Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, June 09, 1865, Image 4

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The Savannah Daily Herald. TRIDAY. JUNK ». 1865. FKO.TI OCR EVENING EDITION OP YESTERDAY. Teleuravhic Despatches Uncalled Fob. A uuinbei of despatches addressed to parties in this city with iosufficieut directions, re main in the Telegraph Office at the Exchange. Some of them Lave been left at the Post Office. The line North is now open to all parlies who have taken the Oath of Allegiauce to the U. 8. Government. Swkatnam’s Varieties. —At the first rep resentation of Jack Sheppard at this theatre last evening, the house was literally packed. The “Jack Sheppard,” of Miss Lotty How land, was a dashing and effective personation, | and an excellent support was given by the company. Jack Sheppard will be repeated, lor the last time, this evening. Manager Sweutnam is now giving a series of excellent dramatic performances, and should be well sustained by the theatre-going public. Another Arrival oe Ice for the U. 8. Hospitals. —This morning the schr. Corde lia Newkirk, Capt. 8. Waver, from Gardiner Maine, via Hilton Head, arrived at the wharf foot ot Drayton street. The Cordelia New kirk has on boaid two hundred and seventy tons of ice for the use of the U. 8. Hospitals. Messrs. Cheesman & Marshall, are the con signees of this cargo, and also the cargo of the schr. Union Flag. The citizens can be supplied with ice by this firm from their stock boused on Dray ton 9tre?t, near State street at Wiltbeigers old ice house. By a special order of the War Department all our soldiers, who have suffered the horrors of Libby, Audersonville,Florence, aud other Rebel prisons, are not only to be at once mus tered out without any red-tape formalities, but are to have, each man, three months ex tra pay. The Coal Miuers iu Pennsylvania and Ohio are rioting aud making so much trouble, that the military have been called out to put them down. Takiug advantage of the state of the country and the currency, and the scarcity of laborers, they have for the past two or three years demanded and received the most exor bitant prices for their work, couflnou labor - ers having been paid seven dollars a duy. The masters having announced a reduction of wages, and then having put on returned soldiers in place of those miners who refused to work at the diminished rates, the old hands attacked the new-comers aud tried to drive them off. Hence the cull for the mili tary. A musical genius named Ferreyru is as touisiiiug the Parisians by imitating the flute with his fingers aud mouth only’, and per forming iu this strange way the most diffi cult pieces of music. Our soldiers who are being mustered out, ure all to be allowed to have as their own, tlieir arms and equipments, which will doubile&s be preserved by them as most pre cious trophies. The Rev. Thomas K. Beecher, of Elmira, N. Y., has been making a seusution by preaching a sermon in favor of drinking good ale, etc. in moderation. He says he nas tried nearly every drinking house iu Elmira and at not more than one or two could be find a glass ot ale fit lo driuk. Thomas is a brother of Heury Wurd Beecher. The annual dinner of the “Tom Moore As sociation ’ came off In New York on the evening of the Ist inst. Songs, speeches, good eating aud jolly drinking weie the order of the night. General Aveiill, the we 11-known spirited cavalry leader, has resigned. A delegation from South Carolina is pre sent in Washington to consult with the Presi dent on the subject of reconstruction. The llou. W. W. Boyce, a former member of Congress from S. C., heads the party. There is a report that Mui. Gen. George H. Thomas, the hero of Shiloh and Chica muuga, is to have command of the Depart ment of Yivgiula. A generous clerk in the Treasury Depart ment has recently given up his situation that a Federal soldier may have it. With General Sheridan, “Galloping Phil,” who just now is travelling Southward, the public seem to have but little better success, iu Cincinnati, he atteuded the Theatre, was at once recognized, though in civilians dress, was loudly and repeatedly cheered, and was ot course called upou for a speech. All they got out of gallant Phil, was this; Ladies and geutlemeu, I thank you for this compliment to-night. I can't make a speech, and you must excuse me.” Ihe General having declined to make u speech, a call was made for Mr. J. Buchan an Read, tile author of that stirring poem “Sheridan s Ride.” Mr. Read came to the trout of his box, and in response to the audi ence, he read his poem, which was received with cheers and long continued applause. Geu. Sheridan goes to New .Orleans and Texas, to take the place of Geu. Banks, whom he supercedes, and who lrus been or dered to report at once, at Waltham, Muss., General Banks’ Southern Operations, are undergoing an investigation at the War De partment. HOWELL COBB—HIS IL4\k OFFEICE. Howell Cobb has fallen into our bauds, but, it is said, he has been paroled. There is, with I the exception of Jefferson Davis himself, uot . rtf. of the Southern politicians who is more ck attention at the hands of the offl i cers ot the law than this Georgian worthy.— i He was Secretary of the Treasury iu 1801, and was one of the original plotters of the re bellion So fur lrom resigning his office, however, when he determined to take pait iD it, lie deliberately remained iu it, and used the powers it In-stowed ou him for the des truction of the government, thus committing double perjury. With ample funds in his hands, he deliberately failed to pay the inter est on the public debt, aud the credit of the United States was only saved lrom receiving a disgraceful and disastrous shock, by some merchants of this city coming forward aud voluntarily advancing the required amount. We believe there iS uot to be found iu the political history of any country an example of greater baseness and perfidy than this of Cobh’s; aud what makes it all the worse is, that he had the audacity, after perpetratiug it, to come to New York, and brag ot it openly, in ihe faces of the people whom he had swindled and outraged, announcing that “the whole thing”—meaning the national government—“was gone up. Now treason is bad enough, but Cobb’s of fence is more than treason; it is treason ag gravated by perjury and fraud. 8o time though he lias done less mischief than Jefferson Davis, lie is not one whit less crimi nal. Davis’ conduct has been comparative ly manly and above board. In his reply to M:. Johnson in 18GI, in the Senate, Davis refused to assail the government under the forms of the constitution, and betook himself incontentty to the tented field. But Cobb, calmly proceeded to abuse his trust for the confusion and destruction of the power which iiad employed him, aud which lie had sworn to uphold and defend. There is no man who lias the sense of right and wrong left him, who, no matter what his opinion may be of the lawfulness or unlawfulness of the rebel lion, can avoid passing the bitterest condem nation on Cobb’s conduct, and his punish ment is called for not simply iu the interest ot the government which lie betrayed, but of public morality.—A 7 . 11 Tim?* COLORED UNION LEAGUE. The following resolutions, adopted among others at a meeting of the Colored Union League, yesterday, we take from the Repub lican : Resolved, That while we hail with grati tude the return of peace to our suffering country, and, with inexpressible joy accept at the baud ol God and our good govern ment, the priceless boon of Liberty, we will cherish no enmity towards those who held us in bondage, and sought to destroy the Union, but will welcome them to their homes, to the Union, aud to the peaceful put suits of life, aud will strive to co operate with them to re store industry and build up the institutions of freedom ; that while we claim to be truly loyal citizens aud expect the piivileges be longing to all such, we ask nothing we are unwilliug to share with all others who are al so loyal. Resolved, That we do expect, aud ask, not as a reward, but as a right, that the Govern ment will allow us uot only to pay taxes for its support, but to vote tor its maintainauce, and to help elect our representatives who make the laws of the State and natiou that we are to obey. Resolved, Tnat while we condole with our brethren of color in North Carolina, who seem by proclamation of ihe President, to be ex cluded from all participation iu the Conven tion that is to determine tlieir future status and define their rights and duties, we exhort them earnestly to use every lawful and peace ful means in their power to secure a just vote when the question is finally settled in Con gress of the United States. Resolved, That while we are grieved for others and alarmed lor ourselves in view of the precedents already established in Tennes see, Virginia and North Caroliua, where those who have fought against the Union can, by taking tbe amnesty oath, exercise the right of suffrage, while many who witP hearts ever loyal have fought hard for the Union are de prived of this privilege, we will not lose hope or be discouraged, but will petition and pray to God and mau, and in every lawful way work lor the ballot as the most effective means of securing tbe blessiugs of liberty and serving our couutry. Resolved, That we have with anxious soli citude watched the course of our friends in the North, as well as iu the South, and ten dering to them our deepest gratitude for what they have doue for us, we beg of them to continue tlieir geuerous efforts until, by add ing to our freedom tbe right of suffrage, they shall place upon us and our posterity a dou ble debt of gratitude which only eternity can discharge. THE EXCEPTIONS IN THE AMNESTY PROCLAMATION. In an editorial upon the Amnesty Procla mation, the New York World thus speaks of the purpose and necessity of the tourteen ex ceptions made : It was impossible for the President to de signate by name all the mnlignant and lead ing rebels who ought to be excepted from this act ot clemency; but all whom it is worth while to punish ate included in someone or other of the classes enumerated iu the pro clamation. The amnesty is as broad as in general terms it could be made, without the azard ot indudiug torward and influential rebels; and the excepted classes are reserved for particular acts ot pardon. The following significant language of the proclamation shows that we do not misapprehend the scope of the exceptions : “Provided that special application may be made to the President for pardon by auy person belonging to the excepted classes, and such clemency will be liberally extended as may be consistent with the facts of the case, and the peace und dig nity of the United Slates.” It is dear, therefore, that the exceptions are not be regarded us absolute and final de nials of pardon, but only as a precaution against the escape of notorious aud malig nant rebels, who, as they cannot all be de signated by name, can only be found by sitt ing the classes iu which they are includ ed. ‘ . The New r Orleans Times says, that Geu. Hood and Staff, crossed the Mississippi Riv er, at Tunica Rend, on the 7th of May. Cupt. Foster, commanding the U. S. Steamer Lata yette. sent a tug after the fugitives, and so nearly overhauled them, that they captured Hood s baggage, eveu to his personal wear ing apparel, the illustrious Rebel General escaping m his night-shirt. . (From the N, Y. Time*.) NEGRO suffrage in the south. Probably the great mass of our people will concede that political rights should no longer depend upon color. 'Whatever rights one man enjoys, every other man, under similar circumstances, should enjoy also. The col ored nice must enjoy all the political rights and privileges of the white lace —other things lieing equal. Whatever excludes the black mau lrom voting should exclude tiie white man also. . The whole country will recognize these requirements, and the legislation of Lite country will hereafter be based upon them. But the questiou of uegro suffrage in the Southern States, as now presented, is not set- Hcd by those principles. Other principles are involved which demand attention, aud foremost among them is that which iuvolves the right ot the President or of Congress to decide what shall be the qualifications of vo ters iu the several States. Hitherto the Na tional Government has never claimed any such power. New York decides by her own constitution what men may vote, and what men may not vote, at her elections. Some ot the Western States permit aliens to vote before tbey are naturalized. Some Northern States exclude uegro voters altogether—some require a property qualification, and others adn.ii them ou the same terms with w hites. If the national government asserts control of this whole question, we mu3t be prepared to see that control exercised everywhere. If the President may say who shall vote iu one State, he may say who shall vote in every other. We do not believe the several States are prepared to concede to him this power. Massachusetts will decide lor herself, and will not permit the President o. Congress to de cide for lier. who shall aud who shall not vote within her borders. 1 he same rule must be applied to Virginia and to Georgia iu this tnattci, as to Massa chusetts und New York. If they are States of the Union they must control this question of voting themselves; and if they are not Siatcs ot the Union they have no business to vote at all. President Johnson acts upon the principle that they are iu llie Union— that they have never been out of it— tbattbeii acts of pretended secession were null and void and never changed iu tbe slighest parti cular the legal relations of those States to the Union ; and this principle, with all its legitimate consequences, will be accepted by the couutry as tbe basis of reconstruction. But even if it were competent for Congress to decide this question of uegro suffrage, there are some considerations connected with it which Senator Sumner can scarcely ignore. Conceding the full uatural equality of the two races,Jthe oppoituuities for culture are certainly unequal. Avery large proportion of the recent slaves at the South were field hands—illiterate, ignorant of even the ex isteuce of government, and just as iuccmpe teut to form opinions ou’polilical subjects as the cattle by their side. Iu South Carolina this class would form a majority of nearly the whole voting population. Is it sensible or decent to place tbe political coutrol of that Slate in tlieir hands ? Does Mr. Sumner be lieve that it would be for anybody’s interest to do so? It is is true we have tenibly cheapened that great aud priceless posses sion, the suffrage; but is it wise thus abso lutely to degrade it aud empty, it of all its worth ? The day will come, we trust, when every man, black or white, in the whole country, fit to exercise the right of voting, will possess aud enjoy that right. But we require of for eigners who come to our shores some years of instruction and preparation before they are admitted to its enjoyment. The same reasons which make this wise, would also require a similar probation lrom those who have but just escaped from the ignorance aud degradation of slavery. Information Wanted —The relatives of Miss Lucilla Wescott, formerly of Camden aud Port Republic, New Jersey, and who married in Savannah at the early commence ment of the war, will, upon immediate ap plication to Capt. 8. Waver, of the schooner Cordelia Newkirk, lying at the dock foot of Whitaker street be furnished with a free pas sage North. PULASKI HOUSE, JUNE 7 !, lsU5. J P Gobin, Col 47th Pa. II C Abrams, XO, W II Fuller. Hartford. S Haight, X Y. James Leary, N Y. 'chasTiit, Conn. Win Parker, •• Dr Townsend, Albany A M Miller, Cincinnati. C H Mitchell, N Y G A Hoih, NY. Chas Salisbury, “ J II Manning, N Y. O T Terry, “ 8S Alderman and servant. J Purges, “ Fla. w II King, Capt Gordon, X Y. R T Purker and wife M O Markham, Ga. J M Ball and wife, Ga R J Lowry, “ Pat Morris, X Y T T Wright, “ W Cantwell, Hilton H D II Levett, Phila. J W Cohen, B C Holleston, “ Jno A C Lee, U S X. Ely Toel, Paris, J McDonough, Augusta. Wm F Gray, Va. C S Foleom, Mass. Thus Holcombe,Delaware. Alex Holt, Wilmington. W L Stone, N Y. Ed Stuart, Beaufort. M Friem an, Phila. Dr 8 Thompson ** S X Taft. Mass. JEK Stotts, Charleston. Mis Hart and child. J Simons, Augusta. S X Salman, D C. M Cohen, *• J H S Curtis, “ J Sylvester, Boston. J F Gray, Ga. G Volver. Augusta. W Rowe A Ashler, “ N Tower, USX Miss Ellen Shaughncssy. D S Leslie. Hilton 11. Thos McMannus, Col R E Whitman. .HuthMe G Mapes. Col T H Hubbard,3oth Me W T feeder, Charleston. Mai G W Rendard. G D Hart, Capt 3d U S C T 8 Weeks, Hilton Head. flipping intelligence. PORT OF SAVANNAH. Thursday, June 8. Arrived. Steamer Resolute, Cannon, Hilton Head; tug Shep pard, Bliss, Uiitou Head; steamship Metis; Davie, Al exandria; stearner.Planter, Small, Beuiilort; schooner Salterwaite; Long, Phila. Cleared. Steamer Gen Sheridan. Palmer, Hilton Head; tug Sheppard, Bliss, Hilton Head: steamship Ariel, Shei mnu. Hilton Head; tug Starlight, Anderson, Hilton Head: steumer Ur> Giant, Briggs, Hilton Head; str DR Mount, Baccus, Hilton Head, Hospital steamer Cosmopolitan, Crowell,-Hilton Head; steamer Fair banks, Hunter, Hilton Head; steamship North Star, Jones, Hilton Head PORT OF PORT ROYAL, Hilton Head, 8. C., Arrived. June I—Sch Amos Edwards, Phila. 2d—George Henry, Edlsto. 4th—Bch Julia Charleston. 6tb-Sch C W Locke, Bath; sch J P Auger, N Y; sch Cordelia Newkirk, Bath; steamship Fulton, N Y. Cleared. * June I—Sch Wilton, Jacksonville. 2d—Rebecca Townsend, Phila; sch George Moon, Feinnndiuu; sch Amos Edwards, Savannah; steamship Champion, N , bark lleiria*. Charlcstou. 3d—baikeuiiue Lamp lighter. Savannah. sth—Ship Charlotte, N Y; sch Justus M Lewis, Phila; sch H W Godfrey, Phila; sloop Eliza, Savannah; brig Itasca, Phila. oth-Bteamcr Nevada, N Y; sch Silas C Evans. Fernandina: Rebec ca Huts. Georgetown. ffftcial, HEADQ’KS dept of THE s UTH, ) llilton Ile id, S. C., May 29, 1806 f General Orders, l ‘ * No. 86. / I. The following General Order from the War Depart meat is hereby published for the information of this com mand : WAR DEPARTMENT, i Adictaxt General's Office, > Washington, May 9, 1865. j Gexeral Orders, ) No. 86. f Lists to be made, of Volunteer Ofivers. For the information of the War Department, lists will at mice be prepared and forwarded . f ail officers iu the Volunteer service, made out separately for each arm of the service, and each branch of the staff, and showing the relative merit of the officers in their regiments or depart ments, as determined by boards of officers, to be appoint ed for the purpose by corps and other independent com manders. The reports of the boards will include the names of ull officers belonging to a particular command, whether present or absent, and iu cases of the absent officers, the reports will be based upon the best informa tion attainable. The reports will also state what officers in the opinion of tile boards, should be discharged. These lists will be forwarded through the prescribed channel, and the several commanders, t roujfh whom they may be transmitted, wilt eudotse thereon their re c-i iuiueiidatioiis, based ou their knowledge of the charac ter ot the officers. the lists will specify the rank and arm for which the officer is deemed competent, aud whether be desires fb remain in the military service. For all officers below the grade of Colonel, these lists will he consolidated and ar ranged by Brigade, Dirisiun and Corps Commanders, (or iud •pendent commands of less than a Corps,) «o as to in clude ail officers in the Corps. The lists of Col nels, General and Staff officers will he consolidated at Army or Department uu.l Military Divis ion Headquarters. In addition to the lists thus furnish-d through the ordinary military channels, the Chiefs of Staff Depart ments at Washington will at once obtain, trout their sub ordinates. similar lists, conveniently consolidated, and forward them to this department. Jly Order of the Secretary of War. ,E. D. TOWNSEND, Ass’t Adj't General. It. In accordance with the above General Order, the following Boards of Examination are hereby appointed : FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT. ' Col William Gurney, 127th N. Y. Vols. Col. E. .V. llallowell 54th Mass. Col’d Vi,ls. Major R. 11. Willoughby. 21st U. S. 0. T. FOR THE DISTRICT OF PORT RoTAL. Brig. Gen. E. E. Potter, U. S. Vols. Col. Wm. Baird. 32d U. S. C. T. Major Wm. Pluskett, 141 th N. Y. Vols. FOR THE DISTRICT CF SAVANNAH. Brevet Maj. Gen. 11. W. Bilge. U. Vols. Lieut. Col. II 11. Olit/. U. S. Infantry. / Major W. C. Manning, 103d U. S. C. T. FOR IHE DISTRICT fF FLORIDA. Brig. Gen. E. P. Scammon, U. S. Vols. Drevet Col. 11. D. Wallen, 7th U.S. Infantry. Capt. A. Topiunyi, Id U. 8. C. T. The Boards will be governed in their exam inn' ions by Circular Order, No. 6, current series, from these Head quarters. By Command of Major General Q. A. GILLMORE. W. L. M. Burger, Official: ‘ Ass-tAdj’tGen. T. D. Hodges, Capt. 36th U. 8. C. T. and A. A. A. G. jeS-lt lIEADQUS DEPT OF THE SOUTH. 1 Hilton Head, S. C„ May 27, 1865. J General Orders, l No. 78. f Fort Marion, St. Augustine, Fla., is designated as the place ot confinement for the following named prisoners : Corporal Christopher Sisco. 32.1 U. S. C. T.. Privates Peter Thompson, Cos. K : Doctor Thomas. 00. I; John Humphrey, Cos. D, 26th U. S. C. TANARUS.: Dick Haywood, Bat tery G. 2d U. S. C. Arty ; John Botcher and James Hen ry Wright, Cos. A, 32d U. S. C. TANARUS., whose sentences by General Court Martial were approved aud published in General Orders No. 12, current series, from the Head quarters Beaufort District. By Command of Major General y A. GILLMORE, W. L. M. Burger, Ass’t Adj’t Gen. Official: T. D. Hodge-’, Capt. 85th U. S. C. T. and A. A. A G. jcß HEADG’RS DEFT OF THE SOUTH, ) lliltox Head, S. C., May 29, 1865 J General Orders,) N». 77. / I. The following General Order from the War Depart ment is hereby published for the information of this command: WAR DEPARTMENT, i Adjutant General's Office, > Washington, May 8,1865. i General Orders.) no- 84. / Balance* of Bounties payable to Volunteers when honor ably mustered out and discharged, on account of the Government no lamer requiring their services. I. Veterans, who enlisted under the provisions of General Order, No. 19i, series of 1863, from this Office, and the extensions thereof. (General Orders, Nos. 324and 387, of 1863; 20 and 92 of 1864.) and recruits, (not veter ans ) who enlisted lbr three (3) years, or the war, under the provisions of the Circular Letter of October 2», 1563, from tiie Provost Marshal General’s Bureau, and its modifications are, on tlieir honorable muster out and dis charge from ihe service of the United Status, before the expiration of their respective terms of enlistment, enti tl'd to the unpaid balances of tho bounties promised them by tiie orders uud laws under which they enlisted. 11. A volunteer accepted aud mustered into service under the act of July 4tli, 1864, (General Orders, No. 224. Adjutant Genuntl’s Office. 1864,) whether for the term of one, (1) two, (8) or three i3| years, is, ou muster out ot service, before tbe expiration of tho term of service for which he enlisted, entitled only to receive the proportion of the bounty allowed by the Act cited, whether one third or two thirds thereof, which had actnully accrued before the date of his discharge. For instance: If the soldier volunteered for two (2) years, and. is mustered out before the expiration of the first year of his service, he earned claim either the second or third installments of the bounty of two hundred (s2co) dollars, which would have been payable to Dim, had he Continued in the service till the expiration of the two (2> years for which he enlisted: Only the volunteer, who, at the tiino of his discharge has Completed one half the term of service for Which he is unlisted, is entitled to the second instalment of one third the amouut of bounty given to him by the Act, ami he is entitled to no more of that bouuty. If ho is dis charged on the next day utter the expiration of one-half of his term of enlistment, the second installment of the bounty is due, aud payable to bim, but the discharge precludes bim from receiving a thud installment, that being due ouly to a volunteer who may have served his entire term of unlistmeui. 111. Iu discharging men front service, Mustering Offi cers w ill note the bulaucesof bounties diioon the muster out roll, opposite the uantes of the soldiers respectively. Great care must be exercised in doing this. Prior to payment, Paymasters will carefully re-examine the rolls, with the view of detecting errors in amounts thereon noted. By Order of the Secretary of War: E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant Ueneral. By Command of Major General Q. A. GIf.I.MORE, W.L M.B ROrE, Asst Adj't Gen. Official: T. D. Honors, Capt. 36th U. S. C. T. und A. A. G'. HEADQ’RS DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH, Savannah, Ga., June 0, lad*. Genfbat. Order,\ No. 30. f I, The removal of all military restrictions upon trade having rendered the services of a Military Super visor of Trade unnecessary, Lieut. Col. Allred Nealie 150th N. Y. Vols , Is hereby relieved from duly iu that capacity. 11. The taxes levied within the limits of this District under the provisions of General Order No, 11 from these Headquarters, will be collected as heretofore by Lieut Col. Neafle, and the araoqut accruing from them turned over to the officer in charge of civil lund each month , By command of „ „ Brevet Maj; Gen. BIRGE. Oliver Matthews, A. A G. j U 7-7 HEADQ’RS DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH, > Sanannah, Ga , Juliet, 1805. j General Orders- ) No. 30. / In consequence of the great increase in his duties as Assistant Commissary of Musters for the District of S«- vautiah, Capt M Benedict, A. C. M.. and Provost Judge of the Second Provost Court, will relinquish Ids duties in the latter office to Capt.T P. Kuudlett. 38th Mass. Vols., who w ill front this date assume the same. By Command of Brevet Major-General. C. GROVER. Oliver Matthews, A. A. O, jes 7t |JNITED STATES SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. THIRD SERIES, TWO HUNDRED AMD THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS. By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the undersigned, the General Subscription Agent for the sale of United States Securities, offers to the public the third series of Treasury Notes, bearing seven and three-tenths per cent, interest per annum, known as the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. These notes are issued under date of July 15, IStis, and are payable three years from that date in curren cy, or are convertible at the option of the holder into U. S. FIVE-TWENTY SIX PER CENT. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. These Bonds are now worth a handsome premium, aud are exempt, as are all the Government Bonds’ from State, County, and Municipal taxation, which adds from one to three per cent, per annum to their vulue, ac cording to the rate levied upon other property. The iutcrest is payable semi annually by coupons attached to each note, which may be cut off and sold to any bank or banker. The interest at 7.30 per cent, amounts to One cent per day on a SSO note. Two cents per day on a SIOO note. Ten cents per day on a SSOO note. Twenty cents per day on a SI,OOO note. One Dollar per day on a $5,000 note. Notes of all the denominations named will he prompt ly furnished upon receipt of subscriptions. The Notes of th.s Third Series are precisely similai in form aud privileges to the Seven-Thirties already sold, except that the Government reserves to itself the option of paying interest iu gold c iu at 6 per cent., in stead of 0 3-10ihs in currency. Subscribers will deduct the interest in currency up to July 15th, at the time when they subscribe. The delivery of the notes of this third series of the Seven-thirties will commence on the Ist of June, and will be made promptly aud continuously after that date. The slight change made iu the conditions of this THIRD SERIES affects only the matter of interest, The payment in gold, if made, wilt be equivalent to the currency interest of the higher rate. The return to specie payments, in the event of which only will the option to pay the interest in Gold be avail ed of, wonid so reduce and equalize prices that pur chases made with six per cent, in gold would be fully equal to those made with seven and three-tenths per cent, in currency. This is THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET Now offered by tiie Government, and its superior ad vantages make it the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF TIIE PEOPLE. Less than $230,000,060 of the Loan authorized by Congress are now on the niai ket. This amount, at the rate at which it is being absorbed, will all be subscrib ed for within sixty days, when the notes will undoubt edly command a premium, as has uniformly been the case on closing the subscriptions to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town and section of the country may be oftbrded facilities for taking the Loan, the National 8.-uiks, State Banks, and Private Bankers throughout the country have generally a reed to receive subscriptions at par. Subscribers will select their own agents, Iu whom they have confidence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the notei for which they receive orders. JAY CoOKE, Subscription Agent, No. 114 South Third Street, Philadelphia. may26-16t JMPORTANT NOTICE TO COTTON OWNERS. Office of tue IL S. Purchasing Agent, ) Savannah, Ga., May 22, IStin. f The attention of cotton ownei» is called to the fol lowing extracts from the “Amended Regulations for the purchase of products of the insurrectionary States ou Government Account, ” issued from the Treasury Department of date May nth, 1966, and approved by the President of the same date. “I. Agents shall be appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury, with the approval ol the President, to purchase for the United States, under special instruc tions Irotn Ihe Secretary of the Treasuiy, products of the States declared to be in insurrection at such places as may from time to time be designated by the Secre tary of the Treasury as markets or places of purchase. « ******** 111. The operations of Purchasing Agents shall be coutlned to the single atticle of Cotton; and they shuli give public notice at the place to which they shall be assigned, that they will purchase, in accord ance with these regulations, all cotton not captured or abandoned, which (nay be brought to them. IV. To meet the requirements of the Bth section of the Act of July 2, 1801, the Ag -nts shall secure ail cotton so brought, and sot lhw th return to the seller three-fouiths thereof, which portion shall be an aver age grade of the whole, according to the certificate of a sworn sampler or expert. V. Ail cotton purchased and resold by purchasing Agents shall he exempt from all flue and ail internal tuxes. Aud the Agent selling shall mark the same “FREE” and furnish to the purchaser a bill of sale duly und accurately describing the character and quan tity sold, and containing a certificate that it is exempt from taxes aud fees as above. « * IX. All Agents are prohibited from purchasing any Eroduct of an insui rectionary state, which shall have een captured 1 y the m litary or naval forces of the United States, or which shall have been abandoned by the lawful ownet thereof X. “These regulations, whieh are intended to revoke and annul all others on the subject heretofore matte, will take effect and be in lorce on und after May 10th, ISCS." The undersigned has been appointed Purchasing Agent at Savannah, and hereby gives notice thitf be is prepared to purchase, in accordance with the rcgula lions, of which the above paragraphs nre extracts, ail Cotton not captured or abandoned, which may be brought to him. The war is virtually closed, and to the end that the people may, to as full an extent as possible, commence to reap the benefits of a state of peace, it is tlesiraqle that the old and regular channels of trade he re-estab ed, new ones opened, and the occupations of the peo ple, both in city and country, be resumed. It is ex pected that the purchase) by the Treasury Department) iii good taith 01 the cotton in the country now in tho hands of its owners, returning therefor a (air and hon equivalent, will largely tend to bring about a state of things so much to be desired by all. upon trade are now virtually abolished, and citizens may, with a few unimportant exceptions, now purchase and take away whatever their necessi ties require, and I feel sutistied that the disposition to do all that may be done to bring about once more a normal and healthy- condition of tiaile will not be wanting. Cotton owners may rest assured that it is now perfectly safe fso far at least as auy interference on the part of the Government is concerned; for them to.brmg tn and dispose of their cotton, The fullest protection will he guaranteed, upon its arrival in Sa vannah, and such other protection aud safe conduct as the Agent may be able to obtain lor cotton iu transitu will be freely afforded It is hoped that before lorg enterprise will open np better and safer means of communication with, ana transportation to, Savannah iront the interior than now exists. In the meantime, and until that takes place, owners of Cotton at distant points desirous of marketing it at Savannah, will doubt less be able to devise temporary expedieuta for accomplishing that end. T. P ROBB, U. 8. Purchasing Agcat, Approved : C. GROVER, Brevet Major General Commanding. may 23 ts HEADQUARTERS lIISTRICT ‘ „ i Savannah, Ga„ June 3, 1805./ General Order, ) No. 29. / Hereafter no passes will be necess th to enable civil ians to enter, leave, or travel withinarye limits of this District, excepting when they wish to travel on Gov ernment transports In the latter case It will be necessary to obtain pusses from the Post Quartermasters, who will be gov erned by Department Orders on this subject By Command of Brevet Major-General C. GROVER. Oliver Matthews, A. A. G. jes U