Newspaper Page Text
VOL. I—NO. 100.
The Savannah Daily Herald
at 1U Bat SiuiET, Savannah, Geoeou.
Per Copy Five Cents.
Per Hundred $3 60.
Per Year $lO 00.
v abvebtisikq:
Two Dollars per Square of Ten Lines for first In
sertion ; One Dollar for each subsequent oue. Ad
vertisements inserted in the morning, will, if desired,
appear in the evening without extra charge.
In every style, neatly and promptly done.
Although the deliberations of the conven
tion that assembled in New York in 1869
were largely employed on the subject of yel
low lever, they extended to epidemics gene
rally. Following the natural order of inves
tigation indicated, we enter on the considera
tion ot the second division ot our subject,
to wit: the measures that will prevent the
generation and spread of epidemics, particu
larly of yellow fever. This opens up a wide
field of inquiry. It is no less than ail the
iecal or domestic causes that produce a viti
ated state of the atmosphere—filth, iu all its
forms—crowded dwellings—want of ventila
tion-stagnant water—unpaved streets—dis
turbance of tire soil—want of proper drain
age and sewerage, &c.
There was no difference of opinion in the
convention as to the paramount importance
of the internal over the external defenses of
health in cities—by proper domestic arrange
Tne best devised system of quarantine falls
infinitely short of proper hygienic regula
tions. The subornination of the latter to
the former is seen at once, when it is recol
lected, that an imported epidemic cannot
take root if proper attention is paid to hy
gienic measures, from the want of material.
Tbo virus of contagious disease cannot
spread in a healthy atmosphere. If intro
duced it dies out, from the absence of con
genial properties. This sufficiently explains
why the germs of yellow fever when carried
into a healthy district will not propagate. It
has appeared occasionally in Northern lati
tudes when meteorological phenemcna fa
vored its diffusion—when the solar heat was
as great as it is in the summer at the South ;
but this state of things is exceptional. The
yellow fever has been inclosed in one of the
squares of the city of New York, the ma
larious influence not rising higher than a
feiv feet, being confined to the lower s rata
of the atmosphere. This goes to show that
this disease is peculiar to warm latitudes, re
quiring. not only the local causes which
generate it in the soil, but a certain combi
nation of heat aud moisture, or the union of
atmospherical and terrene circumstances, to
produce its development.
The physicians of New Orleans were puz
tled to account for the yellow fever in 1853,
appealing in the fourth .ward of that city,
simultaneous! j with its occurrence on board
the ship Northampton from Liverpool, lying
at the extremity of that ward, there not hav
ing been any communication between the
crew ot the Northampton and the residents
of that. ward. Does uot the mystery disap
pear ou the supposition, that the poison was
generated in the hold of the Northampton,
she having come from an uninfected port,
aud that there were two foci for that fever,
one in the fourth ward aud another in the
hold Os the Northampton ? If this theory of
the double origin of the yellow fever, recon
ciles discrepances of opinion, why should it
not be adopted ?
It appears to us that the question of Quar
antine is divisible, aud to apply the same
principle of exclusion to ail infectious diseas
es, is to generalize on insufficient data.
Why yellow fever should have appeared
•o frequently in the vicinity of our wharves
and docks, if not an imported disease, has
never been explained, nor that there cannot
be the same elimination of gases injurious to
health from the hold of a vessel as from a
badly drained soil, from filth, from over
crowding, and from imperfect ventilation.—
It cannot be shown on rational principles
that it may not thus have a double origin,
and the perplexity put au end to that has so
long troubled coatagionists and anti-conta
The above 3urveyof facts would appear
to lead to tbe following general conclu
sions :
!• That quarantine is of doubtful benefit,
as regards such diseases &3 Asiatic cholera
and yellow fever, it being the opinion of ex
perienced medical men that their exclusion
is impossible, under the most stringent-qua
i rantiue regulations.
2. That in regard to unquestionably con
tagious diseases, such as small pox and
plague, their exclusion is less doubtful, and
it may not bo impracticable to prevent their
S. That the Quarantine extended to persona
as well as things — to the passengers and crews
as well as vessels—from infected ports, is a
vexatious interference with trade and oppres
flive to individuals, it being demonstrated, at
least as regards yellow fever, that the virus
or poison of the disease, or what is techni
cally called fumitts, is not transmissible from
person to person.
4. That yellow fever may have a double
source or origin, from both local causes and
importation; but' *
6. If yellow fever should be introduced it
cannot extend unless there exists that com
bination of meteororogical and terrene condi
tions, generated from local causes, whether
the country into which it is imported i3 or is
not within the isothermal lines or yellow
fever zone. ***
Statement of a Passenger—Appalling De
[From the Memphis Bulletin.]
Mr. W. D. Snow, United States Senator
from Arkansas, furnishes the following par
ticulars :
On the morning of April 27, about three
o'clock, I was awakened by a sensible tre
mor or shudder passing over the [boat, but
heard no explosion. Not anticipating such
a terrible consequence, I arose and delibe
rately dressed. Just before dressing, I be
came aware ot a large volume of steam being
driven through the cabin by the wind. I
opened the door of my stateroom, and in an
instant realized the horror of the fact that
the boiler had exploded, killing and scalding
many; that the pilot house and at least one
third of the cabin roof had fallen in; that
the boiler deck and that were on fire, with
a fresh breeze carrying the flames with light
ning like rapidity through the balance of the
cabin towards the ladies’ salion. I stepped
back to avoid the heat, and denuded myselt
of my dress, except my pants and vest, and
rushed to the rear of the boat, which was in
the channel, and much nearer the Tennessee
than the Arkansas side.
I looked over to the Tennessee side, with
a view’ of leaping, but found it a sea of heads,
so close together that it was impossible to
jump without killing one or more. I deter
mined to try the Arkansas shore, which was
about three quarters of a mile distant. I
passed over several bodies of dead men,
killed and trampled in the mad rush which
must have occurred some moments prior to
my advent on that part of the boat. 1 found
the same sea of heads on this side, but dis
covered that the flames had driven them
from the vicinity of the wheel house, and by
getting as close as possible to an open place
to leap in. Prior to leaping I saw several
husbands fasten life-preservers to their wives
and children, and throw them overboard into
the struggling mass below. I struck out for
the Arkansas shore, and reached a log lodged
in fifteen feet of water, among the overflowed
cotton wood land. At ten minutes to four,
by my watch, which had not ceased to run,
alter four hours' of exposure I was rescued
by the steamer Silver Spray.
The Sultana contained two thousand one
hundred and seventy-five souls. The density
with which they Were packed had awakened
my curiosity, and I looked over with the
clerk his certificates and books before retir
ing. This number included eighty-five hands
employed on the boat. Tuere were some
femaler, besides a few children. The bulk of
passengers were returned prisoners from
Andersonville. which place they left on the
17th of last February. Among them were
the remnant at that point of the prisoners
captured at Chickamauga and Gettysburg.
They numbered altogether one thousand nine
hundred and sixty-six men and thirty-six of
ficers. A large number of horses were on
the boat, which providentially became unre
sisting victims to the flames. Had they
broken a loose the fate of the swimmers would
have been determined within two hundred
yards of the boat. As near as can be esti
mated without other data than observation,
between two and three hundred reachecUthe
bank, while about an equal number floated
down the stream on doors und furniture.
A dense mass, estimated at about five hun
dred, took refuge on the bow of the boat,
while the flames were driven aft by the wind.
A few moments afterwards the wheel booses,
loosened by the concussion and flames, fell
off outward, and the boat turned stern up
stream, reversing the flames. The largest
part of this number must then have perished,
as they had no 'material at hand to throw
over to sustain themselves, except a few
bales of .hay, which were immediately seized
on the burning of the boat. The g;,ng planks
were throw’© overboard, bfit sank at once
under their living freight, and rose too far
out of reach for most. The yawl boat was
launched, bottom up, from the hurricane
deck, upon the heads of those below, and
afforded a support for a few in that condition.
The whole time before the boat was an en
tire sheet of flame could not have exceeded
twenty minutes. I was not more than one
third of the distance to shore when I ob
served the fact. The prisoners represented
almost every State in the Union, even Texas,
and the calamity will be as widely felt as a
battle of no inconsiderable proportions,
Mosby, the Guerrilla Chief.—Washing
ton, May i, 1865. —Mosby was at Salem, near
Warrenton, last Friday, and is still harbored
in that neighborhood by tbe rebel inbabi
tants. His command has deserted him en
«r? our l ,un< 3red having been paroled at
Winchester all of these were picked men
from the various cava!ryjegiments serving in
the valley, borne of them offer to bring in
Mosby alive lor five thousand dollars. Two
thousand dollars Is now offered, but as the
capture would require several men in its per
formance tbe sum each might receive is re
garded as beingtoo small to justify the at
tempt.—N. Y. Herald.
It is untrue that precautions are not taken
to ensure President Johnson’s safety. He
has tbe mounted body-guard of one hundred
picked men which attended Mr. Lincoln, and
sentinels are constantly on duty in and
around his quarters. ,»
SAVANNAH, GA., FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1865. .
The chill November day was done.
The working-world home-faring;
The wind came roaring through tea streets.
And set the gas lights flaring.
And hopelessly, and aimlessly.
The scared old leaves were flying;
When, min sled with the sighing wind,
I heard a small voice crying.
And shivering on the corner stood
A child of tour, or over .
No cloak or hat her small, soft arras
And wind-blown curls to cover.
Her dimpled free was stained with tears;
Her round blue eyes ran over:
She cherished in her wee, cold hand
A bunch of faded clover.
And, one band round her treasure, while
She slipped in miue the other.
Halt-scared, half-confidential; said,
“Oh, please, I * ant my morher."
“Tell me your street and number, pet;
Don't cry; I’ll take you to it.”
Sobbing she answered, “1 forget;
The organ made me do it.”
“It came and played at M Uer's step;
The monkey took the money;
I followed down the street, because
That monkey was so funny,
I've walked about a hundred boors
From one street to another;
The monkey’s gone, I’ve spoiled my flowers ;
t —Oh, please, I want my mother.’’
“But what’s your mother's mm 2, and what
The street?? now think a minute."
“My motnei's name is Mother Dear;
The street—l can’t begin it."
“But what is strange a.out the house,
, Or new, uot like the others r"
“I guess you mean my trundle bed,
Mine and my little brother's."
“Ob, dear. I ought to be at home
To help him say his prayers;
He’s -nen a baby he forgets;
And we a.e both such players,
And there's a bar between to keep
From pitching on each other, ,
For Harfy rolls when he's asiesp; -
—Oh, dear, I want my mother 1"
The sky grew stormy; people passed
All muffled, homeward faring,
••You’ll have to spend the rngnt with me,"
I said at last, despairing.
I tied a ’nerebief round her neck.
—“What ribbon’s this, my blossom ?”
- “Why, don't you know ?’’ she smiling said.
And drew it from her bosom.
A card, with number, street and name 1
My eyes astonished met it;
“For," said the little one, “you see
I might some time forget it;
And so I wear a little thing
That tells you all about it;
For mother says she’s very sure
I would get lost without it."
(Correspondence of the New Oileans Times.}
The good feeling manifested’ be twee* citi
zens and soldiers, -.nd which I alluded to in
my last letter, is still apparent and growing.
A firm Union feeling is more and more de
veloped, and I hazard nothing in predicting
that, ere another month passes, Mobile will
be as true to the old flag as many Northern
cities, whose boast 9 have been great of their
patriotism and loyalty.
The fine residence of Col. J. G. Aiken,
near Stockton, used by Gen. Steele as head
quarters on his late march from Pensacola,
has been burned.
Speaking of Gen. Steele reminds me of a
rumor that he is to have anew command,
comprising a portion of the Sixteenth Army
Corps, the Second Division of the.Thirteentb,
the cavalry commands of Gens. Grierson and
Lucas, and Hawkin’s colored troops. It
there be anything left of. the Confederacy by
the time he is ready for the field, he vvik fin
ish the glorious work in a glorious style.
The rivers hereabout, aud the Bay, look
quite like old times, with the numbers of
steamers passing and repassing.—
We all fervently hepe that not many days
will elapse until this port will be opened to
trade. It will be a great help to New Or
The Mobile News—a copy of which I send
you—is published by E. O. Haile, your cor
respondent, in the old. Register office.
Gen. Andrews, Provost Marshal, has, by
some sort of magic of his wit, made the
change here in so quiet a manner that the
citizens hardly know how it was brought
about. No outrages have been committed
cor attempted. Citizens are called upon to
give up all arms iu their possession, and they
do it without murmur. The peaceable man
ner in w’bich the change has been effected is
due to the completeness of the plans of the
Commanding General, as well as to the dis
position ot good fellowship evinced by both
citizen and soldier. >
Are not only allowed to re-open their doors
and resume their work, but it is the request
of many of the military and naval officers
that they should do so at once, as they would
like to visit and affiliate. We shall be happy
to publish a notice to this effect at once.
In answer to many inquiries on this sub
ject, we have no definite information as to
the time when the schools will be reopened.
Major Gen. Canby is a warm friend and ad
vocate of religious and educational institutes,
aud these matters will undoubtedly receive
early attention.
We bavfe been informed of a matter in con
nection with the schools and school teachers
which reflects anything but credit upon the
supervisors. We omit further light upon the
subject, trusting that it may be corrected and
satisfactorily adjusted.
We paid a visit to tire Southern Market
this morning, and found quite a respectable
number of vegetable dealers on band with
their esculents. Dealers seem to forget that
gold is no longer $75 for sl, as they are
charging prices outrageously high lor tlieir
aiticles. Chickens, sl.each, eggs, $1 per
dozen, and everything in proportion. This
is wrong, as there is no excuse for it. The
stock of such things on band was purchased
for currency that was at a discount almost
below computation, consequently there i9 no
reason in demanding double, aye, treble their
value in coin or the equivalent,, ,
The difficulty of procuring stock deteis
many butchers' from opening their stalls.
This, however, will be remedied by the ar
rival of a lot of beeves now awaiting ship
ment in New Orleans.
Another attempt will be made soon to start
an American “Punch”—an illustrated week
ly called “Mrs. Gundy.”
Correspondence of the New York Herald. >
Termination of the [Var Between Brazil and
Uruguay — Gen. Flores' Accession to Power —
The New Cabinet—The Treaty of Surrender
at Montevideo—Progress iu Buenos Ayers, sc.
Buu.nos Ayers. S. A., )
March 11, 1805./
The lower valley of the liver Plate is again
at peace, after a war of two years. The
news by the last European mail of the settle
ment of the Uruaguayan civil war by the tri
umph of the rebellion is now confirmed.
On February 21 the rebel chief General
Flores proclaimed: “Inasmuch as from this
day the supremo magistracy of the republic
is resumed in my person,the provisional gov
ernment is established and hereby declared,”
<fce. He proceeds to nominate and appoint
a secretary of the interior, captain of the
port, collector of the port, postmaster gener
al, dec.
On February 22 the Brazilians raised the
blockade and commerce returned to its
wonted channels,and the people who had not
fled far returned in large numbers to the city.
On February 23, Gen. Flores, with a small
escort, entered the city of Montevideo amid
universal rejoicings. ' A committee of the
principal inhabitants waited ou bim to feli
citate him. Banners floated everywhere, and
vivas resounded on every 9ide. All this was,
to be sure, from a people somewhat used to
revolutions, and their assent to this one was
certuiuly very graceful. There were signs of
dissatisfaction, but thev were not not9y or
ostentatious; they were the quiet but hur
ried departure of hundreds of “ Blancos,”
the defeated party, who were taking wagons,
cars, carriages, sailboats, ships, steamers,
anything that would carry them anywhere.
It was quietly understood that certain parties
would not be sate in remaining, and perhaps
over one thousand—some of them the best
families of the city—removed on the day of
Flores’ welcome to the city. Among these
were the members of the former Cabinet, the
recent Commander-iu-Chiet of the Army,
the Commissary General, aqd many others.
President Yilalba used his power imme
diately on being elected President of the
Senate; and hence, being acting President,
surrendered the city to the rebels aud Brazil
ians, thus saving the people but not the gov
Dn entering the city Flores’ troops found
several quite formidable mines prepared for
explosion in the last extremity. The position
of the mines was well selected, and if they
had been resorted to as a means of defence,
the destruction would have been awful, per
haps, to friends as well as foes.
The conditions of surrender may be abbre
viated thus :
1. The President must resign his post and
the country await anew election.
2. Provisionally General Flores will as
sume the chief magistracy, assisted by Juan
M. Martinez and Antonio Rodrigues Cabello
as colleagues. » , . .
3. The free choice of the people shall select
new Representatives and Senators.
4. Private property shall be inviolable, ex
cept by due process of law.
b. .Political opinions shall tie inviolable,
and all words, acts aud publications during
the civil war shall only affect the parties con
cerned at the bar of public opinion.
0. Employes of government shall continue,
and all military grades of both camps shall
be held as valid.
7. Public debt shall be assured by the na
tional duties.
8. As soon as possible the Brazilian forces
shall be sent away, and a treaty made with
Brazil on the following basis :
1. Uruguayan independence as declared
December 4, 1828.
2. Integrity of the present territory of Uru
guay. •
3 Equality in national duties with Brazil.
These conditions in the main look very
fair on paper; but,, as to some of them,
Flores’ enemies do not trust him. It is much
to his credit that when he was President,
some years ago by a legal election, he was
just aud mild in his administration. So long
hi s this useless war raged and so lawless
have both parties been, either in its inception
or its progress, that most people heartily
wished to"close by any means. In one of
the largest churches in Buenos Ayres a Te
Euum was sung, and there is great rejoicing
iu all the country.
General Bastarrica was one who went to
proffer his services to President Flores, say
ing he had served four different governments
because each was the government- of the
time, aud now he came to offer himself to
the fifth for the same reason.
One of the the most distinguished literary
and political writers that this country has
produced was the late Dr. Valencio Varela.
He bad powerful political enemies enemies,
and one day he was murdered in the city of
Montevideo, in open day, with the ever rea
dy assassin’s knife. The murderer was ar
rested and tried and condemned to imprison:
ment. After some time he was released, aud
at the taking of Montevideo was at large.
General Flores is an old friend of Dr. Varela
and his family, 1 and he has had this
c invicted murderer promptly arrested. The
result has not transpired, but caa easily be
But there are more inviting fields than
those of war. The industrial resources of
this country are beginning .to be developed.
One especially is full of promise—it is tbe
culture of cotton Whatever may bo the ef
fect of the culture of cotton by paid labor in
tbo Southern States, there is no reason for
discouragement or delay in the development
of other coat tries. A planter from Georgia,
wno had the skill" to foresee the storm of war
and to escape from it, came here more than
a year Ago, and after a careful examination
of tbe country located himself in the pro
vince of Entre Rios, about twenty miles
above the city of Parana. He has now un
der culture there perhaps one hundred acres,
and he has bought and has ready for cotton
about two hundred and fifty acres of splen
did land. The growth and product of this, the
first year, quite satisfies hi 9 practised eye.
The same kind of cotton that in the States
must be replanted every year, or every sec
ond year, will here remain extending its
roots and increasing its products until the
seventh year. In the States the season is so
short that the cotton harvest is much shorter
* *■■** * ■* ' v ' ‘• wjgS'Jumv* _am
than here. Later sowing or later cutting
down will regulate the succession of fields
ready for harvest.
Good land is so cheap and the cultivation
is so easy that men of small means can here
be planters. Little cotton forms of twenty
acres, all fenced and under culture, with a
small house upon them, can be bought in
that vicinity for from S3OO to S6OO Spanish.
Who can tell but that King Cotton may re
sume south of the equator the throne he has
lost north of it.
The Western Railroad is now open as far
as Mercedes, and works are begun for ChiK
ilcoy. twenty-one miles further. The South
ern Railroad will soon be open for the fiisc
forty miles.
The Minister of Education and Worship is
now on a tour through the provinces.
Correspondence of the Commercial Advertiser.
Mr. Seward’s Opision op tiie Assassina
tion—Mrs. Lincoln and Her Family. —Said,
or rather wrote, Governor Seward yesterday; ..
“This is only history repeating itself—ail
great revolutions have their assassins as well
as their heroes.” Let us hope that there are .
to be no more victims, aud that the lives of
the venerable Secretary of State and of bis
son will be spared to adorn the diplomatic
records of their country. The condition of
Mr. Frederick Seward is very precarious, yet
while there is life there is hope. Major Sew- :
ard and Mr. Hauseli, who were also barbar
ously cut by the assassin of the Secretary
are doing well.
Mrs. Lincoln has suffered much since the.
terrible night of anguish, and has required
the atleution of Doctor Stone, and the family
physician. * Captain Robert Lincoln haa de
ported himself in a manner that has at once
commanded the respect and excited the sym
pathy of those who have seen him since bis
father’s death. But the youngest son, “Tad,"
as Mr. Linooln always called him, is incon
solable. He went to Ford’s Theatre with his
parents on file fatal evening, but not relish
ing “Our • American Couisin,” he slipped
down to Grover’s Theatre to enjoy “Alad-*
din.” While gazing on this melodramatic
spectacle, the poor lad heard the sad an
nouncement : “President Liu Join hasbeen
shot.” With an agonized shriek he hastened
from the house, and was soon in the next
room to his dying parent. Horror stricken
he refused to see his wounded father, but
moaned the whole night iu agony.
Yesterday, as a well known Senator en
tered the White House, he was met by the
once boistrous lad, who exclaimed : “Oh.J
can you tell me what my dear father had
ever done to that man to make him shoeft
him dead ?” Mrs. Lincoln was at first dis
posed to consent to the removal ot her. boa
band’s remains to Springfield, Illinois, for
final interment. But there is a desire mani
fested to day to have thefn deposited in tire
cript beneath the rotunefa, in the place In
tended for the remains of George Washing
ion. This would be a fitting resting place
for the raartyr-President, with the majestic
dome, towering high above his remains until
it is crowned by Freedom t
The Greatness or Grant.—E. P. Whipple
writes as follows in the Atlantic Monthly for
A peculiar kind of gift, not falliug. utijer
any of the special 'expressions I have noted,
yet partaking in some degree of all, is IMs
trated in the character of Lieut. Gen. Grant.
Without an iftom of preteneioq or rhetoric,
"with none of the external signs of energy and
intrepidity, making no parade of the immov-.
able purpose, iron nerve, and silent, pehelja
ting Intelligence God has put into, hla
tranquil greatness is hidden from the super
ficial scrutiny behind a cigar, as President
Lincoln’s is behind a. joke. When anybody
tries to coax, cajole, overawe, browbeat, or
deceive Lincoln, the President nurses his fog,
and is rem'nded of a story; when anybody tries
the same game with Grant, the General list
ens and smiles. If you try to
of him his plana for a campaign, ha stolidly
smokes; if.yon call him an imbecile and a
blunderer, he blandly lights another cigar;
if you piaise him a9 the greatest General liv
ing, he placidly returns the puff from.his re
galia, and if you tell him he should run for
the Presidency,it does not disturb the equan
imity with which he inhales and exhales the
insubstantial vapor which typifies the poli
tician’s promises. While you are wondering
what kind of a man tb’s creaturf without a
tongue is, you are suddenly electrified "with
the news of some. splendid victory, proving
that behind the cigar, and behind tne face
discharged of all tellt ale expression, is the
best brain to plan and the strongest heart to
dare among the Generals of the Republic.
“ ; Ts ,
The Radicals and the President’s. Re
construction Potter. —The Washington cor
respondent of the New York Herald thus
speaks of the probable course of the radicals
and their influence oh the reconstruction
policy of the administration.
A number of radical republican Senators
and members of Congress are here, endeav
oring to shape or control the policy of Pres
ident Johnson in regard to reconstruction.
They are anxious that there shall be a called
session of Congress, so that they may have
some hand in tbe reorganization of the South
ern States. They contend that if the right
of suffrage i9 to be extended to all tbe white
population there, the pro-slavery influence
will prevail, aud the effect of the emancipa
tion proclamations may be nullified, and the
abolition of slavery indefinitely retarded,
unless tbe negroes also shall be allowed to
vote. A desperate effort will be made to
impress this idea upon the President’s policy;
but be has conned oyer this wbflfc subjeet of
reconstruction quite as carefully as any of
the volunteer advisers, and. with Jackson
like firmness for which he is winning a rep
utation, be will do what he deems right and
best for tbe whole country.
“Stuttering Ben,” who was toasting his
shins, observed that the oil merchant was
cheating a customer in some oiL.-called out to
him, “Jim, I can t-tel you how t-to s-sell
t-twice as much oil as you d-do now. “Well,
bow,” groaned Jim. ‘ F-fUI yonr^measure!’•
_r 1 . ”• . - - yy\. * :
Where is Jest Davis.— Echo answers,
“Da vis is— is— !” H . ‘