Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, May 15, 1865, Image 3
PRIGS, MEDICINES U» CHEMICALS, APOTHECARIES' IIAI.L. Corner of Barnard and Broughton Streets, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. VC. M. WALSH. M. D. PROPRIETOR. AYER’S SARSAPARILLA, AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL! AYERS’ AGUE CURE, OSGOOD'S CHOLOGOGUE, for Fever and Agile, DR. COPELAND’S SPECIFIC, for Fever and Ague. —FILLS NEVES KNOWN TO FAIL— BLANCARD’S FERAGINOUS PILLS, AYER’S PILLS, WRIGHT’S PILLS, BRANDETII’S FILL 9, LEE’S PILLS, JAYNE’S PILLS, HOLLOWAY’S PILLS, HERRICK’S PILLS, SIR JAMES CLARKE’S FEMALE PILLS, DUPONCO’S LADIES’ PILLS, MANDRAKE’S LIVER PILLS, for Coustipation and Congested Conditions of the Liver. —OINTMENTS— KENNEDY’S SALT RHEUM SALVE, REDDING’S RUSSIA SALVE, DALLY’S PAIN EXTRACTOR, - HOLLOWAY’S OINTMENT, GOLDEN EYE SALVE, MCALISTER’S ALL-HEALING OINTMENT, —LINIMENTS— TOBIAS’ VENETIAN LINIMENT, MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT, SWEET’S LINIMENT, RADWAY’S READY RELIEF, PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER, JAYNES’ CARMINATIVE, DALBY’S CARMINATIVE, JAYNE’S EXPECTORANT, SANDFORD’S LIVER INVIGORATOR, HELMBOLDT’S EXTRACT BUCHU, WISTAR’S BALS AM OF WILD CHERRY, MORTIMER'S RHEUMATIC COMPOUND A BLOOD PURIFIER, PHILOTOKEN, HOOFLAND’S BITTERS, ‘ WISTAR’S COUGH LOZENGES, BROWN’S BRONCHIAL TROCHES, KIDDER’S ARTHMATIC FUMIGATING PASTILES, BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS, for Coughs A Colds, KIDDER’S INDELLIBLE INK, PAYSON’S INDELLIBLE INK, BROWN’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, THAYER’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, THAYER’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, THAYER’S CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT, SARSAPARILLA, PURE TABLE OIL, NEAT3FOOT OIL, JAYNE’S VERMIFUGE, FAHNESTOCK’S VERMIFUGE, DR. PERRY’S DEAD SHOT VERMIFUGE, REXFORD’S GINGER BREAD NUTS, for Worms, KIDDER’S ENEMA SYRINGES, GOODYEAR’S CHILDREN ENEMA SYRINGES, FRENCH SELF-ADJUSTING SYRINGES, GUTTA PERCHA SYRINGES, all sties, GLASS AND PEWTER SYRINGES, all sizes, A large assortment of TRUSSES and SUPPORTERS, DR. PARKE’S SHOULDER BRACES, SAUNDER’S MAGIC BENZINE, for cleansing the most delicate Silks, Van Buskirk’s SOZODONT, Swan’s TOOTH POWDER, Clark’s TOOTH POWDER, Thurston's TOOTH POWDER, Charcoal PASTE, Burnett’s White Oak WASH, Lubin’s EXTRACTS and Toilet POWDER, Edrehi’s EXTRACTS, Burney’s EXTRACTS, Phalon's Night-Blooming CEREU9, Baudolott’s French EXTRACTS, French and German COLOGNES, Bazin’s FLOW DA WATER, ; ROUGES, LILLY WHITE, Ac., A great variety of Tooth, Nail and Hair BRUSHES, Genuine Badger Shaving BRUSHES, Buffalo, India Rubber and Horn Dressing COMBS, Kendall's AMBOLLNE, for the Hair, Sterling’s AhTOROSIA, for the Hair, Burnett’s COCO AIN E, Barney’s Cocoa CASTORINE, Helmstreet’s Inimitable HAIR RESTORER, Parrish’s BANDOLINE, Edrehi’s POMADES, Thompson’s POMADES, Bazin’s POMADES, - Douglass’ POMADES, Barry’s TRICOPHERUS, Lyon’s KATHAIRON, BALM OF A THOUSAND FLOWERS, Mrs. Allen’s HAIR RESTORER andZYLOBALSAMUM Prof. Wood’s HAIR RESTORATIVE. —HAIR DYES — Batchelor’s HAIR DYE, Mailer’s HAIB DYE, Venetian HAIR DYE, French’s Distilled BAY WATER, for the Toilet, An endless variety of Toilet SOAPS, Shaving CREAM, Low’s Genuine Brown Windsor SOAP, A large assortment of POCKET BOOKS, A large assortment of Shaker's HERBS, A variety of POCKET CUTLERY, —FLAVORING EXTRACTS— Lemon, Almond, Pine Apple, Raspberry, Strawberry. Orange, Banana, Rose, Vanilla, Nectarine, Peach, Very nice Velvet SPONGES, for the Toilet, SEIDLITZ POWDERS, CONGRESS WATER, Alarce assortment of Fresh Garden SEEDS, just re ceived from the House of David Landreth & Cos., Philadelphia. We invite the attention of the citizens and Country Dealers to the above large and extensive Stock, which wi 1 be sold low for CASH, at wholesale and retail. B. TO PHYSICIANS AND FAMILIES. Our Stock of DRUGS and CHEMICALS, which are in every day use. are pure, and can be relied upon, and require no stronger testimony of their efficacy than that of coming from Messrs, ScheflK-in, Brothers A Cos., New York, the largest and most extensive Drug Uou.e in the world, who have had an enviable reputation for the lost century and a half. The Compounding and Prescription Department is under the immediate supervision of Mr. W. V. V. Wil son (late of the house of Solomons A Cos., of this city,) For his ability and correctness as a Dispenser of Medi cine, the citizens of Savannah are respectfully referred to his past record. Physicians’ Prescriptions, as formerly, compounded at all hours of the night. Night Bell on the Bronghton street side of tbe Store. ICED SODA WATER, with choicest Syrups, from Stone Fountains. APOTHECARIES’ HAT.T., Corner of Barnard and Broughton Streets, myll-tf Q.RAND OPENING or tu VOLKS GARDEN, This Garden, on the plan of the New York Volks Garten, is on Congress street, between Jefferson and Montgomery streets, and will be opened to the public this, Monday, evening with a Grand Bal*. Gates open at 7 o’clock. The Ball will commence at 8 o’clock. Tickets can be had at public places and at the Gate. WEIGAND A 3CHWARZ, maylfi It Proprietors, REWARD, To any person who will give information that a cer tain party has said, that the reason we are selling cheap is because we do not intend paying onr debts. STILL CHEAPER. Ham and Eggs 50 Cents. Beefsteak and Eggs 50 “ Pork Steak and Eggs 60 “ Sausages 60 “ Spring Chicken .".155 “ Clams in every style so “ Vegetables, Coffee or Tea, Hot Biscuit, Ac., Ac., included. SPONGE AND FRUIT' CAKES, APPLE, MINCE, AND LEMON PIES. We have no hesitation in saying that our help (un fortunately in some folks’ opinion is colored. ICE CREAM, ICE CREAM, ICE CREAM. COOL DRINKS, COOL DRINKS, COOL DRINKS. I. OD<3 IMO FIFTY CENTS. SHERMAN HOUSE, (In rear of Post Office.) mayl3 lw TONKING, Proprietor. LIVE ’ AT THE ‘OFFICE,” No. 111-2 MERCHANTS’ ROW HILTON HEAD, S. C. Chops, Steaks, Pork Sausages, Fresh Fish, Ac., re ceived by every steamer from the North. Green Peas, String Beans New Potatoes, Radishes. Lettuce, Ac., received every morning fresh from the Plantations. N. B.—l have no hesitation in saying that my Cooks are men that have served to my knowledge 14 years as Cooks and that my Waiters served under me twenty years ago ou board the steamer Herman as Waiters. CI.EANI.INF.SB 18 NEXT TO GODLINESS. BENJAMIN HONEY, may!3 lw Proprietor. ■yy ANTED IMMEDIATELY. Office of Street Commissioner, No. 126 South Broad Stseet, Savannah, Ga., May 13, 1866. Laborers, White or Black, are wanted immediately. Apply at this office. ALBERT STEARNS, may!3 ts Capt. and Street Commissioner. gELECT SCHOOL FOR BOYS. , CORNER DBAVTON AND OUARLTON STREETS. J. F. CANN, Principal. Mr. Cann, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Cozby, will con tinue his Private Schoffl as usual. Boys will come prepared with their Monday’s lessons. GIRLS' SCHOOL. Miss McCord’s School for Girls will continue as usual. mayl3 2 NEW YORK PAPERS. MR. H. P. RUGG, at 111 BAY STREET, Received by the Arago all the New York Dailies and Weeklies to May 9th, inclusive, HERALD, TRIBUNE, TIMES, WORLD, POLICE GAZETTE, CLIPPER, WILKES’SPIRIT, LEDGER, • , MERCURY. For Sale this morning at SAVANNAH HERALD OFFICE. HEADQ’RS DEPT. OF THE SOUTH, ) Hilton Head, S. C.. May 10, 1305.) General Orders, ) No. 60. The following-named Medical Officers are hereby announced aa Quarantine Officers for the several ports set opposite their names, and will be obeyed and re spected accordingly: Assist Surgeon J. G. Murphy, U. S. Vols., Port Roy al Harbor. 8. C. Asst. Surgeon E. K. Hogan, U. S. Vols., Tybee Roads, Ga. Asst. Surgeon Alexander Lelong, U. S. Vols., Fer nandina, Fla. Asst, ,'urgeon E. D. Bnckman, U. S. Vols., Charles ton, S. C. By command of Major General Q. A. GILLMORE. T. D. Hodoes, mayl3 Capt. 36th U, S. C. TANARUS., A. A. A. G. Rooms to let at hilton head, s. c„ m The Palmetto Herald Building, corner of Mer chants’ Row and Palmetto Avenue, suitable for busi ness purposes or lodgings. Apply to K. 8. SAMPSON, J- on the premises. ts mar4m Disinfectant. Small quantities of thj Per Manganate of Potash will be lurnisned, at the request of any Physician, by the'Health Officer. feblO ’yyrArsTED to rent immediately. A House with not less than four rooms, by a respect able family. Rent moderate. Inquire at tbe Herald office. myll J T. THOMAS, ' Has opened an INSURANCE, BROKERAGE and General Agency Offico it No. 117 Bay street, and will attend to the purchase and sale of real estate, stocks and bonds. mayll jy|EDICAL NOTICE. Dr. W. G. Bulloch hereby notifies the public, his mends and patrons, that he has returned to resume the pructice of Medicine and Surgery. Office and residence northeast corner of Liberty and Drayton streets. mayll) 8 pUKNiSHED HOUSE, ' Or part of one. wanted by a respectable family Ad-i tires 1 ’, House,*’ office of this paper. mayio-tf ’yCKKMON SHULL ROAD COMPANY. ‘ The Annual Election of Five Directors of this Com pany will be held:at the office of the Home Insurance Company on SATURDAY, the 13th Inst., between the hours ot 11, A. M„ and 1, P. M. mft y 11 - a t M. A. COHEN, Secretary. HEADQ’RS DIST. OF SAVANNAH]) Savannah, Go., Mayll, 1865 / General Order,) No. 33. f In compliance with Instructions from the Head quarters of the Department, General Order No 29 from these Headquarters is revoked. By command of Brvt. Maj. Gen. GROVER Edward Q, Dikr, A. A. G. mayl 2 jj> WEST CIDER FOR SALE, To families by the quart or gallon, at O’MEARA * CO’S, over Adams’ Express Office. Bay street BfaM JNTERBSTING PUBLICATIONS FOB THE SOLDIER OR THE CITIZEN. THE MONTHLY NOVKLLETTE, contains a Novelette complete, together with from three to eight short stories, with Illustrations. Terms: •$2 per year. Single copies, 25 cents. THE AMERICAN UNION. A EIRUSIDE JOURNAL NO CONTINUED STORIES Thrilling Stories, Racy Sketches, Stirring Adventure# and Choice Home Reading. $3 a year. Four copies, $lO. THE FLAG OF OUR UNION. Devoted to Tales, Sketches, Adventures Poems, News, Novellettes, Ac. $4 per year. THE DOLLAR MONTHLY MAGAZINE. The cheapest magazine in the world. $1.50 a year. Seven copies, $9. Nearly one hundred pages of reading matter and Illustrations. Postage only 12 cents per year. TEN CENT NOVELLETTES. 128 pages in each book ; one-third larger than any other Dime Novel. All of the above publications will be forwarded regu larly by mail, on receipt of price, by ELLIOTT, THOMES A TALBOT. PuDLISHERS, 63 Congress street, Boston, Mass. Samples can be seen, or copies purchased, by ap plying at THE SAVANNAH HERALD STORE, 111 BAT STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. aprlS ts pOST QUARTERMASTER’S OFFICE, Central Railroad Bank, Savannah, Ga., May, Ist, 1866. In pursuance of orders, received at this office, all citizens occupying buildings, whose owners are ab sent within the Rebel lines, or buildings, or other property belonging to disloyal persons, will, unless such buildings have been previously assigned—rent free—settle the rents for the same, due the Uni ted States, at this office or or before the 10th of May. A faille to comply with the a#& will cause, a forfeiture of all claims to further occupation. S. S. STARR, mayl Capt. and A. Q. M.. in charge of buildings, 'p S. SERVICE MAGAZINE. JUST RECEIVED, and fob sals at the SAVANNAH HERALD BUILDING, No. 11l Bat |Stsxet. ALSO, ALL THE NORTHERN DAILY AND WEEKLY PAPERS, COMPLETE FILES OF THE N. Y. DAILIES, Received on the arrival of every Steamer from the North. ' lIIIINIII THE SAVANNAH HERALD BUILDING, ' No. 11l Bat Striet. PLANTATION FOR SALE. THE SEA ISLAND COTTON PLANTATION, Known as “BRICKYARD,", For, sale, situate on Hilton Head Island, About five miles from Custom House street; Contains 12 or 1400 acres—4 or COO acres heavy wood Live Oak and Pine, the balance valuable Cotton Land, or suitable for Early Gardening purpo ses. Has high banks and deep water on Broad Creek, suitable for wharves. Price, $15,000. Address j. e. White, mayS-tf Box 20 Hilton Head, S. C. NEW SKIRT. THE GREATEST INVENTION OF THE AGE IN HOOP-SKIRTS. J. W. Bradlet’s New Patent DUPLEX ELLIP TIC (or double) SPRING SKIRT. Wests, Bradley A Cart, (late J. I. AJ. O. West) ■ole Proprietors and Manufacturers, 97 Chambers and 79 and 81 Reade streets, New York. This invention consists of duplex (or two) elliptic steel springs, ingeniously braided, tightly aud firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest most flexible, elastic and durable spring ever used. They seldom bend or break and consequently preserve their perfect and beautiful shape twice as long as any other The wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded assem blies, opera, carriage, railroad cars, church pews, arm chairs, for promenade and Honse dress, as the Skirt will fold itself, when in use, to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a silk or mnslin dress. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Spring Skirt for a single day whl never afterward wil lingly dispense with the use of them. For Children, Misses and Young Ladies they are superior to all others. They are the best quality in every part, and un questionably the lightest, most desirable, comfortable and economical Skirt ever made. For sale in all first class stores in this city and throughout the United States, Havana de Cuba, Mexico, South America, and the West Indies. Inquire for the Duplex Elliptic Skirt mar2l M3mo i HEADQ’RS. DEPT. OP THE 80UTH, Hilton Head, S. CL, April 12, 1863. General Orders,) No. 42. ) On March 7th, 1865, a party of colored soldiers and scouts, thirty in number, commanded by Sergeant- Major Henry James, 3d U. S. C. TANARUS„ left Jacksonville, Fla., and penetrated into the interior through-Marion County. They lessened uinety-one negroes from slave ry, captured four white prisoners, two wagons and twenty-four horse# and mules; destroyed a sugar mill and a distillery, which were used by the rebel govern ment. together with their stocks or sugar and liquor, and burned the bridge over the Oclawaha River, When returning they were attacked by a band of over tlfty cavalry, whom they defeated and drove off with a loss of more than thirty to the rebels After a long and rapid march they arrived at Bt. Augustine, on March 12th, having lost but two killed and four woun ded. This expedition, planned and executed by colored men under the command of a colored non-commis sioned officer, reflects great credit upon the brave par ticipants and their leader. The Major-General Commanding.thanks theae cour ageous soldiers and scouts, and holds up their conduct to their comrades in arms, as an example worthy of emulation. By Command of Major-Gen. Q. A. GIL-MORE. W. L. M. BucoEß, Assistant Adjntan- i cneral. fOmoiAi..] # T. D. Hodges, Captain 35th U. S. C. TANARUS„ Act. Asst. Afi)t. Genera), mays Ration tickets. ‘ r Citizens interested, are called upon to notice partic ularly the following instructions in reference to their Ration Tickets for the next week. All persons absolutely needy will apply for Tickets at the “Relief Committee Rooms," In the Exchange, in the following order, viz: DISTRIOT no. 1. Extending from Bay street, south, to South Broad street, and from Bull street, east, (including Magazine Ward), to the city limits. Citizens of this District wii, be served on Monday and Tuesday next. White fam ilies will be served fiom 9 a. m. to Ip. m. Colored families from 4 p. m. to 0 p. m. DISTRIOT no. 2. Lying east of Bull street and south of South Broad street, extending to the city limits. Will be served on Wednesday aud Thursday. Whites from 9a. m. to 1 p. m.; colored from 4to6p. m. district no. 3. Lying between Bay street and South Broad street, and from Bull street, west, to West Broad street. Will be served on Friday. Whites from 9 a, m. to 1 p. m,; colored from 4toop. m. district no. A Lying between Bull and West Broad streets, and from South Broad street, south, to the city limits.— Will be served on Saturday and Monday, May 7th. Whites from lp. m.; colored from 4 to 6 p. in. DISTRICT NO. 6. Yamacraw—extending from the river, south, to New street, between West Broad street and the canal. Will be served on Tuesday and Wednesday, the Bth and 9th May. Whites from Ip. m.; color ed from 4 to 6 p. m. DISTRICT no. 6. Robertßville. Will be served on Thursday, May 19th. Whites from Ip. m.: colored from 4 to 6 p. ra. gILLS OF THE NORTHERN AND WESTERN BANKS, Maine, Massachusetts, Ac., Purchased by L. C. NORVELL * CO„ Corner of Bull Street, opposite the Post Office. may B-7 0 BROWN A CO., (Late Somes, Brown A Cos MILITARY AND NAVAL BANKERS AND COLLECTOR 2 PARK PEACE, BROADWAY BANK BUILDING, NEW YORK. Correspondents In Washington—J. W. Fisher* Cos., 478 Fourteenth Street. ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1862. Wo have complete facilities for transacting business speedily and correctly in all the Departments at Washington. Remittances prompt, and terms’rea sonable. We give especial attention to obtaining Certificates for Non-Indebtedness for Ordnance and Quartermas ters’ Returns for Officers, and settling their We collect the following classes of Claims, and make advances If desired: Bounties for the heirs of deceased, wounded Sol diers. and such as have served twq years. Pensions for Invalids, Widows, Mothers, and Or phan Children. Arrears of pay for the heirs of deceased, discharg ed Officers, Soldiers and Sailors, and pay for the Wife or Widowed Mother of Prisoners of War. Prize Money for the U. S. Navy, together with all other just Claims. Information freely furnished. We purchase and sell all Government Securities, Quartermasters' Certificates and Checks, on the best of terms. References givenjto leading Bankeis and business firms in New York. feblO ts gANITARY. LIME LI M Ell LI M Elf! 800 casks best quality Thomaston Lime, suitable for brick work, plastering, white washing, or for sanitary purposes. Just received direct from Thomaston, Me For sale by DUNBARS * FRANZ, 10 Merchants’ Row. apl9 Hilton Head. rjiHE NEW SKIRT FOR 1865. Awonderful invention for Ladies. Unquestionably superior to all'others. Don't fail to read the advertisement in the Savannah Herald, containing full particulars, every Monday morning; edexM3mo mar2l OHECKS ON NEW YORK— In sums to suit purchasers, supplied at par by C, C. NORVELL & CO., Comer of Bull street, opposite the Post Office.- may6-7t* 0 N. BELLOWS A CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SUTLERS’ AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, &€., NO. 8 MERCHANTS' ROW, HILTON HEAD, 8. C 0. N. DELLOWS. M. O. TYLER. J. W. TAYLOR. marll ts STEELE A BURBANK, . 11 Merchants’Row, Hilton Head, S. C. Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail purchasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewfclry, and Plated W»rc,Swords, Sashes, Belts, Embroderies, Boots, Caps Glasses, Qanntlets Gloves &c., Ac.. Ac. A/TASONIC RING LOST. The fin ?er will confer a great favor and receive a suitable reward byreturning it to the Savannah Daly Herald Office. ts ap2o A FRANZ, NO. 10 MERCHANTS’ ROW, Hilton Head, S. C. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SUTLERS’ GOODS Os all Descriptions IDDELL A MURDOCK, “ WHOLESALE AND EETAIL DEALERS IN SUTLERS’ AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Gentlemen's Fuenishino Goods, Ac., No. 6 Merchants' Row, Hilton Head, 8. C. , w. o. RiDDEit- rjanliv—M) w j.vnmm gITUATION WANTED. ““ ' An American man, of middle age, *ho was former ly in the Custom Honse in Savannah, as Accountant, wishes a situation. Can give the best of references. Enquire at the Savanna* Heeald office may9-lw HEABQ’BH. DEPT. OF THE SOUTH,, Head, S. C., May *. IMS, General Grubs,) No. 59. J The following Quarantine Regulations for the Porta of Port Royal. 9, C„ Fernandina, Fla., Savannah, Ga., and Charleston, S. C., will be enforced after the 10th day of Mav. 1866 ; I. The Quarantine Grounds will be located as fol - lows: for Port Royal, &C„ and Savannah, Ga., in Tybee Roads, at the ‘Old Savannah Quarantine •” for Charleston, S. C., In Sumo Inlet; for Fernandln i, Fla., in Cumberland Sound. The exact place of anchorage will be designated by a white bnoy and flag. 11. it shall be the duty of the master and pilot of every vessel coming into these ports, from this date until further orders, except the pilot boats returning from their ordinary cruising grounds, and U 9 Naval vessels, t ' hoist a signal for a health officer, in the fore rigging, fifteen feet from her deck, and come to, immediately below and opposite tbe gnard ship, one of which will be stationed at each Port within and near the inner bar buoy, and there wait his coming on ooard 111. The health officer shall visit the vessel without necessary delay, and ascertain her sanitary condition and the-pert whence she sailed. And it shall be his doty to order to the Quarantine Grounds, there to re main as long as he may deem proper, all vesoej# having on board cases of yellow fever, cholera, or other infec tions or contagious diseases; also, all vessels coming from any West India Island, or from auy port in that portion of the State of Florida, not in the Department of the South, whether such vessels have clean bills of health or not.' {• fjsa'ti ctttM/i.i IV. No communication will be allowed with the ves sel until she hat been examined by the Health Officer, and no person will bepermilted to leave her V. The fee of the Health Officers for visiting, exam ining and certifying vessels arriving at these Ports, shall be collected from all vessels except those in tbe Government employ, or foreign war vessels, at the fol - lowing rates: For each vessel from a foreign port $0 50 Aud for all othe a 2 50 The money thus collected will he turned over to the Medical Director, for the use of the General Hospitals in this Department VI. These regulations will be strictly enforced by the Health Officer. Should there be any dev at on there from, or should any of the orders given by the Health Officers to such vessels not be strictly carried out they will report the fact to the Medical Director of the De partment, for the immediate arrest and imprisonment of the offender. By command of Major Genera] Q. A. GILLMORE T. D. Hodges, Capt 36th U. 9. C. TANARUS„ Act. Asst. Adjt Gen (Official.) ' HEADQ’RS. DEPT. OF THE SOUTH, Hilton Head, S. C., May 6,1964. Gonerai. Orders,) No. 67. / The following dispatch from the Provost Marshal Is published for tne information of this command; WAR DEPARTMENT, Provost Marshal General's Bureau, Washington, D <X, 1-30 P. M„ April 29th, 1366. The Secretary of War having directed that ths re. crultingof men In the loyal. States for the volunteer forces be stopped, now directs that the recruitment for the volunteer forces, of all persons, including colored men, in all States, be embraced in the order and their enlistment be discontinued. JAMES B PRY, Provost Marshal General. To Major-General GILLMORE, Department of the South, Hilton Head, S C. By command of Major-General Q A. GILLMORE. T. D. Hodoes, Captain 86th U. S. C. TANARUS„ Act. Aast. Adjt. Gen. may 9 (Offlolal.) ‘ HEADQ’RS. DEPT. OF THE SOUTH. Hilton Head, S. C., May b, 1805. General Orders,) No. 58. / To enable all men absent from their'commanditobe properly mustered ont of service at tbe expiration of their term, the following regulations will be strictly complied with; Ist. Whenever enlisted men are separated from their Companies on furlough, detached service, or in hospi tals, they will be furnished by their Commanding Offl cers with deScrivtive lists, on which will be shown all the data affecting their pay, clothing accounts, Ac. 2d. Commanders of regiments, battalions, or detach ments, in this Department, will immediately cause de scriptive lists of all enlisted men now absent from the Department, as prisoners of war, oirdetached service, or In hospitals, to be forwarded direct to the Chief Mus tering Officer of their respective States, and Incase one was furnished the soldier at the time he left his com mand, the copy herein directed to be furnished such Chief Mustering Officer will be marked across the face, “Duplicate." j By command ot Major-General Q. A. GILLMORE. T. D. Hodges, Capt. 36th U. S. C. TANARUS., Act. Asst. Adjt. General. HEAD’QRS. DISJKIOT OF SAVANIfM, ' ' Savannah, Ga., May 8, 1866. General Order,) No. 20, / L Ac his own reqaest. and to enable him to re-join bis Regiment, Capt. James M. Walton, 64th Massa chusetts Volunteers, is hereby relieved from duty as Provost Judge of the 2d Provost Coart, and from duty in this District. 11. Capt M. Benedict, 156th New York Volunteers, Asst. Comsy. of Musters of the District and Post, is de tailed os Provost Judge of the 2d Provost Court, the duties of which office he will perform In addition to his duties os Mastering officer. By command of Brevet MaJ. Gen. C. GROVER. Oliver Mathews, Aset. Adjt. Gen. may* (Official.) " ; r HBADQ’RS. DEPT. OF THE SOUTH, Hiltom Head, 8. C., May. 6, 1905. Qiaim Obdkes, > No. 60. / I. All ambulances, medicine wagons, horses, males, harness and other fixtures, appertaining thereto, with in this Department, are hereby placed ander the con trol of the Medical Director ot the Department of the South. 11. Capt. F. Bell, V. R. C, is hereby announced as Chief Ambulance Officer, and will report to Lieut. Col. Mekeditu Clyhkk. Medical Director, D. S. By command of Major-General Q. A. GILLMORE. T D. Hodqks, Capt. 36th U, 8. C. TANARUS„ Act. Asst. Adjt. Gen. may 9 HEADER’S. DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, May 9th, 1866. General Order,) No. 81. / Captain Qirar, A. Q. M., having been relieved from duty in this District, by Special Order, No. lIT, C S., Headquarters Department of the South, will turn over to Lieutenant Elijah Swut, 38th Mass. Vols., the Civil Fund of the District of Savannah, who will take charge of, and be held responsible for the proper disbursement of the same. By command of Brevt. Maj. Gen. GROVER. Oliver Matthews, A. A. G. maylo-3t ' OFFICE OF STREET COMMISSIONER,) . . Savannah, Ga., May 10th. 1966, i" The owners of the following described animals, will please call at this office, prove property, and pay char ges, on or before the 16th Inst., or the same will be sold to defray expenses, vis: One sorrel Mare, with blaze face, and left hind foot white. In Public Pound since May 3d. ALBERT STEARNS, Captain and Street Commissioner. mayll—2t «h j^-OTICE. Savannah,-Ga., March, 8,1865. After this date tbe Provost Court will be held in the U. S. Court House, up stairs, coiner of Bull and Bay streets. EBEN PARSONS, Jr., mar 9—ts Lieut, and Provost Judge. jpROVOST COURT N’GTlCll. 7 ~ On and after this date, the First Provoet Cofirt, Ist Lieut Eben Parsons, Jr., Judge, will be held at the U. 8. Court House, comer of Bull and Bay streets. The Second Provost Court, Capt. James M. Walton, Judge, will be held in the room over Adams' Express Co.’s office, comer Bay and Drayton streets. The respective Jurisdictions are fixed by General Order No. 0;, and all parties having business before said Courts will govern themselves accordingly. By order, PROVOST JUDGES. mar2fl ts W. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON • having reopened hia office and yard, on Wil liam street, is now prepared to treat (on scientific principles,) all diseases incident to Horses that are susceptible of remedy. Charges moderate. Cures warranted. Terms cash. fehlfi ts ■gXCHANGE ON NEW *ORK. 3 FOR SALE BY * ? H. BRIGHAM. ap26 ts 93 Bay street. Large and small, for Restaurants and Families. All kinds of HOLLOW WARE and Cooking Uten sils, Planters’ BOSS, wholesale and retail, by JAMES 0. THOMPSON & QQ., eplT—mJttbe Beaufort,' s, c.