Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, June 03, 1865, Image 3

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Tt- - -■ • Allcock’* Poronn Platter. A Druggist said the other day, you have no need to advertise your Porous Plasters, for every one sold certainly causes a dozen to be sold, and a dozen sells a i'roea, and so on. You will not be able to supply the demand soon. Bat we can supply a thousand yards a day. affection of the spine cured. Habwori*, Conn., Nov. 11, 1866. Messrs. Taos. Ancona & Cos —Please send, with despatch, twelve dozen Alleock’s Porous Plasters.— Our daily experience confirms their very superior ex cellence. At this moment of writing, a man applies for one who, by entanglement in the shaft of machin ery, had both his legs broken, spiue severely injured, and was for nearly a year entirely helpless. This man found relief very soon by the application of a plaster to h!s spine. He was soon enabled to work, and now he labors as well as ever. He would cheerfully pay |3 for a single Plaster it they could not be had at a lower rate. I am surprised that Surgeons do not make use of these perforated plasters, to the exclusion of all others, as their flexibility and adhesiveness are greatly in advance of all other plasters with which I am acquainted: while the perforations pecnliar to them rendered them greatly superior to all others for onto ary surgical uses. Kno wing the Plasters to be 60 useful, I have no scruples that my sentiments should be known. J. W. JOHNSON, M. D. Principal Agency, Brandreth House, New York. Bold by all Dealers in Medicine. Jn3-l Ko Lady’s Toilet Complete Unless there be the Fragrant Sozodont ! unto the breath sweet odors It imparts, the gums a ruby redness soon assume, the teeth quick rival alabaster tint- and seem as pearls set in a coral vase. So)d by all Druggists and Perfumers. may2s—eodlw • — rL -' 1 ! J t |leto Abbertisementa. -1 " “ The finder will confer a great favor on Miss Elsie St. Leon by returning to Mr. O. M. Moore, at the Post Office, a Letter which, was lost by a careless post boy. ' jtt3 JgOARD WANTED. Board wanted in a genteel private family by a gen tleman and his wife. Church family preferred. Ad dress Post Office, Box 248. ju3-3 -yy ANTED. Au elderly woman as Housekeeper. Must be a good Cook. To a suitable person high wages willlre given Apply to me or at the office of the Savannah Daily Herald. J. K. TONKING, ju3 Sherman House, Hilton Head. ANTED. Two sound, gentle MULES for a light wagon, A good price will be paid if application is made within two days. Apply to L. C. NORVELL & CO., ,iu3-2 corner Bay and Bull sts. iiyilE HOSPITAt TRANSCRIPT." The paper above named is published at Hilton Head 8. S. : by M. J. McKenna. It is designed by the Publisher to make au Interest ing and Instructive Paper, not only for SICK AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS, but a WELCOME WEEKLY VISITOR to all residents of Hilton Head. It will contain Original LOCAL NEWS, a summary of NORTHERN NEWS, and carefully Selected MLB - ITEMS. j U 3-ts jg M. BRUCE. DEALER EXCLUSIVELY IN COTTON. —AND— FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE, AUGUSTA, GA. The undersigned has made every arrangement to resume his commercial pursuits so soon as trade res tiictious are removed. I will be prepared to receive, ‘ tore, insure, compress, ship, sell or purchase Cotton, and make advances o" shipments to any markets in the United States or Europe. I respectfully invite correspondence, samples and shipments by both Planteis and Merchants, assuring all that they can rely upon prompt responses and the fullest information. E. M. BRUCE. 1 refer to Merchants generally throughout the U. S. and to Mtmbers of Congress. ju3-I2t Q ADEN & UNCKLES. GENERAL PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS —IN — GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. &c,, COBNHK OF BAS AND BARNARD STREETS, SAVANNAH, GA, Highest market rates paid for Cotton Wool. Hides &c.. and liberal cash advances made on shipments to oar New York house, jo3-lm jy-ERCHANTS’ LINE SAILING VESSELS. FOR NEW Y O R,K , Ac. 1 CLIPPER SCHOONER "WENOMAH,” Capt. Geo. W. Tall, Will receive Cargo at foot of Jefferson street, on MONDAY, June sth, and be despatched for the abGve port on or before the Bth inst. For freight or passage apply to CHARDES L. COLBY & CO., inS-3t c. r Bay and Abercorn streets. POKT KoTTI HOUSE, ? HILTON HEAD, S- C. RIDDELL & RUGG, Proprietors. E. 6. RIDDELL, # M. W. BCUtt. juS-tf p U L A‘S K' I * H 6 U S E , SAVANNAH, GA. BARTELS & RIDDELL, Proprietors. J. O liABTPXS. * E. S. RIDDELL. ju3- f ' Jl T ST RECEIVED. PEE STEAMER CATHARINE WHITING, 500 BBLS EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, R. H, For sale at low rates, by GAPEN & UNCKLES, juS-1 w Comer Bay and Barnard streets. y>oRN Tor-Sale. • BY THE BUSHEL. Apply at the PLANTER’S HOTEL, ju3-8 corner Bryan and Barnard streets. yUMBKft FOR~SALiT~ ~ 76,000 FEET.WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE BOARDS AND SCANTLING. AT THE OLD I BON STEAMBOAT WHABT. For sale By ju3-4 .E.fcW, DRUMMOND. Imiisemtnts. yOLKS GARTEN 7 O R I ENTAL MINSTRELS. The Manager most respectfully announces to the ladies and gentlemen of the city that they will give three of their Chaste Entertainments at the above named Garden daring the coming week. Due notice will be given of their first Concert. WEIGAND & SCHWARZ, >u3-lt Proprietors. yOLKS GARTEN, CONGRESS STREET, Between Jefferson and Montgomery streets. Will be open to-night, and every night, for the public. Concert Music every Evening from 7 to 10 o'clock by the SAVANNAH CITY ORCHESTRA, Professor George Weioand, Leader. REFRESHMENTS OF THE BEST QUALITY WILL ALWAYS BE ON HAND. ml7—lm • 0 a i &, r jgOARD WANTED. A pleasant room and good board wanted in the vi cinity of South Broad and Bull streets by two young men. Address R. W., Box 44, Post Office, Ga. ju2 jDOARD WANTED. In a genteel family, for a gentleman and wife (Church family preferred.) Post Office Box 248. may3l-tf yOR RENT— A Large and Commodious DWELLING, In a very convenient part of the City. Apply to M. J, DOYLE & CO., may3l-lt No. 110 Bryan street. WANTED. For a small family. Address, ‘‘o. W. M.,"Savannah Post Office lna y-3-tf Rooms ro let at hilton head, s. c„ in The Palmetto Herald Building, comer of Mer chants’ Row and Palmetto Avenue, suitable for busi ness pu-poses or lodgings. Apply to E. S. SAMPSON, Jr., on the premises. ts mar4m J^EMOVAL. Citv Store, No, 2\ under the superintendence of Mr. Gf.o. W, Davis, has been removed to the fourth door west of Barnard Street, on the Bay, whero they are receiving a fresh assortment of Groceries per steamers from New York, and which will be disposed of at re duced prices. Entrance door on Bay Street. JOHN L. VILLALONGA, junel ' 2 Chairman Committee. JgMPTY BOTTLES WANTED, Skehan <Sr Conynghatn of 176 Broughton street, will Pay Cash for all kinds of empty bottles by calling or delivering them at the above number. may23-tf HEADQUARTERS U. S. FORCES, - Office Chief of Military Police, Hilton Head, S. C„ May 24, 1865. (Circular.) In accordance with the recommendation of the Chief Medical Officer of the District, the following sanitary regulations are established for this Post. All garbage accumulated within the Town will at oncp be removed beyond its limits, and all slops must be placed in barrels and removed daily. Officers at this Post have been reported as allowing their stables to remain in such a filthy condition as to engender disease. All Officers are therefore notified that the nnisance referred to will be abated by a prompt removal of the refuse matter, on application to this Office. All wells at this Post will be thoroughly cleansed once each fortnight during the summer months, and the refuse matter removed beyond the Town limits. Chloride of lime will be freely used in all sinks; and where vaults are offensive, the same will be filled with earth and new ones dug; and all out buildings will be kept perfectly cleansed. So much of tne foregoing as affects Officers, will be attended to by the Chief of Police, on application to lus office. Civilians will comply with the same at their own expense. All persons failing to strictly observe the above; will he fined or imprisoned, or both. The Chief of Police hopes that in a matter of such vital importance, all Officers and civilians will do their utmost to prevent the prevalence of any epidemic dur ing the ensuing sickly season. By order of Bt. Brig. Gen. M. 9. LITTLEFIELD, Commanding Post. C. A. Rick, Lt. Col. and Chief of Military Police. may3o-7t pjEKALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE, No. 11l Bat Street. Savannah, Georgia. We respectfully call the attention of the public to the facilities which we have for doing all kinds of Job Printing NEATLY AND PROMPTLY. We have the BEST PRESS IN THE WORLD For doing a variety of work and doing it all we We employ FIRST CLASS PRINTERS, 6f long experience and tried ability. We have NEW PRINTING MATERIALS, From the best Northern foundries, to which we a CONSTANTLY MAKING ADDITIONS We are prepared to execute orders for Posters, Placar . Handbills, Programmes, Play Bills, Circulars, Bills of Fare, Visiting Cards, Wedding Cards, Tickets, Business Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Drafts, Receipts, Checks, Passes, Labels, Constitutions, By-Laws, Pamphlets, Ballads, Legal Blanks, Calendars Envelopes, Or any other kind of Printing, IN ANT STYLE. We have a FINE ASSORTMENT OF INKS roa PRINTING IN COLORS. ORDERS BY MAIL OR EXPRESS Will receive prompt and careful attention, and the work ■will be forwarded FREE OF CHARGE FOR TRANSPORTATION. We endeavor to do all onr work well, and to'feive complete satisfaction to onr customers. OUR PRICES Are as low as the present high cost of stock, mate rial, labor and living will admit oi, and are below the "ucreased rates which rule in other lines of business. S W. MASON & CO„ 111 Bay street. Savannah, Georgia. (Groceries. pj l I. T O N 'ARAN d'klT; WHOLESALE GROCERS, 193 BAY STREET, NEAR BARNARD. SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. Will be in constant receipt, per Steamers from New York, of an extensive and complete assortment of Goods consisting, in part, of SUGARS, SYRUP, MOLASSES, FLOUR, TEAS, COFFEE, BUTTER, CHEESE, LARD, s SOAPS, STARCH, CANDLKS. WINES, ALE’ CIDER, ETC., ETC., ETC. To which they call the attention of the Trade. may23-4w arrTval of goods. SKEHAN & CONYNGHAM, Os 176 Broughton Street, Have just received, per Steamship Blackstotje, ala ge and well assorted Cargo ol BOOTS and SHOES, Ladies’ BALMORALS, Ac-, Gentlemen’s Felt and Straw HATS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, WINES, Bourbon and other WHISKEYS, O. Dumas and other BRANDIES in Cases, Holland GIN, Dublin and London PORTER, Golden ALE, in Cases and Barrels, Which we offer at low prices to the Trade. SKEHAN & CONYNGHAM, may26-tf 176 Broughton Street. QADEN & UNCKLES. Corner of Bay and Barnard Streets, Have just received a large Stock of GOODS, consist ing of— Extra Family FLOUR, SO baits BAGGING, 630 coils ROPE, And a general assortment of TEAS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ALES, WINES,, LIQUORS, SEGARS, PRESERVES, PICKLES HARDWARE, LAMPS, Kerosene OIL, CANDLES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES. CAPS, Ac.. Ac. Which they offer at the lowest market rates.’ Savannah. May 24,1565. may2s-7t ■gACON.j FOUR HHDS. BALTIMORE BACON, For sale by - BRIGHAM. BALDWIN & CO. mays ts ' JMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WINES ANO LIQDO KS , ' AT WHOLESALE, FOB FAMILY USE, AT 207 BAY STREET. ISRAEL R. SEALY & CO. may24-tf AND CIDER. Hammer's Champagne ALE, in bbls; CIDER, in cases; At low prices, to close shipment, by jnnel-3 HILTON & RANDELL. FOR SALeT * 160.Q00 feet assorted WHITE PINE BOARDS; PLANKS, tongued and grooved; SCANTLING. AIso—DOORS, WINDOW SASHES. PICKETS for Fencing and Shingles. Apply to HENRY JOHNSON, junel-lw Fernandina, Fla. HEADQUARTERS U. S, FORCES, Hilton Head, St. Helena, Daufuskie and Bull’s Islands, Hilton Head, S. C., May 28,1865. General Orders,) No. 21. j - I. Captain James W. Graham, 9th Conn. Vet. Vols., is hereby announced as Provost Marshal of this Post, and will be obeyed and renpected accordingly, Capt. Graham will receipt, to Capt. John Rich, 144 N.Y. Vola, Provost Marshal of Port Royal District, for all government property pertaining to the Post Provost Marshal’s Office. By order of Bt. Brig. Gen. M. S. LITTLEFIELD. CHAS C. 9IVER, Capt. 144 N. Y. Vola, A. A. A. Gen. (Official.) C. Silva, Capt, and A. A. D. C. may3Q-7t [Okfioiai..[ HEADQ’RS., DEPT. OF THE SOUTH Hilton Head, a. C., May 2», 1800. General ORDER, t No. 74. f So much of Paragraph 11. of General Order No. 131, series of 1860, from these Headquarters, as designates the troops in the former District of Boaufort as the Second Separate Brigade, and those in the former Dis trict of HHton Head as the Third Separate Brigade, is hereby revoked, and hereafter the troops in the Dis trict of Port Royal will be designated as the Second Separate Brigade, this District Command being com posed of mixed troops equivalent to a Brigade. By command of Maj. Gen. Q. A, GILLMORE. W. L. M. Bvrusb, Assistant Adjutant General. T D. Houses Capt. 35th U. 8. C. TANARUS„ Act. Aset. Adit. Gen. msyai-Tt rpn« NEW SKIRT FOR 1865.', A wonderful invention for Ladies. Unquestionably perior to all others. Don't fail to read the advertisement in the Savanna* Herald, contalning| full particulars, every Monday morning. edexM3mo martl |r«os, fc. MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS. APOTHECARIES’ HALL CItRNKR OF BaRNAKD AND BrOCHTON StRKKTS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. W. M. WALSH, M. D. PROPRIETOR. AYER’S SARSAPARILLA, AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL, AYERS’ AGUE CURE, OSGOOD’S CHOLOGOGUE, for Fever and Ague, DR. COPELAND’S SPECIFIC, for Fever and Ague —PILLS NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL— BLANCARD’S FERAGINOU9 PILLS, AYER’S PILLS, WRIGHT’S PILLS, BRANDETH’S FILLS, LEE’S PILLS, JAYNE’S PILLS HOLLOWAY’S PILLS HERRICK’S PILLS, SIR JAMES CLARKE’S FEMALE PILLS DUPONCO’S LADIES’ PILLS, MANDRAKE’S LIVER PILLS for Constipation and Congested Conditions of the Liver. —ointments— KENNEDY’S SALT RHEUM SALVE, REDDING’S RUSSIA SALVE, DALLY’S PAIN EXTRACTOR, HOLLOWAY’S OINTMENT, GOLDEN EYE SALVE. MCALISTER’S ALL-HEALING OINTMENT, TOBIAS’ VENETIAN LINIMENT, MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT, SWEET’S LINIMENT, RADWAY’S READY RELIEF, PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER, JAYNES’ CARMINATIVE, DALBY’S CARMINATIVE, JAYNE’S EXPECTORANT, SANDFORD’S LIVER INVIGORATOR, HELMBOLDT’S EXTRACT BUCHU, WISTAR’3 BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, MORTIMER'S RHEUMATIC COMPOUND & BLOOD TURIFIER, PHnOTOKEN, HOOFLAND’S BITTERS, WISTAR’S COUGH LOZENGE = BROWN’S BRONCHIAL T.fOCHES, KIDDER’S ARTHMATIC FUMIGATING PASTILE9, BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS, for Conghs & Colds, KIDDER’S INDELLIBLE INK, PAYSON’S INDELLIBLE INK, BROWN’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, TILAYER’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, THAYER’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, THAYER’S CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT, SARSAPARILLA, PURE TABLE OIL, NEATSFOOT OIL, JAYNE’S VERMIFUGE, FAHNESTOCK’S VERMIFUGE, DR. PERRY’S DEAD SHOT VERMIFUGE, REXFORD’S GINGER BREAD NUTS, for Worms, KIDDER’S ENEMA SYRINGES, GOODYEAR’S CHILDREN ENEMA SYRINGES, FRENCH SELF-ADJUSTING SYRINGES, GUTTA PERCHA SYRINGES, all rites, GLASS AND PEWTER SYRINGES, all sices, A laige assortment of TRUSSES and SUPPORTERS, DR. PARKE’S SHOULDER BRACES, SAUNDER’S MAGIC BENZINE, for cleansing the most delicate Silks, Van Buskirk's SOZODONT, Swan’s TOOTH POWDER. Clark’s TOOTH POWDER. Thurston’s TOOTH POWDER, Charcoal PASTE, Burnett’s White Oak WASH. Lubin’s EXTRACTS and Toilet POWDER, Edrehi's EXTRACTS, Barney’s EXTRACTS, Phalon’s Night-Blooming CEREUB, Bandolott’s French EXTRACTS, French and German COLOGNES, Bazin’s FLORIDA WATER, ROUGES, LILLY WHITE, &e„ A great variety of Tooth, Nail and Hair BRUSHES, Genuine Badger Shaving BRUStBSS, Buffalo, India Rubber and Horn Dressing COMBS, Kendall’s AMBOLINE, for the Hair, Sterling’s AMBROSIA, for the Hair, Burnett’s COCOAINE, Barney’s Cocoa CASTORINE, Heimstreet’s Inimitable HAIR RESTORER, Parri-h’s BANDOLINE, Edrehi’s POMADEa Thompson’s POMADES, Bazin’S POMADES, Douglass’ POMADES, Barry’s TRICOPHERUS, Lyon's KATHAERON, BALM OF A THOUSAND FLOWERa Mrs Allen’s HAIR RESTORER andZYLOBALSAMUM Prof. Wood’s HAIR RESTORATIVE. —HAIR DYES— Batchelor's HAIR DYE, Miller’s HAIR DYE, Venetian HAIR DYE, French’s Distilled BAY WATER, for the Toilet, An endless variety of Toilet SOAPS, Shaving CREAM, Low’s Genuine Brown Windsor SOAP, A large assortment of POCKET BOOKa A large assortment of Shaker’s HERBS, A variety of POCKET CUTLERY, —flavoring extracts— Lemon, Almond, Pme Apple, Raspberry, Strawberry. Orange, Banana, Rose, Vanilla, Nectarine, Peach, Very nice Velvet SPONGEa for the Toilet, SEIDLITZ POWDERa CONGRESS WATER, A large assortment of Fresh Garden SEEDS, just re ceived from the House of David Landreth & Cos., Philadelphia We invite the attention of the citizens and Country Dealers to the above large and extensive Stock, which wi 1 be sold low for CASH, at wholesale and retail. e&“N. B TO PHYSICIANS AND FAMILIES. Our Stock of DRUGS and CHEMICALa which are in every day use. are pure, and can be relied upon, and require no stronger testimony of their efficacy than that of coming from Messrs, Schefflelu. Brothers & Cos., New York, the largest and most extensive DrugHouie in the world, who have had an enviable reputation for the last century and a half. The Compounding and Pressription Department is under the immediate supervision of Mr. W. V. V. Wil son (late of the house of Solomons & Cos ., of this city,) For his ability and correotness as a Dispenser of Medi cine, the citizens of Savannah are respectfully referred to his past record. Physicians’ Prescriptions, as formerly, compo Jaded at all hours of the night. Night Bell on the Broughton street side of the Store. ICED SODA WATER, with choicest Syrups, from Stone Fountains, APOTHECARIES’ HALL, Comer of Barnard and Broughton Streets, mayll-tr ar. ftationerg, st. JNTKREBTINQ PUBLICATIONS rot M » THE SOLDI E Bruit THE CITIZEN. THE MONTHLY NOVELLETTB, contains a Novelette complete, together with from three to eight short stories, with Illustrations. Terms: $2 per year. Bingle copies, 25 cents. THE AMERICAN UNION. A I*tBBBII>E JOURNAL NO CONTINUED 6TOBIEB. Thrilling Stories, Racy Sketches, Stirring Adventures and Choice Homo Reading. $3 a year. Four copies, $lO. THE FLAG OF OUR UNION. Devoted to Tales, Sketches, Adventures Poems, News, Novellettes, «fer. $4 per year. THE DOLLAR MONTHLY MAGAZINE. The cheapest magazine in the world. $1.60 a year. Seven copies, $9. Nearly one hundred pages of reading - matter and Illustrations. Postage only 12 cents per year. TEN CENT NOVELLETTES. 123 pages in each book; one-third larger than any other Dime Novel, All of the above publications will be forwarded regu larly by mail, on receipt of price, by ELLIOTT, THOMES & TALBOT, PUBLISHERS, 63 Congress street, Boston, Mass. Samples can be seen, or copies purchased, by ap plying at THE SAVANNAH HERALD STORE, 141 BAT STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. aprlS ts iiestaurants, W E StTIT — AT I-- THE ‘‘OFFICE,’’ No. 1 }f Merchant’s Row, PORT ROYAL, S. C. I do not advertise my Bill of Fare because it is alter ed every day and a printed Bill of Fare is put on each table every morning. THERE IS WHERE THE LAUGHCOMES IN. My Ice Houses are now filled with Turkeys, chick ens, Beef. Pork, Fish, Mutton, Pork Sausages, Vege tables, anil Salads of all descriptions. THERE IS WHERE THE LAUGH COMES IN, I have now on band abont’twelre hundred p ounds of Ice, so that I can make Ice Cream EVERY DAY and keep my Soda Water and Beer cool. IOK WATER FOR EVERYBODY. THERE IS WHERE THE I.AUOH COMES IN. I have three Punkahs and several girls with fans to keep the flies from the ladies and gentlemen while eating their cleanly served up meals. THERE IS WHERE THE LAUGH COME3 IN, My Cooks, Waiters, dec., are nil clean. My Saloon has been uewly papered, painted, whitewashed, Ac. THERE IS WHERE THE L VUGH COMES IN. There is noman in Port Royal that can serve up Clams In every style better than Mr. Fitzgerald, at the Eagle Saloon,'in the rear of the Post Office, THERE IS WHERE THE LAUGH COMES IN. There are many men in New York who go to Water street, where they can get their whiskey for three cents per glass. But yon will find that GENTLLEMEN will go where thoy get the best articles regardless cf cx pense. AND THAT IS WHERE THE LAUGH COMES IN. HONEY IS UP AND SUGAR IS DOWN. BENJAMIN HONEY, Proprietor QLAMS! CLAMS 1 CLAMS! IN TUK SIIEI.L OB SHELLED OFT, With other Refreshments, at the oldest and best stand ON HILTON HEAD ISLAND, For a vaiety of something Good to Eat at ail times, at THE EAGLE SALOON, In rear ot the Post Office, Port Royal, S. C. PETER FITZGERALD respectfully informs his old friends, and the public in general, that since Oysters are out of season for a time., his Daily Patrous can find a good substitute in CLAMS, cooked to order, in every style, at the shortest notice. He has also a constant supply of FRESH MEATS, POULTRY, FISH A VEGETABLES, From the North and other places in this vicinity. Meals cooked to order at any hour during the day Our motto is to "live well. ’’ PETER FITZGERALD, Proprietor, may 23 ts J^UNCH! LUNCH! EVERY DAY AT ELEVEN O’CLOCK, AT TAMM’S SALOON, IN BAY LANE, Rear of Custom House. HECKS ON NEW YORK, IN SUMS TO SUIT PURCHASERS. AT PAR —BY — L, C. NORTE bull street (opposite Post Office.) It , . . OFFICE OF HEALTH OFFICER fj ‘ •Savannah, Ga., May 23,180 c. Cißori.Aß, No. 11. The issue of Per Manganate of Potash is. diacontiu ned. Common Lime, and Chloride of Lime will be is sued instead, for disinfecting purposes by procuring the Order of the Health Officer, north west cornsr of Hull and Whitaker streets. A. T. DALRYMPLE, H may 24-7 t Surg. N. S. V. Health Officer, . m