Newspaper Page Text
Losses and Business Manager qsamt taoust.
Director of Amusements a. h. oatkmpobt.
fciage Manager t. t. beuidos.
Tie performance wili commence with Snowier
Beautiful Play of
Mister Play Mr. ThomaaWeir
Mas er Modus Mr Davenport
Sir Thomas Clifford Mr. Howard
Fathom Mr. Herndon
Lord Tinsel Mr. Rogers
Julia Miss Florence Lafond
Hel-u * Mias Maude St. Leon
Assisted by the otner member* of the Company.
▲ftor which a Comic Song by Mr. J. W. Cartier.
To conclude with the Roaring Farce of
os. a oaosr m sms or stnsser.
Vlggoiy Mr. T. J, Herndon
Aldwinklc... Mr. Simpson
Vaan ting ton Mr. Rogers
Nicodemus Mr. ftuiuak
Faul Mr, Camer
Georgiaua Miss Elsie St. Leon
Lavinla Miss Maude St. Leon
Owing to a misapprehension as to the use of Com.
plimcntary Ticket*, the Management is compelled to
•withdraw for the present all such Tickets. Gentlemen
having them will please return them to the Box office
of th* Theatre, on or bsfore cha Slat iust.. as at that
time they will cease to be of use.
Nemos.—Tha doors will open at 7, and the
curtain rise at 8 o’clock precisely.
Box office open from 10 until 2 o'clock.
All bills must be presented weekly.
HiLtoa Head, S. C., April 30, 1865. f
Gjarrut Oedses,)
No. 62. /.
L The following order h hereby re-published for the
Information and guidance of this command;
Military Division or tub Mtssiaaippr,
„ In the Field, Raleigh, N. C., Aprii 27, 1806.
Special Fibld Osueus,)
No. 05. / -
The General Commanding announces a further sus
pension of hostilities and a final agreement with Gen.
Johnston, which terminates the war a* to the Armies
under his command, and the country east of th* Chat,
Copier of the terms of the convention will be fam
ished Major Generals Schofield, Gillmore and Wilson,
who are specially charged, with the execution of Its
details in the Department of North Carolina; De
partment of the South, and at Macon and in Western
Capt. Jasper Myers, Ordnance Departments S. A.,
Is hereby designated to receive the arms, Ac., at
Green-.boro, and any Commanding Officer of a Post
may receive tiie arms or any detachments, and »ee
that they are properly stored and accounted for.
General Schofie and will procure at once the necessary
blank* and supply the other Army Commanders that
uniformity may prevail; and great care must be taken
that all the to> m and stipulations on our part be ful
filled with the mn-t scmpuloue fidelity, whilst those
imposed ou onr hithei to enemy be received iu a epirit
becoming a brave and generous army.
Aiiny commanders may at once loan to the lnhabl
tants such of the captured males, noises, wagous and
vehicles, as can be spared from immediate use, and
tbs Commanding Generals'of Armies may issue pro
visions, animals, or any public supplies that can be
Spared, to relieve present wants and to encourage the
inhabitants to resume their peaceful pursuits, and to
restore relations of friendship araoug our fel‘ow-citl
*ens and countrymen.
Foraging will forthwith cease, and when necessity
or long marches compel the taking of forage, provi
sinus, or any kind of private property, compensation
will he made on the spot orwnen the disbursing offi
cers are not provided with funds, vouchers wdl be
Slven iu proper form paytblo at the nearest military
By order of Major General W. T. BIIERMAN.
fS.gueclj L. M. Dayton,
Major A Asst. AdJ’t General.
Sy command of Maj. Gen. Q. A. GILLMORE.
W- L. >l. Beauts, A. A. Gen. my 2
_ „ SaVadjuh, Ga., April 80, 1866.
Qsxctvl OaDEKB,>
No -.9. /
I. Three free public schools for the education of
white children of this city; viz:—one primary and
two grammar schools will be established, and will
open on the 2d Monday lu May, or as soon thereafter
as practicable.
11. The Board of Education will be compered as
follows, viz:
Mayor R. D. AsNoin,
Mg Job* L. Villalossa,
“ Amho.ny Pobt/.b,
“ Hewrt C. Fbcusax,
“ W. H. S.A'-ai, 4
“ Jamis G. Mills.
nt. Mr. Jame? Cann is appointed Superintendent
of Common Schools, and will, in conjunction with the
Board o' Education, at once proceed to organize th*
schools provided for iu par. Ist—such buildings as be
ing available and the most suitable will be assigned by
the Post Q. M. for school purposes
IV. The Board or Education will be divided into
three visiting committees, being one committee for
each school, whose duty it ehall oe, to visit the respec
tive ocuools at least once a month, examine the class
es. and report in writing to the Board of Education—
which shall meet at a stated time once a month.
V. The Mayor will be cx-uificio Chairman of the
Board of Education, and will mak: such reports to
the Commanding General from time to time, as be
may think the interests of the public schools require.
VI. Tue following will lie the mode o selecting
teachers i The Superintendent will advertise for ap
plicants, stating the po-itians, requirements and sal
ariui of each grade. In due time an exanffnation of
the applicant* will be conducted by the Superinten
dent iu the p e-ence of the visiting committees for the
schools in which ihe position is to be filled. On the
result cf the examin tion, the Committee and Super
intendent will recommend those deemed best fitted
tc the Board o; Education for election—the election
to be subject to the approval of the Commanding
VU. Tli« salary of the Superintendent shall be at
the rate ot #3m»o usr year. Tnat of first a sistanta, of
which there abalt be three, at the rate of #9oo per
year,—and that of th" second assistants of which
there shall be three. at the rate of $761) per year, pay
able .rom the ctvi fund on a certificate of service ren
ueseO, signed by the chairman of the Board of Edu
cation and approved by the General Commanding,
„v V I, 1 iJ l oai and °, r Education, in conjunction with
the bupenuteiideut of common school*, will e tablish
such rules and regulations lor the government ot. and
discipline in their schools, as shall to them be deemed
advisable, and all the children will be -dmlttad free,
subject to such ruleraud regulations.
®y command of
Brt. Major. Gen. GROVER.
Edwasd G. Dial, Asst. Adjt.-Gen, m t
Savannah, Go., May 2d, ifiw. /
i>u. id. j
Fsisou* bringing produce and lire stock to the la
vanuah market, will hereafter be permitted to exchange
the same tor good* and supplies not contraband of
rvar, for the use of ttiemscive*, families and employes,
and to truu port the same beyond the lines of actual
military occupation. Persons within the lines will also
be permitted to go out for the purpose of bringing to
m.iiket such produce uud live stock as they may be
able to procure, and to bring the same in.
Restrictions upon passes are removed to this extent
—that resident citizens having important business in
the intei tor will be permitted to go oat in order to
transact the same and return. Resident citiseus living
outside the lines u ill in like manner on good and sui
ficient reasons, be permitted to visit tus city and re
turn to their homes again.
By command of Brvt. Maj. Gen. GROVER
_Otiyca Maa thews, Asst, Afijt, Gen, my 2
r*L c, J loar ’ '“quantitiesfo salt purchasers, at the
~ steam ALUi. Price one dollar per bushel. Ap
-£**• 3 R. LACHLISON.
UMi: -
joneThosand barrels Rockland Lima, landing from
•chooner A. Richards. For sol# by *
**** * H. BRIGHAM.
mA r ;
ooD* y• s ladies book
M A 1 .
m ▲ r
For sal* at No. ut Bay street. ‘
ami M uu a« tn
He. lit Bit iStSSSt.
all th* nobtksrn daily and weekly
Received os th* arrival of every Steamer from the
No. 11l Bat 8f sett, .
'J Detaktmxnt or the Sooth,
Eaton Head, S. C., April XL 1866.
CxnocnAß Lettes.
The following extracts from Circular*, Surgeon
Genera,*B Office, are published for the in ormatton of
all Medicat Officers concerned;
Cir. No. it, s. G. 0., 1802.—1. In eases where the
services have been rendered in the field, the certifi
cate appended to the account should state that fact;
otherwise the Increased allowance for field tervice can
not be paid.
6. All accounts for service should be iu duplicate,
and sbonld be certified by tbe commanding officer of
the force with which the physician is eerrtng, or the
Surgeon in charge of the hospital, and approved by
tbe Medical Director of the Division, Army Corns,
Army, or Department.
Circ. No. 21, S. G. 0., 1888.—5th. The mere appro
. vai of an account will not secure its passage through
the Treasury. The signature of the certifying officer
must be placed in the blank space immediately be
low tbqmertificate, and not, as now frequently occurs,
iu somrotherpart of the account, thus leaving tbe
certificate unKgned.
6th The dates between which the services are ren
dered mas be accurately stated. Both the initial and
final day are counted; thus, from “August 20, 1868,
to September 20, Inclusive,'' Is not one month, but
one one month and'one day. It should read, “from
August 20, 1562, to September 12, 1863, inclusive," be
ing ene month.
Bth. When a contract physician has been absent
from duty, the certifying officer must state the reason
and duration thereof.
Contract Physicians are requested to use the blank
printed accounts famished by this office; an abundant
supply of which will bfi issued to every hospital, poet,
Ac., on tbe request of th* Surgeon in charge or Com
manding Officer. j
Contract Physicians, who desire lt, csa have their
certificates made payable to any person beside them
selves, by simply eadorsing on tbe face of tbe ac
count :
“Fay to the order of—
Act. Asst, Burg. U. 9. A."
Circ, Letter, 3. G. 0.. Washington, D. C., March
26,1864.—111. Accounts for medical services under
contracts, mu st exhibit the following facts:
1. The plac e of service.
2. The dat'os between the services were rendered.—
The Treasury Department assumes every month to be
composed o f thirty days, and accounts for fractltionsl
parte of two successive month mn*t be so calculated;
thus, from the 2lst of August to the 10th of September
the calcu.’ ation of rime will be from the 21st to the
30th of August, Inclusive, (Ignoring tbe 81st), ten
days, and from the let to the 10th of September, In.
elusive, yen days—making the time to be paid for,
twenty da y*. . t
3. The rname of th* Hospital, Camp, Post, Regimen
or comma .ad, in or with which th* services were rca
4. The class of persons with whom rendered ; whe
ther U. 9.. forces, colored troop*, prisoners of war,
militery prisoners, refugees, contrabands, or whether
the eervi css were rendered in smsll-Pox Hospitals,
6. The dal* of the contract under, which the services
were res dered, and the name of the officer with whom
the cont' .-act was made.
6. If f« >r service at.a post or with a detachment, the
strength of tbe command must be stated.
IV. Accounts must be made out 'for periods of one
or more complete months, commencing with the date
or entry upon service. Ko account embracing frac
tional p> trioda of a mouth will receive attention, an
less It appears upon the face thereof; either that the
station of the physician has been changed or his con*
tract as mulled; bat accounts for shy length of
may be .presented on one set of duplicates, subject
only to the exceptions specified.
V. A ccounts for several months’ service, if render
ed sept irately, most bee ntinuous: for tbeTreaeory
Depart ment will not pay an account for one month,
unt 1 boat of the preceding month has been settled.
VL Officers certiiying to account# of a “frivate
Physician under Contract,” mu»t give their official
title, said state explicitly the capacity in which they
are serving : otherwise their authority to make each
a cwti fleet# may be questioned, fi. g, A. 8., Surgeon
U. 8. A., in Charge General Hospital, C*D.,
t)lr * ctor >' l»l Division, 2d
Aten l / Corps. E. p., Col- 40th Ohio Vela., Command
ing Post, Garrison, Regiment. As they are also held
responsible tor tbs truth of every statement
certificates signed “By Order" or
Direotor” will be
i * <xou “ t » certified by othir officers than a
be given, with a he ha.
oSSSCSS! *“ iai “
By order of the Medical Director, D a.
sprite Aset. Surg. U. 8. A, Executive Officer.
If Mrs. Lucy Manning, who was formerly Miss Lae*
Bessinger, will address ms she will hear of a> tortoise
to her or her child. Any wiu beihank
fufiy received and rewarded of her whrreabeaM or
Flmm address Mr. John Man son, Company R, 2d
contains a Novelette complete, together wLh from
three to eight short stories, with Illustrations. Terms;
$2 per year. Single eopiea, 26 cants.
a mean** mobhal. mo oontincxo eieetsu
Thrilling Stories, Racy Sketches, Stirring Adventures
and Choice Home Reading. s3* year. Foot copies,
Devoted to Tale*, Sketebee, Adventure* Poems,
New*, Noveliettas, Ac. #6 per year.
The cheapest magazine in the world. SI.BO a year.
Seven copies, SB. Nearly one hundred pages of reading
matter and illustrations. Pontage only 18 cents per
188 pages In each book i one-third larger than any
other DUna Novel.
All of the above publications will be forwarded regu
larly by mall, on receipt of price, by
. % 88 Congress street,
Boston, Mass.
Sample* can be seen, or copies ap
plying at
111 BAY mlt 1,
apriS ts
Savagnah, Ga., May, Ist, 1865.
In pnieoanoe of orders, received at this office, all
dtleeus occupying buildings, whose owners are ab
sent within the Rebel lines, or building*, or other
property belonging to disloyal persons, will, uulem
such buildings have been previously assigned—rent
free—settle tbe renta for the same, due the Uni
ted State*, at this o too op or before tbe 10th of
A failure tn oompiy with tbe above wfM cans* a
forfeiture of all claims to farther occupation.
mayl ' Capt. and A. Q. M., in charge of buildings.
jjWHdH’ TuJkktS.
Citizens interested, are called upon to notice partlo
nlarly the following instructions in reference to their
Ration Tickets for the next week.
All persons absolutely needy will apply for Tickets
at the “Relief Committee Rooms,'’ in the Exchange,
in tbe following order, via:
Extending from Bay street, south, to South Broad
Street, and from Bull street, east (including .Magazine
Ward), to tbe city limits. Citizens of this District wil.
be served on Monday and Tuesday next. White fam
ilies will be served fiom 9 a. ra. to ip. m. Colored
families from 4 p. m. to 0 p. m.
Lying east of 801 l street and sonth of South Broad
street, extendingto the city limits. Will be served o»
Wednesday aod Thursday. Whites from 9a.m. to 1
p. m.; colored from 4to6p. m.
Lying between Bay street and South Bread street
and from Bull street west to West Broad street.
Will be served on Friday. Whites from 9 a, m. to l
p. m,; colored from 4to6p. m.
manner MO. 4
Lying between Bull and West Broad streets, and
from South Broad street south, to the city limits.—
Will be served on Saturday and Monday. May 7tb.
Whites from 9a. ro. to Ip. m.; colored from 4 to 6
p. m.
meatier mo. 6.
Yamacraw—extending from the river, eouth, to
New afreet between West Broad street and the canal.
Will be served on Tuesday and Wednesday, tbe Sen
and 9tb May. Whites from 9a.m. to ip. m. i color
ed from 4 to 8 p. m.
Msmer go. fi.
Robcrtaville. Will be served on Thursday, May
19th. Whites from lp. m.: colored from 4
The Store of the undersigned will be dosed for a
few days, for the purpose of opening and arranging a
Urge and extend va Stock es
Which have Jut arrived Direct from New York.
W. W. LINCOLN, Druggist,
aptt Corner Bull and Congress sta.
To families by the quart or gallon, at
ovm Adams’ Express office. Bay street.,
SaVaxvas, Ga., April 21,1861.
This Is to certify that Was. M Williams and Charles
E. Wakefield do this day dissolve partnership, Wm,
M. Williams having bought all right and title of said
Charles E. Wakefield iu the ‘‘Hilton Head House”
Restaurant, corner of Bryan street and Johnson
The business of tho “Hilton Head Honse"wiUbe
ca rried on by W. M. Williams, who will be happy to
at set his old friends and the public as before, at the
Restaurant, corner of Bryan street and Johnson
He will conduct the business subject to tho Military
Regulations, and will spare no paint to merit and
•hare a portion of the patronage of the public.
Meals furnished for Transient and weekly Board
Oysters, Clams, Ac., in season.
Ales, Wines Cider, Soda, Sarsaparilla, Fop Beer,
Began and Tobacco, constantly on band.
ap» I Proprietor.
XI Savannah, Os,, April 28,1846.
Gorut Obsess,!
No. 1L J
From the Ist of May nest until farther orders u tax
of one per cent, will be kvL-d upon all imports admit
ted within the limite of this District t also a tax of three
percent, upon all incomes of six hundred dollar* or
upward* from rsal otrte.
These taxes will be collected by the Supervisor of
Trad#, who will turn over the amount accruing from
them each month to the officer in charge es the civil
lyMSsiid Brevet Majer Gun. OROVXB.
Qu-vsa Manuwv A- A. S. *****
Dkparthvkt of th* Beers, „
Hilton Head, & C., March 17,1866.
Gsxioal Oaoxsal
No. 6. f
I. The strictest discipline is required iu the admlnls
tration of a Military Hospital. It is a paramount duty
of a Medical Officer of the Army to maintain the disci
pline of the soldier, dm lug his residence fu Hospital, at
tbe highest poiut of efficiency compatible with the us
ture aud treatment of the disease or Injury he is suffer
ing from. The General Hospitals in this Department
have hitherto been remarkable for their excellent dis
cipline. The Medical Director regretted to find In his
recent Inspection* the unmilitary neglect of regula
tion* in regard to dresa and general discipline: the
car less and unsoldieily bearing of many or the con
valescents and attendant.-* aud oitb**r the entire ab
sence of the customary compliments between tbe offi
cers and men. or the slovenly, manner in which they
were paid and returned. Respect to superiors is not
confined to obedience on duty, but muai be exteuded
to all occasions It is alwavs the duty of the luferlor
to accept or offer first the proper salutation, and of the
superior to return such complimentary notice. Here
after existmg regulations and order* in regard to die
tiplin*. proper compliments, and dress, must be rigid
ly enforced, and all iu'tactions of discipline,, or ala
obedßucc of orders, must be promptly punished. The
attention of all officer* on duty In General Hoepiwls
in ibis Department, is called to paragraph* 263, 254,
•-'66, 2C6 aud 267 Kevtaed Regulation* of th* Army,
1363, an? to General Orders, No. 167, Headquarters,
Department of the South, series 1384.
Whenever an Officer enters a Ward,the Wardmaster
must command attention, on which tbe patients, wbo
are able to do so, will rise and staud In tne position of
attention until the Officer has passed out.
Whenever a patient, attendant, or gnard meets an
Officer, within the precincts of the Hospital, be will
offer the customary salutation; if seated, and without
particular occupation, he will rise ou hi* approach, or.
If standing, he will turn towards the Officer for the
asme purpose. Tbe Officer will acknowledge the salute
in a respectful manner.
At Inspection each man's articles of clothing, wfalrh
may be iu the wards, will be neatly folded and laid on
the foot of the bed. Boots and shoes, well brushed,
will be p'aced ou tbe floor ut tbe foot of the bed.
Nothing mast be hidden nnder the bedstead.
Every patient in Hospital, « ho is able, will wash his
face and hands at least every morning, and his feet
twice a week, and will take a general bath once a
week. Those who are unable to leave their beds,
should have their hands aud f ices washed by tbe
nureee aud th* surface of the body sponged ofteu
enough to maintain cleanliness.
. 'J he att< ndauts aro especially enjoined to oe cleanly
tn their persons, neat in their dress, and aoidlerly in
their bearing.
No attendant or patient in U. S. A. General Hospital
in this Department must leave the limit* or the Hospi
tal unless he is provided with a pass signed by tne
Medical Officer of the Day, without having ou his
proper uniform, his coat buttoned up, clothing and
shoes well brushed, and tho number of hit regiment
and the letter of his company on his cap. Enlisted
men and civilian mines must not be permitted to wear
hospital dressing gowns or sllppen outside th* wards.
11. Th* Hospital Steward charged with the admlnls
tratlv* duties of a Military Hospital, is designated the
Chief Steward. He may be selected by the Surgeon in
Charge from the Stewards assigned to him, solely on
account of merit and known capacity, and not by seni
ority of warrant. He is, ex-officio, the ranking Steward
for ihetime being, and must be obeyed and respected
accordingly. He Is entitled by his rank to obedience
tom all enlisted men in the Hospital, both patients
attendants, and civilian nurses, and la immediately re
sponsible to the Surgeon In Charge for the performance
of his duties, and he holds hie subordinates responsible
for the proper performance of their duties. As an ej
llsted man, he owes respect and prompt obedience
all orders of bis military superiors. He should wear
his undress uniform In the Hospital On Musters and
Inspections be must be iu full dress, with side arms.
The Chief Stewards must pay two visits daily to
every part of the Hospital, viz: at nine o'clock a. m„
end at evening between tatoo and Ups. At these reg
ular visits, ho will note the condition, discipline,
cleanliness, ventilation, warming and lighting of the
wards, kitchens, mess-ha’ls, bath-rooms, and latrines,
and hs will report to the Surgeon in Charge all irregu
larities. abuses, Infraction of discipline, or neglect of
duty that may c»m* under hit notice, necessity of re
pairs, or other wants. He will see that the ration re
turn* are made out, the rations received, properly
kept, and economically issued, and tbe prescribed dully
diet table observed. He will be responsible for the
efficient administration of the clerical duties of tbe
111. A Meteorological Register (Form 11, Revised
Medical Regulations, 186 b.) must bo kept daily lu
every General aud Post Hospital tn this Department,
aud transmitted monthly to th* Surgeon General'*
Office by the Surgeon (u Charge.
This Order will be placed in a conspicuous place in
th* office «f the Hospital, and iu inch ward, and para
graph i. will be read r>y tue Executive Officer of each
General Hospital to the convalescent* iu line at each
Sunday luspiulou.
apr!9 Medical pm-ctor, Hept. of the Booth.
C< fflclal.]
Elite:. ..cad, 8. C„ Feb. SO, 1846.
No. 3. /
Hereafter Medical Officers In charge of U. I. A.
General Hospitals luthie Department will observe par
ticularly the provisions of General Orders, No. iU, A.
G. 0., W. D., series 1363, respecting the preparation oi
“invalid Roll." All nun who are able to handle a
musket and inak» short marches will be recommended
for the let Battalion, Veteran Re»c v* corps.
Medical Director,
apS2 Department of the South.
(Late Somes, Brown A Cos
Correspondents in Washington—J. W. Fisher A Cos.,
478 Fourteenth Street.
We have complete facilities for transacting basinet?*
speedily and correctly in all the Department* at
Washington. Remittances prompt, and terms rev
We give eepeclal attention to obtaining Certificates
for Non-Indebtedness for Ordnance and Quartermas
ters’ Returns for Officers, and settling their accounts.
We collect the following classes of Claims, and make
advances it desired i
Bounties for the heirs of deceased, wounded Sol
diers. and such ae have serv. and two years.
Pensions for Invalids, Widows, Mothers, and Or
phan Children.
Arrears of pay for the heirs of deceased, discharg
ed Officers, Soldiers and Sailors, and pay for tht Wire
or Widowed Mother of Prisoners of War.
"Prize Money for the U. 8. Navy, together wLh all
other Just Claims. Information freely furnished.
We purchase and sell all Government Securities,
Quartermasters’ Certificate* and Checks, on tbs best
ot term*.
References plvenjto leading Bankers and business
firms In Naw York. feblfi ts
Sava.vha* Ga., March, A 1866.
After this date tbs Provost court will be bold lu tht
U. 8. Court House, up stairs, comer of Bull and Bay
streets _
mar 9—ts Lieut, snd Provost Judge.
Awonderftil invention for Ladlee. Unquestionably
superior >o all others. » ~ _
Don’t fall to read the advertisement In the Savanhab
Houlp, containing foil particulars, every Monday
morning. edcaMtlmo znar2l
OeaiCXAL OBDtas,!
No. 27. { ,
Hereafter the City Market will be open on Satur.
day* from 8 o’clock till S o’clock p. m., in addition to
the hours alresdy prescribed in or ders;
By coumand of
Brevet Major General GROVER.
EnwABO G. Dike, A. A. A. G.
Any per»on having the above article to dispoe#of
«P»fi aW Snvaanab, GA
Vy DspAamirr or tbs Socta
Hilton Head, 8. C„ April Xlß4*.
No. 10. f
The following War Department Order, No. 99, (»•
ries 1563, !a respectfully furnished for the Information
and guidance of Chief Medical Officers of Districts la
this Department No Regimental Medical Officer*
will be detached from duty with their itegtmeats, ex
cept “temporarily in cases of necessity, or where the
Sugeon and two Assistant *urgeou*are present,
when one of tbe Assistant* may be detached for hos
pital duty "
Where a R- gimvrtal Medical offiner Is performing
tbe duty of Post Bnrge«L it should be in addition to
his Eegimeaul dntiea.
W*« DxeAS-rjftirr,
Adjutant General'* Office,
Washington, March 11, 18)4
OzvzßAt Oanxta,)
No. st. f
It le hereby ordered that all Surgeons aud Assistant
Surgeon* belonging to regiments, who are Ibaent an
env other thiu regimental duty, shall without delay
rejoin their regiments Medical Officers of regiments
will not hereafter be detached upon other service, ex
cept temporarily In can#" of necessity, or where the
burgeon and two Assistant Surgeons are present, when
one or the Assistants may be detached to hospital
By order of the Secretary of War.
Assistant Adjutant GeoetaL
Medical Director.
opW _. _. _ ___ Department of th* South.
A A SaYawab. Ga., April Mat, 18CC.
GgasßAL OtDsml j
No. 10. / 1
Iu accordance with Instructions received from Head
quarter*. Department of the south, all disloyal pee
sons within this District will hereafter be deprived at
the privilege* of the-United Bretes Mails, and to fully
carry out this order, the following regulation* art ’
hereby established, and will be strictly adhered to.
Letters, p ckage* and other mall matter will be de
livered nly to those to whom thev are addressed.
No white will be permitted to take a letter
from the P.« Office, unless they present a certificate
stating that he or she has subscribed to the amnesty
oath of allggiauee, as published in th* President**
Proclamation of Dec. 8.1563; [fan alien, a certificate
from the proper Consul, will be required to the ed'eot
that he or sh« has not violated his or her neutrality
during the rebellion.
Persons entitled to the privileges of th* mails are
strictly prohibited from recei ring under cover of thelr
addrees any mail matter Intended for person*disloyal
to the government. Should such be received inadver
tenfly, It will be at ono* turned over to the Frovoet
Marshal of the District to be disposed of lu
with each Instructions as may be issued from time to
time from these Headquarters.
By command of
o,™ n.-.jrr o“" °'"“ 1 aK "2s
v Dkyabtmkwt or tbe Socm,
„ _ Hilton HeadTß. C., March 14. -80S.
GBUBAL Ousts, 1
No. A ;
Whenever practicable, Regimental Hospital* must
beat once dDcontinaed, aud tbe patiouu sent to Poet
or General Hospital*.
It lsdeeirabie that all cases that can betraated iu '
Post Hospitals should be sent there, thereby facilita
ting tbe more speedy return of men to duty.
Light cases of disease or Injury should be treated in
quarters, and th* men assigned, when it can be don*
without prejudice, to light duly during treatment, to
accordance with Paragraph 1248, Revised B*»ni**io,.«
of the Army. 1863.
Official- Medical Director, Dept, of the Booth.
Wn. F. Bdcsakav, Asst Surgeon, U.3. A.,
Executive officer. apw
«au> ay . >->
HILTON HEAD, 8. C., APRIL «, 1838,
Pursuant to a call, a large number of gentlemca
connected with lb* Army end Navy, met at intnmis.
sary Halfr Hilton Head, South Carolina, on Friday,
the 21st day of April, 1866, at.ll o’clock am , for tu*
purpose <>i instituting measures to secure the erection
ofa Monumett to tbe memory of Abraham Ltaco.o,
late President of the United States, and proceeded to
business undertho following erg. u zatir n via:
PasaiDinT—brevet Brig. Gtn. M. S. Uttlvfteid,
Vic* } ax* oners—Col. James Lewis CoTcT L. Kl’.
buru, Aaai'tuntaurgecu Wm. Commons, of the Navy:
Major «. L M. burger, Major A. V. Elliott Captain
Thomas J. Uobln»vu. y
SaoarrAniKS—Major Thomas J. Saunders, Captain
Jtsse Merrill.
I The President halving stated the object of tbe meet,
on motion, a commit’ e* of five was appolated to
prepare resolutions; consisting of th* following nam
edgentlemen: Colonel C. L. Kilourn, captain Wil.
liain Reynolds, of th* Navy Captain L R. Erne and
captain Jesse Merrill—whw, after a short retirement
returned, and by their Chairman presented the follow
whereas, the relations between Abraham Lincoln,
lat* President oftb* United States and tbe Army and
Navy thereof, were of such a character as to create
•clings, in both arms of the service, not only of pro
found respect but of th* deepest admiration and love:
Whereas, nnder an abiding sens* of obligation and
duty, we cannot feel satisfied without giving suhttan-
Hat expression to the sentiment* by which we are ani
mated: ti erefore b« it
Resolved. That the Army and Navy of th* United
State* including all those who served under President
Lincoln in a Military and Naval capacity, claim it as a
privilege, in which they reverently hope to be Indulg
ed, to erect a Monument over his honored re*
mains l ot.fipriugfleld, Illinois.
Second, That contributions for this purpoaefron
tbe Eastern Aimy be forwarded to M-Jor General
John A. Dix. at bis Headquarters in New York; and
from th* Western Army, to HU Excellency. Richard
Oglesby, Governor of the State oi Ibmoia.
Third, ThM we earnestly invite the co-operation of
our brethren of th* Army and Navy throughout tbe
country at large, aud suggest the holding or meetings
aud the raising o; fund* without delay, to secure the
object iu view,
i Fourth That we resp ctfutly request that these
procet ding* he published in th 6 paper* of the United
States genear ly.
Kemu.ks were then made by General Littlefield,Col.
Lewie, Major Saunders and Major Shulabury in com
meudatiou of the project after which the preamble
and resolution* were unanimously adopted by the
It was then rooted that the officers of the meeting
constitute a Permanent Committee for th* purposes?
corresponding with similar organisttious throughout
tbs country, and with power to add to their number
at discretion; w hich .was alto) greed to unanimously.
No fu tber business appearing, the meeting then
M. sixiTTLEFELD, President.
Tnos. J. SAtrsDxas,. 6ecrtUrtoi .
Jams Mi bu 11, ( .
(Official, j >
or me Sown,
Hilton Uaad, s., U, March tL 1861.
Ctaoet.Aß lotis.
'1 be follow .ng ••Circular” Is republished forth* la*
formation ot Medical Officers la this Department <
No. 1. / „ •
StmsEox GenmAL’a Orvior,
Waabingtou, D. C., Fab 27, ififig
The attention of all Medical Officer* is caUedtoUm
necessity for greater euro In tbs preservation of ho»pW
ta l property. Losses from want of proper attention
and vigUanca, from accident or dhhonsaty. that could
have been guarded against, will not be allowed in the
settlemen tof accounts, and in ftnurothe fullest <vt
dene# will b# required that tucU lusses were uuaTUd*
aole. ./
Medical Directors of Departments, and Superintso
dents of Geutral Hospitals, will satisfy Hum-elves
that the utnal returns and roquisitiona art based upos
actual mspecUon and count of article* on hand.
By order of the Medical Director,'rhS? 0 ®
Asst. Surgeon, U. b. A.,
apvl Executive Officer.-
g=i=r— *“■
liaci iiaim
•00 casks best quality Thomaston Lime, suitable fbt
brick work, plastering, white wishing, or for sanitary
purpose*. . Juairobuvsd direct from Thomatstes, JU.
M Msicbanu’ Row.
•819 Hilton Hsad.