their oc currence. 3d. That we sincerely trust for the honor of human nature, that investigations may prove these horrid acts to have been perpe trated by a madman whose loss of reason lias made him irresponsible for his deeds. 4th. That in case it be ascertained that these deeds have been committed by any per son or persons of sound mind, or that they are the result of deliberate conspiracy, then we regard the criminals with abhorence and detestatiou as enemies of the South, enemies of the North, and enemies to mankind, and our hope is that they may meet with speedy justice in the extreme penalty of the law. sth. That this meeting most deeply sym pathizes with the families of the late Presi dent ot the United States and of the Secre tary of State, and will unite in any further mark of respect that may be proposed. 6tli. That a copy of the proceedings of this meeting be forwarded to the families of the late President Lincoln and to Mr, Seward. 7th. That a copy be fifrnished to Major Get** Grover, commanding this Post, and than he same be published in the public prints. * s\. u., vuairmau. H. C. Frekman, Secretary. Savannah, April 20th, 1865. Oar Telegraphic Despatches Something About Intervention. Our special telegraphic despatches from Hilton Head, which we publish this morn ing, are and interesting.— They give further details in regard to the as sassinations, include au authentic announce ment of the capture of Mobile, confir matory of the report received through rebel sources by us, and published some days ago, announce the inauguration of President Johnson, furnish us the gratifying intelll* gence of the convalescence of Secretary Sew ard, and contain other important infortna- Our despatches were interrupted by 3 piße freak of the telegraph line, ju|t AS the tui*- tcnce, ‘-Napoleon ha 9 declared intervention in America,”— had been received. We pre sume our correspondent was aboutrinforrulng us that Napoleon had declared intervention in America to haye always been farthest from his designs, or Something of that kind; but It was very provoking not to know posi tively. As we are opposed to sensation des patches, we dipped this apDaoyjjJ meutary append**, worn the tdegram, bnt here tell oar teiuftrl 'ati yej&rw abotfi which they will observe Isn’t have avolded unprovided with assist*- Heiald was fortunately able to by a loan of the article, t 9 carry it |grough Me emergency. During the past the Herald got the sad intelligence a bir £ e invoice of paper for it, needed and long expected, jjj&y id advertently shipped to N. C., where l* probably iiifP is. A ; statement of yur plight to the 1 rffiMLed in a prompt reciprocal [ly P?P**V HMketi will, we hope and pra.r, ’ts until the Sfl») of another shipment. *, has otu I' .nowledgtvinients- and thanks. If any are loosed to Republican f i; r “H* «..browc p»cr. .ho Ibey bad bctfcr ondemho fct»the pub lication of a M, De***;** ft, ‘ b , !e )f supplies a thousand miles away Billiards.—The the Bdiia and world would seem to bWMfte¥**kiA evoa %■« renote city. There are ee*/.-** Bilfemi <n loons in operation in of which is that of Mr. vy l^ ; yßHH * street, N*. 109. received from New York, hew r^ l3 so , all his six tables; an assortment of jitw' cues and maces; and, wha^p@^g^^ ypr is of still more aocoun£iDbn»otete *& of ne w halls, both for the ordinary gntees, and ‘for fifteen-ball pool, ton iWULkh the appli auces which should lie found in eveiy well appointed Billiard frith ac curately levelled tables, per&u <cn», and balls as round as the most careful mechanism can produce them,, the Wlf pogular game can find nothing lacking la this fine room. At the Bar are Ales, " mes and Cigars—und the are always gentlemanly ifis|pft, a greet desid eratum in every Lusiueaa^ LATEST FROM THE NORTH. Arrival of the Steamer Gen. J. Barnes, from Fortress Monroe. SECRETARY SEWARD SAID TO BE CON V A EES CENT. The Grief of tlie Xution. Developments, Showing the Assassinations to be the Result of a Deliberately Planned Conspiracy, ARREST OF SORE OF TIIE CRIMES ALS, ETC. Capture of Mobile-3000 Prisoners and 200 duns Taken—Capture of Gen. Rhoddy and Us Whole Command. [SPECIAL DESPATCH TO TIIE SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD.] JiLTos Head, S. C, Thursday Eve. e indebted to Mr. John Stark, who reaclieA Hilton Head this evening, for some additional details of the terri ble events of Friday last. They seem to in die#te what all have so much feared, the ex istence of a baud of desperate men who had determined to compass the death of the political heads of the nation, by deliberate asdissination. By whom set on, or by what ban motives instigated, we do not dare at present to even conjecture. New York, April 16. , A special despatch from Cairo says that a|ur forces occupied Mobile on the 9th inst. the Spanish fort was captured with 3000 prisoners. Three hundred guns were cap tured in Mobile—the garrison fled back up the river on gunboats, by way of Chickasaw. Brigadier General YYilson has captured all of Roddy’s command. Winchester, Va., April 15. The sad news of the assassination of Presi dent Lincoln reached Major General Hancock early this morning The intelligence spread rapidly among the troops, and a combined feeling o: despondency,and depriva tion, depicted itse f on the countenances of thej officers and trops ; the Regimental Col- of the troops vere forthwith draped in mourning ; the Lead quarters Colors were fulled and draped, the garrison flags put at half-mast, and all drills and business of the camp suspended, except that pertaining to tbe indispensable tamp duties. Fortress Monroe, April 14. By an arrival here to-day from Wilming ton, N, C., intelligence is received that Gen. Sherman took ups his line of March north ward from Goldsboro’ last IJcmday. A large which pVce they will aruit the orders "i ,eary, which arrived from City Foiht Vais afternoon, brirgs down a rumor of the Surrender of Johnsbn to General Sherman, but it needs conflrnjition. Washington, April 16. ' Secretary Sewarc is convalescent, and is ielieved to be out »f danger. Developments slow Usa«—lmtaatihns to Uve tttdt of a deliberate coaspira Koynl—at of/fce oiuuaals hat* already been abetted. I | f&tkm. a nek ’ Vice-President Johnson has been formally insUlledas the President of the Nation. "i TOE MTIOSAL CALAMITY, IUBOLUTIONB ADOPTED AT HILTON HEAD, WED NESDAY EVENING, APRII IQtH. Wiikreas, The news has been received by a iorror-stricken country, that the President ofthe United State* has become the victim ofa base and prenne.’ftated assassination, per perated at the Naional Capital, whilst sur sovnded by bis fmily and friends; And wkreas, it is befittlig that public expression should be given reative to this dreadful and mosi momentous went in our history as a people, therefore,by the soldiers and citi zens now resident ,t Hilton Head, S. C., in general meeting at,embled, be it Resolved, That A the death ol Abraham Lincoln, our reverd and distinguished chief ruler the one, w to , in such a signal man ner has been raisei U p by Providence to lead us through the mttatious of a bloody civil condiqt of unparaleied magnitude, involving all that is dear in tie way of government and humanity, we rectgni ze the fact that, as re gards profound visdom, strict integrity, purity of character pro p e r appreciation of the great isßne at Hake, and management of affairs pertaining t 0 the gener al welfare; ele ments so happily bi ended in bis organization and exemplified in , lis eonduct-the Ameri can people has sw- taiued a lo9S irreparable in Jls; ta? eoord of "; bi ' h l »'i‘ 1 p»“ Ration of a P atriof UneCllOU mth lhe caDoni * Resolved , That t S nanae ‘ press our execrat!® haV r C Q ° langua S e to ex “ prompted so nefari° Q ° f the Spirit which assassination of < OUS “ act a8 the brutal stand appalled at Jf” Chief Magi9trate -we nical ia i t3 instil demonstra,ion 9 o demo thought of having CtS “' We shudder at tke acter to stain ourf n exam P leof tlliß char nals. and whether!^ hitherto untarnished an the leaders of rebe’ in . Stigated aB a polic y b y a few wicked miiJ llion ’ or tbe resu * t ’ onl y all loyal people c ands ’ we ’ in common with ithment of tl.ore ] IU for the cond »gn P«n ?onfc derated for the pur pose, let their number be great or small, be lieving that such fiends in human shape should not be permitted to disgrace the earth. Resolved, That in justice to humanity, in justice to all those noble feelings which ac tuate the conduct of individuals, we cannot believe the Southern people as a body can approve for a moment, the crime, which, if endorsed, should subject them to a retribu tion at the hands of the conquerers, wherein their habitations would be laid waste, and their names be known of men no more. Resolved, That for the sake of generous Christian Government, the recent exhibi tions of magnanimity towards the masses of a subdued people should not be repressed, because of the ill-advised acts of a few Irre sponsible and wicked men, and that unre strained vengeance would in no way be con sistent with our national character, bnt only an unwise assumption of prerogative be longing exclusively to that Great Being wl o coutrols us all, and who holds U 9 as in the hollow of His hand. Resolved, That we extend our profound sympathy to the family of the late President, with the earnest prayer that God in his infinite mercy may be with the widow, and the fatherless, and vouchsafe to them the bless ing of bowing submissively, in common with the nation at large, to this inscrutable event, which clothed the land with mourning, throughout all its borders. Resolved, That, as a testimonial of our abiding grief, we wear a badge of crape upon our left arm for thirty days. George W. Johnston, Secretary. Mails for the North. —The mail for the North will close this morning at 9 o’clock, as the Fulton will probably sail to-morrow from Hilton Head. HOTEL ARRIVALS. PORT ROYAL HOTEL, [HILTON HEAD,] APRIL 18 F A Fastin, Morehead City, N C. W B Chamberlin, Charleston. Capt T F Ellsworth, Beaufort. W Elmondorf, “ T S Campbell, “ Ltß A Man, 26th US CT, Lt E P Days, Charleston. Lt W McFall, 261 h Ohio Vols. VJ Hawes. NY. J Street, Hilton Head. C Burt. “ “ JMrs Carr and family, St Augustine. Mrs. Farr and child, Savannah. Mrs Stearns and child, N Y. N L Batson, N Y. S Moore, Philadelphia. F T Solonson, $1 Y. A Man-in, “ B Jasbing, “ F D Bagart, Phila. W B Tolies, Burton, Ohio. G S Lord, N Y. J T Osier, New Jersey. H Hiberd, Ind. R F Gibson, Conn. N J Hopkins, Capt and A Q M, N Y. •IV Simmons, N Y. D Waiuemore, union, $v y W W Lincoln, Savannah. B F King, O H Marston, “ G McFarloy, •• j Baxter, “ B S Fisher, “ J L Hamel, “ Mr Blutino aid wife, Baltimore. , A C Watermire. NX. &■ ; ? 1 /« C L tluilkMM, If j . Vi Sweeting, Savannah. E H Chapin, Waltham. M C Heath, U S S Lodona. B S Doane, Boston. J L Turner, Charleston. Lt E H Jewett, *• S B Davis, “ J E Lewis, “ S L Harris, Beaufort. D G Macmartin, Lt and ADC. A M Meixell, Georgetown. C H Hopkins, ‘ “ M C Tinker, “ APB£L 19. J O Tate and wife, Charleston. Mrs W H Meeker, •* D Benedict, “ AW Jarvis, H Capt G R Hurlbut, “ • C M Brown, “ J Masson, “ J Hely, “ C Dillon, N Y. E R Peekens, St Helena, S C. D H Rice, Rochester, N Y. Lt C G Howard, Savannah. C J Strong, « -- V Wolff, “ D Oliver, I “ G Lyme, CBS. Lt R Roberts, 14th Me Vol*. A Taber, New Orleans. H S Lambno, Ga. A Pawnee and lady, Ga’. Mra Cox and 2 children, Ga Miss Sturtevant and brotner, Ga. J M Thompson, N Y. G Yooks, l < P M Oliver, Ga. J H Hoadley, Beaufort, Mr Jack and wife, Penn. D N Ruby, Georgetown. T Hosey, Hilton Head. SHIPPING intelligence. PORT OP PORT ROYAL. Arrived, April 10—steamer Gen Sheridan, Phila schr Isreal L Snow, NY; schr Albert Haley, Havana schr Joseph Crandall, Phila. April 18-echr Redwing,’ ; ® t f amabi P N Y ; brig Jessie Rhyneft Hiiladelphia; ship Lizzie Moses, do; Br schr Arron, Matan*as. Cleared, April 15—steamship Buwo Nada, NY; brig A BCook, do; steamship Creole, do. April 17-lgchr Queen of the South, NY; schr Arablne, Beaufort. N C; schr S J WonJng, Pemandina ; steamer Pidgeon, do; brig S Antonia, Charleston; schr Jaa O’Donohue, Polls JpUNERAL INVITATION. 'g The friends and acquaintances of k.-- j j. Demund are invited to attend the tfaj, . fant Sou, JAMES H., from their or. p a street. This Afternoon, at (our o'clo^^H^ TO NEUTRALIZE OFFE^K V^T£^ In many forms we use disinfect breath, caused by bad teeth, or *r tarrh, is neutralized by Soaodonf. beautifler, and a great luxury as a dentriflee tSL' a pulsive breath is by its use rendered as rose, and coldness by friends or lovers will he no l™i er noticed. „ Sold by all Druggists. . eodlw a p2o Q.ODEYT3 LADIES' — ros APRIL AND MAY LARGE ASSORTMENT OF PHOTOGRAPHS JUST RECEIVED AT SCHREINER-S BOOK AND MUSIC STORE ap2o 3 RING LOST. ~ The fln-’er will confer a great favor and receive „ fMofflT* byretUraing “ 10the^annah Da y ' 11 ap2o Furnished Rooms, with or without board, in are *P^ t s. b o 1 «P r ‘ v « e f ‘“Hr. »y a gentleman, who hashes rwau.i d t? 1 “ 81i y years. Address Post Office, Key Box 41, stating terms, Ac. 3 ap2l ß (■Official. /"VFFICE OF THE MEDICAL DIRECTOR I) * PA * T * I " T of th» South, Hilton Head, 8. C., Feb 18,1866 Circular,) ’ No. 2. / I. The attention of Medical Officers, in charge of n S. A. General Hospitals in thia Department, is called to the absolute necessity of accurate records and ac counts of Hospital furniture, cooking utensils, bed ding, Ac., being kept by the Ward-masters; they taking, once a week, “an inventory of the articles in use, and and reporting to him (the Surgeon inlcharge. j any loss or dama; e to them, aud to return to the Steward such as are not required for use." (Revised Regulations of the Army, 1863, Par. 1240 ] The subjoined form, taken from Woodward's Hos pital Stewards’ Manual, will be used in General Hos pitals where the wards are in detached buildings • Remarks Returned to the Steward Destroyed by order Worn out Lost Number Names of Articles • „ . I TJie remarks Here enter to state scow the names articles have only of articles been lost, and of furniture ac | by whom de tnally In the; jstroyed, or the apartment. | jperson sus pected. The Ward-masters must take charge of the effects of patients in Hospital, and keep au accurate register (Form 7, Revised Regulations or the Army, 1363,) and -have them numbered, and labelled with the patient’s name, rank, regiment and company.” [Revised Reg ulations of the Army, Par. 1246.] 11, The senior Steward in .U. S. A. General Hospi tals Is required “to take due care of the Hospital stores and supplies; to enter in a book, daily, (Form 0] the Issues to the ward-masters, cooks and nurses, to prepare the provision returns, and receive and dis tribute the rations*'' [Revised Regulations of the Amy, 1803, Par. 1246.] These regulations must bes rictly enforced, and for any delinquency found on future inspections, and re ported to this Office, the Medical Officer in charge of the General Hospitals so reported, will be held respoa sible and reported for disobedience of orders. MEREDITH CLYMER, Medical Director, a P 2 I Department of the South. j "T , (Official.) UYFFICE OF THE MEDICAL DIRECTOR, Department of the South, . Hilton Head, S. C., March 21, 1861 Circular Lrttib. The following “Circular” is republished for the in wnieilon of Medical Officers in this Department: Surgeon General's Office, Washington, D. C., Feb. 27, 1305 The attention of all Medical Officers is called to the necessity for greater care in the preservation of hospi til property. Losses from want of proper attention and vigilance, from accident or dishonesty, that could have been guarded against, will not be allowed in the settlement of accounts, and in future the fullest evi dence will be required that such losses were unavoid able. Medical Directors of D'*prvtme»'fv, and Superinten dents of General Hosb ..',u satisfy themselves that the usual returns «quisitions are based upon actual inspection and "ant of articles on hand. JOS. K. BARNES, Surgeon General By order of the Medical Director, D. S. WM. P. BUCHANAN, Asst. Surgeon, U. S. A., ap9l Executive Officer. (Official.) OFFICE OP THE MEDICAL DIRECTOR, Devabtment or tux Soria, Hilton Head, S. C„ April 3,1815 C CIBOCLAS.) NO. 10. f The following War Department Order, No SO, Se ries 1803, is respectfully furnished for the information and guidance of Chief Medical Officers of Districts in this Department. No Regimental Medical Officers will be detached from duty with their Regiments, ex cept “temporarily in cases of necessity, or where the Surgeon and two Assistant Surgeons are present, when one of the Assistants may be detached for hos pital duty.” Where a Regimental Medical offloer is performing the duty of Post Surgeon, it should be in addition to his Regimental duties. Wab Department, Adjutant General's Office, _ Washington, March 31, 1853, General Orders,) No. so. ; It is hereby ordered that all Surgeons and Assistant SnrgeOns belonging to regiments, who are absent on any other than regimental duty, shall without delay rejoin their regiments. Medical Officers of regiments will not hereafter be detached upon other service, cx oept temporarily in cases of necessity, or where the Surgeon and two Assistant Surgeons are present, when one or the Assistants may be detached to hospital duty. By order of the Secretary of War E. D. TOWNSEND Assistant AdjutantlGeneral MEREDITH CLYMER, „ Medical Director, a Department ofthe South. r\FPICE OP THE MEDICAL DIRECTON, v 7 „ Department op the South, ~ Hilton Head, S. C„ March 14, ,HCS. General Orders.) No. 4. / Whenever practicable, Regimental Hospitals must beat once discontinued, and the patients sent to Post “General Hospitals. pi., u hiat all cases that can be treated in 1 B P !t ®l 8 - 8 hould be sent there, thereby facllita -1 u. e n>ore speedy retnm of men to duty. Light cases or disease or injury shouh. be treated in quarters, and the men assigned, when , can be done without prejudice, to light duty during treatment, m with Paragraph 1248, Revised Regulations of the Army, 1863 * MEREDITH CLYMEft, __ , Medical Director! Dept, of the South. Official: s Wm. P. Buchanan, Asst. Surgeon. U. 8. A., Executive Officer. yaSi •> DIVERS, e Custo, ts tMT4O»