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VOL. 1-NO. 96.
The Savannah Daily Herald
At 111 Bat Street* Savannah, Georgia
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In every style, neatly and promptly dc^e.
The official announcement made in the city
about noon of yesterday, that the assassin of
President Lincoln had at last been hunted
down and killed, and that one of his chief
confederates had at the same time been cap
tured, produced au excitement not ordinarily
surpassed by the announcement -of a victory
in the field, accompanied by a profound sense
of relief, satisfaction and pleasure. The pur
suit of the assassin had lasted just eleveu
days, and had been carried on with a keen
ness and an intensity unequaled by anything
in our criminal history. It had, of course,
been particularly vigilant in and around
Washington ; but the agents of justice were
hunting him everywhere. The search
reached up to Quebec in the North,
and extended far down into the South
ern Confederacy. The hiding places in the
mountains, fqrests and swamps, as well
as the hiding places in the great cities of the
land were scoured for him. All outward
bound ships to foreign ports were searched
for him; the gunboats and garrisons on the
Mississippi River were, and doubtless still
are, closely watching for his appearance; on
every railroad train, on all the lines of the
country, lynx-eyed men were eagerly trying
to discover him; detectives, governmental
and municipal, regular and voluntary, sol
diers, sailors, citizens, rebels, negroes,—
everybody everywhere seemed to be after
the accursed outlaw. The large rewards
were, undoubteitly a stimulus to activity;
but, besides this, every one felt that he had a
duty to perform to himself, to his country,
and to public justice. Under the circum
stances, the attempts of the wretch to escape
law and vengeance were as futile and hope
less as his attempts to save himself from the
execrations of history by his swaggerish
Perhaps the first ieeling in the public mind
created by the report that the murderer had
been shot was one of disappointment. The
loyal community had set its heart upon see
ing him swing at the rope'e end. There
were few, at first, able to understand how,
after an assassin had been tracked to a barn
and there surrounded by a squad of cavalry
numbering twenty-eight men, he could not
be talceu alive, even if he had been maimed
and reudered powerless by sundry shots be
fore his capture. Justice appeared not to
be fnllv vindicated. And there seemed to
have been, as it were, a final triumph for the
murderer, in the manner of his death. The
naturalness of this feeling renders it super
fluous to analyze it. The public will ask,
however, for thorough inquest into
the circumstances of the capture;
and until this inquest is made, it will be
w4l for the reflectihg to remember
that it was, after all, but a dog s death that
the ruffian met; that his stage tricks were
taken out of him before he sought shelter—
lamed, bruised, stripped of his paint and
feathers—in a shed along with one of his
wretched accomplices; that the public have
been spared the abomination of hearing his
dying speech and confession j and that, while
the most notable of the gang of assassins
has got a quick dispatch, there are- yet left
scores of his confederates, scarcely less
whom the vengeance .of the
law will be meted out in a less summary
lorm. •
The dead murderer’s memory may be left
to rot with his carcase. The living conspira
tors who acted with him must be pursued
with redoubled energy and unyielding pur
pose. The task is no easy or grateful one,
but it can only be shirked at the risk of the
national safety.— .V. Y. Times.
No Use to Try to Please Everybody.—
“If you please,” said the Weathercock to
the Wind, “turn me to the South ; there is
such a cry out against the cold, that I am
afraid they'll pull me down if I stop much
longer in this North quarter.”
So the wind flew from the Sottth, and the
sun was master of the day, and rain fell
“Oh, please turn me from the South,” said
th'e Weathercock to the wind again. “The
potatoes will all be spoilt, and the corn
wants dry weather, and while lam here,
rain it will; and, what with the heat and the
wet, the faruleTs are.just mad against me.”
So the wind shifted into the West, and
there came soft, drying breezes day after
“Oh, dear; dear !” said the Weathercock,
“here’s a pretty to do ! such evil looks as I
got from eyes all round me the first thing
every morning ! the grass is getting parched
up, and there is no water for the stock ; and
what is to be done ? As to the gardeners,
they say there won’t be a pea to be seen, and
the vegetables will wither away. Do turn
me somewhere else.”
“VYhat do they say to you now ?” he ask
ed. •
“Wljit!” cried the Weathercock; “why,
everybody has caught cold, and everything
is blighted—that’s what they say ; and there
isn’t a misfortune that happens but somehow
or other they lay it to the East wind.”
f.•” cried the Wind, “let them find
tault; I see it’s impossible for you and-me to
please everybody ; so in ftiture I shall blow
wuere 1 like, aud you shall go where 1 like,
without asking any questions. I don't know
iut that we shall satisfy more than we can
do now, with all bur consideration. 1 ' . .
I’ve a sister at home—a dear r 'guish lass.
With a heart gay and l’ght as a cricket’s;
A sly little minx, with a rage for the glass.
And a passion for opera tickets.
O ! a dimple-chinned fairy is dear sister Bess,
And vain is her soldier brother;
As he sits in his-tent
Ayith his comrades at mess,
And tells them the jov
Ot her loving caiess,
And her earnest regard for her brother.
Poor Bessie was left, when a wee little child.
With none but a brother to love her;
How sad was the day when, startled and wild,
She piteously sobbed for her mother.
“Look, Bessie,” I said, and I pointed on high,
To the heaven of blue far above us,
“Up there, my dear sister,
Far up in the sky,
Where, if we are good.
We shall live when We die,
We’ve a mother to watch and to love ns."
So Bessie and I grew up with our love
For each other never fading,
But I start led the dear little soul one day,
With my uniform on for parading;
And her heart swelled full, when I left for the war,
For she loved me with deep devotion—
“ Come back, dear Dick,
When the war is o’er,
Come back, my brother,
To Bess once more." •
She sobbed in wild emotion.
And I’m going back to my early mate,
When the battle ends with honor,
And that will be when, from every State,
Streams out our starry banner.
And when I go, I have heard it said,
(So writes my cousin Jessie.}
That dear old Tom
(Now Captain) Bird,
High private once
In the Twenty-Third,
Is going to many Bessie. [_V. 0. Times.
From the New York Times.
And here it ia only thoughtful and honest
to say that the Union cause has had no
stronger or more generous supporter than
Mr. Edwin Booth. From the commencement
he has been earnestly and actively solicitous
for the triumph of our arms and the welfare
of our soldiers. An incident, a trifle in itself,
may be recalled at this momen’, when the
profound monotony of grief overwhelms us.
Not a month siuce Mr. Edwin Booth was
proceeding to Washington. At Trenton there
was a general scramble to reach the cars,
which had started, leaving many behind in
the refreshment saloon. Mr. Edwin Booth
was preceded by a gentleman whose foot slip
ped as he stepping upon the plattorm. and
who would have fallen at once beneath the
wheels had not Mr. Edwin Booth’s arm sus
tained him. The gentleman remarked that
he had had a narrow escape oi hia life, and
was thankful to his preserver. It was Robert
Lincoln, the son of that great, good man who
now lies dead before our blistered eyes, and
whose name we cannot mention without
In some way the incident came to the
knowledge of Lieutenant-General Grant, who
at once wiote a civil letter to Mr. Edwin
Booth, and said that if he could serve him
at any time he would be glad to do so. Mr.
Booth replied, playfully, that when he (Grant)
was in Richmond he would like to play for
him there. It is a trifle, but it is just to re
member trifles when a man so stricken and
overburdened with woe as is Mr. Edwin
The Assassination of the President and
the Union. —Rev. Chas. Lowe of Massa
chusetts iu a sermon delivered iu Charleston
Sunday April 23d, said :
I have purposely predicated what I said
respecting this unfavorable condition of
Southern sentiment as applying to the time
preceding the news of Mr. Lincoln's death.
That event has materially changed the as
pect of affairs. Perhaps it was that it roused
a fear of the consequences—in the increased
strineeuey and austerity of the policy that
w< uld be pursued—perhaps it was that the
honor at the deed gave a thrill of indigna
tion that was in syinpaihy with the Union
side; but it matters not what the motive
may have been—that eVent has done more to
hasten the true conditions of peace than
would have been done by months of ordiuary
endeavor. The day on which the dreadful
news arrived will be for this city a memor
able day. It was the nineteenth of April—
the anniversary of the battle of Lexington
and Concord, in 1775, and of the shedding of
blood in the streets of Baltimore, in 1861.
That morning I sat iu a feeling of disappoint
ment at something that had just occurred to
illustrate the lack of cordial loyalty iu the
South, and as I recalled the date I wondered
if, this year, it would be marked by an event.
Even as I pondered the boat was steaming
up the harbor with the intelligence that was
to burst over the city with a cloud that
should mantle ail in gloom.
Who shall picture the despondency of that
day, and one said to another in your streets,
-“Ruin! rum! all hope of reconciliation is
gone!" Ah, but in these things God is great
er than our fears, and out of this awful cloud
came presently a gleam of light. No sooner
was the first shock over than it began to be
felt that now the hour for decision had come.
That very day, in this church—which being
the first to take a stand—resolutions were
passed, (the first since the occupation of this
city), promising fidelity and service to the
i Union The day, like those of which it was
the anniversary, was a day of gloom; but in
; its results it will be glorious like them. On
the dark 19th of April,"in 1775, liberty was
born. In 1861 resistance to treason was se
cured—and the continuance of the Union
assured 1865 disunion was buried in the
! grave of Abraham Lincoln!
| Who can say, when we consider this effect
I ° Ike tidings of that day—who can say but
that God’s wisdom said that he whose life
seemed to vs necessary to our service, could
serve us better by his ceath ?
Os approaching union we find the first
harbinger in the event which we commemo
rate to-day. Six months ago an observer
' would have said that if there was one point
in which was embodied, as it were, the spirit
, of our dissensions, it was the hate on the one
■I side and the affection on the other towards
him who presided over our national affairs;
■ and yet the first thing in which the syrnpa
; thies of our once-more-to-be-united people
: have joined is in one common sorrow which
‘ seems to prevail South as well as North, over
i the grave of Abraham Lincoln •
[From the Atlanta lutelligebcer.]
•God works in a mvste ions way,
His purpose to fulfill."
In the accounts which we published on
yesterday of Lincoln’s assassination at Wash
ington City be true, how illustrative they
are of the mysterious workings of a Provi
dence that shapes the ends of govern
ments and of men—of all nations in their
rise, progress and fall—and of rulers of na
tions, arrogant in the pomp of power, or hu
miliated by weakness and misfortune. Pre
ceding the death of Lincoln, no hand was
seen writing upon the wail, to warn and pre
pare him for his doom. Nor did his knees
smite each other, as did Belshazzar’s at Iris
feast, in anticipation of a fearful judgment
about to befall him. At a place of revelry,
surrounded by a gay and briliant assembly,
with no thought of danger, sharing the ad
miration of the theatrical “stars, ”aud buoy
ant with the success of his armies ; indulg
ing, doubtless, the belief that,his Presiden
tial career in the future would be one of con
tinued triumph over a people who had done
him nor his people any wrong ; he was “cut
down like a flower, ” and from life to eterni
ty passed away, there to account for the
deeds done in the body. What a lesson !
What a tragedy ! In it, history has again
been re-enacted. At the startling event we
are appalled. The actor in it, was the sop
ot an actor, who bore the name of Junius
Brutus,” who doubtless imparted to his
son much of his nature, which his profession
and his delineations of tragedy were calcu
lated to communicate. In a great degree,
the brother of the actor in the terrible event
that signed Lincoln to his tomb, inherits the
passion of his father, the elder Booth, for
tragedy. But both father and 9on have been
eclipsed by a young son. The mimic perfor
mances of the former pale beneath the ac
tual of the latter. Truly the mysterious
workings of Providence are past all human
The Status of Lee s Paroled Officers
and of Rebel Civil Officers. —Attorney-
General Speed has given an opinion, at the
instance of the War Department, as to the
status required under Lee’s capitulation, by
paroled rebel officers, and by persons hold
ing a position in the civil service of the Con
federacy. It appears from Secretary Stan
ton’s statement, that since the capitulation,
rebel officers have appeared in their uniform
within the loyal States. And upon this there
naturally arises the question, whether 6uch
conduct is not an act of hostility, subjecting
those guilty of it to be dealt with as enemies
of the United States. The Attorney-Gene
ral reaches a conclusion on the subject with
out much apparent hesitancy. Starting with
the decision of the Supreme Court, that the
rebellion was an organized insurrection with
a defined territory, and that "Gen. Grant, in
giving certain terms to Lee, dpoke and acted
simply as a soldier.
Mr. Speed is of opinion that the rebel
officers who have surrendered to Grant have
no homes within the loyal States, and have
no right to come to places which were their
homes before the rebellion. The Attorney-
General is also of opinion that, the stipulation
made betwixt Gens. Grant and Lee only em
brace the officers and soldiers of Lee’s army.
Civilian officers of the Confederacy, there
fore, have no protection under that instru
ment, if found within the territory of the
loyal States. The wearing of a rebel uni
form is held by the Attorney-General to be in
in itsell an act of hostility.
This opinion, we take it, coincides fully
with the iutention present to the mind of the
Lieutenant-General in dictating the terms of
Lee’s surrender. If Gen. Grant had contem
plated either throwing an amnesty over’the
civil officers of the Confederacy, or of giving
perfect enlargement to rebel officers to par
ade through the loyal States at will,he would
have taken up Gen. Lee’s proposition of a
general scheme of pacification. As it was,
the terms of capitulation were strictly mili
tary, and this is simply the construction At
torney-General Speed puts upon them. — N.
Y. Times.
The Ocean Bottom. —Mr. Green, the fam
ous diver, tells singular stories of his adven
tures when making search in deep wateiwif
the ocean. He gives some new sketches of
what he saw at the “Silver Banks,” near
t: Tbe banks of the coral on which my div
ings were made are about forty miles in
length, and from ten to twenty in breadth.—
On this bank of coral, is presented to the
diver one of the most beautiful and sublime
scenes the eye ever beheld. The water varies
ten to one hundred feet in depth, and so clear
that the diver can see from two to three hun
dred feet when submerged, with but little
obstruction to the sight.
The bottom of the ocean, in many places,
is as smooth as a marble floor; in others it is
studded with coral columns, from ten to one
hundred feet in height, and from one to
eighty feet in diameter. The tops of those
more lofty support a pyramid of pyrididal
pendants, each forming a myriad more, giv
ing the reality to the imaginary abode of
souse water nymph. In other places the
pendants form arch after arch; as the diver
stands on the bottom of the ocean and gazes
through in the deep winding avenue, he finds
they fill him with as sacred an awe as if he
were in some old cathedral, which had long
been buried beneath old ocean’9 waves. Here
and there the coral extends to the surface of
the water, as if the loftier columns were
towers belonging to these stately temples
that are now in ruins.
There were countless varieties ot diminu
tive trees, shiubs, and plants in every crevice
of the corals where water had deposited the
earth. They were all of a faint hue owing to
the pale light they received, although of
every shade, and entirely different from
plants that lam familiar with that vegetate
upon dry land. One in particular attracted
my attention ; it resembled a sea fan of im
mense size, variegated colors and the most
brilliant hue. The fish which inhabit these
‘Silver Banks’ I found as different in kiud as
the scenery was varied. They were of all
forms, colors, and sizes—from the symmetri
cal goby to the globe-like sunfisli; from
those ol the dullest hue to the changeable
dolphin ; from spotß of the leopard to hues
of the sunbeam, from the harmless minnow
to the voracious shark.”
Lute Augusta, Atlanta and Macon
Ziocal, Personal and Military In
Ed It orlal Comments on Recent
The Lawlessness on Monday —We re
gret to state that the government stores in
this city were sacked on Monday. But we
arc happy to announce that but few soldiers
took part in the affair. The mob was com
posed mostly of low women and men, resi
dents of this city. Any parties who attribute
the deeds to our brave soldiery will do them
a great injustice. No true soldier took part
in the matter. On the contrary, they re
sumed the arms they had so nobly borne in
their country’s defence and assisted to sup
press the deeds of lawlessness which were
being committed.
Great praise is due Gen. Wright and Col.
Fiser for the part they took in dispersing the
One or two private stores were plundered
before order was restored. Among them
the store of Messrs. Neal & Whitlock.
These gentlemen are heavy losers. — Augusta
Chronicle Sentinel.
As the government clothing has been given
out, all that now brings the returning sol
diers to our city is simply to receive their
pay. We suggest that a pay office be estab
lished at the junction of the Washington
branch with the Georgia Railroad. Also
another at Atlanta.
We also suggest that the proper officers be
stationed at the Washing!on junction, and
turn the Coldiers who live beyond in the di
rection of their homes.
Comiug to this city only hinders them a
day or two on their journey; and also vexes
them with disappointment.
Will the proper officials see to this at once?
We hope so.
As with most wars, ours has been brought
to a sudden conclusion by a powerful and
mighty catastrophe. The surrender of Gen.
Lee s army virtually put an end to it. In the
judgment of Gen. Lee and of Gen. Joseph
E. Johnston, it was worse thaii useless to
continue the fight any longer.
But not a shadow ot blame can be cast
upon,either of those illustrious generals or
the noble armies under their command. By
the verdict of both friend and foe they are
without reproach. They retire from the
contest, honored and applauded even by*
their adversaries. They did all that men
Could. For four years they sustained au
enequal struggle with unsurpassed endu
rance, heroism and valor. That they failed
was the fortune of war—the result of the
overwhelming superiority of numbers and
resources opposed to them.
All that remains is to conclude a peace
which shall give tranquility and prosperity
again to our bleeding and distracted country.
Tui9, we fondly trust, has been already sub
stantially effected.
As our readers are aware, we have long
been an ardent advocate of peace, of the
substitution of negotiation for the sword, of
a peaceful solution of this sanguinaiy con
troversy. However our motives may have
been maligned, we can conscientiously say
that we have been influenced in the course
we have pursued on this subject, solely by a
sincere devotion to what we thought was lor
the best interests of all concerned. In our
position we have had the satisfaction of
knowing that we were sustained and en
dorsed by some of the best, the wisest and
purest patriots of the South- Aud now the
propriety of our course is fully demonstrated
by the logic of stern and stubborn facts.
We congratulate our readers on the bright
prospect es an immediate pea*. Its bles
sings are appreciated, aud its necessity felt
by all. It will enable our war worn and
battle scarred veterans to go to the homes
from which they have been so long absent—
to cheer with their presence the hearts which
have so long sighed for their return. It will
rekindle the light of joy in many a dwelling,
and bring happiness to many a hearth, made
desolate by the absence of its protector. It
will diffuse renewed prosperity over our land
so long torn and devastated by the plougshare
of ruin. It will re-invigorate the spirit of
enterprise, and renerve the arm of industry.
And soon it will repair the cruel ravages of
war, and cause the desert and the solitary
place to rejoice and blossom as the rose—
Augusta Chronicle Sentinel,
To tlie Citizens and Residents of Au
All the citizens and residents of Augusta,
capable of bearing arms, arc earnestly re
quested to assemble at the City Hall this
Wednesday morning, at 11 1-2 o’clock, for
the purpose of forming organizations for the
protection of the city. As the military are
rapidly being paroled, it is necessary that
action should be immediately taken upon a
matter of such vital importance to our wel
fare and security, and I trust our arms-bear
ing people will come out en masse.
The organization, when completed, will be
placed under the Generals assigned by Geu.
McLaws to the protection of the city.
Robt. H. Max’,
Mayor City of Augusta.
Important from Gen. Johnston..
By Telegraph from Greensboro, April 26th,
W Major Gen. McLaws, or Brig. Gen. Fry :
Gen. JohDSton desires you will publish the
following order : Ofilcers and men of the
army, and officers and men of the navy,
within the country west of the Chattahoo
chee may also accept the terms of the con
venti’on.—3/ocon Journal fc Messenger, May 2d.
The rumor we published yesterday in re
gard to Kirby Smith’s forces having joined
Maximilian, is still circulated pretty freely
on the streets, but we have nothing up to
the time of going to press, which will justify
us in confirming the report. —Macon AW
(From the Macon News.}
Our City
Has the past two or three days been as quiet
as could have been expected, under the cir
cumstances. We notice that a few stores
and shops of variifffe kinds have reopened,
and resumed business; and from the crowds
we see around the doors of such places, we
judge there is no lack of customers. We re
gret to see that in some parts of the city
where the soldiers are encamped, 9ome of onr
shade trees, of an extraordinary character
and highly ornamental to the city, aie being
used as hitching posts. We merely mention
this, in the hope that it may be noticed -aud
remedied by the authorities.
The trains are now making their regular
trips on all the roads leading from the city;
a lew days ancTother vehicles that look any
thing but military, may be seen in the streets;
the newsboys line the pavements, chanting
“here’s your morning paper,” and with the
exception ot the “blue jacket” on the streets,
our city wears much of its old appearance.
We are requested by Capt. W. E. Brown,
Chief Q. M. of the division to inform farm
ers and planters on the different lines of rail
road leading from the city that they are
urged to bring in their corn, for which they
will receive pay in Federal currency at fair
prices. His office is at the Lanier House,
and he is prepared to make contracts with
our planters for produce and supplies. Im
pressment will not be resorted to in any case
if it possibly can be avoided, as he is pre
paaed to pay all on delivery for their corn,
fodder and other supplies.
Gone Up !—Yesterday evening about 4
o’clock our editorial sanctum was thrown
into great confusion by the gathering of a
large crowd of Confederates, near ®ur office.
Flu hed with the idea of obtaining an item,
we threw down our pen and rushed to the
scene of action. Filled with excitement by
the apparently agitated condition of the
crowd, we pushed into the midst ot the
throng, and asked what was up ; and were
answered—“going to draw rations.” Im
agine our disappointment.
[From the Atlanta Intelligencer ] *
lVhat the South may Kxplct.
In another column of to-day’s paper our
readers will find two articles that may inter
est and teach them what the South, in a state
of subjugation, the leaders especially, and the
masses concerned in the “rebellion,” may
expect. The first article to which we invite
attention is headed “Speech of President
Johnson,” which we find in a late Chatta
nooga Gazette. This speech, it seems, was
made to an Illinois delegation, headed by
Governor Oglesby, who had called upon the
accidental President to pay formal respects
to him. It will be found significant—veiy
significant—of his views and temper towards
those who have sinned against the Ration
over which he now rules.
The second article appeared in the New
York Herald and is headed ‘The duty of
the North—Henry Ward Beecher pleads par
don for the Rebels and Jeff Davis.” Beech
er’s “valadictory, ”as it is termed, was de
livered to his congregation at Plymouth
Church previous to his departure tor Fort
Snitipter, to which is appended the views of
his church endorsing the sentiments em
braced in the valedictory. As the position
he and his church assume, differs widely
from that of their President, we present ft*
to our readers as an offset to the same. It
will lutVdly be disputed that over the public
mind of the North, Beecher exercises as
much influence as President Johnson, if not
more, and it may be that not as much hang
ing will be done, as one might anticipate
upon reading the address of the latter to the
Illinois delegation. But the reader must
judge for himself.
The Intelligencer and the Register have
beeD having a sharp passage of arms over
the question of nominating a Governor for
the next State election; iiPthe course of
which the Intelligencer thus speaks of
The Chaos in Georgia.
Our friends of the Register will please to
enlighten ns if they can upon this point.
They know full well, or ought to know, that
iu the conduct of this journal we have stead
ily ignored the agitation of the gubernatorial
question at this time. They know, or ought
to know, that we have in no manner given
information even, as to whom we will sup-
S>rt for Governor at the next election.
either do they, nor do we know, whether
Governor Brown will he a candidate or not;
neither do they, nor do we know, whether
either they, or ourself, or any of Georgia’s
tpie sons, will be permitted to vole for
Governor, at the next election in this State
■ for one.
There is a time and a season for all things.
And now, with our armies disbanded, our
State occupied by the enemy, our people
suffering and distressed, our Confederate au
thorities fugitives, chaos. reigning as it were
in our midst, nothing, in our judgment, can
be more supremely ridiculous than the call
of the Register upon us to l< trot out” our
candidate. Be more considerate* neighbor!
You will write still more piquant editorials,
and sleep sounder, if you will only let alone
for a time longer this gubernatorial, question,
and avoid-tro abling oMiers-wtth-it also.
The Loyalty of Edwin 'Booth: all
who are interested in Edwin .Booth Ave offer
the following extracts from letters written
by him to Capt. Richard Cary, of the Second
Massachusetts infantry, and to members of
his family at the dates given. E^t
.Cambridge, April 19, 1865. 4
Fekrdary 11, 1861.—“ fr fancy * * *
intends to crush the rebellion Without shed
ding blood ; God grant he may crush it—at
any cost. . * * * Then the “Star
Spangled Banner’ will be more respected,
loved, feared, and envied than in days before
the fight. * * * I hold on to faith in the
glorious future of our undivided Union.”
November 11, 1864.—“1 voted for Lincoln
the other day—the first vote I ever cast; and
now, I suppose, I am an American citizen
all oveT, as I have ever been at heart.”
March 10, 1865. —“Yes, our news is glo
rious. lam happy in it and glory in it,
though a Southerner born. God grant the
end, or rather the beginning, is near at hand.
For when the war ceases, we shall have be
gun to live; a nation never to be shaken
again; ten times more glorious—a million
times fairer than before.” — Boston Transcript.