Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, May 25, 1865, Image 1

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SAVANNAH DAILY HEKALD. VOL. I—NO. 111. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING) 18 PUULISBED BT 8. W. MASON & CO., At 111 Bay Street, Savannas, Georgia. mm: Per Copy Five Cent*. Per Hundred $3 50. Per Year $lO 00, advertising: Two Dollars per Square of Ten Lines for first in sertion ; One Dollar for each subsequent one. Ad vertisements inserted in the morning, will, if desired, appear in the evening without extra charge. JOB PRINTING, In every style, neatly and promptly done. Ijlttsiness QUARLES L. COLBY & CO. SHIPPING, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. JONES BLOCK, CORNER BAY AND ABEBOORN STREETS, Savannah, ga. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments to the firm of Chas. L. Colby, of New York, or to our friends in Boston. A. H. HOLWAY, Resident Partner. REFERENCES; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan & Cos., New York. Jarivs Slade, Esq., New York. Hon. J Wiley Edmanift Boston. Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston. may 18—ts UNDERSIGNED Resumes the PRACTICE OF LAW at hij Office, 175 Bay Street. may22-3t JOHN M. GUERARD. JgXCHANGE ON NEW YORK. FOR SALE BY H. BRIGHAM, ap26 tt 93 Bay street. STEELE & BURBANK, ii Merchants' Row, Hilton Head, S. C. Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail purchasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING • AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated Ware,Swords, Sashes, Belts, Embroderies, Boots,Caps Fi Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves, &c., &c„ Ac. QO-PARTNERSHIP, The undersigned have this day formed a co-partner ship under the firm name of Charles L. Colby & Cos , for the transaction of business as Shipping, Cominis sion and Forwarding Merchants. CHARLES L. COLBY, ALEXANDER H. HOLWAY, S.PAGE EDMANDS. Savannah. Qa„ May 16th, 1355. ts maylt Riddell a murdock, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SUTLERS' AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND .SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Gentlemen's Fceni6hing Goods, Ac., No. 5 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C. • W. O. RIDDELL. f.janlO—tfj H. .T-lMtmoog RW. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON • having reopened his office and yard, on Wil liam street, ft now prepared to treat ton scientific principles,) all diseases incident to Horses that are sueceptible of remedy. Charges moderate. Cures warranted. Term® cash. feblC ts AKERY A CONFECTIONERY ESTABLISH MENT AT BEAUFORT. We respectfully call the attention of the public to our Bakery A Confectionery Establishment in Sam. A. Cooley’s Building at Beaufort, at tohich we are prepared promptly to fill any orders which may be for warded to ns. Special attention is paid to the man ufactnre of Ornamental Pieces, Fancy Confectionery, and Elegant Pastry, for holiday ors estival tables. Feb. 3-ts McMANUS A MURRAY. JNSURANCE. FIRE AND INLAND NAVIGATION INSURANCE ON FIEST CLASS RISKS, ON BUILDINGS, MERCHANDISE, COTTON, And Produce generally, at any of the Cities, Towns or Plantations in this State, and in transitu, by Rail or River, can be obtained at liberal rates to the extent of FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, Under the New York underwriter’s Policy of the Get mania, Hanover, Niagara and Republic Insurance Companies, on application to T. T. THOMAS, Agent, may24-3t No. 117 Bay street. JNL\ND AND FIRE INSURANCE. on the Rivers TO ANB PROM MACON, “““aoa r s t a. Also Fire Risks on Cotton in Macon and Augusta taken by the Metropolitan Insurance Cos., of New '° rk ' L. C. NORVELL & CO., Corner Bay and Bull Streets, Agents. may23-7t * QOLUMBIAN (MARINE) INSURANCE COMPANY • OF NEW YORK. CASH CAPITAL $3,600,000. The undersigned are prepared to Insure under Open Policy from the above Company to the extent of SIOO,- 000 in property in. any first class Steamer, and from sr>o,ooo to $76,000 on any first class sailing vessel, on the most favorable New York terms. For further particulars apply to CHARLES L. COLBY & CO, Jones Block, corner Bay and Abercorn streets, ■VTF.WS-DEALKRS AND OTHERS DESIRING The -kv Savannah Daily Hkald at Wholsale are re quested to send in their orders as early in advance os practicable. W, MASON * CO. SAVANNAH, GA., THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1865. (Ooobo anb &totbing. v C. NOR V ELL A CO. CORNER BULL AND BAY STREETS, HAVE JUST RECEIVED \ , THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF— DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOSS, x HATS AND CAPS. EVER OFF F. RED- IN THIS MARKET, Which will be sold AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, UPON THE MOST FAVORABLE TERMS, PRINTS. Lawns, latest styles, Organdies, Organdie Robes, Ginghams, Jaconets, Mozambique*, Bareges, all kinds, Crape Maretz, all colors. MQURNING GOODS. THIS DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE HI ALL ITS DETAILS. GLOVES. Ladies’ and Gents' Black and Colored Kids, best make, Lisle, all colors,. Silk, all colors, Fillet Mite. HANDKERCHIEFS. Linen Cambric, Hemstitched, Gents' Printed Borders,® Gents’ Silk. HOSIERY. Ladies’ Black and White Silk, Ladies’ Black and White Cotton, Misses' Black and White Cotton, Children's Black and White Cotton, Ladies' and Misses' Gauze Merino Vesta, Gents’ Merino Vests. UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. Ribbons, Bonnet and Belt, all kinds. I BONNETS White,Black and Colored Straw and Braid Bonnets Ladies’ Misses’ and Children’s Flats, in great va riety, A fall assortment of Gents’ aad Boys’ Hats. FANS IN EVERY VARIETY. LABGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OP LADIES’ AND GENTS' SHOES. CLOTHING. Linen and Cassimere Summer Salts, Alapaca Coats, A Full assortment of Military Dress and Fatigue Uniforms. mcy2o NETTING, AT may2o L. C. NORVELL & CO. JPRESH ttRUGS, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, &r. A. A. SOLOMONS & CO. Beg to inform their customers and the public general ly that ttsey have juat received per steamer America, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF GOODS IN THEIR LINE. And with a thoroughly REPLENISHED STOCK, they aw enabled to fill orders as faithfully as hereto fore. TITEY UAVT. ARRANGED TO RECEIVE SaFPI-IES WEEKLY. Being compelled to adhere to ihe CASH SYSTEM, Funds must in all cases accompany the orders to in sure attention. AT THE OLD STAND. Market Square, maylS 10 Savannah, Ga. U A. TOPHAM, 138 CONGRESS STREET, SAVANNAH, GA„ NO. T MERCHANTS’ Ilfew, HILTON mill, Calls the attention of Wholesale and Retail purchasers to his superior Stock of MILITARY, NAVAL and CITIZENS’ CLOTHING, BPOTS, SHOES, REGULATION HATS, CAPS, and GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS For sale at the Lowest Market, price. Additions to Stock received Dy every Steamer from New York. may*B-20t YORK HERALD CORRESPONDENT. The office of the New York Herald Con-espondent is at 111 BAY STREET, CTSIAJM- Btar23 ts [Correspondence of the Savannah Herald.] OUR NEW YORK LETTER. New York, Friday evening, May 19, The Uneasiness manifested on South street and down town generally, on the first announcement that the pirate Stonewall was at Havana was happily of but short duration. Had not the steamer Columbia arrived a few hours later at Havana than the frigate Powhattan, the nervous fellows who like to see their names in the papers, would have had another meet ing, and inflicted upon the community a se ries of intensely patriotic resolutions, a half dozen blather and killing speeches, telling the government what to do, and then have wait ed tremulously for the sound of the pirate's Blakely guns as she shelled the city. But the advices of the thirteenth completely suothered the superfluous quantity of bub litg effusions of patriotically indignant affla tus which were filling the bosoms of some of our antiquatedly, effete humanized antedelu viam, who iufest our community, and who are Aver ready to mount the Custoni House stoop and inform our merchants of their duty in such premises. South street sleeps calmly, disturbed by no visions of whizzing balls, ricocheting shots in our harbor, or ex ploding shells over their up-town palaces or mammoth warehouses, and we all await the result of what may possibly be a tragic affair near the port of Havana. A Sorrowful Fellow was found by the police a day or two since, loafing around the South ferry. The M. P. asked him what he was standing around there for, and told him to “get along, or 111 pull yer—yer haint been out of quod more than a week.” He of the sorrowful mien looked hurt, and gave vent to his “pheelinks” thus-. “Let me alone, will yer; I got pulled awhile ago for bounty jumping—they stuck me into Fort Lafayette —didn’t care for that, yer know, so long as they didn’t shoot a feller— well, they wouldn’t let us out until after them ere annerversyrees was over, coz they was afraid we’d clean the lush from them ere pious countrymen’s pockets—now they’ve gone home, them ere felftrs with the white choakers, and we hasn’t got any lift out ’o them. Say—you jest let me alone—l’m going to Greenwood to look at them gravestuns, I am, coz I feels blue, I does! ” Your readers can judge how thoughtful it was on the part of the officials in not releasing the two hun dred thieves from Fort Lafayette in season to pray upon “them ere pious countrymen’s pockets.” A Flank movement of the right description was made this week in this city which meets the heartiest en dorsement of our citizeus. Capt. Darling has been appointed by Gov. Fenton as Pay master •of this State, and he is engaged in paying off the State certificates to soldiers who volunteered and to the lately drafted men. The captain is a keen observer, and noticed that some of the pug-nosed, square chinned, villainous-looking geniuses who infest this city, were frequent callers at his office, with certificates, aud he also noticed the same face in many instances surmounted a different style of clothing during the same day. He set a detective to work, and a ’half day’s observation proved the fact that the old bounty-brokers were gathering a rich har vest in collecting the pay for certificates be longing to many poor soldiers they had swindled. The captain immediately issued an order that he would pay none other than the soldier himself, or the soldier's wife—no broker, or “attorney,” or any other man. This has put an end to a big swindle. The Prize Fight at Port Jarvis this week, mustjliave been a jolly institution. The Battery boys are hav ing a heap of fun at the expense of Kit Burns, who acted as second for the beaten pugilist, by pestering the said Burns with classic remarks as to how he got back from the scene of conflict, as he lost every ceht of money betting on his man. Quite a number of Philadelphians and Californians also lost heavily, their losses running to the plethoric proportions of pocket-books of the Brooklyn “Sports” who bet their “pile” on Dunn. Even the Philadelphians who wrote the extended account of the for the whilom religious papers of this city, lost all his mon ey, and had to exhibit his “card” as an at tache to the paper t© the conductor of the train to procure a dead-head passage back to New York. Three hundred police who start ed out to prevent the fight had a right nice pic-nic some fifty miles away from the “ring,” been thrown off the scent very neatly by a stool-pigeon,perhaps Kennedy and Carpenter do not feel a little rough about it. A Slashing Time has occurred this in the Quartermaster's De partment of this city. In two days about forty more more steamers were marked off the books, a saving of over a million dollars per month, then a heap of young cubs who have been sucking cigars and pretending to “clerk it” for Uncle Sam about four hours per day at a big salary, were also given notice to quit, besides numerous others more or less worthy. Gen. Van Vleet is stopping boles In the Government expense book, For Sale. A walk along our piers will display to the pedestrian any number of idle steamers with “for sale,’ prominently posted all over their sides. If some of them are not sold soon, they will probably tumble to pieces where they are, and thus furnish a harvest to old junk dealers, into whose hands they long ago should have been delivered. One or two steamboat speculator are in town from the eastward, aud from the lakes, and ere long their neighbors will be surprised to learn that 'the “magnificent ocean steamer so-and-so,’ will he pht on such-and-such a line. Look out for them. It is reported, even, that some .half dozen have been sold to go to California, but he will be a risky man who undertakes a voyage iu such shaky argosies. The Libby Prison Sign which lias been at the New England Rooms the past fortnight, has attracted an immense number of persons to view it. There is nothing very picturesque about it—it is paint ed on both sides, aud evidently projected from the corner of the accursed building to which it was attached. Some of our soldier boys who have tasted the horrors of Libby prison look at this relic, shudder, close their fists and teeth tightly, aud walk away thoughtfully. Hard Luck In Getting Home. The difficulties experienced in getting home late at night hereabouts, when depend ing upon public conveyances, was a few nights since illustrated in the case of a jolly and honest Hibernian. He resides near Greenwood, to which there are two routes, one of which, the Court street, runs hourly after midnight, but does not pass within a quarter of a mile of the residence of the aforesaid Hibernian. The other passes his door, but ceases running at midnight, and this, of course, is the route he depends upon. The night in question he reached the start ing point just too late to take the last car. But I will “tell the tale as ’twas told me ” by himself. “I got there,” said he, ‘just too late, and was in a divil of a stew what to do. But I was bound to get home, so I engaged a hackraan to take me home for two dollars. An’ he wanted me to pay bin) before I got in the hack. I told him I wudn’t do it. An’ he wudn’t budge, so I tuck him to the ferry master an’ I put the two dollars in his hajtds for jiini, to be called for after h*e tuck me home. I thin got in the hack, an’ what d’ye think the d—d rascal did ? . He jist dru.v his hack around two or three blocks, an’thin druv up to the door of the station house, an’ told the captain he had a man in His hack so dhrunk he didn't know where he lived—that he’d been drivin’ all over the city wid me. I tould the captain that was a d—d lie ; that I did know where I lived, an’ Iliad engaged him to take me home. But the captain wudn’t believe me and made me get out of the hack aud walk in the station house. He tould me if I lived near Greenwood the*e wuld be a Greenwood car along soon at, I could get in it—that the hackman had earned his money drivin’ me around and he was en titled to go. I saw the captain was as big i rascal as the hackman, an’ there was no use talking, so I waited for the Greenwood car, which I knew was the Court street car, an’ I didn’t want to go in that at all, at first. After a while the car came along, an’ I got in, anywhere d’ye thiuk it landed me ? Why down at Fulton Ferry; I had got into a car that wa9 going the wrong way. It wa3 then about four o’clock, and I had been four hours on my way home and brought up just where I started from, at an expense of two dollars and six cents. “But,’’said I, “you went to the fexrymaster and got your two dollars, didn’t you?” “Me two dollars,” he exclaim ed, “humph! the d—d rascally hackman had been there long before me and got it, of course. Well, I was so d—d mad, when I found myself back to the ferry again th. it I went off and didn’t get home till ten o’c.ock, and then I had to go to bed to sleep off the excitement I was under.” The “Monroe Doctrine” is now the watchword of a queer class of our community. An illiterate fellow was de claiming about the enforcement of the afore said doctrine on a ferry boat the other even ing, when an eastern man asked him if he knew who Mr. Monroe was. The orator wasn’t to be bluffed off, bat said he knew, of course he knew Monroe—“he died a good while ago—used to live in New England some where, and was a great man!” “You mean Mr. Munroe, I suppose,” said his interlocu tor with a queer smile, “who was of the book firm ol' Munroe & Francis, of Boston. • “Yes— that’s him —and he left ito posterity this ere doctrine, what's going to upset Max in Mexico.” That was enough for one even ing’s laugh! Rrdlvlvua. It is really pleasant again to notice the ad vertisements of the new steamship routes springing up since the conclusion of this war and the removal of the late trade restrictions. I notice in oae column of a commercial paper to-day, the advertisements of steam ers to sail this week for Washington, D. C., Alexandria,* Georgetown, Richmond, Nor folk, City Point, Charleston, (twolin ) PRICE. 5 CENTS Savannah, and Mobile (two lines)—not to mention the New Orleans, Hilton Head and Newbern lines. f w A Letter. A Cockney John Bull, dropped in at these headquarters yesterday, He is attached to one of the Cunard steamships, and' is, of course, a rebel sympathiser. In speaking of the capture of Jeff, Cockney remarked : “Am—so you’ve got Mr. Piesident Davis?” “Yes—we've caught the infernal scoun drel.” Cockney—“Aw, ya-as—what you going to do with him; you wouldn’t hang him, surely—aw TANARUS” Yours truly—“No, we aint going to haug him—we’re just going to do as you English- * men did with the rebel Sepoys—blow him from the mouth of a cannon !” Cockney sloped with his tail between his legs. •‘The Vandal Foe” was the favorite term that Col. Lubbock, when Governor of Texas, used to apply to all Yankees, »'. <?., loyal men. It must have hmt his feeling (oh, dear!) to have tfeen cap tured by the same “vandal foe,’’the said van dals not showing even the least respect for his great leader Jeff, although ensconced be hind petticoats. This Lubbock, when .Gov ernor of Texas, publicly said that “any citi zen of Texas who would kill a Union man should never be hurt while he was Governor. He was one of the most inflammatory and murder-inciting of all his class. After the. Red River defeat, he issued a manifesto, in which he congratulated his hell-hounds upon the fact of “fattening garfish and alligators upon the carcasses of northern men." As* usual, by some wayward freak of love and mature, this beast has one of the most amiable and gentle wives upon the face of the earth, but her prayers that God might soften this hard heart have al ways proved unavailing. He was one of the most consistent fire-eating pirates that ever attached themselves to the foi tunes of the petticoated sneak in whose company he was at last caught, and throughout the war has urged the indiscriminate murdering of all who opposed secession, . even by ad vancing an opposing opinion. His time has now come. He will die like a traitor and a dog. Flat Justicia, Ruat Ccclum. The universal demand by the people, now that the principal leaders in the rebellion have been caught and are' in prison, is that they shall have fair trial, an open court, and that justice, stem and unrelenting which shall be commensurate with the misery and woe entailed upon this country by the enor mity of their crimes. “Let justice be done, though the Heavens fall,” is the cry from the vacant hearth of the widow—from the aching heart of the orphan—from the pallid lips of the mother—from the hoarse and choking throat of the father, and the echo reaches gratefully the hearts of all from President Johnson, that “mercy to traitors is a crime against the na tion.” There need be no Tear of innocence suffering with the guilty, only those quake who know their course has been such as has made them aqfiwerable to the rigors of our offended laws, and the true union men of the South feel that lheir virtue will be at least partially rewarded by the prompt and inex orable punishment of those whose aim for the last four years has been the' subversion of law and ordir to a code of tyranny and semi barbarism unheard of in any civilized country. Some of the soft-headed arid pulpy-hearted geniuses of the stamp of the editor of the Tribune, others who dare not exhibit their sympathy with the rebels in any other way, are trying to inculcate upon the minds of our people that it would be, a graceful act of mercy to banish Jeff Davis and his compeers; ..but the unanimous execrations heaped upon such arguments by the masses of the people show how much success this miserable project meets. A Difficulty surmounted. A few days ago, a healthy widower near Hartford, who had been ,in mourning just two months for the death of the mother of his eight children, heard of an estimable young woman who would make him ex cellent housekeeper. Straightway, he trudged to her residence, and laid his case before her. She said she had no par ticular objections to become his housekeeper, but —the fact was, the chief difficulty exist ing was her determination not to be house keeper for any person unless she had-supreme control as wife! Not to be stopped by tri fles he proposed a walk to the Minister’s —the walk was taken—and he carried home his housekeeper in the shape of anew wife. A Young Lead Mine has been presented to the war department, found on the battle-field of Spottsylvania. It is in the shape of the butt of a tree which must have stood between the two contending armies on that bloody ground. Twenty eight pounds of leaden balls have been ex tracted, and hundreds yet remain embedded therein. This small item gives one a more succinct idea of the fell work of war than