Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, May 15, 1865, Image 1

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SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. * VOL. 1-NO. 102. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING) 18 PUBLISHED BY a W. MASON •Sc CO.. At 111 Bay Street, Savannah, Georgia, terms: Per Copy Five Cents. Per Hundred $3 50. Per Year *lO 00. An vertisi no: Two Dollars per Square of Ten Lines for first in sertion ; One Dollar lor each subsequent one. Ad vertisements inserted in the morning, will, if desired, appear in the evening without extra charge. .TOll PRINTING, In every style, neatly and promptly done. Sanitarium or Home for Disabled Sol diers. —F. N, Knapp, superintendent of Special Relief U. S. Sanitary Commission, has published an interesting report on the necessity iind importance of providing a home for disabled soldiers. The document is too for our limits. The follow ing i9 a summary of the truly practical views of the superintendent. A Sanitarium should be not merely an “asylum,” but also a workshop, and a school and a home.. Asa first pfinciple, the idea of indolent cases should find no place there, except in the rooms of those utterly and to tally disabled. A central purpose of the in stitution should be to provide facilities and inducements for the development of produc tive power in these partially disabled men, so that they may be able as soon as possible to support themselves. These facilities would embrace careful instruction in the va rious arts or branches of business, according to the physical ability or mental capacity of the different men. The inducements would consist in opeuing to the men the use of workshop, farmlands, gardens and the like, as well as play-grounds aud reading-rooms Inducements would also be tound in the tone which should he infused through the whole establishment of self-respect and per sonal independence, based on the conscious ness in each man of his trying every day to do his part in the world honestly, according to the measure of power or number of limbs left to him by the war. Thus would self-re liance also be maintai; ed; and quickly would men learn to make one set of muscles pertorm the work of two, aud the left hand take the place of the right, and the brain and one arm earn the living which before was earned by the two arms, the brain having been hut little, used. This development of productive power iu all the inmates should be an essential aim and prominent feature of a Sanitarium, and that special work should he under the charge of eminent and compe tent men who would make this their sole business ; thus to overcome the obstacles, not a few,and to provide u'l possible facilities and inducements for this condition of self-help, aud consequent self-reliance, followed by self-respect.' This broader plan, with this larger provi sion—Asylum, Infirmary, Agency for Pro ductive Industry—can alone meet the de mands made,-at the present day upon intelli gent philanthropy. NATIONAL SECURITIES IN EUROPE. The New York Times says —As a signifi cant evidence of the vastly improved credit of the National Treasury, and the resolute confidence of the loyal people in the national securities, we may mention that all the gold bearing bonds advanced decidedly yesterday, and were in unusually active demand, in the face of the unfavorable advices from the Lon don market, received by the Hibernian, and of a fall of lull 3 per cent, in gold in our own market. A further important rise, especially in the six per cents, of 1881, and each series of the 5-20s, is confidently anticipated. A steamer or two later, it is believed, will bring us news from Frankfort and London, of a complete restoration of faith in our funded stocks, practical evidence of which is looked for in the form of a heavy increase of foreign orders at materially advanced prices. The handsome premium borne by the National Six per Cents in the home market, tends de cidedly to stimulate the popular demand for the 7-30 currency—loan, which is converti ble iuto 5-20 Sfx per Cent, coin-bearing bonds three years from the date of the issue of the notes. The home market for all our funded stocks is now—as it ever ought to be—mea sureably independent of all foreign influen ces. CONDITION OF TIIB DOMESTIC STOCK AND MONEY MARKET. The same paper says: Last week’s sales of the national 7-30 loan were, up to the unprecedentedly high dally average of $6,731,166, at which rate of dis tribution, all of the unmarked balance, about $160,000,000, oi the pending series of the loan, will be disposed of in about four weeks more. The daily average of subscriptions during the preceding week was $+,238,233; week ending April 22, $3,054,140, and week April 15, $3,055,208. The orders for the SSO and SIOO notes of the loan, last week aver aged 4,706 a day. Government is deriving great pecuniary relief from the extraordina rily heavy receipts on account of subscrip tions to the loan, which enabled it not only to pay its current expenses, but to cancel the oppressive arrears of last year. Forty millions of cenificates of indebtedness, issu sued last year, matured during the past month of April, and were paid as fast as they were presented, the government mean time not issuing a single new certificate. Government stocks advanced 3-4 and 1 per cent.., and gold fell 3 and 4 per cent, yes terday. The foreign private advices are be lieved generally to favor the immediate in crease of trade, and of the stock investments betweeu Great Britain and the Continent, and the United States, and there is less firmness in exchange on London. The railway mar ket left off steady. Gold 1391-2 per cent. A moderate business was transacted in produce and merchandise yesterday, but at irregular prices, thfe markets generally clos ing quite heavily, in sympathy with the de pression in gold. The freight market was inactive. L ist evening gold closed at 37 1-2 —the lowest figure reached in a very long time. IMPORTUNITY. BY AMELIA B. KDWARDB, I’ve waited long enough, Kathleen, The winter’s iairly past; The lambs are playing on the green ; The swallows come at last. The vine is leafy round my door, The blossom's on the May; The waves come dancing lo the shore— Why don’t you name the day » ' You know you put me off, Kathleen, Until the early Spring, The skies are tranquil and serene ; The bees are on the wing; The fisher spreads his little sail The mower’s in the hay ; The primrose blossoms in the vale— Wtiy don’t you name the day t The thrush is building in the thorn, Among the whispering leaves; The lark is busy in the corn. The martin ’neath the eaves. The little birds don’t build in vain ; Their mates don't say them nay— Beware 1 I may not ask ahain; Why don’t you name the day ? SORROWS OP WERTHER. Werther had a love for Charlote Such as words could never utter; Would you know how first he met her t She was cutting bread and butter. Charlotte was a married lady, Anff a moral man was Werther, And for all the wealth of Indies, Would do nothing for to hurt her. So he sighed and pined and ogled, And his passion boiled and bubbled, Till he blew his silly brains out, And no more was by it troubled. Charlotte, having seen his body Borne before ner on a shutter, Like a well-conducted person. Went on cutting bread and butter. Thackeray. SECRETARY STANTON. There is no one member of the Cabinet about whom public opinion has been so sure ly, though gradually changing, as in regard to the Secretary of War. The faults which appeared in the beginning of the administra tion—his impulsiveness in public action, and bis sometimes harsh treatment of individu als—are being forgotten in the splendor of bis sudfeesses and the integrity ol his admin istration. If Mr. Stanton is impulsive now, U is always on the side cf liberty against oppression, or it is against some gigantic crime, or in his eagerness to throw his own tremendous force of character and mind into military movements which seem to him slug gish or hesitating. His acts of revolutionary energy and arbitrary power are not confined to punishing petty traitors, but to the arrest and punishment of more conspicuous crimi nals iu peculiar crisises of affairs. His prompt removal of Gen. Butler and his im mediate renewal of the attack on Wilming ton were grand and successful instances of .“his revolutionary energy.” The recent prompt, but trenchant statement of the grounds of disapproval of Gen. Sherman's negotiations, show Mr. Stanton’s intellectual force and his deep earnestness in the nation al cause, in the best light. We believe the whole country felt a certain sense of relief and security, when the manifesto appeared at the thought of two such vigorous hands at the helm as Mr. Stanton’s and Mr. John son’s. But the highest glory of the Secretary of War, on the page of history, will be his re markable powers of organization and the entire integrity of his administration. When we call to mind what, for instance, the organization of the English campaign in the Crimea was, when the armies were only a few miles from the water hase, and the problem was for the greatest naval power of the world to feed and clothe and medically care for 30,000 men; the inextricable confu sion, l ltlie want of rations, of stores, clothes and medicine, the sufferings of those brave men from this most stupid want of business capacity in the officials, until the Crimean campaign became a spectacle to the world for its misery and stupidity, and then reflect that for four years Mr. Stanton and his offi cials have been feeding, clothing arming and taking medical care of some 800,000 men each year, transporting them with great ra pidity thousands of miles on the sea and the land, and that no instance has occurred of short supplies, or irregular transportation, or deficient clothing or arming, or (on any large scale) of a want of medical supplies, everything seeming to be just where it was needed, we must admit that somewhere in our military service there has been a great organizing brain. Where Booth Lies. —The corresponibnt of the New York World thus speaks of the burial of Booth: Yesterday the Secretary of War, without instructions of any kind, com mitted to Col. Lafayette C. Baker, of the se cret service, the stark corpse of J. Wilkes Booth. The secret service never fulfilled its vocation more secretively. “What have you done with the body ?” said Ito Baker. “That is known,” he answered, “to one man living besides myself. It is gone. I will not tell you The only man who knows is sworn to silence. Never till the great trum peter comes shall the grave of Booth lie dis covered.” And this is ti ue. Last night, the 27th of April, a small row boat received the carcass of the murderer; two men were in it; they carried the body off into the dark ness, and out of that darkness it will never return. In toe darkness, like his great crime, may it remain' forever, impalpable, invisible, condemned to that worse than damnation, annihilation. The river bottom may ooae about it laden with great shot and drowning manacles. The earth may have opened to give it that silence and forgiveness which man will never give its memory. The fishes may swim around it, or the daisies grow white above it; but we shall fiever know. Humiliating.— While the corpse of the President wa9 in New York, an advertise ment appeared in a Washington paper, offe:- ing for sale the funeral car used on the occa sion pf the burial of President Lincoln. It was described as a good chance for an enter prising man, and application was to be made by a letter addressed to Box 836, Post Office, Washington. - m , At a court ball lately given in Paris, a lady assumed the character of Cleopatra. Her cloth of silver tram was covered by hiero glyphs copied trom the Obelisk of the Lu*or Place de la Concorde. SAVANNAH, GA., MONDAY, MAY 15, 1865. [Corfenpondencc of the Savannah Herald. 1 OUR NEW YORK. LETTER. New York. May i). Jeffs Capture has been the expectation and hope of our community the past week, and the general impression here is that the capture aud hang ing ol that fugacious fugitive can be consid ered a fitting finale of the four years tragedy through which we have passed. The pleas ant rumor, even current yesterday, that this villain had really fallen into the hands of Sherman shed an halo of satisfaction over the countenances of all;. but yet the ru mor is not verified. We shall have the good tidings by Sunday sure. Peace. seems as yet hardly realized by the majority ol our people, probably from the fact that their anticipations of an immediate decline in the necessaries of life are not met by the facts. Groceries, the price of which reaches the tender spot of the masses, have hardly reached five per cent., and indeed certain articles seem, jin some special localities, to have advanced —thus causing a quantity of growling which grates harshly in the an nouncement that government has reduced its current expenses from one to two millions of dollars per day. A little patience, and all will come right in due time. OverrcEcliiug Landlord* Have generally had things pretty much their own way this spring, both in this city and Brooklyn. Some of the stories told of experience by tenants are sad indeed, while others border on the exremely ludicrous.— Many a man, on moving to new premises he had rented, found the old tenants in posses sion, solely from the fact that they could find no place to go to. Magnanimous charity was fully developed in many such cases by the new tenants allowing the older occupants the privilege of shelter for a few days, al though at great inconvenience. Some who were not possessed of a like amount of the milk of human kindness, ejected the unfor tunates, in many cases entailing considerable suffering and unnecessary distress, the house less people being obliged (some of them with young children) to obtain temporary shelter at station houses of the police. The prices demanded for rents would astonish the most rapacious landlord or real estate broker In your city out of his senses. Houses that a year ago were considered a9 being “splendidly let” at one thousand dollars, were tjiis year thought cheap at twenty-five hundred and three thousand. The medium-sized houses, which were thought dear at four hundred twelve months since, easily let this spring for eight and nine hundred. The number of families that have broken up housekeeping, stored tlieir goods aud “colonized,’*, e., gone to board, is almost fabulous. Hundreds of the latter will go into the country the coming month,, and by next fall will obtain resi dences much cheaper than at present. One May Day Incident was as follows A gentleman had leased a house at a rent of one thousand dollars per annum —paid one quarter's rent in advance. On May day his goods drove up to the house, when, lo ! to his astonishment it was occu pied—the occupant showing a lease and a re ceipt similar to his own, only it was subse quently dated and the rent paid was an ad vance of five hundred dollars ! Here was a nice fix. Knowing he was in the right, and had the law on his side, he immediately stor ed his household goods, and took his whole family to the Fifth Avenue Hotel, where he engaged a suite of rooms and board for seven persons ! He then went to the landlord, in formed him what he had done, also inform ing him that he (the landlord) would have to toot the hotel bills ! The latter saw he had overreached himself—offered to compromise by payiDg back the quarter’s rent and one thousand dollars. No go! lucreased from one thousand to five thousand, but tbe tenant didn’t see it, and will stay at the hotel, ob liging the landlord to not only pay his hotel bills, but for tbe storage of his furniture, and will sue him for damages besides—and both the law and a New York jury will side with the tenant ! Extortionist a are receiving a general raking from our press. It makes them squirm terribly, but the people look to the expositions oi frauds by the newspapers as the only method of defence from the swarms of monopolists which in fest this metropolis. The ice-dealers, next to the gas companies, are about an avari cious a set of unprincipled Bhylocks as ever undertook to cooly filch unmerited gains from the public. Notwithstanding the enor mous crop they gathered from the rivers and lakes in this vicinity the past winter, far ex ceeding any crop for five years, they have (with one exception, the Brooklyn Ice Com pany) combined to charge one cent a ponnd this summer to consumers—just the same price demanded last summer in New Orleans. The coal-dealers, also, have been making arrangements to keep up prices to a winter standard, but some of them have already ig nored the “arrangement” and are selling at nine dollars. The press here have unani mously “pitched in” to both of this class, and already good effects are manifest. THE USUAL CRY of'“worms, blight, poor prospects,” etc., has already been stalled by the market men here, in order to justify the high prices they expect to charge for fruit this season. — Dont’t believe a word of it, reader. The fruit trees in Jersey, in Long Island, in Dela ware, aud in this State never looked better, nor were they ever so laden with promis ing blossoms. Garden fruit is also plentiful in promise, and our market is pretty well supplied with asparagus, radishes, (no sooth ing syrup with them, as there ought to be.) greens, rhubarb, etc., at very reasonable prices; strawberries are coming in freely and we shall probably survive provided the Rus rian epidemic is not imported. Brooklyn Sunday Amusement* partake of the fantastic sometimes, aud our brethren across the East river may well boast of similar advantages of civilization to those iu vogue among the Hidalgos, the former, however, preferring prize fights to the cock fights by the latter. The Hidalgos after de voutly indulging in mas 9, adjourn to their favorite cock pits, and bet their doubloons on their iavorite birds, —while, on last Sabtyatli, after acoustically catching the drippings from the sanctuaries of Cuyler, Beecher, Bartlett, Woodruff, aud Father Francela, the Brook lyn humanitarians could have piously ad journed to a palatial bam and enjoyed the lux ury of two prize fights—uo policemen to in terfere, plenty of trickling claret, and oceans of bad whisky. Who says Brookly isn’t des tiued to be a big city ? Steamboat* are quite numerous in this harbor. They have been discharged by the government, and are “for sale” or “to let,” iu quantities. Some of them look pretty hard, and some little surprise is manifested by sea-going gents in this vicinity at the tenacity evinced by the shaky timbers of many of the wlieo zy old things. It is really considered provi dential that the government has decided to send its heroes home by land, or we should have more horrible drownings to chronicle. Policemen are useful institutions—individually and col lectively. Like Toodle’s Coffin in the house, they are handy to have about the streets— handy when a breach of the peace occurs— haudy to direct strangers—handy to put a summary veto upon nuisances—bandy to call, upon and by their suggestive presence cause justice to be done in minor trading opera tions—handy to settle disputes in their iuci pient stages and thus prevent them from reaching the magnitude of assaults and even murder, A recent case of grand larceny shows, too, they are very handy in assisting in the performance of such an operation. A gentleman had stored in a house in Brooklyn several trunks, containing wearing apparel aud other valuables worth several hundred dollars. One day this week a light wagon driven by a young man was drawn up to the door, and the trunks demanded. There was no one at home but two or three small chil dren, and they, of course, pointed the way to the room where the trunks were stored. The young man found the trunks too heavy to move alone, and the children too small to assist him. So he stepped to the door to call on the first passer-by. It so happened that a policeman came along, and he was called on. He promptly acquiesced, and the trunks were soon in the wagon. A day or two afterwards the owner called for the trunks, and, with surprise and indignation combined, learned the circumstances of their withdrawal. It is scarcely presumable that this policeman is detective enough to ferret out their whereabout now. The Ram Webb. The destruction of the rebel ram Webb again brings before the mind the powerful towboat built some years ago* for service in this harbor. She was of invaluable service in breaking up ice in New York bay. but the underwriters failed to fully appreciate her until after she was .gone, and she was sent out to New Orleans to the more profitable work of towing bevvy cotton ships in and out of the Mississippi. On the breaking out of the rebellion the rebels turned the Webb into a gunboat, her great speed rendering her extremely valuable in that capacity, though she never was in attive service but twice. Reed, who commanded her, doubt less expected to make a good thing out of the steamer and her cargo, and possibly, in tbe meantime, to do a good deal of mischief to our commerce in the Gulf. His career in the Florida ard Tacony is evidence enough of hatred for tbe Union, and, now that he is caught, should give him the full benefit of the gallows. Semmes, Morris, and their kidney, need not expect much mercy from stern old Andy Johnson. Women in Breeches. Some of the strong-minded of the fair sex, continue to sport the Bloomer dress, and one of them,a Mrs. Doctor Harman, was arrested the other day for wearing male attire. She subsequently appeared in print in defence of her “neat comfortable pagp’ and ma <* e quite a sensible argument ontmlq&estion, contend ing that women might as well be arrested for wearing sleeves as well as men do, as for PRICE. 5 CENTS dressing the lower limbs in the same manner, and alleging that the wearing of shawls by the sterner sex is as much an infringement upou female apparel, as the more useful part of dress which occasioned her arrest. She says the thought is not particularly agreeable to an American bom woman that she may not at pleasure clothe herself well, thinks it a shame there should not be freedom of judgement and taste in the matter in a Re publican land, and states that the desire of such as she is to place the dressing of women on a common sense basis instead of a mere fashion basis, rendering the costume less cumbersome, and uncouth and les9 barrel like. The argument is very good, but who of the sterner sex desires to see the ladies In any other dress than the flowing one, ho well adopted to show their pretty shapes, particu larly of a rainy day. Depend on it the mas oulines will never countenance the change. The State Legislature which adjourned about the Ist of May ac quired the character of being more venal than all its predecessors, not excepting the famous gridiron legislature of iB6O, almost anything it was possible to grant was sold by the more shameless members for a large or small consideration as the case might be, while many of the more modest members were not above pocketing their little dowr ies in a quiet underground way. More bills were introduced and were rushed through the body than at any previous session, and there was more open, undisguised bribery and corruption than ever was heard ol at Albany in any one year before. The Legis lature of 1860 will live in hisiory. Charles Kean and Wife have played their engagement of eleven nights, and to crowded houses, at remunera tive prices. I have seen nobody who re gretted the visit, but almost every one whom I have heard say anything abont them, con fesses. to disappointment. Their style is entirely artificial, and was not so much re lished as acting more true to nature would have been, and yet they are wonderful ar tists, and in comedy Mrs. Kean is superb. The Son* ot Malta. Who has not laughed over the ludicrous an ecdote I tpld of the renowned Sons of Malta ? The saying “Recorded” has pass ed into a proverb. Down in Smithfleld, N. C.,some weeks ago Sherman’s men unearthed a lodge room of the “Sons," and without evincing any reverence for the order, a regiment which camped near by, rigged it self out in white robes, aprons, masks, mi tres, crowns, etc., and gave an entertain ment which can be imagined by those who have ever experienced the mysteries of a lodge room. After the novelty of the thing wore off, the scenes were more ludicrous than ever, for at one fire was seen the Grand R. J. A. singeing a chicken while other dignitaries were busy preparing the further concomitants for the feast of eatables which was to follow “the flow of soul.” The se cesh citizens didn’t relish the joke so highly as our boys did, and looked on with ardent disgust. • House Building. There is great activity among the knights of the trowel and jackplane. In all sections of the City, building improvements are going on, while a great many new edifices are in process of construction. There to reason to hope that ere next May-day comes round, the completion of hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of new dwelling houses will en able ordinary circumstanced people to obtain a place of abode within ten miles of the City- Hall at rates they can afford to pay. Lucky Recruits. With the end of the draft we have been relieved of provost marshals, all of whom in this locality have resigned. All the con scripts and volunteers at Hart's Island, num bering some twenty-two hundred, were two weeks ago mustered out of the service, and leit for their homes. Some of the recruits had received large bounties within a month, and, in view of their quick exemption from duty,havedone a very profitable business. They are very thankful to General Grant for his eminent services to the country, which have resulted so greatly to their personal welfare. President Johnson's family resides at pres ent in Nashville, Tennessee, and consists ot his wife and four children—two sons aud two (laughters. His son Robert is tweuty nine, and Andrew Johnson, jr., is twelve years of age. His two daughters, with their families, also reside in Nashville, having been driven from their homes in Eastern Tennes see. One of Mr. Johnson’s sons, Charles, a surgeon in the army, was thrown from his horse in the year 1863, and killed; and Col. Stover, a sou-in-law, commanding the 4th regiment ot Tennessee infantry, was killed in the battle of Nashville, while gallantly leading his command, on the 18th»of Decem ber 1864. Judge Patterson who is also a son in-law of the President, lives in Nashville. — Mrs. Johnson has been in very delicate health for some time past. A Curious Incident. —At the N. York In stitution for the Deaf and Dumb, on the Wed nesday night preceding the President’s as sassination, a little' deaf and dumb girl got up in hei sleep, went to a class-mate, and, after rousing her, spelt with the manual al phabet, “IJhcoln i9 shot.” In the morning ihe somnambulist' knew nothing of the cir cumstance till informed of it by her friend in the presence of others.