Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, May 24, 1865, Image 1
SAVA WATT DAILY FI El? ALI >. / -• . ' ' . • , . , i • . . ' * YOL. 1-NO. 110. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING] IS PUBLISHED BY s. W. MASON <fc CO., At 111 Bat Street, Savannah, Georgia. .c . i A<***as i'i i ~ Per Copy .» Five Cents. Per Hundred . * $3 &o. "Per Year $lO 00. ADTIBTISI NO: Two Dollars per Square of Ten Lines for. first in sertion ; One Dollar for each subsequent one. Ad vertisements inserted lu the morning, will, if desired, appear in the evening without extra charge. JOB PRINTING, In every style, neatly and promptly done. <|arba. QUARLES L. COLBY & CO. SHIPPING, commission and forwarding MERCHANTS. joneb Block, corner bay and aukrcorn streets, SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments to the firm of Chas. L. Colby, of New York, or to our friends in Boston. A. H. HOLWAY, Resident Partner. references; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan & Cos., New York. Jarivs Slade, Esq., NeW York. Hon. J Wiley Edmands, Boston. Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston. maylß—tf rpHE UNDERSIGNED Resumes the PRACTICE OF LAW at, his Office, 175 Bay Street. may22-3t JOHN M. GUERARD. j t. thomas’ Has opened an INSURANCE;- BROKERAGE and General Agency Office at No. 117 Bay street, and will attend to the purchase and sale of real estate, stocks and bonds. mayll ON NEW YORIT , ... FOR SALE BY H. BRIGHAM, ap2G ts .... • 1)3 Bay street. STEELE & BURBANK, > ■ ii Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C. Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail purchasers to their superior stock Os ‘ MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated Ware,Swords, Sashes, Belts, Embroderies, Bools, Caps Fi Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves, Ac., Ac;, Ac. QO-PAKTNERSHIP, The undersigned h»ve this day formed a co-partner ship under the Ann name of Charles L. Colby <fe Cos, for the transaction of business as Shipping, Commis sion and Forwarding Merchants,. CHARLES L. COLBY, ALEXANDER H. HOLWAY, S.PAGE EDMANDS. Savannah. Ga., May 10th, 1805. ts may IT Riddell & muhdock, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SUTLERS' AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS A SfD SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GknTijl.viem’s Fcßhibuino Goods, &c„ No. 5 Merchants' Row, Hilton Head, 8. C. , W. I). BIDDKIL. {janto—tf] H. J.MUROOK. RW. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY- SURGEON • having reopened his office and yard, on Wil liam street, is now prepared to-treat (on scientific principles.) all diseases incident to Horses that are susceptible of remedy. Charges -moderate. Cures warranted. Terms cash. febl6 ts i- , , . Bakery & confectionery establish MENT AT BEAUFORT. We respectfully call the attention of the public to our Bakery tfe -Confectionery Establishftient in Sam. A. Cooley's Building at Beaufort, at Which we are prepared promptly to fill any orders which may be for warded to us. Special attention is paid to the man ufacture of Ornamental Pieces, Fancy Confectionery, and Elegant Pastry, for holiday ort' estival tables, Feb. 3-ts McMANUS & MURRAY. ililS" !LL» ■) T ||iisii ranee. JNLAND AND FIRE INSURANCE. ~ on the Rivers TO AND FBOM MACON, “““Aca C S T A. Also Fire Risks on Cotton in Macon ahd Augusta taken by the Metropolitan Insurance Cos., of New’ York. ... .• ••••■* L. C. NORVELL & CO., w ' Corner Bay and Bui} Streets, Agents. may23-7t ' ... 1 — QOLDMBIAN (MARINE) INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. CASH CAPITAL.... _ .-.-v.. .$3,500,000. The undersigned are prepared to Insure under Open Policy liom (he above Company to the extent of SIOO,- oo 0 in property in any first class Steamer, and from $50,000 to $75,000 on any first class sailing vessel, on the most favorable New York terms. For further particulars apply to CHARLES L. COLBY & CO, ■Tones Block, corner Bay and AIK-iporn streets, maylS ts Savannah, Ga. pROVOST COURT NOTICE. .On and after this date, the First Provost Court, Ist Lieut. Eben Parsons, Jr., Judge, will be held at the u -Court House, corner of Bull and Bay streets. The Second Provost Court, Capt. James M. Walton, Judge, will he held in the room over Adams' Express °® ce > corner Bay and Drayton streets. ~ J , tle respective jurisdictions are fixed by General truMNo. 6., and all parties having business before sai 1 Courts will govern themselves accordingly. By order, PROVOST JUDGES, mam) ATEWS-DEALERS AND OTHERS Savannah Daily Hkald at Wholsale are rer quested to send in their orders »s early in advance as practicable. W. MASON * CO. SAVANNAH, GA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1865. Opoofcs anfc (flotbmg. J C. NORVELL A CO. CORNER BULL AND BAY STREETS, have just received THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF— DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, . HATH AND CAPS. ever offered in this market, Which will be sold • AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, UPON THE MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. „ P R I N T # S . Lawns, latent styles, Organdies, Organdie Robes, Ginghams, Jaconets, Mozambiques, Bareges, all kinds, Crape Maretr, all folors, MOURNING GOODS. THIS DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE IN ALL ITS DETAILS. GLOVES. Ladies’ and Gents’ Black and Colored Kids, best make, Lisle, all colors, Silk, all colors, Fillet Mils. HANDKERCHIEFS. Linen Cambric, Hemstitched, Gents’ Printed Borders, Gents’ Silk. HOSIERY. Ladies’ Black and White Silk, Ladies’ Black and White Cotton, Misses' Black and White Cotton, Children’s Black and White Cotton, Ladies' and Misseß' Gauze Merino Vests, Gents’ Merino Vests. • UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. Ribbons, * * Bonnet and Belt, ail kinds. BONNETS White,Black and Coloied Straw and Braid Bonnets Ladies’ Misses' and -Children's Flats, in great va riety, , v A fall assortment of Gents’ oad Boys' Hats. FANS IN EVERY’ VARIETY; • * * I ** » ‘ * LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF LADIES' AND GENTS' SHOES. clothing. Linen and Cassimere Summer Suits, Alapaca Coats, A Full assortment of Military Dress and Fatigue Uniforms. m£.y2o NETTING, AT may2o L. C. NORVELL & CO. || xis g s §c. JjiRESH DRUGS, CHEMICALS, .. PERFUMERY, &<v A. A. SOLOMONS & CO. Beg to Inform their customers and the public general ly that they have just received per steamer America, A BULL ASSORTMENT OF GOODS IN THEIR LINE. . ~ And with a thoroughly REPLENISHED STOCK, they are enabled to fill orders as faithfully as hereto fore. THEY HAVE ABJtANUED TO RECEIVE SUPPLIES WEEKLY. Being compelled to adhere to the CASH SYSTEM, Funds must in all cases accompany the orders to in sure attention. AT THE OLD STAND. Market Square, maylS io Savannah, Ga. QLD NEWSPAPERS, FO R \W RAPPING PAPER, For sale at the SAVANISABi HERALD OFFIC • N'». 11l BAY •TBEET. mar 22 gTOVES 1 STOV BS! 1 STOVES 11! Large and small, for Restaurants and Families. All kinds of HOLLOW WARE and Cooking Uten sils, Planters' HOB W, wholesale and retail, by JA MBS G. THOMPSON A CO., aplf—mAth6 Beaufort. 8. C. JyJEW YORK Hh XtALD CORRESPONDENT. The office of the New York Herald Correspondent is at 111 hay street, gfbiaijm. marts . u Ijottrn. THE BROOK THAT RAN INTO THE SEA. BY LUOY LARCOM. “O little brook,’’ the children said, •The sea has waves enough ; Why hurry down your merry bed To meet h s welcome rough ?’’ “I run for pleasure,” said the brook. Still running, running fast; “I love to see you bend aud look. As I go bubbling past." “I love to feel the wild weeds dip; T love your fingers light. That dimpling from my eddies drip, _ Filled with my pebbles biight.•' "My little life 1 dearly love, Its shadows and its shine: And all sweet voices that above Make melody with mine.” "But most I love the mighty voice Which calls me, draws me so, That every ripple lists, ‘Rejoice As with a laugh I go.’’ “My drop of freshness to the sea lu music trickles on; Nor grandeur conld my Welcome be Were I an Amazon." ; "And if his moaning wave can feel My sweetness near the shore. E’en to his heart the thrill may steal What could I wish for, more 5” "The largest soul to take love in Knows how to give love bo-t ; So peacefully my tinkling din , Dies on the great sea’s ureast." “One heart encircles all that live, And blesses great and small: And meet it is that each should give His little to the All." "The Hudson or the Oregon May help his tide to swell; Bnt when your l'ew bright diops are gone, What has he gained, pray tell J" THE TRANS-MISSISSIPPI SECTION. What will Kirby Smith Do 1 [From the New York Herald.] We published on Sunday a proclamation of the rebel General Smith, from Shreveport, on the Red river, in the northwestern corner of Louisana, near Texas border, in which pro clamation he tells his army that with the sur lendei* of General Lee “the hopes of the na tion” (the Southern Confederacy) “rest upon them that they “posstess the means of long resisting invasion ;” that they “have hopes of succor from abroad that if they “protract the struggle, they will receive the aid of na tions who already deeply sympathize with them,” and that from “the great resources of this department (Western Louisana aud Tex as), its vast extent, the numbers (fifty thous and, supposed to be), discipline and efficien cy” ot bis army, great things may still he ac complished, perhaps,-“under the providence of God,” even the final success of their cause. This was on the 10th of April. On the 26th, or sixteen days later, there was a pub lic meeting at Shreyeport, in Court House square, gotten up for the same purpose as that last rebel pow-wow in Richmond, with the return of Jeff.’9 peace commissions from Hampton Roads—that is, “to fire the South ern heart to fight to the last ditch.” At this Shreveport meeting Governor Allen, the reb el Governor of the northwest corner of Lou isiana, presided, and made the opening speech. He was followed by General Hays, Gen. Hawthorne, Col. Flournoy, ot Texas, and others, the last named border ruffian “concluding his Oration with a glowing ptuie gyriq upon Booth, the assassin .of Mr,_ Lin coln, whom he compared to Brutus, the slav er of Caesar, and predicted for Booth a like and enduring fame.” All these speeches and the resolutions ot the meeting, were franti cally for continued war, in support of Gen. Kirby Smith. The terrible fire-eater graced the occasion with his presence, likewise Gen, Price (“Monsieur Tonson come again”), Gen. Buckner,Gen. Reynolds, the last rebel claim ing to be Governor of Missouri, “and many other distinguished gentlemen,” says the Shreveport Sentinel—including, we suspect, mo9t of the skedaddling rebel governors of the so-called' “Confederate States.” AU these proceedings at Shreveport, taken together, running through sixteen days, show a deliberate purpose and preparations to continue the fight. The war, by the heavy emigrations of rebel slaveholders from tbe' slave States along the Mississippi river to Texas, has probably increased the population of that State to a million or more ; and if all tbe rebel fighting men therein and the ad joining Slates of Louisiana and Alabama could be got together they would make an army of not less than seventy-five thousand men. But whatever may be the forces, re sources and expectations of Smith and bis followers, the news of the capture of Jeff. Davis Will bring them to a realizing sense of their forlorn situation. The government of the late Southern mock Confederacy is wiped out, and the confederacy itself east of the Mississippi is extinct. All that is left of it is Kirby Smith’s command, the fugitive rebels Under hia protection, and the region of country embracing the northwest corner of Louisiana arid the great State of Texas. Having, then, no longer even the shadow of a Southern nationality to fight for, and being still full of fight, what will Kirby Smith db ? He and the inveterate fugttive rebel chiefs and leading vagabond soldiers that smrouud him will have learned before this that they are not safe within the limits of the United States under President Andy Johnson. What, then, will they do? We shall not be surprised if, as an organized military force, gathering up all the horses, mules, cattle, cotton and provisions within their line of march, .they proceed through Texas to Mexico, and offer their services to Maximiliar, or upset him, and establish themselves on the ruins of his empire, in the government of the republic. It is their last chance for a Southern and per haps eyen now. they may be moving upon this inviting enterprise. Life of President Lincoln. —Mr. Arnold, member of Congress from Illinois, during the four Years Os Mr. Lincoln’s administration, and his personal friend, is preparing memoirs of the life and administration of President Lincoln with a history of the important Congressional legislation of the same period. [From the Southera.Cnltivator.] FARM WORK FOR MAY. May is one of our busiest months, on the farm and plantation; aud must be especially so this year, as our winter was so severe and our spring so" very late. He is a thrifty and “fore-handed ’ tanner, infeed, who does not now find himself greatly behind with his work. But vigor and energy, immediately brought to bear, will do much to retrieve our backwardness. Look carefully over our farm and garden bints for March and April, and do at once any ueedful and important work that you have neglected, or that you were unable to do. In another month, or eveu iu a few weeks, the scorching heats of summer will have come, aqd it will then be too late. So, do not lose one moment now, but let master aud all hands gb to Wojk with a will! Corn at is well up, must be worked at once, running around it close and deep with along, sharp, narrow “bulltougue”or rooter plow ; after which the middles may be broken out, and the spaces between the hills or plauts kept clean with the hoe. The surface should be kept mellow, frequently stirred, entirely free from wesds, and as nearly level as possible. No hilling up is necessary—no turning plow should be used in the late culture ot corn. It is never necessary, ex cept in cases where the weeds have obtained such a foothold that they must be buried or turned under—but we hope none of the renders of the Southern Cultivator ever allow their crops to get into that condition. In. breaking up for corn, we cannot plow too, deep—but, in cultivating the crop, the bar row and sweep are the proper tools ; for, as far as can be avoided, no roots of short-lived, annual crops , should ever b,e broken. The com needs all its roots, and requires rich mellow ground to extend them in ; aud so we again repeat—do not break Hhe roots by plowing deep ; but keep the surlace open, freely pulverized and frequently, stirred.— This system will give you a good crop almost any season. Corn may yet b» planted on “new grounds” and favorable • spots, and sliould be put into every spare rood ot land. It is now our “great staple,” and no pos sible effort shonlu be spared to, produce an abundance. * , Cotton must be brought to a good “stand” and scraped and moulded immediately.. It is, of course, backward in growth this year; aud we will have abundant time to attend to the corn crop. ‘ Bill, after scrapihg your cot ton, mould as soon as possible, so that the young rootlets may not be exposed to the scorching effects of the sun. Oats, Rye, Wheat, and other small grains, may, in some places be cut the last Os this month or early in June, and the ground af terwards manured, deeply broken up, and planted in Corn, Cow Peas, or Sweet Potato “draws.” Cow Peas, to make Hay, may now be sown broadcast or drilled, in well manured cr-deep ly plowedlaud., Corn should, also, be. drift ed, to cut green for forage. It wiH require about 3 bushels of seed pel- acre—9ow thick ly in broad, deep drills, 3 1-2 feet apart—use all the manure you eau spare, and cut the corn for your stock as soon as it. tassels. Lay off your patch in rows, and sow at intervals of a week or ten days, so that it may be cut in ■ succession. Millet and Chinese 1 Sugar Cane may be sown in the same way; and in the present scarcity of forage, will be found of the greatest value. Chinese Sugar Cane, as a Syfup crop, may still be planted, aad should be put in exten sively, as heretofore directed. It will sur pass common Corn in yield, on the same land, and properly appreciated and managed, is one of onr greatest resources. Sweet Potatoes should be planted very extensively every where, ’ Avery deep, wide furrow, plentifully filled with manure, upon which throw a mellow and somewhat broad and flat bed—rake lightly the surface ot this bed, make good large holes and set your “draws” so that the bottom leaf is just above the ground. If the roots ot the “draws,” up to this leaf, are “groated/ or dipped in a batter made by stirring woods-earth and a little fresh cow-manure in rain water, and then a gift of water poured around each “draw” in the hole, covering this moisture up with dry Calrth on the surface—they will “grow off” without any check, as will also, Tomatoes, Egg Plants, - Cabbages, or any oth er vegetables we are in the habit of wailing for a rain to transplant. In dry weather,’it is best to set out plants on this.plan, after 4 or 5 o’clock in the evening, so that they may have the benefit of tne night dews. If very hot, they may be shaded with shingles. A handful of pine-straw or Similar “mulch” may be dropped lightly on each plapt before the sun. becomes scorching the next day. It short of good “draws,” you may extend your crop of sweet potatoes, by using cut vines from your earliest of the tubers. If Millet and Chinese Cane , are already vigorously growing, or put in at onco in rich and well-prepared land, you will he able to get several cuttings during the season. But, if you wait to sow until hot weather, the growth week, languid and unsatisfac : tory. The weeds Will now begin to claim your particular and constant attention. “Nip them in the bud’’—do not let them get a foothold—ent them down without mercy, or they will be sure to choke out and des troy your crops. Now, at the outset, is the time to'choke them—if you wait a few days or a week, it will be too late. Go often over your farmsand plantations, and diligently study bow you can make every spot available arid profitable. Use your best judgment, always, in adapfing your'•crops to the most favorable localities, and bring all you have of science and experience to your aid— now, especially, in our time ot trial, and impending wrint. Do not tbink us over explicit or particular in our directions—we freely admit that many of our readers are capable of instructing us 2 in plantation and farm economy ; but these are often very chary of giving their knowl edge to the public, and we are sure that here and there anew beginner will thank us for our hints; and perhaps profit by them. Juge Clifford, of the United States Supreme Court, has decided that a man who has ex pressed his joy at the assassination of Presi dent Lincoln is not fit to serve as a juror in the courts of the United States.' -PRICE, 5 CENTS ■ THE BOOTH HOBtKSTKAb. A description of the “Booth Farm” and iu urroundings may not prove uninteresting. seen by the .writer some few day 9 ago, it mpressed him simply aud singly with this, dea— “neglect.” Nearly one mile from Belair, on the Belair' ind Havte-de-Grace road, a rude lane leads' m to what .was .the habitation of one of the nost gifted and erratic men that ever lived ; lown this lane, nearly a fourth of a mile from he main road, on the left side after leaving 1 Selair for Havre-de-Grace, yon feme in vfew >fa modern tin-roofed cottage house, two itories high, facing the main road, with a jackground of forest landscape. At right uigles with the new house, and to the right, s the old house in which the assassin John [Vilkes Booth Was thorn, a rude' structure, milt of logs and plastered, with the chimneys mtsule of the house, in the Old Dominion I ityle ; a barn again to the right, a few steps iom the gable end of the old house, situated. lown in a hollow. As far its 1 saw of t tie tew house (which was begun by the oil gen tleman and finished'by the sons) it was plaitt- 1 - y and neatly furnished, but of the old house, .vhich I am told'contains the wardrobe, fu# - - liture, and books of the elder Booth, what ?an I say but the truth ? It leaks badly and [ was told has ruined the treasures deposited in the right wing thereof. , ~ The grounds and whole place wear that Virginian look of. desolation and unthrift that would lead you *o suppose an army hail passed over it. I had some conversation intelligent, pretty young girl—a rose ' in the wilderness—who gave me the follow- * ing information:—As long as she had been there' the Bohths have not lived on the farm, the place belug leased to a Mr. Heisler, ' whose son-in-law, Mr. King, and family, oc cupy the premise?. She remembers John on three occasions ; once when he was board ing in Belair, aud came over to the farm ; another time when lie rushed into the new house, saying he had been fired on by the Soldiers, and meant to defend himselt. After# which, he went iuto the old house, got hia rifle, and went off in the direction of the ‘ “big woods.’' u * ■ , ‘ Another, time she saw him in company with * i brother, who came to the house with John. . The brother was highly incensed at the sol- Jier’s‘having cut down or taken his wood, but John was very quiet; in tact, as the oung girl naively said, “I always liked John he best, he was so quiet and .nice looking.” [t seems the soldiers here alluded to were a party of Unionists looking after a local Con federate company,-who eluded pursuit by' 1 hiding in the “big woods" before spoken of, a tract of forest land nearly five square miles in-extent—in fact a wilderness. The Rebel “Home Guard" concealed in ‘ the wood, and the secession assassin, John Booth, rushing into the old house, and with his riffle going to the forest, also raises a doubt whether Mr. Lincoln was the first man murdered by him. The Booth family were > always highly thought of by their neighbor*. John was considered cruel and vindictive*, in proof of which the toliowiug Is tolck;— A poor coloredjman who lived near the farift owned a very nice dog, which, as my infor mant said, “Poor Stephen Hooper would not., have taken twenty-five dollars for, poor as Stephen was.” John Wilkes Booth, the hero of sensation novelists, who write accountsof his dramatic death, this low-minded fellow, sat at the gable window of the new house, and with liis rifle or pistol, for no earthly reason, shot the dog dead. Another:—A' sow going near the barn on (he Booth proper ty, John fired three shots in the animal, only defending his conduct by sayihg that he would not have strange animals come on' his ground destroying things, which was not the truth, as the hog was destroying • nothing, of Value. Many strange stories are current of the elder Booths It is said that in one of his crazy freaks he bought a piece of land near hi 9 furm that i9 entirely surrounded by properly ‘ oWnCd by other parties, making it an incon venience, if not a matter of impossibility to properly care for the land thus purchased. At another time a favorite horse was dying, and. he had the feather beds taken out of the house foe the. horse, to lie on, and- made his wife show her affection to (he horse by .kiss- ( ing ft. When the horse died be had it buriedh with as muffii solemnity as if a huiftaribe r iig. A colored man, named Hall; who, with a dog, were his constant comrades during him “ spells,” were called, oh to do service, the man Hall playing the parson, Booth the' clerk, and the dog the chief mourner. I am' told that John Wilkes Booth was bora about the time the father was most affected. Act Peply,— A vetetan relates the follow ing-. It happened that a mule driver was engaged in leading an unruly mule for a short distance, which job proved as much as he was able to do, and .gave full employment for both of his hands. As he was thus en gaged, a newly appointed brigadier rode by near h;in, in all the consequential radiancy of his starlight, when the mule-drivOr hailed him as follows: “I say, I wish you would send a couple-of men down here to help me manage this mule.” The brigadier, indignant at being so fami liarly addressed, sternly,replied— “Do you know what I am, sir “Yes,” was the reply ; “you are Gen. ——, I believe.” “Then why do you not salute me before addressing me?” inquired the brigadier. “I will,” responded the M. D., “ifyou will get off and hold the mule. ” . The brigadier retired in good order. *• (From the Selma (Ala.) Fedora) Union, May 1.) Forrest Chokes Gen. Chalmers. —There seems not to have been tbe greatest unity of sentiment and action among tbe Confederate officers in and around Selma at the time Gen. Wilson came in. Gen. Fori est had a person al skirmish with Chalmers, tbe general Who burned the Cahawba bridge. The affair re sulted in Chalmers , being so badly choked that he had considerable difficulty in regain ing the breath of life,..besides losing the stars from hih collar. It is said that the counsel for the prisoners in the assassination trial are to be paid, it at all, by money raised in Baltimore fol the purpose. ’’