Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, May 25, 1865, Image 2

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column; of sensational description. The Catholic Jnbilec, ordered by the Pope, throughout the world, haa commenced in this city, and will close on the 15th of June. The services at the various churches are very solemn and im pressive, aud are participated in by immense crowds. All participants are allowed a plen ary indulgence or remission of temporary punishment, and the giving of alms is one of the duties involved after special confes sion. w A Friend'* Tribute. The sculptor Powers is as strong in his friendship as he is high in his art. He was a most ardent admirer of Edward Everett, and evinces this admiration in announcing to a friend in this country his purpose of mak ing a full length marble statue of his illustri ous friend, in order that lie may have the counterfeit presentiment of one ever before him for whom he ever entertained the best feelings of reverence, gratitude and love; aud whom he was proud to call his friend. The Scare of the Week, occurred over ia Brooklyn. Some over-zeal ous citizen discovered the rag-pickers (whose name is legion) settling like carrion crows over a rebel carcass, on a pile ot rags wbicb had been dumped into a vacant lot which is being filled up near Gowanu’s Creek. They had “struck ile” sure, —had discovered a transitory mine of wealth, and were working it to the no small advantage of their never filled bags. A queer and curious smell ex haled from the vicinity, and on conversation with a police officer, the latter mentioned there were quite a number of cases of fever in the neighborhood, meaning “chills and fever,’’ which have aiways prevailed in that locality. Off rushed the excited citizen to a newspaper reporter, aud made the statement that, a large quantity of Russiau rags with ‘Lt epidemic were being dumped, su- to at o c vers 1 oases of epidemic had occur red. 'lire investigation by the authorities proved that the rags never came from Russia, aud the cases re{>ortcd turned out to be ery sipelas ! Another “Paper Stainer.” The fraternity of newspaperdom has been lately increased by an accession to its ranks of a late Major-Gsneral, well-known to the country, and especially well-kuowu by the rebels as always, in their classic language, “giviug them h—l when he retreated.”— Franz Sigel, mit whom the Germans bravely fought, has dropped the sword, aud will hereafter endeavor to exemplify to his coun trymen, through the columns of the Balti more Weckcr, that the “pen is mightier tiiau ♦he sword.” Some little interest will be felt to know liis opinions on certain subjects, as he is au accomplished scholar and terse writer. The Johnsou Union Association is the first intimation we have had of late of a separate political organization. It is re garded as a sort of “feeler” to ascertain the desires and inclinations of many who are disposed to throw oIT the trammels of old parties, and, from present appearances, will draw to its ranks many conservative and sound men. Mose 9 H. Grinuell is President. LATEST. New York, Saturday noon, May 20. New Line to Savannah. The Messrs. Cromwell,ever ahead in steam ship enterprise, has put their steamer Black stone on the line to Savannah. She is a fine boat, and will be a favorite. A Foil Resumption of business between this and other Northern cities and the lately closed Southern ports, can now be said to be in fdll operation, enur ing to the great advantage of the whole country. It will tend to cement the nation together again iu fraternal bonds so strong that all internecine bickerings hereafter will be entirely forgotten, and the sweet paths of peace and industry be trodden by all with unwavering confidence and success. The Cottou Speculator*. together with governmental favorites and blatant secessionists in New Orleans, will now have full swing, for it is the easiest thing in the world etc., make a strictly military man like Canby believe most anything cut side of his particular business. Iu another shape, and with more lasting bad effects, the diplomacy of the devil which animates those rampant, loud-rao«thed, cut-throats who swagger on the levees and in the bar-rooms of the Crescent City, and which was so smoothly perpetrated upon Gen. Sherman in his first interviews with Johnston and Breck inridge, will now assert its sway in sweep ing force, such as is known only to bowie k®ife and revolver carrying ruffians, who have hitherto hid their sneaking dispositions under the cloak of loyalty; but which the firmness aud moderation of Gen. Banks has kept in a quiescent state, The Assassin Trial is progressing very fairly, and seems to be conclusive of the guilt of all at present ar raigned. There is not much doubt but the plcft. was an immense one, and was undoubt edly known to many who have yet to be ar rested. At least such seems to be the gener al impression In the community. Jeff’s Arrival Nortii is looked for daily, but as be is to be probably sent via Savannah, your readers will unquestionably be fully posted on this matter through you own columns. Emigration from the old countries has again set in with somewhat of a rush. During one day this week five thousand arrived, swarming the streets in the lower part of the city. Some • two thousand Were Germans, and all Were agriculturalists who Wended their way west ward. Activity marks our harbor ahd piers to-day. Over fifteen steameis leave for different quarters of the world, and their red funnels, black hulls, white-foamed wakes, long black col umn of smoke streaming off on the breeze, with their many-hued flags of their different nationalities and the old Stars and Stripes at the fore, contrasting and commingling with the blue skies, the fleekiDg white clouds, the glistening waves, and the green sward of the islands surrounding and relieving the sombre frowns of the battery-crowned forts, alto gether make a scene at once gladdening to the sight and grateful to the man of busi ness. Sweet indeed are the blessings of peace. May grim-visaged war ne’er again raise its dread presence among us. A: F. L. The Savannah Daily Herald. S. W. Mason & Cos., Pkomuktohb. * . Mason, Ei>itob. SAVANNAH, THURSDAY. MAY 25, ISCS The Steamship Blackstone. —The steam ship Blackstone, Capt. Win. C. Berry, with the U. S. mails, passengers and freight, ar rived in this city yesterday forenoon from New \ oik. The Blackstone is the first steamer ol the old Cromwell line to arrive in this port since the days before the war. Messrs. Brigham Baldwin & Cos., the old Agents of Mr. Cromwell, will continue to act as the Agents of the New York and Sa vannah Screw Steamship Company. Savannah Theatre.—Benefit of Miss Maude St. Leon.— We are pleased to learn that the favorite actress Miss Maude St. Leon is to have a benefit at the Savannah Theatre next Saturday evening. Miss St. Leon has, through her excellent acting and her faithful efforts to please both the public aud the man agement throughout the season, won for her self many admirers and friends who should sec that her house is crowded next Saturday night. A fine bill has been sele#- ed tor that occasion, commencing with Boucicault’s great drama “The Colleen Bawu," in which Miss St. Leon will sustain her favorite char acter of Eily O’Connor, the Colleen Bawn. Mr. Thos. Weir, who kindly volunteers, will appear in this piece, and also Messrs. Rymau and Howard. By particular request, the combat scene from the French Spy will be given, in which Miss St. Leon will be assist ed by Mr. J. W. Camer. Tho glorious farce entitled “Crossing the Lines; or, Union vs. Recession.” Mr. Weigand and his fine orchestri have volunteered for the occasion * THE COURTS. SECOND PROVOST COURT—BEFORE CAPT. BENE DICT, JUDGE. Judge Benedict was blessed yesterday with a limited docket. The following is a trans script : A. Mode vs. Scipio (colored). Theft. Or dered, that the prisoner be placed in confine ment ninety days, Special Police vs. Jas. Robinson. Law rence Walsh and Charles Parker. Breaking open a siore the property of a citizen. Case postponed until 10 a. m. to-day. Lewis Gardner vs. Chas. Cooper. Claim for a chair the alleged property of plaintiff. Judgment rendered in favor of plaintiff.— Counsel for plaintiff P. W. Johnson,Esq.; for defendant, Col. A. W. Stone. Mary E. Duggan vs. Nelly Young. Re covery of negro children. Decision rendered in accordance with the children's ideas. Mrs. A. E. Merreil vs. David Middleton.— Reeovciy of rent. Judgment rendered in favor of plaintiff for twenty-five dollars.— Counsel for plaintiff Col. A. W. Stone. From New York, Direct.— This morning the steamship Thames, Capt. Reuben E. Swift, with considerable freight and passen gers arrived at the wharf in this city. The vessel and cargo is consigned to Mr. John R Wilder of the firm of John 11. Wilder & Gal lie, the former Agents of the New York and Savannah Side Wheel Steamship Compauy. Jeff. Davis’ Female Garments. The New York Heralds’ correspondence says that the Secretary of War has promised that if the historical female garments, including the boots, worn by Jeff. Davis at his capture” are received in time at the War Department! they shall be forwarded to Chicago for exhi bition at the great Fair for the benefit of the Sanitary Commission and the Soldiers’ Home. From Macon, Georgia —The steamer Gov. Troup, Capt. Hatfield, arrived this morning from Macon. We are indebted to Captain Kirkendall, of the Ist Ohio Cavalry for late papers. One boy, the other day, borrowed a stick of candy Irom a comrade, to show him that he could pull it out of his ear. He swal lowed it, and then twisted himself about in various ways to extract it; but at length in formed his companion that he had forgotteu that part of the trick! ' One of the strangest accusations against wn. Grant was the indifference to the lives ot his own soldiers, and his desire to shed Human blood; and, strange to say, that this original calumny proceeded from those who mn«°w everywhere greeting him as the rimes fftC IVC pcacemaker of these warlike soifi^tt? 1 Llnc ° ln was ft member of a ma •omc lodge at Sprlngfleld-a master rna- MACON NEWS. Bates to the 19th inst. [By the arrival of the Gov. Troup from Macon, Ga., we are placed in possession of papers from that city of the 19th inst., from which we make the following extracts: [From the Macon Telegraph.] A State Convention. We published yesterday the proceedings of a patriotic meeting of the citizens of Chat ham county, urging immediate action of the people of Georgia, “to restore the Slate to her former condition in the Federal Union.” Ignorant of the action of the Federal authori ties in relation to Gov. Brown and the speci al session of the general assembly he had called, this meeting concurs in the Governor’s call as the speediest method of getting the convention together, and doubtless it would have been. But that call being set aside, the people can now do nothing in the premises until they first ascertain the news of the Federal authorities in regard to the matter. No sensible or well informed man can doubt for a moment what is the will of the people. An overwhelming majority, accep ting the condition in which fortunes of war have left us, are now ready and most anxious to remand the State back into the Federal Union with all the forms of organic law. Under these circumstances as a public journalist and to some extent an organ of the popular voice, without being obtrusive we beg leave ts express the hope that the Feder al autiiorities will, at a very early day, make known their views and unite popular co-operation. Twenty to thirty day* will be sufficient to collect a full represeitation of delegates, and if it be the wish of tic gov ernment that Georgia should again resume her ancient position in the Federal Union such a convention will place her there with out a dissenting vote. THE STARS AND STRIPES IN ATLANTA. Our contemporary of the Intelligencer has had his eyes greeted with the sight of the “stars and stripes,” the flag having been raised by order of Col. Eggliston, command ing post of Atlauta, on the 16th inst., and here is what he says : And now, even as we write, from the win dow.’ of our sanctum, we are reminded, as we gaze on the victorious banner that floats in the breeze of the return, of Georgia to the national union and of duties consequent thereon. What those duties are, we have already plainly indicated to our readers. Trusting that our counsels may be received by them in the same spirit with which they have been tendered ; we whall go on to dis charge the duties of our position. Passengers Fon Savannah.— Our citizens contemplating a trip Nortli by way of Sav annah will regret to learn that the steamboats plying between Augusta and Savannah will not now receive them on board. The gov eminent requires their entire use for the trausportat on of troop 9 aud supplies. So long as that enforced, the best and about the only route is from Atlanta to Chat tanooga—betweeu forty aud fifty miles of which line has to be made in wagons, car riages, horseback, on foot, etc., which feat can be easily accomplished by perseverance, faith, light baggage and plenty of money. Postal. —The mall business remains sus pended. Postmasters in the country, how ever, can send here by private hands and get whatever is in the office for them, and we understand that a mail wiil occasionally be made up and sent along the railroads by such means as can be procured. This is the be«t that can be done at present. It will take many daj s yet, to re-organize this service and put in successful operation. Tbat can not be done too soon, for living without mails is worse than eating without salt. Neoro Vagrants.— The change between the master and the slave has had a tendency to throw a good many negro vagrants upon the city. It is hoped that the civil authori ties will drive them off and see that they are put to work. No one ever could live in this country honestly, without working, and in these very hard times it is necessary for more labor than ever to be performed. Tbe idle negroes in the city ought to be sent to the plantations to make meat and bread. Banished. —A man by the name of Joe. Davis was bhnished from the city, yesterday for dealing out whisky contrary to orders. His liquor, about twenty-five bottles, was seized and taken to the Provost Marshal’s office and himself sent beyond tbe corpora tion limits with an injunction not to return. This will no doubt serve as a warning to par ties selling whisky on the sly. The Macon Arsenal —The war left this extensive establishment in splendid condi tion, It has ample machinery lor the fabri cation of a great many patterns of . small arms, cannon, etc., and it is hoped that the government will not only preserve it intact but enlarge and make it one ot its chief in struments in the production of the essential material of war. Col. J. G. Vail, Commanding the Post, an nounces in an order that hereafter no passes will be required to leave the city either by rail or by private conveyance of any sort. The hegira of refugees from town has some what subsided, but they are still going off upon every train. We regret to part with many of them aud hope that they will always have pleasant memories of Macon as a city that hospitably received them in days of ad versity. Many of them will again visit us in more prosperous times, aud will be most heartily welcomed. R. W. Cubbedge advertises Georgia Treas ury Notes for sale—“a few thousand dollars of the last issue, and also of the six and eight per ceut.” * Mr. and Mrs. W, 11. Crisp ’are playiug at the Macon Theatre. Richard 111. was to” be performed on the evening of the 19th. Wait a while.— We have received a com munication relative to the Ordnance Yard, which we reserve for further consideration. A good story is told of Jeff. Davis. Some time ago the Rebel authorities ordered all horses that could be found in the neighboring country to be impressed. A squad of cav alry engaged in the execution of this order raet Jen. riding iu liis carriage, and ordered t l ® to ‘‘gil out” and give up the animals. Jeff, refused. The corporal insisted. Fi nally, to cut short the paragraph, Jeff, in quired, “Do you know who I am ?” “No ’’ replied the soldier. ‘I am President Davis,’” said Jeff. “Drive on," said the corporal, “I thought you looked like a d—d old postage stamp." The Hartford Court at jays It knowi this to be true. TBi NECttlO SUFFffAGE qUESTIOH, The questkWof extending the right of suffrage to negjoes in reorganizing the State governments n the South is receiving a num ber of adhercits since it was broached in Congress by ,'udge Kelly. The New York Herald, a da; or two ago, came out squarely for giving tit right of voting to black men. j The New Y*rk World (Democratic) says it I is neeessaryto give the blacks suffrage, or the States will be perturbed. The New York Coiwiereial Advertiser (Conservative) of Friday dso favors the idea, and says: It wouli be a wise departure from the system of almost universal suffrage adopted in this crnatiy to limit the right of voting by an ordahed standard of cducatiou and iu lelligenie—to decree the accomplishments of readingaud writing as a condition precedent to the <xercise of the simplest right of citizen ship. But to make suffrage dependent upon the possession of property, or the color of the skin, or the hue of the hair, is au absurdity that has but to be named to be exploded Wfere shall the line be drawn ? Shall two hundred and fifty dollars vote, and two bun ded and forty-nine be excluded ? Aud who >hall detei mine the precise variety of shade that makes citizenship, ’ or decide whether the brunette complexion or the kinky hair comes from an African, or Asiatic, or a European source ? The only just rule is to follow the guidings of principle, and to yield to manhood and intelligence common civil and political rights, and leave to man de termination for themselves of the rank they may hold or yield to others in the general order of society. The miserable theories of absolute inferiority are unworthy of discus sion. If this inferiority be real it will make itself manifest, and the “master race” will still be the master. The. Chattanooga Rebel on the Assassi nation.—The significant comments of the Chattanooga Rebel, on the murder of Abra ham Liucoln, furnishes the probable motive of that infamous crime. Tne editor, only partially advised of the actual occurrences at Washington, but probably well instructed in regard to the purposes of the assas sins, announced that Lincoln, Seward, Johnson, and Stanton had all been killed, and that the North, thrown into confusion by the successive murder of two Presidents within a few days, and the subsequent out break of a serious revolt, would be compelled to withdraw all it3 armies from the South for the purpose of restoring tranquility at home. What the Rebel falsely announced as a fact was evi dently either a pre-arranged programme of which it had cognizance, or it was the result which minds, blinded by baffled rage and treason, expected from the scheme which Booth alone carried into complete action. In either case, new light is thrown upon the assassins, and we see that, like most villians, they were as foolish as they were wicked.— Washington Chronicle. A memorial from the merchants, land owners, farmers, and settlers in British Kaf fraria has been presented to Queen Victoria, praying that that colony might be made a penal settlement. The memorialists contend that the introduction of convicts would be an immense advantage to the colony, develop ing bot;h resources and capabilities. llrribals, PORT ROYAL HOTEL, [HILTON HEAD,} MAY 23. Mrs Bayne & sister. HII Capt E E Smith, Savannah Mm} J W Green & lady, SarT Edwards “ Capt Beard “ Mrs Bradley and soh “ R flume. Va M H Gould. Boston R KennedjvH Head Lt Dye, Q M. 21 Mich Vols. J H Jenks, Charleston Capt S Nickerson, Mass Mr Thompson “ J Williams, U S N P P Brown, Georgetown Mrs Elliott, 2 children, N J K P Hutchins, Dayton M Murphy, Hilton Head Lt J F Graves, Charleston T Fitzgibbons " SLLongdon ;• Miss L Pettes •• H T Harrengton “ Miss <: Jones “ D H Coley and wife, Beans Miss H Edson “ Capt Cates, Boston T Lawrence, N Y MINIATURE ALMANAC— THIS WEEK. | sun Rises-Sun Sets Moon Sets] High Water 22 M... 1 457 C 55 j 309 lino. 525 23 Tu .. 450 056 | 356 | 619 24 W ...| 450 050 j sets. j 7 8 25 Th .. I 456 657 I 747 | 769 26 Fr .. | 455 657 I 8 45* j 848 27 Sa..| 454 668 I 935 | 935 28 S ... I 474 058 | 10 20 | 10 20 PORT OF SAVANNAH, MAY 26. Arrived Yesterday Afternoon Steamer Comet, Horne, Macon, via Hawkinsvllle. Pass3enokbß— Gen II MMi i cer and daughter, Capt G A Mercer, wife and two children. G A Cnvler, Capt J Lachlison, Jr, and family, J Williamson, Mis Maho goney, Mrs O’Sullivan. Notice to Consignee*. Savanna it, May 23, 1805, Steamer City of Port au Prince will discharge Cargo This Hay, the 24th. Consignees will present their Bills of Lading and receive their Goode,otherwise th will be stored at owners' risk and expense. GADEN & UNCKLES, may 24-2 t Corner Bay and Barnard sts. LODGE, NO. 16, F. A. M. A Regular Meeting of this Lodge wjll be held at their Lodge Room THIS (Thursday; EVENING, at S o’clock. may2s WM. GREENE, W. M. JjWNERAL NOTICE. Invitation is extended to Jacob.Spimg’s friends to attend the Funeral of Mrs.J SPUNG, at the corner of Wayne and Jefferson streets, at 3 o’clock This After noon. my2s-lt PUBLIC MEETING OF THE CITIZENS* OF CHATHAM COUNTY By virtue of the power vested in me by the meeting of the citizens of Chatham county, held on tbe 9th hist., I hereby call a meeting of the citizens of C'hat hal2,£?i(n.t& *° be hekl at ttj « Exchange Long Room on FRIDAY, the 20rh lust., at 1J o’clock, M .to take into consideration the present condition of our itff dre may2s ft. and. ARNOLD, Chairman. ' pUBLIC SCHOOLS. BOYS’ GRAMMAR SCHOOL, COBNEB IlABNABl) AND TAYLOR (THEE IS. 1 his school will be open for the admission of pupils on M ednesday, the 24th inst., from 9 to 1 o’clock. No hoy need apply who does not possess a good moral character. By order, . J. F. CANN, Supt. Public Schools. GIRLS’ GRAMMAR SCHOOL. cobneb or dbayton and cuablton stbsets. This school will be open for the admission of papila on Thursday next, tbe 25tb Inst., from 9 to 1 o’clock. By order, J. F. CANN, may2S-;t Supt, of Public school*. gPtCIAt NOTICE JOHN F. YOtJNG, OF PHILADELPHIA, Has opened bis Stock of DRESS GOODS, Ac. 1, store of DeWitt * Morgan, which win be offJL * Wholesale and Retail, at the lowest market rates, * Consisting, in part, of Printed ORGANDIES and Jaconet LAWN* French PRINTS and BRILLIANTS, A large loi of Figured GRENADINES, Black and Colored HERNANIES, 8-4 do. for Shawls, Black Crape MARET2, MOZAMBIQUES, Ac., Ac. inay24-5t QADEhf& UNCKLKS, * ' ' : Corner of Bay and Barnard Streets), Just received a large Stock of GOODS, consist. Extra Family FLOUR, 80 bales BAGGING, 030 coils ROPE, And a general assortment of TEAS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. ALES, WINES,, LIQUORS, SEGAR9, PICKLES PRESERVES, • HARDWARE, LAMPS, , Kerosene OIL, CANDLES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES. OAJP9 <£c Vr hicn they offer at the lowest market rates Savannah, May 24,18C0. may2s-Tt pOR NEW YORiL The Staunch S earner, CITY OF PORT AU PRINCE, Having superior accommodations for Passengers, wili sail ou SATURDAY, the 27th tost. For Freight or Passage apply to GADEN A UNCKLES, Corner of Bay aud Barnard stieets, Or to the Captain on board. may2s4t gOAP. 150 boxes of Fay Brothers best Family £OAP re ceived on consignment, for sale by * WAr re may26-St BKIGHAM ' BALDWIN A CO. JgACON. FOUR HHDS. BALTIMORE BACON, For sale by BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. mays ts J^OTICE. T he steamer Blackstone is ready to discharge her Consignees will present their permits and re ceive their Goods. Freight to be paid on delivery _ r BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO„ ma - v2ri ' lt Agents. QROMWELL LINE, FOR NEW YORK. The new and elegant Steamship BLACKSTONE, Capt. Berry, will leave for New York on SATURDAY, the 2Tth Inst., at 10X o'clock, A M. For Freight or Passage, having superior accommo tions, apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO, ra*? 26 Agents. H AY * 210 bales Coarse Tithothy HAY, landing from steam er Blackstone, and for sale by the Captain on board may2s-lt pUMBER FOR SALE. JUST RECEIVED, 42,5(6 feet Spruce BOARDS, 1,219 feet Pine “ 0,533 feet Spruce PLANK, 19,743 feet Spruce JOISTS. Apply to the Master of the SCHOONER UNION FLAG, may24-tf At the Dock, near the Rice Mill. OFFICE OF HEALTH OFFICER, „ „ Savannuh, Ga„ May 28,1505. Cwcu.ab, No 11. The issue of Per Manganate of Potash is discontin ued. Common Lime, and Chloride of Lime will be Is sued instead, for disinfecting purposes by procuring the Order of the Health Officer, north west corner of Hull and Whitaker streets. A. T. DALRYMPLE, may 24-7 t Surg. N. S. V. Health Officer. PLANTATION FOR SALE. ' THE SEA ISLAND COTTON PLANTATION, Known as “BRICKYARD,", For, sale, situate on Hiiton Head Island, About five miles from Custom House street; Contains 12 or 1400 acres—4 or 500 acres heavy wood Live Oak and Pine, the balance valuable Cotton Land, or suitable for Early Gardening purpo ses. Has high banks and deep water on Broad Creek, snltable for wharves. Price, $15,000. Address i. E. WHITE, mayS-tf Box 20 Hilton Head, S C pROVOST COURT SoflCE. ' On and after this date, the First Provost Court, Ist Lieut. Eben Parsons, Jr., Judge, will be held at the Court House, comer of Bull and Bay streets, r V lO Se< r° ll , d P«Wost Court, Capt. James M. Walto*, Judge, will be held in the room over Adams' Express Cos 's office, corner Bay and Drayton streets. The respective jurisdictions are fixed by General Order No. 0., and all parties having business before said Courts will govern themselves accordingly. By order, - PROVOST JUDGES. marcO gTOVES! STOVES! I STOVES 1 1! Large Mid small, for Restaurant* and Families. All kinds of HOLLOW WARE and Cooking Uten sils, Planters' HOE.s wholesale and retail, by ... ... „ JAMES G. THOMPSON A CO., aplf—m&t.h6 Beanfort 8. C. QLD NEWSPAPERS, FOR WRAPPING PAPER, For sale at tbe SAVANNAH HERALD OFFIC on no. 11l say STatrr. Qirii