Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, May 19, 1865, Image 4

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The Savannah Daily Herald. FK % . MAT 19. ISA5 V FKOIfI OUR EVEXING EDITION OP YESTERDAY. TH£ SEWS OF THE t'APTIRE OF DAVIS IS WASHLWNMV. By a despatch train our correspondent at Hilton Head, we learn that the capture of Jeff. Davis was announced on Sunday morn ing hist, iu an official despatch signed by Se cretary Stanton, and published iu the VVash ingtorf Chronicle. The Hospital Steamer, Gen. J. K. Barnes, Surgeou Johu Stark iu charge, left Alexan- Ya., on the moruiug of the 14th lust., but no pajiers of that dute could be ob tained. The German Titrnv kreim Association of Savannah —During the year 1856, the anti slavery element having entered largely into the brotherhood of Turners of the Northern States the associations at Charleston, Sa vaunah, Augusta, Maeon and other places were compelled to withdraw from the Gen eral Diet of the United States. This with drawal was an act of necessity at the time, lor had the societies remained with the diet, aud seut their delegates, as was their cus custom, to the annual meeting, every mem ber of the associations would have become known as abolitionists, and at the first oppor tunity would have beeu treated with a coat of tar aud feathers. The Savannah Turnverein desiring again to be represented at the General Diet, Mr. Kolb was sent as a delegate to their last an nual meeting. The Diet met at Washington D. C., on April 3d, 1805. One hundred and eight associations were represented by forty delegates. Mr. Kolb was gladly received by his brother delegates, aud the Savannah Turnverin was the first of the erring broth erhoods whose allegiance the Diet received. The Savannah Turnverin will never again separate from the General Diet, for the ob stacle to complete sympathy and oneness of feeling North and South no longer exists. Reward for the Assassin of Burr Bur ton. — Allan y, May 12, 1865. Governor Fen ton offers a reward of one thousand dollars lor the apprehension and conviction of the assassin of Hon. Burr Burton, who was murdered at Syracuse on the 3d inst. HIGHLY IMPORTANT GENERAL ORDER. lleadqr’s, Department of the South, > Hilton Head, S. C., May 15, 1805.) Gkneuai. Orders. > No. 03. > 1. The proclamation of A. G. Magratli, styling himself Governor of South Carolina, dated at Headquarters, Columbia, South Carolina, May 2d, 1805, declaring that all sub sistence stores and the property of the Con federate States within the limits of the State should be turned over and accounted for by the Agents of tlie State, appointed for that purpose, and directing that the subsistenc e and other stores shall be used for the relief of the people of the State ;* and the proclama tion of Joseph E. Brown, styling himself Gov ernor of Georgia, dated at the capitol of that State, on the 3d day of May, 1865, requiring the officers aud members of the General As sembly to meet in extraordinary session at a the Capitol in Milledgeville on Monday, the Jfcid day ol May, 186;*; and the proclamation of A. K. Allison, styling himself Acting Gov ernor of Florida, dated at Tallahassee, on the Btb day of April 1865, giving notice and di rection that an election will lie held on Wed nesday, the 7lli day of June, 1865, for Gov ernor of the State of Florida ; are, each and all of them, declared null aud void, it having become known to me, from trustworthy in formation, that the atoresaid A. G. Magratb, Joseph E. Brown, and A. K Allison, are dis loyal to the United States, having committed sundry and divers acts oflreasou agaiust the same, in adhering to their enemies, giving .hem aid and comfort. The persons and peoples, to whom the proclamations hereinabove referred to have been respectively addressed, are therefore enjoined and commanded to give no heed whatever thereto, or to any orders, procla mations, commissions, or commands, emana ting from persons claiming the right, to exer cise the functions and authority of Governor in either ol the States of South Carolina, Georgia, or Florida, unless tho same shall have been promulgated by the advice or . ~A* 41._ 1T..!. . 1 ... consent ot' the Untied States authorities. 11. The policy and wishes of the general government towards the people of these. States, and the method which should be pur sued by them in lesumiug or assuming the exercise of their political rights, will doubt • less be made known at au tariy day. It i9 deemed sufficient, meanwhile, to an nounce that the people of the black race are free citizens of the United States, that it is the fixed intention ot a wise and beneficent government to protect them in the enjoy ment of their freedom and the fruits of their industry, and that it is the manifest and binding duty of all citizens, whites as well as blacks, *o make such arrangements and agreements among themselves, for compen sated labor, as shall be mutually advan tageous to all parties. Neither idleness nor vagrancy will lie tolerated, and the govern ment will not extend pecuniary aid to any persons, whetlier white or black, who are unwilling to help themselves. 111. District and Post Commanders throughout tins Department will at once cua&i this order to be circulated far and wide, ItyWpeeial couriers or otherwise, and will nmv IFLSr i to BL “ Cl ? re 1,8 ( n!olt(; ‘neiit as may by them be deemed necessary. Q A~ UILLMORK, Official i ’^ or Commanding. T. D Honoris, t apt. doth U. S. C. TANARUS., Act. Asst. Adj tQen l. A useful invention lias been introduced in the omnibuses of Paris. When the bus is iuU, the conductor uncovers the word “(w al }d at the same time a similar sign an peai3 m front of the driver’s box, so that pedestrians wishing to ride are informed that hey must wait for the next conveyance. FROM AUGUSTA. Interesting Account of Affairs in Augusta. THE CHOPS AND THE NECiROES THE ARREST OF DAVIS*-THE SPECIE TARES ArreHt ol* Governor Drown. <&c., &c., &c. [«FXCUL DESPATCH TO THE SAVANNAH DAILY UESAI.D.] Acousta, Ga., May 15. A Trip Across South Carolina. I arrived here on Sunday evening, having come on the Jeff Davis to Chocola Pass, above the Sisters’ Ferry, and thence by horse across South Carolina, ninety-three miles, to Augusta. Our party consisted of Major Geo. E. Gourud, of Gen. Gillmore’s Statf,' on important official business : Sur geou Provost, 159th N. Y. Vols. ; Ai,\ Phil lips, a gentleman who was formerly in Wheeler’s Cavalry as a scout, but is now paroled, whose company was both very use ful and very agreeable ; two orderlies aud myself. Although our route was marked a good portion of the way by the ruins of plantation houses, showing Sherman’s track, and although wo were constantly meeting bauds of Confederate soldiers, returning to their homes, many of them armed, we had not even an offensive word spoken to us. 9 Crops. Nearly all the planters have get in large amounts of seed, mostly corn, rye aud veg etables. Some have planted cotton —the first crop for four years. But few of the slaves have skedaddled. In coming up the river, on the Jeff Davis, we picked up two runaways from plantations in the western part of Barnwell District. Ope left because lie bad been whipped and promised a severer whipping, all for nothing. The other was too old to be worth, much or know much. He said he was well-used, though often whipped nearly to death, and that he wasn't hungry at all, though he hadn't tasted food for over two weeks. He said he started last year and had lived on a hoe-cake ever since, and that a small piece of an alligator or even some mush would be an accommodation to him. They were allowed to go on to Savannah. The Arrest of Davis. Great excitement prevailed here when Jeff Davis aud his party passed through as prisoners, although their presence was not discovered till just before their embarkation for Savannah, in the Stamlish, and General Molineux’s precautions prevented any dis turbance. Many of the ladies held their handkerchiefs to their eyes in token of grief, and many of the confederate officers and soldiers expressed their mortification at the capture. The soldiers, however, are quite disgusted that lie should be so stupid as to attempt to escape through a country <sccu pied by the enemy, with as large a train of wagons as is usually allowed to a division, and mortified that he should be captured iu woman’s clothes, trying to pass himself off for somebody 's mother. The few thoroughly Union men rejoiced at this eveut as one of the most gratifying feats of the war. Thc Specie Taken. Mr. Davis had no specie with him. He 6aya he started with ten thousand dollars, but was robbed by soldiers. A wajpi which was found in a by-way, containing ft 88,000, and $55,000 belonging to the Confederate Government, has been, found in possession of vatious parties in the city, and handed over. It is now in Gen. Molineux’s custody. The Arrest of Gov. Brown. Some days ago a portion of Wilson’s com mand arrested Gov. Brown, at Milledgeville, by orders from Washiogtou, and the Legisla ture is forbidden to assemble. Serenade. Major Gen. Upton is in town, on special duty. Last night he was serenaded at the Planter's Hotel by a band from Gen. Wash burn’s command. Telegraphic Communication. Is now open to Washington, but the line is not used except for official purposes. Mr. N. S. Morse, Os the Sentinel, still runs his paper, in spite of the opposition of all the bitterest Confed federates, and it probably has the largest cir culation of any paper in the South. Sympathy from Germany. . W ASniXQTON, May 0. The State Department has received the following translation of an extract from the proceedings of the legislative body of the republic ot Bremen: Stcssiox or tuh Leoisutive Body.) Wednesday, April U», 18(55. > At the opening of the session the President, Judge P. A. Meyer, addressed the Assembly in ttie following words : Before we begin to transact our regular business, let us remember the joyful and most, important news which lias' arrived within the last few days from the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. Let us remember and enjoy the great victory won by the armies of the Union over the rebellion ofthe slaveholders. Bremen is, aud always has been, in the most intimate connection with the United Stabs. Many of our sons are fighting in the ranks of the Federal army, aud the men of free labor, and the Germans, have shown that persistency and valor must finally conquer vic»ory even over the infuri ated struggling elemeuts of the enemy.— Gentlemen, let us show our sympathy witli the American Union by rising from our seats. The entire assembly then rose and gave Uuee enthusiastic cheers for the victory of the just cause. The Massachusetts House of Iteprcscnta tivcs has passed the bill establishing a Me- HjQPolitau police force for Boston, by a vote <•>l against 77. * CHARLESTON NEWS. From the Interior of the State. TCcfftrepondence of the Courier, 15th Inst ] Summbbvim.e, 8. G\. May 10, 1865. Editor of tlm Courier: —The re-opening of the South Carolina Railroad has been so anx iously expected by citizens here and in Charleston timt it seems almost a duty to record and publish the joyful fact. It is the more pleasing because it is an evidence of peace. Fox's men left Inst week, aud this week the cars are running trora Charleston undis turbed. General Ilartwell's brigade arrived here yesterday. His headquarter's are at the hotel building. It is said that the 55th Regiment Mass. Yds. came up to Bacon’s Bridge, on the South side of the Ashley river, and there joined the 54tli N. Y. Yet. Vols, the 25th Ohio Yois, and the l()2d U. S. C. T. Tlrc-ir marching through the town was a great novelty, and the music was es pecially enjoyed by the citizens. The health of the town is excellent as usual, aud the addition of the soldiers to the population promises to give considerable life to the place, which has been deserted by many of our prominent citizens'. The strangest rumors have prevailed rela tive to the outer*jworld—for even Charleston ba9 been almost a foreign land—so complete ly has this place been cut off from it. It was stated and believed that nine hundred ne groes had been transported from Charleston for conspiracy. Another rumor was that transactions iu which “Confederate money’’ was used were to be declared void, and it trives much disappointment to learn that the United States have not authorized such a disposition of the now useless money. No citizens’s property is allowed to be ap propriated by soldiers, and it is expected that all the rights of citizens will be main tained. The kindest feeling exists be tween the old and the new inhabi tants. With the prospect of daily communication with Charleston and the rest of the world, and the assurance that the victorious army now possessing the land will generously act the part of friends instead of implacable toes, this people think they have reason to be happy. May the Courier frequently tell favorably of its other readers. False Delicacy. The friends of those who are troubled with bad* breath, and, through over-sqneamishness, dislike to refer to it, commit a positive and cruel mistake, espe cially if they are aware of the merits and great efficacy of the Fragrant Sozodont. This is the true and only remedy for the difficulty ; there is no valid excuse for a bad breath now. HOTEL ARRIVALS. PORT ROYAL HOTEL, (HILTON HEAD,) MAY IC. J C Miller, Va. Lt Q B Chamberling, Hil- J W Williams, Ga. ton Head C D Rice. Ya. C Moiris, l T S M T. J T Taylor, Ohio. Lt Stevens, 50th N Y V. J O’Neil, Hilton Head, I)r B W Brown, USS. It Fitzgibbous. Conn. P II Pnrsell, U S N. Maj T Artaud, Charleston. J S Meek, N Y Capt J R Dickinson, N Y. Capt T Wyes, H Head. Miss A Durkin, H Head. H Galt, NY. Col J S Cooper. lu7 OV. A S Shepherd, N Y. It Lambert, NY. J C Godley, “ Mr and Mis Due, Char. Lt R Williams, USA. B Hamnett, Phila D Wager, Savannah. Mrs DeClaw, NY. A J Haiet, Augusta. Jefferson Davis, Pres. S. C.W B White, Beaufort. Macon to Washington. Mrs A C James, Augusta C Speer, NY. N Clark,. C W Noyes, N T. Dr Witmoru Pulla. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF SAVANNAH, MAY 17. Arrived. Steamship America, Clift, 75 hours from New York, with mdse and passengers to Brigham, Baldwin&Co. Paluengekh-R Williams, J Rosenleld, Mr Cohen, P Mrs Levy, Mrs Hcrsberg, Mr E Zachriah J Dzealynski. Mr and Mrs Dealynski, Mr Leon, Mr Davis, Mr Joseph. C H Hawkius, N Y; Mr and Mrs Kirby, W S Goodcll, New Haven; H P Judge, Nelson Race, NY ; A Vetsbnrg, Aaron Reppard, Geo Par sens, Mrs H W Pease, Miss M S McQuad, E H Oliver, Americas, Ga; J Reinhart, Eben Leavy, Mr Kershaw, Geo Kahrs, II Sommorval, * C Atchen, and six in steerage. Pioneer Line Steamship Chase, M L Rogers, New York, 75 houra, with mdze and passengers to Master. Passknuers-T H Good, Joseph Myer, M Duggan. Joseph Cantt, M D Lansdorf, Geo Marey and wife, A H Rowell, L Ohlmau, E Bracket-bush, T Ricse, Jas M Snidlinger, G W Bramliall, P Edmonds, R O Moses, E J Heraty, Henry Spears, II E Hart, Lewis Jones, D Wolfson, Mr and Mrs ED Smyth and two children, O C Van Auken, Philip Wcrbor, James llowc, B Kohn, J R Seely, Joseph Lippman, E Strauss, J F Young, V Foster, Master Foster, and 14 in steerage. Consignees —ll Gowdy, Joseph Lippman, J C Maker Jacob Wolf, G Gemendeu, MG Joseph, Dzealynski A Cos, C H Balerson, OS Rehum, J Rena, C Fhalterthal J R Seely A Cos, Bartells & Riddle, J Ogden Smith, Adams Express, J M Sedliuger, O C Vanmaker, H Depner. M L Rogers, B Strauss, Jones & Howe, Sea born Goodall, J Bryner, Martin Dnggin, A Gear, M H Smith, L L Ives, A H Holway. Schooner C A Fearse, Sherman, Hilton Head; steamer Einelie. Bender, Hilton Head. Cleared. S- earner Planter, Small, Beaufort; steamer Reso lute, Caunon, nil ton Head. PORTER AND WINES ! A fine assortment of ALES, PORTER AND WINES Just received per schooner/Mazyed, direct from New Yoik. J. B. PRESDEE. roaylj 8 lu«J Broughton street. HEADQ’iiS DIST. OF SAVANNAH, 1 Suvannah, Ga„ Muy 11, 18C5. f Gen ee ae Order, ) No. 3a. t In compliance with instructions from the Head quarters of the Department, General Order No. 29 from these Ileadquauers is revoked. By command of Brvt. Maj. Gen. GROVER Edward G. Dike, A A. Q. wayl2 STEELE A BURBANK, ti Merchants’Row, „ „ .. Hilton Head, 8. C. Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail purchasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, nr,d Plated Ware,Swords, Sashes, Belts, Kmbrodcries, Boots, Cups Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves. Ac.. Ac., Ac. Riddell a murdocil ~~ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SUTLERS* AND'NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Gentlemen 's v Flen Goods, Ac., No. 5 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. 0. , W. O KIDDEI K [jail 15—t(j 11. J.MtIKOCK I STOVES! 1 STOVES 11! 8,1 J small, for Restaurants and Families All kinds of HOLLOW WAKE and Cooking Uten sila, Planters' IlOEs. wholesale and retail, by JAMES G. THOMPSON A CO., apt i — m&thG _ Beaufort, S. C. DIRECTORY. Commandant of the District and Poet—Brevet Major General U Grover; office. Bank of the State of Geor gia. Residence, Harris street, one door east of Dray tOD, J STAFF. » nd AAA G ; office Bank ™ Restate of Georgia. Residence South Broad and null fpteDt*. ® BWebster, Lieut and ADC; residence Harris street one door cast of Drayton. TheoCOtis, Lieut and ADC; residence corner i ork and Abercom streets. •Total P Baker, Capt and AA I Gen; office. Bank of the State of Georgia. Residence corner Drayton and Charlton streets. Sidney S Starr, Capt and A O M Post Quartermas ter ; office Railroad Bank; residence Perrv street, near Montgomery. Ebeu Parsons, Jr, Ist Lieut, Judge Advocate and Provost Judge of District and Post; office in United States Court House, corner Bull and Bay streets ; resi dence No. SO South Broad street. M Benedict Capt and Provost Jndge 2d Provost Court; office Bay street, over Adams’ Express. Resi dence corner South Broad and Bull streets. J. Trcnor Chief Medical Officer. Office Bank of the State of Georgia. Residence South Broad street, one door west of Whitaker. WinS Stevens, Lieut and Ordnance Officer; office Bank ot the State of Georgia. Residence comer South Broad and Bull streets Chas Roberts, Jr, Lient and Signal Officer, USA residence comer South Broad and Bull streets. Provost Marshal of the District and Post—Lient Col R P York ; office in Merchants’ and Planters’ Bank.— Residence corner Y’ork aud Abercom streets. SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT. Depot Commissary—Capt Henry E Lord; office Bay street, opposite the Custom House. Post Commissary—Capt H Oglesbee; office on the dock, opposite the Custom House. QUARTERMASTER'S department. Capt Sidney S Starr, Post Quartermaster; office Rail road Bank, Bay street. Fuel, Forage and Land Transportation—Lieut J U Chariot, A A Q M ; office SO Bay street. Clothing, Camp and Garrison Equipage—Lieut N Murray, A A Q M ; office 102 Bay street. In charge of Government Workshops and Post Hos pital—Lieut Fred Hope, Jr; office 82 Bay street. In charge of General Hospital—Capt J S Meek, A A QM; office 94 Bay street. In charge of Corrals—Lieut J W Sterling, RQ M; office 90 Bay street, north side. In charge of Marine Repair Shops, Coal Depot and Assistant Master of Marine Transportation—Lient D It Knowlton, AAQ M; office No. 10-2 Bay street; re sidence Hull street, three doors from Barnard, house lately occupied by George L Cope. R T Coverdale, Capt and A Q M, in charge of U S Military Railroads. Office, West Broad street iu CR lt Office Building. In charge of Water Works—Major C F Allen. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT. Lieut T J Spencer, Depot Ordnance Officer Military Division Mississippi. Lieut B E Miller, Assistant Depot Ordnance Officer and A A Q M. Ordnance Office—Planters’ Bank, comer Bryan aud Abercorn streets. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Health Officer of the Post—Surgeon A P Dalrymple, US V. Residence, N. W. corner of Bull and South Broad streets. Office, corner Hull and Whitaker sts. Surgeon J K Bigelow, Assistant Medical Purveyor, District of Savannah ; storeroom No 178 Broughton street; residence 142 State street. STREETS AND DANES. Street Commissioner—Capt. Albert Steams, office No. 12C South Broad Street, next above eorner of Barnard Street; residence north side of Jones street, 4th door east of Drayton street. Invites written com plaints of all nuisances existing in and about the city, to- be left at his office. Deputy Street Commissioner—First Lieutenant A. F Hussey, office and residence north side of South Broad Street, one door west of Barnard Street. Clerks—C. W. Weber, residence Drayton Street, cor ner New Houston Street; A. P King, residence noitk side of South Broad street, one door west of Barnard street. Surveyor—Jno. B. Hogg, residence northwest comer of Montgomery and Stone Streets. Wagon Master—James Foley, residence north west corner of Broughton and East Boundary Streets. Superintendent of Stables—Frederick Meincke, resi dence southeast comer of West Broad aud Tavlor Streets. Foreman Carpenter Shop—Preston Warner, Znbly Street, near Avon Street. Blacksmith James Clemence, residence Indian Street, near Luchlisou’s foundry. Keeper of Forsyth Place—James Walsh, residence norm side of Gordon Street Lane, second door east of Drayton Street. Keeper of City Squares—Patrick Scaulan. Garbage Inspector—C. J. Carter, northwest comer Jefferson and Montgomery Streets. INSPECTORS. First District—South of South Broad Street and cast of Drayton Street, Lewis Salvaterre inspector, resi dence northeast comer of Price and Perry Streets Second District—West of Drayton Street, south of South Broad Street, J. W. Clark, inspector. Third District—North of South Broad Street, west of Drayton Street, Daniel Fitzgerald inspector, resi dence southeast corner of Lincoln Street and York Street Lane. Fourth District—East of Drayton and north of South Broad Street, Geo. W. Mallery inspector, residence No. 7 Cassel Row, St. Julian street. Squad Masters—Geo. Brown, Stewart Street, near West Broad Street. Edward Cotter, west side of Wil son Street,first door south of Berrien Street. O.A.Dodge southwest corner of Jefferson and McDonough Streets. Phillip M. Box, southeast corner of Y*ork and Houston Streets. Patrick White, east side of Lincoln Street, second door south of Broughton. RECRCrCINO AND EREEDMEN. General Superintendent Recruiting Service Dep’t of the South, and in charge of the affairs of Freedmen— R. Saxton, Brevet Major-General U. S. Vols., office Farmers' aud Mechanics' Bank, Bryan street, one door west of Drayton street. Cajit. J. E. Thorndike, Add. A. D. C„ Commissary of Subsistence, office Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, Bryan street, one door west of Drayton street. Lt. A. P. Ketchum, A. D. C., office Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank. The residence of Gen. Saxton and Staff is north west comer of Barnard and Harris Streets. MISCELLANEOUS. Relief Commissioner—Lieut Col Alfred Neafie; of fice Exchange building. In charge of Civil Fund—Capt E Giesy; residence Jones street, near Drayton. Supervisor of Trade— Lieut Col Neafie, Exchange building. Harbor Master—Capt Silas Spicer, third door east from Drayton street, north sid<» of Bay. It T Coverdaie, Capt aud A Q M—ln charge of U 8 Mil RR; office on West Brood street, inCKB Office Building. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Albert G. Browne, Supervising Special Agent Fifth Agency, office Bank of Commerce, northwest corner of Bryan and Drayton streets. Assistant Special Agent—ll. S. Kimball, office Bank of Commerce. I BROWN A CO., (Late Somes, Brown A Cos MILITARY AND NAVAL BANKERS AND COLLECTOR 2 PARK PLACE, BROADWAY BANK BUII.DINO, NEW YORK. Correspondents in Washington—J. W. Fisher ACo 478 Fourteenth Street. '* ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1562. We have complete facilities for transacting business speedily and correctly in all the Departments a? 'enable"* 01 ' Remltt <“ lct ‘ s l ,rom Pt. and terms rea- We give especial attention to obtaining Certificates „ct r° U " dC ' 1 SOl ‘ ptaSand Or of deceased, discharg. et «7-j CrSI , diers and Sailors, and pav for the Wife or Widowed Mother of Prisoners of War Prize Money for the U. S. Navy, together all other just Claims. Information freely furnished. n««i |IUtC ! 11 *, and sell ail Government Securities, Quartermasters Certificates aud Checks, on the best oi terms. References givenjto leading Bankers and business firms in New York. feblo ts WANTED. An American man, of middle age, who was former ly in the Custom House in Savuui.uh, as Accountant, wUhes a situation. Can give the best of references. Enquire at the Savannau Herald office. mayU-lw 2 JERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE, No. 11l Bay Strkjct, Savannah, Georgia. NEATLY AND PROMPTLY. We have the BEST PRESS IN THE WORLD For doing a variety of work and doing it »n tt . „ We employ «an well FIRST CLASS PRINTERS, Os long experience and tried ability. We have NEW PRINTING MATERIALS, From the best Northern foundries, to which we a CONSTANTLY MAKING ADDITIONS We are prepared to execute orders for Posters, Placar Handbill*. Programmes, Play Bills, • CircularS) Bills of Fare, Visiting Cards, Wedding Cards, Tickets, Business Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Drafts. Receipts, Checks, Passes, ‘ Labels, Constitutions, By-Laws, Pamphlets, Ballads, Legal Blanks, * Calendars. Envelopes, Or any other kind of Printing, IN ANT STYLE. We have a FINE ASSORTMENT OF INKS FOB PRINTING IN COLORS. ORDERS BY MAIL OR EXPRESS sssciy- “ reM FREE OF CHARGE FOR TRANSPORTATION. We endeavor to do all our wnrt- nnii . complete satisfaction to onr customers ’ dto glve OUR PRICES ncreused rates which rule in other lines of business S. W. MASON & CO„ 111 Bay street. ——— —- Savannah, Georgia. OTTON SEED! !! COTTON SEED, IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES. Will be purchased at Fair Rates by the nndersigned, ‘‘SEA ISLAND” PREFERRED. Parties desiring to sell, will state quantity for dis posal, and price per bushel desired, and wfcere located. Address, T. E. SICKLES, mnr * Box 14, Hilton Head, S C. (Circular.) ~~ OFFICE PROVOST MARSHAL, t District of Savannah, May B,ISOS. . * thc Breve t Major Generul command ing, to notify all persons whom it may concern, that hereafter, any person found upon the streets, or in any other public place, dressed in the uniform of an officer of the so-called ‘‘Confederate service,” will be imme diately arrested, and held for trial, for misdemeanor, before the Second Provost Court. ROBERT P. YORK, Lt. Col. 75th N. V. V., and Pro. Marshal HEADQ’RSI DEPT, OF THE SOUTH, Hilton Head, S. C., May 0,18U5, General Orders,) No. G 9. J /£ ht L f ?] low ? n F Quarantine Regulations for the Ports of Port Royal, S, C , Fernandina, Fla., Savannah, Ga , and Charieston, S. G, will be enforced after the 10th day of May, 1866; I. The Quarantine Grounds will be located as fol lows; for Port Royal, S. C., and Savannah, Ga., in Tv bee Roads, at the “Old Savannah Quarantine •” for Charleston, S. C-, iuStouo Inlet; forFernandin j Fla in Cumberland Sound. The exact place of anchorage will be designated by a white bnoy and flat* 11. It shall be the duty of the master and pilot of every vessel coming into these ports, trom this date until further orders, except the pilot boats returning from their ordinary cruising grounds, and U S Naval vessels, t * hoist a signal for a health officer, in the fore rigging, fifteen feet from her deck, and come to, immediately below and opposite the guard ship, one of which will be stationed at each Port within and near the inner bar buoy, and there wait his coming on ooard 111. The health officer shall visit the vessel without newssary delay, and ascertain her sanitary condition and the pert whence she sailed. And it shall be his duty to order to the Quarantine Grounds, there to re main as long as he may deem proper, all vessels havin'* on board cases of yellow fever, cholera, or other infec tious or contagious diseases; also, ail vessels coniine irom any West India Island, or from auy port in that portion of the State ol Florida, not in the Department of the South, whether vessels have cleun bills of health or not. • IV. No communication will be allowed with the ves sel until she has been examined by the Health Officer and no person will bo permitted to leave her ’ V. The fee of the Health Officers for visiting exam ining and certifying vessels arriving at these’ Ports, shall be collected from all vessels except those in the lowing 1 rates .‘'“P 10 *’ or forei£n war vessels, at the fol - *« “ TAe money thus collated will i.e over to the SuSeSSS**- aaw«l HoeplW. Offl?Pi^ r to h «° U i? aDy °»* tbe ordcw given by the Health Officers to such vessels not be strictly carried out w Dartment >I for h thi UCt t 0 ‘a* Medical Director of theD?- Sf tffi' oftender lmmedlate arreßt "nd Imprisonment of Major General Q. a. GILLMORE. T.,Act. Asst. Adjt Gen /.jMW UvlNG,'’ S' i rVn A JvsSlSS£» able l ,riceß > Can be bad at the •m th.HL “and REFRESHMENT SALOON, i ° fthe N u ewP °st Office, Hinun Head, S. C. ot l ties for furnishing OYS TERB, CLAMS, MEATS; POULTRY, VEGETABLES, Ac , trom the North and other places in this vicin ity. Cooked to ordei trom 6A. M to BPM D „ PETER FITZGERALD, Proprietor. V. S.—One trial la respectlhlly solicited « COAFEC'JTONEKY ESTAU LISII J-> MENT AT BEAUFORT We respectfully call the attention, of the public to our Bakery A Confectionery Establishment in Sam. A. Cooley’s Building at Beuufurt, at which we arc prepared promptly to fill any orders which may be for warded to us. Special attention is paid to the man ufactnre ol Ornamental Pieces, Fancy Confectionery, uiid Elegant Pastry, for holiday or. - estival tables. F c l> d -ti McManus a mukkay. HEADQ’RS. DEPT. OF THE SOUTH. ~ _ llu,ton Head, May 2, lstis. General Orders, > No. 54. / Assistant SttrgeouWm F. Buchanan,U. S. A., is here by announced as Assistant Medical Director, Depart ment of the South, aud will be obeyed and respected accordingly. J of Major-Gen. O. A. GILLMORE, T. D. Honor s, Captain bsth U. S. C. TANARUS., Act. Asst. Adjt. General. W. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY stKUEUN • having reopened his office aud yard, on Wil liam street, is now prepared to treat son scientific principles,j all diseases incident to Horses that are susceptible of remedy. Charges moderate. Cures warranted. Terms cash. fcblC ts