Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, June 05, 1865, Image 1

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SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. VOL. I—NO. 119. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING) IS rii HUSHED BY 8. W. MASON «fc -CO.. At 111 Bat Street, Savannah, Georgia. TkgMS: Per Copy .. .Five Ceuta. Per Hundred $3 60. per Year...' $lO 00. ADVERTISING: Two Dollars per Square of Ten Lines for first in sertion ; One Dollar for each subsequent one. Ad vertisements inserted in the morning, will, if desired, appear in the evening without extra charge. .FOB PRINTING, In every style, neatly and promptly done. ilitshtcss Carfcrs. P M BRUCE. ‘dealer exclusively in cotton. —AND— FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE, AUGUSTA, GA. The undersigned has made every arrangement to resume his commercial pursuits so soon as trade res trictions are removed. I will be prepared to receive, store, insure, compress, ship, sell or purchase Cotton, and make advances on shipments to any markets in the United States or Europe. I respectfully invite correspondence, samples and shipments by both Planters and Merchants, assuring all that they can rely upon prompt responses and the fullest information. E. M. BRUCE. I refer to Merchants generally throughout the U. S. and to Members of Congress. jn3-I‘2t Qj_ ADEN & UNCKLES. GENERAL PRODUCE- AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS —IN— GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. Ac*., CORNER OF HAY AND BARNARD STREETS, SAVANNAH, GA. Highest market rates paid for Cotton, W 001, Hides &c., and liberal cash advances made on shipments to our New York house, jo.t-1 m AGENTS FOR iSRAEi. R. SEAI.Y, Wholesale Dealers in ALES, WINES and IMPORTED LIQUORS, Os all Kinds and Qualities. No. 5, MERCHANTS’ ROM', Hii.ton Head, S. C junel lmo BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. MERCHANTS’ ROW, HILTON HEAD, S. C., —‘AND— CORNER HKYAN STREET AND MARKET SQUARE, SAVANNAH, GA. may.'id ts pBWIN & HARDER. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, HAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Robert Erwin, Ciias. S. Hardee, may3l-eod2m J EWI9 L. JONES. SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, A'o 17 Broadway , A'eto York. Liberal advances on Shipments to above Consign ment, made by HUNTER & GAMMELL. Agents Pioneer Line Steamships. 34 Bay Street, Savannah. Reference in New York— Messrs. Spoeford, Tii.eston & Cos. may2G QUARLES L. COLBY CO. SHIPPING, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. JONES BLOCK, CORNER BAY AND ABERCORN STREETS, SAVANNAH. GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments to the firm of Chas. L. Colby, of New York, or to our friends in Boston. A. H. nOLM’AY, Resident Partner. - REVERENCES; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan & Cos., New York. Jarive Slade, Esq., New York. Hon. J Wiley Edmunds, Boston. Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston. may IS—ts TK£LE~& BURBANK, it Merchants’Row, Hilton Head, S. C. Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail purchasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated Ware,Swords, Sashes, Belts, Embroideries,Boots, Caps Fi Glasses. Gauntlets Gloves. <tec.. <fcc., Ac. QO- PARTNERSHIP, The undersigned have this day formed a co-partner ship under the firm name of Charles L. Coloy A Cos., for the transaction of business as Shipping, Commis sion and Forwarding Merchants. CHARLES L. COLBY, ALEXANDER 11. HOLM'AY, S.PAGE EDMANDS. Savannah. oa., May Kith, 10)5. ts maylt RM\ CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON • having icopcned his office and yard, on M’il liam street, is now prepared to treat (on scientific principles.) all diseases incident to Horses that are susceptible of remedy. Charges moderate. Cures warranted. Terms cash. feblG ts Baker \ &~confrctjoner if Esf ABUKii- MENT AT BEAUFORT. M e respectfully call the attention of the public to our Bakery A Confectionery Establishment m Sam. A. Cooley’s Building at Beaufort, at which we are prepared promptly to till any orders which may be for warded to ns. Special attention is paid to the man uiacture of Ornamental Pieces. Fancy Confectionery, and Elegant Pastry, for holiday on' estival tables. * eh- a-ts McManus a Murray. new vork. L ' FOR SALE BY H. BRIGHAM, - If S3 Bay street. To families by the quart or gallon, at O’MEARA A CO’S mL24 over Adams’ Express Office, Bay street. [From our Extra of' Saturday Evening.] Latest News From the North. Dates TO THE 30ih, ARRIVAL OF THE TRISTRAM SHANDY. Seddon, R. M. T. Hunter and Judge Camp bell at .Fort Pulaski* By the arrival of the gunboat Tristram Shandy, froor Fortress Monroe, May 31st, M-e have dates to the 30th. The Tristram Shandy brought down Ex- Secretary of War Seddon, R. M. T. Hunter, and Judge Campbell, who are now' confined iu Fort Pulaski. AMNESTY. THE TERMS OF PARDON FOR THE REBELS. PRES’T JOHNSON’S TREAT MENT OF TRAITORS. Who are to be Restored to Citi zenship and who are to be Disfranchised. All Civil Officers of the Confederate States, and all Military or STaval Officers above the Rank of Colonel in the Army, and Xiieut. in the Navy, Excluded from its Benefits. No Pardon for Rebel Governors, Ex-IJ. S. Congressmen and Judges, Renegade West Pointers, Canadian Conspirators, Pi rates or Raiders. No Hope for Persons who Have 111-Treated lulled States Prisoners. All Voluntary Rebels with Over Twenty Thousand Dollars of Taxable Property Excluded. HOW A PARDON MAY BE OBTAINED. SPECIAL APPLICA TION TO BE MADE ■TO THE PRESIDENT, &c., &c., &c. By the President of the United States of America—A Proclamation. Whereas, The President of the United States on the eighth day ot December, A. D., eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and on the twenty-sixth day of March, A. D., eighteen hundred and sixty-four, did, with the ob ject to suppress the existing rebellion, to in duce ail persons to return to their loyalty, and to restore the authority of the United States, issue proclamations offering amnesty and pardon to certain persons who had di rectly or by implication participated in the said rebellion; And w’bereas, Many persons who had so engaged in said rebellion, have, since the is suance of said proclamations, failed or ne glected to take the benefits pffered thereby; And whereas, many persons who have been justly deprived of all claim to amnesty and pardon thereunder, by reason of their participation directly dr by implication iu said rebellion and continued hostility to the Government of the United States since the date of said proclamations, now r desire to ap ply for and obtain amnesty and pardon. To the end therefore that the authority of the Government of the United States may be restored, and that peace, order and freedom may be established, I, Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, do proclaim and declare that I herewith grant to all per sona who have directly or indirectly partici pated in the existing rebellion, except as hereinafter excepted, amnesty and pardon, with restoration of all rights of property, ex cept as to slaves; and except in cases where legal proceedings under the latvs of the Uni ted States providing for the confiscation of property of persons engaged iu rebellion have been instituted. But upon the condi tion, nevertheless, that every such person shall take and subscribe to the following oath or affirmation, and thenceforward keep and maintain said oath inviolate, and which oath shall be registered lor permanent preserva tion, and shall be of the tenor and effect fol lowing, to-wit; I, , do solemnly swear, or affirm, in the presence of Almighty God, that I will henceforth faithfully support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and the Union of the States thereunder, and that I will, in like manner, abide by and faithfully support all laws and proclamations which have been made during the existiug rebellion with retercnce to the emancipation of slaves, so help me God. The follow ing class of persons are except ed from the benefits of this proclamation: Ist. All who are or shall have been pre tended civil or diplomatic officers,or otherwise domestic or foreign agents of the pretended Confederate Government. 2d. All who left judicial stations under the United States to aid the rebellion. 3d. All who shall have been military or naval officers of said pretended Confederate Government above the rank of Colonel in the army or Lieutenant in the navy. 4th. All who left seats in the Congress of the United States to aid the rebellion. sth. All who resigued or tendered resigna tions of their commissions in the army or navy of the United States to evade duty in resisting the rebellion. SAVANNAH, GA., MONDAY, JUNE 5, 1865. 6th. All who have engaged in any way iu treating otherwise than lawfully, as prison ers of war, persons found iu the United States service as officers, soldiers, seamen, or iu any other capacity. 7th. All persons who have been or are ab sentees lrom the United States for the pur- , pose of aiding the rebellion. Btli. All military and naval officers in the I Rebel service who were educated by the ! Government in the Military Academy at West Point, or the United Stalts Naval Academy. • 9th. All persons who held the pretended offices of Governors of States in insurrection against the United States. 10th. All persons who left their homes within the jurisdiction and protection of the United States, and passed beyond the Fede ral military lines into the so-called Confede rate States for the purpose of aiding the re bellion. •11th. All persons who have been engaged in the destruction of the commerce of the United States upon the high seas, and all persons who have made raids into the Unit ed States from Canada, or been engaged iu destroying the commerce of the United States upon the lakes and rivers that sepa rate the British Provinces from the United States. / 12th. All persons who, at the time when they seek to obtain the benefits hereof by taking the oath herein prescribed are in mili tary, naval, or civil confinement or custody, or under bonds of the civil, military or naval authorities, or ageuts of the United States, or prisoners of war, or persons detained for offences of any kind, either before or after conviction. 13th. All persons who have voluntarily participated in said rebellion, and the esti mated value of whose taxable property is over twenty thousand dollars. 14th. All persons who have taken the Oath of Amnesty, as prescribed iu the President's Proclamation of December Bth, A. D., 18C3, or an oath of allegiance to the Government of the United States since the date of said pioclamation, and who have not thencefor ward kept and maintained the same invio late. Provided, that special application may be made to the President for pardon by any person belonging to the excepted classes, and such clemency will be liberally extended as may be consistent with the facts of the cases and the peace and dignity of the United States. The Secretary of State will establish rules and regulations for administering and record ing the Amnesty Oath r so as to insure its benefit to the people and guard the Govern ment against the fraud. In testimony wherereof I have hereun to set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be fixed. [r.. s.] Done at the city of Washington, the tw’enty-ninth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred And sixty-fivef and of the Independence of the United States the eighty-ninth. Andrew Johnson. By the President: V Wm. H. Seward, Secretary of State. Reconstruction in North Carolina* State Government Established. HOLDEN APPOINTED GOVERNOR BY PRESI DENT JOHNSON. CONVENTION TO BE CALLED. Voters to Take the Amnesty Oath. Slavery Virtually Abolished. UNITED STATES COURT OPENED. Snell Htate to Decide In Hegard to Negro Sull'rage. By- tlie President of the United States of America—A Proclamation. Whereas, the fourth section of the fourth article of the Constitution of the United States, declares that the United States shall guaran tee to every State in the Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion and domestic vio lence ; Whereas, the President of the United States, is, by the Constitution,made Comman der-in-Chief of the Army and Navy, as well as Chief Civil Executive Officer of the United States, and is bound by solemn oath faith fully to execute the office of President of the United States, and to take care that the laws be faithfully executed. And whereas, The rebellion which has been w'aged by a portion of the people of the United States against tlie properly constitut ed*authorities of the Government thereof, in the most violeat and revolting form, but whose organized and armed forces have now been almost entirly overcome, lias in its revolutionary progress, deprived the people of the State of North Carolina of all civil Government. And whereas, It becomes necessary and proper to carry out and enforce the obliga tions of the U uited States to the people of North Carolina in securing them to tlie en joyment of a republican form of Govern ment. Now, Therefore, in obedience to the high and so lemn duties imposed upon me by the Consti tution of the United States, and for the pur pose of enabling the loyal people of said State to organize a State Government, where by justice may be established, domestic tran quility enjoyed, and loyal citizens protected in all tlieir rights, of life, liberty and proper ty, I, Andrew Johnson, President of the Uni ted States and Commandcr-in-Chief oi the Army and Navy of the United States, do hereby appoint William W. Holden, Provis ional Governor of tlie State of North Caro lina, whose duty it shall be at the earliest practicable period, to prescribe such rules and regulations as may be necessary and proper for convening a Convention com posed of delegates chosen by that por tion of the people of said State who are loyal to the United Slates, and no others, for the purpose of altering or amending the Constitution thereof, ant] with authority to exercise within the limits of said State all the powers necessary and proper to enable such loyal people of the State of North Carolina to restore' said State to ks constitutional relations to the Federal Gov ernment, and to present such a Republican form of State Government as will entitle the State to the guarantee of the United States therefor, and its people to protection by the United States, against invasion, insurrection and domestic violence; provided that in any election that may be hereafter held for ckos ing delegates to any State Convention, as aforesaid, no person shall be qualified as an elector, or shall lie eligible as a member of such convention, unless he shall have pre viously taken and subscribed to the Oath of Amnesty, as set forth in the President's Pro clamation of May 29, A. I)., 1865, and is a voter qualified as prescribed by the Constitu tion and laws of the State of North Carolina in force immediately" before the 20th day of May, A. D., 1861—the date of the so-called ordinance of Secession—and the said con vention, when convened, or the Legislature that may be thereafter assembled, will pre scribe the qualification of electors and the eligibility of persons to hold office under the Constitution and laws of the State, a power the people of the several States composing the Federal Union have righteously exercis ed from the origin of the Government to the present time. And Ido hereby direct, First, That the Military Commander of the Department and all officers and persons in tlie military and naval service aid and assist the said Provisional Governor in carrying into effect this proclamation, and they are enjoined to abstain from in any way hindering, impeding or discouraging the loyal people from the organization of a State Gov ernment as herein authorized. Second, That the Secretary of State pro ceed to put in force all laws of the United States, the administration whereof belongs to the Slate Department,- applicable to the geo graphical limits aforesaid. Third, That the Secretary of the Treasury proceed to nominate for appointm. it Asses sors of Taxes, Collectors of Customs, and Internal Revenue and such other officers of the Treasury Department as are authorized by law, and put in execution the revenue laws of the United States, within the geo graphical limits aforesaid. In making ap pointments the preference shall be given qualified loyal persons residing within the districts where their respective duties are to be performed; but if suitable residents of the district shall not be found, then persons resid ing in other States or districts shall be ap pointed. Fourth, That the Postmaster General pro ceed to establish post offices and post routes, and put into execution the postal laws of the United States within the said State, giving to loyal residents the preference of appoint ment, but if suitable residents are not found there, to appoint 1 agents, &c., from other States. Fifth, That the District Jndge for the Ju dicial District iu which North Carolina is in cluded proceed to hold courts within the said State in accordance with the provisions of the act of Congress. The Attorney General will instruct the propei officers to libel and bring to judgment, confiscation and stile, property subject to confiscation, and enforce the administration of justice within said State in all matters within the cognizance and ju risdiction of the Federal courts. Sixth, That the Secretary of the Navy take possession of all public property belong ing to the Navy Department within said geo graphical limits, and put in operation all acts of Congress in relation to Naval Affairs hav ing application to the said State. Seventh, That the Secretary of the Inte rior put into active force the laws relating to the Interior Department applicable to the geographical limits aforesaid. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this 29th day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and £d. s.] sixty-five, and of the independence of the United States the eighty ninth. Andrew Johnson. By- the President: Wm. H. Seward, Secretary of State. IMPORTANT OPINION OF ATTORNEY GEN ERAL SPEED. The Amnesty Proclamation Judicially Considered. Washington, May 29. Attorney General Speed has given an elab orate opinion in response to President John son’s letter of the 21st of April last. He ar gues that the right and power of tlie Presi dent to pardon aud to issue any proclamation of amnesty are derived from the clauses in the Constitution and the act of Congress, which he quotes. The high and necessary pow er of extending pardon and amnesty can never be rightfully exercised so as to make the President say to offenders against the law : “I now offer you a free pardon for the past or at any future day; w’ben you shall, irom baffled hopes or after being foiled in dangerous and bloody enterprizes, think proper to accept, I w ill give you a pardon for the then past.” When men have offended against the law their appeal is for mercy, not for justice. lie proceeds to consider the questions pro pounded by President Johnson on the procla mations dated respectively the Bth of Decem ber, 1863, and the 2Gtli of March, 1864, com monly called the “Amnesty Proclamations.” No doubt, he says, many persons did, be tween these periods, take the oath who could not have done so had the original proclama tion contained the exceptions set forth in the second. What the rights of those who took the oath in that intermediate space of time, and who could not have taken it after the 26th of March, is purely a judicial question. The facts in such cases are accomplished and the rights arising out of these facts are attached and become rested. The Attorney General, after considering the proper opera tion and effect two proclamations, comes to the concraHon that another procla mation should be issued. Persons, be says, should not be invited to take an oath and to PRICE, 5 CENTS comply with terms under which they cannot obtain firm legal rights. It is especially due to those who have here tofore and would now avail themselves in good faith of the benefits of pardon and am nesty, that another proclamation should be substituted, covering the now past. Persons who have beeu constantly engaged in rebel lion should know distinctly what they are to do, and when aud how they are to do it, to free themselves from punishment in whole or in part, or to reinstate themselves as be fore the rebellion. Such as have been affect ed merely by their treasonable associa tions should be absolutely forgiven.— Appropriate conditions should he appended to the pardon of many ; the crane and favor of the Government should now be large and geuerous, and the operation and effect of ita proffered mercy should uot be left uncertain. Asa measure to aid iu the suppression of the rebellion, the late baa done its full and complete office. Now <jn e is desimd to aid in restoring order and re organizing society in the rebellkms i&tea Reconstruction is not needed. JL, conveys an erroneous idea, /tide 'MUaJfWF'" tion of. this Government j* as perfect as human wisdom can ijptUe it. The trial to which its power and capacities have lieen subjected in this effort at revolution and dismemberment proved with what wis dom its foundations have been laid. Ours is a task to preserve principles aud powers clearly and well defined, and that have car ried ns safely through our past troubles.— Ours is not a duty to reconstruct or to change. Society in the Rebel Stales has not been, and is not now, in a normal condition, nor in harmony with the principles of our gov eminent. That society has t ebelled against them, and made war upon the principles and powers of our Government. In so doing it has offended, and stands a convicted culprit,, Mercy must be largely extended. Some of the great leaders and offenders only must be made to feel the extreme rigor of the law, not in a spirit of revenge, but to put the seal of infamy on their conduct. But the mercy extended to the great mass of the misguided people can and should be so used as to reor ganize society upon a loyal and freedom loving basis. It is manifestly for their good and the good of mankind that this should be done. The power of pardon and mercy is adequate to this end. Such conditions pre cedent and subsequent can legally and prop erly be appended as will root out the spirit of rebellion, and bring society in these States into perfect accord with the wise and thor oughly tiied principles of our Government. If this power of pardon is wisely used, peace will be established upon a sure and perma nent basis. Terrill* Calamity at Mobile. 300 murom xiilss. Eighty Squares of Buildings in Ruins. Morilk, May 27, via Cairo, May 29, 1865. On the evening of the 25th inst. the mgin ordnance department, in Marshall’s ware- at Mobile, blew up with a terrible 1 explosion. About three hundred persona were killed and many w'ounded, aud thousands buried in , tlie ruins. Eighty entire squares of the city were de molished, and about eight thousand bales of cotton destroyed. The steamer. Colonel Cowles and Kate Dale, with all on board, were entirely des troyed. A great portion of the business centre is badly damaged. The total loss is estimated at three mil lions. General Granger rendered prompt relief to the sufferers. The ordnance stores, which w ere a por tion of the munitions of war surrendered by Dick Taylor, were in course of removal when it occurred. The entire city is more or less injured by the explosion. The New Comauds of the Major Generals of the Regular Army. The N. Y. Herald’s Washington corres pondent says: The following is understood to be the dis position ot the Major Generals in the Regu- ’ lar Army which lias been determined upon .• General Halleck takes command of the Pa cific States. Gen. Sherman of the military division of the Mississippi, comprising the States of Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, and probably Louisiana. Gen. Meade of the Atlantic States. Gen. Sheridan of the trans-Mississippi. Gen. Geo. H. Thomas of Virginia, North Caroliua, and perhaps other Southern States. THE STOCK MARKET. Gold 137 3-4. The stock market opened dull and closed heavy on the 30th. Gold was firm, and after opening at 1361-4 closed at half-past 5 P. M. at 137 1-4. At ’ night the closing quotation was 137 3-4. The audience of the National Theatre in Cincinnati, were recently favored with a novel performance not in the bills. The play, anew one, proving a failure, the author and manager appeared at theloot-lights, alleging that the actors had not followed the text. Next, an actress appeared aud declared some portions of the text too vulgar to be used. The author retorted, reinforcements came to the support of the actress, and the manager rang down the curtain. In the midst of the £xt'iit’im ilt tlie gas was tux ned off, and the audience finally groped its way out in the darkness. __ — The Russian Government lias ordered the forest to be cut down which extends the whole lenirth of the frontier from Polongen to TWoetteii, in order to destroy the repeat of smugglers, who seek refuge in the woods when pursued by the frontier guard. The The trade iu timber with Prussia is In conse- * quence most active, the cheapness of the ar ticle having attracted a large number oi deal «rs.