Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, May 09, 1865, Image 1

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SAYAMAH MTLriIERXtTJ; YOL. 1-NO. 97. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING} IS PUBLISHED ST $5. W. MASON &. CO., At 111 Bat Street, Savannah, Georgia. TERMS: Per Copy ~... Fire Cents. Per Hundred . *3 50. Per Year ..$lO 00. advertising: Two Dollars per Square of Ten Lines for first in portion: One Dollar for each subsequent one. Ad vertisements Inserted m the morning, will, if desired, appear jn the evening without extra charge. .JOU PHINTING, In every style, neatly and promptly done. THE COWARDLY DEED. A life-long friend of Mr. Lincoln’s said, after healing of his assassination, that he did not believe that any man could look in his face and strike him ; that the genial and kindhearted nature that looked out of his eyes and beamed in every lineament of his face would disarm the most ferocious and de termined assassin. This is true. Mr. Lin coln was shot from behind. The fatal deed and the entire conspiracy are robbed of every element of heroism by the ingenious plnus of escape ah'd the burned flight ot the criminals. Had a mere .fanatic murdered the President, an*d then, like Charlotte Corday, made no attempt to escape, but gloried in the deed, there would have been some ro mance-=flome suspicion of sincerity in the theatrical exclamation of ‘ 'Sic semper tyran 7i>s," with which Booth accompanied the deed. Buthis cool and well calculated plans of escape, bis long aud intricate preparations, the connivance of so many accomplices who combined to aid him, and his success hither to in escaping the hand of justice, all mark him, as well as bis accomplices, as the hired assassius of some leaders, who, equally cow ardly with ' themselves, have taken good care to keep out of harm's way. The in spired but mistaken fanaticism of John Brown and his followers imagined a gallant defed and a stupendous achievement—the oc cupation and holding of a strong and im portant military post, and the liberation of an oppressed race. The murder of Mr. Lin coln vr as a cool, crafty,- and cowardly assas sination. A CtTRIOHS SOUVENIR OF THE WAR JEFF. DAVIS’ COFFEE SET. [From tbe.Elch.mond Whig, April IT.] W« examined on Saturday the machinery of one of those curious souvenirs of the war, ' that, that, like thefr recipients, “ cannot es cape history.” We allude to a fancy coffee . or tea set—we do not know which—which formerly graced the mansion of President Jefferson Davis, -but which was disposed of at auction with silverware, etc., by Messrs. Bell, Elliott & Cos., Pearl street, a few days before the evacuation, when Mr. Davis con cluded to “declinehousekeeping,” and make a tour for his health. The coffee or tea set in quCStibn is a perfect miniature or sac Mi mile of a railroad locomotive, with lender at tached. The locomotive boiler receives the coffee or tea, makes and discharges it through a spiggot, a steam whistle indicating when the tea or codee is ready. The boiler of the locomotive Is of porce lain, and the figure of the fireman, of the same material, appears on the locomotive vigorously ringing the bell, which, we sup pose, means the breakfast, dinner, or sup per bell. The tender, which is an admixture of brass and other metal, carries the sugar in an elegant sugar caisson, with goblet for cognac and stunning small, cut glasses. The sides of the tender are embellished with racks for cigars. The most curious contri vance of alf is a secret music-box, located somewhere iu the tender, which, beiug set plays eight popular airs, sufiicient in length to entertain a supper, dinner, or breakfast party. It got obstreperous on Saturday and refused to play “Dixie." Tbe whole establishment, engine and ten der, rests upon two beautiful enamelled waiters. As we have said before, the article was disposed of at auction, and purchased by an Italian, A. Barratti, who, several days ago, disposed of the same to Colonel Fried man, ot , Philadelphia, a gentleman well known in and out of the army. Colouel Friedman purchased the souvenir with a view of presenting the same to President Lincoln • and to save the public the trouble of an ef fort of inspecting the mechanism we have described, we may as well state that the rare article is on its way to Washington and the White House. .It "may not be inappropriate to mention that upon the side of the locomotive, in min iature, is emblazoned “President Jefferson Davis,” showing that the testimonial, loco motive and tender, were built expressly for his use, or pleasure. Upon the front, just where the “cow-catchcr'’ ought to be, up- the Confederate banner and the battle flag, entwined with the national ensign of France. Wonder if the whole affair wasn’t a present from “Little Nap,” a9 a testimonial of his ‘ ‘sincere regard and sj-m - Arrest of John S. Clark, the Actor.— - Since the arrest of Junius Brutus Booth, Mr. John 8. Clark, brother-in-law of the assassin, lia3 been taken into custody in Philadelphia, by whom or ou what charge it is not known His wife only knows was taken away by three men, two days ago, and has not re turned since. A Boston paper pronounces false th e re port that Booth too assassin, was engaged . to a daughter of Senator Hale. S * MY LITTLE DAUGHTER'S SHOES BT CBAKIES JAMES SPEaOCE Two little rongh-worn stuobed shoes, A plump, well-trodden pair; With striped stockings thrust within, Lie just beside my chair. Os very homely fabric, they, A hole is in each toe, They must have cost, when they were new, Some fifty cents or so. And yet, this little worn-out pair Is richer, far to me Than all the jeweled sandals are Os Eastern luxury. This mottled leather, cracked with use. Is satin in my sight: These little tarnished buttons shine With all a diamond’s light. Search through the wardrobe of tha world 1 You shall not find me there, So rarely made, so richly wrought. So glorious a pair. And why ? Because they tell of her,' Now sound asleep above, Whose form Is moving beauty, and Whose heart is beating love. They tell me of her merry langh • Her rich, whole-hearted glee ; Her gentleness, her innocence, And infant purity They tell me that her wavering stepa Will long demand my aid; For the old road of human liie Is very roughly laid. High hills a*d swift descents abound; And, on so rude a way, » Feet that can wear these oovorings Would surely go astray. Sweet little girl 1 be me mine the task Thy feeble steps to tend 1 To be thy guide, thy counsellor. Thy playmate and thy friend 1 And when my steps shall faltering grow, And thine be firm and strong, Thy strength shall lead my tottering age Iu cheerful peace along. RECONSTRUCTION^ Judging from what we can read, the peo ple of the rebellious States are more anxious to return to tbo shelter of the old Flag, than they ever were to leave it. It cannot be long before tho Caroliuas, Georgia, and all the others are once more in the ‘‘Union” they so rashly left. From the Charleston Courier of the 6th, we extract the following articles. . Re-Construction. The Editor of the Courier desires to inform tbe authois of the numerous communications which he is daily receiving, that, while he fully appreciates the sentiments embraced in those communications, he must beg leave to omit their publication at present on account of the limited space which the Courier has for such matters. The communications re-* fer chiefly to re-construction, and, although no definite course appears to be presented, yet, it is taken for granted by the authors, that the State of South Carolina ca’n be placed again in the Union at the simple sug gestion of a few irresponsible men. We maintain the ground that men of weight and calibre must come forward and take action in the affairs of State. It is easy enough for any one to alt down aud pen a few preambles and resolutions, which will occupy a certain space in the columns of a newspaper, but the question is, will the public be influenced by tuem? Action is wanted, not written suggestions. The citizens of Charleston wno can command respect and influence are the prefper parties to take a leading step in the matter of having the State adequately represented at Washington. Let us do away with this boy’s play, and have something that is substantial in its na ture and effects. Let the solid men of the place make some effort toward re-construc tion, and all the chances are In their favor that they will succeed in the movement. We want no febels to take the initiation, but good, true, sound Union men. It cannot be denied that there are many leading people in this city who in times back were on the side of the rebellion, and, perhaps; these same p trties are desirous now of associating them selves with the leaders of this new move ment; but, uuless they have changed their sentiments wholly on the questions involved in the issues of the war, they bad better re main quiet. Correspondents, at any rate, will please bear in mind that while the Courier opens its columns, as far as the limited space will admit, to the communications which they wish to publish, it cannot be expected that all its columns will bo devoted to that puti pose. Judging from the communications which we have received, the schemes and plans of re construction are as varic and as a person of the most erratic temperament could imagine, but, of course, the main ques tion must be settled by the people in some and. finite form. F, ins ead of writing appeals to the public, men of acknowledged talent would proceed to convene a meeting for the purpose of ‘obtaining the seotimeut of the people on the matter of returning South Car olina to the Union, they would accomplish something In the right direction. What is Wanted is action. The citizens not only of this city, but this State, should prove to the United States that they heartily support the aims and objects of the Uuiou Government. Wm.s the War is to End.— -During the past lour years we have had to record fre quently the cheerful prophecies of Secretary be ward. To-day, we believe for the fin l time, we have what is v<jry like a prophecy from Secretary Stanton. His order issued yesterday, regarding the reduction of the ex penses of the army, discontinues the pur chase ot supplies, “except of such as may, with what is on hand, be -required for forces in the field to the first of June next.” This or der evidently intimates that our forces will not be required “in the field” after that date. The regular army will afterwards be large enough to maintain peace throughout tne whole country. The war “in the taeiu” is to end on the first of June next. <* 111 1 - Detroit had a funeral procession over four miles .in length, on Tuesday, la honor of our late President. Tire Washington Republican says, it is stated that Booth, the assassin, had a com mission of Lieutenant Colonel under the Rebel Government. SAVANNAH, GA., TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1865. Farther News from Papers of the 3d iast« AN ARMISTICE GRANTED TO DICK TAYLOR’S ARMY. THE SIXTH ARMY CORPS AT DAYTILLE. The Funeral Cortege at Chicago. The ,Y. T. Herald on “Secretary” Mallory. General News. AN ARMISTICE orasted to dick taylor’s rebel ARMT. Memphis, April 30, 1865. The Bulletin’s despatch says:—lt is said that the rebel General Dick Taylor sent Gen eral Hodtje to notify Gem Dana of the sur render ot Johnston' to Gen. Sherman and to inform him of the terms of surrender. Gen. Dana give full credence to Dick Taylor’s statement, and arranged an armistice with Hodge, the terms of which are said to be an entire cessation of hostilities, each retaining the right to punish guerrillas; trade regula tions and intercourse to continue under very liberal constructions. The armistice contem plates arrangements’on the same plan as those proposed by Sherman, unless repudiat ed by Gen. Dana’s superior officer. The armistice commenced on the 29th ot April, aud was only to be terminated after forty eight hours’ notice. Mobile, Ala., April 19, 1865. An officer on General Richard Taylor’s staff arrived just now wjth a flag of truce at General Canby’s headquarters to make terms for the surrender of himself aud the meu under his command. Nothing is yet knowtf of what transpired between the General and Taylor’s aid-de «M»P’ jgL THE SIXTH CORPjAT DANVILLE. General Wright, witfT the Sijth corps, of tho Army of the PotHhac, arrived at Dan ville, Va., from BurkeWille Junction, on last Thursday, having made the march of over one hundred miles in four days. Ou the. route and at Danville he captured a large amount of valuable property, including much railroad running stock and the machinery stolen from the government works at Har per’s Ferry by the rebels. Rebel officers, when they learned that the Sixth Corps was moving on Danville, urgently importuned General Meade to stop its march, on the strength of General Sherman’s armistice with Joe Johnston. The pnly comfort they got from General Meade was that he would stop General Wright when directed to do so by his superior officer, General Grant. It is ex- Bected that the Sixth corps will remain at •anville for some time. t THE REMAINS OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN AT CHI- CAOO—THE FINAL INTERMENT. Chicago, May 2. No public bereavement was ever so deeply felt by the peoplo. Not only citizens from distant parts of Illinois, but many from lowa, Michigan and other States have come hither to take their last farewell of the truly la mented dead. All party distinctions and party spirit have been entirely obliterated by the sad eveDt which causes the heart of the nation to throb heavily at the portals of the tomb. A despatch has been received from Capt. Robert Lincoln, stating that it is his mother's request that the Oak Ridge Cemetery, at Springfield, be the permanent burial place of bis lather. This will be complied with. The Court House was closed at eight o’clock this evening, when the remains were escorted to the railroad station, the members of the Common Council acting as pall bearers. - # The cortege was flanked by bearers in large numbers. Very many persons were assembled at the. depot to witness the departure of the train, which will arrive at Springfield to-morrow morniDg at eight o’clock. The funeral will take place on Thursday afternoon. THE N. Y. HERALD ON SECRETARY MALLORT, Mallory, the Rebel Secretary of the Navy. —This distinguished individual, whose occupation, like Othello's, has been gone for some time, surrendered himself to Captain Gibson, United States Navy, at Pensacola, on the 10th of April. We publish a sketch of his career in another column. Fifteen or eighteen years ago this Mallory was the ship ping news correspondent of the Herald at Key West. We paid him—we forget how much; hut it was more than he ever got from the “Southern confederacy” for his ser vices in the Cabinet, for we paid him in good gold and the confederacy gave him worthless shinpiasters. Muilory left off writing us letters for awhile and then began again. Shortly after the re opening of his correspondence we discovered that he had been elected United States Sena tor from Florida. This was about 1851. Upon hearing this fact we informed him that, in our opinion, his position as Senator was incompatible with his position on the Heraid as an intelligent and independent correspon dent, and that, unless ho resigned his Sena torship, we should be obliged to dismiss him and employ somebody else at Key West. The truth is, we have tried several Congress men and Senators, and find that they make very poor journalists. • They are never ca pable enough nor independent enough for the requirements of this paper. The protection of the Ilerald being thus withdrawn fiorn him, Mallory went to the bad. Congress gave him a place on the Naval Committee in consideration of the naval knowledge he had acquired as our corres- Sondent, and when the rebellion broke out eff. Davis made him Secretary of the rebel navy. His office has been aljnost a sineenre; but the pay has not been any larger than the work. Now that .he has surrendered him self, he will probably have to stand bis trial for treason. When he is convicted we hope that President Johnson will let him off as lightly a» possible; for, after all, he is a giMxl natnred, innocent sort of a person, whose original sin \vu9 his ignorance of the fact that it is better to be a Herald coires poudent than a Senator. This was the source of all bis woes. However, we cannot take him back to our employ. No man who has betrayed his country cau ever be connected with this journal. ANTI-AMERICAN ALLIANCE. We are assured that Napoleon, on hearing ofthefallo! Richmond, proposed to Eng land to form an Anglo-French alliance for the joint defence or Canada aud Mexico, should either be attacked by the United Sta*cs. It is said that the proposition was instantly rejected by Earl Cowley, British Minister in Paris, acting under instructions from the. Cabinet in Loudon. RESUMPTION OP TRAVEL IN VIRGINIA. The necessary preparations for the re sumption of travel on tlie Richmond and Danville and the Petersburg!! and Lynch burg railroads are rapidiy progressing, <<nd in a 9hort time trains will ouce more be run ning through to Washington via Richmond, from Lynchburg and Danville, after an in terruption of four years. On all the railroads centering at Richmond, except the York River road, trains are now runuing for some distance out of that city. On the Virginia Central railroad trains go as far as forty-five miles from the city. HEAVY DEFALCATION IN PHILADELPHIA. The paying<el!er of the Commercial Bank of Philadelphia disappeared on last Monday, and on investigating his accounts it was dis covered that there was a deficit in them amounting to somewhere in the neighbor hood of two hundred thousand dollars. PRIZE FISHT3. A prize fight took place in a barn near the corner of Gates and Reed avenues, Brooklyn, on last Monday night, between James Gillen of New York, and Dennis Freel, of the Wal labout, Brooklyn, in which the latter was de clared the winner, after a contest of about one hour’s duration. Francis Higgins and James Ratigau then entered the ring, but were disturbed by the Forty-ninth precinct police, and the parties took to flight. Hig gins and Gillen were arrested, and, being brought before Justice Cornwcl 1 , were held for a hearing. The others escaped. A prize fight took place in Philadelphia onTa9t Monday morning between two men aamed James Frawley and John Turner for five hundred dollars a side. It lasted for one hour and twenty minutes, and both were severely pounded. Frawley was declared the victor. Neither of the contestants nor any of the spectators were arrested. PERSONAL ITEMS ABOUT THE AS SASSIN. The public curiosity to learn every, thing relating to, and intense eagerness to hear every word which has any bearing upon, the history or habits of the murderer of our loved President, seems not to have abated in the slightest degree. We accordingly ap pend another column of interesting matter concerning Booth, which we have compiled from our latest exchanges. Another Anecdote of Booth. —When J. Wilkesßooth played in Buffalo, three years ago, hebroke a plate glass window in the store of O. E. Sibley, where a lot ot rebel trophies were exhibited. He wa9 arrested, paid the damage and a fine of fifty dol lars, and the affair was kept out of the pa pers. He broke the window in his rage at seeing the exhibition of weapons taken from the rebels. Edwin BOoth. Edwin Booth has not delivered himself up. as reported. He is in New York, and if wanted will promptly -respond to the call of the Government. • The Assassin’* Body. It is known that the body of the murder er hus been disposed of in such a manner that none, save those immediately concerned in the burial, know, where the remains are deposited. Whether sunk in mid-ocean, buried on some lonely shore below low tide mark, or burned, and the ashes scattered to the winds, the public know not. An East ern paper says : - If the motive of Bcoth was the fame that might bo attached to a great bad act, his ig nominious end so soon after the commission of his crime, and his subsequent burial, away from the tears of friends and the sympathy of associate rascals, renders the infamy more black and foils measurably the wish of the perpetrator. The private dispo sal of the body conld have been from no feeling of mere reyenge, but to remove it from the observation of sympathizing pil grims and such weak people as are apt to regard as martyrs all villians who get their deserts, as Booth has. . Curious* It is a singular coincidence that Booth was shot almost in tbe same place in which he shot President Lincoln, and that he died at twenty-two minutes past seven o’clock, the same-hour and minute at which President Lincoln died. Booth’s Staee Eccentricities. Considerable has been said about Booth the assassin’s habit of getting excited or so carried away by the character he was imper sonating upon the stage ns to make a real, instead of a mock, attack upon his .adversary in the play. The New York Herald speaks of one instance in that city, iu his perform ance of Richard the Third, wbeie, roused to intense excitement, he attacked Mr. E. L. Tilton, tbe Richmond of the occasion, so violently as to knock him Into the orchestra, nearly breaking his arm. At the commencement of his last engage ment in Boston, which, by the by, was at the Museum,and not the Howard Atlienscutn, as stated by the daily papers, this “excite ment” was spoken of among the stock com pany at rehearsal, and subsequently Bo >tb admitted he had “cut” men in some of his stage combats. Upon this the leading actor at the Museum, who was to perform Rich mond, Reuaud, &c., in supporting Booth, PRICE. 5 CENTS speaking to him on the subject, said: “M r . Booth, it may well that we understand each other before commencing the perform ance ; there is no necessity of an actor’s be ing hurt in a stage combat, and mark tr y words, if you cut my fingers or even scratcu my person witli your sword, defend yourself in earnest, for from that moment the combat will be a real one.” We may add, in conclusion, that the Bos ton professional, who is a quiet, gentlemanly man, but who has no idea of being “cut,” i» illustrate auotber performer’s “eccentricity,” received not the slightest injury or even In convenience in his stage combats with Booth, who probably thought it not wise to exhibit any of his “excitement” during that engage ment. — Boston Commercial Bulletin. More About the Assassln. Washington, April 29:— Notice has been given by our Consul General in Canada that ail the criminals connected with tho murder of Mr. Lincoln must be surrendered to tha United States authorities. The investigation of the case of the conspirators is now in pro gress here. When the time arrives for the publication of the details they will astound the loyal Norih. As the investigation pro gresses, additional arrests are made, the Whole number of these now reaching nearly two hundred, principally taken from the ad jacent counties in Maryland. The follow ing letter, written by John Wilkes Booth to his mother, dated on the morning of the 14th of April, the day of the assassination, bus fallen into the hands of the government au thorities. It was penned early on of the memorable 14th of April (Good Friday), the day on which tha assassination took place. The letter is directed to “Mrs. M A. Booth, No. 28 East Nineteenth street, New York,” and bears a Washington, D. C. Post office stamp, dated April 14. It bears some ap pearance of having been written in consider able haste, and is all contained on one side of half a sheet of note paper. The contents we give without further comment; they are as follows: “April 14-—2 a. m. “Dearest Mother : I know’ you expect a letter from me, and am sure you will hardly forgive me. But indeed I have had nothing to write about: Everything is dull; that la, has been till last night. (The illumination.) Everything was bright and splendid. More so in my eyes it it had been a dUplay in a nobler cause. But so goes the world. Alight makes right. I only drop you these fewlinea to let you know I am well, and to say I have not heard from you. Excuse brevity; am in haste. Had one from Rose. With best love to you all, I am your affectionate son eger, John* ’ While in the office Junius Booth was en gaged in looking over a Bible on the table. Wuen he had finished this, he took a nar row slip of paper and wrote what bow ap pears to have beeu a letter. It was written on bbth side-; but as soon as he finished he tore it into small pieces, and threw th«m into the spit-box or on the floor. After he was gone an attempt wag made to collect the fragments, of. this letter, but without success. Enough was found to show that the letter was intended for. his sister, and referred to the fact that be was waiting in the Marshal’s office for the cars. He bade her be of good cheer. There is also a reference to “grand ma,” but the rest of the sentence is gone. Attention is called to two psalms; one can be made out—the forty-ninth; the other Is .not decipherable, as apart of the numerals are torn off and lost. Edwin BOoth. This gentleman, who has the slnoere sym pathy of every man who knows his thorough going Unionism, and i9 acquainted with bis sensitive mental constitution, remains in close retirement at his residence in New York, seeing no one but a very few intimate friends. He is completely broken down by the events of the past fortnight. Mr. Booth is confident that his brother Junius will be entirely exonerated from suspicion of a‘ knowledge of John’s atrocious intentions, as soon as he has an opportunity of explain ing the letter on which his arrest was based. There is abundant evidence that to neither of his brothers did John Wilkes Boqth dare to express his disloyal sentiments after his summary expulsion from the house of Edwin two years since. Circumstances of th* Arrest of ’Junius t BrutuS Booth. (Prom the Philadelphia Ledger, Aptil B#.} There were peculiar circumstances con nected with the arrest of Junius Brutus Booth in this- -eity. After his arrest by Detective Krupp he was taken to the Provost Marshal’s office to await the departure of the train for Washington. While in the office he was in charge of two men as a guard. He engaged in very little conversation, but was smoking a cigar, and during this time he frequently took from his pocket what appeared to be scraps of paper with which to light his cigar. The guard did not attach any importance to tbe act, but it afterwards transpired that these were letters and envelopes which were thus destroyed. After he had bepn sent away, and the attention of Capt. Lane and Commissioner Barret was called to the fact, they gathered together the fragments, but the haters were so effectually destroyed that no thing can now be gathered from them. The corner of-an envelope showed the printed inscription, “Britieh Provinces” and a small remnant of the letter inside of thiis envelope contains only the words “your brother.” The Tribune, in its record of the great funeral demonstration, by a droll misprint; says “The gallant Seventh, with 860 mms, looked its gallantest,” That was a queer communion of the brotherhood of war and the sisterhood of peace. At a grand entertainment given in Paris by tbe Ambassadress of Austria, thirty la dies appeared as bats, and in that strange disguise, executed a dance with great skill. The Prince of Wales wants more income. His friends say he can’t dress well and keep tip appearances unless he has more than bis present pittance—only about $600,000. His family is growing, you know.