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VOL. I—NO. 99.
The Savannah Daily Herald
O. W. MASON & CO..
At 111 Bat Street, Savannah, Geobgia.
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vertisements inserted in the Aorning, will, if desired,
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In every style, neatly and promptly done.
As the season approaches in which quaran
tine regulations are established iu Southern
ports, the important question arises: Will
these restrictions on trade, and to what ex
tent, be renewed ? The question is invested
with additional interest since intelligence has
been received that a devastating epidemic
has broken out in Russia, and has extended
to several parts of the continent of Europe.
The precise character of this disease is un
known. That it is an epidemic would appear
from its. diffusion beyond the place or places
of its first appearance. Some of our phys
icians have contended that it is only the re
appearance of the disease called cerebrospinal
meningitis, a disease which first appeared in
New York and New England during the war
of 1813-14, carrying off many of the Amer
ican soldiers, and in Virginia in the most
fearful form in 1822. It appeared in Michi
gan during the winter of 1848-49, and was
known as the spo‘ted fever, or spotted death.
It commenced at Kaiamazo, but ravaged ter
ribly in Lansing, Grand Rapids, Cold Water
and other portions of the State. From the
remoteness from each other of the
places at which it appeal el, the
presumption is that it is contagious,
and, from the brief description above, it
would seem to partake of some of the ap
pearances put on by the plague.
Be this as it may, our purpose is to present
such views of Quarantine as the advanced
stage of Medical science and experience
suggests, as a guide to those who may have
the subject of Quarantine in charge as our
supposed external protection against t)ie in-
troduction into our city of this or any other
epidemic. We offer no suggestions of our
owd, but we think it will conduce to'the for
mation of enlighted opinion among us, if the
conclusions reached on this complex subject
by scientific men are presented. With this
view we shall make free use of tl e
Report of the Third National Quar
antine and Sanitary Convention as
sembled in the. City of New York, in
September, 1859, comprising some ot the
most eminent physicians in the United States.
The reports and debates embrace a very
valuable body of information in relation to
hygiene generally, and although there was
much contrariety of opinion as to the origin
of .yellow lever, there was much unanimity
on several leading and importani points, as
relates to practical measures.
The subject naturally divides itself into
two branches.
1. The origin and progress or history of
the Epidemic; and
2. The character of the measures the most
effectual to prevent its generation and diffu
The source of yellow fever is more obscure
than that of almost any of the epidemics
which have ravaged the world. It is most
probable that it was originally an endemic
in Africa, as the plague was in Egypt, and
that it diffused itself gradually throughout
the West Indies and in the Southern States,
having a similar climatie character,embracing
all those portions denominated the yellow
fever zone or within the isothermal lines.
Among the first questions that arose in the
convention was in regard to the contagious
ness of the disease.
Several of the most experienced practition
ers, during the debates, pronounced an opin
iouin the negative. The venerable Dr. Francis
expressed his conviction of the utility of
quarantine in the most unequivocal terms.
The majority of the Convention decided
in a qualified manner, the question
that the disease of yellow fever
not being personally communicable, a dis
tinction should be made between persons and
things —between passengers in a vessel from
an infected port, and the vessel itself and the
cargo she may have on board, or the pas
sengers effects, which may contain the germs
of morbifie poison. In this forni a resolution
was passed ayes 85, noes 4, thus giving most
unequivocal expression to the opinion by the
highest medical authority in the United
States, that it is inexpedient, as well as vex
atious to subject persons arriving
fiorn an infected port to the delays
and dangers of detention at a quar
antine ground, although the goods she
brings or the vessel may be infected. This
distinction is all important, and it inevitably
suggests a modification of quarantine regula
tions iin which the discrimination is not
It is rather surprising that in the reports
relating to Quarantine, no discrimination
should have beeu made between epidemics.
Asiatic cholera, small pox and typhus are em
braced in the 9aine category, and no distinc
tion made as to the seasons it would be pro
per to institute quarantine. Yellow fever
is a disease sui generis. It is one of the epi
demics of warm latitudes, whereas Asiatic
cholera and typhus are the epidemics of
cold latidues. Now, assuredly a discrimina
tion ought to have been fiiade between these
diseases; the latter producing the necessity
of quarantine iu mid-winter, the season of
active business.
With these qualifications the conven
tion pronounced in favor of quarantine laws,
without, however, several strong expressions
of dissent from individual members, iu oppo
sition to quarantine in toto as useless, ineffi
cient and a grievous incumbrance on com
The other branch of the inquiry, to wit:
the character of those preventive measures,
under the general name of hygiene, that pre
clude the generation and diffusion of infec
tious diseases, embraces a great variety of
matters in detail underthe name of Hygiene.
Here there was scarcely any room for con
trariety of opinion, as will be seen in our
next. * „ *
Mysterious Suicide.
(From the Exeter (Eng.) Gazette, April 20.)
.On Monday evening a woman having the
appearance of a lady went to the York Ho
tel, Dawlish.aud engaged a bed for the night.
She stated she was an Americau from New
York, and that she was traveling for her
health. She had come that day From Pad
dington, and her object in visiting Dawlish
wa3 for the sea bathing. Her luggage was,
she said, left at the railway station. She pro
fessed to be much fatigued and retired at
once to her bedroom, to which she desired a
glass of brandy and water and a biscuit might
be sent. This was done, and nothing was
heard of the visitor until midday on
Tuesday, when the inmates of the ho
tel, becoming alarmed at the failure of
their efforts to obtain an answer to tlieir
repeated inquiries, and being unable to opeu
the bedroom door obtained a ladder and a
man entered the room by the window. The
woman was discovered dead iu bed. By the
bedside was the glass that had contained the
brandy and water, and beside it wa9 several
empty paper packets marked “vermin pois
on.” On examining the deceased's clothes
the only money that could be found was
2 l-2d. She had, however, two watches in
her possession, one gold and the other silver.
She wore three rings on her fingers, one of
which was a weeding ring. No clue could
be obtained to iler identity, the marks on her
pocket handkerchief having been cut out.
On iuquiry at the station it was found
there was uo luggage there, nor did any of
the officials remember having seen the de
Republican Simplicity. Sir Frederick
Bruce’s interview with President Johnson
to-day was as informal aud as undiplomatic
as President Lincoln himself could have made
it. This new minister made his appearance
with all his stars and decorations on, pre
sented his credentials and formally read his
speech. Mr. Johnson replied, sayiug that he
was glad toffee him and to welcome to the
capital a representative of Great Britain, and
then added : “ But, sir, I am not much used
to.the diplomatic formalities customary ou
such occasions. My idea is simply that two
great nations ought toconduct their relations
very much as two neighbors who sincerely
desire peace and good fellowship between
themselves would do. aud that the less mere
formalities about it the better.”
_ “ I assure you, Mr. President,” interrupted
Sir Frederick, pointing to his uniform and
decorations, “that I should feel very much
more at ease without these things than with
The remark was so thoroughly English,
and at the same time so consonant to Ameri
can prejudices against fuss and feathers, that
the President and Minister became friends at
once, and sat down for a chat. Sir Freder
ick asked about Sherman. President John
son explained the position. “What chance
is there for Mr. Davis,then ?’’ asked Sir Fred
erick. “Oh! a small particle still; doubt
less his escape across the country,” said the
President.. “Well, ” rep ied the Minister in
an inquiring tone, “I should think that Mr.
Davis and a few members of his Cabinet
would probably find it well to start pretty
soon ?” “If they know what is for their own
interest,” responded the President rather
grimly, “they had better lose no time about
it.” “The time has come,” he added, “when
they must be taught that they are criminals
The country has clearly made up its mind on
that point, and it can find no more earnest
agent of its will than myself.” There was
then a renewal of the mutual promise to talk
of any difficulties that might arise between
Great Britain and the United States like two
neighbors sincerely desirous of good terms
with each other, and so the interview ended.
bpec'al to Cin. Gaz.
~ IIE AST , OF the Rebel Home-made
Accepting the report as true that the
rebel ram, the Webb, in the desperate at
tempt to run her down the gauntlet of the
Mississippi, had her machinery so deranged
that she was abandoned and blown up vte
may set her down as the last craft of the rebel
home-made navy gone to Davy Jones’ lock
er. One hundred millions of dollars would
probably fall short of the expenditures ot the
rebels in their defensive gunboats, ironclads,
rams, floating batteries and transports, and
where are they now? Captured, burned,
blown up or sunk; for a thousand miles
along the Mississippi, a thousand miles along
its quiet tributaries, and two thousand miles
along the Atlantic coast—the fugitive Webb,
like the Flying Dutchman, bringing up the
rear of the long and ghastly procession.-i
--xV. Y. Herald.
[From the N. Y. Evening Post ]
Thank God the sky is clearing!
The clouds are hurrying past;
Thank God, the day is nearing!
The dawn is coming fast.
And when glad herald voices
Shall tell ns peace has come,
This thought shall most rejoice us:
••Our boys are coming home 1"
Soon shall the voice of singing
Drown war’s tremendous din ;
Soon shall the joy bells’ ringing
Bring peace and freedom in,
The jubilee bonfires burning.
Shall soon light up the dome.
And soon, to soothe our yearning,
Our boys are coming home.
The vacant fireside places
Have waited for them long:
The love-light lacks their faces,
The chorus waits their song;
A shadowy fear has haunted
The long deserted room ;
But now our prayers are granted,
Our boys are coming home !
O, mother, calmly waiting
For that beloved son.!
O, sister, proudly dating
The victories he has won !
O, maiden, softly humming
The love song while you roam— •
Joy, joy, the boys are coming—
6ur boys are coming home i
And yet—oh, keenest sorrow !
They’re coming but not all;
Full many a dark to morrow
Shall wear its sable pall
For thousands who are sleeping
Beneath the empurpled loam;
Woe! woe! for those wU’re weeping,
Who never will come home !
O, sad heart, hush thy grieving;
Wait but a little while !
With hoping and believiae
Thy woe and fear beguile,
Wait for the joyous meeting
Beyond the starry dome,
For there our boys are waiting
To bid us welcome home.
There are some hearts that’ like the roving vine,
Cling to unkindly rocks and ruined rocks;
Spirits that suffer and do not repine—
Patient and sweet, as lowly’ trodden flowers;
That from 1 he passer’s heel arise.
And bring back odorous breath instead of sighs.
But there are other hearts that will not feel
The lonely love that haunts their eyes and ears;
That wouudfond faith with auger worse than steel!
And out of pity's spring draw idle tears.
O, Nature! shall it ever be thy will
111 things with good to mingle, good with ill!
Why should the heavy foot of sorrow press
The willing heart of uncomplaining love—
Meet ebarity that shrinks not from distress.
Gentleness, loth her tyrants to reprove t
Though virtue weep so ever and lament.
Will one hard heart turn to her and re’ent ?
Why should the reed be broken that will bend,
And they that dry the tears in others' eyes
Feel their own anguish swelling without end,
Their summer darkened with the smoke of sighs?
Sure, Love to some lair Eden of his own
Will flee at last, and leave us here alone.
Love weepeth always—weepeth for the past.
For woes that are. for woes that may betide ;
Why should not hard ambition weep at last,
Envy and hatred, avarice and pride ?
Fate whispers, sorrow is our lot,
They would be rebels; love rebelleth not.
Mysticism. —Tlie illusion with which the
magician Hellen has for the last four months
mystified New York under the title of
“Gyges,” is thus spoken of by a cotem
porary :
Eidos Aeides.;— All daily as well as literary
papers have lately noticed an extraordinary
optical delusion invented by Mr. J. Maurice,
the effect of which is to render the real actor
on the stage and in sight of the audience in
visible, without his moving from the. spot,
and to give him all the appearance of trans
parency ; also to change instantaneously into
another. Mr. Maurice is a member of the
Jewish community. It is, therefore, with
particular satisfaction that we call attention
to Ejidos Aeides (this is the name by which
the invention is known), and from the vari
ous most flattering notices of the press there
of, copy that of the Times of December 27.
Ttiis journal, in a most favorable criticism of
the pantomime brought out at Her Majesty's
Theatre, observes: “But the illusion which
fixes attention most of any in the whole
piece, and which last night led to an unani
mous call for M. Harrison and Mr. J. Mau
rice, the inveutor, is the Eidos Aeides, by
the agency of which, actor and actresses,
without moving from the stage, are rendered
visible and invisible almost iu the same mo
ment. • .
They are not, as in the case of other ocu
lar deceptions, placed below the stage, level,
because with the aid of a very powerful glass,
the outline of the figures can be distinguish
ed in the same spot after the object has fad
ed from the unassisted vision. Watched by
the eye alone the effect is of the most start
ling character. Upon the self-same spot
where one character has been plainly visible
but the twinkling of an eye previously,anoth
er in a totally different attitude is revealed.
This in turn disappears, and the original
figure return* with the addition of one or
two others. Then these all die out together,
perhaps to reappear in different order. As
an illusion, it is certainly the most clever and
successful of the day”—L. J. C. [This is the
original of the “Gyges,” now familiar to New
His Scriptural Quotation'. — Our country
and our religion should go together, and in
the following, although a little mixed, there
is no reason to regret that a noble sentiment
has received in one juvenile mind a sacred
endorsement. A few days since in Brooklyn
a gentleman was urging his son to repeat a
verse in the Bible before he gave him a so
licited five-cent bill. The boy hesitated and
could not bring up his biblical reserve, when
a lad standing by, who expected to be an
active partner in a candy and peanut stock
to be purchased with the little V, spoke
bravely up, “I can say a verse, sir.* “Well,
do so,” said the accommodating father. “If
any one attempts to haul down the American
flag, shoot him on the spot,” answered the,
swelling heart of the brave boy. The gen
tleman smiled, as he thought of the fun he
would have in relating the story of the Gos
pel according to General Dix, and came
promptly down with his “currency.” Far
better for our land if many men as well as
boys kept patriotism and religion so close to
gether that they could not easily distinguish
one from the other. Then all would be
good, and rebellion unheard of among us.
(From the Florida Union, May 6.)
The Released Anderson vllle Prisoners In
Thirty-two Hundred Uuion Prisoners Brought
Down to Florida—Fifteen Hundred Brought
to the Rebel Oat-post and Turned Loose —
Their Afipcarance and Condition — etc.
On Friday afternoon of last week, shortly
before sunset, commenced to arrive in squads
of twenty to fifty, the first installment of
3,200 Union prisoners, the surviving inmates
ot the rebel prison pen at Andersonville, Ga.
Thirty-two hundred had been removed from
Andersonville and brought into Florida via
Albany and ThoinasviUe, for the purpose of
exchange. An arrangement had been agreed
upon between the Provost Marshal General
Thompson and the rebel authorities for an
exchange at Darien, Ga. Preparations had
accordingly been made to receive our prison
ers at that point, and none had been made
here. The rebels alleging that their supplies
were not sufficient to feed so large a number
of persons adopted the plan of turning them
loose to find their way into the Union lines
the best way they could. Accordingly, about
fifteen hundred were brought in two trains
from Lake City to Baldwin, accompanied a
few miles from Baldwin, then left by the
rebel guard.
On the 4th of April the prisoners were first
taken from Andersonville and brought down
to Atbany, the terminus of the Southwestern
Railroad. Fiom there they were inarched
across the country, sixty miles, to Thomas
ville, the western terminus of the Savannah
and Gulf Railroad. After being detained for
two days at this point, it was given out that
it was impossible to transport them to Da
rieo, as the railroad had been destroyed tor
thirty miles. Accordingly, they were com
pelled to march back the sixty miles to A1
bany, and then were returned to the stock
ade at Andersonville. On the return many,
whose condition was such as to render them
utterly unfit to undertake such a march, and
who had been buoyed up by the hop3 of soou
being among friends, as soon a9 they set out
to return, dropped on the way. Others pre
feired to die in the woods rather than return
to the prison pen. How many thus perish
ed it is impossible to learn, or even to con
jecture with any degree of accuracy.
On the llth of April the prisoners w’ere
suddenly removed from the stockade to Ma
con. The capture of Columbus, and the
movements of the Federals in that direction
created a big scale among the rebel garrison.
They momentarily expected the arrival of a
Yankee advance guard. The prisoners were
hurried oft' with the utmost haste to Macon
to be confined, as they supposed, in a stock
ade near that city, which they bad been told
had prepared for them. They did not remain
long in Macon. That city was too liable to
change hands. They were sent off with all
possible despatch to Alban}’ - again, and again
made the march to Thomasvilte. They were
speedily placed on board the cars and brought
down to Lake City, where they arrived about
the fii st of last week.
They were detained till Friday morning.—
Very little restraint was placed upon them.
They lay principally in a swamp near the
town. It was at first the intention of the
rebel authorities to detain them here, until
the arrangements for an exchange at Jack
sonville had been made wi'h the United
States authorities. Finding that their com
missary stores were likely to become reduced
too fast, and the movements of the Union
forces making it somewhat uncertain, when
and how they were to replenish their supply
when it became exhaused, the rebels con
cluded not to even waste time iu going
through the necessary forms of parolling
them. They were unconditionally released,
and accompanied by a rebel guard to the
White House, who then lett them to proceed
to Jacksonville. They needed no second
The foremost of the number reached the
Union picket line about four P. M. Soon af
ter they began to arrive in the town. They
came in groups of twenty and upwards.
They entered at the gate at the head of
street. Most of them took a straight course
for the river, as if by instinct. They kept
arriving till after dark, even then there were
many still out in the woods to come in the
next day. About fifteen hundred were in
this lot of arrivals. Their appearance us
they passed along was pitiable in the extreme.
Their clothing was in tatters; their faces
were begrimmed with dirt and black smoke
from pine wood; they nearly, were all with
out shoes; many were without hats. Large
numbers were affected with scurvy. Yet
their countenances wore a cheerful appear
ance. One intelligent looking youth as he
observed some bystanders looking intently
at him and his comrades in the group, ex
claimed, “We are dirty and ragged, but we
are loyal yet.”
Owing to their unexpected arrival at this
post no special provision had been made for
them. Everything available was brought
iut<> requisition from the Quartermaster’s de
partment. The whole force of the Commis
sary department was put into operation to
supply their wants. Many voluntary contri
butions were made by the soldiers, merchants,
and others in the place. The first essential
was a thorough application of soap and water.
A camp was established norlh of the town.
Here every arrangement was made to make
them as comfortable as possible. Nearly all
of them threw away their last rebel ration—
a pint of meal made by grinding the corn and
cob together—on the ground as fit only for
chicken feed; a few days before ‘lt was
worth its weight in greenbacks” as one re
marked. A few days, during which a supply
of clothing has arrived and. been issued to
them and they bave been fed on wholesome
food, has made a wonderful change in their
personal appearance. They would hardly be
recognized now as the ragged and besoiled
looking persons who entered the town last
Friday week.
The treatment of the prisoners during con
finement at Andersonville, the shortened al -
lowance of food, its miserable quality, the
establishment of the “dead line,” are familiar
to all. Under such treatment it is not at all
surprising that the mortality should run up
to the following frightful figures.
In Prison Hospital 8,41 6
In Stockade 4, 150
In Small Pox Hospital 74
Total 12,640
The above statement is made from the re
cords kept iu the office of the Medical De
partment of the prison, and furnished by a
member of a New York Zouave Regiment,
who was employed as clerk there.
The camp of the prisoners is now removed
to a pleasant location on the banks of the
river at what is known as “ the other side of
the creek.” Brevet Brigadier General B. C.
Tilgbman is in command. Dr. D. T. Bundy
is the surgeon in charge. The camp has been
put in complete order. The men are in “A”
tents, shaded, in front with neat “bowers.”
The Clyde arrived on Sunday with the
clothing and stores. Thursday every inan
was supplied with clothing, and full provis
ion made for supplying them regularly with
rations. This has been brought about by
the indefatigable exertions of Major Thomp
son, assisted by Capt. Johnson. The ser
vices of Mr. A. B. Day, formerly of the U. S.
Sanitary Commission, were very useful, dis
tributing little articles of luxury donated by
the merchants of the place.
By Saturday noon, about all of the first
fifteen buudred bad arrived. The remain
der were brought in on Sunday and Monday
The number receipted for by Major Thomp
son, Provost Marshal General on Thurdav
night, is as follows : 3
Officers— l Major; 4 Captains; 5 Ist
Lieutenants; 4 2d Lieutenants. Total 14.
Non-Commissioned Officers— Sergeants
243: Corporals 339. Total 582.
Privates— 2,722. Making a total of 3,328.
list of officers.
The following is a list of the officers, with
their rank, regiment, and number of mouths
Major N. Cutler, 2d Maine Cavalry 9
Captain A. Wliedon, 82d Indiana 2 1-2
Captain J. H. Hafford, !oth Ohio Cavalry,
5 months. .
Captain W. C. Buck, 39th Ohio, 6 1-2-
Ist Lieut. E. Rittenower, 6th Missouri, six
months. ■"
Ist Lieut. A. G. Hunter, Adjt. 82d Ind. 2
1-2 months.
Ist Lieut. N. Aspen, 22d New Jersey, 9
months. -
Ist Lieut. T. S. Berry, 114th Illinois, 11
Ist Lieut. W. G Wilsen, 99th U. S., nine
2d Lieut. T. B. O’Hara, 56th Illinois, three
2d Lieut. Hi E. Crawford, 39th lowa, 7
mouths. ..
2d Lieut. D. Murphey, Ist Kentucdy, Cav.
9 months.
2d Lieut. TANARUS, Oliver, 9th Penn. Cav., 2 1-2
Captain Wilson French, 17th Connecticut
vote., who was captured last February, ar
rived on Thursday evening. He has been
confined in the jail at Lake City. The re
mainder of the officers were paroled and sent
North by way of Vicksburg.
deaths in hospitals.
Corporal John Hampton, Cos. D. 3d Illinois
W. Clayton, Cos. H, lC9th New York.
Augustus P. Miller, Cos. B, 100 New
Levi Coon, Cos. B, ’sth Michigan cav
\V m. J. Benty, Cos. D, 10th Indiana cav
.Jasper Cheesman, Cos. B, 15th Illinois.
James M. French, Cos. I, 111th Illinois,died
near the WBlte Hou«e station on the 28th of
There are now in the hospitals established
here about' two hundred and fifty pa
tients, mostly afflicted with scurvy and dia
Though the rebels have not gone through
any form of paroling them, and could estab
lish no valid claim to their being considered
as such, they are to be placed on the same
footing as paroled prisoners and will be
sent to the parole camp at Annapolis, Ma
Alexander Dumas. —An amusing letter
from Alexander Dumas to M. Paul Meurice,
on the subject of the drama Les Deux Dianes, •
now about to be revived at the AmbiguCom
ique, does great credit to the candor of the
former, and at the same time shows that pos
terity will run the risk of putting the saddle
on the wrong horse when it shall admire the
pioductions of his most prolific pen. M.
Dumas admits that at a time when his purse
was too ill filled to allow him to lend money
to his friend, M. Paul Meurice, he lent him
bis name; that the successful Deux Dianes
which appeared under the name of A. Du
mas, was, was written, every line of it, by
Paul Meurice, and that Dumas did not so
much as liead jhe manuscript, which the lat
ter sent him. *M. Dumas now, iu the interest
of his friend, as well as for the sake of his
own conscience, wishes publicly to make a
clean breast in the matter. He regrets that,
owing to forgetfulness on his part, during a
five _ years’ absence from France, M. Leva
published the Two Dianas as part of his
works, and he compliments M. P. Meurice
on his delicacy in having never complained
of this piracy. He concludes with exquisite
French sentimentalism by expressing the
hope that M. P. Meurice may always recip
rocate what the writer heartily says <sf him,
Esprit poetique c t ceeeur loyalj« f aimt.