Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, May 01, 1865, Image 3

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THEATRE! Lessee and Business Manager cbant tjlMut. Director of Amusements a. h. davxnpobt. Stags Manager..., t. j. hzbndon. THIS (MONDAY) EVENING, MAY IST, 1866. Grand Complimentary Benefit to MB. THOMAS WEIR, On which occasion will be preseated the beaattful play in 6 acta, entitled EVAD N E ; or, Ludovioo Mr. Thomas Warn Calonna Mr. A. H. Davenport Vicentlo Mr. M. J. Howard who has kindly volunteered. ZSag... Mr. W. Simpson Spelatio... Mr. Rogers Bvadns .Mlae Maude St. Leon Udy Olivia Miss Hattie Lee After which VILLIKINS AND HIS DINAH, * By Mr. J. T. Herndon. TO conclude with Mr. W. O. Neill's wonderful pta (ormance upon the Tight-Rope,including his great wheelbarrow feat—being one of the most difficult ever attempted. Tuesday evening SIX DEGREES OF CRIME. Wednesday the great play of THE HUNCHBACK. Owing to a misapprehension as to the use of com plimentary Tickets, the Management la compelled to withdraw for the present all such Tickets. Gentlemen having them will please return them to the Box office of the Theatre, on or before the 31st Inst., as at that time they will cease to be of use. Notice.—The doors will open at 7, and the curtain rise at 8 o'clock precisely. Box office open from 10 until 3 o’clock. »r PRICES OF ADMISSION AS USUAL. U& All bills most be presented weekly. gWEATMAN’SVARIETIESr - • (Formerly St. Andrew’s Hall.] swsaskak ams ntuAH........... Lsssses and Maaagsrs OPEN EVERT NIOHTI * Stage Manager SINGING, DANCING, BURLESQUE, PANTOMIME, DRAMA. • MINSTRELSY aj® FARCE. csAMW or momamhx niootlt. For particukre see Bills. ts apU MONTHLY MB M • A Y GODEY’S LADIES BOOK roa M A Y OUR YOUNG FOLKS. * * roa MA’ * Y For sale at No, 111- Bay street. jpRICES REDUCED! CARTES DE VISITE—FIVE DOLLARS PER DOZEN. AMBRQTYPES TWO DOLLAR EACH. AT J T. READING & CO ’ 9 photograph GALLERY. Corner Whitaker and St. Julian streets. apß6 2 SALE. " Rice Flour, in qnantitiea to suit purchasers, at the Upper steam Mill Price one dollar per bushel. Ap .... ap2B S ,It LACHLISON. iy|ARSHALL HOUSE. The Rooms In this House are; to rent, to families or otherwise, at $4 ras moots m moots ra moos. Apply at the office from 9 a. m. to i p. m. ap26 iw J£OARD. “ Two gentlemen can obtain Board In a pleasant part of the city by application at this office; ap2t> 3 » GOOD CHANCE. A most desirable small stock for sale, with the privilege of a large Store, located in the best business part of thie city. Enquire by letter to Box 421. Post Office, Savannah ap2s 8 J£XCHANGE ON NEW YORK. FOR SALE BY H. BRIGHAM, ap26 ts 93 Bay street. FOR DISTRIBUTION ! '-ip v froment having ftarnished the Relief Committee «ith Lime for distribution, Citi»ens are required to thefr premia VC * witil <l UttUtit l es sufficient to purity A PP‘y at the Exchange. apr2l—lw T> IDDELL & MURDOCK, sf vor AjrD ****■< DEALERS »* SI TLERS. AND NA y AL STORES, DRY GOODS, boots and shoes, hats and caps, No K *i Fb*h ispiN p Goo no, Ac., «o. 6 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, & C., rjanio—tf| ■, j.Mrooow. MEWS-DEALERS AND OTHERS DESIRING Tn U^ D Bt Whol «« “ practicable and their orde " “ “tf* 1,1 «dvance as _ s. w. mason a no newspapers, FOR WRAPPING PAPER, For sale at the SAVANNAH HERatxi OFFIC Btar22 111 naa^- JJOARD. JJERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE, No. 11l Bat Sraxxr, Savannah, Georgia. attention of the public to Printing whlch we U?e for kinds of Job NEATLY AND PROMPTLY. We hare tbe BEST PRESS IN THE WORLD For doing a variety of work and doing It all well. We employ FIRST GLASS PRINTERS, Os long experience and tried ability. We have NEW PRINTING MATERIALS, From the beat Northern foundries, to a CONSTANTLY MAKING ADDITIONS We are prepared to execute orders for Beaton, Placard^ Handbills, Ire grammas. Play Bills, Circulars, Bills of Fare, Visiting Cards, Wedding Cards, Tickets, Business Cards, Letter Heads, BUI Heads, Drafts, Receipts, Checks, Passes, Labels, Constitutions, By-Laws, Pamphlets, Ballads, Legal Blank* Calendars. Envelopes, Or any other kind of Printing, * IN ANY STYLE. We have a FINE ASSORTMENT OF CTO* roa PRINTING IN COLORS. ORDERS BY MAIL OR EXPRESS Will receive prompt and canffil attention, and the work win be forwarded FREE OF* CHARGE FOR TRANSPORTATION. We endeavor to do all our work well, and to give complete satisfaction to our customer*. OUR PRICES Are as low as the present high cost of stock, mate rial, labor and living will admit of, and are below the ncreaaed rates which rule in other lines of business. S. W. MASON ft CO„ 111 Bay street Savannah, Georgia. (Official.) OFFICE OF THE MEDICAL DIRECTOR, Dzpastmbnt of tsz South, Hilton Head, S, C., April 14,1863. Cibocias Lrim. The following extracts from Circulars, Surgeon General’s Office, are published for the in ormatlon of all Medical Officers concerned: Cir. No. 11, S. G. 0., 1862.—1. In cases where the services have been rendered in tbe field, the certifi cate appended to the account should state that fact; otherwise the Increased allowance for field service can not be paid. 6. All accounts for service should be in duplicate, and shonld be certified by tbe commanding officer of the force with which the physician la serving, or tbe Surgeon in charge of tbe hospital, and approved by the Medical Director of the Division, Army Corps, Army, or Department, Clrc. No. si, S. G; 0., 1863.—6th. The mere appro val of an account will not secure its passage through the Treasury. The signature of the certifying officer must be placed in tbe blank space immediately be low the certificate, and not, as now frequently occurs, In some other part of the account, thus leaving the certificate unsigned. 6th. The dates between which the services are ren dered mast be accurately stated. Both the initial and final day are counted; thus, from “August 80,1863, to September 80, inclusive," Is not one month, but one one month and one day. It should read, “from August 80,1862, to September 19, 1863, inclusive,” be ing one month. Bth. When a contract physician has been absent from duty, the certifying officer must state the reason and duration thereof. Contract Physicians are requested to use the blank printed acconnts furnished by this office; an abundant supply of which will be issued to every hospital, post, Ac., on the request of the Surgeon In charge or Com manding Officer. Contract Physicians, who desire It, can have their certificates made payable to any person beside them selves, by simply endorsing on the face of the ac count: "Pay to the order of——. {Signature.} Act. Asst, Surg. U. S. A." Circ, Letter, 9. G. 0.. Washington, p. C.,-* March 26, 1864.—111. Accounts for medical services under contracts, must exhibit the following facta: 1. The place of service. 2. The dates between the services were rendered.— The Treasury Department assumes every month to be compoeed of thirty days, and accounts for fractitional parts of two successive month must be so calculated; thus, from the 21et of August to the 10th of September the calculation of time will be from the 21st to the 30th of August, inclusive, (ignoring the 31st}, ten days, and from the lat to the loth of September, in. elusive, ten days—making the time to be paid for, twenty dart. t 8. Tbflkme of the Hospital, Camp, Post, Regimen, or command, in or with which the services wereren dcrtcL 4. The class of persons with whom rendered; whe ther U. S. forces, colored troops, prisoners of war, military prisoners, refugees, contrabands, or whether the services were rendered in small-Pox Hospitals, ' i. The date of the contract under which the services were rendered, and the name of the officer with whom the contract was made. . 6. If for aervioe at a post or with a detachment, the strength of the command must be stated. IV. Accounts mast bt made out for periods of one or more complete months, commencing with the date of entry upon service. No -'account embracing frac tional periods of a month will receive attention, un less it appears upon the face thereof; either that the station of the physician has been changed or his con tract annulled; but accounts for any length of time may be presented on one set of duplicates, subject only to the exceptions specified. V. Accounts for several months’ service, if render ed separately, must be continuous; for the Treasury Department will not pay an account for one month, unt 1 that of the preceding month has been settled. VI. Officers certifying to accounts of a “Private Physician under Contract," must give thsirofficial title, and state explicitly the capacity in which they are serving; otherwise their authority to m,i« a certificate may be questioned. E. g, A 8., Surgeon u. S. A., in Charge General Hospital, C. D., Dlrector » IstDivialon, 8d 40111 ° hl ° Vgl8 ’ Command lng Post, Garrison, Regiment. As they are also held personally responsible for the truth of every statement contained therein, certificates signed "Bv Order” or “For Medical Dlreotor" will be disregard* VHI All accounts certified byothSFSSfoera than a Medical Director, must be forwarded to thi« n#w/*a through that of the Medical th Depart ment Tn which the services were rendered, She may endorse his knowledge of their correctness IX. In all case* of absence from duty, tne dates and cause of such absence must be clearly stated rri substitute has been furnished, his name m foil must be given, with a statement showing that he has satis. factorily performed all the duties Incumbent upon the Contract Physician. * By order of the Medical Director, D. S WM. F. BUCHANAN apt2s Asst. Surg. U. S. A, Executive Officer. pERSONAL. If Mrs. Lucy Manning, who was formerly Miss Lacy Besslngtr, will address me she will bear of a fortune to her or her child. Any information will he thank fully received and rewarded o< her whereabouts or ehild. Please addreee Mr. John Mannon, Company K, 2d Ohio Volk, Ist Brigade, M Division, c, Mb, 9, C. apt* 4 J INTERESTING PUBLICATIONS FOB THE SOLDIER OR THR CITIZEN. THE MONTHLY NOVEUJSTTE, contains a Novelette complete, together with from three to eight short stories, with Illustrations. Terms: $8 per year. Single copies, 26 cents. THE AMERICAN UNION. A FtSSSEDS JOURNAL ' WO OONTINCXD STOUZS Thrilling Stories, Racy Sketches, Stirring Adventures and Choice Home Reading. $3 a year. Four copies, $lO. THE FLAG OF OUR UNION Devoted to Tales, Sketches, Adventures, Poems, News, NovsUettos, Ac. $4 per year. THE DOLLAR MONTHLY MAGAZINE. The cheapest magazine In the world. $1.60 a year. Seven copies, $9. Nearly one hundred pages of reading matter and illustrations. Postage only 13 oentaper year. TEN CENT NOYELLETTES. 188 pages In each book; one-third larger than any other Dime Novel. All of the above publications will be forwarded regu larly by mail, on receipt of price, by ELLIOTT, THOUES A TALBOT. PCBUSHSBS, 68 Congress street, Boston, Mass. Samples can be seen, or copies purchased, by ap plying at THE SAVANNAH HERALD STORE, 111 nt mm, SAVANNAH, GA. aprlS ts jpOST QUARTERMASTER’S OFFICE, Central Railboad Bank,' Savannah, Ga., March, Ist, 1866. In pursuance of order*, received at this office, all citizens occupying buildings, whose owners are ab sent within the Rebel lines, or buildings, or other property belonging to disloyal persona, will, unless such buildings have been previously assigned—rent free—settle the rents for the same, due the Uni ted States, at this office on or before the 10th of April. • A failure to comply with the above will cans* a forfeiture of all claims to further occupation. S. 8. STARR, aprl Capt. and A. of buildings. RATION TICKETS. ** Citizens interested, are called upon to notice partic ularly the following instruction* in reference to UsA Ration Ticket* for the next week. All persona absolutely needy will apply for Tickets at the “Relief Committee Rooms," in the Exchange, in the following order, viz: OIBTXIOI no. 1. Extending from Bay street, south, to South Broad street, and from Ball street, east, (including Magazine Ward), to the city limits. Citizens of this District wil, be served on Monday and Tuesday next. White lam- Hies will be served flom 9 a. m. to Ip. m. TOlored families from 4 p. m. to 6 p. m. SISTBIOT MO. 8. Lying east of Bull street and south of South Broad street, extending to the city limits. Will be served on Wednesday and Thursday. Whites from 9a.m. to l p. m.; colored from 4to6p. m. niSTBtCT MO. 3. Lying between Bay street and South Broad street, and from Bull street, west, to West Broad street. Will be served on Friday. Whites from 9 a, m. to 1 p. m,; colored from 4toop. m. DMTZICT mo. 4. , Lying between Bull and fests&road streets, and from Sooth Broad street, south, to the city limits.— Will be served on Saturday and Monday, May 7th. Whites from Ip. m.; colored from 4to 6 P- “• ts. DISTRICT MO. 6. Yamacraw—extending from the river, south, to New street, between West Broad street and tbe canal. Will be served on Tuesday and Wednesday, tha 3th and 9th May. Whites from Ip. m.; color ed from 4 to 6 p. m. jggjgyg DISTRICT MO. 6. Robertsville. Will be served on Thursday, May 19th. Whites from Ip. m.: colored from 4 to 6 p. m. NOTICE. The Store of the undersigned will be closed for a few days, for the purpose of opening aad arranging a large and extensive Stock of FRENCH DRUGS. MEDICINES, and FANCY GOODS, Which have just arrived Direct from New York. W. W. LINCOLN, Druggist, ap29 Comer Bull and Congress sts. CIDER FOR SALE, To families by the quart or gallon, at O’MEARA A CO’S, over Adams’ Express Offloe. Bay street mh24 . • OF co-partnership. Savannah, Ga., April 21, 1863. This is to certify that Wm. M. Williams and Charles E. Wakefield do this day dissolve partnership, Wm, M. Williams having bought all right and title of said Charles E.j Wakefield in the “Buiton Head House” Restaurant, comer of Bryan street and Johnson Square, The business of the “Hilton Head House" will be carried on by W. M. Williams, who will be happy to meet his old friends and the public as before, at the Restaurant, comer of Bryan street and Johnson Square. He will conduct the business subject to the Military Regulations, and will spare no pains to merit and share a portion of the patronage ofthe public. Meale furnished for Transient and Weekly Board ers. Oysters, dams, Ac., in season. Ales, Wines, Cider, Soda, Sarsaparilla, Pop Beer, Segors and Tobacco, constantly on hand. WM. M, WILLIAMS, ap29 I Proprietor. TJBADQUABTBRS DISTRICT SAVANNAH, fl Savannah, Ga,, April 23, 1866. General Oidees,! ' No. 11. / From the Ist of May next until further orders a tax of one per cent will be levied upon all imports admit, ted within the limits of this District; also a tax of three percent npon all incomes of six hundred dollars or upwards from real esjate. These taxes will be collected by the Supervisor of Trade, who will turn over the amount accruing from them each month to the officer in charge of the civil fund Rv oomm&nd of J Brevet Major Gen. GROVER. Oi mu Mansswk A, A. G. »R*’s 1 O [Official.) FFICB OF THE MEDICAL DIRECTOR, Department of the South, Hilton Head, a C., March IT, 1865. General Orders,! No. 5. f I. The strictest discipline is required in the adminls tration of a Military Hospital. It is a paramount duty of a Medical Officer of the Army to maintain the disci pline of the soldier, during his residence in Hospital, at the highest point of efficiency compatible with the na ture and treatment of the disease or injury he Is suffer ing from. The General Hospitals in ‘this Department have hitherto been remarkable for their excellent dis cipline. The Medical Director regretted to find in his recent inspections the nnmilitary neglect of regula tions in regard to dress and general discipline; the careless and unsoldierly bearing of many of the con valescents and attendants; and cither the entire ab sence of the customary compliments between the offi cer* and men, or the slovenly manner in which they were paid and returned. Respect to superiors is not confined to obedience on duty, but must be extended to all occasions. It is always the duty of the inferior to accept or offer first the proper salutation, and of the superior to return such complimentary notice. Here after existing regulations and orders in regard to dis cipline, proper compliments, and dress, must ba rigid ly enforced, and all infractions of discipline, or dis obedience of orders, must be promptly punished. The attention of all officers on duty in General Hospitals in this Department, is called to paragraphs 253, 854, 266, 260 and 267 Revised Regulations of the Army, 1363, and to General Orders, No. 167, Headquarters, Department of the South, series 1364. Whenever an Oflleer enters a Ward,the Wardmaster must command attention, on which the patients, who are able to do so, will rise and stand in the position of attention until tbe Officer has passed out. Whenever a patient, attendant, or guard meets an Officer, within the precincts of the Hospital, he will offer the customary salutation; if seated, and without particular occupation, he will rise on his approach, or, If standing, he will turn towards the Officer for the same purpose. The Officer will acknowledge the salute In a respectful manner. At Inspection each man’s articles of clothing, which may be In the wards, will be neatly folded and laid on the foot of the bed. Boots and shoes, well brushed, will be p'aced on the floor at the foot of the bed. Nothing must he hidden under the bedstead. Every patient in Hospital, » ho is able, will wash his face and hands at least every morning, and hi* feet twice a week, and will take a general bath once a week. Those who are unable to leave their beds, should have their hands and faces washed by the nurses, and the surface of the body sponged often enough to maintain cleanliness. T he attendants are especially enjoined to be cleanly in their persons, neat in their dress* and soldierly in their bearing. No attendant or patient In U. 8. A. General Hospital in thi* Department must leave the limits of the Hospi tal ufilesß he is provided with a pass signed by the Medical Officer of the Day, without having on his proper uniform, his coat buttoned up, clothing and shoes well brushed, and the number of his regiment and the letter of his company on his cap. Enlisted men and civilian nurses must not be permitted to wear hospital dressing gowns or slippers outside the wards. 11. The Hospital Steward charged with the adminis trative duties of a Military Hospital, Is designated tbe Chief Steward. He may be selected by the Surgeon in Charge from the Stewards assigned to him, solely on account of merit and known capacity, and not by seni ority of warrant. He is, ex-ofllcio, the ranking Steward for the time being, and must be obeyed and respected accordingly. He is entitled by his rank to obedience from all enlisted men in tbe Hospital, both patients* attendants, and civilian nurses, and is immediately re sponsible to tbe Surgeon lu Charge for the performance of bis duties, and he holds his subordinates responsible for the proper performance of their duties. As an en listed man, he owes respect and prompt obedience ?o all orders of his military superiors. He should wear his undress uniform in the Hospital. On Musters and Inspections he must be in full dress, with side arms. The Chief Stewards must pay two visits daily to every part of the Hospital, viz: at nine o’clock a. m., and at evening between tatoo and taps. At these reg ular visits, he will note the condition, discipline, cleanliness, ventilation, warming and lighting of the wards, kitchens, mess-ba’ls, bath-looms, and latrines, and he will report to the Surgeon in Charge all irregu larities. abuses, infraction of discipline, or neglect of duty that may come uude#his notice, necessity of re pairs, or other wants. He will see that the ration re turns are made out, the rations received, properly kept, and economically issued, and the prescribed daily diet table observed, He will be responsible for the efficient administration of the clerical duties of the Hospital. 111. A Meteorological Register (Form 11, Revised Medical Regulations, 1863,) must be kept dally in *very General and Post Hospital in this Department, and transmitted monthly to the Surgeon General’s Office by the Surgeon in Charge. This Order will be placed in a conspicuous place in the office of the Hospital, and in each ward, and para graph L will be read by the Executive Officer of each General Hospital to tbe convalescents in line at each Sunday Inspection. MEREDITH CLYMER, aprl9 Medical Director, Dept, of the South. [Official.] OFFICE OF THE MEDICAL DIRECTOR, Department of tee Sooth. Hiltc' I.ead, S. C., Feb. 20, 1866. Cieculab,) No. 3. / Hereafter Officers in charge of U. S. A General Hospitals in this Department will observe par ticularly the provisions of General Orders, No. 212, A. G. 0., W. D., series 1663, respecting the preparation of ‘•lnvalid Roll." All men who are able to handle a musket and make snort marches will be recommended for the Ist Battalion, Veteran Reserve Corps. MEREDITH CLYMBR, Medical Dhector, ap32 Department of the South. BROWN & CO., (Late Somes, Brown A Cos MILITARY AND NAVAL BANKERS AND COLLECTOR 2 PARK PLACE, SBOADWAY BANK BCILMNO, NEW YORK. Correspondents in Washington—J. W. Fisher A Cos., 478 Fourteenth Street. ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1862. We have complete facilities for transacting business speedily and correctly in oil the Departments at Washington. Remittances prompt, and terms rea sonable. We give especial attention to obtaining Certificates for Non-Indebtedness for Ordnance and Quartermas ters’ Returns for Officers, and settling their accounts. We collect the following classes of Claims, and make advances il desired: Bounties for the heirs of deceased, wounded Sol diers, and such as have served two years. Pensions for Invalids, Widows, Mothers, and Or phan Children. Arrears of pay for the heirs of deceased, discharg ed Officers, Soldiers and Sailors, and pay for the Wife or Widowed Mother of Prisoners of War. 'Prize Money for the U. 8. Navy, together vc*ih all other just Claims, Information freely furnished. We purchase and sell all Government Securities, Quartermasters' Certificates and Checks, on the best of terms. References givenjto leading Bankers and business firms in New York. febl6 ts • •J^OTICE. Savannah, Ga., March, 8, 1866. After this date the Provost Court will be held in the U. S. Court House, up stairs, coiner of Bull and Bay streets. EBEN PARSONS, Jr., mar 9—ts Lieut, and Provost Judge. rpHE NEW SKIRT FOR 1863. Awonderftal invention for Ladies. Unquestionably superior to all others. • Don’t fail to read the advertisement in the Savannah H KHALI* containing full particulars, every Monday morning. edexM3mo mar2l General Orders, \ No. 27. / Hereafter the City Market will be open on Batup days from 3 o'clock till 8 o'clock p. m., in addition to the hours already prescribed in order*. By command of Brevet Major General GROVER. Kpvau G. Dam, A, A. A, G. t ■ _ JgITUMINOCS COAL WANTED. FOR U. S. MILITARY RAILROAD. Any person having the'xbore article to dispose of for cash, will please notify the undersigned at the Central Railroad Office, off West Broad street „ , R. T. OOVBRDALE, C»pt. and A. Q. M., U. 8. M. R. R., «pS6 xw Savannah, Ga. (Official.) - OFFICE OF THE MEDICAL Department of the S6ctel Hilton Head, 8. C., April 3,1365. Cincm-AB,! No. 10. / The following War Department Order, No. SO, t v ries 1803, ia respectfully furnished for the lhformatiot and guidance of Chief Medical Officers of Districts in this Department. No Regimental Medical Officers will be detached from duty, with their Regiments, ex cept “temporarily in cases of necessity, or where the Snrgeon and two Assistant surgeons are present, when one of the Assistants may be detached for hos pital duty.” Where a Regimental Medical officer is performing the duty of Post Surgeon. It should be in addition to his Regimental duties. Was Department, Adjutant General’s Offloe, . Washington, March 31, 1868, General Oxdxxs,) No. 80. / It is hereby ordered that all Surgeons and Assistant Surgeons belonging to regiments, who are absent os any other than regimental duty, shall without delay rejoin their regiments. Medical Officers of regiments will not bercaiter be detached upon other service, ex cept temporarily in cases of necessity, or where the Surgeon and two Assistant Surgeons are present, when one of the Assistants may be detached to hospital duty. By order of the Secretary of War. E. D. TOWNSEND. Assistant Adjutant General. ' MEREDITH CLfMER, Medical Director, ap9l Department of the Sooth. (Official.) TTEADQUARTERS DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH, XI Savannah. Ga., April 2lat, 1366 General Ordir, ) No. 10. / In accordance with instructions received from Head quarters, Department of the South, all disloyal per sons within this District will hereafter be deprived of tbe privileges of the United States Mails, and to fully carry oat this order, the following regulations are hereby established, and will be strictly adhered to. Letters, packages and other mail matter will be de livered only to those to whom they are adaressed. No white civilian will be permitted to take a letter from the Post Office, unless they present a certificate stating that he or she has subscribed to the amnesty oath of allegiance, as published in the President's Proclamation of Dec. 8, 1563; If an alien?* certificate from the proper Consul, will be required to the effect that he or she has not violated his or her neutrality during the rebellion. * Persona entitled to the privileges of tbe malls are strictly prohibited from receiving under cover of their address any mail matter Intended for persons disloyal to the government. Should such be received inadver tently, it will be at once turned over to the Provost Marshal of the District to be disposed of In accordance with such Instructions as may be issued from time to time from these Headquarters. By command of Brevet Major General GROVER. Olives Mathews, A, A. G, ap2S COffldal.l OFFICE OF THE MEDICAL DIRECTON, Department of the boom Hilton Head, S. C., March 14,1866. General Orders, \ No. 4. / Whenever practicable. Regimental Hospitals mast be at once discontinued, and the patients sent to Post or General Hospitals. It Is desirable that all cases that can be treated in Post Hospitals should be sent there, thereby facilita ting the more speedy return of men to dnty. Light cases ot disease or Injury should be treated In quarters, and the men assigned, when it can be done without prejudice, to light duty during treatment, In accordance with Paragraph 1248, Revised Regulation* of the Army, 1863. „j, MEREDITH CLYMER, » . _ , , Medical Director, Dept, of the South. Official: Wm. F. Buchanan, Asst. Surgeon, U. 8. A., Executive Officer. apjo fTV> THE ARMY AND NAVV X OF THE UNITED STATES. PROCEEDINGS OF A MEETING * HELD AT ~HILTON HEAD, S. C., APRIL 81, 1866, Pursuant to a call, a large number of gentlemen connected withtbe Army and Navy, met at Commis sary Hall, Hilton Head, South Carolina, on Friday, the 21st day of April, 1866, at 11 o’clock a. m., for the purpose of instituting measures to secure the erection of a Monument to the memory of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, and proceeded to business underthe following organization, viz; President— Brevet Brig. Gen. M. S. Littlefield. Vice Peksiurnts— Col. James Lewis, CoJ. C. L. Kil burn, Assistant Surgeon Wm. Commons, of the Navy • Major W. L. M. Burger, Major A. V. Elliott, Captain Thomas J. Robinsou. Secretaries— Major Thomas J. Saunders, Captain Jesse Merrill. The President having stated the object of the meet ing, On motion, a Committee of five was appointed to prepare resolutions; consisting of the following nam ed gentlemen i Colonel C. L. Kilourn, Captain Wil liam Reynolds, of the Navy, Captain L R. Ems. and Captain Jesse Merrill—who, after a short retirement returned, and by their Chairman presented the follow ing: Whereas, the relations between Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, and the Army and Navy thereof, were of such a character as to create feelings, in both arms of the service, not only of pro found respect bnt of the deepest admiration and love; and Whereas, under an abiding sense of obligation and duty, we cannot feel satisfied without giving substan tial expression to the sentiments by which we are ani mated ; therefore be it Resolved, That the Army and Navy of the United States, including all those who served under President Lincoln in a Military and Naval capacity, claim itaaa privilege, in which they reverently hope to be indulg ed, to erect a Monument over his honored re mains, at Springfield, Illinois. Second, That contributions for this purpose from the Eastern Army be forwarded to Major General John A. Dix. at his Headquarters in New York; and from the Western Army, to His Excelleucy, Richard Oglesby, Governor of the State of Illinois. Third, That we earnestly invite the 00-operatlon of onr brethren of the Army and Navy throughout the country at large, and suggest the holding oi meetings and the raising of funds without delay, to secure the* object in view, i Fourth. That we respectfully request that these proceedings be published in the papers of the United States, genearily. Kemaiks were then made by General LittleflelACol, Lewis, Major Saunders and Major Salisbury in com mendation of the project, after which the preamble aud resolutions were unanimously adopted by the meeting. It was then moved that the officers of the rrieeting constitute a Permanent Committee for the purpose of corresponding with similar organisations throughout the country, and with power to add to their number at discretion; which was also agreed to unanimously. No fu ther business appearing, the meeting tutu adjourned. O M. sh LITTLEFELD, President, Taos. J. Saunders, i Becretarlai . Jesss Merrill, f (Official.} OFFICE OF THE MEDICAL DIRECTOR, Defartmeot of ms South, Hilton Head, 9. C„ March 21, 1366. Circular Letter. The following “Circular” Is republished for the ln formaiion of Medical Officers in this Department. Circular,! No. 1. / Surgeon General’s Office, Washington, D. C., Feb. *7, 1866 The attention of all Medical Officers is called to the necessity for greater care in the preservation of hospi tal property. Losses from want of proper attention and vigilance, from accident or dishonesty, that could have been guarded against, will not be allowed in the settlement of accounts, and in future the fullest evi dence will be required that snch losses were unavoid able. Medical Directors of Departments, and Superinten dents of General Hospitals, will satisfy themselves that the tuna) returns and requisitions are baaed upon actual inspection and count of articles on hand. JOS. K. BARNES, Surgeon General By order of the Medical Director, D. S. WM. F. BUCHANAN, Asst. Surgeon, XJ. S. A., ap?l Executive Officer. CANITARY. > LIMBI LIME!! LIME!?! 800 «iidr« beet quality Tbomaston Lime, suitable for brick work, postering, white washing, or for sanitary purpeaes. Justrecsived direct from Thomaston, Me. For sate by DUNBAR 4k FRANZ, 10 Merchants' Row. »pl» OUtos flat*.