Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, April 24, 1865, Image 3

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THEATRE. A CARD. MI?. A. n. DAVENPORT respectfully aonoufiees to his friends and the public that bis BENEFIT will take piece on TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 25. On which occasion ho wlil hare the honor of pre senting Shakespeare's Beautiful Tragedy of ROMEO AND JULIET Romeo ....Mr. A. H. Davenport Juliet. r. .Miss Florence Lafond Mercutio... .... ... ..........Mr. Thomas Weir Who naa kindly volunteered. Nurse Mrs. M L. Berrol Mia-e3 St, Leou, Funny Prestige, Hattie Lee, Messrs. Herndon, and earner, Ml Salisbury, who kind ly assists; Mr. Sirajtssu, Mr. Rogers, and the entire Company. SINGING AND DANOING. \7vni a hew ash ATTEiCTrva fabcb. Tickets for sale at the Pulaski House and at the B-X Office of the Theatre, or ftprn Mr. Davenport. ME FOR DISTRIBUTION l . overnment having famished the Relief Committee with Li’"o for distiioatinu, c tixei.s are required to supply ihemseivts with quantities sufficient to purify their prom re?. Ap,) v at the Exchange. spr’l—lw rpv I'Uil. AtUlkX A-MiAAVV X OF THE UNITED STATES. PROCEEDINGS OF A MEETING a -ii) at niLTON HEAD, 8. C., APRIL 21, 1835, Pursuant to a call, a large number of gentlemen Connected with the Army u,.d .Navy, met at nunun.s. S.ny H ill, Hilton Head, South Curotina, on Friday the ilot day of April, ISJ6, at 11 o'clock a. m., tor tue purpose o. instituting measures to secure tue erectiou oi a to the memory of Abraham Llucom, late P.esiiUUt of the United States, and proceeded to business under the following organ.aation, via ; Pbesident—Brevet Brig. Gen. M. S. Littlefield. Vise Pbesidusts —Col. Jaiuts Lewis, Cos . C. L. Kil hu'a, Atß -taut surge, U Wm. Commons, of the Navy; jor « . L M. nurger, jlajor A. V. iiniwtt, Captaa. Th »uias J. KobiUsdu. Ssu3 ahks—Major Thomas J. Saunders, Captain J. as; Merrill. Tha l resident having stated the object of the meet. o/u motion, a commit ee of five was appointed to prep ire resolutions ; cons'Stiug of the following uum* cugiutlemeu: Colonel O. L. Kilourn, captsiu Wil liam KOjU dds. of the Navy C,.plain L It. urns and Capta.u Jesse Merrill—a’Urt, alter a snort retirement, returned, aud oy tneir Caairmau presented tne follow, lag: vr uereas, the relations between Abraham Lincoln late President of the United ,B'ates aud the Army aud N vy thereof, were of such a character as to create f* I ig-, in noth arms ot the service, not only of pro -1 ,U respect but of the deepest admiration aud love; ail vVhsreas, nuder an abiding sense of obligation and duiy. we cannot ted satisfied without giving suostau t ai'exp essi iu to the leuauicuts by wmch we are ani m ted; ti Q:\fore be It Hesolveu. Tha tue Army and Navy of the United St -tea including a l thjse who serveu under President Line In iua Military uud Naval capacity, claim it as a privilege, in which they reverently hope to be iudulg. eil, to erect a Monument over his honored re mains at B.irlngtleid, llliuois. Srcond, Tuac contributions for this purpose from the Eastern A my be forwarded to Major General John A. Dlx. at his Headquarters in New York ; anu from the Western Army, to Bis Kxce.leucy, Richard Oglesby, Governor oi tne State of Illinois, Third, That we earnestly invite the 00-operation of our or, thren of tne Army and Navy throughout the country at large, and suggest the holding ot meetings ami the raising u. funds without delay, to secure tne object iu view, c Fourth That we resp ctfully request that these prece. uiiigs be publlshea in tne papers of tne United States geai-crly. i.em» ho we,.* then made by General Litt’efield.Col. Lewis, .tinjor 8 .uuders and Major Saulsouiy in com menaatiou of the project, after which the preamble tn.d resomtions were unanimously adopted by the meeting. It wh.- then moved that the officers of the meeting Constitute a Permanent Committee for the purpose of coi responding with similar organizations throughout the country, and wlih power to add to their number at discretion: which was also agreed to unanimously No fu tiler business appearing, the meeting rieu adjourned. M. S. LITTLEFELD, Presi ,«k Taos. J. PAUxDEEa, i J san Mi-uu.n., secretaries. (Official) OFFICE OF THS MkIdICAI DIRECTOR, DiPAST.UUNT or TUt SoCXO, ELiitou Head, S. C., Apia a, ib6x CisorL.u» \ No. 10. f • Th„ following War Department Order, No. 80, Se ries 13J3, id re.-pectfully lurntehi-d for the information and a alliance oiCmef Medical Officers of Districts in tins Department. .No Regimental. Medical Officers wil be detacned from duty with their itegiments, ex cept ‘‘temporarily in cases of nece*.-ity, or where the Smgeou an l two Assistant / argeuiis are presenn when one of the Assistants tuay he detached lor ho»- pitaMuty ” Wh.ra a Keg tn ntnl Medical officer is performing the duty of Do t smgeon. it should be in addition to Ins ItOfclmeaial duties. Wab Depabtstent, Adjutant General’* Office, Washington, March 31, 1943, Gfi.tEß.Vl. Ordebs, ) •No. $». / It is uoieny ordered that all Surgeons and Assistant Surgeons l.eiougiug to regiments, who are absent on nut other th ii r gimental duiy, shall without delay rejoia ilieir legimeuu, Medical Otlioera ot regiments wiil not hercauer be detached upon other service, ex cept tempi rarily in cases of necessity, or where the bu geon and two Assistant Surgeons are present, wbeu »a- ot the A-bis tan la may be detached to hospital duty. By wider el the Secretary of War. E D. TOWNSEND. Assistant Adjutant General. MuKKoii’U CLIJLEB, Medical Director. ap - -! • Department of the South. (Official) TTEADQUARTERS Didt'HlCT OF3 VVANNAH, J.A . SaTa-naah. Ga., April 2ist, IBb6. 0n.,£8 vl Oanfiß, 1 No. 10. ; . In iiccoulance with instructions received from Head quarter* D partinent of the south, all disloyal per s >us uns Di-tr.ct will hereafter be deprived of the privileges of the United S'ates Made, and totally carry out this order, the following regu ationfc are he.eby established, and will be strictly auhersd to! Letters, p cKages and other mail matter will Ds do livrred niy to tuose to whom they ate addressed. No white c.viiian will be permitted to take a letter fr Ui tne r .st office, unless they present a certificate stating that he or she has subscribed to the amnesty oatu of allegiance, as published in the President’s Proclamation ofDec. 8, lottos if an a'ieu. a certificate troni the proper Consul, will be required to the effect that he or su>< has not viulated his or her neutrality during me rebellion. Persons entitled to the privileges of the malls are strictly prohibited from recei ing under cover ot their address any mail mailer intended for p»rsons disloyal to the government. should such be received inadver teauy it wilt be at once turned over to the‘Provost Marshal ui tue District to be deposed ot in accordance witn such instructions us may oe issued from time to fcUiie .rum uiedc Headquarter*. ' . By command of . , . y n _ . . Brevet Major Qooaral GROVER. Guvsa Matsswev A, A. G. m> . v* ap2B QFFIOfi OF the iumcii WRR&KSR, v DfiPABXJUBrt of Iff.vSOCTB. CIBOVUAR,| *** C ’ «<*• *“• ***• °®^ 9 ,u «*«»• Os v. a A. tSSrI iu,aiJ * department will observe par- G * Hi valid 'mji re *i<ecuiig the preparation ot miSLfd « mrß wao u ‘° ‘Ot* to handle a U ‘hoi i marenes wril o« recommended u * e A *t Atoimnou, Veteran itese ve corps. MiiuLul in CiAMJBR, SPS3 to. Mwdioal Dnector, fieparunmu of me SouU. THEATRE 1 ■"•mi.wun Willlt. * Jionager t. uebndom. THIS (MONDAY; EVENING, APRIL 24. 1805. Fourth time tide season of the great exciting Drama of THE TIC K E T-0 F-L EA V E MAN, Bob Brierly, a Lancashire 1ad.... Miss Florence Lafond Jim Dalton, aliaa Downey, alias tha Tiger. Mr A. H. Davenport Hawkahaw, a Detective Mr. J. W. earner Melter Moss Mr. Herndon Mr. Gibson Mr. Simpson Sam Willoughby Miss Fanny Prestige Maltby,LandlordofffieGardens Mr Rogers '^ a *^ er Mr. Sumpter Bhar Pe . Mr. Hunter Mrs. Willoughby Mrs. M. L. Be rell May Edwards Miss Maude St Leon The performance to conclude with a grand ascension upon the TIGHT ROPE. William O’Neil, 12th Regiment of Maine Vol unteere, who will ascend lroiu the Stage to the Third Tier of the Theatre and return trundling a wheelbarrow—a most perilous feat and never before attempted in this city, TO-MOEBOW EVXtriKO, a ran, 20m, BENEFIT OF MR. A. H. DAVEEPORT, When Shakespeare’s Beautiful Tragedy of ROMEO AND JULIET, with an excellent cast aud a capital farce will be played. Notice.—ln ftiture the doors will open at 7 and the curtain rise at 8 o’clock precisely. Box office open from to until 2 o'clock. Bar PRICES OF ADMISSION AS USUAL, jpj All bills mast he presented weekly, g WE ATM AN ’S.VARi UTILS. (Formerly St. Andrew's Hall.} sweats am AMS BVUAX Lease-sand Managers OPEN EVERY NIGHT! SINGING, DANCING, BURLESQUE, PANTOMIME, DRAMA, MINSTRELSY and FARCE. ohamu ot vaooarjQtE roeuTiv. For partlealara soe Bills, ts apl3 f Official OFFICE OF THE.MEUICAL DIRECTOR, Dbpabtmbkt qf the Sotrnt, Hilton Head, 8. C„ Feb 18,XSU6. CißontA*.) I No. 2. / • I. The attention of Medical Officers, In charge of U. S. A. General Hospitals in this Department, is called to the absolute necessity of accurate records aud ac counts of Hospital furniture, cooking utensils, bed ding, Ac., being kept by the Ward-masters, they taking, oLce a week, “an inventory of the articles ii. use, aud and repoi ting to him fihe Surgeon iujeharge,. any loss or daraa e to them, and to return to th, Steward such as are not required for use." fßevised Regulations of the Army, ISUiJ, Par. I 40.3 The su I joined lorm. taken from Woodward's Hos pltal Stewards' Manual, will be used in Oenural Hos pitals where the wards are in detached buildings: Kamark* Returned to the Btewarb Destroyed by order Worn out. Diet Number- Names of Articles.... | The remarks Here enter to state tow the names articles Jmve on yo ' articles been lost, and of nruitnre ac j |by wh«,m de tually in the stroyed, or the apartment. | person sus pected. The Ward-masters mast etuogc ut rue aa.t of patients in Hospital, and keep au accurate registei (Form 7, Revised Regulations of the Army, 180S,) and "have them numbered and labelled with the patient’s name, rank, regiment and company.” [Revised Reg ulations of the Army, Par. 124(5.) 11. The senior steward In U. S. A. General Hospi tals is required “to take due care of the Hi spiral stores and supplies; to enter in a book, daily, (Form 6 ) the issues to the ward-masters, cooks and nurse.-; to prepare the provision returns, and receive and dis tribute the rations'” [Revised Regulations of the Army, 1833 Par. 1246 ) These regulatioi s must bes rictly enforced, and for any delinquency found on future inspections, and re ported to this Office, the Medical Officer in charge ot the General Hospitals so reported, will be held respon sible and reported for disobedience of orders. MEREDITH CLYMEF, Medicai Director, ap°l . Department ot the South, (official.) ' L " OFFICE OF THE MEDICAn DIRECTOR, Depabtmemt or tub South, Hilton Head, S. U„ March 21, i*J5. Ciocular Letter. The following •‘Circular” is republished for the In* formation ox Medical Officers in tin* Department: Cikoclaß,! »«.i. ; SuaoEo* OEtiaAL’s OrrtoE, Washington, D. 0., Feb. 27, 1866. The attention of all Medical Officers is called to tbe necessity for greater care in the preservation of hospi tal property. Losses from want of proper attention ana vigilance, from accident or dishonesty, that could have been guarded against, will not b« allowed in the settlement of accounts and in future the fullest evi dence will be required that such losses were unavoid able. Medical Director* of Departments, and Superinten. clems of Qeue ul Hospitals, will satisfy them elves that the usual returns and requisitions are based upon actual inspection and count ot articles on hand 308. R. BaK.nES, „ . . . Surgeon General. By order of the Medical Director, D. 3. WM. F BUCHANAN, Asst. Surgeon, U. ». A., apvi Executive Officer. /"VFFICE OF THE DIEECTON, DtPaaTMuiT ov tub Sutmi, _ _ _ Hilton Head, S. C., March 14, .305. Gemebal Obdbbs. ) No. 4. ) Whenever practicable, Eeglmental Hospitals must ouce discontinued, and the patients **ut to Post or General Hospitals. It is desiraoie mat all cases that can be treated In Poet Hospitals should be sent tnwe, thereby lauiita. ting the mote speedy return of men to duty Light case* of disease or iujury .hould be treated in quarters, and the men assigned, wnen it can be done without prejudice, to light duty during treatment. In occordance with Partigiaph i248, R.vtwri Regulations of the Army, 13oi. MEREDITH CLTMER, Medical Director, Dept, of the South. Officials Wn. F. BeohAMAH, Asst Surgeon, U. a A* Executive officer. ftp 2o gANJTARY. LIME! LI M fill LIME:?! 800 casks best quality Thomas ton Lime, suitable for brick woik, plastering, wo u washing, or fbr saniraiy purposes, e ust r«uved direct from rhotuaston, Ma. tar sale b? DUNBAR St FRANZ, Xd Me.cnant*’ Row. ap& Hihon Head. rofflcaU f*\FFICE OF THE MEDICAL DIRECTOR, V-r Departmsjit or Ttffc Soptb. „ . Hilton Head, S. C., March 17, lsOi, Gekesal Or,reus.) No. 8. f !. The strictest discipline is required In the admlris tration of a Military Hospital. It U a paramount duty of a Medical Officer of the Army to maintain the disci pliue of the soldier, during his residence iu Hospital, at the highest point of efficiency compatible with the na ture and treatment of the disease or injury he is suffer ing from. The General Hospitals in this Department have hitherto lieen remarkable for their excellent dl«- ctpllne. The Medical Director regretted s o find iu h'.s recent inspections the unmilitaiy neglect of regula tions In regard to dress and general discipline; the ear less and nneoidieriy bearing of many ot the con valescents and attendants; and cither the entire ab senceofthe customary compliments between the offi cers aud men. or the slovenly manner in which they were paid and returned. Respect to superiors Is not confined to obedience on duty, but musi be extended to all occasions It Is always tho duty of the inferior to accept or offer first the proper salutation, and of the superior to retm n such complimentary notice. Here after existing regulations and orders iu regard to dis cipline. proper compliments, and dress, must be rigid ly enforced. and all infiactions of discipline, ordis obedUnc- of orders, must be promptly punished. The attention of all < officers on duty iu General Hospitals in this Department, is called to paragraphs 253, Jsm, 265, 260 aud 267 Revised Regulations of tho Army’ 1808, ans to General Anders, No. 167, Headquarters. Deportment of the Sw-h series 1904. Whenever an Officer enters a \v ard.the Wardmaster muw-rommand attention, on which the patients, who are Uile to do so, will rise and stand iu the position , f attei- (km until the Officer has passed out. WL never a patient, attendant, or guard meets an officer, within the precincts of the Hospital, he will ofler the customary salutation : it seated, aud without particular occupation, he will rise on hi- approach, or, I st nding, he will turn towards me officer lor the same purpose. The Officer will acknowledge the salute In a respectful manner. At Inspection each man’s articles of clothing, which may be In the wards, will be ueatly folded and laid ou the foot of the bed. Bouts and shoes, we.l brushed, will be p'aci'd on tin- floor" 1 1 the foot of the bed. Nothing must be hidden ut.der the bedstead. Every patient la Hospital, ho U able, will wash his face and hands at least every m ri ing, and his feet twice a week, and will take a general bath once a week. Those who are unable to leave their beds, should have their hands uud fices washed by the nurses, aud the surface of tho body sponged often enough to maintain cleanliness. 'j he attt ndafi s are especially enjoined to oa cleanly in their peisou;( neat In their drees, and eolditiiy la their bearing. " No attendant or patient in U. S. A. General Hospital In th t Department must leave the limits of the Hospi tal unless he is provided with a pass signed by the Medical Officer of the Day, w ithout baring ou his proper uniform, his coat nuttone I up, clothing and shoes well brushed, and the number oi hie regiment and the letter of his company ou his cap. Enlt-ted men and civilian nurses mu-t not be permitted to wear noapital dressing gowns or slippers outride the wards. 11. The Hospital Steward charged with the adminis trative duties of a Military Hospital, is designated ike i niei Steward. He may be selected by the burgeon in Charge from the Stewards assigned to him, solely on account of merit aud known capacity, and not by seni ority of wari act. lie is, ez-ojjlctv the ranking Steward for (he time being, aud must he obeved and respected accordingly. He is entitled by his rank to obe,ilence from all enlisted me.i in theUorp.tal both patients, attendants, ami civilian nurses, aud is immediately re sponsible to the Surgeon iu Charge for the performance of his duties, anu he holds his subordinates responsible for the proper penormunce of iheir duties. As an en listed man, ne owes respect and prompt obedience to all orders of his military snneilai a He should wear nis undress uuitorm iu the Uosp tuL On Musters and Inspections be must oe iu full uress, with side arms. Tne Cnief Stewards must pay two visits daily to every part of tne Hospital, viz: at nine o'clock a. m., ud hi evening between tatoo mid tups. At these reg ular visits, be will note the condition, discipline, cleonliUiSS, ventilation, war inn g m.d light, ug of the wards, kucheus. mess-ha la, batu-rooins, and latrines, and lie will report to the Surgeon in Charge all irregu larities. abuses, Infraction ot disc pllne, or neglect of duty tbai may c,me under his notice, necessity ot ie p.uis, or other warns. He will see that iha ration re mi ns are made out, the rations received, properly kepi, aud economically issued, and tho prescribed dally diet taoie ou.-eived, He will be responsible for tile %ient adiuinLstiation of tho clerical duties of the Hospital. In. A Meteorological Register (Form 11, Revised .Medical Regulations, iStL,; must h. kept daily iu every Oeueiul und Rost Hospital in tnis department, aud transmitted monih.y to the Surgeon General's Office by [he Surgeon iu charge. Tills Order will be placed in a coutplcnous place in the i thee of the Hospital, and in each ward, and para grapn i. will be read uy tae Executive Officer of each ~entrai Hospital to the convalescents iu line at each Sunday lnsu-cUon, MEUEDITH CLYMER, apiT9 Medio il Director, pept. of me South. I^ehoseneqii; in ri ve «.utON Titr oaits, GIVEN AWAY l For this week only, at Oxe Dollab esa Gsixos! to close consignment, at store CORNER OF BAY AND BARNARD STREETS. apl~«»7 jNTERhiTINU pUdUcAIIcNS roe THE SOLDIER OR THE CITIZEN. THE MONTHLY NOVELLETTE, contains a Novelette complete, together with from three to eight short stories, with Illustrations. Terms: $2 per year. Single copies 26 cents. THE AMERICAN UNION. a rntßSiws jocbxal. no oontixoed wombs Thrilling Stories, Racy Sketches, Stirring Adventures and Choice Home Reading. ij& u year. Four copies, *lO. THE FLAG OF OUR UNION. Devoted to Tales, Sketches, Adventones. Foams, News, Novelettes, £tc. *4 per year. THE DOLLAR MONTHLY MAGAZINE. The cheapest magarta* In the world. SI.BO a year. Seven copies, SO. Nearly one hundred pages of reading matter and illustrations. Postage only 12 cents per year. . TEN CENT NOVELLETTE*. 123 pages in each book t one-third larger than any other Dime NoveL AU of the above publications will be forwarded regu larly by mall, on receipt of price, by ELLIOTT, THOMES A TALBOT. Pnmmngpq, 63 Congress street, * Button, Mass. Sandies can be seen, or copies purchased, by ap plying at THE SAVANNAH HERALD STORE, 111 BAT SUEU SAVANNAH, GA npilpv _tf poa Sale. Lot No. 2, Bowenville, second east of Price, on Taw lor street, with improvements, oonristlng of a double tenement oae-itory houue. Apply to J. T. THOMAS, Broker, aprlO 2 No. 11 T But «trw»t. JNFORMATION WANTED, Os Frederick Koch, by his Brother, Christopher Koch. The 1 ,st that 1 knew of tiim he was keeping u groce.y store in tue city of Savannah, Ga., tn tbe year iB,o Any m ormutton or him whether he be Oeudor alive, will be thanafully received. Address CHUiSt OTHER hOCH, North Sou JuAu, Nevada county. eprl3 8 GaLfonffib JJERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICF, No. 11l Bay Stxxtt, Savannah, Georgia. rcspectftilly call the attention of the public to the facilitlea which we have for doing all kinds of Job Printing NEATLY AND PROMPTLY. We have the BEST PRESS IN THE WORLD For doing a variety of work and doing ft all «raD. We employ FIRST CLASS PSINTEES. Os long experience and tried ability. We have NEW PRINTING MATERIALS, From the best Northern ftmndriea to which we are CONSTANTLY MAKING ADDITIONS. We are prepared to execute orders for Posters, Placards, Handbills, • Programmes, Play Bills, CRcekira, Bills of Fare, Visit ng Cards, Wedding Card* Tickets, Business Cards, Letter Heads, BUI Heads, Drafts, Receipts, Checks, Passes, Labels,. Constitutions, By-Laws, Pamphlets, Ballads, Legal Blanks, Calendars, Envelopes, Or any other kind of Printing, IN ANY STYLE. We have a FINE ASSORTMENT OF INKS FOB PRINTING IN COLORS. ORDERS BY MAIL OR EXPRESS Will receive prompt and careful attention, and the wark will be forwarded FREE OF CHARGE FOB TRANSPORTATION. We endeavor to do all oar work well, and to give complete satisfaction to our customers. OUR PRICES Are as low as the present high cost of stock, mate rial, labor and living will admit of, and are below ihc u creased rates which role in other lines of business. S. W. MASON & CO„ 111 Bay street Savannah, Georgia. PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS OF FORT SUMTER, FORT MOULTRIE, BURNT DISTRICT. and PUBLIC BUILDINGS OF CHARLESTON. S. C. now naanx at BECKETTS PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY, North side of Broaghton street, between Barnard and Whitaker streets, SAVANNAH. GA. [Official.! OFFICE OF THE MEDICAL DIRECTOR. Depaktmemt of tux Sooth, Hlltou Head, S. C., March It. 1856. General Orders,) No. 2. / jfJAll recruits, white and colored, on reaching any depot regimental or otherwise, must without excep tion, be immediately revaocinated. Medical Officers In charge of U. S. A. General Hos pitals in this Department will cause to oe revaccina ted all patients on their admiss-un into hospital, un less they are entirely satisfied of their being already protected. Officers, in charge of Regiments, Prisoners of War, Quartermasters' employees, and Contrabands, must cause all the enlisted men ln -tbelr commands, and all prisoners of war, Quartermasters' employees, aud contrabands, to be immediately revaednated, un less the same has been done and taken within a period of six months, to their personal knowledge. Chief Medical Officers of Districts, and Surgeons in Charge of General Hospitals, will be held to a strict ac countability for any neglect of this order. Special Requisitions most be made for vaccine crusts on the Medical Purveyor of the Department. Th, supply U wi.l— MERZDITH CLTMEB, Medical Director, Dept, of the South. Official i Win F. BveiuvAN, Asst. Surgeon, U. 9. A., Executive Officer. apOO DOST QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, Central Railroad Bank, Savannah, Ga., March, Ist, 1856. In pursuance of orders, received at thie offioe, all citizens occupying buUdings, whose owners arc ab sent within tbe Rebel fines, or buildings, or otbtr property belonging to disloyal persons, will, unless sueh buildings have been previously assigned—rent free ■■■ settle tbs rents for th* same, due tbe Uni tod States, at this office oo or before, the loth of AprS. A failure to oomply with tbe above wtu cans* a forfeiture of aU claims to further occupation. 8. 8. STARR, aprl Oept. and A. Q. M., in charge of buildings. gWEET CIDER FOR SALE, To famllise by the quart or gallon-at -** O’MEARA St CO’?, over Adams’ Express Office, Bay street mh»4 'J'HE NEW SKIRT FOB 1866. " A wonderful invention for Ladies. Unquestionably euperlnr to all others. D»n’t fall to refid tbe advertisement in tbe SaVahkau ID Bali-, containing full particulars, every Monday morning. edexMSmo ntaril Ls EADQUARTERB U. 5. FORCES, | JLjI Savannah, Ga., April 10,1806. Ucxebal Osnscal No. 27. / Hereafter the City Market will be open on Satur days from 3 o’clock till 8 o’clock p. m., in addition to the hours already prescribed in orders. By coTnmspd of ■ ... , Brevet Major General GROVER. Envita G. Dike. A. A. A. G. ‘ The Copartnership heretofore existing between C. K, Osgooa and F. P. Halsey, under the namuof Os. good A Halsey, to this day dissolved. Mr. C, K. Os good retiring from the firm. Tne business will be continued by the undersigned to whom all claims must be presented. Alt Indebted will pleaao call and rettie Immediately. _ »p2o « F. P. HALSEY St CO. , ■ ■■ ' . i- DISINFECTAST. . Ji small quantities of thj Per Manganate ot Potash *viil be tumished, at tbs request of toy Physician, bv th* Health Offlest « fsto OUT. The large Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, STRING CLOTHING, GROCERIES, BOTTLED ALE, PORTER and CB AMFAC NE.CIDEB, SUGARS and TOBACCOS, fit groat variety, BEEF AND FORK, In haßbUn., SUTLERS' COOPS, TEAS COFFEES and SPICES. The entire Stock will be sold, WHOLESALE AMO UCAtt, AT NEW YORK PRICES. The public win find this the beet opportunity to pnr clusc yet offered In this market. ire BROJGHTON STREET, maiil ts Next door to Sherlock's. * — Savannah. Oa.. March. & 1806. After this date the Provost Court will be bold In the U. S. Coo it House, up stairs, cot nor of Bali and Bay street* EBEN PARSONS, J*., mar 9—ts Lieut, and Provost Judge. IVOTICi!. lx Omni or Stkixt CoiunestreiTs, No. 120 Sooth Broad Street, Savauuuli, Ga., ALuicU .a, 1006. In accordance with authority conferred upon me by General Order No. 10, from Headquarters l. 8. Force*, Savannah, Ga., dated Feb. 21st, 1886. this city is here by divided Into tbiee District*, for the purpose of re moving garbagu therefrom. The First District comprise* all th* portion of the city lying North of I»re*ldent and Harrison street* Carts will remove the garbage from this District on Monday and T hursday of each week. The Second District comprises all that portion of the oity lvlncr between the First District and Harris street Carts will remove the garbage fKm this Dlstriot on Tuesday and Friday of each week. Tb« Third Dieirict comprises all that portion of th* city lj lug South of Harris street Car& will remove the garbage from this Lletrlct on Wednesday and Mat arday ot each week. Hereafter all rubbish and garbage which may aooa mu late must be put Into Convenient vessels, and pre vious to 7 o'clock in the morning of oaeh day, as above designated for the respective Districts i such vessel* must be placed npou the sidewalks of the street* or alleys, and permitted to remain there until emptied by my employee*, after which I hey will be removed by their owners. All other .persons are forbidden to destroy or in any way Interfere with the vessels so placed upon tint side walks, and they must not be exposes to the pnbllo view, except as above specified. Keepers of Animals most not permit manure to be throw" into the streets or Allejs, neither must the accumulation thereof In, or near any stable or vard bo permitted to exceed «u cart had before being re moved. " All Privies, Dry Wells or Pinks within the limits of the.ltyof avunnah which may require cJea> lug out will be dlsjioeed of in the following manner, vlx ■ Apply a disinfectant for thirty-six hours. A cavity will then be excavated Iu the ground oi the lot neon whicn the vault is located, or ifae adjacent alley; of sufficient s*e and dei th to receive all It*, routouts, the tranefer or which will then be made, but it mus' be in the uight time only, and so conducted that no nui sance will exist therefrom on the oi lowing morning „ ALBERT STEARNS, Capt. and Street Commissioner. Off ioa of -jhk sjcdiom. Lurkoiok. _ Department of the South, Hilton Head, a C., Match .8, tftit. CIRCBT. Aft, I riT'*— j.No «, f . * I. Medical Offieere Hr tturDepnrtment are required to keep on file, ready at all times for inspection, Mil Ordi r« and Circulars w hich they may be furnished w lih from ihe War Depaituieut Surgeon General's Office, Departmeiit HoadquarierF, and Medical Dfreooi' Office : aud alleged ignorance of such orders will no hereaiier be received as an excuse for neglect of dut or disobed ence of orders. 11. Uon-tant complaints are made by Medical Offi -23, lu wl other StiLphaa ifaijn the Medical Purveyor, of such being aeuvervaxornem'lly the Quartermaster’* Department in a damaged condi tion, or the p ickage* having been broken open and article*, especially liquors, abstracted therefrom. It la ordered hereafter that all Medical Officers In this De partment receiving Hospital aud Medical Supplies in a damaged condition, or packages from which articles have been abstracted, shall Immediately on the receipt of such notify th* Quartermaster from whom they re ceive them of their condition, that he may maketbe proper endorsement on the hill of lading of th* steamer transporting them, and Captains of transports may be made liable for the damage or lose that may occur through their aegUgenee. MEREDITH CLYMER, Medical Director. »TrlT Derailment of thettonCh, KW CAMPbIIL, VETERINARY BURGEON • having reopened hi? office and yard, on WU iiam street, Is now prepmed to treat (on scientific pru c’.ples.j all diseases incident to Horses that are susceptible remedy. Charges moderate Cum warranted. Term* cash. fohte ts pROVOST COURT NOTICE On and after this date, the First Provost Court, Ist UeuL Ebeu Parsons, Jr., Judge, will be held at the U. S. < ourt House, corner of Bull and Bay x tree is. Tbe Second Provost Court, Capt. James M. VV attns. Judge, wlil be held In the room over Adams' Express Co.’s office, corner Bay and Drayton streets. Tbe rexpective jurisdictions are fixed by General Order No. 6., and all parties having business before said courts will govern themselves accoidingly. By order, PROVOST JUDGE*. tnarvO ts BROWN St CO., (Late Somes, Brown & Cos MILITARY AND NAVAL BANKERS AND COL L £ CTOS 2 rxas kjuob, bboaowxt dm amux»e, NEW YORK. Correspondents in Washington-J. W. Fisher A Cos, 478 Fourteenth Street. ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1882! We have complete facilities for transacting business speedily and correctly in till the Departments at Washington. Remittances prompt, and teims rea sonable.- We give especial attention to obtaining Certificates for Non-Indebtedness for Ordnance and Quartet mas ter*’ Returns lor officer*, and settling their accounts. We collect tbe following classes of claims, and make advances il desired i Bounties for the heirs of deceased, wounded BoD diets, and such h» have served two years. Pensions for Invalids, W idows, Mothers, and Or phitn Children. Arrears of pay for the heirs of deceased, dlscharm ed Officers, Soldiers »nd Sailors, and pay for the Wim or Widowed Mother of Prisoners oi W or. Prize Money for the U. 8. Navy, together ci.h all ot her just Cluims. Information freely furnished. We purchuse and sell all Government securities. Quartet master*’ Certificates and Checks, on the best ot terms. References givenjto leading Bankers and business firms in New York. fonj# if QLD NEWSPAPERS, ~~" FOR WRAPPING PAPER, Portals at the SAVANNAH HERALD OFFIO —jr* i wo. 11l cat mur.T. w»av*2 ■ L) 4DDJULL A M URDOCK, ' ‘ WgjiM IV WUOtakACA AJOi EtbTAll. t>KALW» 1W bLTLE^’IFI» NA\AL MODES-, DRT GOODS, BOOTS AND BHOKB, HA'Jb AND CAIS, G--*# Ftrw.-sntrse twu, Av.. No. 6 Merctant*’ Bow, Hilton Heed, 3, c., w. a krimxu, yanlb—Hi u. rotcxoia.