Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, May 18, 1865, Image 3

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THEATRE! Lessee and Business Manager meant taooart. Director of Amusements a. h. iiavenpobt. Stage Manager t. i. iierndon. THIS (THURSD vY} EVENING, MAY 18TH, 1866, Will be presented LITTLE BLANCHE. Alice Nelson Miss Laura Clara Nelson Little Julia Charles Stanhope Master Andrew Wn. Master‘John Little Blanche, "1 Atrhouy Augustus Fits Humbug, 1 Mdl'e Angeline. V Misa Fanny Mother Margaret, i Tomboy Nannie, J Music Orchestra Comic Song Master Andrew New Song Miss Laura Mt3ic Orchestra To conclude with the Drama of BEN BOLT. Christian Comfort Mr. Corner Wm. Ironlink Mr. Andrew Sparlight .Mr, Hunter Colin Mr. Edwards Ben Bolt Mr. Simpson Reuben Rags '. Master Andrew W ill Watch Mr. Alice Miss Fanny Mary Moonlight Miss Laura Notice.—The doors will open at 7, and the curtain rise at 8 o’clock precisely. Bos office open from 10 nntil 2 o'clock. BT PRICES OF ADMISSION AS USUAL. j& All bills must be presented weekly. gAVANNAH THEATRE. FOB ONE NIGHT;. THURSDAY, MAY 13TH, UCC the queen sisters and their brothers, Id compliance with numerous requests, will give A LEGITIMATE, MOR\L AND INSTRUCTIVE ENTERTAINMENT. Commouciag with the beautiful Protean Comediet ta, written expressly for the family, entitled LITTLE BLANCHE, In which snss faijnv sbsiaxns ms c&aßAorxßS The piece is interspersed with Songs end Music Lovers of good music will be glad to know that the QUEEN SISTERS* Original Orchestra, under Prof. GEO, WJ2GAND, will be in attendance on this occa sion. • . The Beautiful and ever favorite Nautical Drama of BEN BOLT, Will be produced, with the Original Mus e and Songs. In the coarse of the evening the following •Songs will be sangi V College Spng, “Billy Msybins Homej" “Why do I Weep for Thee“l want a Beau “I'm Sixty two;" “Rosalee;" "Would I were with thee“Cornin’ through the Ryes" “Girls are all mar ried;*' “Happy Land of Canaan," “Soldier’s Grave ;*• “Ben Bolt," and the Clown Song, “Tlpetj'Wltcbet," Ac. Boxes and Seats can be secured at the Theatre dally. Tickets for sale at the Book and Mnsic Stores, Ho tels, &c. mayls ~ - ii ■■ y OI.KB GARTEN, ooaesssa sroaxr, Between Jefferson and Montgomery streets. Will be open to-night, and every night, for the public. Concert Music every Evening from T to 10 o'clock by the SAVANNAH CITT ORCHESTRA, Professor Gsoses Wooand, Leader. REFRESHMENTS OF THE BEST QUALITY toi at. wats as on satin. ~ .miT-Alm NEW PUBLISHING HOUSE, tax ca&Aftst naoE to but books n» tax oountbt. have tot Seen dawley's new pubuca. TIONS? Booksellers, News Dealers, Sutlers, and Peddlers, yon can buy your books cheaper of thin house than at any other place In the United States. Have yon seen “Dawley's Tsnpenny Novels," in their new dress—llluminated covens the largest, best and cheapest 10 cent nove sln the market ? The trade supplied at $6 75 per 100, or $56 per 1,000. Eight Numbers now ready. No, I.—THE TWO RIVAL?! oa. maw awd mowet, No. 2 uAWE DEVIL DICK; os, ias, ccsai or SOLD. No. B—THE FREEBOOTER’S PRIZE. • No. 4—SPEAKING RIFi.F. No. 6—''Plliir EYE, THE INDIAN CAPTIVE. No. O—INEZ, THE FoRE^TBRIDE. No 7—GEhAKD, THE LION SILLER. No. B—BEALL, THE PIRATE SPY. Alio, DawieyV New War Novels, the most saleable nnd cheapest 26c Novels In market. Trade price sl2 20 pei 100, or sllO per 1,000. Beautifully Illuminated cover* Seven numbers now ready. No. I—MOSBY, THE GUERRILLA No. 2—PAULINE, THE KENALE SPT- No B—>EMMK3, THE PIRATE. No. 4 I’ilE BLACK .-k-OUl'. No. (WJSGOUD, THE DEMON REFUGEE, No. O— CHEATHAM: oa. t«b swamp draooss. No. 7—PERuITA, THE DEMON’S DAUGHTER, No. 8-Cl» Press;; BOOTH, THE ASbAfcSEN. These War Novels arc by all odds the best selling nnd cheapest Novels for the trade to buy vet publish ed. Ail are now published In au Illuminated cover. .Again: Have you seen “Dawley’s Camp andFlre side Library," to retail at 15 cens? Trade price, $9 per 100, or S3O per 1,000. Sixth number now ieady. No. I—INCIDEN TS OF CAMP UFE. No. B—MERCEDES, THE OUTLAW’S DAUGHTER No. 3-NORUA DANTON. No. 4—JUSTINA THE AVENGER. No. 6—THE MAD BARD; oa. The His tost or the Castle. , No. O—SUE MUNDAY, THE GUERRILLA SPY. And again, have von seen D iwley’s Biographical Library, To retail at 2o cent* each. Trade price sl2 60 per 100, or sllO per 1,000. Five numbers now ready, viz: The Life or Ausaiiam Lmooiw—From his birth to his death by the hand of the Assassin. A so, the Lives of Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, and McClellan. T. F. DAWLE V • Publisher, _ , - No. 13 and 15 Park Row, New York. THi AMERICAN NEWS CO., No. 113 Nassau ■waot. * mayi7 DRUGS, HEDICISES AMD CHE 91 CALS, APOTHECARIES’ IIALL. Corner of Barnard and Broughton Struts, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA W. M. WALSH, M. D. PROPRIETOR. AYER’S SARSAPARILLA, AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL, AYERS’ AGUE CUBE, OSGOOD’S CHOLOGOGUE, for Fever and Ague, DR COPELAND’S SPECIFIC, for Fever and Ague. —FILLS NEVES KNOWN TO FAIL— BLANCARD'S FERAGINOCS PILLS, AYER’S PILLS, WRIGHT’S PILLS, BBANDETH’S FILLS, * LEE'S PILLS, JAYNE’S PILLS, HOLLOWAY'S PILLS, HERRICK'S PILLS, SIR JAMES CLARKE’S FEMALE PILLS. DUPONCOS LADIES’ PILLS, MANDRAKE’S LIVER PILLS, for Constipation and Congested Conditions of the Liver —ocjtments— KENNEDY'S SALT RHEUM SALVE, REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE, RALLY’S PAIN EXTRACTOR, HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT, GOLDEN EYE SALVE, MCALISTER’S ALL-HEALING OINTMENT, —nwtMEjrre— TOBIAS' VENETIAN LINIMENT, MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT, • SWEET’S LINIMENT, RADWAY’S READY RELIEF, PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER, JAYNES’ CARMINATIVE, DALBY’S CARMINATIVE, JAYNE’S EXPECTORANT, SANDFORD’S LIVER INVIGORATOR, HELMBOLDT’S EXTRACT BCCHU, WISTAR’i BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, MORTIMER'S RHEUMATIC COMPOUND & BLOOD PURIFIER, PHHOTOKEN, HOOFLAND’S BITTERS, WISTAR'S COUGH LOZENGES, BROWN’S BRONCHIAL TROCHES, KIDDER’S ARTHMATIC FUMIGATING PABTILES, BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS, for Coughs A Colds, KIDDER'S INDELLIBLE INK, PAYSON’S INDELLIBLE INK, BROWN'S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, THAYER’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, THAYER’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, THAYER’S CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT, SARSAPARILLA, PURE TABLE OH, NEATSFOOT OH, JAYNE’S VERMIFUGE, FAHNESTOCK’S VERMIFUGE, DR. PERRY’S DEAD SHOT VERMIFUGE, REXFORD'S GINGER BREAD NUTS, for Worms, KIDDER’S ENEMA SYRINGES, GOODYEAR’S CHILDREN ENEMA SYRINGES. FRENCH SELF-ADJUSTING SYRINGES, GUTTA PERCHA SYRINGES, all sites, GLASS AND PEWTER SYRINGES, all sizes, A large assortment of TRUSSES and SUPPORTERS, DR PARKE'S SHOULDER BRACES, SAUNDERS MAGIC BENZINE, for cleansing the most delicate Silks, Van Bnsklrk’s SOZODONT, Swan’s TOOTH POWDER, Clark’s TOOTH POWDER, Thurston’s TOOTH POWDER Charcoal PASTE, Burnett’s White Oak WASH, Lnbiu’s EXTRACTS and Toilet PO VVDER, Edrehl’s EXTRACTS, Barney’s EXTRACTS, Fbalon'S Night-Brooming CEREUS, Baodolott's French EXTRAC TS, French and German COLOGNES, Basin’s FLORIDA WATER, ROUGES, LILLY WHITE, Ac., A great variety of Tooth, Nall and Hair BRUSHES, Genuine Badger Shaving BRUSHES, Buffalo, India Bobber audHorn Dressing COMBS, Kendall's AMBOLINE, for the Hair, Sterling’s AMBROSIA, for the Hair, Burnett'* COOOAINE, Barney's Cocoa CASTORINE. Qelmstrect's Inimitable HAIR RESTORER, Parish's BANDOLINE, Edrehi’s POMADES, Thompson's POMADES, Bazin’s POMADES, Douglass' POMADES, Barry’s TRICOPHERUB, * Lyon’s KATHAIRON. BALM OF A THOUSAND FLOWERS, Mrs. Allen’s HAIR RESTORER andZYLOBALSAMUM Prof. Wood'i HAIR RESTORATIVE. —naisDTxa— Batchelor's HAIR DYE, Miller's HAIR DYE, Venetian HAIR DTE, French’s Distilled RAY WATER, for the Toilet, An endlesi variety of Toilet SOAPS, Shaving CREAM, Low’s Genuine Brown Windsor SOAP, A large assortment of POCKET BOOKS, A large assortment of Shaker's HERBS, A variety of POCKET CUTLERY, —rtAvoutm nxTEAOTS— Lemon, Almond, Pine Apple, Rasplierry, Strawberry. Orange. Banana. Rose, vanilla, Nectarine, Peach, Vary nice Velvet SPONGES, for the Toilet, SEIDUTZ POWDERS. CONGRESS WATER, A large assortment of Fresh Garden SEEDS. Jnat re ceived from the House of David Landreth A Cos., Philadelphia. 'ifpK We Invite the attention of the citizens and Country Dealers to the above large and extensive Stock, which wl 1 be sold low for CASH, at wholesale aud retail. B. TO PHYSICIANS AND FAMILIES. Our Stock of DRUGS aud CHEMICALS, which are in every day use. are pure, and can be relied upon, and require no stronger testimony of their efficacy than that of coming from Messrs, Scbefflein, Brothers A Cos., New York, the largest aud most extensive Drag Hou,e In the world, who have had an enviable reputation for the last century and a half. The Compounding and Prescription Department Is under the immediate supervision of Mr. W V V Wil son (late of the house or Solomon* A Cos., or this city l For his ability and correctness as a Dispenser of MedP cine, the citizens of Savannah are respectfully referred to his past record Physicians' Prescriptions, ai formerly, compounded at all hours of the night. Night Bell on the Broughton street side of the Store. ICED SODA WATER, with choicest Syrups, from Stone Fountain* APOTHECARIES' HALL, . Comet ofßwuard sad Broughton Streets. a*lLtf JNTERESTING PUBLICATIONS roe THE SOLDIER OR THE CITIZEN. THE MONTHLY NOVELLETTR, contains a Novelette complete, together whh from three to eight short stories, with It lustrations. Terms: $2 per year. Single copies, 26 cents. THE AMERICAN UNION, a Ftßoaoc jocssal. no oowtuoted stosies Thrilling Stories, Racy Sketches, Stirring Adventures and Choice Home Reading. $• a year. Four copies, $lO. THE FLAG OF OUR UNION. Devoted to Tales, Sketches, Adventures Poems, News, Novelist tea, Ac. $4 per year. THE DOLLAR MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Tbe cheapest magazine in the world. $1.60 a year. Seven copies, $9, Nearly one hundred pages of reading matter and illustrations. Postage only It cents per year. % ■ —— TEN CENT NOVELLRTTE& 128 pages in each book; one-third larger than any other Dime Novel All of the above publications will be forwarded regu larly by mall, on receipt of price, by ELLIOTT, THOMES A TALBOT. PtnuaßEEt, 63 Congress street, Boston, Mass. Samples can be seen, or copies purchased, by ap plying at THE SAVANNAH HERALD STORE, 111 lit 11 it It, SAVANNAH, GA. aprld .' ts To any person who will give information that a cer tain party has said, that the reason we art selling cheap is because we ao not intend paying our debts. STILL CHEAPER. nam and Eggs 60 Cent a Beefsteak and Eggs 60 “ Pork Steak and Eggs 50 “ Sausages .60 “ Spring Chicken 65 “ Clams in every style 30 “ • Vegetables, Coffee or Tea, Hot Biscuit, Ac., Ac., Included. SPONGE AND FRUIT CAKES, APPLE, MINCE, AND LEMON PIES. Wc have no hesitation In saying that our help (un fortunately in some folks' opinion Is colored. ICE CREAM, ICE CREAM. ICS CREAM. OOOL DRINKS, COOL DRINKS, OOOL DRINKS. Looairra fifty oxmFI SHERMAN HOUSE, Ha rear of Post Office.} may!3 Iw TONKINQ, Proprietor. WE LIVE AT THE "OFFICE," No. Ul-2MERCHANTS’ ROW HILTON HEAD, S. C. Chops, Steaks, Pork Sausages, Fresh Fish, Ac., re ceived by every steamer from the North. Green Peas, String Beans New Potatoes. Badfihes Lettuce, Ac., received every morning fresh from the Plantations. N. B.—l have no hesitation In saying that my Cooks are men that have served to my knowledge 14 years as Cooks and that my Waiters served under me twenty years ago ou board tbe steamer Herman as Walters. CLEANLINESS U NEXT TO OODUZtESS. BENJAMIN HONEY, mryl3 lw Proprietor. NEW YORK PAPERS. ' ME. H. P. HUGO, at 111 BAY STREET, Received by tbe Art go all the New York Dallies and Week Iks to May Bth, inclusive, HERALD, TRIBUNE, ; TIMES. WORLD, POLICE GAZETTE, CUPPER, WILKES'SPIRIT, LEDGER, MERCURY. For Sale this morning at * savannah herald office. Njivv skirt 7 THE GREATEST INVENTION OF THE AGE IN HOOP-SKIRTS. J. W. Bbadlet’s New Patent DUPLEX ELLIP TIC (or double; SPRING SKIRT. Wests, Beadle? & Cab?, (late J. I. AJ. O. West; sole Proprietors and Manufacturers, 97 Chambers and 79 and 61 Readc streets, Kejv York. This Invention consists of duplex (or two; elliptic steel springs, Ingeniously braided, tlght'y and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most flexible, clastic and durable spring ever used. They seldom bend or break and consequently preserve their perfect and beautiful shape twice as long as any other The wonderful flexibility end great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded assem blies, opera, carriage, railroad .cars, church pews, arm chairs, for promenade and House dress, as the Skirt will fold Itself, when In use, to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a silk or muslin dress. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and great convenience oi wearing the Duplex Elliptic spring Skirt for « single day will never afterward wil lingly dispense with the use of them. For Children, Misses and Young Ladies tb«.y ore superior to all others. They arc the best quality In every part, and on questionably the lightest, most desirable, comfortable and economical Skirt ever made. For sale in all first c'ass stores in this city and throughout the United States, Havana de Cuba, Mexico, South America, and the West Indies. Inquire for the Duplex Elliptic Skirt, maril M3mo IyjASONJC RING LOST. The fin'er will confer a great favor and receive a suitable reward by returning It to the Savannah Daly Herald Office. ts apio pURNISHED HOUSE, Or part of one. wanted bjr a respectable family Ad dres* "House, ” office of this paper. m&ylo-tf asaL m sssb<astfAsr. The Aunqsl Election of Five Directors cf this Com pany will be held at th* office of th* Home Insurance Company, on BATUKDAY, the lStt Inst., between the hoars of 11, A. M, and I,J*. M. '* may Xl-St M, A. COHEN, Sessetayy. i pOST QUARTERMASTER’S OFFICE, Cnrnux. Baoioao Bank, Savannah, Ga., May, let, 1865. In pursuance of orders, received at thla office, all | citizens occupying buildings, whose owners are ab sent within the Rebel lines, or buildings, or other property belonging to disloyal persons, will, unless such buildings have been previously assigned—rent free—settle the rents lor the same,due the Uni ted States, at this office on or before the 10th of May. A failure to comply with the above will onus* a forfeiture of all claims to farther occupation. K S. STARR, may! Capt. and A. Q. M„ In charge of buildings. U s SERVICE MAGAZINE. JUST RECEIVED! an» fob “t. at arts SAVANNAH HERALD BUILDING. No. 11l Bit (Stmt. ALSO,— ALL THE NORTHERN DAILY AND WEEKLY PAPERS, COMPLETE FILES OF THE N. Y. DAILIES, Received on the arrival of every Steamer from the North. SXMXKSXB TSX r SAVANNAH HERALD BUILDING. No. 11l Bat Stun pamras ftwslsl : 35 THE SEA ISLAND COTTON PLANTATION, Known u "BRICKYARD," For, tale, situate on Hilton Head Island, About five miles from Custom Bouse street; Contains 13 or 1400 acreo—4 or 600 acres heavy wood Live Oak and Pine, the balanoc valuable Cotton Land, or suitable for Early Gardening purpo ses. Has high basks and deep water on Broad Creek, suitable toe wharves. Price, $16,000. Address J. E. WHITE, Inay3-tf Box 20 Hilton Head, 8. C gjLECT scHOoi-poa sots: 0089 KB SBATTOir AND OBABLTO* STBEBT6. J. F. CANN, Principal Mr. Cann, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Cosby, will con tinue hU Private School as usual Boys will come prepared with their Monday’s lessons. GIRLS' SCHOOL. Mlsi McCord’s School for Girl) will oontmue as usual. , niayl3 3 QLD NIiWSPAi'KKS, FOR WRAPPING PAPER, For sale at tbe SAVANNAH HERALD OFFIC HO. 11l CAT STBEXT. marS3 £FheUBS OHtetf'TOST” lu sums to suit purchasers, supplied at par by C. C. NORVELL A OO* Comer of Ball street, opposite the Poet Office. tnnyO-Tf JgXCHANGE ON NEW YORK. FOR SALE BY H. BRIGHAM. OpM ts 28 Bay street. J '' ' ' , Savannas, Ga., March, A 1665. After this date the Provost Court will be held in the U. 3. Court House, up stairs, coiner of Bull and Bey streets EBEN PARSONS, Jfc, mar 9—ts Lieut, and Provost Judge. • pftov<s3T raronwicig. On and after this date, the First provost Court, Ist Lieut. Eben Parsons, Jr., Judge, will be held at the 0. 8. Court House, corner of Bull and Bay streets. The Setond Provost Court, Capt. James M. Walton, Judge, will be held In the room over Adams' Express Co.’s office, corner Bay and Drayton streets. The respective jurisdictions are fixed by General Order No. 6., and all parties having business bsfors said courts will govern themselves aceoidingly. By order, PROVOST JUDGE?. mar?o . ts NEW SKIRT FOR 1965. " Awonderful Invention for Ladles. Unquestionably superior to all others. - Don't fail to read the advertisement in the Savahhah Herald, containing full particulars, every Monday vnomlng. wlexMSmo maril •kikitNi' A House with not less than four rooms by a respect able family. Rent moderate. Inquire at the Hen 1A office. myll j'TTTHOTXS; —; lias opened an INSURANCE, BROKERAGE and General Agency Office at No. lit Bay street, and will attend to the parchase and sale of real estate, stocks and bonds. may 11 IypDiCAL NoTlce. , Dr. W. G. Bulloch hereby notifies the public, bis friends and patrons, that be has Returned to resume the practice of Medicine and Surg< ry. Office and residence northeast corner of Liberty and Drayton streets. maylO 8 CIDER FDR SALE, over Adams’ Express Okies. Bay street mhij _______________________ jL) 1S SmaUquimlltlesof thj Per Manganate of Potash will be furnished, at the request of any Physician, by the Health Officer. * feblO QOW AND CALF LOa£ A White Speckled Cow, with letters W* H or H W on her right nlud hip. Qne horn Is smaller than tbs other. Tit* calf is red, with a white face; about a year old. They were last *eeu on Saturday evening in West-Brawl at.-ref, at the bead of Indian street; A reward of Five Dollars will be paid for any Information concerning them by applying ntihls office. mavis lu LfcA' AT llicrON HEAD, S. C., in The Palmetto Herald Building, corner of Mer chants’ Row tnd Palmetto Avenue, suitable for busi neis purposesor lodgings. Apply to X. &. SAMPSON, Jr, oa tha pr-ause*. u urta HEADQ’RS DEPARTMENT OF THE SOUTH, Hilton Head, b. C., May 18, lbOi. General Obdkb,\ No. 61. f I. The Districts of Hilton Head and Beaufort, are hereby consolidated Into one, to be known as the Dis trict of Port Royal, with Its Headquarters at Hilton Head. 11. Brig. Gen. E. E. Potter, U. S. V., is hereby as signed to the command of the District of Port Royal. lIL The following General Orders from the War Department, am published for the Information and government of this command: WAR DEPARTMENT, Awttant Gkvrbal’s Ornax. Washington, May 1,1866. Gbtct.vl Oancas,) No. TV. / vo* bxduuuw tbs rmvncs or oxnxuax, nno and stai* omens. It is ordered by tbe President, that resignations of of General, F eld and Staff Officers will be received no til the fifteenth of this mouth; at which date the AA utant General la directed to commence mastering lonorabiy out of service all General, Field and Staff officers who axe unemployed, or whose service U no longer needed. By order of the President of the United States. W A. NICHOLS, Assistant Adjutant General. WAR DEPARTMENT, AxufftAHT GufltjUA'B OfVStt, Washington, May 3, ifluS. OsnoAX Oanas,) No. 81. / ** With a view to prevent accidents, Commanders of Army Corps, Departments, and Military Divisions, will Immediately take the precautions ueces-ary to ensure the discharge of all small arm- and cannon, including those captured from tbe euemy, before being tamed over by the troops for storage or shipment. By order of the Secretary of War. W, A. NICHOLS, Adjutant GenaraL Awctaht General's Ornot, Washington. May 6, 1966. Gxhxsax Osdcbs,) No. 82. f FOB BXD9OIHO TUX NVUSEU OS COMTANT AN# STAFF SW nocun or tolvntkeb bsouohts. By direction of the President, all Company and Staff Officers of Volunteer Regiments ab<°nt from their commands on account of physical disability, or by vir tue of leaves of absence granted them on their return to loyal Mates as prisoneis of war, will be honorably mustered out of the service ot the United States, ox date tbe fifteenth (I6tb; inst. Said officers will immediately apply by letter, to the Adjutant General of the Army for their muster-out and discharge papers. In case of physical disability from disease or wounds, tbe let er must be accompa nied by a Medical Certificate of the usual form. The Post Office address of the officer moat be fires with care In all casse. By order of tbe Secretary of War. ' W. A. NICHOL& As-ietant Adjutant GemraL By command of Major Gen. Q. A. GILLMORE. T. D. HODGES, way 16 Capt 3r»th U. 8. (i.T., A. A.-A. G. 1 1 1 " . i.-.i (Official.} r HEADQ'RS. D KPT. OF THE SOUTH, Hiutost Hxad, S. C„ May 6,1864. Guhxux Otsxasi) Na 67. f The following dispatch from the Provost Marshal is published for tus information,of this command; WAR department, Psovoex Maxsual Gcmoul's Bcar^u, Washington. D 1-30 P. M., April tSth. 1866. Tbe Secretary or War having directed that the re. crulting of men in the loyal btates for the forces be stopped, now directs that the recruitment for the volunteer forces, of all persona, Including colored men, in all St .tes, be embruced In the order and their enlistment be discontinued. JAMES B FRY. Provost Marshal GenereL To Major-General GILLMCKE, Department of the South, Hilton Head, S C. By command of Major-General Q. A. GILLMORE. T. D. Honou, Captain 36th uTs. C. TANARUS., Act. Aset Adit Geo. mayt /Difioial.} HEADQ'RS." DEPT. OF THE SOUTH. Hxxtom Hiun. 3. C., May b, 1863. GxmxAt. Ossbßs,\ No. 68. ; To enable all men absent from their oommaqds to be properly mustered oat of service at the expiration of their term, the following regulations will be strictly complied wlili; Isl Whenever enlisted men are separated from their Oompaniva ou furlongh, deta hed service, or In hospi tals, they will be furnished by their Commanding Offi cers with descrlvtlve lists, ou which will be shown all tbe data affecting their pay, clothing accounts, Ac 2d. Commanders of reglrnonts. battalions, or detach ments, in this Department, will Immediately cause d»- Hcriptive lists of all enlisted men now bbsent from tbe Department, as prisoners of war, on detached service, or in hospital*, to be forwarded direct to the Chief Mas terlng Officer of their respective St tes, and in lose one was turnisUcd the soldier at the time be left his com mand, the oopy herein directed to be furnished sack Chief Mastering Officer hill be marked across the face. “DupluaU." ■ • By command ot Major-GeneralQ. A GILLMORE. T. D. Hodojcs, Capt 86th U. 8. C. TANARUS„ Act. Asst Adjt. General. • ‘ {oMdal.} HEADQ’RS. DErT. OF THE Biuoa* Reas, 8. CL. May 6, -869. •-TtiSF*} I. Alt ambulances, medicine wagons, horses, tsrJeo, harness and other fixtures, sppsrtidnlng thereto, with in thla Department, are hereby placedunder the trolof the Medical Director oi the Department of tbs Sooth. If. Capt. F. Ban, V. B. C, is hereby announced as Chief Ambulance Officer, and will report to Lieut OeL Mamrnxp Centra. Medical Director, D. 8. By command of Major-General Q. A. GILLMORE. T D. Honors, Capt. S6ih U, & C. TANARUS., Act Asst Adjt. Gee. may 9 , , HEADQ'RS DKPT. OF THE SOUTH. » _ aiLTMt Heap, & C.. May io, 1966./ GxxzaAL OXDEBB,I No. 60. / Tbe following-named Medical Offioers are hereby announced as Quarantine Officers for tbe eeveral porta set oppo-ite their names, and will be obeyed ana re spected arcordlugly i Assist Burgeon J. O. Murphy, U S. Volt, Fort Roy al Harbor. 8. C. Asst. Surgeon E. K. Hogan, U. S. Vols., Tybe* Roads, Ga. Asst, surgeon Alexander Leiong, TJ. a. Vols., Vet nandina, Fla. A»*t. urgeon E. D. Backman, Q.' 8. VoiaV Ohtclee. ton, 8. C. By command es Major General Q. A. GILLMORE. T.D. Hodok, mayT3 . Capt, 86th U. 8. C. T v A- A-A. Q. ration tickets.- : v ■ Citizens are called upon, to notice partic ularly the following instructions <a referenoe to thoir Ration Tickets for the next week. , All persons absolutely needy will apply for Tickets at the “Relief Committee Rooms," in the Ex change, in the following order, viz i PISTEKT WO. 1. Extending from Bay street, south', to South' Broad Street, andTrom Bull street, east, find tiding Mlgaclne Ward; to tbe city limits. Citizens of this District wii. be served on Monday and Tneeday next. White Cam, ilies will be served fiom 9 a. m. to Ip. m. Colored fomilies from 4 p. m. to 6 p. m. WSTWOT no. t. Lying east of Bull street and south of South Broad street, detendingto tbe city limits. Will be seeped on Wednesday and . bursday. Whites from 9a. m. to 1 p. m.; colored from 4to 0 p.> m. DISTBIOT ML a. Lying between Bay street and South Broad street, jmo from Bull street, west, to West Broad street. Will be served on Friday. Whites from 9 a. m. to 1 p.m,: ookwod from 4 to 6 p. m. district xa 4. Lying between Bull and West Broad stress and from South Broad street, south, to the, .city limits.— Will be served on Saturday aud Monday, May 7th. Whites irom Ip. m.; colored from 4to 6 p. m. wstkct sa 6. Yamacraw—extending from the river, south, to .New. street, between West Broad street and the canal. WIU bq ssrved on Tuesday aud Wednesday, the 6th 3d 9th May. Whites from Ip. m.; color from 4 to 0 p.m. f . PtSTXUCT I*o. 0. Robertsvllle. Will be served on Thursday, May 19th. Whiles from 9a.m.t01 p. m, i colored from 4 to 0 p. m. J7OB SALE. At the Upp;r R ce Mill, RICE FLOUR in any quan> at/, at set sety-five cams per bushel. may 15 a