Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, June 03, 1865, Image 2

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    The Savannah Dajly Herald.
a W. Mason <fc Cos Pbopkietobs
Saecki. W. Mason Ei.itob.
■ i _u '___! —a —i—
That we are. in immediate telegraphic
communication with all points North, as
well as South, of this city, will he a matter
of rejoicing to all. Yesterday, messages
were received direct from Washington city,
the first of which was naturally and proper
ly addressed to Gen, Gillmore. Later iu the
day the Operators on the line interchanged
messages between Richmond, New Orleans,
and other cities North and South of here and
this place.
At about 3 o'clock p. m., the communica
tion failed between Augusta and Columbia,
thus stopping northern talk for the time. It
is hoped that to day communication will be ,
established between this city and Charleston
direct, which will give us more immediate
connection with the North, by way of Char
leston, Richmond, Wiimiugton etc., thus
cutting off the old route by Augusta, Colum
bia etc., and making a difference of some
five hundred miles, by which the line will be
The line will soon be opened to ail points
North, then all persons who can establish
the fact that they have taken the oath of al
legiance ami are nnmistakeably lo3 r al, will
be permitted to use the same on payment of
course, of the usual fees.
It now r frequently happens that messages
are left at the Military Telegraph office, im
perfectly addressed, and all such have to be
committed to the mails.
—From a passenger on this ill-fated steamer,
who arrived in this city yesterday, we
learn that the following citizens of Savannah
were on board : Dr. Alexander of Savanuab,
lost, and two white men, names unknown
Capt. Robert D. Walker, badly burned;
Win. Walker, uninjured ; Capt. Bryan Con
nor, uninjured ; Mathew Hopkius, badly
burned; bis brother saved, uninjured; Jos.
E. Davis, uninjured ; Win. H. Darrett, un
injured ; Capt. Jos. C. Thompson, uninjured;
Eugene Connor, uninjured ; our iuformant
believes that about forty persons perished,
either by the flames, or were drowned.
The Exchange Clock.— The hands on the
dial of this clock which have been sadly de
ranged for several days,w r ere yesterday after
noon regulated, and proper time will now be
shown on its fiicc. AJf. A. Harig, the Keep
er of the City Clocks, informs us that its
mechanical parts really need cleaning—the
finances of the city will not permit this need
ful work to be done at the present time,
however, he hopes to be able to make the
clock perform its work for the present.
Fnou Augusta. —The steamer Comet.
Capt. O. C. Home having on board 193 bales
of government cotton. U. S. Mails, and a
number of passengers arrived at the wharf
•in this city, at noon yesterday. On hoard of
the Comet were fifty men of Washburn’s
Brigade, who have in charge all the baggage
of the Brigade which is returning to Savan
nah over the land route.
Theatre at Hilton Hkad.— Mr, Daven
ports Company commenced operations at
Hilton Head on Thursday Evening, opening
to a large and delighted audience. The pub
lic were as well pleased as they well could
be, and the company seem to be 'in a way
to fill their purses to the utmost.
Thanks —We return thanks to Mr. A. A.
Rice, Superintendent of Adams’ Express
Cos., and to Capt. Honre of the steamer Com
et, for late Augusta papers; and also to Capt.
McGowen. of the the U. S. Revenue Steamer
Nemaha, for late New York papers of the
20. 27 and 28th ultimo
Personal. Maj. Gen. Ilenry C. Wayne,
late Adjutant General of the State of Georgia;
Col. R. A. Wayne, of the First Georgia Regu
lars; Capt. Bryan Conner, of the 47th Ga.
Regt.; and other citizens arrived yesterday
on the Steamer Comet from Augusta.
Lfmiier for Sale. — We call the attention
of the public to the advertisement of Mr. E.
W. Drummond. The stock offered was care
fully selected lor this market and unusual
inducements are offered to buyers.
General Beauregard and staff have been
in Mobile recently. They were expected to
leave tor New Orleans on the 20th ult.
Mrs. General Sherman had a long inter
view with Secretary Seward on the 27th ult,
Jem. Davis is Irons.— There is a sensa
tiou story published in one ot the Philadel
fronTffin T Davh ha 9 pSto
irons that he resisted terribly when the
manacles were put on- »h»t iL «™, tn ,
and then wept, and wantld the^aSHo
shoot him There is probably not ‘ f
truth u tbe statement.. It tnu- ,1!. !!;
certainly without the sanction 0 f the Pr,.m 8
dent, and will not be tolemU by him
There is no need of any such mode t/seem-.
tng the rebel chief. All accounts show that
• e cannot escape from the casemate which
x“ Prepared for bis confinement _
xo good and strong government does an un-
JKTS a ?V This, if true, bad as Jeff. Da
visis, would come under this head. It is
therefore lair to believe that the whole storv
~made.,Up , .m ade ., Up t 0 •??» regardless of all oflfor
considerations. —A«<c Ic *rk Herald 2%th.
Dates to May 31st.
By the arrival of the steamer Comet yes
terday. we have our full files of Augusta pa
pers to May 31. We are indebted to Mr. N.
S. Morse, of the Chronicle & Sentinel for fa
vors. We make the* following extracts from
the papers :
Another Account of the Burning of the
Government Steamer Troup,
l From the Augusta Chronicle <fc Sentinel , Slat |
The steamer Troup had but just left the
Amazon, after taking on a number of passen
gers and a portion oT the cotton, and all had
settled themselves to the prospective enjoy
ment of the balance of the trip without
further mishap, when the cry of fire rang
through the boat The cotton at the stern
was on lire. Air. James Gray, ot this city,
attar rushing to the spot to ascertain the ex
tent of the danger, returned to the pilot
house and told the pilot to head her at once
for the shore, as there was not a minute to
he lost. In a moment’s time, after the first
alarm, the flames had enveloped the steam
er—leaping from bale to bale and creeping
along the under side of the hurricane deck
and driving the passengers to the bow.
The negroes became perfectly panic strick
en, and their looks and actions it is said
were piteous to behold. Iu much iess time
than we take to write these lines, a mass of
human beiugs were struggling in the water:
sotne clinging to cotton bales, '’others swim
tniog for tiie shore, while many, alas, after
feeble calls for help, sank to rise no more.
Alany were lost, it is supposed, by the in
discriminate throwing upon the unfortunates
iu the water cf the cotton bales from the
It is gratifying to hear of instances of noble
heroism in this hour of horror. Were we
able, we should be glad to give the names of
all who, retaining their presence of mind, as
sisted in saving many lives. Air. B. H.
Brodnax, rendered timely aid to the ladies
who were on the hurricane deck, and they
were fortunately got safe to shore, with we
trust, no serious injury from the devouring
flames Air. Chas. Baker, Air. A. A. Rice.
Agent of Adams’ Express office, Air. Jas.
Gray, and others whose name9 do not now
occur to us, gave the most essential aid and
encouragement to the needy and panic strick
en. Mr. Colgar and family providentially
remained on board the Amazon, while Mr.
Redmond returned to town in charge of a
sick passenger.
Air. Brodnax informs us that the last per
son he saw leave the burning wreck was the
negro pilot, who, at the last "moment, leaped
through a broad sheet of flame into the wa
ter, and reached the shore in safety.
Nearly all the baggage was lo3t, Messrs.
Phelps and Bullock, of the Express Com
pany, who had takea the overland route to
Savannah and placed their baggage on the
steamer, lost the whole of it. The pouch of
the Express Company was sayed, but the
large chest, with valuable packages, was
Goins Home. »
Several hundred refugee negroes have re
ported at the Freedman’s Bureau, in this city
within the past day or two, for the purpose
of being forwarded to their homes on the
const, where they design returning to the
employ of their former masters.
Througli to Charleston
Air. Jackson Smick, of this city, left here
yesterday for the purpose of establishing a
line of hacks to run between Jackson's Turn
out, on the South Carolina railroad, and
At the latter place regular connection will
be made with the trains to Charleston.— Cor,-
stitutioiiiilisi 31st.
The State Road.
A gentleman just from the North informs
us that the Western and Atlantic Railroad is
now in operation as far South as Cartersville,'
it having been tbe intention to run cars to
that place yesterday from Chattanooga.—
There are four gangs of construction hands
at work, engaged in repairing the road.—
Constitutionalist 3 1 si.
Orders have been sent forward, under the
direction of the authorities, for a supply of
school books, which have been so long need
ed in our institutions of learning. The free
schools will be recoguized; and schools will
be started for the blacks. #
School Teachers to Take the Oath of
Gen. Molincux has issued an order an
nouncing that school teachers must take the
oath of allegiance to the United States be
fore engaging in the business of instruction.
On the morning of the 27th a fire broke
ont in the Union Bank building, on Broad
street, which was quite serious in its conse
quences. The fire originated in the attic,
trom the carelessness of a negro servant hi
leaving a lighted candle in a sleeping room.
Mr; John Craig, who occupied the premises,
lost largely in furniture, clothing, Ac.
The brick partition walls in this block are
constructed for ventilation puiposes, rather
than security against fire. Through the
holes left lor air, the flames at once commu
nicated to the adjoining building, belonging
to Mr. Robert Walton and occupied by J. \\
Horton, grocer. The attic story was burned
out. Through the walls again the fire caught
in the third building below, occupied by
Stovall A McLaughlin, with the same disas
trous results in the upper story. At this
poiut its further progress was ai rested. For
tunately, the fire in the last mentioned cases
was confined to the attics and roof. The
damage to each of the occupants is consid
erable, both by fire and water.
Washfmrn’s Brigade to return to
We extract the following from the Augusta
Chronicle A Sentinel of the 81st ult ;
“Washburns Brigade —This floe Brigade,
which for some weeks has been encamped at
the Arsenal parade grounds, lias been or
dered to return to Savannah. The citizens
generally will regret this, as the tine diess
parades with which they have been treated
lately have tended much to break the dull
monotony which reigns supreme in this re
gion. Tne troops will leave by cars this
morning for Waynesboro—from thence they'
will march to Savannah.
Gen. Waslibnrn and staff during their
short stay with us, have made a large num
ber of warm friends. The General himself
belongs to that trank, tree, open-hearted
class, who are always at home, and who are
always welcome wherever they go.
j Jo tin Kditors of the Saranrtah Daily Ileralth
The Committee appointed at tbe meeting
held in Commissary Hall, on the 21st of
April, 1863, met on Saturday. Alay 27th,
I»€A, at the rooms, of Brig. Gen. Little
On motion of Col. C. L. Kilburn, the list
ot officers heretofore elected was so amend
ed as to make the following a list of the offi
cers, constituting the permanent Committee,
in accordance with the instructions given the
; by tiie meeting.
Brevt. Brig. Gen. AI. S. Littlefield, U. 3. V.
Col. C. L Kilburn, U. 3. A.
Commander Wnr. Reynolds, U. S. N.
Col. James Lewis, U. 3. V.
Col C. H. Howard, 17. 3. V
Lt. Col. J. C. Carmichael, U. 3. Y.
Lt. Col. R. P. York. U. S. V.
Afajor W. L. AI. Burger, U. 3. V.
Major A. V. Elliott, IT. S. Y.
Major Henry Allen, L T . S. V.
Major A. F. Sears, U. 3. V.
Lt. T. E. Baldwin; C. 3. N.
Lt. O. Kane, U. 3. N.
Capt. T. J. Robinson, L T . 3- V.
Asst. Surg. William Commons, U. 3. N.
Alajor A. G. Salisbury, U. 3. Y.
Maj. T. J. Saunders, (Corresponding.) U.
S. V.
Capt. Jesse Merrill (Recording) U. 3. A.
Tiie Secretary then read to the Committee
a communication from the “Lincoln Soldiers
and Sailors’ Alonumeutal Association” at
Springfield, Illinois, askiug the co-operation
of this Committee, and giving the proposed
plan of proceeding.
CoI.C.L. Kilburn then moved that we hear- i
tily co-operate with that association, and that 1
measures he taken by this committee to give !
every soldier and sailor in this Department
an opportunity to contribute, aud that Ala
jor T. J. Saunders, Alajor W. L AI. Burger ,
aud Capt Jesse Merrill, be appointed a sub- j
committee to prepare the necessary papers i
and blanks for receiving the subscriptions. |
The meeting then adjourned to meet at the
office of Col. C. L. Kilburn, on Monday at 11
A. AI.
On Alonday Alay 29th, 1863, the Commit
tee met in accordance with adjournment.
The following address was then submitted by
the sub committee and adopted :
Port Roval, 3. C.. Alay 29, 1865.
To the Soldiers and Sailors of the*
Department of the South. >
Soon after the death of President. Lincoln
was known at Hilton Head, a large number
of gentlemen connected with the Army and
Navy assembled at Commissary Hall and in
augurated measures, having in view the elec
tion of a monument to his memory, the sub
scriptions to be exclusively from those who
had served under him in a military and na
val capacity. A Permanent Committee was
appointed to correspond with other organ
izations throughout tiie country. A response
has come from Springfield, Illinois, the for
mer home of Abraham Lincoln, where a
“Lincoln Sddiers and Sailors Monumental
Association” has been formed, and put into
working operation all over the country,under
the direction of some of the best men iu the
State. They ask us to co-operate with them;
and, seeing that our intentions are the same,
namely, to erect a lasting memorial, by sol
diers and sailors alone, over tiie mortal re
mains of an honoured leader—we have
unanimously resolved to accede to their re
“Soldiers and Sailors of the Department of j
the South ! we ask that every one of you,
either iu the service or having received an
honorable discharge, subscribe and pay tbe
sum of one dollar for this noble and patriotic
purpose—no more and no less—the amount
raised to be forwarded through officers in
command to our Treasurer, Major A. G. Salis
bury, Paymaster U. S. A. at Hilton Head, 1
S. C’., who wiil see that the same is transmit- I
ted to Hon. James H. Beveridge, State Trea
surer of Illinois, the gentleman selected to
take charge of the funds. Organize then, iu
your companies, regiments and batteries, on
board of each of your gunboats and vessels,
in fact, all over the Department. Scatter
the news broadcast so that every patriot sol
dier and sailor may have an opportunity to i
do his part in this great work. Individual
subscriptions, or those in small amounts, can
be forwarded by mail to Major Salisbury.
“Please give tbe name, lank and regiment,
battery, boat or vessel. Also, give the town,
county und State—or post office, where the
subscriptions are seut by discharged soldiers
Or sailors. Caro will be taken that each per
son subscribing shall receive a certificate of
membership in the Association. - ’
The committee were then directed so have
the address published ip the fqrm of a circu
lar, for distribution, and now ask the earnest
co-operation of all officers in command of
men, in having It understood and pirculatod.
M. S. Littlefield, President.
T. J. Saunders, 1 0 . .
Jesse Merrill. > Secretaries.
Virginia Ladies doing Farm Work. —
We must not fail to mention the fact that
many of the ladies of the farms in the east
ern portion of our State, trom which all the
negroes have gone during the war, and
where other labor could not be procured
have engaged with alacrity in the lighter du
ties ot agriculture. We have hear tof three
young ladies, of one of the most refiued and
lormerly wealthiest families iu Hanover, who
fiaye planted ou their own father’s farm a
larger crop of corn ffiau lips ever grown
there during the wur. Every negro has left
them except a few helpless women and chil
Booth.—The following paragraph is taken
from the Madison Courier of May ]Q, ibUl
Miss Henrietta Irviug, well known as an
actress in Buffalo, entered the room of J.
VV likes Booth, at Stanwlx Hall lust Friday,
aud attacked him with a dirk, cutting his
lace badly. She did not, however, succeed
in inflicting a mortal wound. Failing in this,
she retired to her own room and stabbed her
self, not bad enough to “go dead,’’ however.
The cause was disappointed affection, or some
little affair of that sort.
The following’items are from the New
South of this week. Tbe New South is out
strong for the new city of Port Royal apd a
railroad from Hilton Head to Bluffton :
Alarine News. —As our enteiprising
neighbor of the Savannah Herald publishes
the arrivals and departures to and from
Port Royal, we have concluded to suspend
the list until the establishment of our semi
A Court for South Carolina.— A petition
is iu circulation, and has been numerously
signed at Hilton Head, asking tbe President
to re-establish the United States District
Court for South Carolina as soon as practic
able. We learn that a similar movement is
on foot both in Charleston and Beaufort.
New Steam Saw Mills.— Our energetic
and popular Chief Quartermaster, Major C.
\Y . Tnomas, is gettiug everything iu order
as soon as possible for the rapid completion
of the new hospital, the extension of the
pier and other important matters, anticipa
tory oi the immense defensive works which
are soon, probably, to be commenced at this
On the beach, between Battery Hunter and
the boat yard, there is now being put up a
Sawmill 100 feet long and 40 feet wide, w : th
an engine of 37 horsepower, and two'new
boilers, captured at Savannah.
Another steam mill is being built on the
Elliott plantation, about two miles from Sea
brooks. This will uot only saw square tim
ber and boards, but will have machines lor
cutting shingles. There is a large cypress
swamp near this mill from which The best of
shingles will be made. The engine here is
12 horse power.
111 the rear of the carpenter's shop, and
very near what we call “Deep Water
Creek ” but which was known to the
former occupants of this plantation as
“Coggings Creek,” there is being built anoth
er mill for sawing, planing and turning, with
an engine ot eight horse power. So that
between these three mills any dimension or
style ol lumber or woodwork can be pro
duced from the lumber growing hereabouts.
V\ e learn that all tiie machinery tor these
mills was obtained by employees in the
carpenter’s department, now under the
charge of Mr. John Lindsey who, with his
“head men” will superintend the building
and putting iu running order all these valu
able works. They will be an immense sav
ing to Government and cost but little, as the
machinery was ail taken from abandoned
\Y e make the following extracts from the
Hospital Transcript (published by permission
of Medical Director Clymcr) of this week :
John F. Huber, Surgeon U. S. Y-, has
been placed iu charge of U. S. A. Officers’
General Hospital, Hilton Head, S. C., in ad
dition to his duties as Surgeon iu charge of
the General Hospital.
The U. S. A. Hospital transport S. R.
Spaulding sailed for Annapolis, Aid., on the
26th. She took 280 sick paroled prisoners
from Hilton Head and Jacksonville.
Deaths. —The following named soldiers
died in this Department during the week
ending Alay 27:
At Savannah —George Spark, corporal, D,
128th N. Y. Y, apoplexy.
At Hilton Head—J. 3. Brown, private, E,
14th Ale.; Roland Simpler, seaman, steamer
Gen. Sheridan ; Lawson Byers, pooled pris
oner, Gen. Sherman’s army: George Sharp
stein, private, K, 29th Mich., inflammation
of stomach.
At Beaufort, S. C.—Thomas Jenkins, pri
vate, H, 34th U. S. C. TANARUS., inflammation of
stomach; YY r . W. Millet, private, I, 26tli U.
& C. TANARUS., tetanus; YV. Flood, private, D,
128th U. S. C. TANARUS., inflammation of stomach;
J. Nesbit, private, F, 128th U. S. C. TANARUS., in
flammation of lungs; James RUssell, private,
B, 102d U. S. C. T-, inflammation of stom
ach ; Judson Sharp, private, 2Gth U. 3. C. T-,
inflammation of stomach.
Our New Hospital.— The enterprising
business men of Hilton Head, S. C., will be
pleased to learn that tbe rebuilding of the L T .
S. A. General Hospital at this place has been
commenced. The Surgeon in charge recent
ly visited the Surgeon General’s Office at
Washington, D. C., on business connected
with this improvement. It was there decid
ed that the buildings to be erected shall be
well constructed, and supplied with all the
modern hospital improvements and conveni
ences, inasmuch as the hospital will be a per
manent structure instead of a temporary one
as was originally designed. No effort wiil
be spared iu securing the best possible sys
tem of ventilation and drainage, in order to
conduce to tfie fieulthineas of the buildings
and the vicinity.
Not long since a large tract of land was
deeded to the Medical Department by Major
General Q. A. Gillmoiv, which will be used
for gardens and recreative grounds. These
grounds will be properly graded, and orna
mented with trees, shrubbery, flowers, Ac.
One of the M aids will be partitioned into
rooms of good size, and used as an Officers’
Hospital; another will be arranged in the
best possible manner fi?r the successful treat
ment of diseases qf tfie eye.
We feel satisfied that this Hospital, when
completed, will be oue of the best in the coun
try. It will have accommodations for one
thousand patients, and the necessary number
of Officers and attendants.
The statistics of the old Hospital, which
! has beep ip operation over three years, show
| that this Island is well adapted for tlio loca
| tion of a permanent Army Hospital. We
j hope soon to see its final completion-
An Interesting Item.— The Chief Paymas
! ter, Major Elliott, received, per Fulton, on
her last trip, funds for the payment of dis
| charged officers and soldiers, and, per \va*o
for the payment of all troops in this Depart
ment to the February muster. As soou as
the rolls are made up the Paymasters will
proceed with the business.
What a Steel Steamer Can Do.-A letter
has recently beep received ip Liverpool from
Hat aim, from the master of the blockade
paddle-steamer Lark, in which it is
stated that the Lark had made two voyages
C^ D Hnvan , a ancl Wa| vestop, aad while at
he latter por she yyps cast ashore, where she
lay broadside ou for seven clays, “presenting
the appearance,” says tbe writer, “q! ap old
horse, her framework in several places show
ing through her side. ” Her wheels were also
much uyured, hut in spite of this, and after
a re-fit in the Galveston dry dock, she made
the run back to Havana in 70 hours, and this
with a foul bottom and a cargo of 793 bales
of cotton on board. While in dock at Gal
veston, eight tons of sand were taken out of
the Dark’s bilges, boilers, and condensers.
macom news.
Extracts *«>«» *tle« of Late Paper*.
The following items are gleaned from flies
of late Macon papers :
The Macon aud Western Railroad have
commenced the issue of change notes.
A Federal soldier was shot and killed
ou Thursday night while attempting to enter
a private house.
As a farmer in Bartow county, Ga whs
returning trom a mill during a thunder storm
a few’ days since, both his mules were killed
by lightning, while he himself was unharm
ed. «.
The reconstruction ot the Central Railroad
according to the Alacou papers, is progress
ing. 0
At a sale ot condemned animals in Alacon
a few of the best animals sold at tiie nomiuai
rate of $lO to SBO, and many others bet ween
1 15 and S3O, and many from $5 or uuder to
One of the papers, in speaking of tiie
present appearance of that city, says: “If
Macon is a conquered city, as some people
affirm, she is certainly favored with the mild
est mannered victors of whom record lias
been made. Instead oi being disorderly, or
in any way disturbing the public peace, the
g/eat mass ot the soldiery among us are pre
servers of good order. Avery few disgrace
their profession, when the eyes of their ofli
cers are not upon them, but we are free to
say the number it small. The great crowd of
lazy negroes who filled the streets, during
the first few days the city was occupied by
tiie troops, has disappeared ; but whither wo
know uot. Those remaining are compelled
to do something to avoid starvation. In ad
dition to the number of arrivals of strangers,
and paroled soldiers from Lee’s and Johnson’s
armies, has greatly diminished. Business is
opening gradually but the amount yet done
is small, owing to a scarcity of circulating
mediums—and" what is done is principally
confined to articles of daily consumption. In
tact a number of citizens who were advised
as to the condition of things duriDg the past
two years have expressed in our hearing
their gratification at the great change for the
better that is now so apparent to all-’’
A gentleman from Alacon says that the cit
izens are perfectly satisfied with tiie admin
istration of affairs by Gen. Upton, and are
lieginnmg to resume business. Little pro
duce Irons the interior has been sent in thus
far, as most of the planters are engaged iu
putting in their crops.
Mr. Thomas Purse has been elected Presi
dent pro tern of tiie Central Railroad by the
directors who were in Macon, and will hold
his office until the Ist of June, when the an
nual alection will take place. The employ
ees of the road have been paid off in Central
Railroad bank bills, which bills, together
with government greenbacks, are the medi
um of circulation in Alacon.
It i9 said that the assets of the Central
Railroad Bank will be taken to Savannah
soon, and that the Bank will resume busi
uess in that city. *
The Railroad is in good running order from
Maeon to Alilledgeville, with daily communi
cation between the two places. The road
between Alilledgeville and Eatonton is neaily
The Central Railroad has fixed its rate of
passage on the road at ten cents per mile in
Central Railroads Bank bills, greenbacks or
Augusta Bank bills.
Macon it is stated is nearly free from ail
surplus population. The useless white pop
ulation who infested the cities have been or
dered away and have been compelled to seek
some other location. The hundreds of ne
groes who followed Gen. YYTlson's army have
left the city—some of them have returned to
their old homes.
© ot* l Arriba Is.
■o s *
Dr A L Lowell, str Arago. W N Heyward. S C,
EN K Taicots, H Head. H C Wayne, Ca.
B B Bulloch, lad; and ser-A Putnam, Boston.
vant, Augusta, Ga. A B French- “
C H Phelps, and lady, do. W E Farrar “
Mrs R M Havens, do. Kenneth Me Lea, N Y
0 ACoopen, do. C C Rowley, Hilton Head
Lt Pritchard, II Head. J C Emerson, NH.
Mrs S Cooley, “ K M Lane, Beaufort.
PM Stamm, “ E S Kimball, Boston.
N Murray, Savannah. T C Severance, Port Royai
N D McKinne, H Head. J S Severance, “
T Murray, Sawannah. W Thomas, C 3 A.
Miss Bryan co. Col Wayne, Ga.
J R Pnelps, Columbus. H Bertram, Augusta.
G Volger, Augusta. G C Conner, wife and ser-
H Spears, Ky. vant, Augusta.
J Middleton & servant, Ga.W T Wood, Fla.
L T Groy, Beaufort. B T Napheys, Phila.
II B Thompson, H Head, Mr aud Mrs W H Priolean,
Capt J H Thibadeau,«j3d U Ga.
S C T. W C Bellows, H Head.
II McArdle, USN. / G Hamilton, “
Mrs Cooley, H Head. J W Garnett, Va'
W Gceseli'n, USN. Dr G S Blackie, H He id.
E Carrick, “ Mrs B.ackie, “
T Perry and lady, H Head. W Lee, N Y.
A C Holmes, Fernaudina. S Brown. “
C II Stevenson, Mobile. C Wessell, N Y.
D_Adams : _Ohie : __ i Savannah
pipping gertce.
Steamer Comet, Home,' Augusta, with 193 bales cot
ton and U S mails, to Capt SS Starr, Q. M
Passknuebs— D Ferguson and wife, Mrs W Neyle
Habersham and two children, J C Ferrell, wile and 2
children, Mr and Mrs G C Conner. Mrs Geo L Cope
and four children; Maj Gen II C Wayue, Maj II L Mc-
Intosh and servant, A S Haiti idpc, Fred Myers, Mr
Kolluck, Mr Darrels, Capt He;ward Maj Conner, Mr
Bivins, wile and child
Steamer Golden G.;te. Fitzgerald, Hilton Head; sell
Janies W Aloloy, Russell, Phila; steamer Erailie,Ben
der, Hilton Head, iteamer Achilles, Lawler, liilten
Head ship Java, Daggedd Ilitton Head; steamer
Amazon, Lawton. Angnsta; U 8 steamer Nemuha,
McGowan. Hilton Head; steamer Comet, Horne, Au
gusta, steerner Resolute, Crunon, Hilton Head,
, Steamer Resolute, Cannon, Hilton Herd- U S hos
pital steamer Cosmopolitan. Crowell, Hilton Head
steamer Golden Gate, Fitzgerald, Hilton Hoad, sieam
er U S Grant, Briggs, Darien, steamer Sampson Dep
nette, Hilton ft etui; steamer Emilie, Beucler, Hiltou
Head; V S revenue steamer Nemaha, McGowan, Hil
ton Head.
Hua'cx Hxad, S. C.
May 2s—Brig Waltham, Boston; steamship Arago
New York 29th—Schr Francis R Baird, Bath; brig
R M Heslen, Phila; bark Houstou, Phila: barkeiuinc
Ditmplighter, N Y; sch Wilton, Charleston; sch Silas
C Evans, N V; Hoop Rebecca Hertz, Georgetown: brig
Elmira. Phila. 3btn—Bark Dcncy, Phila; sch Hattie
Baker, Phila; ship Northampton, Bath; steamer VV P
Clyde, Fortress Monroe; Bch J F Farlong, N V. 31st
-.Steamer Starlight, Norfolk: bark Heiress, N V.
June Ist—Steamer Champion, N Y steamer Nevada,
bilg A B Cook, N Y.
May 27th—Brig Sportsman, N Y; sch David B
Doane, Phila; sch Eveline, NY. 29th—Brig Vincent,
Phila; sch Julia, Charleston; sloop Eliza, Savannah.
3*Jth—Sch Annie Lewis, N Y. Jane Ist— Steamer
Starlight, Fortress Monroe.