Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, June 01, 1865, Image 1
SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. VOL. 1-NO. 117. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING^ 18 PUBLISHED 1)Y 8. W. MAHON «fc CO.. At 111 Bay Street, Savannah, Georgia, teems: Per Copy Five Cents. Per Hundred $3 60. Per Year . ,«£ *lO 00. . advertising: Two Dollars per Square of Ten Lines for first in sertion ; One Dollar lor each subsequent one. Ad vertisements inserted in the morning, will, if desired, appear in the evening without extra charge. JOB PRINTING, In every style, neatly and promptly done. Ijiitsmess jUjarbs. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Robert Erwin, Chas. S. Hardee, may3l-lm QEWI9 L. JONES, SHIPPING,AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Sio IT Broadway , Hew York. Liberal advances on Shipments to above Consign ment, made by HUNTER & GAMMELL, Agents Pioneer Line Steamships. 81 Bay Street, Savannah. Reference in New York— Messrs. SpofFobp, Tileston & Cos. may2C y , , y QUARLES L. COLBY & CO. SHIPPING, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. joneV'baook, cornea Bay and auercorn streets, SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments to the firm of Chas. L. Colby, of New York, or to our friends In Boston. A. H. IIOLWAY, Resident Partner. references; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan & Cos., New York. Jarirs Slade, Esq., New York. ' Horn J Wiley Edinaiids, Boston. Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston. may!3—tf ON NEW YORK. FOR SALE BY H. BRIGHAM, ap2o if J 93 Bay street, STEELE & BURBANK, it Merchants’Row, ** ■' Hilton Head, S. C. Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail purchasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING AND FURNISHING. GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated Ware,Swords, Sashes, Belts, Embroideries, Boots, Caps Fi Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves, &c., &c., &c. QO-PARTNERSHIP, The undersigned haye this day formed a co-partner ship under the firm name of Charles L. Colov <ft Cos, for the transaction of business as Shipping," Commis sion and Forwarding Merchants. CHARLES L. COLBY, ALEXANDER H. HOLWAY, s:page edmands. Savannah. Qa„ May 10th, 1865. ts mayl7 RW. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON • having reopened his office and yard, on Wil liam street, is now prepared to treat (on scientific all diseases incident to Horses that are susceptible of remedy. Charges moderate. Cures warranted. Terms cash feblG ts Bakery & confectionery establish - MENT AT BEAUFORT. We respectfully call the attention of the public to our Bakery & Confectionery Establishment in Sam. A. Cooley’s Building at Beaufort, at which we are prepared promptly to fill any orders which may be for warded to ns. Special attention is paid to the man ufacture of Ornamental Pieces, Fancy Coufectionery, and Elegant Pastry, for holidav or.’ e6tivai tables. Feb. 3-ts McMANUS & MURRAY. un mi ■ ■ ■ . u— , TICKETS. Citizens interested, are called upon to notice partic ularly the following instructions iu reference to their Ration Tickets for the next week. N All persons absolutely needy will apply for Tickets at the “Relief Committee Rooms,” in the Exchange, in the following order, viz: district no. 1. ' Extending from Bay street, south, to South Broad street, aud Irom Bull street, east, (including Magazine Ward], to the city limits. Citizens of this District wil. be served on Monday and next. White fam ilies will be served fiom 9 a. m. to lqi. m. Colored families from 4 p. tn. to 0 p. m. district no. 2. Lying east or Bull street and south of South Broad street, extending to the city limits. Will be served on Wednesday and Thursday. Whites from 9a.m. to 1 p. m. ; colored from 4 to ti p. m. district no. 3. Lying between Bay street and South Broad street, and irom Bull street, west, to West Broad street. - Will be served on Friday. Whites from 9 a,m. p. m,; colored from 4to6p. m. district no. 4. Lying between Bull and West Broad streets, and from South Broad street, south, to the city limits. Will be served on Saturday and Monday, May 7th. Whites irom 9a. m. to lp.m.; colored from 4 to 0 p. m. DISTRICT NO. 5. Yamacraw—extending from the river, south, to New street, between West Broad street anil the canaL Will be served on Tuesday and Wednesday, the Bth and 9th May. Whites from Ip. m.; color ed from 4 to 0 p m. district no. 6. Robertsville. Will be ’served on Thursday, May 10th. Whites from Ip. m.: colored from 4 to 0 p. m. JJKOVUbT COURT NOTICE. * On and after this date, the First Provost Court, Ist Lieut. Ebeu Parsons, Jr., Judge, will be held at the b.B. Court House, corner of Bull and Bay streets. The Second Provost Court, Capt. James M. Walton, Judge, will be held in the room ever Adams’ Express Co.’s office, corner Bay and Drayton streets. The respective jurisdictions are fixed by Genend Order No. 0,, and all parties having business beto<« Courts will govern themselves accordingly. by order, PROVOST JIJ JJGES. nianMk ts OLD newspapers, ' FOR WRAPPING PAPER* For sale at the SAVANNAH HERALD OFFICE NO. 11l BAY STREET. f mar 22 SAVANNAH, GA., THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1865. feoobs anb Clothing. H. A. TOPHAM, ISB CONGRESS STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. NO. T MERCHANTS’ SOW, HILTON HEAD, Calls the attention of Wholesale and Retail purchasers to his superior Stock of MILITARY, NAVAL and CITIZENS’ CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, REGULATION HATS, CAPS, and * GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS For sale at the Lowest Market price. Additions to Stock received by every Steamer from New York. may2s-20t £ V eT GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING EMPORIUM, Corner Bull Street and Bay Lane, Opposite Post Office, • SAVANNAH, G A . A FULL AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT’ OF FINE FURNISHING GOODS. Hats, caps, clothing, UMBRELLAS, NOTION3, TOILET A RTICLES, Arc. may23—eod2w Q C. NORVELL & Cos! CORNER BULL’AND BAY STREETS, HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK; •> • OF— DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAP& EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET,- \ Which will be sold a i AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, UPON THE MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. PRINTS. Lawns, latest styles, Organdies, Organdie Robes, Ginghams, , Jaconets, Moaamlfiques, Bareges, all kinds, Crape Maretz. all colors, MOURNING GOODS. THIS DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE IN ALL ITS DETAILS. GLOVES. Ladies' and Gents’ Black and Colored Kids, best make. Lisle, all colors. Silk, all colors, * Fillet Mfcs. HANDKERCHIEFS. Linen Cambric, Hemstitched, Gents’ Printed Borders, Gents’ Silk. HOSIERY. Ladies' Black and White Silk, Ladies’ Black and White Cotton, Misses' Black and White Cotton, Children’s Black and White Cotton, Ladies’ and Misses’ Gauze Merino Vests, Gents’ Merino Vests. UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. Ribbons, Bonnet and Belt, all kinds. B O N N E T S White,Black and Colored Straw and Braid Bonnetß Ladies’ Misses’ and Children’s Flats, in great va riety, .. A full assortment of Gents’ aad Boys’ Hats. FANS’ IN EVERY VARIETY. LAROE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF - LACHES’ AND OENTS’ SHOES. CLOTHING. Linen and Cassimere Summer Suits, Alapaca Coats, A Foil assortment of Military Dress and Fatigae Uniforms. gTRAW GOODS. Just received from New York a fine Invoice of STRAW HATS, Suitable for the Southern Trade, which will be sold at reasc nuble prices, or exchanged for Rice or Cotton. Address, B. J., may3l-2t Savannah P. O. gTRAW GOODS! * ' A well selected and desirable invoice of Straw Goods, suitable lor the Southern trade, for sale on reasonable terms. Address, B. J., may3l-2t Savannah P. O. jy£ OSQU IT O NETTING, AT may2fl L. C. NORVELL & CO’S, x OFFICE SUPERVISOR OF TRADE, Savannah, May 24th, IBCS. [Circular.] I am instructed by Genet al Orders No. 11, Headqnar tens District of Savannah, April 23d, ISCS, to collect a tax of 3 pe» cent, upon au'l incomes of six hundred (sooo] and upwards, from Heal Estate. All persons whose incomes from this source exceed six handrid ($600) dollars p* r annum, will be required to make u return of such prq perty and incomes imme diately, tor the month of Mu/. Blank returns for this purpose may be had on appli cation at this office. . . ... - (Sigacd) ALFRED NEAFIE, Lt. Col. a) id Supervisor of Trade. may26*tJußel J^EWYORK FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE AGENCY. Insurance onall deseriptious of Property here, or on tl* Ocean, or Inland btovigatiou. can be obtained, in three of the largest Firl and Marine Companies in the CKyofNew Yoifc Rt rates, by applying to i A. A. LANK, Agent. : . Office in gqrell’| Building, Ball st, up stairs. Savannah, May 31,18® may3l-7t AGENCY. O fTfe A N~,*- ftivEß. FIRE. The undessigned Bold AJtniuts«ions from the leading Insurance Corporations hi New York, representing an aggregate cash Capital ol over F’IVE MlLDtOjfe OF DOLLARS, and are prepared to isAe Policies to cover Fifty Thousand Dollars on one application upon Fire Risks at Savamah and inland towns. Cotton and Merchandise—in transit on the Augusta and Macon Rivers, and Ocean Risks generally. r ROMP T SETTLEMENT OF LOSSES, L: C. NORVELL & CO., may29 —i Bnll street, opposite Post Office. Q O LIT M BI A N (MARINE] INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW.YORK. CASH CAPITAL 2. $3,500,000. The undersigned are preparecWo Insure under Open Policy from the above CompanVflo the extent of SIOO,- 000 in property in any ftrat <jjjjss Steamer, and from $50,000 to $75,000 on any first cl As sailing vessel, on the most favdrable New York teriis. i For further particulars apply tot CHARLES L. OOLBY & CO Jones Block, corner Bay and AJrercorn streets, maylS ts Savannah, Ga. Headers District of Savannah, ) Savannah, Ga., May 26, 1865. \ Gknkrai. Orders, > No. 24. * ) The following General Order is republish ed for the information of all concerned: Headqr’s, Department of mie South, ) Hilton Head, 8. C., In 15, 1865.) General Ordeb^l No, 63. J 4 I. The proclamation of A. fi. Magrath, styling himself Governor, of So|th Carolina, dt®ed at Headquarters, Columbia. South Carolina, May 2d, 18C5, declaring that all sub sistence Btores and the property* of the Con federate States within the limits of the State should be turned over and accounted for by the Agents of the State, appointed for that purpose, and directing that the subsistence and other stores shall be used for the relief of the people of the State ; and the proclama tion of Joseph E. Brown, styling himselfGov-' ernor of Georgia, dated at the capitol of that State, on the 3d day of May, 1865, requiring the officers and members of the General As sembly to meet in extraordinary session at the Capitol in Milledgeville on Monday, the 22d day of May, 1865 ; and the proclamation of A. K. Allison, styling himself Acting Gov ernor of Florida, dated at Tallahassee, on the Bth day of April 18G5, giving notice and di rection that an election will be held on Wed nesday, the 7th day of June, 1865, for Gov ernor of the State of Florida ; are, each and all of them, declared null and void, it having become known to me, from trustworthy in formation, that the aforesaid A. G. Magrath, Joseph E. Brown, and A. K. Allison, are dis loyal to the United States, having committed sundry and divers acts of treason against the same, in adhering to their enemies, giving -hem aid and comfort. The persons and peoples, to whom the proclamations hereinabove referred to have been respectively addressed, are therefore enjoined and commanded to give no heed whatever thereto, or to any orders, procla mations, commissions, or commands, emana ting from persons claiming the right to exer cise the functions and authority of Governor in either ot the States of South Carolina, Georgia, or Florida, unless the same shall have been promulgated by the advice or consent of the United States authorities. 11. The policy and wishes of the general government towards the people of these States, and the method which should be pur sued by them in resuming or assuming the exercise of their political rights, will doubt less be made known at an early day. It is deemed sufficient, meanwhile, to an nounce that the people of the black race are free citizens of the United States, that it is the fixed intention of a wise and beneficent government to protect them in the enjoy ment of their freedom and the fruits of their industry, and that it is the manifest and binding duty of all citizens, whites as well as blacks, to make such arrangements and agreements among themselves, lor compen sated labor, as shall be mutually advan tageous to all parties. Neither idleness nor vagrancy will be tolerated, and the govern ment will not extend pecuniary aid to any persons, whether white or black, who are unwilling to help themselves. 111. District and Post Commanders throughout this Department will at once cause this order to be circulated far and wide, by special couriers or otherwise, and will take such steps to secure its enforcement as may by them be deemed necessary. Q. A. Gillmore, Major-General Commanding. T. D. Hodges, Capt. 35th U. S. C. TANARUS., Act. Asst. Adj’tGen’l. The Commanding Officers of the Defences of Savannah, Post of Augusta, Fort Pulaski, and detached commands will see that the above order is circulated, not only within the limits .ot their respective commands but throughout the adjacent country. By command of Brevet Maj. Gen. GROVER. Oliver Matthews, A. A. G. may 27—7 t MINI'S MERCHANT’S MAGAZINE! FJR MAY. This number contains a well written bi ographical sketch of President Lincoln, by Mathew Hale Smith, accompanied by a cap ital engraving. The first article entitled “Physical Features of the Oil Region,"’ by Professor E. W. Evan 9, Marietta College is a highly satisfactory and scientific description of the geological features of those sections of the country denominated the Oil Region The second paper, on “Rail Way accidents, ’ is a highly instructive article. » The Coal Fever, by E. C. Conant, explains the cause of the increasing high prices of this great mineral staple, and shows an intimate knowledge of the cole j. “The House of Hapsbury in merica, by Professor Andrew Ten Broek, r ki continu ation, and presents a surcint n ILS, iye. The of the article is the as sumption by Maximilian of .overeignly of Mexico, and is opposed tc our enforce ment of the Monroe Doctrine. ' “The Law of Place where, the contract is made,” is discussed under the head of com mercial law. The Commercial Chronicle and Review presents au able and comprehensive course of the commercial and financial events of the last month. The Journal of Banking, Currency and Fi nance is a record of especial value to those concerned in banking, as well as to staticiana generally. We cannot say that we concur in the views expressed iu relation to the de finition of money. The author follows the description of some of those economists who have defined money to be “ any 2.:*y that ef fects exchanges ” of commodities. Tillß would exclude all idea of intrinsic value, the essen tial property of money. The writer quotes the authority, among others, of Tooke and Mill in support of this proposition. We are of opinion that if the opinions of these econ omists are scrutinized, it will be found ad verse to this definition ; but if it were other wise, the weight of authority is in fwor of the proposition that nothing is money that does not possess intrinsic value, although the functions of currency are not denied to those various representatives or substitutes for money consisting of bank notes, bills of ex change, bank checks, &c. Os this opinion is Chevelier, Wilson, Gamier, Huskisson and many others. • The remainder of this useful publication contains a VaTUty of the statistics of trade and commerce. FItOJI COLUMBIA, S. C. Arrest of Governor Magrath* His Address to the People of the State. [From the Charleston Courier 27th ult.] Lieut George C. Breck, Third New York Artillery, who was sent with a detachment of fifteen men on a mission to Columbia, S. C., arrived iu this city at seven o’clock Satur day evening with ex-Governor A.G.Magrath. The latter, on his arrival was immediately driven in a carriage from the rail road depot to the steamer Anna Maria, which soon after left for Hilton Head. The Governor on the route was in good spirits, and took his arrest as a matter of course. Lieut. Breck deserves the highest credit for the successful performance of his mission. On his first arrival in Columbia he took up his quarters in the College Campus, aud met with a very kind and hospitable reception from the citizens. From reports which he had received of a bitter feeling still existing iu the interior he had been led to expect, with his small guard, some demonstration of hos tility. He, however, kept on, and, reaching Columbia, delivered Gen.Gillmore’s despatch es to Governor Magrath s Secretary, the Gov ernor having left on a visit to his family at Spartanburg. A courier was despatched after him, but not returning, Lieutenant Breck, after wait ing a short time for an answer started on his return. Upon reaching Oiaugeburg he lound despatches from General Hatch, or dering him to return and arrest A. G. Ma grath. He immediately started back, and on his second arrival lound the Governor awaiting him, having already issued a proc lamation recalling his order in relation to the subsistence stores, and an address to the people of South Carolina, and indicating his authority as Fxecutive of the State. The Governor surrendered himself to Lieutenaut Breck without any exhibition of a desire to avoid arrest. We are indebted to Lieutenant Breck for copies of the Phoenix of the 24th and 25th instant, the latter containing the address to the people. The following is a copy : Executive Department, "» Coi.umaia, May 22, 1865. > To the People of South Carolina : I have this day received information of an order issued by Major-General Q. A. Gill more. I deem it proper, without delay, to present to you for your information, such portions thereof as affect me and concern you ; because they create for you a conflict with the forces of the United States, which can only be avoided by my forbearance to exercise the functions of the Executive De partment of the State. [Here follows General Gillmore"s order in relation to the rebel Governors of South Car olina, Georgia and Florida. ] . I cannot, under all the circumstances which surround you, expose you to the con sequences which will be produced because of any effort on my part—fruitless, if not mischievous, as it must be—to exercise those functions which you iu your confidence have committed to me. Nor am I willing that, without such consequences to you, while in the Executive Chair ©f the State, shall I be PRICE, 6 CENTS held forth to the world charged with crime’; without the most positive declaration, that I am ready to meet and repel it, wherever and by whomsoever made. In that peculiar condition of our affairs, which is now disclosed to you, I feel that my duty, whether considered in regard to my9eff as your Executive, or to you as a people whose welfare is dear to me, is at once plain aud imperative. I will not introduce within this State discord or contention. I will not allow myself to furnish the occasion by which a single atom of suffei ing can be added to that load which now weighs so heavily upon you. I will not give opportunity for conflict between the Government of this State and'the Government of the United States. The functions, therefore, of the Executive are suspended by me from this day. I nder other ciroumstaiic6s and at other times, I would pause iu doing that which I now do without hesitation:and with a perfect, conviction that it is due to you that it should be done, The exercise of the executive pow-. er in the proclamation of the 2d May, 1865, which was complained of, has been rectified and the proclamation recalled. Before my letter was received containing the explana tion of the circumstances which led to the proclamation, these orders have been issued; in which because of “trustworthy informa tion” ot “disloyalty” and “sundry and divers acts of treason,” the iunctions of the Gover nor of the State are suspended and his au thority denied. To exercise my functions in the face of these orders, is to invoke force to sustain me in opposition to that which will be displayed against me. Such a contest could have but one result while to those in the State who would give their support to the Executive, must come penalties and suf fering, without the possibility of advantage. Whatever, therefore, may be the feeling which belongs to me as a man or a citizen, in a case like this where conviction precedes the hearing, and sentence comes before the trial; I feel that it becomes me to be mindful of ihe considerations which involve your peace and affect your welfare. I have said to you before, 1 say to you now, the war sis over, hostilities have ceased: and it is your duty to forbear opposition which is hopeless —contest which is unavailing-—and reconcile to yourselves that submission which the Gov ernment of the United States can impose, and you cannot resist. While the considerations which I have now , expressed lead me to this forbearance in the exercise of the functions of the Executive Department of the State, I owe it to myself, to you, to the State, the Legislature of which, according to the Constitution of this State, elected me the Governor of the State, to make my jprotest against the power claimed and exercised by Gen. Gillmore. It involve* a question which concerns not alone this State, but all the States of the United Slates. It affirms a principle which it is not neces sary now for me to dWcuss. ** Whatever may be youi oohrtiflrm, rttfoViif ing resistance on yoiir part will hut make it - worse. With an earnestness"of the sincerity of which I need not give you assurance, t urge upon you the resitmptida of your peace ful pursuits, and the adaptation of yourselves to those changes which may be made in your condition. Do not he misled by excitement; g"ve no heed to passion; deal resolutely with cts; look the > truth calmly in the face; spill no more blood; accept with thedignity which even misfortune can command, the condition which you canuot avert. In thus suspending the active exercise of the duties ot my office, I do so with the most earnest wish that your sufferings may soon find mitigation and relief: that you may retrieve the waste and loss of prosperi ty which you have endured in the progress of the war, and that you may experience those blessings, intellectual, social and moral, which, under the favor of God, were the great ends which I desired to accom plish. To have succeeded in these would have secured to me a reward, the richest and only inheritance which I could have left to my children. Witli regard to myself, so far as I am af fected by the charges which are made against me, I am ready to answer to them or to any of them. At any time or place, when or where my presence may be de sired of required for investigation, I shall be, if notified thereof, with the least pos sible delay. Whatever I have said, I believe to be true; whatever I have doue, I believe to be right. And with this consciousnes of the rectitude of my purpose and of the in tegrity of my conduct, I shall not avoid, delay or hinder the closest scrutiny that can be devised. To you, among whom I was born ; to yofi, with whom my whole life has been spent; to you, whose confidence I have enjoyed; to you, whose testimony I feel I could well iu-. voke for my conduct, I have but to express the pain which this condition of the State has cost me, aud to wish you all the happi ness which a.people are ever permitted to enjoy. . , A. G. Magrath. The 25tlr Ohio regiment, Lieutenant Col. Ilaughton, arrived at Columbia Thursday evening. They are to constitute the perma nent post garrison of Columbia. The Phce nix, noticing the> arrival of these troops, says .• “With their arrival, we learn that Gov. Magrath has been notified that he is under arrest, on the charge of high treason, and that he will take his departure this day, via Charleston, for the city of Washington.” Still Later. We are indebted to Captain J. R Gillmore, of General Gillmore’s Staff, who has just ar rived from Columbia, for the Phoenix of tbe 26th and 27th instant. They contain nothing ot special interest. Hon. T. J. Goodwin had resigued his office as Mayor of the city of Columbia, and J. G. Gibbs, Esq., was elected to.fill bis place. The Phoenix of Friday, 26th inst., says: Governor Magrath was arrested and taken off in an ambulance, under the escort of a lieutenant and two soldiers, about 2 P. M. yesterday. . Jhe great body of the most res pectable citizens waited upon him during the morning, before his departure, expressing their sympathy and respect. That such an arrest should take place in the capital of South Carolina,.and in the case ot its Execu tive, should be conclusive _as to the complete moral and physical prostration of the ebuntry.