Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, June 08, 1865, Image 3
Mare Troop*. AKKI'AI. Os THE 30TH MAINE VOLUNTEERS, 2U BATTALION 47TH FENXSVLVANIA VOLS. The U. S. transport Metis, Captain Davis, seventy-two hours from Alexandria, Va, having on board the above named troops, ar rived yesterday afternoon at the wharf in this city. LIST OF FIELD, STAFF AND LINE OFFICERS 30TH MAINE VOLUNTEERS. Colonel T. H. Hubbard. Lieut. Colonel R. E. Whitman. Major G. W. Randall. Adjutant Charles Larrabee. Quartermaster H. B. Cleaves. Surgeon.—Howard. Asst. Surgeon.—Packard. Company A, Capt. Haskell; First Lieut. Emory. flJCompany B, Capt. Andrews; First Lieut. Howard ; Second Lieut. Ames. Company C, Capt. Whitman Sawyer; First Lieut. Simpsou; Second Lieut. Cum mings. Company D, Capt. W. H. Boynton ; First Lieut. L. D. Fisher ; Second Lieut. H. N. Fairbanks. Company F, Capt. Levi N. Prince; Second Lieut. F. S, Coffee. Company G, Capt. K. W. Moses; Second Lieut. Harville. Company H, Capt. Robbins Grover; Se cond Lieut. Beals. Company I, Capt. Frank L. Jones. Company K, Capt. Moulton ; First Lieut. Howard, Second Lieut. Holmes. Number of field, rank, line, non-commis sioned officers and men, 750. LIST OF FIELD, STAFF AND LINE OFFICER3 OF THE 2d BATTALION 47TH PENNS VL VANIA VOLS. Major Stuber. Assistant Surgeon Weiland. Cos. B; Capt. Cleckner. Cos. G; Capt. Lisenring. Cos K detachment; Lieut. Bisel. the courts. FIRST PROVOST COURT—JUDGE EBEN PARSONS JR., PRESIDING. C. T. Chapman vs. Casam and Cyrus Green, (colored)—recovery of a mule ; Ordered that the mule be surrendered to plaintiff, and he pay #25 to Cyrus Green, defendant. United States vs. W. Driggeis, C. Driggers and W. Floyd—stealing hogs, the property of Chas. Ullmer; case settled by defendant's paying for the hogs killed. United States vs. Myers and W. Walthouer, (both colored,)—robbery and insult to citi zens ; ordered that the defendants be impris oned twenty days. L nited States vs. Isaac Johnson, January Moore and Authony Lee, (all colored,) — stealing hogs, the properly of Mrs. Mary Car ter case settled by defendants paying for the hogs killed. United States vs. Myers and J. W r althouer, (both colored,)—stealing hides, the property of Jesse Dugger; ordered that Walthouer pay ten dollars. SECOND FROVOST COURT —CAPT. T. P. RUNDI.ET, JUDGE, PRESIDING. United States vs. Robert Cook (colored), charged with having a iiorse in his posses sion, the property of the United States.— Ordered that the prisoner be placed in con finement for thirty days. H. D. Weed, Agent vs. Mrs. M. A. Johns. Recovery of rent. Ordered that the defend ant pay the amount due plaintiff for rent of a house she now occupies, or otherwise vacate the premises within twenty days. Street Commissioner vs. Mrs. Furguson, Mrs. Shearhouse, Mrs. S. Solomons, W. W. Cooledge and R. Cohen. Violation of orders of Street Department. Ordered that in con sequence of their pecuuiarv embarrass ment and needy circumstances, the Stieet Commissioner is hereby author ized to have the work done at the pub lic expense. In the fourth case, the defend ant, in consequence of the circumstances of the case, is excused. In the last case the defendant having been duly summoned and not appearing is fiued ten dollars. Elmira Evans vs. John Keizer. Recovery of a horse, the property of plaintiff in pos session of defendant. Judgment rendered in favor of defendant. Counsel for plaintiff P- YV. Johnson; for defendant, Col. A. W. Stone. S. Cronk (Trustee) vs. Mrs. Phillips—re covery of rent. Ordered that defendant pay the amount due plaintiff for rent within thir ty days, or otherwise vacate the premises she now occupies. * Mrs. Anne Pardue vs. Alfred Young (col ored)—recovery of debt. Postponed until ten o’clock this forenoon, L. Mehrtens vs. C. Crabe, Toby Lock (col ored), David Miller (colored), Mary Arkens (colored), Dilly Lloyd (colored) —recovery of rent. Ordered, in the first case, the defen dant is hereby r equired to pay plaintiff the sum of twenty-six dollars, the amount due plaintiff. In the second case the defendant is required to pay the amount due plaintiff, six -dollars. In the third case the defendant is required to pay the amount due plaintiff, ten ddllars. In the fourth case the defendant is required to pay the amount due plaintiff, six dollars. In the fifth case the defendant is required to pay plaintiff sixteen dollars. The several defendants in this case will pay the amount due to plaintiff, the proper own er of said property, for rent, or otherwise vacate said premises within thirty days. Richard Y\ elsh vs. Street Commissioner — recovery of cart in possession of defendant, the property of plaintiff. Postponed until ten o’clock this forenoon. Mrs. Mary H, Slocum vs. Patrick Cavan* augb, recovery of value of horsfe; ordered that judgment be rendered in favor of defen dant. Counsel for plaintiff, Col. A. W. Stone: for defendant, F. W- Johnson, Esq, Mrs. Mary H. Slocum vs. Alex. Elliott, (colored), recovery of horse, the property of plaintiff, ordered that defendaut turn over to plaintiff the horse now in dispute, it being proven in the testimony that she is the pro per owner. The fine in the case of Mrs S. Goodhart for contempt of court ou the sth inst., is hereby remitted, in consequence of the pe cuniary embarrassment and illness of said Mrs. S. Goodhart. AN EXCELLENT PAPER. In the “Pacificator," a Catholic Journal, now published in Augusta, Ga., we recognize not only an excellent exponent of the prin ciples of that faith, but a news and literary sheet which should certainly command the attention ot all those who desire a thoroughly good paper. Arrived from New York.— The steamer America, Capt. Clift, arrived here yesterday morning at 6 1-2 a. m. with passengers and merchandise to Brigham, Baldwin & Cos. This announcement was accidently omit ted by our ship News Reporter, iu his record of arrivals yesterday, so we give it a jiromin ent place this morning. Brandreth’s PHI*. Influenza, Diphteria. In inflammatory affections when no bleeding is permitted, a free use of these Pills soon modifies the alarming symptoms, and perseverance, according to the directions,usually quickly cures,and certainly noth ing is risked is using Brandreth’s Pills. For cold, in flneuza, diptheria, pains of the head, dizziness and apoplexy, no medicine can be compared to them. In erysipelas, fever and ague, small pox, and in all the di-eases of childhood, their use insures a speedy re covery of health. They produce these results simply by taking from the biood its impurities, leaving THE VITAL FLUID FREE, to aid a weak “locality" to recover its proper and ne cessary ‘ status" or health. Brundreth's Pills have affinity for the • SUBJECT MATTER OF DISEASE, and cause its CERTAIN EXPULSION FROM THE BODY. jus i pipping Intelligence. PORT OF SAVANNAH, JUNE 8. Arrived. Steamer Gen Sheridan, Palmer, Ililton Head; steam ship America, Clift, Brigham, Baldwin & Cos. Passenuers— C L Selisbnry, C L Gilbert, Mr Dar brow and friend, C F McCoy, Stephen Farrelly, Mrs. Dennett, Mi sM A Hart and child, Wm FGr ay, N « Essler and friend, Chas Tift, Col M Freedtr*” 1 * Mr Tift, Thos Holcomb. R F Picket and wife, Mr and Mrs Ball, Julia Stephenson and 3 children, F II Ledtt and friend, P T Jamison, H Townsend, Mrs Rogers, S M Salmon, S C Abearus, Sam Haight, B R Villon, Dr Smith, Mr Hafner. wife and 4 children, T M Muller and friend, F A Tupper, Marcy Briscoe, M fl Jones and child, Geo A Hudson, Jno Rappold, and six in steer age. |joovts, |cc, ££OARD. Two young Gent- Vm en, or a Gentleman and his Wife, can be accommodated with Board and Lodging by applying at tW second door from Zubly street, on Walnut, east gOARD FOR SINGLE GENTLEMEN. A. fe%v Gentlemen can be accommodated with board in a private family. Apply fit this office. jes 3t ■gOARD WANTED. A pleasant room and good board wanted in the vi cinity of South Broad and Bull streets by two young men. Address R. W., Box 44. Post Office, Savannah, Go. ju2 gOARD WANTED, In a genteel family, for a gentleman and wife (Church family preferred.) Post Office Box 248. may3l-tf JJOU3E WANTED. For a small family. Address, “O. W. M.,’’Savannah Post Office. iaay23-tf Rooms ro let at hilton head, s. c„ in The Palmetto Herald Building, corner of Mer chants' Row nnd Palmetto Avenue, suitable for busi ness pu-poses or lodgings. Apply to W. S. SAMPSON, Jr., on the premises. ts mar4m insurance. QOLUMBIAN (MARINE) INSURANCE COMPANY OP NEW YORK. CASH CAPITAL : $3,500,000. The undersigned are prepared to Insure under Open Policy from the above Company to the extent of SIOO,- 00 U in property in any first class Steamer, and from $50,000 to $16,000 on any first class sailing vessel, on the most favorable New York terms. For further particulars apply to CHARLES L. COLBY & CO Jones Block, corner Bay and Abercom streets, mayis ts Savannah, Ga.(| 0 OTTON! COTTON !! U. S. PURCHASING AGENCY, SiVANNAU, O.V, MAY 29, ISC6. All persons, owners, bringing Cotton into the City on private account, either by land or the river, are hereby required to report and register the same at this office. Purchasers requested to make daily reports at this office of their purchases; of whom bought, number of bales, and weight of each bale. T. P. ROBB. U. S. Purchasing Agent mav3o—tf ’ HEADQ’RS DISTRICT OP SAVANNAH. > Savannah, Ga., June 5, 18G5. j General Order,) No. 28. f Pursuant to orders from the Headquarters Depart ment of the South, the uudersigned hereby relinquishes the command of this District to Brevet Major-General H. W. Birgc, and of the Post of Savannah to Brevet Brig.-Gen. Stewart L. Woodford. C. GROVER, jeC Brevet Maj.-Gen. U. S. Vols NEWS-DEALERS AND OTHERS DESIRING The Savannah Daily Herald at Wholesale are re el mated to send in their orders as early in advance aa practicable. S. W. MASON & CO, JUbtriisemef*. ■yjT ERCHANTS' LINE OF SAILING Vfiis. FOR NEW YORK FIESX % CLASS CLlPPflfe SCHOONER UNION FLAG Is loading at foot oi Drayton street atfill sail for the above port on the 11th inst For freight or passage apply to CHARLES L. COLBY <&>., juS-3t cor. Bay and Abercokreets. piONEER LINE. •FOR NEW- TORI The U. S. M. Steamship CHASE will lei for New York on SATURDAY next, the 10th inst.: 9 o’clock a. m. For freight or passage apply to HUNTIR & CMMEI.L. Agents in New York—L. L. Jones. ju pERSONAL. Capt. G. L. DAVIS, formerly of |he 2d.diaua Regi ment, will find it to his advantage to and at the Pu laski House by 10 o’clock a. m., tHs day juß lj T J .E. RS. TO CONSIGNEES. Consignees per steamship Chape willfheud to re ceipt of their goods landing at font of jtercorn street,. Goods on the wharf after vorkUghou will subject consignees to charges on s*me. Perns must be pre sented at the ship. Freight payable*; the wharf. jnS-1 HUNTEB|b3AMMELL. pOOKS AND STATIONERY. ' WHOLESALE AND RBTIIL, At the Old Stand of JOHN M. COOPER A CO., Just Received the Largest and Best Sotted Stock SCHOOL BOOKS Iu the Southern States; consisting of timers, Spellers, Heiders, Geographies, Arithmetics, Gitnmars, Gr ek, Latin, French, German and Spanish Tel Books, ami all other Books used in Collages, Acadeia-s «nd Common Schools. STATIONERY. Slates, Pens, Pencils, Ini, Foolscap, Uitter and Note Paper, Envelopes, Blank Bu>ks, Ac. I ato luiveou hand a large assortment of New and popnlr Novels by the best authors, Dickens. Reymhls, Mrs. Himes, Mrs. Wood, Ac. I will keep constantly on hand a irge stock of el egant Photographic Albums and Card Photographs, as well as a constant supply of the latest Nrthern Newspa pels and Periodicals, N. Y Faily and Wccly Newspapers, Harper’s Magazine, Gochy's Lady's Book, Atlantic Moutlily, Deinorest's Fashions, Ac., Ac. Everything will be sold at the very lovst figures, and .special terms are offered on School Books’® Teachers and ' others. I can and will sell at leant as cheap as iny other house in the South. Terms strictly cash. Call nud examine the Stock at the old sand of JOHS’ M. COOPEt A CO.. Cor. Whitaker and St. Juiui streets, Savannah, (la. STEPHEN FARRELLY, Bookseller and Statioteb, N. All orders for Miscellaneous Books, Music, or any ar ticle connected with the trade, fifed at the shortest notice. The friends and patrons of the undersigned, and of the firm of John M. Cooper & Cos., are respectfully so licited to continue their patronage at the old establish ment of Mr. Farrelly. The undersigned may be found at his desk as for the purpose of closing up old business affairs and rendering such assistance as he can to Mi. F. A general Wholesale business wiil be established by J. M. C. & Cos., whenever practicable, upon the upper floors of the establishment. jeS lmo JOHN M. COOPER. QLARET, WHISKEY AND ALE. A few Cases of Superior Table Claret, e parrels Excellent Quality Whiskey. 20 barrels Ale. Landing from steamer Chase. For sale by jn7-3 HUNTER & GAMMKLL. QORN, CORN. Five hundred bushels per steamer America, now landing. For sale in lots to suit purchasers. Apply to W. C. COSENS, or to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN <fc CO. juß ts HEADQ’RS. U. S. FORCES, Savannah, Ga , June 7, 1905. Gbneral Orders.) No. 40. / The following named officers are announced on the Staff of the Brevet Brig. Gen. Commanding the Post. They will be obeyed and respected accordingly. Capt. Charles II Cox, 75th N. Y. Vet. Vois., Post Provost Marshal and Chief of Police. Second Lieut. Jesse C. Chance, 103d U. S. C. TANARUS„ Acting Aid de Camp. By command of Brevet Brig. Gen. WOODFORD. juß 7 Sost iinb Jffltntfr. OR STOLEN, A small GOLD WATCH, with initials "R. C.” en graved on the back. As it is a family relic, the finder will De rewarded liberally by leaving it at the Repub lican or Herald office. - Jewellers are requested to stop this. Watch if left at their establishments. chants. JNFORMATION WANTED, Os Isabella Coyler, (colored). When last heard from was in Charleston. Any information of her whereabouts will be gratefully received by her mother, EVE TAYLOR. joO Montgomery st.. Savannah. Ga. Y^tanted, A situation, by a young man, as Clerk, Address J. R., jes-lw Box 74, P. O. Hiltou Head. -RANTED. ;; An elderly woman as Housekeeper. Must be a good Cook. To a suitable person high wages will be given Apply to me or at the office of the Savannah Daily Herald. J. K. TONKING, ju3 Sherman House, Hilton llead. JjVOR NEW YORK. • THE STEAMSHIP ARIEL Will take Freight and Passengers for the above port, on applicotiou to the Quartermaster's Department. je6 ts HEADQ'RS DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH, Savannah, Ga,, June C. 1866. General Orders,! No. 29- J I, Pursuant to orders from Headquarters Department of the South, I hereby assume command of the Dis t ict of Savannah. 11. The District Staff, as heretofore announced, will remain unchanged, and existing orders and regula tions continue in force until further orders. H. W. BIRGE, a i jlff.7 Bretet Mai- Gen. U. S. Vols. |rttgs, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS. APOTHECARIES' HALL Corner of Barnard and Brockton Streets, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. W. M. WALSH, M. D. PROPRIETOR. AYER’S SARSAPARILLA, AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL, AYERS’ AGUE CURE. OSGOOD’S CHOLOGOGUE, for Fever and Ague, DR COPELAND’S SPECIFIC, for Fever and Ague. —PILLS NRVER known to fail — BLANCARD’S FERAGINOUS PILLS, AYER’S PILLS, WRIGHT’S PILLS, BRANDETH’S FILLS, LEE'S PILLS, JAYNE’S PILLS, HOLLOWAY’S PILLS, HERRICK’S PILLS, SIR JAMES CLARKE’S FEMALE PILLS, DUPONCO’S LADIES’ PILLS, MANDRAKE’S LIVER PILLS, for Constipation and Congested Conditions of the Liver. > —OINTMENTS— KENNEDY'S SALT RHEUM SALVE, REDDING’S RUBBIA SALVE, DALLY’S PAIN EXTRACTOR, HOLLOWAY’S OINTMENT, GOLDEN EYE SALVE. MCALISTER’S ALL-HEALING OINTMENT. —LINIMENTS — TOBIAS' VENETIAN LINIMENT, MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT, SWEET’S LINIMENT, RADWAY’S READY RELIEF, PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER JAYNES’ CARMINATIVE, DALBY’S CARMINATIVE, JAYNE’S EXPECTORANT, SANDFORD’S LIVER INVIGORATOR IIELMBOLDT’S EXTRACT BUCHU. WISTAR’3 BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, MORTIMER’S RHEUMATIC COMPOUND & BLOOD PURIFIER, PHILOTOKEN, IIOOFLAND’S BITTERS, WISTAR’S COUGH LOZENGES, BROWN’S BRONCHIAL TROCHES, KIDDER’S ARTHMATIC FUMIGATING PASTILES, BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS, for Coughs & Colds, KIDDER’S INDELLIBLE INK, PAYSON’S INDELLIBLE INK, BROWN’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, THAYER’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, THAYER'S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER THAYER’S CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT, SARSAPARILLA, PURE TABLE OIL, NEATSFOOT OIL, JAYNE’S VERMIFUGE, FAHNESTOCK-fl VERMIFUGE, DR. PERRY’S DEAD SHOT VERMIFUGE, REXFORD’S GINGER BREAD NUTS, for Worms, KIDDER’S ENEMA SYRINGES. GOODYEAR’S CHILDREN ENEMA SYRINGES, FRENCH SELF-ADJUSTING SYRINGES, GUTTA PERCHA SYRINGES, all sizes, GLASS AND PEWTER SYRINGES, all sizes, A large assortment of iItUSSES and SUPPORTERS, DR. PARKE’S SHOULDER BRACES. SAUNDFF’ 9 JJ.varc DKiNZiNE, for cleansing the most delicate Silks, Van Bnskirk’s SOZODONT, Swan’s TOOTH POWDER, Clark’s TOOTH POWDER, Thurston’s TOOTH POWDER, Charcoal PASTE, Burnett’s White Oak WASH, Lubin’s EXTRACTS and Toilet POWDER, Edrehi’s EXTRACTS, Barney’s EXTRACTS, Phalon’s Night>Blooming CEREUS, Baudolott’s French EXTRACTS, French and German COLOGNES, Bazin’s FLORIDA WATER, ROUGES, LILLY WHITE, &c., A great variety of Tooth, Nail and Hair BRUSHES, Genuine Badger Shaving BRUSHES, Buffalo, India Rubber and Horn Dressing COMBS, Kendall’s AMBOLINE, for the Hair, Sterling's AMBROSIA, for the nair, Barnett’s COCOAINE, Barney’s Cocoa CASTORINE, Heimstreet's Inimitable IIAIR RESTORER, Parrish’s BANDOLINE, Edrehi’s POMADES, Thompson’s POMADES, Bazin's POMADES, Douglass' POMADES, Barry’s TRICOPHERUB, Lyon’s KATHAIRON, BALM OF A THOUSAND FLOWERS, Mrs. Allen’s HAIR RESTORER andZYLOBALSAMUM Prof. Wood’s HAIR RESTORATIVE. —HAIR DYES —- Batchelor’s IIAIR DYE, Miller’s HAIR DYE, Venetian HAIR DYE!, French’s Distilled BAY WATER, for the Toilet, An endless variety of Toilet SOAPS, Shaving CREAM, Low’s Genuine Brown Windsor .SOAP, A large assortment of POCKET BOOKS, A large assortment of Shaker’s HERBS, A variety of POCKET CUTLERY, —PLAVOBtNO BXIRAOXa —, Lemon, Almond, Pine Apple, Raspberry, Strawberry. Orange. Banana, Rose, Vanilla, Nectarine, Peach, Very nice Velvet SPONGES, for the Toilet, SEIDLITZ POWDERS, « CONGRESS WATER, A large assortment of Fresh Garden SEEDS, just re ceived from the House of David Landreth & Cos., Philadelphia. We invite the attention of the citizens and Country Dealers to the above large and extensive Stock, which wi 1 be sold low for CASH, at wholesale and retail. |3F”N. B. TO PHYSICIANS AND FAMILIES. Onr Stock of DRUGS and CHEMICALS, which are in every day use, are pure, and can be relied upon, and require no stronger testimony of their efficacy than that, of coming from Messrs, Schefflein. Brothers & Cos., New York, the largest and most extensive Drug House in the world, who nave had an enviable reputation for the last century and a half. The Compounding and Prescription Department is under the immediate supervision of Mr. W. V. V. Wil son (late of the honsc of Solomons & Cos., of this city,) For his ability and correctness as a Dispenser of Medi cine, the citizens of Savannah are respectfully referred to his past record. Physicians’ Prescriptions, as formerly, comps jjded at all honra of the night. Night Bell on the Broughton street Bide of the Store. ICED SODA WATER, with choicest Syrups, from Stone Fountains. APOTHECARIES’ HALL, Comer of Barnard and Broughton Streets. tnnyU j yOL K 8 GARTEN, CONORISb STEF ST, Between Jefferson and Montgomery streets, Will be open to-night, and every night, for the public. Concert Music every Evening from T to 10 o’clock by the SAVANNAH CITY ORCHESTRA, Professor.GsoaoK Weioand, Leader. REFRESHMENTS OF THE BEST QUALITY WILL XL WAYS BE ON UANI>. mli—lm gWEATNAM’S VARIETIES. (CORNER BROUGHTON AND JEFFERSON STREETS.j (Formerly St. Andrew’s Hall.; W. P. Swe atnam Sole Lessee and Manager M. Frkhkbthyskr Musical Director OWING TO xai IMMENSE SUCCESS OF JACK SHEPPARD On Monday evening, it wiil be repeated FOR THIS NIGHT ONLY. Also, the Glorious Farce of DODGING FOR A WIFE, Will be piesented this evening. TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 7th, 1865, Overture, - by the • Orchestra. Alter which the Popular Melo-Drama of JACK SHEPPARD. OR, THE LONDON APPRENTICE. Act Ist: Jack Sheppard, (the idle Apprentice.... Miss Lottie Howland Act 2d: Jack Sheppard, (Captain of a Band of Housebreak ers... . r? La Belle Louise Aot 3d: Jack Sheppard, (she Condemned Felon ... Miss Lottie Howland Joe Blneskin—(“All right my covey,*’) Mr earner Jonathan Wild-(a thief taker,) Mr. Sweatnam Thomas Darrell Miss Maude St. Leon Sir Rowland Trenchard... —......Mr. Phil. Morton Owen Wood Mr J. W. Boswell Abram Mendez.. (Fret Appearance). Mr J. L\V allace Kneebone .... Mr. J- L. Boyd Runt Arnold Mr. W B. Adams Shotbolt Mr. J. F. Stanwood Kettlebry Mr. B.P. Nelson Charcum Mr. L. M. Peters Mrs. Wood ; ... -Mies Elsie St. Leon W innifred W00d...... • uz Edgeworth Bess . .Miss NeHie Parsons Sally ...Mias Mason Rticnel..' Miss Havens Selections, ©hoiiimtra Half Bushel Jig Master George Ovelturf, - _ - . - - - Orchestra. To conclude with the side-splitting Farce entitled DODGING FOR A WIFE. ©id Brummsger • • - Mr. Sweatnam Fannie. .."..T.. Miss Elsie St. Leon FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 9, 1306, The Celebrated Drama of the THE FRENCH SPY Will be presented, with Scenery and appointments prepared expressly for this piece. Mathilde de Meric, J Henri de Aline, > Miss Maude St. Leon The Spy, ) Introducing Madame Celeste’s Original Combat, The entire Company will appear in the cast. SATURDAY EVENING BENEFIT OF Miss LOTTIE HOWLAND, When a Mammoth Programme will be presented. Cards of Admission ......... —?. .T6c. Orchestra Seats .$1 00 Colored Boxes (up-stairs; 76c. Doors open at 7X. Overture begins at 8% SrEciAL Notice. —Ales, Wines, Tobacco, &c., may be obtained at the Refreshment Saloon, adjoining the Hall. jqß-l ff'aWARD * FOR A SWORD AND OTHER ARTICLES, OAPTUBED AT FORT WAONKr'. Whoever will bring to the subscriber an ENGLISH, FIELD OFFICER’S SWORD, marked with the ini tials “R. G. 8.” and a GOLD WALTHAM WATCH, and a GOLD SEAL RING, with the inscription “Mother” inside and the sign of a Dove and Olive Branch on the seal, will receive a LARGE REWARD. The three articles were captured by the Confederate Army at Fort Wagner, on the night of July 18th, 1868. Address G. W. J., office of Savannah Dally Herald. jn<> lw QOAL AND WOOD AT AUCTION. Will be sold on MONDAY, 12th inst., at 11 o’clock, in front of “Fuel Supply" Store, No. 82 Bay street, in lots to suit purchasers. 350 tons Red Ash Stove Coal, 600 cord* Hard Wood, 75 cords Pine Wood. OCTAVUB COHEN, Cashier. N, B.— Offers will be .received at Private Sale for either of the above articles, as a whole, until day of sale, jn7 JCE ! ICE ! ! ICE !! ! The subscribers have opened this day at Wiltberger’s Old Ice House on Drayton Street, where they are pre pared to FURNISH ICE TO THE PUBLIC AT REASONABLE RATES. Our Stock is ample and of the best quality, and by liberal dealings we hope to merit a share of the public patronage. CHUSEMaN & MARSHALL, Savannah, June 6, 1860. Those desirous of purchasing either Wagons or Har ness at reasonable rates, will do well to call at W. A. BEARD’S, 154 CONGRESS STREET, And examine his Stock, consisting of l Open BUGGY; 1 Two seat BUGGY", light; 1 EXPRESS WAGON; 1 Covered WAGON; ' " 2 Two seat WAGONS. je6-9w JgXCHANGK ON NEW YORK. - FOR SALE BY H. BRIGHAM, ap26 H 93 Bay street. C WKKT CIDAR FOR SAKE, To families by the quart or gallon, at O’MEARA & CO’S over Adams’ Express Office. Bay street. jabtt