Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, May 09, 1865, Image 3

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c -avaiwah THEATRE! I sgee and Business Manager. grant taqgast. 1 .lector of Amusements a. u. davenport. Stage Manager - t. i. uerndon. THIS (TUESD aY} EVENING, MAY 9TH, 1866, Tfca performances will commence with the beautiful Play, entitled EVADNE: OR THE HALL OF STATUES. Ludovico . Mr. Weir Colonna f. Mr Davenport Vicentio Mr. Howard gvadne Miss Mand St. Leon Olivia Miss Hattie Lee Song by Mr. earner Two new Overtures by the Orchestra. To ooncludo with the new Farce, entitled MY NEIGHBOR’S WIFE. Timothy Brown Mr. Herndon Jonathan Smith Mr. earner Mr. Someiton Mr. Davenport Mrs. Srmerton -..Miss La Fond Mrs. Brown MissM. St. Leon Mrs, Smith.. Mrs. M. L. Berrell The beautiful Play of THE CORSICAN BROTHERS Will speedily be re-produoed. Nonon.—The doorr will open at TANARUS, and the curtain rise at 3 o’clock precisely. Bos office open from 10 until 2 o’clock. CST PRICES OF ADMISSION AS USUAL, All bills must be presented weekly. LIVE AT T 32 ‘.’Q.S'.FICE,” No.J 11 ’ ROW __ HILTON HEAD, S. C. EOT JOINTS non 12 to 2 o’clock dazlt. tut or r*»E. ; Per Plate, Cts.) Per Plate, Cts Roast Tarkey 76; Roast Chicken 7S Roast Beef. oO|Roast Mutton .00 Roast Veal... 00 Roast Pork 00 Fresh Fish oe|Rice Pudding 26 COOKED TO OED EB . Por Plate, Cts.l _ ' Per Plato, Cts. Fees Stoaks 00 Fresh Tripe * 00 Veal Cutlets Gu Fish Balis 60 Mutton Chops 00 Ham and Eggs .00 Pork Chops 6t:|Poachod do, on Toast...Bo Sausages '. .60: Scrambled do SO Ox Heart oillOmelettes.. 00 Calves Livor— • 60j Boiled Eggs ■ * COED OUTS, &O. ■ Per Plate, Cts. | Per Plate, Cts. Poultry 65 Veal or Pork... 50 Beef or Mutton 65 j Ham or Beef Pickled Thceps Tongnes, Tripe and Pigs' Feet, Sausage Roils and Cakes. Home-made Bread and Pies. Soda Water, with choice Syrups, Hop Rear, Cigars and Tobacco. mav3 0 BENJAMIN HONEY, CUTINO’S STAMPING AND PINKING DEPOT, Corner Hull and Jefferson its. Yokee, Bands, Night Wrappers, Joseys, Cloaks, Slippers, And .Materials of all kinds, stamped or pinked In a few minntes. Splendid NEW PATTERNS, just completed for 1906. CUPPING, BLEEDING AND LEECHING vs BARTOLO CUTINO. ©arber snop In Pinntc-i,- ITelel." 1000 Swiss and Hungarian LEECHES for sale. iuay-t-lw • HEAD’QRS. DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH, Savannah, Qa„ May 8,1505. . No. 90. f I, At his own request, and to enable him to re-join his Regiment, Capt. James M. Walton, MthMassa churetts Volunteers, is hereby relieved from duty as Provost Judge of thp 2d Provost Court, and from duty in this Distiict. IL Oipt M. Bmewct, 163 th New York Volunteers, Asst. Oomsy. of Musters of the District and Post, is de tailed as Provost Judge of the 2d Provost Court, the ditties of which office ne will perform in addition to his duties as Mustering officer. By command of Brevet Mai. Gen. C. GROVER. Olives Mathews, Asst. Adjt. Gen. may3 JB. BYNNKR, ~~ * ” ’ *_ . TTscßpADWAy,yr.w tobjj. WATCHAND JEWELRY Os every description. WATCHES Particularly adapted to . „ ARMY PURPOSES, In Extra made Cases, GOLD AND SILVER. AMERICAN, SWISS, and ENGLISH. I deal in nothing but TIME PIECES.- Gold Watches ffOHTSS9TO $300; Silver, from 20 to S9O For paiticr.- lars send for my prices lists. Established £0 years, and coniidently refer to any ■ respectable Mercantile House in the city ; also the Editors of this paper. T. B. BYNNER, 176 Broadway, N. Y. P. S.-eßewnre of the absurd and deceptive advertise ments in the VVeekiys. mar 4—eodSm T UCILB SEAA'EUNS. Any oue having information concerning him, will confer a favor and render relief by calling or sending a line to tbw office. inay4-5t IyjASONIC KING LOST. The fin ’er will confer a great favor and receive n suitable reward by returning it to the Savannah Daly Herald Office. ' ts ap?o US. CHRISTIAN COMMISSION. • Rooms 14T Bay street. A large lot of Reading Matter, Writing Paper, En- VOlopee. &c., just received and ready for distribution. Facilities lor writing Letteis for *1 wishing to avail Themselves of them. * etiW DWIGHT SPENCER, Agent. JQUNBARS & FRANZ, . NO. .10 MERCHANTS’ ROW, Hilton Head, S. C. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS SUTLERS’ GOODS Os nil Descriptions - - IDUELL & MURDOCK, WUOLLBAJ.E AND IiCTAIi. HKALKES lit SUTLERS’ AND NAVAL STORES, I)RT GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, . GKMTLKUKN’s FIT-VlittllNO GOOIS, &C-. No. S Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C. , w. o. miiMH, [.iaiito —tf] n. j.mcbocr gWEET CIDER FOR SALE, Xo families by the quart or gallon, at O’MEARA & CO’S, over Adams’ Express Office. Bay street mh24 OTICE. Af .„„ ... . 4 „ SavjjWAß, Ga„ Marc If 8, 1806. n o ri *“" dftte t^lc Provost Court will be held In the streets 1 * Uouse ’ uv Btaira > coiner of Ball » nd Bay mar p ‘ •- EBEN PARSONS, Je., _ - mnrvwtr Lieut, and Provont »Tn<lr»e. WANTEr, lvfifth^cin^nn? 1 vT’ of mi<w,e n ß®» who was former. wi«hiv7 e S u "^ jra House m tjavaunah, as Assistant, Clin B lve 1119 beat of references. Enquire at the Savannah Herald office pUBLIC SCHOOLS. of Edncition of Public School* invite ap- Grammar Schoobg ' iD the s s aiL a r7 per Two .Second Assistants, Salary per annum " 7^) If?® Girls’ Grammar School One First Assistant, Salary per annum S9OO Iwo Second Assistants, Salary per annum " 750 di^ P rim A*ist.n e ts- amined on 1116 St ? el , lln n’ 4 n *!x sta of Word 9. Penmanship, Grammar and Analysis, Descriptive and Physical Ge ography, History, Natural Philosophy, Rhetoric. Arlth mcac, Algebra, Ueometry, Book-Keeping and Latin. Second Assistants— Reading, Spelling, Penmanship, Grammar, Geogra phy, Arithmetic and History * The Examination will take place on Wednxsdat next, jne 10th inst, between the hours of 16 and 12 o’clock, at J?, e Sch ° o1 * corner of Barnaid and Taylor streets. All applications must bf maria in writing to the Su perintendent beibre Monday next. By order of the Board of Education. Hon. R. D. Arnold, Chairman. Rev. C. F. Meßae, Rev’S. Laudrum Rev. -A. M. Wynn, * Mr. Anthony Porter, ... Mr, John L. Villalonga, Mr. Henry C. Freeman, M‘. James G. Mills, Mr. William H. Stark. J. F. CANN, „ _ „ „ Superintendent Public Schools. N. B —No applications for admission of Pupils will be received until further notice may 6—3 t JJ S. - SERVICE MAGAZINE! JUST RECEIVE* aerp roa sals ax zb> SA V AN-IT A W HERALD BUILDING, No. 11l Ba* [8 t 111 r . also, ALL THE NORTHERN DAILY AND WEEKLY PAPERS, COMPLETE FILES OF THE N. Y. DAILIES, Received on the arrival of every Steamer from the North. BISIKItS TBS SAVANNAH HERALD BUILDINO, No. 11 I Bat Street. QUARTERMASTERS’ VOUCHERS Purchased by L. C. NORVELL ft 00., Bull Street* opposite the Poet Offloe may 4-lw ESTABLISHMENT. ESTABLISHED IN 1832. The subscriber, grateful for past faAors,bogs leave to state that he still continues to. Dye Woolen Dresses, Shawls, etc., black, in the best manner. Gentlemen’s Garments cleaned and renovated, or dyed black, as may be required, in the same superior style which lias generally so much pleased his patrons and friends lOt the past thirty years ALEXANDER GALLOWAY, 35 Drayton street, Savannah, Ga. aprll 3mlaw ___ _ _____ At the Harbor Master’s Office, a small BOX, direct ed to Mrs. H. B. Wist. The owner can have the box by calling at the above office, on paying lor this adver tisement. ‘ may 4 RW. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON • having reopened his office and yard, on WU liana street, is now prepared to treat (on scientific principles,} all diseases incident to Horses that are susceptible of remedy. Charges moderate. Cures warranted. Terms cash. feblC ts Rooms to let at hilton head, s. c., m The Palmetto Herald Building, corner of Mer chants' Row and Palmetto Avenue, suitable for busi ness purpoeesor lodgings. Apply to E. S. SAMPSON, on the premises. ' ts martin YORK HERALD CORRESPONDENT. The office of the New York Herald Correspondent 1* at 111 BAY STREET, or STACKS. mar 22 ts SALE Rice Flour, In quantities to suit purchasers, at the Upper Steam Milt Price one dollar par bushel. Ap p.y to ap23 5 ‘ R. LACHLISON. TJXeBXSwjTBIi NtfW \GRi£ FOB SALE BY H. BRIGHAM, Bp2d If 93 Bay street. gTOVES 1 STOVES! 1 STOVES 11! Large and small, for Restaurants and Families. Alljiiuds of HOLLOW WARE and Cooking Uten sils, Planters’ HOE.*, wholesale and retail, by JAMES G. THOMPSON & CO., aplf—m&thO Beaufort, 8. C. Q N. BELLOWS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SUTLERS’ AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOOD& BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, &e. t no. 6 MutcnAins' bow, HILTON HEAD, S. C c. ». nsu-ows. m. e. mn. a. w. tatloe. marll ts STEELE ft BURBANK, n Merchants’ Row, non .v .... Hilton Head, S. C. Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail purchaser* to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING am> FURNISHING GOODS, w«^!r^„ C , lo<^ B ’.« Faß J?y, Gooclß ’ -teweiry, and Plated " are,Swords, Sasnes, Belts, Embroderies, Boots,Caps Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves. ftc., ftc., Ac. pEUSONAL. “ If Mrs. Lucy Manning, who was formerly Miss Lttcv "** he will hear of a fortune to ner ot ii£r cinld. Any information w’)l th«nk fully reeewcd and rewarded of her wbTriboutt £ Please address Mr. John Mannon. CnmnnH? tt Ohk> Vole, Ist Brigade, 3d DivS cT Wafhlng and top, D. C. ap2B C NEWS-DEALERS AND OTHERS DESIRING Tmt Savanhah Daily Healu at Waolsale «rr. r., quested to send In their orders as earlv in advance is practicable. W mason * CO. Q HECKS ON NEW YORK— ~ In sums to suit purchasers, supplied at par by C. C. NORVELL ft GO., Comer of Ball street, opposite the Post Office. OSyG-Tt* Interesting publications fob THE SOLDIER OR THE CITIZEN THE MONTHLY NOVELLETTE, ! contains a Novelette complete, together with ftp three to eight short stjries, with Illustrations. Tern: $8 per year. Single capita, 26 cents. THE AMERICAN UNION. A FBCBU‘E JoCBHL WO STOiUES Thrilling Stories, Buy Sketches, Stirring AdrentaM and Choice Home Reding. $£ a year. Four cots, $lO. THE FUG OF OUR UNION. Devoted to Tales Sketches, Adventures Poes, News, Novell ettes, ft. $4 per year THE DOLIAI MONTHLY MAGAZINE t The cheapest rufcaxlne in the world. $1.60 a y* v Seven copies, $9. Fearly one hundred pages oi rendL' matter and illusptlona. Postage only 12 centsfr year. / TENCENT NOVELLETTES. 128 pages in dth book; one-third larger than By other Dime Nov. All of the a bat publications will be forwarded r#- lariy by mail, q receipt of price, by ELIifTT, THOMES ft TALBOT. Pnarisrm, 63 Congress street, Boston, Maa^ Samples caj be seen, or copies purchased, by im plying at THE SAJkNNAH HERALD STORE, 11 BAT STBEET. SAVANNAH, GA aprld ts pOST QUETERMASTER’S OFFICE, Centeal Railboad Bank, Savannah, Ga., May, Ist, 1806. In puiamccgf orders, received at this office, a*l citizens ohpying buildings, whose owners are at sent withifthe Rebel lines, or buildings, or other property olonging to disloyal persons, will, unless such bullhge have been previously assigned—rent free—sett the rents for the same, due the Uni ted Statt at this offica op or before the 10th c? May. 1 A fullr4s ft comply with the above will cause a forfeituripjill claims to further occupation. 3. 8. STARR, may! <pt and A. Q. M„ in charge of buildings. J^OTIC The Stft of the undersigned will he dosed for a few daysf r the purpose of opening and arranging a large antetensive Stock of FRENOItDRUGS. MEDICINES, and FANCY GOODS, Which ivo just arrived Direct from New York. W. W. LINCOLN, Druggist, ap£9 Corner Bull and Congress sta. MONTHLY rot i A Y | 0022 Y• S LADIES BOOK roa ..i j M A Y Otß YOUNG FOLKS. | I . roa M A Y Fwßale at No, 111 Bay street. JXTION TICKETS. Olsens interested, are called upon to notic* partlc- Ula y the following instructions in reference to their Ha >n Tickets for tlie next week. i persons absolutely needy will apply for Tickets at tie “Relief Committee Rooms," in the Etchangs, in t»t following order, viz i distbict no. 1. Attending from Bay street, south, to South Brpr.d strut, arid from Bull street, east, (Including Magazine Witi}. to the city limits. Citizens of this Dbtrict wil. beserved on Moudav and Tuesday next. White fam ine will be served Horn 9 a. m. to Ip. m, Colored families from 4 p. m. to 6 p. m. DIBTBIOT no. 2. Lying east of Bull street and south of South Broad rtret, extending to the city limits. Will be served on tVLdaeaday aud Thursday. Whitea from 9a.m. to 1 p.m.; colored from 4toop. m. DISTRICT no. 8. Ldng between Bay street and South Broad street, andfrom 801 l street, west, to West Broad street.— Wil be served on Friday. Whites from 9a,m- to 1 p. a,; colored from 4to6p. m. maimer no. 4. lying between Bull and W'est Broad street*. and from South Broad street, south, to the city limits.— Wil be served on Saturday and Monday, May 7 th. Whites irom Ip. m.; colored from 4 to C p.m. DISTBICT NO. C. Famacraw—extending from the river, south, to New street, between. West Broad street and the canal. Will be served on Tuesday and Wednesday, the Bth and 9th May. Whites from 1 p. * in.; color ed from 4 to 4 p. m. distbict no. (*>; Robertsvllle. Will be served on Thursday, May 19th. Whit** from 1 p. m.t colored from 4 to 6 p. m. S. SANITARY COMMISSION, Corner of Congress aud Whitaker Streets, Savan nah, Ga. * At the place mentioned we have opened store-rooms and Relief office, where we will be glad to raider any service in our power to the soldiers and sailors of the Armv and Navy. Sergeons in charge of Hospitals will Disuse send in their requisitions for stores. J. C. UOBLIT, jan 2i—tf Agent U. S. S. C. ||ERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE, No. 11l Bat STRitET. * Savannah, Georgia. We respectfully call the attention of the public fp the lacihtks which we have tor doing all kinds of Job Priming NEATLY AND PROMPTLY. We have the BEST PRESS IN THE WORLD For doing a variety of work nnd doing it all well We employ FIRST CLASS PRINTERS Or long experience and tried ability. Wa have NEW PRINTING MATERIALS, From the best Northern foundries, to which we a CONSTANTLY MAKING ADDITIONS We ore prepared to execute orders for Posters, I iscar Handbills, Programmes, Flay Bills, Circulars, Bills of Fare, Visiting Cards, Wedding Ccrds, _ Tickets, Business Cards, Letter needs, Bill Heads, Drafts, Receipts, Checks, Passes, Labels, Constitutions, By-Laws, Pamphlets, BaQads, Legal Blanks, Calendars. Envelopes, Or any other kind of Printing, IN ANY STYLE, We have a FINE ASSORTMENT OF INKS FOB PRINTING IN COLORS. ORDERS BY MAIL OR EXPRESS Will receive prompt and careful attention, and the work will be forwarded FREE OF CHARGE FOR TRANSPORTAjnON. We endeavor to do all our work well, and to give complete satisfaction to oumistomers. OUR PRICES Are as low as the present high cost of stock, mate rial, labor and living will admit of, and are below the ncreased rates which rule in other lines of business. 8. W. MASON ft CO„ 111 Bay street. * Savannah. Georgia. HEADQ’PS. DEPT. OF THE SOUTH Hilto* Head, S. C., April 12, 1566. Gzhctal Osdb*s,\ No. 42. / On March 7th, 1306, a party of oolored soldiers nnd scouts, thirty in number, commanded by Sergeant- Major Henry James, 3d U. S. C. TANARUS., left Jacksonville, Fla., and penetrated Into the interior through Marlon County. They rescued nluety-one negroes from slave ry, captured four white prisoner*, two wagons and twenty-four horses aud mules; destroyed a sugar mill and a distillery, which were used by the rebel govern ment. together with iheir stocks of sugar nnd liquor, nnd burned the bridge over the Oclawaha River, When returning they were attacked by a band of over arty cavalry, whom they defeated and drove off with a l<««i of more than thirty to the rebels After a long and ra*id march they arrived at St. Augustine, on March lxth, having lost but two killed and four woun ded. This expedition, planned and executed by colored men under the command of a colored non-commis sioned officer, reflects great credit upon the brave par- - tldpants aud their leader. '1 he Major-General Commanding thanks these cour ageous soldiers aud scouts, aud holds up their oonduct to their charades in arms, us an example worthy of emulation” By Command of Major-Gen. Q. A. GILLMORE. W. L. M. Buboes, Assistant Adjutant General fOmoiAi] T. D. Honora, Captain 35th U. S. C. TANARUS., Act. Asst * J, ‘ mays - HEADQ’BS (< DEbT. *OF THE FOUTH, Hiitow Hsao, S. C., May 6, ,»cB3. Gsjftrxt OanKßa,| ■* I. Alfamtmlances, modlclno wagons, horses, mules, harness and other fixtures* appertaining thereto* with* in this Department, are hereby placed under the con trol of the Medical Director ot the Department of the F. Bbix, V. R. C, is hereby announced as Chief Ambulance Officer,* and will report to Lieut. Col. MrexniTH Cltmfa Medical Director, D. 8. Br command of Major-Genet al Q. A. GILLMORE. T D. Horote, . Capt. 86th U, 3. C. TANARUS., Act. Asst. Adjt. Gen. may3 intADQL'AHTDRB U. 8. FORCKS, savannah, Ga., May 4,1866. Genfecl OnpEß,) No. 3t. f , . I. Lieut. Fred Hope, A. A. Q. M., having been re lieved from duty in this District, will turn over all public propertv In his possussion, aud transfer his pre sent duties to Lt, J. V\. Sterling, It. Q. M., !2d lowa Vols,, who will also, -in addition to those, take charge of the Savannah Water Worfc, relieving thereby Capt. Nathan Baker. A. Q. M. Byeommandof^ Q cneill j o GROVER. Edward G. Dske, A. A. G. mayC E- BROWN ft CO., (Late Somes, Brown & Cos MILITARY AND NAVAL BANKERS AND COLLECTOR t TABS PLACC, DUO AD WAT HAXS BUILD BiO, NEW YORK. Correspondents in WashingtonAj. W. Fisher ft Cos., 473 Fourteenth Street. ESTABLISHED JUNE, 18C2. Wo have complete facilities for transacting business speedily and correctly In all the Departments at Washington. Remittances prompt, and terms rea *°Wcgive especial attention toobtaininzCertiflcates for Non-Indebtedness for Ordnance and Quartermas ters* Returns for Officers, and settling their accounts. We collect the following classes of Claims, and make advances if desired: . . . Bounties for the heirs of deceased, wounded Sol diers. and such tisffiave served two years. Pensions for Invalids, Widows, Mothers, ar.d Or for the heirs of deceased, discharg ed Officers, Soldiers and Sailors, and pay for the w ife or Widowed Mother of Prisoners of War. .... Prize Monev lor the U. S. Navy, together w.m all other just Claims, Information freely finished Wc purchase and sell al! Govcmrocnt Quartermasters’ Certificates and Chech* on the best References givenjto leading Banker. and business firms In New Wt. lllLffi OANITARX, ° LIME LIMEM LIME!?! 800 casks best quality Thomaston Lime, suitable for j For sale by DUNBAR & FRANZ, 10 Mel'chauts’ Row. api? Hilton Head. rpHE NEW SKIRT FOR 1865. Awonderfttl Invention for Ladies. Unquestionably superior to all others. Don’t fall to read the advertisement in the Savanna* Hebald, containing toll particulars, every Monday morning- edexMZmo marSl ' HEADO’RS DKPT. OF THE POUTO Hiltox Hkmn a (j.. April 20,18J&j GeXEBAL 0* >EKB.> No. 47. / I. Before a General Court Martm which convened at Hilton Head. S. C„ in pur.aance of Special Order No. 7, dated Headquarter.a, Department of the South. Hilton Head, 8. C., January Bth. 1835, and of which Major Frank Place, 157th N. Y. Vole., was President, was at raigued and tried. Prinftte Armstead Holmes, Cos. C, 39d U. S. C. T. Chaeob First : . “Threatening his Superior OJJUfr." SrcotFtCATiov: “In this; that the said Private Arm stead Holme*. Cos. C, 32d U. 8. C. TANARUS., did say *t will be God damned, if I don’t shoot him,’ mean tug seieeant John A. Browu, Cos. C, 3.’d U. S. C. T. This at camp of 32d U. S. C. TANARUS„ near Deveauv Neck, 3. c., on the 12th day of Janu ary, lsak ” Ca> voe Seowd : “Striking hes Superior Oflotr." SmuncATiOK 1 **ln this: that said Priyato Armstead Holmti Cos C. 32d U. 3. C. TANARUS., did seise a billet of woqd and strike S«rgeanl John A. Bt owmOc. C, 32d u. 3. C. TANARUS., upon the head. This at camp of 82d U. S. C. TANARUS., near Deveaux* Iftock, S. C„ea the 12th day of January, 13C6." Cnaio* Tnrart: N “Lifting up a lotupcn upon hit Snptrior Offlamr.” SrsctnoanoM: “In this; tnat «aid Private Armstead Holmes, Cos. C, 32d U. S c. TANARUS., did lift up a gun and put a charge therein for the pm-pose of shooting his Superior Officer,Sergeant John A Brown, Cos. C, 3-.'d U. 8. C. T. This at camp s?d U. 8. C. TANARUS„ near Deveaux’ Neck, 8. C.. ou the l£th day of January, ISos.’’ To all of which charges aud specifications the ac cused pleaded, "Guilty” Fixntica; The Coart having maturely considered the evidence addaoed, confirm toe plea of the accused. Sextsxoe : And they do therefore sentence him. Private Arm. stead Holmes Cos. C, 3-’d U. 3. C. TANARUS., to bt dUh&noraUu (Uncharged the sennet of the United Statin, and thenU confined at hard labor at Fort Marion. St. Augutnine, Florida, for the period of two years, and to wear a 24 pound b.ili attached to his right leg, b?/ a chain eight feet long, fifteen u.-ree out of each month during the "term of fun confinement. 11. The proceeding.., findings and sentence iu the foregoing cane are disapproved. There has bem much difference of opinion, whether ihe words ‘•Superior Officer" in the 9th Articles of Wur, apply to a non- • commissioned officer, bpt the Judge Advocate General has finally decided that they do not. According to thia opinlou, the offence should have been cbtrjzed under the 99th Drticle. Private Ho!mgs will be released from confinement and restored to duty. The General Court Martial of which Major Frank By command of Major Central Q. A. GILLMORE. W. h, M. Bcaiii.a, , e m „ Asst. Adjutant General. Official: T. D. Honots, Capt. 36th U. S. C. T AaL Asst. Adjt. Gen. ’ HEADG’RS, DEPT. OF THE SOUTH, > Hiltok Hnxo, S, C., AprU 13,1806./ General Orders, > No. 43. / I. General Orders No. 6, from these Headquarters, dated Januaiy 17th, 1865, is hereby amended to read as follows: A •nljitiiry tax of one per cent, will be levied on al goods brought into this Department, (or the purnose of trade. The value of such goods will he determined by the invoices of purchase, to which au affi artt will from tho '-onsignees certifying to their cor- The fund accruing i.-om this tax will be used for the purpose of providing Steam, and other Fire engines, repairing wharves, roads, public buildings, and other necessary civil expenses, for the severul Cities and Towns within the limits of this Department 11. The military Supervisors of Trade for the varioua Posts, or where the Post Commander has not appoint ed such a Supervisor, the Post Treasurer, will attend to the collection of the tax imposed by this order, and make semi-monthly retnrns of all monies received to Brevet Major Geo. E. Gocbaud, Acting Assistant In spector General of the Department, who, iu addition to his duties as such win act as Treasurer of the iuud 3 ccruing from this tax, and attend to the dUburso ment o: the same, under the direction of ihe Maior- General Commanding. 111. The Acting Assistant Inspector General of the Department, will also exercise the supervision of stores and trade within the Department required bv Para, graph IV, of Special Orders No 13, irom tho IJesd ouo ters of the Military Division of the MlssisslDOL dated January 16,1866. , IV. Lleut.-Col. James H. S-rsoita ««rof Hte . Vols., is hereby relieved ,< *— *>ifltrh he was detailed Department a’ l -- 6, current sarieft from th-iw Y. Lieut. Fbaitk Geise. 3l’d U. S. C. TANARUS., is horeby relieved from duty as Acting Military Tax Collector, to which he was assigned by General Orders No. 27, current series, fromlhese -Headquarters, and will at once turn over to Brevet Major Goorado, A. A. In spector General, all money aud property pertaining to the office for the Collection of the Department Mili tary Tax, who will receipt to him for the same. By Command of Major-Gen. Q. A. GILLMORE. w. L. M. Buboes, Assistant Adjutant General. [Official.} T. D. Homes, Capt. 36th U. S. C. TANARUS„ Act Asst Adjt. Ooh. may 4 HJSADQ’RS DKP’T OF THE SOUTH. > Hi cto* Head, S. C., April3ft, 1806./ General Orders,) No. 68. / I. The following order Is hereby re-published for the information and guidance of this command 1 IL Headccartess, Military Dwiiiok or the Mtesieetm, In the Field, Jfalelgh, N. C„ AprU ts, 18d6. Special Field Obdsbs,) No. 65. / The General Commaudlngannounces a farther sus- Senslon of hostilities and a final agreement with Gen. olinstcp. which terminates the war as to the Armies under hm command, aud the country east of the Chat tfthoochec. ** Copies of the terms of the convention will he furn ished Major Generals Schofield, Glllmore and Wilson, who are specially charged with the cxecutlrn of Its details in the Department of North Caioltnui De partment of the South, aud at Maoon and in Western Georgia. Capt. Jasper Myers. Ordnance Depnrtment,U 3. A., 1- hereby designate# to receive the aims, Ac., at Greensboro, and any Commanding Officer of a Post may receive the aims of any detachments, and see that they are properly stored and accounted for. General Schofle and will procure at once the necessary blanks and supply the other Army Commander# that uniformity may prevail; and great care must be taken that all ttie teim and stipulations on our pnrtbeful filled with the most scrupulous fidelity, whilst tbosl impo ed on our hitherto enemy be receiv#d In a spirt becoming a brave and generous army. Airny Commanders may at once loan to tha ichabi tants such of the captured mules, hoi »ea. wagons ant vehicles, as can be spared from Immediate use. am the Commanding Generals of Armies may issue-pro visions, animals, or any public supplirs that can be spared, to relieve present wants and to encourage the inhabitants to re-nme their pjaoeffil pursuits, and t« restore relations of friendship among our fel'oey-cRI zens and countrymen. Foraging will foi thwith cease, and wnen necessity or long marches own pel the taking of forage, pron elous, or any kind us private property, compen»atiou will be made on the spot or when the diibarHng offi cers are not orovided wiih land*, vouchers Will bo given in proper form payable at the nearost military order of Major General W-. T. SHERMAN. (Signed} L. M. Daytoh, Major ft Asst. Aclj’t GeneraL By command of MaJ. Gen. Q, A. GILLMOItE. W. L. M. Bccoi r. A. A.Geh. myt HiiADQ’UP Dl>f. OF SAVANNAH,TS Savannah, Ga., May id, 1836. / £ Gzsteeal Oedee,) No. 16. / Persons bringing produce and live stock to the Sa vannah market wilj hereafter be permitted to'exchange the same for goods and supplies not contraband ot war, for the u,o of themselves, families and employes, and to tran-port the same beyond the lines of actual military occupation. Persons within the lines will also be permitted to go out for the purpose of bringing to market'such produce and live stock as they may bo ab: eto procure, and to bring the same in. Restrictions upon passes arc removed to this extent —that resident citizens having important business iu the interior will be peimitted to eo rut in oidrrto transact the same and return. Resident citizens living out dde the lines w ill in like manner on good and suf. ficieat reasons, bo peimjutd to visit the city tain to their home* again. _ n ...... By command Ofßrvt, MaJ. Gen. GROVER Olives mXtudws, Asst. AdJt. Gen.