Newspaper Page Text
The Savannah Daily Herald.
a W. Masok * Cos rkonuiM
SAlim. W. Mahon Eintoa.
The long-waited amnesty proclamation ol
President Johnson is at length before our
readers. The line of policy which is to be
pursued by the administration is also reveal
ed to our somewhat anxious aud apprehen
sive community. Our belief is that the peo
ple generally breathe more freely, now that
the whole is known. The feeliug has wide
ly prevailed in the South that the Govern
ment was actuated by a merciless spirit of
retaliation, that the present head of the ad
ministration was a man in whose mind the
promptings of revenge and partisan preju
dice were suffered to out weigh considerations
of justice aud humanity. With reasonable
people these bugbear creations of the politi
cal enemies of the government must be final
ly dispelled.
The proclamation of amnesty is instinct
with a spirit of clemency and temperate jus
tice. It is a sweeping pardon of the masses
of those who with weapons in their hands
have sought the life of the nation. None of
the rights of citizenship are to be permanent
ly withheld from those who. misled by folse
prophets and carried away by a popular
frenzy, assailed the flag of the country and
gave their allegiance to its enemies. They
knew not what they did; and the voice of
the chief magistrate into whose control their
fate has fallen, bids the people to give them
again the hand of brotherhood, and to grant j
them as before a place at the councils of the i
sovereign people.
No reasonable person could expect, and no
truly loyal man would desire, that the inciters
of the baleful insurrection, the meg of posi
tion and influence, the men of political training
and the*men of military education, who were
able from the start to understand the magni
tude of their offence, and to foresee the disas
trous consequences of the war, which they
were inaugurating, should be allowed to re
assume those places of trus which they have
so misused to the detriment of their fellow’
citizens. The government does w’ell to
shield the people, but it cannot do otherwise
than leave the leaders to reap the whirlwind
they so recklessly sowed. It is due to the af
flicted common country, to the preservation
of national security, and to every principle of
justice, that the arch-plotters of the great re
bellion should suffer the legal penalty of their
And now has come the time for action,
on the part of the people of the South. Their
future is no longer uncertain, their path no
longer obscure, their present condition is
clearly defined. Let them but show by
word and deed that their respect for the
government is undiminisbed; that there is
still a place in their hearts which the love of
country, of their whole country, only can fill,
and their eveiy endeavor to establish anew
a prosperous commerce, and to rise into po
tential influence in the nation, will be wel
comed and fostered by the great government,
which can pardon as well as punish.
Important Military Changes,
Gen. Birge in Command of the Dis
Gen. Woodford to Command the Post.
In another column we publish an impor
tant General Order from Maj. Gen. Grover,
announcing his relinquishment of the com
mand ot this District to Maj Gen. Birge,
and of the Post to Brig. Gen. Stew an I«
(Jen. Grover ha 9 won a host of friends in
Savannah, \flio will regret tc part with him;
and we take this opportunity to testify to his
uniform courtesy to us, since he has occu
pied the position of commandant, and also to
that of his staff.
Gen. Birge is well known in the District,
and we buiteve will be acceptable as a mili
tary commandant.
Gen. Woodford, formerly commandant at
Charleston, and for a long time Chief of
Staff to Gen. Gillmore, is well known for his
superior executive ability, and for combining
the qualities of an able lawyer and a brave
and experienced soldier.
Some other changes, not yet announced,
will be officially promulgated in due time.
We publish elsewhere an important order
from Maj. Gcu. Gillmore directing that no
more Provost Marshal passes, shall hereafter
be required to enable civilians to enter,leave,
or remain within the limits of the Depart
An order from Gen. Grover, removing res
trictions ou travel in the District, has alrea
dy been published.
This prompt use by Gen. Gillmore, of the
authority conferred ou him fromWashingtou,
for the removal of a source of great inconve
nience to the civilians, will win for him tbeii
hearty gratitude. No military restriction
has been more annoying than this one of pas
*es, though manifestly necessary at the time
The people will appreciate this disposition
on the part of the government and the milita
ry commanders representing it, to make their
condition pleasant, and to afford every facility
lor following their legitimate pursuits with
out impediment, and for enjoying in every
respect all the freedom practicable.
One of the most difficult and delicate ques
tions with which our public men will be call
ed upon to deal, in the re-construction of
Southern society upon the new basis, is un
questionably that of the conditions under
which the colored inhabitants are to be in
duced to resume labor. Labor they must, of
course, aua the sooner they are disabused of
the false ideas of their uew position, with
which many of them have been designedly
or mistakenly infected by interested or ignor
ant persons, the better for themselves, for the
South, for our whole country, and for the
cause of liberty and human equality through
out the world.
There is no doubt, that many of the blacks,
so recently released from a social condition
in which every ray of intellectual light was
ever most carefully barred from them, enter
upon their new life with fallacious ideas of
the benefits which “Freedom” is to bestow
upon them. Mauy of them imagine that
“Freedom” means freedom from hard work
for evermore, aud that “Liberty” signifies
perpetual immunity fiom toil and labor.
They seem to fancy that henceforth life is
to be to them a perpetual holiday, and that
they are to spend their days in a never-ending
exemption from disagreeable w’ork, the ex
penses of their support to be borne in some
inexplicable manner by the white race.
Both their mental darkness, the ignorance
inseparable from an enslaved condition, and
the unsound self-authorized teachings of cer
tain persons who, perhaps, hope much from
the negro, should he ever be granted the
boon of equal suffrage with his former mas
ter, have conduced to the birth aud mainte
nance of this pernicious feeling.
The sooner the colored people all over the
land are taught the universal lesson that la
bor, earnest, persistent hard work, is, for all
men of all colors and degrees, the invariable
price of earthly happiness or comfort, the
sooner will they be relieved from a strange
misapprehension which, more than any other
one thing, will avail to prevent them from
ever achieving a more exalted social states
than they at present enjoy.
It should be the business of every man
who has at heart the true interests of the
South and the real welfare of the negro, to
strive, on all fitting occasions, and at all pro
per times, to disabuse the minds of the new
ly emancipated colored people of this mon
strous error.
If they could be brought, for a few
months, into immediate contact with
the tree colored people of the North,
those who have learned the truth
by the sharp experience of a life-time, they
would soon know the lesson which necessity
teaches all of us, that work is the inevitable
condition precedent of wealth, of respecta
bility, and of social position. The free ne
groes of the North recognize this truth, and
quietly accept it a9 a necessary condition of
their lives, as do all the rest of us.
But such a free intercourse between the
free- men ol the North, and the freed- men of
the South, is impracticable, and, in fact, im
possible for the present ; it rests with us
here who know the rights of the matter, to
instruct these politically new-boru men who,
iu the intoxication of delight at their sud
den emancipation from the shackle and the
lash, run into wild extremes of expectations
which are certain to be disappointed.
There is much farm work now waiting to
be done throughout the entire South -crops
have to be looked out for—the ground must
be prepared, the seed planted, and all agri
cultural operations must go on the same as
ever, it we would have food for the winter.
This work must be done to a great extent
by the same men as formerly, the great dif
ference being that now their labor will be
fairly paid for.
And to the Freedmen of the South we now
say, Go back to the plantations which
so sorely need your services; make bargains
with those who uow hold these lands to give
fair work for fair wages, and then go to work.
You have got to support yourselves. II you
would win the respect of the whole world,
whose eyes are now upon you, show your
capacity for self-government by first demon
strating your ability for self-support. Speed
ily, very speedily, the rations which are now
issued to some of you from the commissary
chest ot the United States will be stopped.
Then those of you who have already secured
work will be provided for, but where will be
the others ?
I lie day ot idleness has passed, and the
time has come when, if yon aspire to political
equality with the white man, you must adopt
the white mau's rule, and honestly, cheerfully,
faithfully' make up your minds to do as he
does, and work for a living.
Tue C AcriißK of Governor Letcher, of
Virgin. a.— Ex-Governor Letcher, of Virgin
ia, was captured by a detachment of the
Twenty-second and Fifth New York cavalry,
under the command of Major Moore, Aid-de-
Camp on General Torbort s stuff- They left
W incheater on the morning of the 17th, and
arrived at Staunton on the evening of the
L!»th, at seven o clock. An additional detail
was made by Gen. Duvall of oue hundred
iud fifty of the Filth New York cavalry. At
three, A. M , of the 19tli, they started for
Lexington, and arrested Letcher about four
o clock iu the mornuig. They had orders to
arrest Extra Billy Smith also, but were three
days too late. Letcher said he did not see
why he should be arrested, and 9aid if the
secretary of War had sent him notice that
ne wanted to see him he would have come
along. Major Moore told him that mail ar
were not very perfect in the val
l^erefore tbe other method of secur
ing his presence was considered preferable.
Extracts from northern Papers of June Ist.
Jeff# Davis Confined on board a
Monitor preparatory to a trial
The Assassination Trials.
ben. Sherman’s Farewell; to his Army.
Tlie Rebel Ram Stonewall,
We return our ’.hanks to Mr. Michael Mc-
Closkey, Chief Steward of the steamer Ariel,
for New York papers to June Ist, inclusive.
Elsewhere will be found telegraphic aud
other despatches, giving Nortliern dates to
June 2, inclusive.
From the New York Herald of that date
we make extracts as follows:
Jeff. Davis ha 9 been brought to Washing
ton from Fortress Monroe, and has been pla
ced on board a Monitor, which is anchored
in the stream, instead of being confined with
the other assassination conspirators in the
Old Arsenal. «
The President has appointed the following
officers for North Carolina : District Judge,
K. P. Dick; United States Marshal, W. K.
Richardson ; District Attorney, Richard Ma
son ; Postmaster of Raleigh, Coi. J. B. R.
Rust. All the appointees are of North Car
Directions for Administering and record
ing the Amnesty Oath.
The following official circular has just
been isssued:—
Department of State, \
Washington, May 29, 1805. j
Sir—A copy of the President’s amnesty
proclamation of this date is herewith ap
pended. By a clause in the instrument the
Secretary of State i9 directed to establish
rules and regulations lor administering and
recording the amnesty oath, so as to insure
its benefits to the people and guard the gov
ernment against fraud. Pursuant to this
injunction, you are informed that the oath
prescribed in the proclamation may be taken
and subscribed before any commissioned
officer, civil, military or naval, in the service
of the United States, or any civil or military
officer of a loyal State or Teiritory, who by
the laws thereof may be qualified for adminis
tering oaths. All who receive such oaths
are hereby authorized to give certified copies
thereof to the persons respectively by whom
they were made ; and such officers are here
by required to transmit the origiual9 of such
oaths, at as early a day a9 may be conve
nient, to this department, where they will
be deposited aud remain in the archives of
the government. A register thereof will be
kept in the department, and on application,
in proper cases, certificates of such records
will be issued iu the customary form of offi
cial certificates. I am, sir, your obedient
servant, William H. Seward,
Secretary of State.
The Assassination Trial.
Though a number of new witnesses have
been examined since the date of our last ad
vices, their testimony was not very import
ant, being mainly corroborative of what
had been said before. All the testimony
now being taken is for the defence.
Gen, Sherman’s Farewell.
Gdheral Sherman issued his farewell to
the Army of the Tennessee aud the Army of
Georgia on Tuesday May 30th and left Wash
ington for New York, en route for Cincinati,
where, it said, his future headquarters will
be. The address is eloquent, patriotic and
affecting, tracing, as it does, in a succinct and
hasty manner, his own aud the career of his
trusty and brave followers from the cliffs
of Lookout Mountain, through all fighting,
marching, privation and wonderful achieve
ments, down to Savannah, and thence north
ward through the Carolinas and Virginia. He
advises his men, that now they are about to
return to their peaceful homes, not to yield
to the temptation for seeking “new adven
ture abroad;” for “it will lead only to death
aud disappointment.”
The Rebel Ram Stonewall*
News from Havana to the 27th ult., states
that the excitement regarding the rebel ram
Stonewall wa9 nearly ended. The rebel of
ficers and crew had been paid off, the vessel
was moored along side the government arse
nal, undergoing repairs, and Spanish officers
and a Spanish crew were on board and had
charge of her. Her late rebel commander,
Capt. Page, hail left for Vera Cruz. It was
understood that our Consul in Havana had
demanded of the Cuban authorities the sur
render of the Stonewall to the United States,
and that the Captain General awaited in
structions from Spain before replying to the
Post Office at Augusta.— Mr. A. L. Har
ris, the efficient Agent of the Post Office De
partment here, has gone to Augusta, to make
arrangements for postal facilities for the peo
ple there. It is probable that mail commu
nication will soon be opened through from
here to Macon.
Who they Are,
1 hose who are curious to know who are the
troops which arrived here yesterday, may
learn from this paragraph, which we clip
from the New York Herald of June Ist :
“Gen. Dwight’s Division, formerly the first
division ot the Nineteenth Array Corps, leaves
here to-morrow for Savannah, Ga., with or
ders to report to Gen. Grover. They go on
transports from Alexandria.”
Latest from New York.
New York Dates of June 2d In
General Sherman in flew lark.
The Uew milliard Match—Oold
thwaite Beaten.
GOLD 137 1-4.
Thn steamer Fulton, which left New York
on the 2d in3t., arrived at Hilton Head last
evening. She brought uo mail,but her passen
gers for this city were brought hither by the
steamer Resolute, to whose accommodating
chief officer, Cipt. Cannon, we are deeply
indebted for complete files of Northern pa
pers to June 2d inclusive. Thd Resolute ar
rived here so late in the evening that we are
able to give only very 9hort extracts from her
news, but our Evening Edition shall make
amends for all.
Much of the news has already been antici
pated by our telegraphic despatches in an
other column.
The Atlantic Cable,
Tnere is a published letter from Cyrus W.
Field, which says that the Atlantic Tele
graphic Cable will be laid next month (July.)
More than twenty-two hundred miles are al
ready made and stowed on boaid the steam
er Niagara.
Gen. Sherman in New York.
Gen. Sherman arrived in New York June
Ist, and at once went to the residence of Mr.
Scott, No. 64, East 23d st. He was accom
panied by his wife aud son, the members or
his staff, his private Secretary, Col. Farrel;
Gen. Pomfret, State Surgeon; Gov Fenton
of New York, aud other prominent gentle
men. As he was crossing from Jersey City to
New York be was recognized by soldiers,
with whom he shook hands. During the
day he was called upon by many at the house
ol Mr. Scott, in 23d st. Among the visitors
were many ladies. In the afternoon he vis
ited Central Park, aud was known aud cheer
ed heartily.
In the evening he went to Niblo’s Garden,
where he was recognized and loudly cheered
hut made no speech. He was so crowded by
persons who wished to shake hands, that the
police had to clear an entrance for him into
the Metropolitan Hotel, where he stayed
some time, and whence he'finally escaped.
Having once again reached the house of
his entertainer in 23d street, a crowd assem
bled and remained, until, at 12 o’clock mid
night, in answer to repeated solicitations, the
General appeared and said:
Boys—l am not going to make any speech
in New York, so you need not wait here. I
am much obliged to you for coming to see
me. Good night,
A Voice—We waut to look at you, Gen
General Sherman—You will see me
in broad daylight to-morrow riding down
A Voice—Come down and let us shake
your hand.
The General then descended and went
through a severe ordeal ofhaud shaking.
Voice—General, we are your army.
General Sherman—Oh, I have an army of
one hundred thousand men—the best I ever
saw r . (Cheers.)
Three cheers were then given for the Gen
eral, when he entered the house and the
crowd dispersed.
A billiard tournament commenced jfi Cin
cinnati May 31st, with a match game for
$2,000 a side, between McDavitt. of Indian
apolis, and Goldthwait, of Ndw York, which
was won by the former.
Tbe Fast Day.
This day was universally observed, and
many excellent discourses were delivered, of
which we hope to give sketches hereafter.
The Assassination Trials.
We have already given a'summary of all
of importance that has been given in evi
dence up to May 31st inclusive. There was
no Court on June Ist, that being the Fast day.
John S. Clarke, r the Jbrother-in-law of John
Wilkes Booth, however, submitted a state
ment on the day befofe, which we shall give
iu full hereafter. ✓
The European News
Is interesting hut not startling. There is
said to be wide-spread uneasiness in France
und England about the probable future course
of America with regard to those countries.
Closed on Wednesday, May 31, at 137 1-4.
There were comparatively no sales of gold
or cotton on June Ist, though some small
sales of gold were made, which fluctuated
from 138 1-4 back to 137 7-8 and 138, and
even to 137 1-4. It having been an irregular
day, but little idea can be formed of the true
state of the market.
The Government sale of cotton in June was
tiom 17 cents per pound in gold, for low ordi
nary, to 37 1-2 cents for good middling. No
private sales were made.
Tbe Arrival of New Troops. *
We areueluctantly compelled, this morn
ing, to omit a complete list of the officers of
the regiments arriving here yesterday after
noon. It will appear in full this evening.
lFrom our Eli* of Yesterday Evening.]
Tw« Days Later from Ike Horth.
Washington Dates of 3d l ns t.
Ck»v. Brown, of Georgia, Released
on Parole.
Congressman Harris Found Guilt y- H b
Sentence Remitted by tbe President.
Sec. Stanton and Gen. Sherman.
GOLD 138.
[Special Despatch to the Savannah Herald.]
Our falhful agent at Hilton Head, has se
cured copies of Washington papers of the
2nd, from which he sends us the following
by L T . S. Military Telegraph:
Hilton Head, June 5, 1865.
Jeff Davis turned over to the Civil Au
thorities for Trial.
Washington, June 2, 1865.
The administration to-day finally came to
the conclusion to turn Jeff. Davis over to
the civil authorities for trial.
The Rebel Governor Brown of Georgia
Released on Parole.
Gov. Brown of Geoigia has been released
on parole, and to-day made bis appear
on Pennsylvania Avenue.
The Sentence of Congressman Harris—
The Penalty Remitted by the Presi
The Military Commission has found Benj.
G. Harris, member of Congress from Mary
land, guilty of the charge of persuading
Rebel soldiers not to take the oath of alle
giance, but to get exchanged and go back to
continue the fight. He was sentenced to
three years imprisonment and a forfeiture of
all political rights. The President has ap
proved of the finding, but remitted the sen
tence, and the culprit has been released.
. The Stanton and Sherman Hatter.
It is claimed by one of the papers that Sec
retary Stanton has new matter in regard to
his position towards Gen. Sherman that will
put anew face on the affair. He is said to
have all the facts connected with the inter
view with Johnston and Breckenridge, with
their version of the matter, which will place
him rectus in curia, when published.
Departure of General Howard for Rieh
Major Gen. How’ard, accompanied by sev
eral of his personal staff, left for Richmond
to day, to organize his Bureau iu Virginia ’’
Trial of the Assassins.
But a few’ of the witnesses remain to be
examined. It is supposed that all the testi
mony in the conspiracy cases will be closed
this week, and several days of tbe next will
be consumed iu the arguments, which are to
be in writing. Hon. Reverdy Johnson has
prepared a long protest, denouncing the ju
risdiction of the military commission to try
the accused.
Is quoted at 138.
Important order from den. Gillmore in
Regard to Travel.
Hilton Head. S. C., May 31, 1805. /
General Orders, I
No. 79. f
To more fnlly carry out the Orders of His Excellen
cy, the President, dated April 29th and May 9th, 1606,
removing all Military restrictions upon trade with and
in certain of the Insurrectionary States, which orders
were published in General Orders, No. 71, current se
ries from these Headquarters, it is hereby directed
that no'Provost Marshal passes be hereaiter required
to enable civilians to enter, leave or remain within the
limits of this Military Department.
The Quartermaster’s Department will, when the In
terests of the service allow, famish passage upon gov
ernment transports to civilians travelling within this
Department, charging therefor the rates prescribed in
General Orders, No. 31, current seiies, from these
Headquarters. Free transportation will only bs al
lowed to civilians as prescribed in that order. The
proof that a Regimental Sutler is travelling upon duty
will be a certificate to that effect signed by his Regi
mental Commander.
Paragraph 111, of Gereral Orders, No. 31, current
series, from these Headquarters, directing that no free
transportation will be allowed except upon passes
marked '•'free" by the Provost Marshal, is hereby re
voked, and the Quartermaster’s Department will be
held responsible that no free transpyrtation is allowed
except as authorized by orders from these or superior
By Command of
Major-General Q. A. GILLMORE.
W. L. M. Beboek,
Assistant Adjutant General.
T. D. Hodges, Capt. 35th U. 8. C. TANARUS,,
Act. Asst. Acljt. Gen.
jes 7t
A H Davenport, H Head. R W Godfrey, Charleston.
Miss Lafond, “ JDKavanagh, 11
Mrs. Berrell, “ MP Grady, 157ih N Y Vols.
D Shgcte, Charleston.
Hilton Head, 8. G\, June 5.
U 8 steamer Fulton, Wooten, from New York, June
2d, to Port Royal. 8. C.
Passengers—Col Jas Lewis, Lt Col W Ames, Major Z
C Remmie, Capts H M Bragg, W II Hammer, K 8 Dan
iels, V W M Brown, A 8 Cole, E W Schuvffle, Geo D
Hart, Lieuts E 8 Wilcoxson, G A C olt< n. J H McKee,
V Powers, F Waschow, H II Hibbard, P C Turner, K
W Reed, Rev U P Dickerd, Miss Ellen Schannacy, Lt
M Wushbrnck, C Childs, Ensign E 8 Frisbie, R B
Hines, Ass’t Surg A Dunbar, Gov W Aiken, Messrs
Chas Birdsull, Chas Hancock, L Webster, C W Carder,
F K Burgess, E A Brooks, E B Jacker, F D Curray, J
R Reed, A B Lazarus, James Smith, W Peabody. W
James, Capt E C Baker. *
The paper above named is published at Hilton Head
8. S., by M. J. MoKenna,
It is designed by the Publisher to make an Interest
ing and Instructive Paper, not only for
but a WELCOME WEEKLY VISITOR to all residents
of Hiiton Head.
It will contain Original LOCAL NEWS, a summary
of NORTHERN NEWS, and carefully Selected MIS