Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, June 08, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald. k W. Mason & Cos., .PnopaiKn*s. Savcsi. W. Mason Eihtob. A VAN ft All. THURSDAY JL'NE 3, ISC6. THE NEWS. The arrivals of New York steamers within the past tew days furnishing an abundance ot late papers, have kept our columns replete with news, uiucli of which is important and highly interesting. Perhaps the most startling intelligence ot all is the news of the departure of a large ex- i pedition under command of General Weitzel, whose point ot destination is somewhere j along the coast of Texas The largest por- j tiou of the fleet, comprising rifteen steamers, sailed from Fortress Monroe on the Ist of June, and is, probably, by this time at Mo bile, where the fleet is to make a rendezvous. As there cau he no rebel forces left in Tex as since the surrender of Kirby Smith, we should strongly incline to the belief that this movement means Mexico, if the leading mil itary m“u of the country were not, so far as known, adverse to an enterprise in that di rection. Stiii the posting of a force in Mexico may be desirable for defense it not for offen sive movements. The late boasts of the trans-Mississippi rebel leaders concerning ex pected aid from Mexico were not without their warning to the government. Governor Brown has had a long conference with the President and is understood to be released from arrest . This is another instance of clemency in the executive to whom the policy of relentless proscription has been popularly attributed in the South. General Kirby Smith is reported to have made his escape to France through Mexico, while Ex-Governor Smith, of Virginia has taken to the mount tins near Staunton in that State, where he undertakes to keep up a fight to protect himsell, and not, he wishes to have it understood, as a guerrilla leader. After extensive migrations through the Confede racy the “last ditch” seems to have fiually attained a lofty attitude iu the Blue Ridge mountains. FESTIVAL OJ BOARD THE “SEW HAMP SHIRE.” On the eveniug of June Gth, on board the U. 8. Ship “New Hampshire" at Bay Point, an entertainment was given by the officers of the ship, to a select company of friends. The pleasures ot the evening were inaugura ted by the performances of a Martial Baud, composed entirely of the men belonging to the ship. Alter which occurred a ball, which lasted till early next morning. The dancing floor was on the main deck, and two bands ol music played at intervals during the even ing. The ship was handsomely decorated with flags, evergreens, lanterns, Ac., and the main deck and quarter deck were enclosed in can vass on the sides aud overhead, thus con verting them into one vast ball-room. The supper was one of the most acceptable features ot the whole affair and was served in the highest style of culinary art. Among other distinguished persons we noticed were Gen. Saxton, Staff and party, who came down from Beaufort in a special boat—Geu. M T. Littlefield and Maj. Thomas, Captain Giilmore, Capt. Moorde, Capt. Kelly, of Gen. Gillmore’s Staff, Capt. Seaver, Major Sanders, Major Fleway, Major Sims, Surgeon Weed, Capt. Hart, Capt. Colv, Lt.- Col. Rice, and many others, both of the army and of the navy whose names w r e cannot now recall. There were many ladles present, so many that we cayuot specify them by name, and the whole allair passed off with the greatest delight to all concerned, both invited and iu vitors. MOW TO GET THE HERALD REGU LARLY. W e irequently have complaints made by our triends that tlicy are unable to obtain copies ol the Savannah He bald, on account of *he early exhaustion of our editions. We regret that any should come short, but we cannot promise at all times to print a suffi cient number oi Heralds to ausweftvery call through the day. But those who desire to obtain tbe Herald regularly have a ready means of doing so, try subscribing for it. W e have an enter prising, faithful, and reliable city carrier, who knows every street and block in town, and who delivers the paper to tbe satisfaction of all our subscribers. Our carrier is served ahead of the newsboys, and ddivers copies of either edition at aDy part of the city. We receive subscriptions at $lO per year, $T> for six months, $1 per mouth, and 30 cents per week. e are sparing no expense to make the Herald a live, reliable newspaper, and we think it recommends itself to every family aud business man ; but we are not so egot istical as to suppose it needs no .improve ment, and we shall constantly try to make it more aud more acceptable in all respects. Billiard Publications. —Messrs. O'Meara & Cos. have our thanks for furnishing us early copies of the “Billiard Cue.” and also of the new repubheation of the standard work on Billiards, by Messrs. Phelan & Berger. This book is admirably illustrated by a good artist, and the “Cue” ever has its value to those who delight in this popular game. Keßni.av.-Ou Tuesday night last the store of Mr. Lilienthal, South east corner of Jefferson and Congress streets, was entered and robbed of clothing, etc., valued at two hundred dollars. No clue as yet to the dis covery of those who committed the offense has been obtained. * THE SEW YORK VOLUNTEERS. Savannah, Geo. Junk 7tb, 18(55. /•Alitor of the Saruntmh lit raid: Sir, your NeW York correspondent’s letter, published in this morning's Herald, shows that the opinion of a class of New Yorkers, is a very contempti ble one. Allow me to inform the “sententious young man aud his club,” that the New York Regiments, now going home, are not mainly composed of “bounty jumpers.” The lew regiments at this place for instance, the 128, the 1 59, the 15(5, and several others have not one “bounty jumper ’in their midst. “Boun ty jumpers” do uot generally stay and return home with their regiments, but desert tbe first opportunity. Every one of the men, now returning home has done his dirty faith fully on bloody fields and fatiguing marches; and, altuough they do not ask to be paraded, refuse to become the objects of insult. Your correspondent aud his club are con temptible puppies, that would not dat eto pass remarks of the above kind iu the pre. - ence of any New York regiment. • A New York Volunteer and NX “Bou ntv Jumper.” Contrary to our almost invariable rule, we publish the above anonymous communica tion, not even suppressing the offensive ca nine characterization of one of our attaches, although we can assure Mr. No Bom.ty Jumper that our New York correspondent is a thoroughly patriotic man, devoted to the interests of the soldier, who has done more to make departing volunteers happy, and re turning invalids comfortable, and to aid all classes of soldiers, than any other man in New York of his means, that we know of— e only publish the fiercely caustic epis le, the hasty tone of which the author no doubt regrets.Hbeeause it contains some truth, aud because an interpretation might lie put on the statement in the correspondence by which the gallant New Y T ork regiments might be injured. The following is the paragraph alluded to*, which has much of compliment and a few lines decidedly incorrect and out. of taste: ‘ ‘The interest manifested four years ago iu the rapidly passing column of southward bound patriots will probably, ere another month ex pires, be equalled by our community in wel coming home the remains of those regiments whose last thoughts of home remind them of the cheers they received as they left the Man hattan shores of the Hudson river. Our volunteer militia will turn out by regiments and do escort tor the returning laurelled braves. The effort to have a big review here will probably be reuewed, but a question asked by a sententious fellow a lew even ings since, that “suppose you take the boun ty jumpers out of your New York regiments, what would the review amount to numeri cally ?" brought down the commendatory applause of the whole of one of our up town dubs. The vets, those who have borne the brunt, fought the battles, buried their comrades on bloody fields, and now come home, shall have our hearts' thanks.” It crept into our columns inadvertently, and in the crowd of matter yesterday morn ing was unobserved, as the misprint which occurred of the word “pimpers” for “jumpers” indicated. We agree with our iudignaut anonymous correspondent as to the good general character of New York troops, and we have a very poor opinion ot the com mon sense and patriotism of the up-town citib, and the sententious tellow who so elec trified them with his shallow wit. Cannot our epithetic epistolary champion of New oik soldiers’ rights now abate somewhat of his wrath ? PUNCH’S TRIBUTE. Perhaps there is not one among the hundreds of eulogistic poems which the death of President Lincoln called forth, which is more remarkable in all re spects, or indeed more grateful to Americans, than the verses of Punch, re-printed to-day at the request of many readers, who, by the early exhaustion of our Editions, were unable to procure copies yesterday. The London Punch is hardly less an au thoritative organ than the London Times.— Its keen sarcasms are quite as much dread,d in the highest circles of European society as the denunciations of the “Thunderer,” and its tribute of praise is correspondingly covet ed. Like the other organs of the English aristocracy, it had been throughout the war a bitter enemy of the North. The President ot the Nation, his cabinet aud generals, aud all their measures, had never been spared by the sharp pen and sharper burin of the “ scurril jester.” With what a touching force, then, does the noble tribute of Punch come to us in ouv affliction. How willingly do we make room for him at the bier of Lincoln ** BosUc this porpsc, tliut boars for The stat'd ami striped ho Jived to rear anew.” The revocation of his light words of biting jest so ruunly and sincere,— ” I l * l live*! t*» siiauie me from my sneer, To kune my pencil, aud cornu e tnv pen— To make me own this kind of princes poer, ThU t all- iplUter a true-born fin,- of men the appreciation of tbe martyr-President’s long suffering and noble patience under mis apprehension and censure, is so just,— “ So lie grew up, n destined work to do. And lived to do it: four long-suitering ycar3, IlXkte. ill ueliag. ill report, lived through. And then he heard tire hisses change to cheer;” And the genuine feeling and sympathetic in sight which dictated the lines, •• And those perplexed and patient eyes were Him. Those gaunt, long laboring limbs were Lid to rest! The words of mercy were upon hi * lips, Forgiveness in his heart and on his pen, Wiieu this vile murderef brought swift eclipse To thought i of peace on earth, good will to men.” move the heart to forgive the mocking jester who catered “for the self-complacent British sneer. ” We could hardly tire of quoting the verses of this beautiful elegy, conveying as they do a grateful and generous sympathy, and com - mg from a quarter w'hence we should look to find only cold indifference. But the whole poem is now before our readers, and we adr vise them to preserve it, if ou no other ac count, as a mark of tbe better side of the English nature. NEW ENOLA.NI> CORRESPONDENCE! Anniversary Week in Phi/an » thro /iff Mills ‘Running — -How the thing is Done No Slavery to Scold About—The Trace So ciety in furor of Peace in Peace Tunes — Children's Meetings—The National Day of' Mounting at Boston and Elsewhere in Nets England—Grand Trocession—Eulogy by lion. Charles Summer—Dirge by Sir Hundred Voices—A Dirty (June in Court — Some Ac count of a Cosmopolitan — Entitloymfnt for Disabled Soldiers—The Fisherman's Perils — Distinguished Tars — Theatricals, tfc. tjr. Boston, June 4, 18(55. To the Sarritnah Herald : “Anniversary Week” in Boston is a great season. I doubt whether the whole South can furnish anything of the sort. My South ern travels afford no reminiscences ol Anni versary Meetings, ancTlhave sometimes won dered how tiie various philanthropic ma chines of society were kept in running order without occasionally greasing the wheels by public gatherings. But my mind reverts to numerous reports detailing the amount of money expended by Northern Societies iu furnishing Bibles, Tracts, Colporteurs and Preachers, for the South-just as though the the aforesaid South didn’t care a “rap” about its “latter end”. Wonder how the Missionary work has proceeded for the four years last past, and whether any Bibles and Testa ments have been used for wadding ? Anni versary week in Boston brings together a motley crowd of philanthropists, clergymeu, favorite deacons, and loud praying Pharisees. Most of those who come up from every nook and corner of New Englaud to this Feast of the Passover deserve the credit of sincerity, but there are, of course, some who have “axes to grind,” aud who know many shrewd tricks to get others to turn the grind stone. The end of slavery has taken away the spiciest part of the week. That subject was loug a bone of contention in the Ameri can Tract Society, and the debates were a feature of the week. This year.the meeting of the Tract Society was as (lull as dull cowlil be, and the more active members preseut seemed to wish somebody would knock a “chip off their shoulders.” The Peace So ciety comes out of the war as fresh as a daisy. I supposed it might have become somewhat demoralized by the war fever that has swept over the land—inasmuch as the members universally favored the war, or laid low while it was raging. But they were together rejoicing in the terms of peace, and touched off 1 the same old resolutions whisk have figured so often before. They justified the war for the Union, because the Union was assailed, and we were forced to figla. I be lieve it generally happens that the one party or the other claims to be—whether rightfully or not—driven into a war; and therefore the argument of the Peace Society is like that of the old darkey Eph Horne used to personate, wha had a boy named Ephraim, and who declared that he “never allowed Ephraim to fight—n never ’lowed him to get licked neither.” As near as I can judge from the reports of the various meetings,' the war has turned Christiau charity and philanthropic contribu tions chiefly into practical channels. What tremendous enterprises are the “sanitary” and “Christian” commissions! Millions of dollars have been poured into their treasu ries, and mountains of articles, the value of which has never been computed, and never will be, buve been collected from every city, village and rural neighborhood of the North, aud expended for the benefit of patiiot sol diers in every camp of tbe vast battle-field. It is not to be wondered at that such tremen dous enterprises have withdrawn contribu tions from many treasuries, whereof the exi gencies were not so great, and forced opera tors to contract or change entirely the field of their labors. If I was to quote the philan thropy stock market, I should say that the regular dividend paying securities were iu quick demand, whiie the “fancies,” the rep resentative of which might be a society pre sided over by Rev. Aminadab Sleek, for fur nishing a woollen shirt, a tooth-brush and a fine-tooth comb to every infant born iu Africa are, in the language of the stock market, dull and neglected. New enterprises are held as favorably as petroleum stocks, and mutual coil companies. Witness the Freedmeus Aid Societies, Loyal Tennesseean’s Aid So cieties, and many more. To my mind the most interesting meetings of the week are tbe Sunday School meetings, at which Tremont Temple or Music Hall are packed with thousands of Sunday School children, whose dresses are lawn and ribbon, with happy faces, making an assembly a large bouquet ot rarest flowers, set with sparkling jewels. When they all sing together, such a wave of harmony is produced as one might be wafted to Heaven upon. The only draw back to these pleasant affairs is the insane passion for speech-making, which displays itself, and amounts to an epidemic mama dur ing anniversary week. Some of them are short and sweet, but there are a good many smooth-bores here attending the meetings, with large calibre and heavy charges. During the week the city was pretty well tilled with gentlemen in shining black, who have come up from their pastorates m the country to new-light their tapers—*, e , get uew ideas from the meetings of the multi tudes. They toil not, neither do they spin— not a thread—but Solomon, in all his glory, did not look as wise as they do. They go to no hotels, but are quartered on the brethren, where they live on the best tbe market af fords. 11 1 give yon a little photograph of a busi ness meeting of the Society for the Propaga tion of Virtue, you must understand it as a “lectio" extravagant, but not much. Four or five emineut clergymen from various parts of tbe country meet about half an hour after time assigned in a church vestry. Tnese are the President, Secretary, Treasurer and one or two Directors of the aforesaid Society.— After congratulatory remarks and questions ot grave import—as to how the good work is going on down in your section, brother, — the meeting is called to order. There are seren reporters present—godless youth—who affect indifference to the business in hand, and slyly match coppers ou their knees under the table. The President rises, calls the meeting to order, and proceeds to develope the vast importance of the work this society has to perform, and to show what a tremend ous excitement it keeps up among the friends of virtue everywhere. In fact the eyes of ail Christendom are fastened upon this society and shall we ever falter? Never! Amen! i tithe one of the reporters has been cleaned out ot all his “nickels,” and the fact that Rev. Samuel Popgun called the meet ; lug to order and made a stirring address is written in seven variations. Before that, how ever, the reporters of the more reiigious dailies have scratched down the fact that the meeting was largely attended, and a deep interest was manifested among the multitude present. The Secretary then reads a lengthy report of the doings of the society during the last year, in which he goes over substantially the same ground harvested once by the Pres ident, dwells heavily upon the vast interest awakened in the society, paints its future in glowing colors, and gives a handsome puff to each officer present. The Treasurer is then called upon for his report, from which it ap pears that the amount on hand last year was fourteen cents; amount received irom all sources $1 11; expenditures (with details) $1 22; Cash iu hands of Treasurer 3 cents. The President is thanked for his address; the Secretary for his able and impartial report; the Treasurer for the honest and judicious manner in which he has administered the finances of the society. Then the officers are te-elected witli the exception of one di rector, who declines, and whose place is Ail ed by another gentleman who will bleed free ly for tbe honor conlerred. Motion to ad journ—carried by the unanimous vote of the reporters. And that is all. The National Day of Mourning in honor of the memory of the late President of tie Uni ted States, was generally observed through out New England. Iu Boston, our citizens uot having had the privilege ot doing honor to the remains of the great martyr in their triumphal (I had almost said) procession through the country—great preparations were made for the observance of this day made sacred to his memory. The churches were all open in the morning, and services were held by large congregations at 9 o’clock.— The next feature was a grand procession— the laigest ever formed iu Boston. It inclu ded about four thousand militia, with arms, and over ten thousand men besides in some two hundred organizations, including veteran soldiers, Fenians, Sons of Temperance, Ma sons, Odd Fellows and Benevolent Societies. The commander of the escort was Brig. Gen. Bartlett, an officer who has lost an arm and a leg during the war, to say nothing of a doz- en other wounds which took away no limbs. He is said to be tbe best “ shot-to-pieces ” officer of his rank in the service. The veter an soldiers, without arms, were led by Col. P. R. Guiney, a graduate of the Massachus etts Ninth, who had given an eye to the cause of the Union. Prominent in the procession were half a dozen large vans filled with crip pled soldiers, with a banner on which was inscribed : “ We have lost our limbs, but we have saved our country.” These heroes were cheered to the echo throughout the line, to which they responded right heartily. The procession was about three hours passing a given point; the route was lined with spec tators from curb to housetop; and although some cities have been honored during the war with the march of larger armies, the military display was considered very satis factory. The next feature of the programme was a Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, pro nounced by Hon. Charles Sumner in Musical Hall, of which I can give no satisfactory ab stract in the brief limits of a letter. I dare say it will go all over the country, and that its ability in every part and its good taste in nearly every part will be universally acknowl edged by fair minds. The only political point presented w T as a declaration in favor of abolishing all color qualifications for suffrage, to carry out the work of emancipation. The orator was supported on the platform by all parties, many of whom are distinguished in their various walks. Among them w T ere Re presentatives Hooper and Rice, Hon. George S. Boutwell, Hon. T. D. Elliott, Oakes Ames, Ex-Governor Clifford, Collector J. C. Good rich, Hon. J. G. Palfrey, Hon. Wm. Whiting, Dr. O. W. Holmes, Prof. H. W. Longfellow, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Robert C. Winthrop, Hon. Jared Sparks, Wendell Phillips, Hon. Henry Wilson, Hon. Josiah Quincy, Admiral Stringliam, Commodores Winslow, Merwin. and Marston, Capt Charles Green, U. S. N., Maj. Gen. B. F. Butler, Maj. Gen. Dodge, Brig. Gen. C. C. Fiske of St. Louis, Col. J. D. Graham, U. S. A., Judge Natbnfl Clif ford of the U. S. Circuit Cuurt, Judge Low ell of the U. S. District Court, Chief Justice Bigelow of the Supreme Court of Massachu setts, Hon. Judge Putuaui of the Superior Court, and the various foreign consuls at this port. A grand feature of the exercises in the hall was the performance of the dirge—“ Mourn, ye afflicted people,” from Judas Maccabeus, by six hundred voices of the Handel and Haydn Society, assisted by a large orchestra and the great organ. The day was observed in a haudsome man ner in Concord, N. 11., where the whole pop ulation of the Granite State seemed to be as sembled for the occasion. There was a great military display, and a eulogy by Congress man Patterson. There were between three and four thousand militia in line, and many Societies, &c. The eulogy was delivered in tbe open air, for which the day was admira ble. An interesting case has been on trial in our courts during the last week, against E. O. J. Smith, a prominent citizen of Maine, for sub ornation of perjury, in which one Nortlirup was the person alleged to be perjured. Tbe perjury was alleged to have been committed m a trial oq a libel agaiust Smith by D. H. Craig, Manager of the New York Associated Press, and the evidence has shown by the mouth of Ncrthrup that Smith liad been inti mate with his wife, with liis consent, she having lived with him as a misiress for some years before she was married to Nortlirup, and liad two boys by him The counsel for the defence claimed that they were not trying Smith for tornication, but the most of the evi dence seemed to be to establish that charge against him. Smith is a wealthy man, of un bounded enterprise and countless amours It is a matter of question whether he takes more pleasure in anew business scheme or a new love. He had just organized a plan to make a tremendous water power at Portland by projecting a canal, which all agree will be a grand tlnng for that city. He is the ovvtier ot the I oiUaqd Advertiser, and is, or Ims k?2d, the chief owner of the Independent telegraph Line, already a formidable rival of the American. His religion (he gave it for IC . Manual ol the Maine Legislature, of which he was a member two years ago,) is Cosmopolitan ; his politics, Copperhead.— Perhaps in his virtues he is cosmopolitan also. A Bureau of Employment for Returned Soldiers, including those partially disabled, has been established at the State House here, ana it is already doing a great deal of good. It. is in charge of Capt. Annable, a veteran of the Army of the Union, Our fishing towns, like Gloucester, Salem. Marblehead. Ac„ have always kept ahead of u 1 toemft* soldiers ahd saiin,, hut the Gloucester Advertiser says that not ’ withstanding tbe large number of nVenfw that town who have served in the “rmya„"l navy during the war, the losses ofliSJ the casualties ot war have been far the losses at sea, for the same period of There have been 28(5 lives lost in the “ „ business trom Gloucester, while the JSSj of those who have been killed, or died in £l service, is less than half that number Tuf same fact liolus true with regard to Maria head and Salem, to this extent name!T t when sea-going business was carried ™ largely in those-two places, they sometin^! more lives at sea,‘i„ a ’yea/ fft been lost trom the same places, in the armr during any one year of the war. Great di=’ asters sometimes occur in the fleets of foul ' men on the Grand Banks. It is a dangerous business. Gloucester suffered from a tSrihff gale some two years ago, aud shortly after the w hole of the business part of the town was burned down. But Yankee enterprise has rebuilt the fleet with larger vessels and restored the wooden stores and warehou* with more substantial blocks of brick The cotton nulls of all our manufacturing towns, are starting up, hut their operation! are somewhat confined by the scarcity ot op eratives. W eavers are in demand AUn spinners. Where are the surplus women Many of them have got married or “changed their base” since the the “cruel war” com menced, and now they cannot be had to “spin a thread. - Salamander Farragut, Porter and other distinguished tars, visited the Rhode Island Legislature the other dav, at Newport and were treated to an ovation. ’ The Theatres are rather dull. The War ren combination is at the Boston, and Vest vali, “the Magnificent,” at the Howard. The Connecticut Legislature has passed an amendment to the State constitution abolish ing the color qualification for votiug. The statue of Horace Mann has been com pleted and just received in Boston. It will be erected this Summer in front of the State House, where it will balance the colossal statue of Daniel Webster. ARRIVAL OP TROOPS, The steamship North Star, from Alexan dria, Va., having onboard the 165th New York Volunteers, First Battalion 47th Penn sylvania Volunteers, and 15th Maine Volun teers, arrived at Venus Point Tuesday even iug. Capt. Starr, Quartermaster, dispatched to the North Star immediately the steamers Oueota, U. S- Grant, and Resolute, which brought to the city the ttoops at an early hour yesterday morning. We annex a list of field, staff and line officers of the respec tive commands. LIST OF FIELD, STAFF AND LINE OFFICERS OF THE I(SSTH NEW FORK VOLUNTEERS ZOUAVES. | Lieut. Colonel.—G. R. Carr. Major.—Felix Agnus. Adjutant —N. S. Putnam. Surgeon.—Geo. C. Hubbard. Quartemaster.—R. T. Starr. Company A, First Lieut. Coin.—A. Napier; Second Lieut. H. C. Gibson. Company B, Capt. John P. Morris, Second Lieut. Mathias Johuston. Cos. C—Capt, W. W. Stephenson, First Lt. G. F. Linguist, Second Lieut. Wm. T. Sin clair. Cos D—Capt. Wm. R French, First Lieut. W.T. Hull. Cos. E—Second Lieut. Commanding, Frank H. Roshore. Cos. F—Capt. E. G. Hoffman, First Lieut. Thomas G. Tracy, Second Lieut. W. H. Low rie. The Regiment consists of threfi hundred and fifty men, and are late of the 2d Brigade, Ist Division, 19th Army Corps. When the re giment moved to quarters yesterday morn ing, and iu passing through the city they at tracted much attention with thejr turbans and red trowsers. They have fought under Banks in Louisiana, Texas, and the Teche country; under Sheridan in the Valley of the 3henandoah; and latterly they have been stationed in the District of the Delaware. For the last two years and six months have the lGsth New York Volunteers been in the field. The Regiment were, two weeks since at Fort Delaware, presented by the City of New York with a National Standard bearing the coat of arms of New York City. LIST OF FIELD, STAFF AND LINE OFFICERS OF THE I')TH MAINE VOLUNTEERS. Colonel Isaac Dyer. , Lieut. Col. B. B. Murray. Major J. H. Whitmore. Surgeon G. L. Higgins. A9st. Surgeon L. D. Holmes. Quartermaster James T. Tilton. Cos. A, Capt. J. R, Coates; Lieut. James N. Martin, Cos. B. Capt. H. A. Shorey; Ist Lieut. C. E. Graves; 2d Lieut. J. E. Lutham. Cos. C, Captain J. A. Clark ; Ist Lieut. W. L. Orcutt; 2d Lieut. B. F. Owen. Cos. D, Capt. B. O. S. Howe; Ist Lieut' Henry Rich; 2d Lieut. James Lord. Cos. E, Captain J. Walker; Ist Lieut. E A. Low;- 2d Lieut. W. B. Hanning. Cos. F, Capt. C. E. Knight; 2d Lieut. Juo. Fitzgerald. Cos. G, Capt. Lester Dwyner; Ist Lieut. James Redont; 2d Lieut. G. A. P. Bryant. Cos. H, Capt. Alonzo Cann- Ist Lieut. Wm. H. Carr; 2d Lieut. P. McCann. Cos. I, Capt. J. E. Callaghan; Ist Lieut. W. H. Boyce. Cos. K, Capt. M: Boyce; 2d Lieut. Ellas A. Berry. LIST OF FIELD, STAFF AND LINE OFFICERS 471S PENNSYLVANIA VOLS. Colonel J. P. S. Gobin- Adjutant W. F. Johnson. Surgeon W. F. Sbindel. Cos. C, Capt. Daniel Oyster. Cos. H, Lieut, commanding Jas. Halian. Cos. E, 2d Lieut, commanding Ed. W. Men- • ner. Cos. K, Capt. M. Miller.