Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, May 25, 1865, Image 3

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||)ttttßemetti9« V'AVANNAH THEATRE! Lessee and Business Manager orant taggabt. Director of Amusements thomas wejb Stage Manager j. w. carxer THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, MAY 25th, 1666, The performance will commence with the new and Original Domestic Drama, entitled THE POACHER’S DOOM; OR, TilE HOREN UOIS QUESTION. Robert Shelly Thomas Weir James Greenfield Mr. Howard Union Jack Mr. earner Chalk Mr. Hunter Moletrap Mr. Wadkius Rachel Ril&nd Miss Florence La Fond Fanny Dawcett Miss Elsie St. Leon Comic Song • J. w. earner. To conclude with the Sterling Farce of DODGING FOR A WIFE, I.allypap Mr. Carner John Smith ; Mr. Howard Brummegen Mr. Simpson Fanny. Miss Maude St. Leon On Saturday Evening next a Benefit will be given to the Favorite and Talented Actress MISS MAUDE ST. LEON. S3?“NOTICE.—AIes, Wines and Segars can be had at the Theatre Bar. Notios.—The doors will open at 7, and the curtain rise atß)£ o’clock precisely, Box office open from 10 until 2 o’clock. (EST PRICES OF ADMISSION AS USUAL. All bills must be presented weekly. ■y-OLKS GAKT EN , CONGRESS 6T22ET, Between Jefferson and Montgomery streets, Will be open to-night, and every night, for the public. Concert Music C7ery Evening from 7 to 10 o’clock by the SAVANNAH CITY ORCHESTRA, Professor Georgs Wsioajcd, Leader. REFRESHMENTS OF THE BEST QUALITY WILL ALWAYS HI ON BAND. m!7—lm anfc ||ottnfr. QOAT LOST OR STOLEN. A black broadcloth frock coat. A reward will be paid. Address. “M. S.” Herald Office, may 23—ts. JTyiARY BOOK LOST. Lost on the night of the 19th inst,. in the vicinity of the ‘‘Our House" or the Savannah Hotel, a Diary Pocket Book marked on the inside with a lead pencil John R, Hover, 18th Indiara. The finder will confer a favor and be rewarded, if desired, by leaving the same at the Police Headquarters, northwest corner of Broughton and Ball streets. may22-6t CHILD, Yesterday a little girl about three years old, stray ed from her home in Stewart street. She has curly hair, and answers to the name of Elizabeth. Whoever will return her, or give information where she may be found, will confer a great favor on her afflicted mother. may 22. CATHARINE BODELI.. QOW AND CALF LOST. A White Speckled Cow, with letters W H or H W on her right hind hip. -One horn is smaller than the other. The Calf is red, with a white face; about a year old. They were last seen on Saturday evening in West Broad street, at the head of Indian street, A reward of Five Dollars will be paid for any information concern ing them by applying at this office. mayl 5 JpiRST CLASS BOARD WANTED. With two good rooms, In a central location, by two single gentlemen. Price no object, if the accommo dations are satisfactory. Address, Box 81, Savannah Post Office. may23-3t 'J'HREE ROOMS WANTED Suitable for MESS PURPOSES, as near .the corner of Bay and Drayton streets as pos sible. Address, 8. K. HEAD, Savannah Herald Office. jpMPTY BOTTLES WANTED. Skeban & Conyngham of 176 Broughton street, will Pay Cash for all kinds of empty bottles by calling or delivering them at the above number. __ in ay 23-ts JJOUSE WANTED. For a small family. Address, “O. W. M.,” Savannah Post Office. may23tf Rooms ro let at hilton head, s. c., in The Palmetto Herald Building, corner of Mer chants’Row and Palmetto Avenue, euitable for busi ness pu-posesor lodgings. Apply to E. S. SAMPSON, Jr., on the premises. ts mar-tm PEEP INTO FUTURITY. MAD. BONZIANO Has purchased, at an enormous expense, a wonderful Instrument of French invention, by which she Is ena bled to take a sac simile miniature of THE PERSON YOU WILL MARRY! AM) ET in n ASTROLOGICAL POWERS, CAN FORETELL THE DATE OF THE HAPPY EVENT. Send lier your age, color of your hair and eyes, and whether of light or dark complexion. Enclose !>0 (3 Stamped Envelope) Cents to ROSA BONZIANO, may 21-1 w Post Office, Detroit, Michigan. [Official.] HEADQ'RS. DEP*T. OF THE SOUTH, _ Hilton Head, 8. C„ May 22,1865. General Obdebs) No. 66. / 1 ®commenaation of the Medical Director, Aeet. dnt»'n« o' Mur J-8- Vols., Is hereby relievad from ? ara ?.- m , e Officer for Port Royal Harbor. Asst. surg. Walter R. Way, U. S. Vols is hereby wiM B n Qaa K aU i, i , ne cer for Port Royal r’“ na Wlil *>e obeyed and respected accordingly. By command of General A. GILLMOKE. W. £. M, brsuEii, T. D. Honors, Asslatan t Adjutant General. C »a4^7t U ’ 3 ‘ C ' T ANARUS” Act ' Asßt ' Aiit Gen QOSHEX 25 pkgs. Choice GOSHEN BITTER, For sale to close Consignment. Apply to N W. H. SHERWOOD, may24-2t Cor. Broughton and Whitaker Sts. pi I LT O N & RANDE L~L, W HOLE SALE GROOVES, * 193 BAY STREET, NEAR BARNARD, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. WUI be in constant receipt, per Stei m re from New York, of an extensive and complete a sort meat of Goods consisting, in part, of SUGARS, SYRUP, MOLASSES, FLOUR. TEAS, COFFEE, BITTER CHEESE, LARD, SOAPS, STARCH, CANDLES, WINES, ALE* CIDER, ETC., ETC., ETC. To which they call the attention of the Trade may23-4w TM PORTED AND DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS, at vboiisui, fob Family rti, AT 207 BAY STREET. ISRAEL R. SEALY & CO. may'24-tf !=r:r " —"P QLAMS! CLAMS! CLAMS!! IN TUB SHELL OE SHELLED CUT, With other Refreshments, at the oldest and best stand ON HILTON HEAD ISLAND For a va.iety of something Good to Eat at ail times, at THE EAGLE SALOON, In rear ol the Post Office, Port Royal, S. C. PETER FITZGERALD respectfully informs his old friends, and the public in general, that since Oysters at e out of season far a time., his Daily Patrons cau find a good substitute Ilf CLAMS, cooked to order, In every style, at the shortest notice. He has also a constant supply of fresh meats,Poultry, fish* vegetables, From the North and other places in this vicinity. Meals cooked to order at any hour during the day. Our motto Is to “Live well." PETER FITZGERALD, Proprietor. may 23 ts LUNCH! EVERY DAY AT ELEVEN O’CLOCK, . at TAMM’S SALOON, IN BAY LANE. may2o 2w Rear of Custom House. (circular.) OFFICE OF STREET COMMISSIONER. No. 126 South Broad Street, Savannah, Ga., May 26,1806 I. On and after the first day of June, this City will be divided into Two Districts, for the purpose of remov • Inggarbage therefrom. Tne First District comprises all that portion lying North of a direct line drawn through the center of South Broad street, from the eastern to the western limits of the city. Carts will remove the garbage from this District on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each The Second District comprises all that portion lying South of the First District. Carts will remove the gar bage from this District on Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday of each week. H. On and after the above date, all rubbish and gar bage which may accumulate must be put into conve nient vessels, and previous to 7 o'clock in the morning of each day, as above de-.ignated for the respective Districts • such vessels must be placed on the sidewalks of the streets or alleys, and permitted to remain there until emptied by my employees, after which they will be removed by their owners. All other persons are forbidden to destroy or in any way Interfere with the vessels so placed upon the side walks, and they must not be exposed to the public view, except as above specified. in. Keepers of Animals must not permit manure to be thrown into the Streets or Alleys, neither must the accumulation thereof in, or near any stable or yard be permitted to exceed one cart load before being remov ed. IV. The emptying of Slops or Wash-water into the Sewers is hereby forbidden. V. The occupants of buildings and owners of vacant lots will be held individually responsible for the clean liness of the side-walks, streets and alleys adjacent to their premises, leaves and rubbish of all kinds found thereon must be disposed of in the same manner as garbage. Waste-water which cannot otherwise be dis posed of, must be scattered about the streets or alley so that no pools or mud holes will be caused thereby. • The District Inspector will report promptly to this office the name and residence of any person permitting garbage vessels to remain exposed to public view, ex cept iu accordance with “Section II," or in any other way violating the provisions of this Circular in order that thev mhy be reported to the Provost Judge. By command of Brevet Mgj. Gen. GROVER. Albert Stearns, Capt. and Street Commissioner. may2s-St OFFICE SUPERVISOR OF TRADE, Savannah, May 24th, 1865. [Circular.] lam instructed by General Orders No. 11, Headquar ters District of Savannah, April 23d, 1863, to collect a tax of 3 per cent, upon all incomes of six hundred ($600) and upwards, from Real Estate. All persons whose incomes from this source exceed six hundred ($000) dollars per annum, will be required to make a return of such property and Incomes imme diately, for the month of May. Blank returns for this purpose may be had on appli cation at this office. (Signed) ALFRED NEAFIE, Lt. Col. and Supervisor of Trade, may2s-tJunel ___ [Official.] HEADO’RS DEPT. OF THE SOUTH, „ „ - Hilton Head, S.C.. May 22, 1365. General Orders, 1 No. 67. / , ?'nf,K O IJ 0 j V l tlg .V i3 P a i ( 'b from the War Department, is pabltehed for the information of this command: WAR DEPARTMENT, ' T ANARUS„ „ Wabhinoton, 2;20 p M., May 16th, 1865. J?r^ a a° r ®f neral Q. A. Gili.more, Hilton Head. Beneramrri tary -' f W * T direct 9 that ‘be provisions of SndP c » rr ent series, be extended to In elude fill patients who, although requiring further S.ELdt’iSS'’’; r * 6le >° "S 3SA W!, STS the Vetsrau Reserve Corps. * 03 aud our Bes of SAMUEL BRECK, _ ~, .Assistant Adjutant General By cmnmand of Mgr General $ a. GILLMOKE. Assistant Adjutant General. may 23 7t Capt. 35th U. S. c. tl.'/la'a n OFFICE OF HEALTH OFFICER Savannah, Ga„ May 28,1865 Circular No. I. The Vaccination Offices, comer President and Price streets, and Montgomery, near Jones, are, from th*s date discontinued, and the Vaccination Office for t s e City will, in future, be N. W. cor, Hull and Whitaker streets. All persons not vaccinated within six months past, will apply without delay to said office. Vaccina tion hours between 8 and . . M., and 3 and 5, P. M„ dally. (Sundays excepted) A. P. DALRYMPLE, m»y24-Tt Surg, N. 9. V, . Health Officer. §r»OS, I’s. MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS. % APOTHECARIES’ HALL Corner of Barnard and Brockton Streets, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. W r . M. WALSIL M. D. PROPRIETOR. AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL, AYERS’ AGUE CURE, OSGOOD’S CHOLOGOGUE, for Fever aud Ague, DR. COPELAND'S SPECIFIC, so; Fever and Ague. —PILLS NEVER KNOW N TO FAIL BLANCARD’S FKRAGINOUS PILLS, AYER’S PILLS, * WRIGHT’S PILLS, BRANDETH’S FILLS, LEE’S PILLS, JAYNE’S PILIR, HOLLOW/n'S PILLS, HERIICK’B PILLS, SIR JAMES CLARKE’S FEMALE PILLS, DUPONCO’S LADIES' PULS, MANDRAKE’S LIVER PILLS, for Ceisiipatiou and Congested Conditions of the Liver. —OINTMENTS — KENNEDY’S SAIT RHEUM SALVE REDDING S RUSSIA SALVE, DALLY’S PAIN EXTRACTOR, HOLLOWAY’S OIITMENT, GOLDEI EYE SALVE, MCALISTER’S ALL-HEALING ONTMENT, —LINIMENTS— TOBIAS’ VENETIAN LINIMENT. MEXICAN MUSTANG UNIMEIT, SWEET’S LINIMENT, RABWAY’S READY RE.IEF, PERRY DAVIS' PAH KILLER, JAYNES' CARMINATIVE, DALBY’S CARMINATIVE, JAYNE’S EXPECTORANT, SANDFORD’S LIVER INVIGORaTOR, HELMBOLDT'S EXTRACT KCHU. WISTAR'3 BALSAM OF VtfLD CHERRY, MORTIMER’S RHEUMATIC COMPOUND & BLOOD PURIFIER, PIULOTOKEN, HOOFLAND-S BITTERS, WISTAR’S COUGH LOZEN®S, BROWN’S BRONCHIA. TROCHES, KIDDER’S ASTHMATIC FUMIGATUG PASTILES, BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS, for Caghs * Colds, KIDDER’S INDELLIBLE INK, PAYSON’S INDELLIBLE INK. BROWN’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, THAYER’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, THAYER’S ESSENCE JAMAICA BINBER, THAYER’S CONCENTRATED ILUID EXTRACT, SARSAPARILLA, PURE TABLE OIL, NEATSFOOT OIL, | j JAYNE’S VERMIFUGE, FAHNESTOCK'S VERMIFUGE, DR. PERRY’S DEAD SHO' 1 VERMIFUGE, REXFORD’S GINGER BREAD NITS, for Worms, KIDDER’S ENEMA SIRIIGES, GOODYEAR’S CHILDREN ESEJA SYRINGES, FRENCH SELF-ADJUSTING (FRINGES, GUTTA PERCHA SYRINGES, al wee, GLASS AND PEWTER!FRINGES, all sizes, A large assortment of TRUSSESBd SUPPORTERS, DR. PARKE’S SHOULDER BRAES, SAUNDER’S MAGIC BENZINJ for cleansing the most delicate Sts, Van Buskirk’s SOZODONT, Swan’s TOOTH POWDER Clark’s TOOTH FOWDR Thurston’s TOOTH'OWDER Charcoal PAST, Burnett’s WTte Oak WASH. Lubin’s EXTRACTS and ToIIetPOWDER Edrehl’s EXTRACTS, Barney’s EXTRACTS, Phalon’s Night-BUming CEREUS, Bdudolott’s Fmchr EXTRACTS, French ancGerman COLOGNES, Bazin's FLORIDA WATER, ROUGE, LILLY WHITE, Ac., A great variety of Tooth, Naisnd Hair BRUSHES, Genuine Badger Shaviq BRUSHES, Buffalo, India Rubber and Hal Dressing COMBS, Kendall's AMBOLINE, for the Air, Sterling's AMBROSIA, forle Hair, Burnett’s COCOAINE Barney’s Cocoa CAtt'ORINE, Helmstreet’s Inimitable HAIR lESTORER, Parrish’s BANDOLINE, Edrehi’s POMADES, Thompson's POMDES, Bazin’s POMAES, Douglass’ OMADE9, Barry'TRICOPIIERUB, lon’s KATHAIRON, BAI.M OF A THOUSAD FLOWERS, Mrs. Allen’s HAIR RESTOREFmdZYLOBALSAMUM Prof. Wood’s HAIR itSTORATIVE. —HAIR DY|— Batchelor’s HAIR DYE, Mtller’s HAIfDYF-, ’ netiau HAIR DYE, French’s Distilled BAY W/TER, for the Toilet, An endless variety of Toilet. I fAPS, Shaving CREAM, Low’s Genuine Brow Windsor SOAP, A large assortment of POC ET BOOK 9, A large assortment of Sha ir’s HERBS, A variety of POCKET CUjLERY, —FLAVORING Lemon, Almond, Pine AppU Raspberry, Strawberry. Orange, Banana, Rose, Nectarine, Peach, Very nice Velvet SPONGEsjor the Toilet, SEIDLITZ FOA’DERS, I CONGRESS WATER, A large assortment of Fre«lGarden SEEDS, just re ceived from the House 4 David Landretb & Cos., Philadelphia. We invite the attention <j the citizens and Connti v Dealers to the above large hd extensive Stock, which wl 1 be sold low for CASH, it wholesale and retail. HT*N. B. TO PHYSICKNS AND FAMILIES. Onr Stock of DRUGS andOHEMICALS, which are In every day use. are pure, slid can be relied upon, and require no stronger testlnnny of their efficacy than that of coming from Messrs Scheffleln, Brothers A Cos., New York, the largest and host exteusive DrugHou-e In the world, who have had an enviable reputation for the last century and a half. The Compounding and Prescription Department Is under the Immediate supervision of Mr. W. V. V. Wil son (late of the house of Sdomons A Cos., of this city,) For his ability and correctness as a Dispenser of Medi cine, the citizens of Savant ah are respectfully referred to his past record. Physicians' Prescriptions, as formerly, compo -lided at all hours of the night Night Bell on the Broughton street side of the Store. ICED SODA WATER, with choicest Syrups, from Stone Fountains. APOTHECARIES' HALL, Corner of Barnard'bad Broughton Streets. mayll-tf (Official.) HEADQ’RS. DEPT. OF.THE SOUTH. Hu. ton Reap, S. C., May 18, 1865. Grnirat. Orders, \ No. o.j. J The following General Order from the War Depart ment, is published for the information of this com mand: WAR DEPARTMENT. Adjutant Gcnfrai.'s Office, .. „ Washington, May 6, 1865. General Orders! No. S3. f For Reducing the Volunteer Cavalry forces of the Army. I. Immediately upon the receipt of this Order bv Commanding Generals of Armies and Departments, nil 1 oln -iteer soldiers gs the Caralrv arm, whose terms of service will expire prior to October lot, 1865, will be mustered out and discharged the service of the United Stales. In discharging the said troops, the following will be observed: 1. The musters out will be made, in accordance with evi'ding regulations, by the Commissaries of Musters ot Divisions, under the directions of Commissaries of Musters of Corps or Departments. 2 Army and Department Commanders will forth with ascertain the number of raeu within their respec tive commands to be discharged, and report the same direct to the Paymaster General of the Army, forward ing a duplicate of the report to the Adjutant General. Said report must specify the number for each regiment or company, if an independent one. 3. Tile Paymaster General will arrange to make im mediate nayment to the men discb&rgtil, said pay* ments to be made in the Armies or lVp.irtments in which the men may be serving at and lie of muster out. If- All Cavalry remaining in service after the afore said discharges have beeu made, will be immediately consolidated into complete maximum regimental organ izations, and as follows: 1. Army and Department Commanders will select aud designate the organizations to be consolidated 2- Organizations from the same State will be consol idated with each other. 3- All supernumerary commissioned and non-com missioned officers, will be mustered out at the date the consolidation of their respective commands is made 4. The commissioned and non-commissioned officers to be retained, not exceeding the legal number, will be selected by Army aud Department Commanders || 5. The proper Commissaries of Musters, and their Assistants, will be charged, under existing regulations, with the prompt execution of the details. 111. Corps and Department Commanders will see that tho work is pushed with energy, and executed accurately and promptly, using to this end, Division and Brigade Commanders to superintend it, with their respective staff officers, to aid the Mustering Officer In collecting the necessary data for the transfer rolls, (see Circular No. 64, series of 1864, Adjutant Geueral’s Of fice,) muster-out rolls, and other necessary discharge papers, as well as the preparation of the same. IV. Hoises and other public property rendered sur plus by the reduction iu the forces, will be turned over to, and cared for by, the proper officers of the supply departments concerned, V. Regimental and company records, rendered no longer necessary, will be taken charge of by the pro per Commissary of Musters, and forwarded to the Ad jutant General of the Army. The record* of each com pany or regiment must be arranged by themselves, and the package containing them marked distinctly with tbe contents. VI. Commissaries of Masters, and their Assistants, will be held responsible that the necessary rolls are delivered and forwarded to their deetinatlon, without unnecessary delay. By order of the Secretary of War: E. D. TOWNSEND, _ , Assist. AdJt. General. By command ol Major-General Q. A GILLMOKE T. D. Hoboes, Capt. Seth U. S. C.., Act. Asst. Adit. Gen. may2B JMPORTANT NOTICE TO COTTON OWNERS. Office of the U. S. Purchasing Agent, > Savannah, Ga., May 22, 1866. / The attention of cotton owners is called to the fol lowing extracts from the “Amended Regulations for the purchase of products of the Insurrectionary States on Government Account," Issued from the Treasury Department of date May 9th, 1866, and approved by the President of the same date. “I. Agents shall be appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury, with the approval of the President, to purchase for the United States, under special instruc tions from the Secretary of the Treasury, products of the States declared to be In Insurrection at such places as may from time to time be designated by the Secre tary of the Treasury as markets or places of purchaae. • **••••«•« in. The operation* of Purchasing Agents shall be confined to the single article of Cotton; and they shall give public notice at the place to which they rhall be assigned, that they will purchase, in accord ance with these regulations, all cotton not captured or abandoned, which may he brought to them. IV. To meet the requirements of the Sth section of the Act of July 2, 1864, the Agents shall secure all cotton so brought, and fortbw th return to the seller three-fourths thereof, which portion shall be an aver age grade of the whole, according to the certificate of a sworn sampler or expert. V. All cotton purchased and resold by purchasing Agents shall be exempt from all fine and all Interna! taxes. And tbe Agent selling shall mark the same “FREE" and furnish to the purchaser a bill of sale duly and accurately describing the character and quan tity sold, and containing a certificate that it is exempt from taxes and fees as above. «••»»»«• •»•* IX, All Agents are prohibited from purchasing any product of an insurrectionary State, wtiich shall have been captured by the m litary or naval forces of the United States, or which shall have been abandoned by the lawful owner thereof. X. “These regulations, whieh are intended to revoke and annul all others on the subject heretofore made, will take effect aud be in force on and after May 10th, 1805." The undersigned has been appointed Purchasing Agent at Savannah, and hereby gives notice that he is prepared to purchase, in accordance with the regula tions, of which the above paragraphs are extracts, all Cotton not captured or abandoned, which may be brought to him. The war is virtually closed, and to the eHd that the people may, to as full an extent as possible, commence to reap the benefits of a state of peace, it is desiraqle that the old and regular channels of trade be re-estab ed, new ones opened, and the occupations of the peo ple, both in city, he resumed. It is ex pected that the purchase, by the Treasury Department, in good faith of the cotton ip the country now in the hands of its owners, returning therefor a fair and hon cst equivalent, will largely tend to bring about a state of things so much to be desired by all. jljßestrictions upon trade are now virtually abolished, and citizens may, with a few unimportant exceptions, now purchase and take away whatever their necessi ties require, and I feel satisfied that the disposition to do all that may be done to bring about once more a normal and healthy condition of trade will not be wanting. Cotton owners may rest assured that it is now perfectly sale (so far at least as any interference on the part of the Government is concerned) for them to bringjn and dispose of their cotton, The fullest protection will be guaranteed, upon its arrival in Sa vannah, and such other protection and safe conduct as the Agent may he able to obtain for cotton in transitu will be freely afforded It is hoped that before long enterprise will open np better and safer means of communication with, and transportation to, Savannah from the interior than now exists. In the meantime, and until that takes place, owners of Cotton at distant points desirons of marketing it at Savannah, will doubtless be able to devise temporary expedients for accomplishing that end. T. P. ROBB, U. S. Purchasing Agent. Approved : C. GROVER, Brevet Major General Commanding. may 23 ts OFFICE OF THE MEDICAL DIRECTOR, Department of tue Be mi. Hilton Head, S. C„ May 19, 1865. General Orders, > No. 9. J The USA. Officers’ General Hospital, Depart ment of the South, established in accordance with General Orders, No. 127, War Department. A. G. O, series teet. ai Beaufort, 8. C., is hereby transierred to Hilton Head, S. C. MEREmTH CLT MER- Lt.-Col. and Medical Director, Department of the south. Official: W F. Buchanan, Asst Surgeon V- S. Army, Executive Officer. may 23-71 “ HEADQ’KS DIST. OF SAVANNAH,) Savannah, Go., May 20, 1865. / General Order, j General Order No. 33, revoking General Order No. 89, is hereby revoked. General Order No. 29 will therefore Immediately go Into effect, subject to any amendments which may hereafter from time to time be found necessary. By command of Brevt. Maj.-Gen’l C. GROVER. Edwosd G. Dues, A. A. G. ma/20 gTAR LINK. * FOR NEW YORK.’*** The New and Elegant Steamship WEYBO9BETT, Captain Parish, will leave for tbe above port on WEDNESDAY, 31st Inst For freight or passage, having splendid accommo dation, apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN* CO., may24-tf < ji * . i_ JNTERESTING PUBLICATIONS ros THE SOLDIER OR THE CITIZEN. THE MONTHLY NOVELLETTE, * contains a Novelette complete, together wtuh from throe to eight short stories, with Illustrations. Terms : $2 per year. Bingle copies, 26 cents. THE AMERICAN UNION. A riBUSIDE JOURNAL, NO CONTINUED STOBtSS. Thrilling Stories, Racy Sketches. Stirring Adventure* and Choice Home Reading. $3 a year. Four copies, $lO. THE FLAG OF OUR UNION. Devoted to Tales, Sketches, Adventures Poems, News, Novellcttes, *e. $4 per year. THE DOLLAR MONTHLY MAGAZINE, The cheapest magazine In the world. $1.60 a year. Seven copies, $9. Nearly one hundred pages of reading matter and illustrations. Postage only 12 cents per year. TEN CENT NOVELLKTTES. 128 pages In each book ; one-third larger than any other Dime Novel, All of the above publications will be forwarded regu larly by mall, on receipt of price, by ELLIOTT, THOMES * TALBOT, PvamoMb 08 Congress afreet, Boston, Mass. Samples can be seen, or copies purchased, byap plying at THE SAVANNAH HERALD STORE, 111 HAT Him, SAVANNAH, GA. aprlß . u S. SERVICE MAGAZINE. JUST REC EIVE ft and fo* sale at m SAVANNAH HERALD BUILDING. No. 11l Bai (Stiiit, ALSO, ALL THlj NORTHERN DAILY AND WEEKLY PAPERS, COMPLETE FILES OF THE N. Y. DAILIES, Received on the arrival of every Steamer from the North. BEHEMBEB TUB SAVANNAH flhm. rn BUILDING RATION TICKETS. Citizens interested,'are called upon to notice partic ularly the following instructions In reference to their Ration Tickets for the next week. All persons absolutely needy will apply for Tickets at the “Relief Committee Rooms,” in the Exchange, In the following order, viz: district no. 1. Extending from Bay street, south, to South Broad street, and from Bull street, east, (including Magazine Ward), to the city limits. Citizens of this District wil. be served on Monday and Tuesdty next. White fam ilies will be served Horn 9 a. m. to Ip. m. Colored families from 4 p. m. to 6 p. m. district no. 2. Lying east of Bull street and south of South Broad street, extendlngto the city limits. Will be served on Wednesday and Thursday. Whites fro nr «a. m to 1 p. m.; colored from 4to6p. m. m district "o. 3. Lying between Boy afreet and South Broad street, and from Bull street, west, to West Broad street. Will be served on Friday. Whites from 9 a, m. to 1 p. m,; colored from 4to6p. m. district no. A Lying between Bull and West Broad streets, and from South Broad street, south, to the dty limits.— Will be served on Saturday and Monday, May 7th. Whites lrom Ip. m.; colored from 4to 6 p. m! district no. 6. Yamacraw—extending from the river, south, to New street, between West Broad street and the canal. ! Will be served on Tuesday and Wednesday, the Bth and 9th May. Whites from Ip. m.; color ed from 4 to 6 p m. district no. 6. Robertsvllle. Will be served on Thursday, Ma£ 19th. Whites from 9a.m. to Ip.m.; colored from 4 to 6 p. m. HEADQ’RS. U. S. FORCES, ' Savannah, Ga., May 22,1865. General Order! No. 37. j Authorised Dealers In Liquors in this dty will be go verned by the following regulations, viz : I. Liquors will not be sold, or otherwise disposed of, in less quantities than by the quart; and will not bo drank upon the premises of the seller. 11. No liquor will be sold, or otherwise disposed of. to enlisted men of the army or navy, or to persons for re-sale, or to take beyond the mllitair lines or this post, except upon special permit from these Headquar ters. 111. Proprietors will be held responsible for the con duct of their employees, and any person who shall be convicted of having knowingly violated any portion of the foregoing regulations. In addition to suffering the penalties adjudged in the Provost Court having Juris diction, shall be required to leave this District not to By command of Brevet Maj. Gen. C. GROVER, Edward G. Dike, A. A, G. M*y23 ; L&i# i DISINFECTANT. XJ Small quantities of th i Per Manganate ot Potash will be tarnished, at the request of any Physician, b the Health Officer; kbio