Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, April 26, 1865, Image 3

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VARIETIES. {Former!/ St. Andrew's HalL) ■wisoum axo tnu Lessees and Manager* OPES EVERT NIGHT! mrawo. SAXCoro. BUBLE9QUft - PANTOMIME, v OSAMA* - MOOTSRLST •Aim FAROE, esuxas or SBoa&uoa matu. for particulars roe Bills. U apto (Official.) OFFICE OP THE MEDICAL DIRECTOR. DirAaxMrwT or tub Scums, Hiltoa Head, 8. O, April 14, i9(15. Cbtortas Lotil The following extracts from Circulars, Surgeon General's Office, are published for the in ormatlon of all Medical Officers concerned > Cir. No. li, 8. GK. 0., 1832.—1. In cases where the services hare been rendered in the held, the certlfl cate appended to the acoount should state that fact; otaeruuse the increased allowance for held eerrioe can not be paid. - - ■ 6. All accounts for serrloe should be in dnplicate, and should be certified by the commanding officer of tbs force with which the physician is serving, or the Burgeon in charge of the hospital, and approved by toe Medical Director of the Division, Army Corps, Army, or Dep utment. Cue. No. Si, S. G. 0., 1833—5th. The mere appro val of an account will not secure its passage through the Treasury. The signature of the certifying officer mail be pi ced In the blank space immediately be low the certificate, and not, as now frequently occurs, in some other part of the account, thus leaving the certificate unsigned. Oth Tfls d_tes between which the services are ren dered mus be accurately stated- Both the initial and final day are count ed; thus, from “August 20. 1803, to September 20, inclusive,” is not one month, but one one month and one day. It should read, “from August *o, l»02, to September 19, 1803, inclusive," be ing onemouth. Bth. Wuen a contract physician has been absent from duty, the certifying officer must state the reason and duration thrreof. Contract Physicians are requested to use the blank printed accounts furnished by this office i an abundant supply of which will be issued to every hospital, post Ac., on the request of the Surgeon in charge or Com manding Officer. Contract Physician*, who desire It can have their eertlficutea made payable to any person beside them selves, by simply endorsing on the face of the ac count i “Pay to the order of—■ .... (Signature ) —— ——— Aoc. Asst, Burg. U. S. A." Clrs, Letter, 8. G. 0.. Washington, D. C., March Sit, 1361.—111. Accounts far medical services, under contracts, must exhibit the following facts: 1. The plane of service. 9. The dates between the services were rendered.— The Treasury Department assumes every month to ba Composed of thirty days, and accounts for fractitional parts of two successive mouth must be so calculated; thus, from the 21st of August to the 10th of September the calculation of time will be from the 21st to the Both of August inclusive, (ignoring the 31st;, ten days, and from the tst to the 19th of September, in clusive, ten days—making the time to be paid for, twenty days. t 8. The name of the Hospital, Camp, Post Regimen or command, in or with which the services were ren dereu. 4. The da** of persons with whom rendered; whe ther U. S. forces, colored troops, prisoners of war, militery prisoners, refugees, contrabands, or whether the services were rendered in amall-Pox Hospitals, fii The date of the contract under which the services Were rendered, and the name of the officer with whom the contract was made. C. If for service at a post or with a detachment, the strength of the command mast be stated. IV. Accounts must be made out for periods of one or more complete mouths, commeuciug with the date of entiy upon eervtce. No account embracing frac tional periods of a mouth will receive attention, un less it appears upon the face thefeoi; either that the station of the physician has been changed or his con tract annulled; but accounts for any length of time may be presented ou one set of duplicates, subject only to the exceptions specified. V. Accounts for several months’ service, if render, ed separately, must be c ntinuous: for the Treasury Department will not pay an account for one month, tmt l that of the preceding month has been settled. VI. Officers certifying to accounts of a “Private Physician under Contract," must give tbeir official title, and state explicitly the capacity in which they aretarvifig; otherwise their authority to moke such a certificate may be questioned. E. g, A. 8., Surgeou S'. 8. A., in General Hospital, C. D., urgeou Vols., Medical Director, Ist Division, 2d Army Corps. B. F., Obi- 40th Obio Volt., Command ing Port, garrison, Kcglment. As they are also held personally responsible for the truth of every statement Contained tberelu, certificates signed “By Order” or “For Medical Dlreator" will be disregarded. VIII All accounts certified by other officers than a Medical Director, must be forwarded to tbis Office through that of the Medical Director of the Depart ment in which the services were rendered, that ha may endorse his knowledge of their correctness. lA. In all cases of absenoe from duty, the dates and eacse of such absenoe must be clearly stated. If a substitute has been furnished, his uams in full muse beglvtu, with a statement showing that bs has satto fcctorilv performed all the duties Incumbent upon the Contract Physician. By order of the MeffiAal Director, D. 8. WII. F. BUCHANAN, sprSs Asst. Barg. U. 8. A.. Executive officer. gANJTARY. LXM EI LI M Ell LIMSin too Osaka beet quality Thomaaton Urn*, suitable for brtflh work, plastering, tv bite washing, actor sanitary Just roosted direct from Tbomastoo, Me. ‘ k DUNBAR & FRANZ, 10 Merchants’ Row. aplO Hilton Hoad. W 7AR DEPARTMENT, TT Abjwakt Onrnu't Omm houtfcnO fto. 18. / E Hospital transports sad hospital boats, aftsr being o parly assigned us such, will be exclusively tmdJ s oo.iuol or the Msdlcal Department, sad will not be diverted from their special purposes by orders of local or department commanders, or of officers of •Uier staff departments. By order of the Ssurotary of War t E. D. TOWNSEND, w""- 1 Assistant Adjutant General, 1865 NEW SKIRT. THE GREATEST INVENTION OF TBS AGS IN , HOOP-SKIRTS. J, W. Boa diet's New Patent DUPLEX ELLIP TIC for douole) SPRING SKIRT. West*, Bradley & Cast, (lata J. I. &J. O. Wsst J sole Proprietors and Manufacturers. 97 Chambers and 79 and it Reade streets; New York. This invention consiste of duplex (or two; elliptic steel springs, Ingeniously braided, tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most flexible, elastic and durable spring ever used. They seldom bend or breuk and consequently preserve their Skirt* 1 aUa k® aatilu * shape twice as long as any other Tbs wonderfal flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt win be experienced particularly in all crowded assein- D *“ B ' opera, carriage, railroad cars, church pews, arm promenade and House dress, as the Skirt wu fold itself, wnen m use, to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a silk or muslin dress. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and great convenience ot wearing the Duplex Elliptic Spring skirt for a single day vrtil never afterward wil lingly dispense with me use of them. For Children, ©the” MCI OBnB Udies tb<.y are superior to all Thy ®r* the best quality in every part, and un questionabiy the lightest, most desirable, comfortable and economical sjdrt ever made. For sale in all first e'ass stores m this city and throughout the United totw« iSS?£ d * Cub ** M,xloo * Amerka, and lajake for the Duplex XUiptts Skirt. THEATRE! Lessee and Business Manager obaxt taooart. Director of Amusements a. „. davbotow. Stage Manager matin*)*. THIS (WEDNESDAY; EVENING, APRIL 26, 1865. The performanes will commence wtth the Tat ng h»i,v Comedy of Paul p r y t Received on Saturday night with the most unbound ed applause. Pry Mr. T. J. Herndon CoL Hardy Mr. Simpson Harry Stanley Mr. A. H. Davenport Frank Stanley. Miss Maude St. Leon Wltherton Mr. J. W. Career Simon Mr. Rogers Phcsbe Miss Fanny Prestige Eli** Miss Elsie St. Leon Marlon Miss Hattie Lee After which, KB. ». W. QAXtraX WILL AITSAS IS A OOKIU 80S01 To conclude with the laughable Musical Burletta of the SWISS SWAINS. Swig Mr. T. J. Herndon Walter .Miss Maude 9t. Leon Burgomaater Mr. Rogers Rosette Miss Fanny Prestige Dame Glib ; Mrs. M. L. Berrell Notice.— The doors will open at 7, and the curtain rise at 8 o'clock precisely. Box office opeu from 10 until 2 o'clock, gar PRICES OF ADMISSION AS USUAL. JQ All bills must be presented weekly. fjr» TUB ARMY AND NAVV “ X OF THE UNITED STATE& PROCEEDINGS OF A MEETING ntXD at ' HILTON HEAD, a O, APRIL 21, 1805, Pursuant to a call, a large number of gentlemen connected with the Army and Navy, met at commis sary Hall, Hilton Head, South Carolina, on Friday, the 21st day of April, 1365, at 11 o’clock a. m., for the purpose of instituting measures to secure the erection of a Monument to the memory of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, and proceeded to busineas under the following organisation, vis; Pbesiokct— Brevet Brig. Gen. M. S. Littlefield. Vtos Passmans—Col. James Lewis, Cos). C. L. Ell burn, Assistant Surgeon Wm. Commons, of the Navy; Major W. L. M. Burger, Major A. V. Elliott, Captain Thomas J. Robin sou. SsoßETAWita—Major Thomas J. Saunders, Captain Jesse Merrill. The President having stated the object of the meet- On motion, a committee of five was appointed to prepare resolutions; consisting of the following nam ed gentlemen: Colonel O. L. Elluuru, Captain Wil liam Reynolds, of the Navy, Captain L R. Krns. and Captain Jesse Merrill—who, after a short retirement, returned, and by their Chairman presented the follow ing: Whereas, the relations between Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, and the Army and Navy thereof, were of such a character as to create leelings, in both arms of the service, not only of pro found respect but of the deepest admiration and love; and Whereas, under an abiding sense of obligation and duty, we ctmnot feel satisfied without giving substan tial expression to the sentiments by which we are ani mated ; therefore be it Resolved, That the Army and Navy of the United States, Including all those who served under President Lincoln in a Military and Naval capacity, claim it as a privilege, in which they reverently hope to bo indulg ed, to erect a Monument over his honored re mains, at Springfield, Illinois. Second, That contributions for this purpose from the Eastern Army be forwarded to Major General John A. Dix. at his Headquarters in New York; and from the Western Army, tq His Excellency, Richard Oglesby, Governor of the State of Illinois. Third, That we earnestly invite the 00-operatlon of onr brethren of the Army and Navy throughout the country at large, and suggest the holding of meetings and the raising of funds without delay, to secure the object in view, j, Fourth. That we reap-ct fully request that these proceedings be published in the papers of the United States, geuearily. . Eemaiks were then made by General Llttle.Teld.CoL Lewis, Major Saunders and Major Saulsbury in com meudatlon of the project, after which the preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted by the meeting. It was then moved that the offloers of the meeting constitute a Permanent Committee for the purpose or corresponding with similar organizations throughout the country, and with power to add to their number at discretion; which whs also agreed to unanimously. No fa tber business appearing, the meeting then adjourned. M. S. LITTLEFELD. President. gamete otT at tm\‘ IMMENSE STOCK 1 $150,000 WOMB or KEMBAKDiax TO XX eotffi IMMEDIATELY! Consisting of SO Tlsrossßaai * 800 barrels Floor; 100 barrels Sagas, ISO caaee Boots and Shoes. 60 bones CoSes, 1000 cases Ale, 600 boms Raisins, 160 barrels Ale, 160 barrels Walnuts, Filberts and Brand Nats,- 1000 oases Peaches, Tomatoes, Chicken*, Tor keys, Ac. 800 barrels tiakea and Crookses, 60 barrels Molasses, U 0 cases Tobeooo, SOO doMUlhlrta, 400,0000 Cigars.,— A large and extensive stoek of TankM Notions, Stationery, Hosery, and many other goods too into erous to mention. Sutlers and Merchants, sail and examine baton sending your orders to New York. C. W. DENNIS A 00., No. 4 Merchant's Row, Hilton Head, 8. C. aprt _tf [Official ] OF THE MEDICAL DIRECTON, v DuPijn-aKUT or thk South, G«x«ax O M *4 Ut ° B * C ‘ “’ ** No. A / Whenever practicable, Regimental Hospitals must ot GeS' bSSuSS? 4 aUd paUea “ " nt 10 Pu,t Ptes^^fsdiV.nn t w > Hi a8 ® > . t^ at C *“ treated In Post Hospitals should be sent there, thereby facility ting the more speedy return of mento duty Light cases of disease or injury should be treated tn quarters, and the men assigned, when it can be done without prejudtoe, to light dutv during to ZfiSXFi m p ‘ wgrap * 1 uk >vil. „ , CLYMER, Medical Director, Dept, of the South. Official s W*. F. BoonxxxK, Asst Surgeon, U. 8. A. Executive Officer. TJ W. clmpbkll, vr-EEBINaM siTRgSuE It, having reopened his office and yard, on Wil liam street, U now prepared to treat (on all diseases incident to Horses that are susceptible of remedy. Ctuugee moderate. Cares warranted. Terms cash. feblS ts FOR DISTRIBUTION t Government having famished the Belief Committee with Lime for distribution, c.tisens ere required to supply themselves with quantities sufficient to purifr their premia**. - Apply atlhe Exchange. sptfl—iw [Official.] /"VFFICE OF THE MEDICAL DIRECTOR. W Dxpaktmeni or the Socth, Hilton Head, S. C., March 17, ISM. General Obsess, > No. 5. f I. The strictest discipline is required in the admlnia iration of a Military Hospital. It la a paramount duty of a Medical Offloer of the Army to maintain the disci pline of the soldier, during his residence in Hospital, at the highest point of efficiency compatible with the na ture and treatment of the disease or injury he la suffer* lug from. The General Hospitals in this Department have hitherto heen remarkable for their excellent dis cipline. Ibe Medical Director regretted to find in his recent, inspections the unmilitary neglect of regula tions in regard to dress and general discipline; the careless ana ansoldleriy bearing of many or the con valescents and attendants t and cither the entire ab sence of the customary compliments between the offi cers and men. or the slovenly manner In which they were paid and returned. Respect to superiors Is not confined to obedience on duty, but must be exteuded to all occasions It is always the duty of the Inferior to aocept or offer first the proper salutation, and of the superior to return such complimentary notice. Here after existing regulations and orders £n regard to dis cipline, proper compliments, and dress, must be rigid ly enforced, and all infractions of discipline, or dis obedience of orders, must be promptly punished. The attention of ail offloers on duty In General Hospitals In this Department, is called to paragraphs 253, 264, 255, 256 and 25T Revised Regulations of the Army, 1863, and to General Orders, No. 167, Headquarters, Department of the South, series 1964. Whenever an Officer enters a Ward,the Wardmaator jnust oommaud attention, on which the patients, who are able to do so, will rise and stand in tne position ts attention until the Officer has passed out. Whenever a patient, attendant, or guard meets an Officer, within the precincts of the Hospital, he will offer the customary salutation; if seated, and without particular occupation, he wiil rise on his approach, or, If standing, he will turn towards the Officer for the same purpose. The Officer will acknowledge the salute in a respectful manner. At Inspection each man's articles of clothing, wbich may be in the wards, will be neatly folded ana laid on the foot of the bed. Boots and shoes, well brushed, will be p'aced on the floor at the foot of the bed. Nothing must be bidden under the bedstead. Every patient in Hospital, v ho Is able, will wash his face and hands at least every morning, and his feat twice a week, and will take a general bath once a week. Those who are unable to leave their beds, should have their hands and faces washed by the nurses, aud the surfaoe of the body spongod often enough to maintain cleanliness. 9 he attendants are especially enjoined to be cleanly in their persons, neat in tbeir dress, and soldierly in their bearing. No attendant or patient in U. S. A. General Hospital In this Department must leave the limits of the HCrpi tal unless he is provided with a pass signed by the Medical Officer of the Day, without having ou his proper uniform, his coat buttoned up, clothing and shoes well brushed, and the number of his regiment aud the tetter of his company on his cap. Unlisted men and civilian nurses must not be permitted to wear hospital dressing gowns or slippers outside the wards. 11. The Hospital Steward charged with the adminis trative duties of a Military Hospital, is designated the Chief Steward. He may be selected by the Surgeon in Charge from the Stewards assigned to him, solely on account of merit and known capacity, and not by seni ority of warrant He is, tx-ojficio, the ranking Steward for the time belug, and must' be obeyed and respected accordlugly. He is entitled by bis rank to obedience from all enlisted meu in the Hospital, both patiente, attendants, and civilian nurses, and is immediately re sponsible to the Surgeon in Charge for tho performance of his duties, and he holds his subordinates responsible for the proper performance of their duties. As an en listed man, he owes respect aud prompt obedience to all orders of his military superiors. He should wear hie undress uniform in the Hospital Ou Masters and Inspections he must be in full dress, with side arms. The Chief Stewards must pay two visits dally to every part of the Hospital, viz: at nine o'clock a. m., and at evening between tatoo and tupa. At these reg ular visits, he will note the condition, discipline, cleanliness, ventilation, warming and lighting of the wards, kitchens, mess-ha'ls, butn-rooms, and latrines, and he will report to the Surgeon in Charge all irregu larities. abuses, infraction of discipline, or ueglect of duty that may come under his notice, necessity of re pairs, or other wants. He will see that the ration re turns are made out, the rations received, properly kept, and economically issued, and the prescribed dally diet table observed. He will be responsible for the efficient administration of the clerical duties of the Hospital. 111. A Meteorological Register (Form 11, Revised Medical Regulations, 1863,; must be kept dally lu every General and Post Hospital In this Department, and transmitted monthly to the Surgeon General's Office by the Surgeon In Charge. This Order will be placed in a conspicuous place In the office of the Hospital, and in each ward, and para graph 1. will be read by the Executive Officer of each General Hospital to the convalescents in line at each Sunday InsDection. MEREDITH CLYMER, aprld Medical Director, Dept, of the South. pISISWiWTmKATrwNi THE SOLDIER OB THE CITIZEN. THE MONTHLY NOVELLETTE, contains a Novelette complete, together with from three to eight short stories, with Illustrations. Terms i 88 per year. Single copies, £6 cents. THE AMERICAN UNION. c rasas* jocswal. no eom imvjcv swsta Thrilling Stories, Baoy Sketches, Stirring Adventures and Choree Home Reading. $8 a year. Four copies, m. * THE FLAG OF OUR UNION. Devoted to Tales, Sketches, Adventures, Poems, News, Novelettes, Ac 84 per year. THE DOLLAR MONTHLY MAGAZINE. The cheapest magazine in the world. $1.90 a year. Seven copies, $9. Nearly one hundred pages of reeding matter and illustrations. Postage only 18 cents per yeer. TEN CENT NOVELLKTTEA 188 pagea in each book; one-third larger than any other Dime NoveL Ail of the above publications win be forwarded rsgo lariy by mail, on reoeipt of print, by ELLIOTT, TOOMBS A TALBOT. 41 Congress street, Boston, Mass. Samples can be seen, or copies purchased, by ap plying at THE SAVANNAH HERALD STORE, 111 BAT unit SAVANNAH, QA. tprld ts ' " Savarhas. Go., March. S. 1886. After this date the Provost Court will be held in the U. A Court House, up stairs, coiner of Bull sod Bey streets EBEN PARSONS, Ja., mar 9—ts Lieut, and Provost Judge. fOfficuiJ WAR DEPARTMENT,^ AWCTJJJT GEfrEXifs OvnoK. Washington. Feb. 0,1846. e "xsr*'} Cfltnuct.j Par. AO. Tho Hospital steamer Cosmopolitan will be turn ea over to the Redical Department, and placed under the immediate control ot the Mediasl Direst os. Department of the South, at Hilton Bead, A C. S, onOr«ftb, ap?B Assistant Adjutant GfoneraL 13^6mau amioUtfvs of tLj Per Mangessts afPotaab the Health Qfflssx HMO JJBEALD JOB FEINTING OFFICE; No. 11l Bat Stbxet, Savannah, Georgia. We respectfully call the attention of the public to the facilities which we have for doing all kinds of Job Printing NEATLY AND PROMPTLY. We have the BEST PRESS IN THE WORLD For doing a variety of work and doing it all well We employ FIRST CLAES PRINTERS, Os tong experience and tried ability. We hare NEW PRINTING MATERIALS, From the twit Northern foundries, to which we are CONSTANTLY MAKING ADDITIONS. We are prepared to execute ordsn for Foster*, Placard*, Handbills, Programmes, Flay Bills, Circulars, Bills of Fare Visiting Cards, Wedding Cards, Ticket^ Business Cards, Letter Head* Bill Heads, Drafts, Receipts, Checks, Passes Labels, Ooastitnttoae, By-Laws, Pamphlets, Legal Envelopes, Or any other kind of Printing, IN ANY STYLE. We turn a FINE ASSORTMENT OF INKS FOR PRINTING IN COLORS ORDERS BY MAIL OS EXPRESS Will receive prompt and careful attention, sad the work will be forwarded FREE OF CHARGE FOB TRANSPORTAJTION. We endeavor to do all our work well, sad to give complete satisfaction to onr customers. OUR PRICES Are as low ss tho present high ooet of stock, mate rial, labor and living will admit of, and are below the ucroased rates which rule in other lines of business. 8. W. MASON A CO„ 111 Bay afreet. Savannah, Georgia. O [Official.] FFICE OF THE MEDICAL DIRECTOR, Devabimemt or tub Scuts, Hilton Head, S. C„ March li, 1906. Ge*s«£ j. Obcxbs.l All recruits, white and colored, on reaching any depot, regimental or otherwise, most, without excep tion, be immediately revaccinated. Medical Officers In charge of U. S. A. General Hos pitals in this Department will cease to De revaoclns ted all patients on tbeir admlse-oc into hospital, un ities they are entirely aatisfled of their being already protected. ga Medical Officers, in charge of Regiments, Prisoners of War, Quartermasters' employees, and Contrabands, must cause all the enlisted men In tbeir commands, and all prisoners of war, Quartermasters' employees, and contrabands, to be immediately revaccingted, un less the same has been done and taken within a period of six months, to their personal knowledge. Qhief Medical Officers of Districts, and Burgooes in Charge of General Hospitals, will be held to a striet ac countability for any neglect of this order. Special Requisitions must be made for vaccine crusts on the Medical Purveyor of the Department. The supply to ample. MEREDITH CLYMER, Medical Director, Dept, of the South. Official t Wa F. Been a* ah, Asst. Surgeon, U. 8. A., Executive Offloer. apSO pOST QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, A CxwTßAt Raxuoas Baku, Savannah, Ga., March, tot, 1B6&. In poreuasoe of orders, received at this office, all citizens occupying buildings, whose owners are ab sent within the Rebel Uses, or building*, or other property belonging to disloyal persons, will, aniens inch buildings have been previously assigned—rent freo—settle the rents for the same,(toethe Uni ted Statee. at this office os or before the loth of April. A failure to comply with the above w® osm* a forfeiture of all claims to farther escapattsa. S. 8. STARR, • sprl Capt. and A. Q, M., in oturge of bufldtage. T BROWN A CO., CLatt Somes, Brown A Cos MILITARY AND NAVAL BANKERS AND COLLECTOR* 8 fan saaca, sskudwa* un idum, NEW YORK. Correspondents in Washington—J. W. VtaharA Oat, 478 Fourteenth Street. ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1848. We have complete facilities lor transecting basisses speedily and correctly in all the Depertmeuta at Washington. Remittances prompt, and terms res •OPAbi* We give especial attention to obtaining Certificate* for Non-Indebtedness for Ordnance ind Quartermas ters’ Returns for Officers, end settling their accounts. We collect the following cl is see of Claims, and make advances if desired t Bounties for the heirs of deceased, wounded Sol diers, and such as have served two veers. Pensions, for Invalids, Widows, Mothers, and Or children. Arrears of pay for the heirs of deosased, discharg ed Officers, Soldiers and Sailors, andpay for the Wife or wldowod Mother of Prisoners of War. Prise Money for the U. A Navy, together %'.'Ja all other just Claims, information freely furnished. We purchase and sell all Government Securities, Quartermasters’ Certificates and Checks, on the best of terms. • References mvenjto leading Bankers and business firms in New York. tablb ts rpHE NEW SKIRT FOR 1886. A wonderful Invention for Ladles. UnqaeetfosaMy superior to all others. Don’t fall to read the advertisement In the Stvasiua HxmuD. containing foil particulars, every Monday morning. edexM3mo mar£l HEADQUARTERS U. A FORCEB, V Savannah, Gm, April 10, ISM. Qurni On*»il Na*T. / Hereafter the City Market will be open on Satan days from S o’clock till 8 o'clock p. nx, la addition to the hoars already prescribed tn orders. By comma# £ of Brevet MMor General GROVER. Rwwaxp G s Pots, A. A. A. Q. gwsrr ODER FOB SALE, owr Iduu' Bqm* oa« Ai mtt mN Notice; Oitkw or Brurr Ccaanamrex, No, 126 South Breed Street, Savannah, Ga., March 29, 1861. In accordance wtth authority conferred upon tne. by General Order No. 16, from Headquarters U. 8. Faroes, Savannah, Ga.. dated Feb. 21st, 1866. this dty la here by divided into three Districts, for the purpose of re moving garbage therefrom. The First District comprises all tha portion of thw dty lying North of President and Harrison streets Certs will remove the garbage from thin District on Monday and Thursday of each week. The Second District comprises all that portion of the dty lying between the First District and Harris street. Carts will remove the garbage from this District on Tuesday and Friday of each week. The Third District comprises all that portion of the dty lying South of Harris atreet Carts will remove the garbage from this Distrkttm Wednesday and Bet urday ot each week. Hereafter all rubbish and garbage which may aon mulate must be put into convenient reuse la, and pre vious to 7 o'clock in the morning of eaeh day, aa above designated for the respective Districts t such retseto most be pieced upon the sidewalks of the streets or alleys, and permitted to remain there until emptied by my employees, after which they wfll be removed by . their owners. Ail other persons are forbidden to destroy or tn any way Interfere with the ressela so placed upon tbe sido walks, end they must not be exposed to the paUte view, except as above specified. Keepers of Animals must not permit manure to be thrown into the Streets or Alleys, neither most tbe accumulation thereof in, or near any stable or verd be permitted to uacred cm cart lead before being re moved. All Privies, Dry Wells or Sinks within the limits of the < lty Os evannah which may require clear ing oat will be disposed of in the following manner, via: « a disinfectant for thirty-six hours. A cavity i be excavated In the ground of the lot upon whicn the vault is located, or the adjacent alley, of sufficient site and depth to receive all Its contents, tbe transfer of wbich will then bs made, but it must bo in the night time only, and so conducted that no nui sance will exist therefrom on the tallowing mo.nlon. ALBERT STEARNS. Cspt and Street Commissioner. Umax or tub Mddical Diuotob. Department of the South, Hiltoa Head, EC., Match 'JB, ]AA. Cncnzal No. 8. j •>. I. Medical Officers in this Department are required to keep on file, ready at all timet for inspection, all Orders and Circulars which they may be furnished with from the War Department Burgeon General's Office Department Headquarters, and Medical Director* Office i and alleged ignorance of such orders will no hereafter be received as an excuse for neglect of dut or disobedience of orders. 11. Constant complaints are made by Medical Offi. cere in receipt of Hospital and other Supplies from the Medical Purveyor, of such being delivered to them by the Quartermaster’s Department tn a damaged end] tlon, or the packages having been broken open and articles, especially liquors, abstracted therefrom. Uto ordered hereafter that all Medical Officers in this De> part meat receiving Hospital aud Medical Supplies in a damaged condition, or packages from which articles bare been abstracted, shall immediately on tbe receipt of such notify the Qnartrrmaeter from whom they re ceive them of tbeir couditlou, that he mux make the proper endorsement ou the 1411 of lading oftbe steamer transporting them, and Captains of transports may be made liable Tor the damage or loss that may obsur through their negligence. MEREDITH CLYMER, Medical Director aprlT Department of the Bouth, O (Official.) FFIGE OF THE MEDICAL DIRECTOR. • DxvAarxsxT or xxb Boers, HU ton Head, A C„ ApcUS, IMS. CumoLAA,! No. 10. f The following War Department Order, Na 60, 8w rieelSOS, is respectfully furnished for the information and guidance of Chief Medioal Offloers of Districta in this Department. No Regimental Medical Officer* will be detached from duty with their Regiment*, ex cept “temporarily In cases of necessity, or where tbe Surgeon und two Assistant Mugeousare present, when one of the Assistants may be detached Ter hoe pltal duty." Where a Regimental Medical offloer to pqrfonnkm the duty of Post Burgeon, it should be In siyiVlou to hly Rfly rTWtIU flUtjjßS WAB DSTABTItSKT, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, March 34, IAS, Garkrai. Obdxbs,) No. 80. / It to hereby ordered that ail Surgeons end A«yi«t4i?e Surgeons belonging to regiments, who are absent ox any other th in regimental duty, shall without delay rejoin their regiments. Medical Officers of regiments will not hereauer be detached upon other service, ex cept temporarily in cases of necessity, or where the burgeon and two Assistant Surgeons are present, when one of tbe Assistants may be detached to hospital duty. - By ontor of the Secretary of War. E D. TOWNSEND. AsstotantAdluiatit General. MEREDITH CLi ILEB, Mechos! Director. agfll Department of the Beuth. TJEADQUARTERB OF SAVANNAS, -L-L „ Aivxxxaa. Go, April Oat, tut In accordance with Instructions reoehud from Seed quarters. Department of the South, all mrioyal pen eons within tbia District will hereafter be deprived at the privileges of tho United Statee Mails, and to folly carry out this order, the following regulations ora hereby established, and will be strictly sabered to. Letters, packages and other mail matter will be de livered only to those to whom they are addressed. No white civilian will be permitted to take a letter from the Poet Office, unless they present a certificate stating that be or she has snbaci loed to the amnesty oath of allegiance, as published in the Presidest& Proclamation of Dec 8,16481 if an alien, s certificate from the proper Consul, will be required to the that he or ebw has not violated his or her neutrality during the rebellion. r Persons entitled to tho privileges of the mails are strictly prohibited from race! tag under cover of their address any moil matter Intended for persons tSaioygl to the government, (should such be received taadve* wutlyjt will be at once turned over to the Provost Marshal of the Di strict to be die pored of in accordance with stub instructions as may be issued from time to time from these Headquarters. By command of Brevet Major General GROVER Otrvxu Matsxws, A, A. G. l|Ml ——' —— . ■ ■ i AItICS OF THE itiSlCAi DIRECTOR V Ds#eit*M»T to THB Sort*. Kllton Heed, A &, Feb. 80, ffidA Tn Hereafter Medical Officers tn charge of U. & A. General Hospitals to this Department will observe par ticularly the provisions of General Orders, Na iX.\ A G. 0., W. D- series 1808, respecting the preparation at 'lnvalid Roll." All men who are able to handle s musket and make short marches will be renoamended for the Ist Battalion, Veteran Reset vs Corps. . MEREDITH CLYMER, Medical Dlieocot; apß2 Department of the South. (Official.! fXBTICE OF THE MEDICAL DIRECTOR, V DCTWBTIttirT or rux EOCTB, Hilton Head, A C., March u, uat. CiaccLaß Lnm The following "Circular" Ls republished for the to (prmailon o t Medical Cffiaers in this Dspestaent: Bcbqeow Gmui'i Onrsoe, en. « r^f^ ln H lto . n ’ D ’ C - Bt, 1048. The attention of alt Mechcul Offioers u called- to the necessity tor greater care in the preservation of hoepi tal property. Losses from wont of proper attention and vigilance, from accident or dishonesty, that could havo t* en guarded against, will not be allowed in the settlement of accouma and in future the fullest evi dence will he required that such loses# ware, unavoid able. Medical Directors of Departments, and Superinten dents of Geueral Hospitals, will satisfy ibemreivaa that the usual returns and requisitions are based upon actual inspection and count of articles on hand. JOS. K. Bah.nEA Surgeon By order of the Medical Director, Dr A WAL F. BUCHANAN, Asst. Suxgeon, U. AA* spTl .teeeutiveOffieet. DIDDELL A MURDOCK. XV wnoLEOALE ann xvtail nest ess ur SUTLERS’ AND NAVAL STORES, DRY QOOSDA Toots and sboes. and CAFi, OonuiWs Fr»j«K»p Opera Ac.. No. 6 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, & c., w. a MaMM, CjaalO—tQ a fAVlsn.