Newspaper Page Text
The Savannah Daily Herald;
- -i
Yesterday morning an installment of a
large supply of printing paper for the Her
ald, reached here from Hilton Head by the
steamer Resolute, Capt. Cannon. Its arri
val, was most opportune, for we had printed
every sheet of our own paper, had exhaust
ed a loan from the Republican, andiiad been
indebted to our obliging neighbors, Sir.
Nichols and Mr. IV.rse, lor the stoek to is
sue our last two editions upon. For two
days we had been compelled to put the pub
lic upon short rations, anil even on one or
two occasions to publish upon half sheets.
We uow have an adequate supply, ami
hope never again to come short.
This paper is manufactured expressly for
the Savannah Daily Herald, by Messrs.
Kick, Kendall & Cos., Water street, Boston,
who have regularlarly supplied us with
paper since the start of Thk Palmetto Her
ald,over ayear ago,and ot whose promptness
in filling our orders wo cannot speak in too
much praise. They have frequently gone to
much trouble for onr accommodation, and
with our patronage have secured our high
esteem, as, so lkr as we know, they have
that of all their customers.
Pamphlet Report Now Ready.
For Sale at the Herald Office ; price, $lO
per hundred ; 15c per copy.
The Flag of Truck Steamer Emitje.—
This steamer, bearing a flag of truce lrom
Sisters Ferry, on the Savannah riyer, and
which was detained above, the city several
hours, by getting on a sand bar, arrived at
the wharf about half-past two o’clock yes
terday attemoon. On board were nearly
three hundred Union paroled soldiers ; they
had been paroled at Blueberry Court House,
South Carolina. Many ot them have been in
prison from four to twenty-two months;
these unfortunates have travelled a con
siderable distance through Dixie, and have
been confined in various stockades.
The following additional passengers also
arrived by the Emelie; Major Hayes, of
Kentucky ; Capt. Blakcmore, of Nelson Cos.
<la.; E. Htocktade, of Kentucky ; together
with Dr. Uaruett, Jus. Pierpont, of Savan
nah, sth Georgia Cavalry ; Frank Donohoe,
Patrick Garity, ot Savannah, paroled Con
federate prisoners of war; Mrs. J. A. Sarard,
Mrs. G. W. Broadhurst, James R. Garcia
and wife, Mrs. C. C. Strohecker. Mrs. White
head and ;l children, Rev. L. Muller, Mrs. O.
C. Rice. 4 Misses Pappy, Mrs. Garnett, Miss
H. A. Cooke and Mrs. S. IJ. Cooke.
The Emelie will return up the river this
The telegraphic line which connects us
with Hilton Head is liable to such frequent
interruptions from breakages of the subma
rine cables, that the authorities have deemed
it best to erect signal towers by which intel
ligence can be carried from Proctor’s Point
to Fort Pulaski, eveu if the wire is down.—
As this is the point at which thebreaks often
est occur, the new arrangement cannot fail
to lx? very useful.
The Proctor’s Point tower was completed
yesterday. The odicer hi charge, Sergeant
YVolverton, L. S. A. Signal Corps, discovered
that the same station had before been used
by the Confederates as a signal post of obser
vation, and he found a number of Confed
erate despatches, though the greater part of
them had been destroyed.
From those which were still legible, it
was discovered that this point had been used
to command a perfect view of Now River,
Wright’s River, Broad River and the other
Avenues in that direction, and every niotiou
of our own or the Rebel Ships observed.
The books show that Lieut. Harrison was
the Signal Officer commanding, and Segt.
Hogue was iu immediate charge of the sta
tion. The Signal Operator seems to have
aroused lijjpself with poetry at times, as his
book was scribbled full of very indifferent
rhymes. In truth the documents captured
by Sergeant Wolverton are as curious, as his
new Signal tower promises to be useful.
A paroled ofllcer of Johnston’s army ar
rived yesterday evening from Macon, and
furnishes us with the following Items of
The cars are running in and out of the city,
and citizens have ingress and egress without
Col. Yail, is (Commandant of the post of
Macon, ami Col. Kitchell, Provost Marshal.
The people seem satisfied with their pew
A tew nights after the ndveut of General
\\ ilson's lorees, two tires occurred on Mul
l>erry street, the first above the L?aier House
destroying three buildings; and the second
l*low the Lanier House, destroying six
A daily paper, the Evening News, is pub
lished at the present time iu the city, and it
is the organ of the U. N. Government.
The Theatre is iu operation at Macon,
Sami. Hubbard, well kuowu in Savannah,
is the Manager, i Admission, Confederate
wtouev f‘>o, silver oOe., Greenbacks, sl.
The docket up yesterday for the considera
tion of Judge Parson?, was limited and of no
Avery large docket was disposed of yes
terday by Judge Walton. The following is
an abstract.
Anne Gibbons vs. Jane Svvall, abusive
language, and a nuisance to the neighbor
hood. Ordered that the prisoner l>e placed
iu confinement one week.
Mrs. O'Connell vs. Haekley, (colored) re
covery of rent. Ordered that he be allowed
onr month to procure another house.
Mrs. L. Buntz vs. Mrs. Hansault, recovery
ot rent. That the Dcfendaut be allowed
three weeks time for payment of said rents.
Mrs M. E. Bulloch vs. Jack, (colored)
Assault and Battery. Ordered that the ease
be dismissed.
Thomas Conway vs/Ctt9ar and wife, As
sault and Battery. Case continued until this
Mrs. Welson vs. Bam and Rhoudy—’ Theft
of watch, chain and key (all gold). That
the prisoners be retained under arrest until
the property be restored.
Street Commissioner vs. E. Sheftall—Viola
tion of General Orders, No. 4 and lfi. Or
dered that in consequence of the defendant
not having been previously notilied, as is
customary in such cases, he is hereby ex
i. G. Pringle vs. Mrs. Catherine Martin—
Recovery of rent. Ordered that defendant
pay at the rate of four dollars for the months
of April and May; after the luttor period,
the parties can make such contract ns they
deem proper.
Wm. M. Danielson vs. Mrs. Finney.—Re
covery of rent. Ordered that the case be
Israel Stephens, vs. Richard Walhaurer,
non-payment of Mule, Ordered that Defen
dant lie allowed until the 20th day of May
for the payment ot the balance of his ac
George Woods, vs. Frank Scrnden, claim
of wages. Ordered that Defendant pay ten
dollars to Plaintiff in consideration of all
debts due said Plaintiff.
Upper Steam Ricfc Mills.— Tnese mills
are now in operation, pounding and getting
ready for market a quantity of rough rice,
the property of the city. Mr. Robert Lach
lison is in charge.
Personal. —We notice that the Hon. Jas.
M. W ayno, of Savannah, Georgia, Associate
Justice ot the Supreme Couit of the United
States, arrived at Hilton Head by the Fulton.
The numerous frieuds of Mr. Justice Wayne
will be pleased to see him again in Savan
nah, his old home, after an absence of nearly
six years.
Thanks— Gen. Washburn and Major R.
F. Wilkinson have our thanks for kindly fur
nishing late Augusta papers.
Dates to the 3<t In&t.
By the courtesy of our friends, who have
kindly lurnished us with files of tho Charles
ton Courier to the Cd, we are enabled to give
the latest intelligence from that direction.—
We make extracts from our files as follows :
The Gkaves ok Union Soldiers. — A So
ciety, called “The Friends of the Martyrs,”
have built a fine fence around the graves of
the Union soldiers who died and were buried
at the Race Course. The ground will be de
dicated this morning. Between two aud
three thousand children are expected to lie
present, and to cover the graves with flowers
The ceremonies will begin at nine o’clock.
We find the subjoined interesting corres
pondence in the Courier of the Ist.
Headq’rs, Citv of Charleston, R. C. >
Charleston, April 24, IBGS.
Capt. L. I}. Perry, A. A. Gen. N. D. 1). S. ;
Captain—l have the honor to submit the
following tor your consideration :
On the 14lh instant I was informed that
the Rev Alex. W. Marshall, of St. John’s
Chapel, had, since the occupation of the city
by the United States forces, omitted the
prayer fur the President, which is prescribed
in the Church service, whereupon I caused
the following letter to be addressed to him :
Headqk’s City ok Charleston, S. C.,)
April 15ih, ' C
Rev. Dr. Marshall:
Sir— lt has been reported to these Head
quarters that you are officiating at the desk
in St. John s Chapel, and that you have not
taken the oath of allegiance ; also that you
have omitted the prayers for the President
K s rtf \!i! ted . Sl * te * Whi< l 1 aru proscribed
by the Church.
You are respectfully requested to inform
these Headquarters whether these allega
tions are true or false.
By order of Wra. Gurney, Colonel 127th*
New York \ olunteers, Commanding Post.
(Signed) 11. Jam ns Wkstkkn,
Capt. 127th N. Y. Vola., A. A. D. C."
The next day (Saturday) I was visited by
Mr. Marshall, and informed by him that he
had substituted the prayer for the President
of the Confederate States by authority of the
Church, and that since the evacuation, he,
not wishing to give any offence, had omitted
that prayer altogether. I told him that no
clergyman who omitted that prayer would
be allowed to officiate in the city. He then
asked, since the time for the Sunday morning
service was so near, that he be permitted to
hold bis service—it being Communion Sab
bath and that he would inform his congre
°! n !- v , or : ler >» the case. I Informed
, ln ? , ' vl *<le 1 eouhl not order his church
Ivin™ f 8 ** I .’* y ‘ H 1 would uot allow any cler
officiate who omitted from his ser
i.v t i, *p{ y vei K *° r tl,e President prescribed
by the Church. O n Sabbath mornimr he
-1 U d 11 übst ant m “ d ° the 9a,ne rcqUCßt,
and -übstautiallytlie same answer was given.
Sunday morning Captain 11. James WiS
ton, on inv staff, being unaware of the wit- it
to me by Mr. Marshall, called on him by a
previous direction from me. and was inform
ed that he had explained to liis congregu-■
tiou my order in the matter, and dismissed
them without holding any service.
Tuesday, April 18th, ibe following letter
was received:
‘•Charleston, 8. C., April 18, ISOS.
Col. William Gurney :
D*ai Sir—ln reply to your letter received
on Saturday, the 15th inst., containing cer-.
tain questions, I respectfully state that Ir
have, since the war, with the authority of
our Church, been praying for the President
of the Confederate States, aud since the eva
cuation of the city considered it proper to
omit prayers of a political character.
.As lam not able at present to comply
with your requirements, I have discontinued
my services at St. John s Chapel.
I am not yet at liberty to take the oath of
allegiance to the United States.
Yours respectfully,
(Signed) Alex. W. Marshall,
' Missionary of St. John's Chapel.”
Very respectfully, your o bedient servaut,
(Signed) Wm. Gurnet,
Colonel 127th New York Volsnteers,
Commanding Post.
Further Interesting Extracts.
Tli© Approaoli oi" Poaoe.
Surrender of Augusta.
The conviction seems t§ be well nigh uni
versal that the present armistice is the pre
cursor of a speedy and permanent peace.—
I The season of reflection, so long delayed,
: has at length arrived ; and the authorities,
both Federal and Confederate, are busily
employed iu efforts to restore harmony and
prosperity to this land so long rent by civil
feuds and drenched with fraternal blood.—
This belief has diffused joy throughout the
whole country ; and the official announce
ment that the war was honorably ended
would cause the hill-tops of a broad contin
ent to blaze with bonfires. And from the
bleuk forests of the Kennebec to the green
savannas of the Rio Grande, there would be
heard the jubilant shout of a rejoicing people*
The blood which has been shed ; the trea
sure which has been wasted ; the suffering
which has been endured by both parties, has
feartully expiated the folly of appealing to
arms in difficulties where statesmanship and
diplomacy will answer as well, and when
they have to be resorted to in the end.
We are no disciple of George Fox, nor are
we an advocate of passive obedience in indi
vidual or national affairs. “Offences must
need come,’’and wars are sometimes not only
just but sacred ; but we seriously question if
the cause of truth and righteousness hfi9 lieen
in anywise promoted or subserved by the
events of the present struggle.
War lias undoubtedly its uses and com
pensations. It operates like a * bitter potion
or a drastic puigative to the cleansing of the
body politic from vicious humors; but we
have yet to witness the benefits of the pres
ent sanguinary contest.
It is too late, however,to retrieve the blun
ders of the past, and it only remains for the
authorities to close it in the briefest spaeo
possible.— Chronicle Sentinel.
A gentleman writing from Buekhead, Ga.,
says : “By all meais let us have a State Con
vention. The sooner it is called the better.
No time should be lost. The Confederate
Government is no longer able to give the
people protection or any assistance. The
Commonwealth of Georgia should look to
her own “interests with the least possible
The Mayor of Augusta has issued a pro
clamation calling on the people to send in
contributions of money and provisions, in
order that the large numbers of soldiers from
the disbanded Confederate armies now pass
ing through the city, may be fed each day
before their departure.
A paroled prisoner from Gen. Lee’s army
reports that Major Rosser, of the cavalry of
Virginia, after Gen. Lee's surrender, burned
two miles and a half of wagons, loaded with
commissary stores of the enemy, and is pre
paring to move with his command into Penn
Lee's Armv.—Thousands of Lee’s army,
says the Pheuix, are wending homeward
paroled from the last dismal field upon which
was wrecked the noble army of Virginia.—
For three years have they maintained their
bloody watch over the chosen capital of
Richmond; and iu all this time, thousands
have never once seen their homeß. And to
wluit homes do they return—to what griefs
and sorrows! — aud, in a thousand of cases,
to homes only to be sought in ashes.
General Ukton.— Brigadier General Fry
has received a despatch lrom Major General
Wilson of the Federal service, stating that
General Upton has been ordered here to re
ceive public property. No force of Federals
is to be sent to this point immediately.—
Constitutionalist , 20 th inst.
Parole.— A degree of haste, almost inde
cent, w’ns manifested at Gen. Fry s office, by
the crowd seeking paroles.
For the North.— A number ofVirginians
and Kentuckians leave the city this morning
for Savannah, where they will take passage
by steamer to New York, and thence to
their respective homes.
hotel arrivals.
Lt J W Crane, 3d USC T It Hint, 39 lowa V
Lt H tt Peck. 17th Ct Vois K Fortin and wife, Ohara
St Augustine Mr* Hayes,
tV Case, Savannah * .1 McKenzie & ladv. “
J Blake. ÜBN .IS Rice, A A s, USA
8 L Itill and lady, If Head tV It Donelson, Maj t’SA
.1 Van Nat ten, Savannah A O Limeliuo, Savannah
D B Faina, Beaufort M Kelley,
J II llaft.ird, loth O V c J Uoadicy,
A J Hunter, B.'d Ind V 1) Goodwin, ••
MG tV llsoti, !>9 18 C T Atv St Anialua, Cliai lea
Lt C Reitmowea 3, M V clt Williams, •*
l.t TC O Haras, 50 l V N Hendrickson, A A Sur
S I, Langdon and 3 ladles, K A Albee, Hilton Head
Charleston Capt A Whedon, 82 In V
iSno Rises Stiti Set, M«oil SetsiHigh Water
J i *•• • I 5 ,!{ ! 0 •*! | morn. 1 morn.
2, In.. Slit I U 42 j O*T I 034
1 : ~ 6 tt I 043 { 14 129
* lh ..1 SlO 044 | 139 j» 2»
6 Sa.. S 9 , C 45 244 ! 4 1
* “ ... 5 • 0 Jls f 449
Remaining uncalled for in the Savannah Port Office,
Aiay o, IsC.- 1 ersous calling for these letters, will
p.ease mv Advkktiskh, and come prepared w ! th the
change, and present aeert fleateof Rkoistby.
or order from the Provost Marshal.
A mstroug, Anna E, 2 Arnett, Georgia Ann
Andrews, Anna Aldehoff, Lucinda
Anderson, Alice • Ambon, Lina
Austin, Betsy Artanot, Madame
Abrams, Elizabeth Auderson, Nina
Addison, Elizabeth Arnett, Sarah
Alien, Frances, 3 Austen, Mrs W
(Jtler, Phoebe A Buck Der, Matilda
HI. Ann Belcher, Miss
nvinan, Amanda Buckner, Alatilda C
Brown, Anna Bennett, Alollie
Blessing, Ann, 2 Brown. Mary
Balmer, Antonia Bruce, Marv
Brown, Aliss A F Balcy, Alary C
Brown, Aguese Bettore, Melisse
Butler, Byinia Blakely, Alary
Bery, Celeda Brady, Mrs P
Bryant, Charlotte Boyd, Mrs Polly
Beatty.; t. mma Balom, Rose
Borfeillet. Llleuora Brown, Airs R
bailey, Elizabeth Bmnsby, Susan 2
Brown, Aliss E M Black, Mrs S M
Baity, Fannie BaMilor, Sarah H
Bryau, Jane Bi.kcr, Sarah
Burroughs, Airs Joseph H Baker, Mrs Stephen
Bran, Johanna Brown, Miss S V
Bowman, Misi Jane Bennett, Susan
Bruminer, Kate Byrne, Teresa A. 2
Benner, Mrs Bingen, Miss S D
Bolton, Mrs Bell, Sarah G
Burgess, Alary A Bell, Susan
Bery, Minna, 2 Burroughs, Mrs V’ Q
Becker, Madalena Bullock, Virginia .
Brown, Maria Burney, Virginia
Brunkiud, Molhe Brown. WilUia
Charlton, Mr* Cooke, Lueretia
Clark, Mrs Christie, Mrs L
Alice Coates, Motile J
Clifford, Abbie Clarke. Mary*
Cavananeh, Abbie Clarke. Mary A
Campbell, Araininda Claherty. Margaret
Coyen, Briget Carnes, Margaret
Carr. Catherine Cupper, Mrs
Crawford, Catherine, 2 Coliugs, Mary
Coyle, Kate Carr, Matilda
Christian, Catherine, 2 Cappers, Meta
Cessen, Charlotte Carter, Missouri
Christian. Charlotte Collins, Mary
Craven, Catherine Carpenter, Mias M
Clark, Eliza Charlton, Sarah M
Crittenden, Elisabeth Copp, Sallie 8
Clark, Harriet Cole, Sallie
Clanseu, Jane A Cole, Sallie B
Calilher, Julia ( Cessar, Mrs S W
Carter, Jane Clay, Mrs F C
Corrill, Jennie C Cobb, Mra Thou
Colt, Kate clay, Mrs Thomas
Coyle, Kate Cox, Mrs Wm
Cash, Laura
Dillon, Annie Dasher, Lizzie
Donohoe, Agneae Dwyer, Mary
Doyle, Annie M J Dowell, Margaret
Dnnn, Annie Daley, Mary, 2
Delaney. Mrs A Dickerson, Margaret
Daniel, Betty Doyle, Margaret
Denelly, Catherine * Donohoe, Marv Ann
Dickerson, Caroline A Demerie. Mrs P
Dillon, Mrs E Dasher, Susan
Davis, MrsE Drysdale, Sophia
Dickson, Georgia Ann. 2 Dailey, Sarah A, 2
Davis, Miss loa Darling, Sarah
Dumwell, Mrs E A Dinkens, Sally '
Duggan, Lula DiWilliers, Virginia
Dixon, Annie
Dasher, Susan
Drysdale, Sophia
Dailey, Sarah A, 2
Darling, Sarah
Dinkens, Sally
Ethingham. Catherine, 2 Elkins, Jane E
Eastman, Eliza M Edmuuaon, Mary C
Elliott, Elizabeth Erwin, Mrs Robt, 5
Elliott, Phsebe Ekehart, Rosa
Earnest, Miss Josie
Plinck, Agnes Falligant, Lewis N
Furlong, Bridget Freeborn, Mary
Fogerty, Bridget, 2 Fagen, Maggie
Fernell, Charlotte V Fisher, Mary E
Fall, Fannie, 2 Ferris, Mary J
Fisk, Mrs Fayette Farrell, Mrs M S
Falling, Mrs Fannie Fountain, Margaret
Foley, Honoria Freeman, Nancy
Fleming, Jane Flansburg, N
Ford, Kate, 2 Fountain, Sarah
Ferry, Kate, 2 Flecking, Hannah
Green, Mra Astly Gammon, Percy
Gately, Ann Grady, Mrs I.
Gibbs, Ann * Gerry, Lucy
Gartner, Bertha * George, Lizzie
Galpin. Clara M, 2 Greene, Lottie
Goclsby, Carrie Greene, Mary M
Gibbs, Dinah. *2 Gail. Alary
Gordon, Mrs D Gerber, Mary
Geffcken, Elizabeth Graham, Airs M
Galiger, Ellen Gipson, Mrs. R
Green, Elizabeth Graham, Rose
Gill, Frances Greenfield, Sallie
Goodspeed, Jane E Gatewood, Susan
Gibbs, Julia Gordon, Mrs Wm, 2
Graham, Mrs. J Green, Sarah
Hicks, Annette P , . Hamilton, Isabella C
Holcombe, Aliss A H Harris, Leah J
Harris, Annie Harmon, Lillie
Howard, Bertie Holmes, Mary
Holstein, Bridget Hutchinson, Airs M E
Hanson, Catherine Hyliard, Mary, 4
Hatch, Airs Chas P Hassett, Mrs
Heller, Mrs C Heller, Margaret
Housten, Caroline Hast, Mary
Henry, Airs C 8 Hatfield, Alargaret
Henderson, Charlotte Holmes, Mary
Hess, Caroline Harriss, Octavia
Holland Elleu Howard, Nancy
Hamilton, Eliza Ilnrb, Patcy
Howard, Eugenia Hargraves, Phceue
Harrigau, Elleu Hopkins, S A
llarsden, Mrs E J Hood, Sarah, J
Holden, Mrs E B Harden. Susan
Hansom, Hettle E, 2 Hall Mrs S L
Hills, Hattie A IlSrick, Miss S A
Haney, Mrs Henry Henson, Sarah A
Harden, Hannah Hopkins, Mrs a K
Hines, Julia L, 2 Haverdricb, Julia
Hofer, Julia Haywood, Walter B
.Tames, Diana Jackson, AlrsJ J, 2
Jackson, Elizabeth Jenks, Julia
Jones, Airs G J Jordan, Lizzie
Johnston, Mrs .1 Jackson, Alary B
Kerbow. Mariha A Kent Henrietta
Kaison, Marla Kennedy, Elleu
Kirby, Ann Krager, Jane
King, Amelia Kincnly, Mrs JM
Kelfler, Alice Kilpatrick, Laura E
Kersey, Mrs A W Kinsman, Mrs S A
Kinneavy, Mrs B Kennedy, Mary
Kenny, Bridget Kyser, Mary
Kaveuaugh, Ellen B
Lamar, Annie Legriel, Madame L
Lyons. Catherine, 2 Lee, Mrs L C
Lancaster, Airs A Landershire, Selina
Law, Eliza Langley, Mrs Lewis W
Leniecr, Emily Lewis, Mrs M W
Lozem, Hanuuti Leighton, Margaret
Lansing, Geo E Lampret, Aliss M
laicy, Frances Linwood, Miss Alarco
Livingston, Fannie Love, Nora
Lane, Jane
AlcKinney, Alice McArthy, Mrs
Makin, Ann Alartin, Margaret
Mitchell, Aunie, 4 Alott, Alary H
Morrell, Airs A E Marshall, Maggie
McNulty, Mrs Albert C AlcDonald, Atrs.M \
AlcCarthy, Miss A K, 2 Aletzger, Mary ,8
McCordie Annie B Millage, Aliudu
McGloin, Miss B A, 2 McNeil, Mollfe
Moore, Catherine -McMahon, Alary
Morrison, Clariiida AlcGrevoy, Marv A
McDermott, Catherine Alougia. Mrs
Morgan, Mrs I) Miller, Alatilda
Massurt. Mrs D Moore, Alartha A
McCormic, EHen McGlashen, Mary A
McGrath, Eilen, 2 Miller, Mary J 3
McM i hams, Mrs McMahon. Airs
M origin, Eliza Mc(leuaheu v Alary A
Moseley, He leu McEnnaliy, Marys-
Moseley, Hellen Al. 2 .Maury, Mary
Manuei!, Julia AlcCormac, Mary
Jane R, 3 Meades, Mary Ann
Marshal l, Julia M Mluis, Rebecca
Melcher, Mrs John Mann? Rosa
McKuiuey, Lucy A Mitchell, Mrs Sami , Kate Maumiog, Siduey
*|f£ vo b Kid# Manning, Sue A
Miller, l.'st/.ic Mi CreaJv, Sarah E
Menken, Lena
H av yi, EA, 2 Nanghton, Maria
Neelwl. Loui,a Nelson, Norati
Nenfville, Mrs M F Nnylor, Mrs T J
O'Byrne, Mrs B A Ogle, Mary J
O'.uara, Bridget, 2 Overstreet, Mrs
O'Suliivau, Jonathan O'Brien, Mary, 3
o‘StilUvan, Mies Julian o u -,, n ... ,
Oliver, I.anra V, 2 OweuJ MnJrS** W
Oliver, Mrs ; uweus, Mrs T A
Prire’M™ Prendergaet, Minnie
Paine, Mrs Cornelius Pradergast Miss \r
Price, Elizabeth Pease Sarah**”
!wflv Plora Pelinau, Salih* *»
PHat 1 5? nC Ln Pennie, Sallie ’ '
Pride, Miss Miley Palethorpe, Mrs Wm
Qaiun, Mary Qaaxtock, Mrs A 8
Mre a U u Roberts, Katie
* re A .¥ Rockwell, ggie
ReUly, Liizio M
Ryan, Amelia KeillV mIT© tT
Kickardsorf Bessie Roge^s^^fi 11 *
smtssiho.,, gsjsSs
RlM f ' hart ’ Roach,'Maria A
Robinson, Hannah Redman. Maggie
Ryan, Hannah Riley, MaPr P
Rogers, Hattie R o sii Maiw J
Rodgers, Miss H L Rooney Marv i
Robinson, Josephine A Rush, Sarah
Redmond, Johannah Rigely, Sarah J
Ray, Mrs James
Strobhart, Amelia, 2 Sweat, Mary A
Sames, Amelia Sculleu, Maxy Ann
Shuman, Ann. 9 Shelton, Marla. 2
Sayger, Anna Sullivan, Maggie
Simmons, Annie Simmons, Miry
Scott, Caroline Spann, Maggie
Bheridin, Catherine Shermsn, Mrs A
Stunt, Eliza Neckenger, Mary E
Seagree, Elizabeth Sheriden, Polly
Savage, Estelle Shehan, Mra
Schiueder, Georgia Sheftall, Sarah V
Sawyey, Harriet E Suiter, Sallie
Sheriden, Mrs John Scott, Sallie
Scranton, Kate, 2 Shelton, Susan
Simpson, L Savahnnn, Sarah
Scholl, Lizzie Smallwood, Mra S
Solomons, Mrs L Stiles, Theresa
Turk, Amelia Terry, Jane
Thomas, Catherine Tryal, Miss L
Tayjyr. Della Tulford, Louisa
Teynac, Ellen Tanina, Maggie
Thompson, Eliza - Thompson. Mary
Thompson, Ellen Trowell, Milly
Thompson, Elizabeth Thompson, MolUe
Tweed, Harriet Thompson, Olivia
Taylor, Judy Turner, Rachel F
Turner, J p Titcomb, Sallie
Ulmer, Mary C, 2 Verdery, Mrs P S
Vaughan, Bridget
Watts, Anna M Wiison, Katie
Williamson, Miss A Warren, Lydia B
Woodbeck, Alice L Williams, LilUa
VJ ynD, Adiia Wright, Lizzie, 2
Wade, Ann C WarenjLydla
M right, Clara Williamses., Marion V. 4
Warner, Airs C Walls, Martha
W ado, Mrs Edward Wannells, Maria
Whittle, Eliza Wills, Alary
Watson, Ellen Wiggins, Margaret
Walsh, Jane Wood, Mis M
Waring, Airs James P Wright, Mary
Wilson, Johannab Wenz, Melhee
Williams, Julia Walsh, Mary
Winanghan, Jane C Wittinger, 3
Webster, Jennie Wuret. Sarah
Wilson, Isabella
Yates, Florida Yound, Elizabeth
Anderson, C H Assendorf, John, 2
Ayers, Edwin Abrahams, J M
Adams, Geo W, 2 Alexander, J P
Archibald, Geo, 2 Ayer, Jas E
Amory, Geo W Allison, R H
Aaron. Henry Anderson, Wm H
Axford, Henry Armitage, Robt
Ahlstrom, J P
Besaclt, Andrew, 2 Bascom, John B
Beer, Abraham Bunt, James
Bonard, Auguste Beall, D
Brutes, Addison Broske, Joslah P
Boyle, A L Brewer, James
Bently, Billy i. Bordwell, JR, 2
Bank of Savannah Byck, Lehman E
B wster, Cyrus Buckner, M J
Briasell, Chas H Boley, Michael
Bates, C H Byrne, O
Bell, Chas H Byrne, J
Brcond, C 8 , Brown, R chard
B illy, David Barbour, Robt
Brown, Dwight H Balfore, Bobt
Butler, Daniel Brown, Robt
Bates, Erastus, 3 Blumenthal, S
Bardens, Fred, 2 Bostock, S
Buckman, Fred Beckett, Sami
Blumenthal, F Brantly, 8 D
Bogart, Francis D, 9 Black, S M
Brothers, Fichera Baahler, Sami
Buckett, Francis Bracker, Sami
Brothers, Fuller Bell, Sami P
Burch, G Borin, Thomas
Buchanan, Geo W Burrough. Thos
Bevana, G E Bower, Valentine
Byrd, H L Black, W
Brown, Henry Black, W M
Bates, Henry Babbitt, Warren M
Benston, Jos G Bently, Wm
Bennett, John, 2 Bandy, W J
Beeker, John C Brown, Richard
Baker, John Y Burkhtne, Morriss
Buchanan, Jas H Blount, Geo L
Battice, John P Bowen, W W
Benedict, James Beckett, Henry
Blodgett, John H
Crane, A F , Coase, John M
Coyle, B F Chambers, John M
Crowly, C Crawford, John
Chorlu, Rev Chas Craig, James G
Claghorn &, Cunningham Conners, Iff
Circopely, Capt Cohen, Langden
Cooper. C F Chestunt, Monsieur
Cotton, Chas Clare, Mr
Campbell, Clark Collins, Michael
Clapp, E A Clarieul, Monsieur
Cobb, Edward Clark, R W
Cary, Eugene Cuyler, R R
Cervean, Ferman Cash, Oweu
Cable, F Cohen, Solomon. 4 •
Croft, Geo W Crotty, T J
Chipman, H L Culner. 8
Cohen, Isaac, 3 Cabell, Sami G
Congden, J B Cobb, Thos A,' 2
Caldwell. J W Chalflnch, Thos
Cohen, Jacob Cooney, Thoa W
Caveneaugh, J, 2 Cole, Wallaca
Cranweller, Joseph C’ardett, Wm H
Churchman, John R Chapei, Wm
Cranston. W Craue, Wm F
Chapman, Wm
Delamotte, A p ,(T, James
Dietz, Carl 1 okn, John
Deyo, E P, 4 Doyle, John
Deasey, D Davis, John
Dietz, Frederick Dotey, Morris
Dawson, Henry Durfev, Mr
Dale, Henry tv Dolin, Michael
Dratln, Hager Delaney, Mnrtin R
Desaan, H Dodge. O A
Duggan, John Dayid, N
Downs, James, 2 Davis, P C
Dutchen, Jas U Dasher, R B
Dudley, John Doyle, Richard, 2
Douglass, John A Dennette, Sami S I.
Demerest, Jas D Dale, W P
Davis, John E Dexter, tV S
Drake, John A Dotson, tt’m J
Davis. Joseph L
Ehless, Chas F Ellis, Job B
Etberedge, David Earle, Jonathan, 3
Frazier, Billy Fisher, John
FendulU Clarence. 2 , Flanigan, James
Foreaides, Capt Fallon, John
Flanigan, Dr Fogel, Louis
Frank, Kiederick Freerstlnberg, Louis
Fuller, Frauk It Fish, Lafayette
F,oyd, George E Fichera, M
Faugkner, Hugh Fogerty. Patrick
-ymatt, Henry Fagan, Peter
Fart-, Joseph Foley, Richard
• oley, Jas Fergeraon, Roswell *
Ftcntmg,James 2 Fausuett, Sami S
Flinu, Jerry
Glncks; Alfred Giant, John
Guy, B F Gaudry, J E
Green, Benj F Gurney, Jos tV
Gardner, D A Grimes, L R