Newspaper Page Text
The Savannah Daily Herald.
Loss of tub Srr.AJiKB Enoch Deax. —On
Wednesday !a-t the Steamer Enoch Des.ll,
Capt. Hallet, left the dock foot of Whitaker
street bound lor the Islands lying south of j
Savanna!), on the coa-t, with freedinen, their
font iff sand tiieir effects; also a large amount •
of seeds and farming utensils lor their use. i
Passing through oue of the creeks empty- ,
lug into St Catharine s Sound, the steamer j
struck a >nag, an l immediately tilled and 1
sank. All on board were saved, but much ,
ot their property it it is feared would be i
At the present time the loss of the ‘Enoch
Dean’ which is attached to the Department
of Major Gen. Saxton, is very serious and
will greatly retard Lis operations of estab
lishing on the coast in comfortable homes
ti e thou-ands under his care. TheEn'ch
Dean was about fourteen years old, and lor
meriy piye 1 between Peck Slip, New
York, and Flushing, Long Inland, and wss.
the ;r pet ty of the Government.
Though life on a Blockading Squadron is
supposed 11 be full of excitement, it is by no
nuans the case on all the blockading vessels.
Certain ones who nave to etui-e about an i
enjoy the excitement of chasing and captur
ing va'.u blc prizes, have not only an
but a luvraiive life. Other vessels, which
nay chance to be stationed to watch parti
cular ports, though they may do the Slate
quite as much solid service as their friends
who chance to be more dashingly employed,
8 ill lead a much quieter life, and tljeir duty
is comparatively destitute of excitement
Among ve?se s which have been for the
past few months busily employed on Block
ade Service close to us here at home, we no
tice the two schooners Norfolk Packet, Capt
George W. Woods, and the Para, Capt.
Gcnige Ashbury. These vessels have been
on duty at or about Ossabaw Sound, on
Blockml n ' duty, which they have thus far
perform and thoroughly and admirably. Captain
Woods and Ashbury have also hud special
charge of supervising the “Sea Islands’
upon which the Freedinen are now being
e ap'oytd in laying out small farms foi them
se.ves, lor the special purpose of raisiug cot
Though many of these Frecdmcu are well
acquanted with the method of cotto. -ra sing
th y still re pure a certain amount of. exper
ieiice. A-ido from teach ng. they require to
be guarded irom sharpers and cotton swiud
h rs. There are certain fellows who make it
their busings to cheat the GoVernmeut on
one hand, and the Freedmen on the otln r.—
Tin s ■ two Captains and-their assistants have
anvsied about twenty of. these fellows, and
brought them to justice. At one time .aey
sent six of them in irons to Gen. Grover to
be dealt with.
The two s hoouers Para and Norfolk
Packet have had to watch the following
named Islands and look out for the interest.-
«*■ u cultivating them—Green
Island, R vsed w I l tnd, White Bluff Island,
Racco m I-laud, Ossabaw Islaud and Burn
side I-land.
That the duty has been well performed the
the excellent condition of the Freedmen
pro Vis.
We have mentioned these facts to show
that quiet blockading vessels are by no
mi ans without their duties, by the perform
ance of which they really aud truly do the
State some sendee. ~~V —
Flao-of-Tkuce Boat.— The following is
the list of passengers by the “Emilie ” fl.ig
of-truce Ir. m Sisters Ferry, Ga., and F. r=-
burg. S. C , arrived here yesterday afternoon :
Miss J. S. Wooding, Miss Anuie Wynne,
Miss C. M 0 Conner, Mrs. Susan Shilds, two
children and Servant; Mrs. Y. R. Delony,one
Child ; Mr. Milo Hatch, wife, child and ser
vant ; Miss G. A. Grimer, Mrs. M. T. Meyers,
three children, brother and servant ; Mrs. C.
E. Smith, two chi dren; Mrs. M. Rtnchards,
four Children ; Mrs. A. L. Heller, Miss Emma
Furguson, Mrs. L. A. Synme, Miss S Arni
tiff. Miss T. T. Hedges, Mrs. Folteu, four
children j Mrs. Totan, one child; )(iss
Totan, Mrs. Meeks.
Lime.— The Relief Committee announce
in another column a quautity of lime on
hand, and call on all citizens to supply them
selves with sufficient of it to purify their
premises. This is an importaut matter aftd
deserves the attention of all who hare the
interests of the city at heart.
Fiptt cents worth op Matrimost.—A
young farmer, not overstocked with brains
nor over rich in this world’s goods, had come
to that crisis iu life when he was sure he must
commence ad >uble-hai reled existence or
spue. Having made the necessary nre
limmary avrang t -meuts in the shape- of a
* ud il ‘-Barkis who was, lie bon owed a horsemand wagon and
took a bag of Corn and the expectant bride
lett to be ground, the twain who wished to
be made one fl-sh waited on the mSer .
an 1 exp ainmg the necessities of the c»se'
won and w ' TtS'- Jtl much «>'
vvou ct oe . Ihe m,m-ter replied ihai thf*
fee was generally measured by the gener
osity of the gentleman ; but one dollar was
considered the sum lot sum orthodox Thi*
w .8 beyond the pile of the tanner, but noth
ing di-ci >ur iged, lie said: “Now seehere old
feiow ! Ihav. n’t got biv fifty cen-s and’vou
mini m.rryus as far as that to
and w • will c 'me again for thoJbalan e
Tna in n ster could n ,t res su Ae en r. aty
nr iiri.-ti the parties sc/eflfc< tuallv that
they naver returned lor the ot'Jer fifty cents
Exteasive Conflagration la New
AH OUT $1,500,000 13 PROPER*
Between two and three o’clock last Sun
day morning (16th iust.,) a fi.e ' roke out in
the story cooperage tstablish
menrNs/Sod Water -treet. aud con.tnuui
cati-djfb aa adjoining lumber yard and to the
bonded warehouses Nos. 549, 551 aud 553/
on the opposite side oftne str. ct, consuming
nearly ali ihe contents of the several buil
dings .rnd the lumber in the yard. The value
oftne build ngs and stocks of goods destroy
ed it is thought was at least a million and a
halt-of dollars. It is understood there Were
insurances on the greater part of this amount.
The cooperage establishment was the pro
perty of A. T. Driggs > the building was
owned by Thomas Owens, and the lumber
yard by J. Djryee.
Mr. Driggs estimates his loss at about $16,-
000 ; insured for $2,C00 on machinery in the
Mechanics’ and Traders'lnsurance Company,
and $4,000 on stock in the Trader's Insur
ance Company. Tnc. hixiidiug was owned by
Thomas Owens, vnimd at -$12,000 ; in-ured
for $6,000 in. the Mechanics’ and Traders’
Insurance Company.
Mr. ffiuryee e.-tiuiates bis loss on number
nt about $15,000; insured for $35,000, as fol
lows: Tradesmen's, $5,000; J.rsey City,
$5,000 ; Broadway, $2,500; New Wond.
$2,5(:0 ; Rutgers, $5,000; Atlantic, $2,500;
Li nox, $2,500; Hop*; $2,500 ; North Ameri
ca, $2,500; Lorillard, $5,000.
The Surrender of Lee’s Army.—The New
York Herald's correspondence of the 17th
contains some interesting details of the cere
monies attending the surrender of General
Lee's Army.
she work of paroling the rebels commenced
on the llth inst:, and it was thought that
three or four days altogether would be re
quired to complete it. Toe number of men
under General Lees immediate coma - and
covered by the surrender was estimat. and at
o lyalvut sixteeu thnusan'i, including offi
cers, privates and teamsters. The surr-nd. t
eo .y is supposed to comprise oue Hun
dred and seventy pieces, Seven liundtvd
wa.ous also tonn.d part of the Union prize.
$ ueany exhausted Were the provisions ol
t e rebels ti at. while the surrender iu
progress a large number of them tad to be
supplied wim mud by General Gram’s com
mio-arieS. .
ihe majority seemed more to welcome
than regret the surrender. . Rebel officers
transacted a brisk business iu disposing ot
tneir norses to the national army, and showed
their appreciation of the ti names or Jeff.
Davi-’ c mfederacy by a universal refusal to
t iKe rebel money in payment. : The S. c ad
and Sixth corps of die’Army (if the Po omnc
ictt Appoiimtox Court .House on the 11 to
in-t., moving back t. whrusiiurkesvi.leJunc
. ion, leaving the Fifth corps beiiin i to take
chaige of ah'sirs lilt tye surrender was termi
oatwd. ioe Ultimate destination of tuis por
tion of Gem ral Grams forces has uot‘yet
ueen made public-
General Lee, in his farewell order to the
rebel Army ot Noithern Virginia, a,ter his
suirender, tells them that lie hasyieided from
no distrust of thiui, but because he was
-atislied the circumstance* were such that he
could accomplish nothing further which
would compensate lor the io3s of life which
would have attended a prolongation of the
contest. . .. ,
Ine following is General Lee's farewdl to
his army:
HtADQ’iiS Auiir Norxhlbn VmaisiA,)
AprU 10, 1805. ’>
Gesural Orders,)
ino. 9. /
After ff.ur years of arduous services, mark
ed by unsurpass and courage aLd lortitudo, the
Army of Niirthera Virgiuia has been cout
-1 elitd t■( yield uud
resources. • '
I need not tell ttfe brave survivors of so
many bard lougnt battl. s, wlto have rein iueu
,'teudl'asi to the last, that I iiaVe consented tu
tb.s result liotn no distrust in them ; but fed
ingthat valor and devotion could aicou piisit
poiniiig that would compensate lor the l«;s s
bat w. uld h’tve.aUcndeu the continuance of
tue coutest, 1 determined to avoid the useless
sacr flee of tho*9 wbo»e past services have
endeared them to tljeir counfrymeu.
Ly tlie t. tmsot the agreement, officers and
men can return to thetr homes and remain
until exchanged. You will take with you the
sat sfaetton that proceeds from the cons, ious
n; ss ot duty faithfully pet formed, aud I ear
ne&t y pray that u merciful God wili extend
to y-.u uis des-Utg and protection.
With an um easing atlmiration of your
constancy aud devotion to vour country, au<t
a grate.ui remembrance of your kind aud
gt utrous consideration tor uiyscit, I bid you
au affectionate larewcll.
R. E. Lee, General.
Mut- Partxsotjn is a Perfume Store
“Uau I wait U|ion you, marifttn ?" s*dd Mr
Cubing, po.i.e y, as Mis ; P .rt ngton ttaefi
iookiug at the stored sweeia at 1 12 Wathing
ton street. °
“ Were I younger,’? said she, smiling as
sweetly as Cynthera upon a pomade botile.
“I might feel flattered by such, an offer. I
do like po.iteness, thougU it is rarely one
inerts >vitli it. The other ffiglit I went up
to the opera, and stood an hpur oyts’de, and
nobody had the good manners to offer me a
seat.” • •
- Due sympathy WaS when she
went on like a wheelbarrow:
“ I declare it must seem to you as if you
were breathing the airs of Paradox or Cey
lon's Isle, or some such fragrant thing, a'l the
time. Have you any of the odor of sahci ity,
that you could giv« me a tp put on my
hacdk, rcliiei.*’ -
She was assured that they had noue on tap,
but expected some with a flesh supply of the
essence with which the ghost of Hamlet
scents the morning air, and'would remember
her. She thanked them kindly, continuing
her inspection, while Ike amused himself by
shaking up some of the bottles and seeng the
bubbles rise to the surface.
r.. ..., - ; ■ •; *
A sensitive wife has sent the following
touching l.qea to an exchange, to publish:
**My ba>band[*BleijWlic dreamed a pleasing dream,
ii° r /. u,my , s across his Hoe did beam ;
i JUi aream; di mg, foro the murmured 't\f
Tl f£ . hi , m t:l my he.irt-nclo-e, closer yet,
Ala* w l " o my e ? r Ul? P r, CiuU» word—
; Aia» it was Pu ro leutn 1 neard."
1 uUhsJiavy has boldly set
d ° WU lUc expenses of his
Tim BniDc.K at Hatbu Be Grace .—From
present exp.ctath ns ice bridge ia course ol
construction across the Sus juehannaii i t
Havft de Grace, Marykqd, will be tiuishecl
during this year, and it w iii be known as the
great bridge ot ti is continent, while it w 11
stand as the uioourn. nt of the g n'us and
< nurprise cf Lie nineteenth century. The
Vict< r.a Bridge airs- tne St. Lqvm-nce, at
Montreal, lias liiih no I> on terns cl red the
most stuptndou- structure in America, but
its piers arc budt in a di ptli of water not, ex-
Cft tting tweive te.t, while L ose of
qurhannah Br.dg*- rise through Ayeuity live
ictt of wair. Tli : c h orated bridge of
Menni Straits lias its pier- erected on sir. :ll
isuinds, s > that wondeiful as it is, it wili in
no niann r comp .re with the .-pkmiid bridge
iu Maryland vviitn completed.
A night or two ago, the residence of Mrs.
Fitzhugh, iu Fairfax County Va., iva- en
tered tiy several persons an i robbed of silver
plate, a gold .watcn, and ot er articles of
value. Ail the efforts of Mrs. F aid the
other woim nin toe iiou-e were ineffectual
to prevail upon the persons to desis . Mr-.
Fitzhugh is an- aunt r^G< j n Lnh --t E. Lee.
HOTEL AaMVaLa. , -
Mrs. Deiany and child, Athens, Ga. «•
Mrs, Child, child and servant. Athens,|(Ga.
Miss O'Connor, Ealouiou, Ga
Mrs & Miss Hatch, child and servant, Augusta, Ga
Mr*. J. F. Hedges, Augusta, Ga.
Mrs. M. T. Myers, 3 chiiuren and servant, do.
Master Myeis, Augusta, Ga.
Chas. P. Fischer, U. 8. X.
J. X. Smith, “ “
F. £T. Stephens, “ “
W. D. Giles, •* - l
H. H. Strickland, “ *
3- M. Gailardot, Washington.
R A. Starrs, “
Seymour W. Ely, Bridgepovt, Ct.
Role tW. Davis, 11. 33d U. S. f“. T.
G. Vv. Husmer, itufiato, X. Y.u
J. Buiklets, Boston. *
J. B. Patten, •*
X. W. Monk Xew York.
Edgar, New Turk.
Chas. L. Giiliali, “
R. J. Pennell, Broi k'yu.
[ Compiled expressly for the Savannah Dai hi
Cathedral oibt.Jolin the Baptist—northeast
corner of Perry and Drayton streets.—Mass
6 1-2 a. m., 8 1-2 a. m. Digh Mass 10 1-2 a.
m., Vespers 4p. m. Sunday Sciiool 2 1-2 p.
in., Stations of the Cross; concluding wiiu
the Benediction of the Most liiesscd Sacra
ment, Friday evening, 7 o clock.. Clergy—
Right Rev. Augustus vTiot, D. D. Bishop oi
Savannah; T. F. O'Neil, Sr. Vicar Generali
liev. Peter Whelan, Rev. Peter Dulau. iiev.
Henry P. Clavreui.
St. Patrick s Cnurch—southeast corner o’
West-Broad and Liberty streets, —Rov. Cuas.
Prendergast,— Mass 8 i-1 a. ui., High Mass
10 1-2 a. m.
Christ's Church—east side of Johnson
Square corn v - Bud and Congrc.-s stru ts;
Rev. Charles Coley Assistant Rector. Service
10 1-2 a. ill.; Sunday School 4 p. m., Prayers
Wednesday and Friday 11 a. m.
St. John’s Cnurch—west side of Madison
Square, coiner Bull ancl Chari urn streets;
Rev. C F. Mcßae, Rector. Service 10 !-2
a. m., 3 1-2 p. m.; Sunday School 9a. m.-i
Wm. S. Bogart, Superintendent. Prayers
daily at 5 p. in.
Trinity Church—west side St. James
Square, corner Burnard and York itn ets;
liev. A. M. Winn, Pastor. Service 10 a. m.;
Sunday School -3 1-2 p. m.; Mr. Magill.—
Service Tuesday at 4p. m. “ *
Savannah Lutheran Church East side
Wright Square, corner Bull mid State streets;
Rev. .D. M. Gilbert, Pastor. -Services- 10 1-2
a. m., 3 1-2 p. m., Sunday School 9a. m.;
John T. Thomas, Superintendent. - Service
Thursdays 3 1-2 p. m.
Independent Presbyterian Church—South-;
west corner Bull and South Broad streets.
Rev. I. S. K. Axson, D. D., Pastor. Ser
vices 10 1-2 a. m., 3 i-2 p. m.,.Sunday School
9 a. m.; John W. Anderson, Superintendent.
Service Thursday aiternoons.
baptist churches.
Savannah Baptist Church—West side of
Chippewa Square, c.Tner 'Bu i and Hull
S'reels ; Rev. Sylvanns Buncltum,
Service 10 i-2 a. m., and 4 1-2 p.m, Sunday
School 3 1-2 p. m.; Geo. W. Davis, Su
perintendent. Service Thutsdays ut 4 1-2
it- m.
Mickva I-rat 1, nortli ea>t corner of 'Whita
ker and Liberty areits. Rev. A. Epstein,
Header. Service Friday 3 o’clock p. m. Sa
turday 9 1 2 o’cuirk ar. m.
Buai Beriih Jacob, Army Hall building,
west side W right Square, corner Bull and
State streets. Services Friday, 5 o’clock p
m. Saturday 3 o’clock a. mi
First African Baptist Church—West side
Franklin Square, corner Montgomery and
Bryan streets; ltcv. Wm.'Campbell, Pastor.
Service 10 1-2 a. in., 3 1-2 and 7p. m. bun
day School 2p. ni.; Janies Sims, Superin
teudent, Charies L. Dc La ilotta, Assis
tant. Church service Thursdays 7 p. m.,
prayers, Mondays 7 p. m.
Second African Baptist Church—West side
Green Square, c< ruer S;ate and Houston
streets; Kev. John Cox, Pastor. Service
10 *r2 a. m., 3 1-2 and 7 p. m, Sunday
School 2 1-2 p. m.; Herman Eves, Su
nerintendent, W in. Gorgun, Assistant. Pray
• s, Tuesdays and Tnursdays 7 p. m.
Third African Baptist Church Brain,
near Pah an street, ifev. E. Houston, pas
tor. Service 10 a. in., 3 and 7p. m. Prayers
Mondays and Thursdays 7 p. m.
Fourth African Baptist Church—Liberty,
near Montgomery street. Rev. Isaac Brown
Pastor, Rev. Henry Taylor, Assistant Pastor.
Service 10 1-2 a. in., 3 1-2 and 7 p. m. Pray
ers, Tuesdays ana t'hursdays, 7p. m.
St. Stephen's Episcopal. Church West
side Calhoun Square. Rev. James Porter
Lay Reader. Service 10 10 *. m., -?-p, uv
Union Meihodist Episcopal—New street,
near Fahan street, norm Central Rail Depot.
Rev. Wm. Bentley, pastor. Service 10 a. m.,
3 1-2 p. m., 7p. m. Sunday School 12 1-2 p.
m. Henty Bates, Superintendent.
-cnur.ctiM's erases. *
German Lutheran Church confer of Dray
ton and Gordon streets.
Wesley Cuap —.North-east! comer of Lin
coln and South Broad streets.
Pend.-Ids Mariners Church—Bay street,
south aide Lctwceu Abacoru and' Lincola
Comra nd»ntof ibePdft and District—Brevet Msjor
Ge.ifcGil C Grover; efficc corner South Broad and Bull
streets: residence corner Bull and Gaston streets.
Tvl’vard G Dik«, Liont and AAA G; efilce corner
Soi th B:'oaa_ and Bull st. e its ; residence same place.
Theo o Otis, Lieut and ADC; residence comer
Bu i;.adG stou streets.
B H Wefcster. Lieut and ADC; residence corner
Bull and Gar: on streets. V-
J*hu F Baker, Capt and AA I Gen; office corner
Souih Broad and Bull streets: residence count’ Ball
and Gaston streets. • ' , 5
Sidney SStarr,Capt and AQM Post 'Quartermas
ter ; office Raiaoad Bank; residence Perry street, near
Ebon Parsons, Jr. Ist Lieut, Judge-Advocate and
Provost Jnrtite of District and Post': office in United
Stan s Court House, corner Bull and Bay streets; resi
dt-nee No. So South Bio and street. - •
J it Walton, Capt and Provost'Judge 2d Provost
Court; office Bay street, over Adams’ Express.
W Y Prnvwst/Medical Director: office comer South
Broad aud Bull streets; residence Corner Bull aud
Gaston streets.
U’mS Stevens, Lieut and Ordnance Officer; resi
dence corner South Br. -ad and-BuTf strec't-
J ieat Chas Roberts Jr. -ignal Otiiedf, USA; resi
dence 'l ay or street, one door from Drayton
Proves; Marshal of the District-aiW- Post—Lieut Col
R P York ; offi e in Merchants’ and Planters’ Bank. .
Depot Commissary—Capt Henry E Lord; office Bay
street, opposite the Custom House-
Post Commissary—C apt Oglesb-e; office Bay street,
opposite the Custom House.
Capt Si'loev Starr. Post Quartermaster; office Rail
road Bank, Bay street. .
Fuel, Forage mid L ind Transportation— Deut JH
Chariot, /i AQM; oiUce 8,1 Bay- street.
Clothing, Camp and'Garrison Equipage—Lieut X
Murray, A A Q M ; office Itt! Bay.:,treet
iu charge of Government Wo, and Post Hos
pital—Lieut Fred Hope, Jr; office S; i>:iy street.'
In charge of Geueial Hospital—Capt J S Meek, A A
Q M ; office 04 Bay street.
In charge of Offi-rals—Lieut J W Sterling, I> QM;
office !»G Bay screet. north side.
Ia ch ,rge of Marine Repair Shops, Coni Depot and
Assistant Master of Marine Traneporiaticn—i ieut D
it KnowKon, A* AQ M; office No. 10J Bay street; rc
s-idifffiie arrHt'i.. un-ee.-doors from Barnard, house
lately occupied by George Lt ope.'
In charge o; VV. ter Woibs—Alsjor C F Allen,
Lieut T J Spencer, Depot Orduance.Officer. Military
Division Alissitstppi. . '
Lieut B E Miller, Assistant Depot Ordnance Officer
ana a A Q Ai.
urduuu .0 Office—Planters’ Bank, corner Bryan and
A her Cell! streets.
Health Officer of the Post—Surgeon A P Dairymple,
CSV; office corner Dull: nd Whitaker streets; resi
dence 1i.9 ooutu Broad street; sge-nd door west cf
Su.goon J K BigefoW. Assistant Medical Purveyor,
Disirct of Savannah; st’on room NO IT3 Broughton
-Leut; residence 14J Suite street.
Street Commissioner—Capt. Albert Stearns, office
Xo. l' U. norm side of SaUia Broad Street, one door
west of Barnard St’eet; residence northeast corner of
Brotightou and Dr. yton Streets.
Deputy Street CVmmissioner—First Deutenant E. D.
Bryauh- oliffia iffivta -side of Bouth Broad
Street, one door west of Barnard Screet.
Clerk—C. W. Weber, residence Drayton Street, cor
ner New Houston Street.
. "-Saiar»yo«> -Jtior it. Hogj;' residence northwest corner
of Montgomery and-Scono Streets.
Wagon Master—M. B. Puukcr, fesßTence east side of
.Walnut Street, second :daor from Zubly Street.
S.iperimendeiK of 6tftMe3—•Frederick Mffincke, resi
dence soutneast comer of West Broad ’ahd Taylor
Foreman Carpenter • Shop—Preston Warner, Zubly
Srrcjt, near.Avou Street,
Blacksmith James Clemence, residence Indian
Street, near Luclilison’s foundry. ' '
Keeper of Forsyth Place—James Walsh, residence
norm ;„de of Gordon Street Lane, second door east of
Draytuu Street.
Keeper ol' City Sqnares—Patrick Scanlan.
Guruuge Inspector—C. J. Carter,north west comer
JcJugi&du and jiioiugomery Street?.
First District—South of South Broad Street and east
of Drayton. Stress, Salvaterre du&psctor, resi
■aßOWTCfthSfa'St' corner of Price and Perry Streets.
Second District—West of Drayton Street, south of
South Brojd Street, J. Vv’. dark, inspector.
Third Dietrich—North of SoUtn Broad Street, west
of Drayton Street, Daniel Fitzgerald inspector, resi
dence southeast comer cf Lincoln Street and York
Street ,
Fourth District—East of Drayton vnd north of South
Broad Street, Geo. W. Mullery inspector, residence No.
7 Cassel Raw, St. Julian street.
Squad Masters—Geo. Blown, Stewart Street, near
We*t Bread Street. Edward Cotter, west side of Wil-
SsISSSt. Ufjffi door aou tn of Berrien Street. O.A.Dodge
southwest corner cf Jc-fl'erson and McDonough Streets.
Phillip M. Box, southeast corner of York and Houston
Streets.. Patrick White, east side of Linc’oln Street,
second door south of Broughton. • ;
ttesemaa and 1 r.EEDjizN.
General Superintendent Recruiting Service Dep’t of
the South, ana in charge of the altairs ox hTeedmen—
it. Saxton, Brevet Major-General U. S. V 013., office
Farlnero' and Mechanics’ Bank, Bryan street, one door
•'f D. C„ Cominissary of
Subsistence, office Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank,
Bryan strict, one door west of Drayton street.
Lt. A. P. Ketchum, A. D. C., office Farmers’ and
Mechanics’ Bank.
fne residence of Gen. Saxton and Staff' is north
west corner of Barnard and Harris Streets.
Relie’'Commissioner— Lieut Col Alfred Xcaffe; of
fice Exchange building.
In charge of Civil Fund—Capt E Giesy; residence
Jidies stiver, near Drayton.
Supervisor o; Trade—Lieut Col Ncaffe, Exchange
buiiuing. - . *
Harbor Master—Capt Silas Spicer, third door east
from Dray ton htreet, north cid-- of Buy.
Albert G. Browne, Supervising Special Agent Fifth
Agency, cilice Bank of Commerce, uormwest corner
01 Bryan anil Drayton streets.
AsifataurSpecnU Agent—H, S. Kimball, office‘hank
of Commerce, . .
•• • (Official )
SavamPau, G.v, April r-cth, lSix>.
Ot-.ERAL Ol.Dl-r.B-1 " '
-.0. 0. I . "
I. C.apt. Oliver Matthews, Asst. Adjt. General U. S.
Vols.‘ having 1 epor ec at these Headquarters tor duly,
is hucbyassigned to duty as Asst.- Adjt. General of
the District.-
II Capt. Edward G. Dike, A. A. G., U. S. Vols., is
hereby .assigned to duty as Asst. Adjt. General of the
np-:0 Brevet Major General. Commanding.
'- * • IN
Will be purchased at Fair Rates by the undersigned,
Parties desiring to s-ell, will state quantity ftg dis
posal and price per bushel desired, andwiiete located.
Addicsfl, -
m,-tr 7—ts . Bos 14, Hilton Head, S C.
hi. BELLoWs & CO.,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
no. 8 Jl^Wlu^;Ta , now,
n I LTON. HJJ A D,- S. C.
mam ts
ihe oClce of the New York Herald. Correspondent
U at
- Vi’ STaIB*.
uusa ts
1865! SEW SKIET.
J. W. Bradley’s No*w Patent DUPiw t-, .
TIC (or don ole} SPRING SKikT. bhijp.
Wfstb, Bradley & Oaby, (Ifito J I & t n ir
solc Proprietors and Muanfhctarcr?. <rf
t3 and 8i Reade streets, New York. ana
This invention consists of duplex for „■
steei spring?, ingeniously braided, ti»ht v a C
togetlier, eJge to edge, making the y
flexible, elastic and durable sprin B ever fL** 1, r.!S st
seldom bend or break and cojißeonAiriv ~' ea ‘ ‘
perfect aua beautiful shape
Ski rt. a lw, « “» “hy ethyl
The wonderful flexibility and great cmw ,
pleasure to auy lady w.-nring the Duok» ru™ v 1
will be experioucea particohuly i„ a l
nine, opera, carriage, rat,rc*dcars, churth m-u m ’
chairs, tor pramo-uado- amt House dre/'a.t.l 0 ’
Will fold itself, When ,n use, to occupy a »mai m klrc
easny and conveniently as a silk or in 7.V a *
A iady having enjoy-ed the pieasme t
great convenience 04 wearing the bent. v 81,4
Spring fclyrj; for a single day 4,1 never ufuman
lingly dispense with the use of them IW m."‘r
o,S. “ a '“"s'O’to* a-r
They arc the best quality in every mm
questionably the lightest, mou desi,
and economical f-kift ever made. For aalelu','l t
Cass stores in this city and throughout a
States, 1, avhna de Cuba, Mexico, bomh AmVic u
the *\ est indies. ana
Inquire mr the Duplex Elliptic skirt
maril ’ , r ,
LOfficia!,. ~
Hilton Head, S. C.. March t, ,J'-
'GsNEEAL OuDEP.S,> -h o, f».u.
No. 31. /
I- Ciyhians travelling upon Government Transneft#
within this Department, will hereafter be
following rates of fore, to be collected by the Du , , *
master m charge ot Marina Transpo. ration at tne ,‘ ; t'
upon passes issued oy the Pi\Jvosim!j»
Between Hilton Head and Charleston
Between Hi,ton Head aud Savannah '*? ”
Between iliiton IHad and Beaufort Si?
Between Hilton Head aud Fetnuudina , !'*
Between Hilton Head and St. Augustine" 1 “
Between Hilton Head and Jacksonville ‘" ‘I
Between Hilton Head and Fort Pulaski “ --
Between Hilton Head and St. Helena !-
Between points, not specified above, the ’ate of v,i
for every twenty miles, will be charged. ' °
11. Free trmjspqrtation will be allowed, to eovern
ment employees, while travelling on government h's
ness; to members of the Sanitary athd Christian Cua"
missions, agents distiibut ng gratuitous supuiik t o tbe
destitute, and regularly appointed legbtiewapautkT-.
while travehmg iu the discharge of their duties assS
aud to destitute retugees, ut the discretion of b./ai
DL No Free transportation will be allowed evrrrt
upon pusses marked -Free’’ by the Provost Marshal
By command of
wrnr n Major’General Q. A. GILLMOhE.
\\. L. M. Buhofe, A. A. Gen. lipi .j
Hilton Head, S. C.. February .3 isyi>.
The following Circular from the SuraeniisGeiierTl’s
Office, ia furnished lor the imormuti 11 aud , u'lianee
of Surgeons ia charge of U. S. A. General 11. ?p t .\ Jc
Suusr.llN UXNESaI’S I IF Ol
Washii gt'.u, D. c..Ju,.e i T . j&j
CmorLAa Letter.
Whenevei a General Hospital is dDcoutintttfi, the
Medical Officer iu charge will be iu-tracted by iue
Medical Director of the Department to forward t‘ me
Surgeon Oeiieral'a OUiee lull reports ot Wounded
Surgical Operations. Secondary Hemorrhage, T. tat as
ana Pycjmia, for the period ol time elapsiug beta ten
the last quarterly report and the dato o. a.s-ot.tuju
ancs of the Hospital.
In the Reports 01 Wonnded, and of Surgical Opera
tions. especial care rhoulit be observed to furnish 1113
results t those cases ‘’remaining under treatment"
at the date of the last quarterly report. A list of
such cases can be obtained on application at tue Sur
geon General’s Office.
By order ot the Acting Surgeon General.
H. A. (.bank, Surge; n U S. A.
»pr!2 Medical Director D, p't o, the South.
[Official, j ~“
Department op to; Socvu,
„ Hilton Head, S. C., January 12, lSoo.
CntCCL.VB Xo. 4.
1. The attention 01 all Medical Officers in ch rge of
Regiments or Detachments, prisoners ot war, and
Quartermasters’ employees, is called to the necessity
ot immediate re-vutciuati.n of all recruits, *‘c< ntia
bands, aud prisoners of war, and Quortei masters’
employees, as soon as they arrive at me Regimental
or other depots. There is uh\ ay.- a supply o, vaccine
crusts at the Purveying Depot of this Department ai.d
all Medical Officers must always be amply provided
with them.
11. Medical Officers of this Department arc again
reminded of Hie obligation of economy in the u.-c of
- tationcry. Hal! sheets of letter paper musi iuv.ria-
Vly he used when the nature 01 the con.muuicaUoU
admits of It.
apt IS Medical Director Dtj.’t 01 the South.
_ • (Official.;
v/ DErA.niiE.vY or iuc r-ottTn,
Illlton Head, S. C., March 2y, ISCS.
daixrt.Ait No. 9.
The Surgeon General of the Army requires a strict
compliance from all Medical Officers i.i this Depart
ment with the following instructions. (Circular No.
•2, S. G. v., IsCoj:
•‘in all cases, either in hospital cr in the''eld, in
which death is supposed to result from toe employ*
menr of anaisilieue agents, a detailed repoi t of the at
tendant cimmist nee# will bo transmitted bv tiio
Medical Officer in immediate charge of the'paitut,
through the ordiuaiy channels to tue tuigeon Gener
al. Medical Officers in charj.e 01 Hospitals and tur
goons-in-chiei ot Divisions, wid endorse cu Hie re
ports of their subordinates their opinions of the facts.
Together with the report.'asample o; the aiiwsihetic
agent employed will be ituwuideU or analysis."
aprl’2 Medical Director t,ep‘t o. lue couth.
Hilton Head, S. C.
Os all Descriptions
Large and small, for Restaurant* and Families.
. Ainkinds of HOLLOW VV At,E and Cocking Cttn
•suo. Planter*^HOE?, wholesale and retail, by *'
ap!7—»m«fethQ iieaut< n, S. C,
• Rooms I4f Buy sti eet.
A large lot ot Reading .1 ui ter, \ riting Paper. En
veffipes, Ac,, just received* ready lor Ukuibuliou.
* agilities lor writing Betteis ler .M, wishing to aiail
fhemselves 01 thtiu.
11 Merchants l ' Row,
„ „ „ Hilton Head, S. C.
Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail 1 m chaser#
to their superior stock of
Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewory. ;■> and Plated
Ware,Swords, Sashes, Beits, En.broderies. Bouts, caps
Field Glasses, Gauutiets Gloves.. Ac.. Ac- Ac.
Bakery a confectionery establish
ment AT BEA l FORT.
We respectfully cull the auciition of the public to
our Bakery A Confectionery Establishment in Sam.
A.' Cooley’# Building at Beaufort, at which we are
prepared promptly to fill any oiders which may be for
warded lo us. Special attention is paid to the mau
ulactuic of Ornamental Pieces, Fancy Conleciiotiery,
and Eiegaut Pastry, lor holiday cr asiiial tables.
4V flP°b LIVING, ••
At reasonable prices, can be had at th«
In the rearot’the New post office, lint»u lijead, s. >'•
I nave the very best facilities lot lurnwuhg oYS
Ao , from the North and other places in this vicin
ity. Cooked to Ai de* from «l A. M. to s I*. M.
PETER FITZt.ERALD, Proprietor.
P. S.—One trial is respectfully solicited,
Rooms to let at uilton head. s. c., iu
Tue Palmetto lie; aiu Building, corner Mer
chants' Row and Palmetto Avenue, suitable for
uee# pirvposva or lodgings. Apply tpJ.T. KIVtWS
on the pramUei, or ii. T. RIVERS, a), ike Gusto,
Indue. u iui*B