Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, June 01, 1865, Image 2

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    The Savannah Daily Herald.
Tl . —, — T - ■ - ■
8. W Mason & Cos. Pbopbiktoiu.
Sami-ki. W. Mason Ewtok.
. "uhijju_. 1 .
To-day has been set apart by the President
of the United States as a day of humiliation
and prayer. lu the hour when every bosom
is swelling with patriotic piide at the glori
ous triumph of the country over its dread
peril; at a time when the prestige of popular
self-government is rising from a position of
anxiety and disaster to one of imperial in
fluence ; at this moment, when the nation,
like a mighty niouutaiu, emerges once more
from the dark storm which has roiled about
it, and we see how the “ eternal sunshine
settles on its head." we are called upon to
bow our heads to the earth, and to seek Him
iu supplication who holdeth the world and
the nations as in the hollow oi His hand.
But too well do we remember how T the
hand of death was laid upon the President
of the nation, even while it was wildly ex
ulting over the victories which irradiated the
Stars aud Stripes with anew lustre; and
from that sad lesson have we learned to tem
per our rejoicing with humiliation. Aside
from the one great sorrow which has weigh
ed upon the country since the cruel death
of the beloved President, there is still much
in the condition of the people to fill the heart
of every true citizen with concern.
While one section of the common country
is elate in feeling and prosperous in affairs,
the other is cast down, not only with the
mortification of defeat, but with the despair
of ruin and impending destitution. Through
the wide and fair Southern regions of our
country, the people are broken in spirit,
weighed down with the stigma of defeat in a
bad cause, oppressed with want, and tremb
ling with the apprehension of unknown trou
bles in the future. In the prayers that as
ceud throughout the land to-day may they
not lie forgotten, aud may the people whose
Lauds have been held up by the Lord in the
great struggle, receive grace from Him to lay
aside all overweaning pride in tlieir triumph,
to humiliate themselves before Him who
alone gave them the victory, and who for
gives men’s trespasses only as they forgive
those who trespass against them.
Appointment of a Committee to Visit Wash,
At a regular meeting of the Georgia Union
C’lob last evening, Col. Wm. H. Stark, the
President, in the chair, a resolution was
unanimously adopted for the appointment of
a Committee to visit Washington, aud rep
resent to President Johnson the sentiments of
the loyal citizens of Chatham county.
A Committee to select the delegates was
appointed, who reported the following list,
and the names were unanimously accepted:
Wylly Woodbridge, Col. Wm. H. Stark,
Henry Brigham, Col. A. W. Stone, L. S.
Bennett, E. S. Riddell, J. G. Mills, C. K.
Osgood, Dr. P. Y. Clark, Edward Padelford,
and Heniy B. Weed.
The Right Rev. Bishop D. A. Payne, of
the Methodist Episcopal Church, will deliver
an address this day, June Ist, at 4 o’clock P.
M., at the 2nd African Baptist Church, Dr.
Cox, Pastor, Green Square. Subject—Life
and death of our lamented President Lincoln.
RktOpening ok Swkatnam’s Yarietif.s.—
This lavorite and deservedly popular
place ol amusement will be again thrown
open to the public on Friday Evening next.
Mr. Sweatnam has effected a combination
with certain other Artists by which the
strength and attractiveness of his company
will be much increased.
The new members of the Troupe are Miss
Maude St. Leon, Miss Elsie St. Leon, and Mr.
Carner, with others whose uuinea will be
made known hereatter.
Mr. Sweatnam, with Miss Lottie Howland,
La Belle Louise and the former members of
his company, aided by the above-mentioned
reinforcements, will be able to present a style
of entertainments which can scarcely tail to
please his audiences. His own personal tal
ents are well kuown and appreciated, and’he
will continue to be the favorite he ever has
On the opening night the bill will consist
of two legitimate pieces, “The Day After
the Wedding” and “The Rough Diamond,”
together with a Musical Olio, with dancing,
etc., the whole constituting a mo«t attractive
bill, which cau scarcely fail to attract a
crowded house.
The U. 8. Steamers Daffodil and Gera
nium were both in our waters yesterday.
W e give a list 01 the officers of each :
fcU. S. Steamer Daffodil, Captain James E.
llurlburt; John C. Hampton Acting Master ;
Act. Ensigu, N. B. Walker; Act. Engineer,
W. U. Capcn; Act. Engineer, Thos. Forrest-
Act. Engineer, Chas. A. Adams; Act. Mas
ters Mate, Robert Mouston; Paymaster’s
Clerk, James Duval.
I*. 9. Steamer Geranium, Capt. Henry
Pease, jr.; Eusign and Ex. Officer, Geo. W.
Williams; Act Engineer, Sylvester Widlan;
3d. Asst, Engineer, Geo. E. Norris; 3d Asst.
Engineer, H. P. Gurabidan; Act. Master's
Mate, Geo. B. Wingate; Act. Master’s Mate,
Wm. Earl: Surgeon s Steward, Wm. Wright.
Secretary Welles and his party did not
make a lengthy stay in our city, a few
hours being all they could spare. They
made the most ot their time, however, for
taking carriages, they proceeded to visit such
places of interest as were immediately acces
sible on such short notice. Among other visits,
they paid one to the beautiful Cemetery and
grounds at Bonaventure, where the many
beauties of that lovely spot were admired by
them, as they ever are by all who see the
grounds. The Parks and the wide handsome
streets ot our city also elicited their warm
HaviDg received the hospitalities of the Pu
laski House, the party left the city on the
steamer Geranium, which brought them
hither. The party consisted of Secretary
Welles, with a number of his personal friends
and attendants, and Admiral Dahlgren and
suite. Late in the afternoon the whole party
left for Port Royal.
Major Gen. Gillmore, with two of his staff.
Major Goreaud, and Capt. James; and Brev.
Brig. Gen. Stewart L. Woodtord with ladies
and friends, alsiSeft our city for Port Royal
yesterday aftei-j pp.
Ssbcot HEBnlamfriCNTECosT.— ‘This festival
commenced evening, and will be
celebrated appropriately by the Hebrew Con
gregation of this,city during the ensuing two
The children of Israel had journeyed from
the land of bondage in the third month, when
they came into the wilderness of Sinai and
encamped opposite the mount. “Moses
went up unto God and the Lord called unto
him, saying: Tell the children of Israel, ye
have seen what I have done unto the Egypt
ians, and brought you unto myself. Now,
if you will truly obey my voice and keep my
covenant, ye shall be unto me a peculiar
treasure above all nations.”
After Moses had received the divine in
structions, and had been commanded to tell
the people of the requirements of Jehovah
upon the awful and solemn occasion, and
had prepared them for the reception of the
divine commands, the ten commandments
were proclaimed by the Lord, who had
brought them out of the land of Egypt and
the house of bondage.
Thus were the ten commandments given
to the children of Israel, forty-nine days
after leaving Egypt, which are the ground
work of all law, moral aud social, and upon
which rests the great fabric of human and do
mestic happiness.
This festival is celebrated in accordance
with the divine injunction, “It shall be kept
as a festival throughout all your generations. ’
The festival is called Sebuot, or Feast of
Weeks, or Pentecost, or the Giving of the
Ten Commandments, and can- be found in the
19th clmp. 20th verse of Exodus.
the courts.
The following cases were yesterday en
tered upon the docket.
S- W. Mason & Cos., vs. Sam A. Cooley,
contract; action to recover three hundred
and seventy-five dollars and five cents due
for rent. Judgment for plaintiffs.
T. W. Haskln, of New York, vs. Millett
June, claim on agreement for fifteen thou
sand dollars, case continued for thirty days
to enable parties to procure evidence in
New York. Couusel for plaintiff, Thos.
Saddler, of New York ; for defendant, Col
A. W. Stone. Permission was granted Mr.
Wm. Battersby to rent or lease Lot No. 5,
Derby Ward on the south-west corner of
Bay and Whitaker streets, also to Hon. Sol
omon Cohen to take possession of property.
The following cases {were introduced yes
United States vs James Love, chaiged
with beating a colored girl, Harriet Brayil.
Verdict, that the defendant pay a fine of ten
dollars or be imprisoned ten days. Fine
Uriah Cranston vs. Salomon Cohen, action
to collect bill for work done. Settled by ar
Henry East vs Lemuel Hewlett, action for
recovery of cow, and pay for cow killed by
defendant. Ordered that defendant turn
over to plaintiff the cow in his possession
and pay the sum of fifty dollars for the one
killed which was the property of plaintiff.
Angeline Owens vs James Owens, action
for divorce. Ordered that neither party
shall marry, but that they shall live sep
erate. Counsel for plaintiff F. W. Johnson,
R. C Hardwick vs. Bannister, ('colored),
action for recovery of wagon. Ordered that
the wagon in question be turned over to
plaintiff, Counsel for plaintiff Col. A. W.
Stone, for defendant T. W. Johnson.
United States vs Rachel (colored) disturb
ing the peace. Prisoner sent to jail for one
Captche of a British Brio at Ttiifk fob
Port of Savannah. —Yesterday afternoon
a brig having British papers and that cleared
from Turks Island, British West Indies, with
a cargo of salt, bound to New York, attempt -
ed to enter Tybee Inlet. The U. S. gun
boats that are lying in the roads captured
the brig tor violation of the laws of blockade.
A crew was put on board and she was sent
to Port Royal as a prize.
Ffom the Charleston Courier of the 29th
ult. we take the following items of interest:
Important to Planters.
We publish this morning a circular issued
by General Hatch, in which he invites the
planters residing within tfeia military district,
after having; taken the oath of allegiance to
the United States Government, as prescribed
by the President, to make equitable contracts
for labor with the freedmen. The same cir
cular stales that freedmen, inconsequence of
age or infirmity, unable to work, must be
supported by the parish to which they belong.
It will be to the interest of the planters to
act upon the invitation contained in the circu
lar without delay. They arc desirous of se
curing good crops from their lands, and, of
course in order to do that, they must have
men to do the work. The same colored peo
ple who have lived and labored on the plan
tations for years will doubtless willingly re
main with their old masters, provided ar
rangements are made by which they may re
ceive compensation for their toil. » -
A Well-Merited Promotion.
We are not iu the least stirpri sed to learn
the promotion of Col. William Gurney, Com
mandant ot the Post of Charleston, to the
rank of Brigadier-General. Had he not been
so promoted we should have been decidedly
of the belief that the Government failed to
recognize the services ol‘ as brave and accom
plished an officer as ever wielded sword. Gen.
Gurney has always been faithful in the per
formance of his duty, both in the field and at
post, aud the host of friends which he has
made during his career in the Department of
the South will gladly welcome the intelli
gence announcing h'ra entree into the circle of
Naval Items.
The double-ender Pontiac, having on board
a torpedo boat, will sail for New York to
day. . .
The gunboat Winona sails to-day for Ports
mouth, N. H. *
The baik Ethan Alien, which has been an
cbored off Charleston bar for a day or two
pa9t has orders to proceed to Philadelphia.
Arrival of the Alhauibfa.
The steamer Alhambra arrived at the pier
at about 10 A. M. yesterday. She expe
rienced a rough passage from New York,
but met with no accident. The Alhambra
brought a large number of passengers and a
heavy freight.
Tub Meeting at the Theatbe this Even
ing.—The Union,Ladies are requested to
meet at the Theatre Building at 9 o’clock this
morning, together with such gentlemen as
have the leisure aud inclination to assist in
decorating the place iu an appropriate man
ner for the services of the evening. It is
hoped that the attendance will be large, as
there is much work which should be done
and but little time in which to do if,
The restrictions on the correspondence
with civilians in Richmond have now been
An Indianapolis despatch says that about
thirty Indiana Regiments will be mustered
out of the service within two weeks.
Brandreth’z Pills, whose Timely Use, un
der Providence, has often Saved Life.
celebrated Vegetable Pills are no new, un
tried remedy ; they have been used and tested In the
United States for thirty years, and are relied upon
by hundreds of thousands of families as almost their
sole medicine when sick. No care or expense is
spared In theli preparation, and it is certainly true
when 1 assert that no King can have a medicine safer
or surer than Brandreth’s Pills.
They produce a good effect upon disease almdst im
mediately as soon as they are taken. By some won
derful power, perhaps electric or nervous influence, the
progress of diseased action is arrested; where watch
fulness and pain have been present, the system be
comes quieter, and the patient soon obtains refreshing
The genuine BRANDRETH PILL BOX has upon it
B. BRANDRETH in White Letters in the same.
junel i
No Lady’s Toilet Complete
Unless there be the Fragrant Sozodont ! unto the
breath sweet odors it imparts, the gums a ruby redness
soon assume, the teeth quick rival alabaster tint and
seem as pearls set in a coral vase.
Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers.
flipping intelligence.
|fcun Rises Sun SetsjMoon Setsl High’Water
29 | M ... 463 | C 59 | 11 1 1 U 9
30 |Tu .. 453 I C 59 I 11 37 I 11 56
31 | W ... 453 | 7 0 | morn. I mom
IjTh .. 453 | 1 012 j 040
2\Ft .. 453 I 7 1 044 136
3 ; Sft.. 453 j 7 2 I If, | •> 25
4| 8 ... 4£2 | 7 2 148 1 3t7
U 8 steamer Geranium, Pease, Hilton Head; D 8
steamer Daffodil, Hamlin, Hilton Head; steamer W
W Coit. Little, Hilton Head ; sebr E G Finney, Heath
er, Philadelphia: schooner Wononah, Tull, Baltimore
steamer Resolute, Cannon, Hilton Head.
Steamer Emille, Bender, Hiltou Head; steamer
Oneota, Hallett, Hilton Head; schr Caroline Knight,
Ilnckins, New York; steamer Planter, Small, St Bi
mon’sSound, U 8 steamer Oleander. Orel ves, Hiltou
Head; 0 8 steamer Geranium, Pease, Hilton Head
U 8 steamer Daffodil, Haiulin. HUtonllead: steamer
W W Coit, Little, Hilton Head; Star Line steamship
Weybosset, Parish, New York.
Ckntbal. Railroad Bank,
Savannah, Ga., May, Ist, 18C6.
In pursuance of orders, received at this office, all
citizens occupying buildings, whose owners are ab
sent within the Rebel linen, or buildings, or other
I property belonging to disloyal persons, will, unless
I such buildings have been previously assigned—rent
free—settle the rents for the same, due the Uni
ted States, at this office on or before the loti) of
A failure to comply with the above will cans*, a
forfeiture of all claims to further occupation.
Capt. and A. Q. M.. 1 n charge of buildings.
| To families by the quart or gallon, at
OTer Adatps’ Express Office. Bay street.
| . Remaining uncalled for in the Savannah Post Office
■ June 1, ISC*. Persons calling for these letters, will
i please say Advxkhskk, and come prepared w : tk the
necessary change, and present a certificate that thev
have taken the Oath of Allegiance, or an order from
Post Headquarters.
Anderson, Ella Arnhos, Lina
Anderson, Edward Mrs Allen, Lvdlan
Allen, Frances Adams, Martha
Beecher, Abbie Byrnes, Mrs James
Battiee, Alice Beck. Julia
Bowman, Amanda Beattie, Lizzie
Burke, Auuie 7 Bryaut, Lillia
Blessing, Ann Bralky, Margaret
Bell, Ann Banks. Mary A
Brunt, Charlotte Bready, Mrs Patrick
Brown, Cynthia Bannelly, Rebecca
Burke, Caroline Brown, Mrs R
Brav, Charlotte Brown, Sophia
Brallsford, Mrs E Black. Mrs. S M
Bunworth, Ellen Blanchard Miss 9 8
Birch, Eliza Brantley, Miss S D
Brooke, Mrs Oeo W Burroughs, Mrs V G
Brannnm, Hannah Brailsford, Mis Wm 5
Bready, Hannah Brasley, Mary Jane
Beattie, Isabella Burk, Mary
Beau man, Janie Bankston. Mrs M E
Bryan, Jane Beanlard, Mrs
Broome, Mrs J as A Bailey, Margaret
Congers, Mrs A B • Carroll, Mary 2
Calanan, Ann Cunningham, Miss
Cambell, Catharine 2 Cardell, Margaret
Comstock, Carrie Curry, Maggie
Cross, Mrs C Cleary, Mary
Cessar, Charlotte Cassettes, Marv
Crittenden, Miss D Carney, Mary Ann
Cohen, Elizabeth Cosgrove, Mary
Clark, Eliza Cotter, Mary Ann
Cavanauglu Emily M Cohen, Mrs Moses
Cheunult, Elizabeth Caserby, Mary
Clark, Harriet Carroll, Mary
Cohen, Henrietta Carney, Mary
Cohen. Jessie C 5 Cusick, Rosey '
Carter, Isabella Coolege, Rachel
Caffares, Jane * Codey, S J
Collin*. Isabella Cleary, Susannah
Christie, Julia M Cathenvood, Mrs 9 C
Cessar, Louisa W Cole, Susannah M
Dickerson Caroline Dilion, Kate E
Doyle, Ellen 2 Daley, Mary J
Diliou. Ellen Davidson. Mary Ann
Dillon, Elizabeth Dwire. Mary
Dasher, Emily VV Dunn, .Vary A
Downey, Mrs John Denslow. Margaret 7
Downs, Johannah Decker, Mrs R E
Dillon, Kate C Darling. Sarah
Elkins, Fannie Erwin, Sarah
Elarbte, Miss G A Evely, Theodocia
Furpond, Ann Fielder, Mrs
Floyd, Celia Freeman, Mary
Ferd, Ella Folio, M
Farrell, Helen Furguson, Marv A 2
Franklin, Miss H Ford, argafet
Fleming, Jane Flvun, Marv
Fleetwood, Laura C 4 Fisher, Mary
Flanders, Mary Fnlton, Rebecca D
Gallagher, Mis A F Gibbs. Diana
Gage, Ann Gordon, Hattie
Gill, Amanda 3 Geareau, Johannah
Goodwin, Ann Grate, Jane M
Gibbons, Bet3ey Glader, Louise
Guerard, Mrs E B 2 Gay, Mary
Grant, El'za Anu Goldsmith, Mary A
George, Francis C Graham. Marietta
Greene, Fanny Gibbons Polly
Grifllu, Mrs Gould, Rose
Gordon, Lizzie W Gatewood. Susan
Gray, Mrs Gladding, Wm H
Guerard Gordou , Gladding, Snsau
Holland, Amanda Hugunin, Laura 2
Hannah, B Anu Harbert, Leonore
Hearn, Bridget Hutchesen, Maggie E
Higgins, Ellen Holmes, Mary
Harden, Ellen S Harrigan, Maggie
Hann, Emma J Hicks, Mary E
Hendal, Ellen - Hsfll. Mary
Herb, Eliza M Ilines, MaryE 2
Hartigan, lil'za Harbns, Mary E
liellmau. Miss Haney, Martha
Holden, Miss Hat ielcl, Margaret J
Hilton, Jemimah R 2 Herdin, Mary
Henderson, Jane Harness, Mrs Octavia
Hardee, Isabella Hardy, Rebecca
Hopkins, Mrs. John D Hawkins, Susan A
Howard, Josephine Hood Sarah J 2
Holler, Julia 2 Harrey, Sophia
Hosniker, Kate Hopkins, S H
Handel, Lucy Hemmings, Virginia
Hollis, Louisa .
; I J
Jelend, Ann Judd, L A
Jenkins, Catharine Jackson, Lena
Jordon, Delia Jackson, Sophia
Johnson, Erajna Johnson, Sophia
Irwin, Georgia F Jones, Mrs M E A 4
Jones, Kate
Keiffer, Miss A V Kothe Maria
Kearney, Bettey Kent, Mehaley
King, Cornelia Kinnevey, Mary Ann
Kratt, Elizabeth Kelley, Mollie A T
Kinsman, L A King, Mrs Wm L
Kelley, Laura 2
Lue, A B Littlefield, Mrs E J
Lyon, Anna D Lynch. Honora
Love, Annie Louie, Grace
Leo, Catharine Lazarus, Mrs Joseph
Lama, Mrs CAL Lord Jant
Lainple, Mrs Christian Lawrence, Susan
Lee, Elizabeth
Menuy, Ann Middleton, Mrs Mott
McFarland, Almira Meany, Margaret
McDonald, Anna McDonol. Mary A
Muller, Catherine Mathet, Mary
Mack, Eva • McMahon, Mary
Morrison, Elizabeth McClennau, Mary M
Minis, Fannie Morris, Martha
McGrit, Grace Marshall, Mary
Monroe, Hiilda Mltchelsou, Mary
Meany, Ilonurah Mayer, Mary A
Maurice, Harriet Murrell, N
Malpher, Hattie McGlashen, Mrs Peter
Malone, Julia Mann, Rosa 2
McClosky, Julia McLeod, R H
Morrill, Mrs J I) Melvaney, Sarah H
Morrison, James J McGrath, Mrs Thos
Marshall, Julia Mason, Talleulap
Morrell, Lucy Magruder, Victoria
Maideu, Martha J Morrison, Claude
Nixon, Enneb Natal, Jane Ann
Noble, Ellen - Nesbit, Louisa
Nesler, Mrs E Neavitt, Maria
Nasen, Hannah
O > •
O’Bryan, Sirs B A O’Brlne. Mary
Oats, Bridget O'Donohue, Mary
Osgood, Mrs C R Overstreet, Mrs
O’Connor, Mrs Luke O'Donnell, Mrs Owen
Palmer, Mrs C L Price, Mollie
Postcll, Euphcmia Plunkett, Margaret
Penovey, Eliza A Penniman, Mrjs
Pollard, Flora Peck, Rachel
Polley, Flora Perkins, Rose
Prendergast, Mrs J C 2 Patrick, Rosa
Porter, Miss J W Procktor, Susan
Pennyworth, Lizzie Parker, Mrs R S
Pentigass, Mary Pricket, Tisa
Perry. Mary E Peck. Mrs Theodore S
Porter, M A Proctor, Henry
Quinn, Catherine Quint, Mrs C C
Reiley, Ellen Rose, Lanra
Rotliff. Elizabeth Ragan, Martha
Rawscn, Mrs E J Roache, Maria
Ross, Elsie Kinghill, Ruth
Richardson, Mr* K B Roberts, Rachael
Rogers, Hetty Ronerz, Rachael
Robinson, Josephine A Ryan, Mrs Wm
Shedin, Catharine Shaw, Mary E
Smith, Ann Shelton, Mary
Stone, Mrs C Sheedy, Mary
Smith, Charlotte Scudd’er, M ary
Sanroos, Harriet Sonbrer, Miss
btradta, Mrs G B Schneider, Mary E
frehneider, Josephine Smith, Mrs R W
Sail van, Mrs John A Sheedy, Sallie
®““ h ’ Louisa Stanberfy, Sallte
2 , Solllvav, Sarah
whl.ftiif’iu iir Spleldock, Sarah
Sheftall, Mollie W M Stephens, Selah S
styles, Mrs Wm 2
Stephens, Mary
Ann Thorpe, Lizzie J
Eliza Townsend, Margaret
i horn us, Georgia Thompson, Mollie
Tymau, Mrs John W Tapper, Mary
Taylor, Mrs John C Treanor, Sarah
Tnompson, Lellulab Turner, Miss S M
Inal MU«L Timmons. Susan W
Wood, Ann Wadlev Marv t
Whilihau, Bridget 3 Welsct Marv
Wattch. Catharine Warder,
M illiamson, Mrs D A 2 Waller, Mary A
Kington, Eliza 2 Welles, Mary
WaUcer, Eliza Williamaon. 'Marion v
Wilson, Mrs E G Walsh, Mar Wet
\J ayne, Eliza Whitaker, rfs?garet
Walter, Frances Wadlev Mrs m t
Wertkin, Francis wEffi
°„ W Winkler, Rose^ ‘
£ r ' lllams - Mrs Henry Williams, M rs 9
Worne, Harriet Washington, Mrs S 2
Wade, MrsJamezA Ward, Selena
Wsou, Julia P Wright, Susan
WiUiam* Louisa Whitcomb, Sarah
Williams ? Williams, Sarah J
Young, Maria Young, Mrs M E
lonng, Margaret ' ”
Abrams, Messrs A Cos Adams, G W
Ash, C B Ankle, Geo
Adorou, Chss Austin, Toney
AUgood, Haul Allen, Wm
Allen, G A
Barley, Alonzo B Breagnau, John
Busbart, A Brantley, J S
Bennett, Alfred Bruyn, J O
Bruce, A N Butler, J M
Boyles, A L Brantley, L I>
Brower, Chas 2 Blawesy, John
Brennan, Clarence W Bentley, James
Bradwell, Chas Bennett, J R
Blanche, Chas Burnside, Jas C
Backley, Cllas Brans, Israel
Bryan, DeWitt 2 Barrett, John
Blaw, Edward Benedicts James
Boulemnn, E M Holey, M
Bates, Erastus N Beytagh. Martin
Burnside, fellas Breen, Murk
Barden, Fr.-d Buckner, M M J
Barker, F B ft Cos Broderick, M
Brown, Geo H 2 Bradv, Patrick
Bnslard, Henry Buljer, Paul J
Bashler, U Bartheimues. R.M
Barnard.'Jaj M 3 Berlin, Ralph
Bell, J C Beytagli, Robert
Bu ch, John B Balford, Robert
Burch, K T Bostock, Thomas
Brown, Richard Benedict. Thomas E
Brown. Robert Butler, W E
Brown, R E Beldin, Wm
Brockington, Sami A Bently, W M
Boon, S A Barbour, Wm
Branch, 3 W Boman, WDff
Breunau, Thomas
Chase, Alonzo F Cribbans, John
Cordes, A Clark, J W
Coyle, B iroard Collins, J P
Cutone, B irtolo Connerat J V
Colby, Chas L 2 Calvin, J H
Coin, Dft Bro 2 Cavuueaugh, J
Carner, D C Connoly, Joseph
Clarke, D B C essar, John II
Cusick, Dennis Conedon, J P
Crooker, David Churchman, John
Cleary, Dennis Castie, John
Casterberry, E B Conedon, Joseph
Chandler, Edward A Cronin, J
Crowan, Ed M v Cunningham, J
Cohen, C Casey, James L
Champion, F Curry, John
Clarend, Rev F P Cass, John
Collins, Oeo N Crawford, John
Cotter, Garrett Coddington, J M
Cnylor, Geo A Ca ey, James F
Campbell, George Cosgrove, John
Conn. George Caroian, Michael
Christian, U R Colburn, Moses
Cleary, Michael Connell, R C
Cuyler, Nelson A Catherwood. Sami C
Cavuneaugh, Patrick Curn. Thomas
Constantin >, P L Crotty, Thomas J
Croaghan, P J ('halfinch, Thomas
Cady, Patrick Clarke, William J
Cuyler. R K Conway, William
Dashpr, B W Dotey, Morris
Delauy, Daniel Daley, Michael
Davis,EG Duggan, Martin
Danenfelsher, £ Dawson. M
Dupree, Elliott Drake, P R
Daniel, E Deharty, Peter
DeLisle, Gsorgo Donnell. O'Patrick
Doyle. H Davenport. Scipto
Dougherty, John 2 Dixon, 9 D
Downey, J M Davidson, William
Dcyle, John Davis, W E
DeF rd J E Doner, William
Dougherty, J M
Egan. Daniel Elkins. J J
Ellis, E R Egeros, Nicholas
Elkhorn, Mr Elliott, lit Rev 3
Ehlen, Joseph
Freese. Adam Fi’zgerald. J F
Ferry, Andrew Fleming, P J
Frierson ft Butler Ford, Martin
Prick, C C Fleetwood, Wm
Franke, Fred Fuller, Wm L
r niton, Gasper J Flinn, Wm G
Freeborn, Fowler. Wm
Flemmiug, J J Ferriby. Wm
Finhiysou, John Farrell, W II
Forthau. John Fullerton, Murphy
Gibbs. Allen 3 Green, John W
Guden, B W Glover, Joseph
Gilllard, Cooper Graw, J E
Godfrey, D Grubbs, James
Greenfield, D , Gordon, John
Gibbs, Clayton Grant. Josiah
Green, Ed’ Greenwald, Lewis
Ureflkcn, E Garretty, Patrick
Gae. Frank Green,;Patrlck
Godfey, Rev Mr Goodwin, Kutiis
Gibson, Geo Gleason, S W
Gibbon, Geo Gitt, ’I hos W
GuUandit, James / Gumon, Thos
Gillen, John Goodwill, WmT
Green, John Galpin, Wm
Greffken. James Gordon, Wm H
Gilbert, Jos Grady, Wm
Goodbiood, Jos Gsftnette, W C
Gleason, Jas Ooff, Elias F
Holcomb Si Johnson 2 Uethridge, Mr
Hope, Albert , Hart.HC
Hudson, A ' lltcks, H G
Ilartridge. AS 3 Henger, H
UsiusiUH. C 3 Hurtmau, John
Henry. Ohas Hogan, John
Haas, C Uarn, John W
Hopkins, C U Howard, J
Uirsch, David Hayes, John E
Henderson, K F Harper, James
Heady,'E D Henlong. Isaac
Hopkins, Edward Hoff, J D
Uuyle r. Geo B Ilanlong, John
Hardcastle, Geo W Howell, John B
Hudson, Geo A Higgins, John
Harrison, G P Hue,kins. Joseph
Ueddrick, G W Hooker, James H
Hardee. Gen W J Hall ran. John
Hlucher. Geo 2 ilannicut. Lafayette
Harding, Geo 3 Hirschberg, L
Hollenback. G H Hohenstieu, L
Hendry, G N Henderson, M Y
Heims, H Hughan, Martin
Henderson, J Hamilton, Thos
Hinklcv, Ora K Handley, V S
Holt, Kichard Hamin, Wm
Hassid, Kenney Hussey, Wi»
Hatrick, Stephen Howe, Wm D
Holms, Thomas 0 Hart, Wm
Hickey, Thomas Higgins, Walter
Holcomb, Thos 2 Hehwood. All
Hearn, Thos F Holcomb, B F-
Hengnoy, James Hmipt, James L
Htirick, John
Jackson, An the uy Johnson-Jerry
Jones, 0 C Jones, Hubert
Jordan & Foote Joyce, Timothy
Jackson & Jones
King, Barrington Kelly, James
Kiuchlo, Clinton Kein, John H
Karrus. Darby Kavaueungh, John
King, E W Kennedy, John
Kempton, E S Kearuey, Michael
Knapp, Edward Kelly, Michael
Kecten, Frank Kreby, Michael
Keefer, John Kirby, Wili am
Lawshie, Aaron Lofcus, James
Levy, A D Ledman, John L
Landstreet, A C Leacy, John
iAiugei, Caspar Lyon, Levi D
larslie, C C F Lee, Morris*
Lemur, Cyrus B Lark, Peter
Latbrop. Dwight Leacy, Pater J